Do compiling/inlining per module

Compiled and inlined code is now written to the ttc, to save having to
compile everything at the end even if some definitions don't need
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-05-14 11:42:09 +01:00
parent 18b6449657
commit 87c54caa27
13 changed files with 203 additions and 186 deletions

View File

@ -287,8 +287,10 @@ static VAL mkstrlen(VM* vm, const char * str, size_t len, int outer) {
String * cl = allocStr(vm, len, outer);
// hdr.u8 used to mark a null string
cl->hdr.u8 = str == NULL;
if (!cl->hdr.u8)
if (!cl->hdr.u8) {
memcpy(cl->str, str, len);
cl->str[len] = '\0';
return (VAL)cl;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ public export
record CompileData where
constructor MkCompileData
allNames : List Name -- names which need to be compiled
nameTags : NameTags -- a mapping from type names to constructor tags
mainExpr : CExp [] -- main expression to execute. This also appears in
-- the definitions below as MN "__mainExpression" 0
lambdaLifted : List (Name, LiftedDef)
@ -84,22 +83,14 @@ getAllDesc (n@(Resolved i) :: rest) arr defs
case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => getAllDesc rest arr defs
Just def =>
do coreLift $ writeArray arr i i
let refs = refersToRuntime def
getAllDesc (keys refs ++ rest) arr defs
if multiplicity def /= erased
then do coreLift $ writeArray arr i i
let refs = refersToRuntime def
getAllDesc (keys refs ++ rest) arr defs
else getAllDesc rest arr defs
getAllDesc (n :: rest) arr defs
= getAllDesc rest arr defs
-- Calculate a unique tag for each type constructor name we're compiling
-- This is so that type constructor names get globally unique tags
mkNameTags : Defs -> NameTags -> Int -> List Name -> Core NameTags
mkNameTags defs tags t [] = pure tags
mkNameTags defs tags t (n :: ns)
= case !(lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
=> mkNameTags defs (insert n t tags) (t + 1) ns
_ => mkNameTags defs tags t ns
natHackNames : List Name
= [UN "prim__add_Integer",
@ -206,33 +197,20 @@ getCompileData tm_in
let allNs = mapMaybe (maybe Nothing (Just . Resolved))
!(coreLift (toList arr))
cns <- traverse toFullNames allNs
-- Initialise the type constructor list with explicit names for
-- the primitives (this is how we look up the tags)
-- Use '1' for '->' constructor
let tyconInit = insert (UN "->") 1 $
insert (UN "Type") 2 $
primTags 3 empty
[IntType, IntegerType, StringType,
CharType, DoubleType, WorldType]
tycontags <- mkNameTags defs tyconInit 100 cns
logTime ("Compile defs " ++ show (length cns) ++ "/" ++ show asize) $
traverse_ (compileDef tycontags) cns
logTime "Inline" $ traverse_ inlineDef cns
logTime "Merge lambda" $ traverse_ mergeLamDef cns
logTime "Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef cns
-- Do another round, since merging lambdas might expose more
-- optimisation opportunities, especially a really important one
-- for io_bind.
logTime "Inline" $ traverse_ inlineDef cns
logTime "Merge lambda" $ traverse_ mergeLamDef cns
logTime "Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef cns
logTime "Forget names" $ traverse_ mkForgetDef cns
compiledtm <- fixArityExp !(compileExp tycontags tm)
-- Do a round of merging/arity fixing for any names which were
-- unknown due to cyclic modules (i.e. declared in one, defined in
-- another)
rcns <- filterM nonErased cns
logTime "Merge lambda" $ traverse_ mergeLamDef rcns
logTime "Fix arity" $ traverse_ fixArityDef rcns
logTime "Forget names" $ traverse_ mkForgetDef rcns
compiledtm <- fixArityExp !(compileExp tm)
let mainname = MN "__mainExpression" 0
(liftedtm, ldefs) <- liftBody mainname compiledtm
lifted_in <- logTime "Lambda lift" $ traverse lambdaLift cns
lifted_in <- logTime "Lambda lift" $ traverse lambdaLift rcns
let lifted = (mainname, MkLFun [] [] liftedtm) ::
ldefs ++ concat lifted_in
@ -243,7 +221,7 @@ getCompileData tm_in
defs <- get Ctxt
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping case trees to " ++ f
dumpCases defs f cns)
dumpCases defs f rcns)
(dumpcases sopts)
maybe (pure ())
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping lambda lifted defs to " ++ f
@ -257,13 +235,15 @@ getCompileData tm_in
(\f => do coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Dumping VM defs to " ++ f
dumpVMCode f vmcode)
(dumpvmcode sopts)
pure (MkCompileData cns tycontags compiledtm
pure (MkCompileData rcns compiledtm
lifted anf vmcode)
primTags : Int -> NameTags -> List Constant -> NameTags
primTags t tags [] = tags
primTags t tags (c :: cs)
= primTags (t + 1) (insert (UN (show c)) t tags) cs
nonErased : Name -> Core Bool
nonErased n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure True
pure (multiplicity gdef /= erased)
-- Some things missing from Prelude.File

