mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 17:52:09 +03:00
More work on implicit search
Search on syntax rather than values, since this makes it easier to deal with local variables accurately, and since we need to go back to syntax anyway. We ensure that target types are normalised before search.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,17 +17,8 @@ searchType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> SearchEnv vars ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (NF vars)
search : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
Core (Term vars)
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> (target : Term vars) -> Core (Term vars)
record ArgInfo (vars : List Name) where
constructor MkArgInfo
@ -35,9 +26,7 @@ record ArgInfo (vars : List Name) where
argRig : RigCount
appInf : AppInfo
metaApp : Term vars
argType : Term vars -- ^ Needs to be Term, not NF, since solving other holes
-- may mean the NF is no longer up to date (it may
-- contain hole names)
argType : Term vars
mkArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
@ -57,48 +46,39 @@ mkArgs fc rigc env (NBind nfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
pure (MkArgInfo idx argRig (appInf Nothing p) arg argTy :: rest, restTy)
mkArgs fc rigc env ty = pure ([], ty)
closureApply : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> Closure vars -> List (ArgInfo vars) ->
Core (Term vars)
closureApply fc env (MkClosure _ [] _ tm) args
= pure (applyInfo fc tm (map (\i => (appInf i, metaApp i)) args))
closureApply fc env (MkNFClosure nf) args
= do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
tm <- quote empty env nf
pure (applyInfo fc tm (map (\i => (appInf i, metaApp i)) args))
closureApply _ _ _ _ = throw (InternalError "Wrong argument form in AutoSearch")
searchIfHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
SearchEnv vars ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (ispair : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) -> Env Term vars ->
(arg : ArgInfo vars) ->
Core ()
searchIfHole fc defaults Z def top env locs arg
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top) -- possibly should say depth limit hit?
searchIfHole fc defaults (S depth) def top env locs arg
searchIfHole fc defaults ispair Z def top env arg
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top) -- possibly should say depth limit hit?
searchIfHole fc defaults ispair (S depth) def top env arg
= do let hole = holeID arg
let rig = argRig arg
defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved hole) (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
| Nothing => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
let Hole inv = definition gdef
| _ => pure () -- already solved
argTyNF <- nf defs env (argType arg)
argdef <- searchType fc rig defaults depth def top env locs argTyNF
vs <- unify InTerm fc env !(nf defs env (metaApp arg)) argdef
let top' = if ispair
then type gdef
else top
argdef <- searchType fc rig defaults depth def top' env
!(normaliseScope defs env (argType arg))
vs <- unify InTerm fc env (metaApp arg) argdef
let [] = constraints vs
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
pure ()
successful : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
List (Core (NF vars)) ->
Core (List (Either Error (NF vars, Defs, UState)))
List (Core (Term vars)) ->
Core (List (Either Error (Term vars, Defs, UState)))
successful [] = pure []
successful (elab :: elabs)
= do ust <- get UST
@ -121,14 +101,14 @@ successful (elab :: elabs)
exactlyOne : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> (topTy : Term vars) ->
List (Core (NF vars)) ->
Core (NF vars)
FC -> Env Term vars -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
List (Core (Term vars)) ->
Core (Term vars)
exactlyOne fc env top [elab]
= catch elab
(\err => case err of
CantSolveGoal _ _ _ => throw err
_ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top))
_ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top))
exactlyOne fc env top all
= do elabs <- successful all
case rights elabs of
@ -137,99 +117,121 @@ exactlyOne fc env top all
put Ctxt defs
pure res
[] => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
rs => do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
rs' <- traverse (Normalise.quote empty env) (map fst rs)
throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env rs')
[] => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
rs => throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env (map fst rs))
-- We can only resolve things which are at any multiplicity. Expression
-- search happens before linearity checking and we can't guarantee that just
-- because something is apparently available now, it will be available by the
-- time we get to linearity checking.
