Slightly simpler binary writing

Easier just to have one chunk, starting pretty big, and grow it and copy
content if necessary
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-06-18 18:10:24 +01:00
parent 318a6eeab9
commit 76e2bd30e6
2 changed files with 83 additions and 153 deletions

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@ -89,6 +89,20 @@ addPossible n i ps
Nothing => insert nr [(n, i)] ps
Just nis => insert nr ((n, i) :: nis) ps
newEntry : Name -> Context a -> Core (Int, Context a)
newEntry n ctxt
= do let idx = nextEntry ctxt
let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
when (idx >= max arr) $
do arr' <- coreLift $ newArrayCopy (max arr + Grow) arr
put Arr arr'
pure (idx, record { nextEntry = idx + 1,
resolvedAs $= insert n idx,
possibles $= addPossible n idx
} ctxt)
-- Get the position of the next entry in the context array, growing the
-- array if it's out of bounds.
-- Updates the context with the mapping from name to index
@ -99,17 +113,7 @@ getPosition n ctxt
= case lookup n (resolvedAs ctxt) of
Just idx =>
do pure (idx, ctxt)
Nothing =>
do let idx = nextEntry ctxt
let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
when (idx >= max arr) $
do arr' <- coreLift $ newArrayCopy (max arr + Grow) arr
put Arr arr'
pure (idx, record { nextEntry = idx + 1,
resolvedAs $= insert n idx,
possibles $= addPossible n idx
} ctxt)
Nothing => newEntry n ctxt
getNameID : Name -> Context a -> Maybe Int

