Implement auto implicits

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Edwin Brady 2019-05-25 22:13:38 +01:00
parent c65285a1f6
commit 54d4d5a8ed
5 changed files with 81 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -138,7 +138,33 @@ mutual
(expected : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
makeAutoImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm x aty sc expargs impargs kr expty
= throw (InternalError "Auto implicits not yet implemented")
-- on the LHS, just treat it as an implicit pattern variable.
-- on the RHS, add a searchable hole
= case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
nm <- genMVName x
empty <- clearDefs defs
metaty <- quote empty env aty
metaval <- metaVar fc argRig env nm metaty
let fntm = App fc tm (appInf (Just x) AutoImplicit) metaval
fnty <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env metaval)
est <- get EST
put EST (addBindIfUnsolved nm argRig env metaval metaty est)
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc
fntm fnty expargs impargs kr expty
_ =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
nm <- genMVName x
empty <- clearDefs defs
metaty <- quote empty env aty
est <- get EST
metaval <- searchVar fc argRig 500 (Resolved (defining est))
env nm metaty
let fntm = App fc tm (appInf (Just x) AutoImplicit) metaval
fnty <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env metaval)
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc
fntm fnty expargs impargs kr expty
solveIfUndefined : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -301,13 +327,17 @@ mutual
useAutoImp acc [] = Nothing
useAutoImp acc ((Nothing, xtm) :: rest)
= Just (xtm, reverse acc ++ rest)
useAutoImp acc ((Just x', xtm) :: rest)
= if x == x'
then Just (xtm, reverse acc ++ rest)
else useAutoImp ((Just x', xtm) :: acc) rest
useAutoImp acc (ximp :: rest)
= useAutoImp (ximp :: acc) rest
-- Check next implicit argument
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm (NBind tfc x (Pi rigb Implicit aty) sc)
expargs impargs kr expty
= let argRig = rigMult rig rigb in
case useImp x [] impargs of
case useImp [] impargs of
Nothing => makeImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm
x aty sc expargs impargs kr expty
Just (arg, impargs') =>
@ -315,15 +345,15 @@ mutual
(appInf (Just x) Implicit)
tm x aty sc arg expargs impargs' kr expty
useImp : Name -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
useImp : List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
Maybe (RawImp, List (Maybe Name, RawImp))
useImp x acc [] = Nothing
useImp x acc ((Just x', xtm) :: rest)
useImp acc [] = Nothing
useImp acc ((Just x', xtm) :: rest)
= if x == x'
then Just (xtm, reverse acc ++ rest)
else useImp x ((Just x', xtm) :: acc) rest
useImp x acc (ximp :: rest)
= useImp x (ximp :: acc) rest
else useImp ((Just x', xtm) :: acc) rest
useImp acc (ximp :: rest)
= useImp (ximp :: acc) rest
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] [] kr expty
= do defs <- get Ctxt

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
data Nat : Type where
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
data List : Type -> Type where
Nil : List $a
Cons : $a -> List $a -> List $a
data Pair : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkPair : $a -> $b -> Pair $a $b
data Elem : $a -> List (Pair $a $b) -> Type where
Here : Elem $x (Cons (MkPair $x $y) $xs)
There : Elem $x $xs -> Elem $x (Cons $y $xs)
fst : {0 a, b : _} -> Pair a b -> a
fst (MkPair $x _) = x
snd : {0 a, b : _} -> Pair a b -> b
snd (MkPair _ $y) = y
%pair Pair fst snd
getNth : (x : $a) -> (xs : List (Pair $a $b)) -> Elem x xs -> $b
getNth $x (Cons (MkPair $x $y) $xs) Here = y
getNth $x (Cons _ $xs) (There $p) = getNth x xs p
getNth' : (x : $a) -> (xs : List (Pair $a $b)) ->
{auto prf : Elem x xs} -> $b
getNth' $x $xs {prf = $prf} = getNth x xs prf

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> 94
Yaffle> 94
Yaffle> Bye for now!

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
getNth "x" (Cons (MkPair "y" 42) (Cons (MkPair "x" 94) Nil)) %search
getNth' "x" (Cons (MkPair "y" 42) (Cons (MkPair "x" 94) Nil))

tests/ttimp/basic008/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 Auto.yaff < input
rm -rf build