Bring in more bits of IDE mode

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-06-02 15:38:39 +01:00
parent d6e637b2c5
commit 8302fb08a7
7 changed files with 388 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.CaseSplit
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import TTImp.Interactive.CaseSplit
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils
import Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine
import Idris.REPLOpts
import Idris.Resugar
import Idris.Syntax
%default covering
getLine : Nat -> List String -> Maybe String
getLine Z (l :: ls) = Just l
getLine (S k) (l :: ls) = getLine k ls
getLine _ [] = Nothing
toStrUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
(Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
toStrUpdate (UN n, term)
= do clause <- pterm term
pure [(n, show (bracket clause))]
bracket : PTerm -> PTerm
bracket tm@(PRef _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PList _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PPair _ _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PUnit _) = tm
bracket tm@(PComprehension _ _ _) = tm
bracket tm@(PPrimVal _ _) = tm
bracket tm = PBracketed emptyFC tm
toStrUpdate _ = pure [] -- can't replace non user names
dump : SourcePart -> String
dump (Whitespace str) = str
dump (Name n) = n
dump (HoleName n) = "?" ++ n
dump LBrace = "{"
dump RBrace = "}"
dump Equal = "="
dump (Other str) = str
data UPD : Type where
doUpdates : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List (String, String) -> List SourcePart ->
Core (List SourcePart)
doUpdates defs ups [] = pure []
doUpdates defs ups (LBrace :: xs)
= case dropSpace xs of
Name n :: RBrace :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: RBrace :: rest)))
Name n :: Equal :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups rest))
_ => pure (LBrace :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
dropSpace : List SourcePart -> List SourcePart
dropSpace [] = []
dropSpace (RBrace :: xs) = RBrace :: xs
dropSpace (Whitespace _ :: xs) = dropSpace xs
dropSpace (x :: xs) = x :: dropSpace xs
doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: xs)
= case lookup n ups of
Nothing => pure (Name n :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
Just up => pure (Other up :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs))
doUpdates defs ups (HoleName n :: xs)
= do used <- get UPD
n' <- uniqueName defs used n
put UPD (n' :: used)
pure $ HoleName n' :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
doUpdates defs ups (x :: xs)
= pure $ x :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
-- State here is a list of new hole names we generated (so as not to reuse any).
-- Update the token list with the string replacements for each match, and return
-- the newly generated strings.
updateAll : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List (List (String, String)) ->
Core (List String)
updateAll defs l [] = pure []
updateAll defs l (rs :: rss)
= do l' <- doUpdates defs rs l
rss' <- updateAll defs l rss
pure (concat (map dump l') :: rss')
-- Turn the replacements we got from 'getSplits' into a list of actual string
-- replacements
getReplaces : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List (Name, RawImp) -> Core (List (String, String))
getReplaces updates
= do strups <- traverse toStrUpdate updates
pure (concat strups)
showImpossible : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
RawImp -> Core String
showImpossible lhs
= do clause <- pterm lhs
pure (show clause ++ " impossible")
-- Given a list of updates and a line and column, find the relevant line in
-- the source file and return the lines to replace it with
updateCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
List ClauseUpdate -> Int -> Int ->
Core (List String)
updateCase splits line col
= do opts <- get ROpts
case mainfile opts of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "No file loaded")
Just f =>
do Right file <- coreLift $ readFile f
| Left err => throw (FileErr f err)
let thisline = getLine (cast line) (lines file)
case thisline of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "File too short!")
Just l =>
do let valid = mapMaybe getValid splits
let bad = mapMaybe getBad splits
if isNil valid
then traverse showImpossible bad
else do rs <- traverse getReplaces valid
let stok = tokens l
defs <- get Ctxt
u <- newRef UPD (the (List String) [])
updateAll defs stok rs
getValid : ClauseUpdate -> Maybe (List (Name, RawImp))
getValid (Valid _ ups) = Just ups
getValid _ = Nothing
getBad : ClauseUpdate -> Maybe RawImp
getBad (Impossible lhs) = Just lhs
getBad _ = Nothing
fnName : Bool -> Name -> String
fnName lhs (UN n)
= if any (not . identChar) (unpack n)
then if lhs then "(" ++ n ++ ")"
else "op"
else n
fnName lhs (NS _ n) = fnName lhs n
fnName lhs (DN s _) = s
fnName lhs n = show n
getClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
Int -> Name -> Core (Maybe String)
getClause l n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just (loc, nidx, envlen, ty) <- findTyDeclAt (\p, n => onLine (l-1) p)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
n <- getFullName nidx
argns <- getEnvArgNames defs envlen !(nf defs [] ty)
pure (Just (indent loc ++ fnName True n ++ concat (map (" " ++) argns) ++
" = ?" ++ fnName False n ++ "_rhs"))
indent : FC -> String
indent fc = pack (replicate (cast (snd (startPos fc))) ' ')