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@ -23,107 +23,67 @@ data Bin : Type where
data ResID : Type where
-- A component of the serialised data.
record Chunk where
constructor MkChunk
record Binary where
constructor MkBin
buf : Buffer
loc : Int
size : Int -- Capacity
used : Int -- Amount used
newChunk : Buffer -> Chunk
newChunk b = MkChunk b 0 (size b) 0
newBinary : Buffer -> Binary
newBinary b = MkBin b 0 (size b) 0
avail : Chunk -> Int
avail c = size c - loc c
blockSize : Int
blockSize = 655360
toRead : Chunk -> Int
toRead c = used c - loc c
avail : Binary -> Int
avail c = (size c - loc c) - 1
appended : Int -> Chunk -> Chunk
appended i (MkChunk b loc s used) = MkChunk b (loc+i) s (used + i)
toRead : Binary -> Int
toRead c = used c - loc c
incLoc : Int -> Chunk -> Chunk
appended : Int -> Binary -> Binary
appended i (MkBin b loc s used) = MkBin b (loc+i) s (used + i)
incLoc : Int -> Binary -> Binary
incLoc i c = record { loc $= (+i) } c
-- Serialised data is stored as a list of chunks, in a zipper.
-- i.e. processed chunks, chunk we're working on, chunks to do
data Binary = MkBin (List Chunk) Chunk (List Chunk)
dumpBin : Binary -> IO ()
dumpBin (MkBin done chunk rest)
= do printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf done))
dumpBin chunk
= do -- printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf done))
printLn !(bufferData (buf chunk))
printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf rest))
-- printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf rest))
nonEmptyRev : NonEmpty (xs ++ y :: ys)
nonEmptyRev {xs = []} = IsNonEmpty
nonEmptyRev {xs = (x :: xs)} = IsNonEmpty
reset : Binary -> Binary
reset (MkBin done cur rest)
= setBin (reverse done ++ cur :: rest) nonEmptyRev
setBin : (xs : List Chunk) -> (prf : NonEmpty xs) -> Binary
setBin (chunk :: rest) IsNonEmpty
= MkBin [] (record { loc = 0 } chunk)
(map (record { loc = 0 }) rest)
req : List Chunk -> Int
req [] = 0
req (c :: cs)
= used c + req cs
-- Take all the data from the chunks in a 'Binary' and copy them into one
-- single buffer, ready for writing to disk.
-- TODO: YAGNI? Delete if so...
toBuffer : Binary -> IO (Maybe Buffer)
toBuffer (MkBin done cur rest)
= do let chunks = reverse done ++ cur :: rest
Just b <- newBuffer (req chunks)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
copyToBuf 0 b chunks
pure (Just b)
copyToBuf : (pos : Int) -> Buffer -> List Chunk -> IO ()
copyToBuf pos b [] = pure ()
copyToBuf pos b (c :: cs)
= do copyData (buf c) 0 (used c) b pos
copyToBuf (pos + used c) b cs
fromBuffer : Buffer -> IO Binary
fromBuffer buf
= do len <- rawSize buf
pure (MkBin [] (MkChunk buf 0 len len) []) -- assume all used
pure (MkBin buf 0 len len)
writeToFile : (fname : String) -> Binary -> IO (Either FileError ())
writeToFile fname (MkBin done cur rest)
writeToFile fname c
= do Right h <- openFile fname WriteTruncate
| Left err => pure (Left err)
let chunks = reverse done ++ cur :: rest
writeChunks h chunks
writeBufferToFile h (resetBuffer (buf c)) (used c)
closeFile h
pure (Right ())
writeChunks : File -> List Chunk -> IO ()
writeChunks h [] = pure ()
writeChunks h (c :: cs)
= do writeBufferToFile h (resetBuffer (buf c)) (used c)
writeChunks h cs
readFromFile : (fname : String) -> IO (Either FileError Binary)
readFromFile fname
= do Right h <- openFile fname Read
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Right max <- fileSize h
Right fsize <- fileSize h
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Just b <- newBuffer max
Just b <- newBuffer fsize
| Nothing => pure (Left (GenericFileError 0)) --- um, not really
b <- readBufferFromFile h b max
pure (Right (MkBin [] (MkChunk b 0 max max) []))
b <- readBufferFromFile h b fsize
pure (Right (MkBin b 0 fsize fsize))
-- A mapping from the resolved name ids encountered in a TTC file to the
-- name they represent, and (if known) the new resolved id it'll be after
@ -143,16 +103,21 @@ interface TTC a where -- TTC = TT intermediate code/interface file
-- Throws if the data can't be parsed as an 'a'
fromBuf : NameRefs -> Ref Bin Binary -> Core a
blockSize : Int
blockSize = 655360
-- Create a new list of chunks, initialised with one 64k chunk
initBinary : Core (Ref Bin Binary)
= do Just buf <- coreLift $ newBuffer blockSize
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer creation failed")
newRef Bin (MkBin [] (newChunk buf) [])
newRef Bin (newBinary buf)
extendBinary : Binary -> Core Binary
extendBinary (MkBin buf l s u)
= do let s' = s + blockSize
Just buf' <- coreLift $ resizeBuffer buf s'
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
pure (MkBin buf' l s' u)
initNameRefs : Int -> Core NameRefs
@ -169,33 +134,23 @@ corrupt ty = throw (TTCError (Corrupt ty))
TTC Bits8 where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 1
do coreLift $ setByte (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 1 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer blockSize
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setByte newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 1 (size newbuf) 1)
put Bin (appended 1 chunk)
else do chunk' <- extendBinary chunk
coreLift $ setByte (buf chunk') (loc chunk') val
put Bin (appended 1 chunk')
fromBuf s b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 1
do val <- coreLift $ getByte (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 1 chunk) rest)
put Bin (incLoc 1 chunk)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Byte"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getByte (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 1 next) rest)
pure val
else throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Byte"))
tag : {auto b : Ref Bin Binary} -> Bits8 -> Core ()
@ -211,67 +166,47 @@ getTag {r} {b} = fromBuf r b
TTC Int where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 4
do coreLift $ setInt (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 4 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer blockSize
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setInt newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 4 (size newbuf) 4)
put Bin (appended 4 chunk)
else do chunk' <- extendBinary chunk
coreLift $ setInt (buf chunk') (loc chunk') val
put Bin (appended 4 chunk')
fromBuf r b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 4
do val <- coreLift $ getInt (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 4 chunk) rest)
put Bin (incLoc 4 chunk)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Int"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getInt (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 4 next) rest)
pure val
else throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer ("Int " ++ show (loc chunk, size chunk))))
TTC String where
toBuf b val
= do let req : Int = cast (length val)
toBuf b req
MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
chunk <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= req
do coreLift $ setString (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended req chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer blockSize
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setString newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf req (size newbuf) req)
put Bin (appended req chunk)
else do chunk' <- extendBinary chunk
coreLift $ setString (buf chunk') (loc chunk') val
put Bin (appended req chunk')
fromBuf r b
= do len <- fromBuf {a = Int} r b
MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
chunk <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= len
do val <- coreLift $ getString (buf chunk) (loc chunk) len
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc len chunk) rest)
put Bin (incLoc len chunk)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "String"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getString (buf next) 0 len
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(incLoc len next) rest)
pure val
else throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "String"))
TTC Bool where
@ -293,32 +228,23 @@ TTC Char where
TTC Double where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 8
do coreLift $ setDouble (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 8 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer blockSize
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setDouble newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 8 (size newbuf) 8)
put Bin (appended 8 chunk)
else do chunk' <- extendBinary chunk
coreLift $ setDouble (buf chunk') (loc chunk') val
put Bin (appended 8 chunk')
fromBuf r b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
= do chunk <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 8
do val <- coreLift $ getDouble (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 8 chunk) rest)
put Bin (incLoc 8 chunk)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Double"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getDouble (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 8 next) rest)
pure val
else throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Double"))
(TTC a, TTC b) => TTC (a, b) where