getAllEnv : FC -> (done : List Name) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term (done ++ vars), Term (done ++ vars))
getAllEnv fc done [] = []
getAllEnv {vars = v :: vs} fc done (b :: env)
= let rest = getAllEnv fc (done ++ [v]) env in
if multiplicity b == RigW
then let MkVar p = weakenVar {name=v} {inner=v :: vs} done First in
(Local fc Nothing _ p,
rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in
weakenNs (done ++ [v]) (binderType b)) ::
rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in rest
else rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in rest
searchLocalWith : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term vars, Term vars) ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchLocalWith fc rigc defaults depth def top env [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
searchLocalWith {vars} fc rigc defaults depth def top env ((prf, ty) :: rest) target
= tryUnify
(do defs <- get Ctxt
nty <- nf defs env ty
findPos defs prf id nty target)
(searchLocalWith fc rigc defaults depth def top env rest target)
findDirect : Defs -> Term vars ->
(Term vars -> Term vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (Term vars)
findDirect defs prf f ty target
= do (args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env ty
-- TODO: Can only use the local if its type is not an unsolved hole
ures <- unify InTerm fc env target appTy
let [] = constraints ures
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
let candidate = applyInfo fc (f prf)
(map (\i => (appInf i, metaApp i)) args)
logTermNF 10 "Candidate " env candidate
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults False depth def top env) args
pure candidate
findPos : Defs -> Term vars ->
(Term vars -> Term vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (Term vars)
findPos defs prf f nty@(NTCon pfc pn _ _ [(xp, xty), (yp, yty)]) target
= tryUnify (findDirect defs prf f nty target)
(do fname <- maybe (throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top))
(fstName defs)
sname <- maybe (throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top))
(sndName defs)
if isPairType pn defs
then do empty <- clearDefs defs
xtytm <- quote empty env xty
ytytm <- quote empty env yty
(do xtynf <- evalClosure defs xty
findPos defs prf
(\arg => applyInfo fc (Ref fc Func fname)
[(xp, xtytm),
(yp, ytytm),
(explApp Nothing, f arg)])
xtynf target)
(do ytynf <- evalClosure defs yty
findPos defs prf
(\arg => applyInfo fc (Ref fc Func sname)
[(xp, xtytm),
(yp, ytytm),
(explApp Nothing, f arg)])
ytynf target)
else throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top))
findPos defs prf f nty target
= findDirect defs prf f nty target
searchLocal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> SearchEnv vars -> SearchEnv vars ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (NF vars)
searchLocal fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
searchLocal {vars} fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs ((ty, c) :: rest) target
= tryUnify
(do defs <- get Ctxt
findPos defs c id ty target)
-- do (args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env ty
-- -- TODO: Can only use the local if it's not an unsolved hole
-- ures <- unify InTerm fc env target appTy
-- let [] = constraints ures
-- | _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
-- candidate <- closureApply fc c args
-- logTermNF 10 "Candidate " env candidate
-- traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults depth def top env locs) args
-- defs <- get Ctxt
-- nf defs env candidate)
(searchLocal fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs rest target)
findDirect : Defs -> Closure vars ->
(Closure vars -> Closure vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (NF vars)
findDirect defs prf f ty target
= do (args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env ty
-- TODO: Can only use the local if it's not an unsolved hole
ures <- unify InTerm fc env target appTy
let [] = constraints ures
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
candidate <- closureApply fc env (f prf) args
logTermNF 10 "Candidate " env candidate
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults depth def top env locs) args
defs <- get Ctxt
nf defs env candidate
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchLocal fc rig defaults depth def top env target
= searchLocalWith fc rig defaults depth def top env (getAllEnv fc [] env) target
findPos : Defs -> Closure vars ->
(Closure vars -> Closure vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (NF vars)
findPos defs prf f ty@(NTCon pfc pn _ _ [(xp, xty), (yp, yty)]) target
= tryUnify (findDirect defs prf f ty target)
(do log 0 (show (pn, isPairType pn defs, fstName defs))
fname <- maybe (throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top))
(fstName defs)
sname <- maybe (throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top))
(sndName defs)
if isPairType pn defs
then tryUnify
(do xtynf <- evalClosure defs xty
logNF 0 "Trying fst" env xtynf
findPos defs prf
(\arg => MkNFClosure $ NApp fc (NRef Func fname)
[(xp, xty),
(yp, yty),
(explApp Nothing, f arg)])
xtynf target)
(do ytynf <- evalClosure defs yty
findPos defs prf
(\arg => MkNFClosure $ NApp fc (NRef Func sname)
[(xp, xty),
(yp, yty),
(explApp Nothing, f arg)])
ytynf target)
else throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top))
findPos defs prf f ty target
= findDirect defs prf f ty target
isPairNF : Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Defs -> Core Bool