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.MakeClause
import Core.Name
import Parser.Lexer
-- Implement make-with and make-case from the IDE mode
isLit : String -> (Bool, String)
isLit str
= assert_total $
if length str > 0 && strHead str == '>'
then (True, strTail str)
else (False, str)
showRHSName : Name -> String
showRHSName n
= let fn = show (dropNS n) in
if any (flip elem (unpack opChars)) (unpack fn)
then "op"
else fn
makeWith : Name -> String -> String
makeWith n srcline
= let (lit, src) = isLit srcline
isrc : (Nat, String) =
case span isSpace src of
(spc, rest) => (length spc, rest)
indent = fst isrc
src = snd isrc
lhs = pack (readLHS 0 (unpack src)) in
mkWithArg lit indent lhs ++ "\n" ++
mkWithPat lit indent lhs ++ "\n"
readLHS : (brackets : Nat) -> List Char -> List Char
readLHS Z ('=' :: rest) = []
readLHS n ('(' :: rest) = '(' :: readLHS (S n) rest
readLHS n ('{' :: rest) = '{' :: readLHS (S n) rest
readLHS n (')' :: rest) = ')' :: readLHS (pred n) rest
readLHS n ('}' :: rest) = '}' :: readLHS (pred n) rest
readLHS n (x :: rest) = x :: readLHS n rest
readLHS n [] = []
pref : Bool -> Nat -> String
pref l ind
= (if l then ">" else "") ++
pack (replicate ind ' ')
mkWithArg : Bool -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithArg lit indent lhs
= pref lit indent ++ lhs ++ "with (_)"
mkWithPat : Bool -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithPat lit indent lhs
= pref lit (indent + 2) ++ lhs ++ "| with_pat = ?" ++
showRHSName n ++ "_rhs"

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Text.Parser
import Parser.Lexer
import Parser.Support
import Text.Lexer
-- Slightly different lexer than the source language because we are more free
-- as to what can be identifiers, and fewer tokens are supported. But otherwise,
-- we can reuse the standard stuff
%hide Lexer.symbols
symbols : List String
symbols = ["(", ":", ")"]
ident : Lexer
ident = pred startIdent <+> many (pred validIdent)
startIdent : Char -> Bool
startIdent '_' = True
startIdent x = isAlpha x
validIdent : Char -> Bool
validIdent '_' = True
validIdent '-' = True
validIdent '\'' = True
validIdent x = isAlphaNum x
ideTokens : TokenMap Token
ideTokens =
map (\x => (exact x, Symbol)) symbols ++
[(digits, \x => Literal (cast x)),
(stringLit, \x => StrLit (stripQuotes x)),
(ident, Ident),
(space, Comment)]
stripQuotes : String -> String
-- ASSUMPTION! Only total because we know we're getting quoted strings.
stripQuotes = assert_total (strTail . reverse . strTail . reverse)
idelex : String -> Either (Int, Int, String) (List (TokenData Token))
idelex str
= case lex ideTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
[MkToken l c EndInput])
(_, fail) => Left fail
notComment : TokenData Token -> Bool
notComment t = case tok t of
Comment _ => False
_ => True
sexp : Rule SExp
= do symbol ":"; exactIdent "True"
pure (BoolAtom True)
<|> do symbol ":"; exactIdent "False"
pure (BoolAtom False)
<|> do i <- intLit
pure (IntegerAtom i)
<|> do str <- strLit
pure (StringAtom str)
<|> do symbol ":"; x <- unqualifiedName
pure (SymbolAtom x)
<|> do symbol "("
xs <- many sexp
symbol ")"
pure (SExpList xs)
ideParser : String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
ideParser str p
= case idelex str of
Left err => Left $ LexFail err
Right toks =>
case parse p toks of
Left (Error err []) =>
Left $ ParseFail err Nothing []
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left $ ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t))
(map tok (t :: ts))
Right (val, _) => Right val
parseSExp : String -> Either ParseError SExp
parseSExp inp
= ideParser inp (do c <- sexp; eoi; pure c)

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Idris.IDEMode.TokenLine
-- Tokenise a source line for easier processing
import Text.Lexer
public export
data SourcePart
= Whitespace String
| Name String
| HoleName String
| LBrace
| RBrace
| Equal
| Other String
ident : Lexer
ident = pred startIdent <+> many (pred validIdent)
startIdent : Char -> Bool
startIdent '_' = True
startIdent x = isAlpha x
validIdent : Char -> Bool
validIdent '_' = True
validIdent '\'' = True
validIdent x = isAlphaNum x
holeIdent : Lexer
holeIdent = is '?' <+> ident
srcTokens : TokenMap SourcePart
srcTokens =
[(ident, Name),
(holeIdent, \x => HoleName (assert_total (strTail x))),
(space, Whitespace),
(is '{', const LBrace),
(is '}', const RBrace),
(is '=', const Equal),
(any, Other)]
tokens : String -> List SourcePart
tokens str
= case lex srcTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(srctoks, (l, c, rest)) =>
map tok srctoks ++ (if rest == "" then [] else [Other rest])

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@ -149,6 +149,13 @@ getArgNames defs allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ p ty) sc)
pure $ ns ++ !(getArgNames defs (map UN ns ++ allvars) env sc')
getArgNames defs allvars env val = pure []
getEnvArgNames : Defs -> Nat -> NF [] -> Core (List String)
getEnvArgNames defs Z sc = getArgNames defs [] [] sc
getEnvArgNames defs (S k) (NBind fc n _ sc)
= getEnvArgNames defs k !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
getEnvArgNames defs n ty = pure []
expandCon : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List Name -> Name -> Core RawImp
expandCon fc usedvars con

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@ -32,12 +32,6 @@ fnName lhs (NS _ n) = fnName lhs n
fnName lhs (DN s _) = s
fnName lhs n = show n
getEnvArgNames : Defs -> Nat -> NF [] -> Core (List String)
getEnvArgNames defs Z sc = getArgNames defs [] [] sc
getEnvArgNames defs (S k) (NBind fc n _ sc)
= getEnvArgNames defs k !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
getEnvArgNames defs n ty = pure []
expandClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->

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@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ modules =