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synced 2024-12-26 06:11:50 +03:00
Fix interaction between as patterns and case
There was a check on evaluating lets which was in Blodwen but I hadn't added to the normaliser yet! Also, normalisation needs to reduce as patterns for unification, but not when reducing finished LHS and argument terms. This is a bit of a hack (but then, so is the implementation of as patterns in general...). So, when we're checking a nested expression, we have the as pattern as a let bound variable (so that it has the necessary computational force) but when we compile we just pass it as an ordinary argument, then it gets the desired behaviour in case trees.
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,9 +82,11 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
eval env locs (App fc fn p arg) stk
= eval env locs fn ((p, MkClosure topopts locs env arg) :: stk)
eval env locs (As fc n tm) stk
= do n' <- eval env locs n stk
tm' <- eval env locs tm stk
pure (NAs fc n' tm')
= if removeAs topopts
then eval env locs tm stk
else do n' <- eval env locs n stk
tm' <- eval env locs tm stk
pure (NAs fc n' tm')
eval env locs (TDelayed fc r ty) stk
= pure (NDelayed fc r (MkClosure topopts locs env ty))
eval env locs (TDelay fc r tm) stk
@ -106,7 +108,10 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
Core (NF free)
evalLocal {vars = []} env locs fc mrig idx prf stk
= case getBinder prf env of
Let _ val _ => eval env [] val stk
Let _ val _ =>
if not (holesOnly topopts)
then eval env [] val stk
else pure $ NApp fc (NLocal mrig idx prf) stk
_ => pure $ NApp fc (NLocal mrig idx prf) stk
evalLocal env (MkClosure opts locs' env' tm' :: locs) fc mrig Z First stk
= evalWithOpts defs opts env' locs' tm' stk
@ -359,9 +364,17 @@ nfOpts opts defs env tm = eval defs opts env [] tm []
gnf : Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Glued vars
gnf env tm = MkGlue (pure tm)
(\c => do defs <- get Ctxt
nf defs env tm)
gnf env tm
= MkGlue (pure tm)
(\c => do defs <- get Ctxt
nf defs env tm)
gnfOpts : EvalOpts -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Glued vars
gnfOpts opts env tm
= MkGlue (pure tm)
(\c => do defs <- get Ctxt
nfOpts opts defs env tm)
gType : FC -> Glued vars
@ -527,6 +540,11 @@ normaliseHoles : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseHoles defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts withHoles defs env tm)
normaliseLHS : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseLHS defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts onLHS defs env tm)
normaliseArgHoles : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseArgHoles defs env tm
@ -728,4 +746,24 @@ logGlueNF lvl msg env gtm
++ ": " ++ show tm'
else pure ()
logEnv : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Nat -> String -> Env Term vars -> Core ()
logEnv lvl msg env
= do opts <- getOpts
if logLevel opts >= lvl
then dumpEnv env
else pure ()
dumpEnv : {vs : List Name} -> Env Term vs -> Core ()
dumpEnv [] = pure ()
dumpEnv {vs = x :: _} (Let _ val ty :: bs)
= do logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ": let " ++ show x) bs val
logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show x) bs ty
dumpEnv bs
dumpEnv {vs = x :: _} (b :: bs)
= do logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show x) bs (binderType b)
dumpEnv bs
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ record EvalOpts where
constructor MkEvalOpts
holesOnly : Bool -- only evaluate hole solutions
argHolesOnly : Bool -- only evaluate holes which are relevant arguments
removeAs : Bool -- reduce 'as' patterns (don't do this on LHS)
usedMetas : IntMap () -- Metavariables we're under, to detect cycles
evalAll : Bool -- evaluate everything, including private names
tcInline : Bool -- inline for totality checking
@ -19,15 +20,19 @@ record EvalOpts where
defaultOpts : EvalOpts
defaultOpts = MkEvalOpts False False empty True False Nothing
defaultOpts = MkEvalOpts False False True empty True False Nothing
withHoles : EvalOpts
withHoles = MkEvalOpts True True empty True False Nothing
withHoles = MkEvalOpts True True False empty True False Nothing
withArgHoles : EvalOpts
withArgHoles = MkEvalOpts False True empty True False Nothing
withArgHoles = MkEvalOpts False True False empty True False Nothing
onLHS : EvalOpts
onLHS = record { removeAs = False } defaultOpts
public export
@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ getVarType rigc nest env fc x
tm = tmf fc nt
tyenv = useVars (map snd (getArgs tm))
(embed (type ndef)) in
pure (tm, gnf env tyenv)
do logTerm 10 ("Type of " ++ show n') tyenv
logTerm 10 ("Expands to") tm
pure (tm, gnf env tyenv)
useVars : List (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Term vars
useVars [] sc = sc
@ -182,27 +184,21 @@ mutual
(argv, argt) <- check argRig (nextLevel elabinfo)
nest env arg (Just (glueBack defs env aty'))
defs <- get Ctxt
-- If we're on the LHS, and the metaval was solved at this
-- point, reinstantiate it with 'argv' because it *may* have
-- as patterns in it and we need to retain them.