isPairNF env (NTCon _ n _ _ _) defs
= pure $ isPairType n defs
isPairNF env (NBind fc b (Pi _ _ _) sc) defs
= isPairNF env !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc))) defs
isPairNF _ _ _ = pure False
searchName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> SearchEnv vars -> (target : NF vars) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> (target : NF vars) ->
(Name, GlobalDef) ->
Core (NF vars)
searchName fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs target (n, ndef)
Core (Term vars)
searchName fc rigc defaults depth def top env target (n, ndef)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let ty = type ndef
let namety : NameType
@ -241,29 +243,29 @@ searchName fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs target (n, ndef)
(args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env nty
ures <- unify InTerm fc env target appTy
let [] = constraints ures
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
| _ => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
ispair <- isPairNF env nty defs
let candidate = applyInfo fc (Ref fc namety n)
(map (\i => (appInf i, metaApp i)) args)
logTermNF 10 "Candidate " env candidate
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults depth def top env locs) args
defs <- get Ctxt
nf defs env candidate
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults ispair depth def top env) args
pure candidate
searchNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> SearchEnv vars -> List Name ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (NF vars)
searchNames fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env locs [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc env topty)
searchNames fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env locs (n :: ns) target
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> List Name ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchNames fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] topty)
searchNames fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env (n :: ns) target
= do defs <- get Ctxt
visnsm <- traverse (visible (gamma defs) (currentNS defs)) (n :: ns)
let visns = mapMaybe id visnsm
exactlyOne fc env topty
(map (searchName fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env locs target) visns)
(map (searchName fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env target) visns)
visible : Context GlobalDef ->
List String -> Name -> Core (Maybe (Name, GlobalDef))
@ -277,9 +279,9 @@ searchNames fc rigc defaults depth defining topty env locs (n :: ns) target
concreteDets : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Bool ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
Env Term vars -> (top : ClosedTerm) ->
(pos : Nat) -> (dets : List Nat) ->
List (AppInfo, Closure vars) ->
(args : List (AppInfo, Closure vars)) ->
Core ()
concreteDets fc defaults env top pos dets [] = pure ()
concreteDets {vars} fc defaults env top pos dets ((p, arg) :: args)
@ -299,47 +301,56 @@ concreteDets {vars} fc defaults env top pos dets ((p, arg) :: args)
concrete defs argnf False) args
pure ()
concrete defs (NApp _ (NMeta n i _) _) True
= throw (DeterminingArg fc n i env top)
= throw (DeterminingArg fc n i [] top)
concrete defs (NApp _ (NMeta n i _) _) False
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
concrete defs tm top = pure ()
-- Declared at the top
searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs (NBind nfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
= pure (NBind nfc x (Lam c p ty)
(\defs, arg => searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top env
((ty, arg) :: locs) !(sc defs arg)))
searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs target@(NTCon tfc tyn t a args)
= if a == length args
then do logNF 10 "Next target: " env target
sd <- getSearchData fc defaults tyn
-- Check determining arguments are okay for 'args'
concreteDets fc defaults env top 0 (detArgs sd) args
tryGroups (hintGroups sd)
else throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top env (Bind nfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
= pure (Bind nfc x (Lam c p ty)
!(searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top
(Pi c p ty :: env) sc))
searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults depth def top env target
= do defs <- get Ctxt
nty <- nf defs env target
case nty of
NTCon tfc tyn t a args =>
if a == length args
then do logNF 10 "Next target: " env nty
sd <- getSearchData fc defaults tyn
-- Check determining arguments are okay for 'args'
concreteDets fc defaults env top 0 (detArgs sd) args
tryGroups nty (hintGroups sd)
else throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
_ => do logNF 10 "Next target: " env nty
searchLocal fc rigc defaults depth def top env nty
ambig : Error -> Bool
ambig (AmbiguousSearch _ _ _) = True
ambig _ = False
tryGroups : List (List Name) -> Core (NF vars)
tryGroups [] = throw (CantSolveGoal fc env top)
tryGroups (g :: gs)
tryGroups : NF vars -> List (List Name) -> Core (Term vars)
tryGroups nty [] = throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
tryGroups nty (g :: gs)
= handleUnify
(searchNames fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs g target)
(searchNames fc rigc defaults depth def top env g nty)
(\err => if ambig err || isNil gs
then throw err
else tryGroups gs)
searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs target
= do logNF 10 "Next target: " env target
searchLocal fc rigc defaults depth def top env locs locs target
