Adding a Gambit Scheme backend

This commit is contained in:
Abdelhakim Qbaich 2020-04-23 19:26:07 -04:00
parent 19e78ca3ef
commit 5f3ec8d0a0

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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
module Compiler.Scheme.Gambit
import Compiler.Common
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Compiler.Inline
import Compiler.Scheme.Common
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Name
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Utils.Hex
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Vect
import System
import System.Info
%default covering
findGSI : IO String
findGSI =
do env <- getEnv "GAMBIT_GSI"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S gsi-script" env
findGSC : IO String
findGSC =
do env <- getEnv "GAMBIT_GSC"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S gsc-script" env
-- XXX
schHeader : String
schHeader = ""
-- XXX
schFooter : String
schFooter = "\n"
showGambitChar : Char -> String -> String
showGambitChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showGambitChar c
= if c < chr 32 || c > chr 126
then (("\\x" ++ asHex (cast c) ++ ";") ++)
else strCons c
showGambitString : List Char -> String -> String
showGambitString [] = id
showGambitString ('"'::cs) = ("\\\"" ++) . showGambitString cs
showGambitString (c::cs) = (showGambitChar c) . showGambitString cs
gambitString : String -> String
gambitString cs = strCons '"' (showGambitString (unpack cs) "\"")
gambitPrim : Int -> ExtPrim -> List NamedCExp -> Core String
gambitPrim i CCall [ret, NmPrimVal fc (Str fn), fargs, world]
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile C FFI calls to Gambit yet")) -- TODO
gambitPrim i CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= pure "(error \"bad ffi call\")"
gambitPrim i GetStr [world]
= pure $ mkWorld "(read-line (current-input-port))"
gambitPrim i GetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _]
= do structsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 struct
pure $ "(" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ " " ++ structsc ++ ")" -- FIXME
gambitPrim i GetField [_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad getField\")"
gambitPrim i SetField [NmPrimVal _ (Str s), _, _, struct,
NmPrimVal _ (Str fld), _, val, world]
= do structsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 struct
valsc <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 val
pure $ mkWorld $
"(set-" ++ s ++ "-" ++ fld ++ "! " ++ structsc ++ " " ++ valsc ++ ")" -- FIXME
gambitPrim i SetField [_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]
= pure "(error \"bad setField\")"
gambitPrim i SysCodegen []
= pure $ "\"gambit\""
gambitPrim i prim args
= schExtCommon gambitPrim gambitString i prim args
-- Reference label for keeping track of loaded external libraries
data Loaded : Type where
-- Label for noting which struct types are declared
data Structs : Type where
-- TODO Support C FFI and libraries
compileToSCM : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core ()
compileToSCM c tm outfile
= do -- XXX
-- ds <- getDirectives Gambit
-- libs <- findLibs ds
-- traverse_ copyLib libs
cdata <- getCompileData tm
let ns = allNames cdata
let tags = nameTags cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt
l <- newRef {t = List String} Loaded [] -- XXX ["libc", "libc 6"]
s <- newRef {t = List String} Structs []
-- fgndefs <- traverse getFgnCall ns
compdefs <- traverse (getScheme gambitPrim gambitString defs) ns
let code = concat compdefs -- XXX
-- let code = fastAppend (map snd fgndefs ++ compdefs)
main <- schExp gambitPrim gambitString 0 ctm
support <- readDataFile "gambit/support.scm"
let scm = schHeader ++ support ++ code ++ main ++ schFooter -- XXX
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)
coreLift $ chmod outfile 0o755
pure ()
-- TODO Allow specifying if we want a dynamic obj file or an executable binary
-- Look at what is done in Chez Scheme
compileExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) ->
ClosedTerm -> (outfile : String) -> Core (Maybe String)
compileExpr c execDir tm outfile
= do let outn = execDir ++ dirSep ++ outfile ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
gsc <- coreLift findGSC
ok <- coreLift $ system (gsc ++ " -exe " ++ outn)
if ok == 0
then pure (Just outfile)
else pure Nothing
-- TODO Would it be better to compile to dynamic obj file and use gsi or gsc -i
-- Look at what is done in Chez Scheme
executeExpr : Ref Ctxt Defs -> (execDir : String) -> ClosedTerm -> Core ()
executeExpr c execDir tm
= do tmp <- coreLift $ tmpName
let outn = tmp ++ ".scm"
compileToSCM c tm outn
gsi <- coreLift findGSI
coreLift $ system (gsi ++ " " ++ outn)
pure ()
codegenGambit : Codegen
codegenGambit = MkCG compileExpr executeExpr