-- If we're on the LHS, reinstantiate it with 'argv' because it
-- *may* have as patterns in it and we need to retain them.
-- (As patterns are a bit of a hack but I don't yet see a
-- better way that leads to good code...)
isHole <- the (Core Bool) $ case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ =>
do Just (Hole _) <- lookupDefExact (Resolved idx)
(gamma defs)
| _ => pure False
pure True
_ => pure True
[] <- convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env metaval)
(gnf env argv)
| cs => throw (CantConvert fc env metaval argv)
if not isHole -- reset hole and redo it
then do updateDef (Resolved idx) (const (Just (Hole False)))
convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env metaval)
(gnf env argv)
case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ => -- reset hole and redo it with the unexpanded definition
do updateDef (Resolved idx) (const (Just (Hole False)))
convert fc elabinfo env
(gnfOpts withHoles (noLet env) metaval)
(gnfOpts withHoles (noLet env) argv)
pure ()
else pure ()
_ => pure ()
removeHoleName nm
pure (tm, gty)
else do
@ -220,6 +216,12 @@ mutual
fnty <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env argv)
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc
fntm fnty expargs impargs kr expty
noLet : Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
noLet [] = []
noLet (Let c v t :: env) = Lam c Explicit t :: noLet env
noLet (b :: env) = b :: noLet env
-- Check an application of 'fntm', with type 'fnty' to the given list
-- of explicit and implicit arguments.
@ -76,11 +76,21 @@ changeVar (MkVar {i=x} old) (MkVar new) (Local fc r idx p)
= if x == idx
then Local fc r _ new
else Local fc r _ p
changeVar old new (Meta fc nm i args)
= Meta fc nm i (map (changeVar old new) args)
changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new) (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new)) b))
(changeVar (MkVar (Later old)) (MkVar (Later new)) sc)
changeVar old new (App fc fn p arg)
= App fc (changeVar old new fn) p (changeVar old new arg)
changeVar old new (As fc nm p)
= As fc (changeVar old new nm) (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TDelayed fc r p)
= TDelayed fc r (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TDelay fc r p)
= TDelay fc r (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TForce fc p)
= TForce fc (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new tm = tm
findLater : (x : Name) -> (newer : List Name) -> Var (newer ++ x :: older)
@ -335,6 +345,7 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
casefnty <- abstractOver fc defs (implicitMode elabinfo)
env (Just (subEnv est)) fullImps envscope
logEnv 10 "Case env" env
logTermNF 2 ("Case function type: " ++ show casen) [] casefnty
-- If we've had to add implicits to the case type (because there
@ -145,14 +145,16 @@ checkClause mult hashit n nest env (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
checkClause mult hashit n nest env (PatClause fc lhs_in rhs)
= do lhs <- lhsInCurrentNS nest lhs_in
log 5 $ "Checking " ++ show lhs
logEnv 5 "In env" env
(lhstm, lhstyg) <- elabTerm n (InLHS mult) nest env
(IBindHere fc PATTERN lhs) Nothing
logTerm 10 "Checked LHS term" lhstm
lhsty <- getTerm lhstyg
-- Normalise the LHS to get any functions or let bindings evaluated
-- (this might be allowed, e.g. for 'fromInteger')
defs <- get Ctxt
lhstm <- normalise defs (noLet env) lhstm
lhstm <- normaliseLHS defs (noLet env) lhstm
lhsty <- normaliseHoles defs env lhsty
linvars_in <- findLinear True 0 Rig1 lhstm
log 5 $ "Linearity of names in " ++ show n ++ ": " ++
@ -32,16 +32,9 @@ cvec {n = $n} $xs
Nil => n
Cons $x $xs => n
-- Doesn't quite work yet...
-- cvec2 : {n : _} -> Vect n $a -> Nat
-- cvec2 {n = n@(_)} $xs
-- = case xs of
-- Nil => n
-- Cons $x $xs => n
simpleAs : Nat -> Nat
simpleAs x@(_) = x
cas : (n : Nat) -> Vect $n $a -> Nat
cas n@(_) Nil = n
cvec2 : {n : _} -> Vect n $a -> Nat
cvec2 {n = n@(_)} $xs
= case xs of
Nil => n
Cons $x $xs => n
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ Written TTC
Yaffle> (Main.S (Main.S (Main.S (Main.S (Main.S Main.Z)))))
Yaffle> ((((Main.Cons [Just k = (Main.S Main.Z)]) [Just a = Integer]) 1) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = Main.Z]) [Just a = Integer]) 2) (Main.Nil [Just a = Integer])))
Yaffle> (Main.S (Main.S (Main.S Main.Z)))
Yaffle> (Main.S (Main.S (Main.S Main.Z)))
Yaffle> Bye for now!
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
cplus (S (S Z)) (S (S (S Z)))
cappend (Cons 1 Nil) (Cons 2 Nil)
cvec (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil)))
cvec2 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil)))
Reference in New Issue
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