else tryGroups nty gs)
-- Declared at the top
search fc rigc defaults depth def top env
-- Declared in Core.Unify as:
-- search : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
-- {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
-- FC -> RigCount ->
-- (defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
-- (defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
-- Core (Term vars)
Core.Unify.search fc rigc defaults depth def top env
= do defs <- get Ctxt
target <- nf defs env top
logNF 0 "Initial target: " env target
tm <- searchType fc rigc defaults depth def top env [] target
empty <- clearDefs defs
quote empty env tm
logTerm 10 "Initial target: " top
tm <- searchType fc rigc defaults depth def
(abstractEnvType fc env top) env
!(normaliseScope defs env top)
defs <- get Ctxt
quote defs env tm
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ data Def : Type where
(typehints : List (Name, Bool)) ->
Hole : (invertible : Bool) -> Def
BySearch : RigCount -> (maxdepth : Nat) -> (defining : Name) -> Def
-- Constraints are integer references into the current map of
-- constraints in the UnifyState (see Core.UnifyState)
Guess : (guess : ClosedTerm) -> (constraints : List Int) -> Def
@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ Show Def where
show (TCon t a ps ds cons hints)
= "TyCon " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show cons
show (Hole inv) = "Hole"
show (BySearch c depth def) = "Search in " ++ show def
show (Guess tm cs) = "Guess " ++ show tm ++ " when " ++ show cs
show ImpBind = "Implicitly bound"
@ -260,7 +262,9 @@ TTC Def where
= do tag 3; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity; toBuf b parampos
toBuf b detpos; toBuf b datacons
toBuf b (Hole invertible) = do tag 4; toBuf b invertible
toBuf b (Guess guess constraints) = do tag 5; toBuf b guess; toBuf b constraints
toBuf b (BySearch c depth def)
= do tag 5; toBuf b c; toBuf b depth; toBuf b def
toBuf b (Guess guess constraints) = do tag 6; toBuf b guess; toBuf b constraints
toBuf b ImpBind = tag 6
fromBuf r b
@ -278,9 +282,12 @@ TTC Def where
pure (TCon t a ps dets cs [])
4 => do i <- fromBuf r b;
pure (Hole i)
5 => do g <- fromBuf r b; cs <- fromBuf r b
5 => do c <- fromBuf r b; depth <- fromBuf r b
def <- fromBuf r b
pure (BySearch c depth def)
6 => do g <- fromBuf r b; cs <- fromBuf r b
pure (Guess g cs)
6 => pure ImpBind
7 => pure ImpBind
_ => corrupt "Def"
public export
@ -446,6 +446,15 @@ normaliseHoles : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseHoles defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts withHoles defs env tm)
-- Normalise, but without normalising the types of binders. Dealing with
-- binders is the slow part of normalisation so whenever we can avoid it, it's
-- a big win
normaliseScope : Defs -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
normaliseScope defs env (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $ Bind fc n b !(normaliseScope defs (b :: env) sc)
normaliseScope defs env tm = normalise defs env tm
public export
interface Convert (tm : List Name -> Type) where
convert : Defs -> Env Term vars ->
@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ insertVar {n} {outer = (x :: xs)} (S i) (Later y)
= let MkVar prf = insertVar {n} i y in
MkVar (Later prf)
weakenVar : (ns : List Name) -> {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx inner) ->
Var (ns ++ inner)
weakenVar [] x = MkVar x
@ -852,7 +853,8 @@ export Show (Term vars) where
showApp : Term vars -> List (AppInfo, Term vars) -> String
showApp (Local {name} _ _ idx _) [] = show name ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]"
showApp (Ref _ _ n) [] = show n
showApp (Meta _ n _ args) [] = "?" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show (length args)
showApp (Meta _ n _ args) []
= "?" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show args
showApp (Bind _ x (Lam c p ty) sc) []
= "\\" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" => " ++ show sc
@ -74,6 +74,15 @@ unify : Unify tm =>
Core UnifyResult
unify {c} {u} = unifyD c u
-- Defined in Core.AutoSearch
search : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
Core (Term vars)
ufail : FC -> String -> Core a
ufail loc msg = throw (GenericMsg loc msg)
@ -609,6 +618,12 @@ data SolveMode = Normal -- during elaboration: unifies and searches
| Defaults -- unifies and searches for default hints only
| LastChance -- as normal, but any failure throws rather than delays
Eq SolveMode where
Normal == Normal = True
Defaults == Defaults = True
LastChance == LastChance = True
_ == _ = False
retry : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode -> Int -> Core UnifyResult
@ -643,6 +658,22 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
Nothing => pure False
Just def =>
case definition def of
BySearch rig depth defining =>
(do tm <- search loc rig (smode == Defaults) depth defining
(type def) []
let gdef = record { definition = PMDef [] (STerm tm) (STerm tm) [] } def
logTerm 5 ("Solved " ++ show hname) tm
addDef (Resolved hid) gdef
removeGuess hid
pure True)
(\err => case err of
DeterminingArg _ n i _ _ => ?setInvertible
_ => do logTerm 5 ("Search failed for " ++ show hname)
(type def)
case smode of
LastChance => throw err
_ => pure False) -- Postpone again
Guess tm constrs =>
do cs' <- traverse (retry mode) constrs
let csAll = unionAll cs'
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ record UState where
holes : IntMap (FC, Name) -- All metavariables with no definition yet.
-- 'Int' is the 'Resolved' name
guesses : IntMap (FC, Name) -- Names which will be defined when constraints solved
-- (also includes auto implicit searches)
currentHoles : IntMap (FC, Name) -- Holes introduced this elaboration session
constraints : IntMap Constraint -- map for finding constraints by ID
nextName : Int
@ -300,6 +301,27 @@ newConstant {vars} fc rig env tm ty constrs
envArgs = let args = reverse (mkConstantAppArgs {done = []} False fc env []) in
rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral vars) in args
-- Create a new search with the given name and return type,
-- and return a term which is the name applied to the environment
-- (and which has the given type)
newSearch : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount -> Nat -> Name ->
Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars -> Core (Int, Term vars)
newSearch {vars} fc rig depth def env n ty
= do let hty = abstractEnvType fc env ty
let hole = newDef fc n rig hty Public (BySearch rig depth def)
log 10 $ "Adding new search " ++ show n
idx <- addDef n hole
addGuessName fc n idx
pure (idx, Meta fc n idx envArgs)
envArgs : List (Term vars)
envArgs = let args = reverse (mkConstantAppArgs {done = []} False fc env []) in
rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral vars) in args
tryErrorUnify : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ mutual
let argTyG = gnf env argTy
-- Can't use 'metaVar' to record it for binding because it's
-- in a different scope... so it'll stay global
(_, retTy) <- newMeta {vars = argn :: vars}
fc Rig0 (Pi RigW Explicit argTy :: env)
(_, retTy) <- newMeta -- {vars = argn :: vars}
fc Rig0 env -- (Pi RigW Explicit argTy :: env)
retn (TType fc)
(argv, argt) <- check rig (nextLevel elabinfo)
env arg (Just argTyG)
let fntm = App fc tm (appInf Nothing Explicit) argv
defs <- get Ctxt
fnty <- nf defs env (Bind fc argn (Let RigW argv argTy) retTy)
fnty <- nf defs env retTy -- (Bind fc argn (Let RigW argv argTy) retTy)
logNF 10 "Function type" env fnty
maybe (pure ()) (logGlue 10 "Expected type" env) expty
checkAppWith rig elabinfo env fc fntm fnty expargs impargs kr expty
@ -189,6 +189,15 @@ metaVar fc rig env n ty
= do (_, tm) <- newMeta fc rig env n ty
pure tm
searchVar : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount -> Nat -> Name ->
Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
searchVar fc rig depth def env n ty
= do (_, tm) <- newSearch fc rig depth def env n ty
pure tm
-- Elaboration info (passed to recursive calls)
public export
record ElabInfo where
@ -94,7 +94,19 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo env (IApp fc fn arg) exp
= checkApp rig elabinfo env fc fn [arg] [] exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo env (IImplicitApp fc fn nm arg) exp
= checkApp rig elabinfo env fc fn [] [(nm, arg)] exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo env (ISearch fc depth) (Just gexpty)
= do est <- get EST
nm <- genName "search"
expty <- getTerm gexpty
sval <- searchVar fc rig depth (defining est) env nm expty
pure (sval, gexpty)
checkTerm rig elabinfo env (ISearch fc depth) Nothing
= do est <- get EST
nmty <- genName "searchTy"
ty <- metaVar fc Rig0 env nmty (TType fc)
nm <- genName "search"
sval <- searchVar fc rig depth (defining est) env nm ty
pure (sval, gnf env ty)
checkTerm rig elabinfo env (IBindHere fc binder sc) exp
= checkBindHere rig elabinfo env fc binder sc exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo env (IBindVar fc n) exp
@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ atom fname
symbol "?"
end <- location
pure (Implicit (MkFC fname start end) False)
<|> do start <- location
symbol "%"
exactIdent "search"
end <- location
pure (ISearch (MkFC fname start end) 1000)
<|> do start <- location
x <- name
end <- location
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ mutual
(argTy : RawImp) -> (lamTy : RawImp) -> RawImp
IApp : FC -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
IImplicitApp : FC -> RawImp -> Maybe Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
ISearch : FC -> (depth : Nat) -> RawImp
-- Any implicit bindings in the scope should be bound here, using
-- the given binder
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ mutual
= "(" ++ show f ++ " " ++ show a ++ ")"
show (IImplicitApp fc f n a)
= "(" ++ show f ++ " [" ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show a ++ "])"
show (ISearch fc d)
= "%search"
show (IBindHere fc b sc)
= "(%bindhere " ++ show sc ++ ")"
show (IBindVar fc n) = "$" ++ n
Reference in New Issue
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