View File

@ -14,13 +14,6 @@ import Data.Vect
%default covering
-- Calculate tags for type constructors from all of the modules - they need
-- to be globally unique so we don't do this until just before compilation,
-- which is when we know how many we have
public export
NameTags : Type
NameTags = NameMap Int
data Args
= NewTypeBy Nat Nat
| EraseArgs Nat (List Nat)
@ -213,118 +206,118 @@ boolHackTree t = t
toCExpTm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> Term vars -> Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTm tags n (Local fc _ _ prf)
Name -> Term vars -> Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTm n (Local fc _ _ prf)
= pure $ CLocal fc prf
-- TMP HACK: extend this to all types which look like enumerations
-- after erasure
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "True")))
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "True")))
= pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "False")))
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "False")))
= pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "LT")))
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "LT")))
= pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "EQ")))
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "EQ")))
= pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "GT")))
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag Z) (NS ["Prelude"] (UN "GT")))
= pure $ CPrimVal fc (I tag)
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (DataCon tag arity) fn)
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (DataCon tag arity) fn)
= -- get full name for readability, and the Nat hack
pure $ CCon fc !(getFullName fn) (Just tag) []
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc (TyCon tag arity) fn)
toCExpTm n (Ref fc (TyCon tag arity) fn)
= pure $ CCon fc fn Nothing []
toCExpTm tags n (Ref fc _ fn)
toCExpTm n (Ref fc _ fn)
= do full <- getFullName fn
-- ^ For readability of output code, and the Nat hack,
pure $ CApp fc (CRef fc full) []
toCExpTm tags n (Meta fc mn i args)
= pure $ CApp fc (CRef fc mn) !(traverse (toCExp tags n) args)
toCExpTm tags n (Bind fc x (Lam _ _ _) sc)
= pure $ CLam fc x !(toCExp tags n sc)
toCExpTm tags n (Bind fc x (Let rig val _) sc)
= pure $ branchZero (shrinkCExp (DropCons SubRefl) !(toCExp tags n sc))
(CLet fc x True !(toCExp tags n val) !(toCExp tags n sc))
toCExpTm n (Meta fc mn i args)
= pure $ CApp fc (CRef fc mn) !(traverse (toCExp n) args)
toCExpTm n (Bind fc x (Lam _ _ _) sc)
= pure $ CLam fc x !(toCExp n sc)
toCExpTm n (Bind fc x (Let rig val _) sc)
= do sc' <- toCExp n sc
pure $ branchZero (shrinkCExp (DropCons SubRefl) sc')
(CLet fc x True !(toCExp n val) sc')
toCExpTm tags n (Bind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
= pure $ CCon fc (UN "->") Nothing [!(toCExp tags n ty),
CLam fc x !(toCExp tags n sc)]
toCExpTm tags n (Bind fc x b tm) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm n (Bind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
= pure $ CCon fc (UN "->") Nothing [!(toCExp n ty),
CLam fc x !(toCExp n sc)]
toCExpTm n (Bind fc x b tm) = pure $ CErased fc
-- We'd expect this to have been dealt with in toCExp, but for completeness...
toCExpTm tags n (App fc tm arg)
= pure $ CApp fc !(toCExp tags n tm) [!(toCExp tags n arg)]
toCExpTm n (App fc tm arg)
= pure $ CApp fc !(toCExp n tm) [!(toCExp n arg)]
-- This shouldn't be in terms any more, but here for completeness
toCExpTm tags n (As _ _ _ p) = toCExpTm tags n p
toCExpTm n (As _ _ _ p) = toCExpTm n p
-- TODO: Either make sure 'Delayed' is always Rig0, or add to typecase
toCExpTm tags n (TDelayed fc _ _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm tags n (TDelay fc _ _ arg)
= pure (CDelay fc !(toCExp tags n arg))
toCExpTm tags n (TForce fc _ arg)
= pure (CForce fc !(toCExp tags n arg))
toCExpTm tags n (PrimVal fc c)
toCExpTm n (TDelayed fc _ _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm n (TDelay fc _ _ arg)
= pure (CDelay fc !(toCExp n arg))
toCExpTm n (TForce fc _ arg)
= pure (CForce fc !(toCExp n arg))
toCExpTm n (PrimVal fc c)
= let t = constTag c in
if t == 0
then pure $ CPrimVal fc c
else pure $ CCon fc (UN (show c)) Nothing []
toCExpTm tags n (Erased fc _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm tags n (TType fc) = pure $ CCon fc (UN "Type") Nothing []
toCExpTm n (Erased fc _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm n (TType fc) = pure $ CCon fc (UN "Type") Nothing []
toCExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> Term vars -> Core (CExp vars)
toCExp tags n tm
Name -> Term vars -> Core (CExp vars)
toCExp n tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(f, args) =>
do args' <- traverse (toCExp tags n) args
do args' <- traverse (toCExp n) args
defs <- get Ctxt
f' <- toCExpTm n f
Arity a <- numArgs defs f
| NewTypeBy arity pos =>
do let res = applyNewType arity pos !(toCExpTm tags n f) args'
do let res = applyNewType arity pos f' args'
pure $ natHack res
| EraseArgs arity epos =>
do let res = eraseConArgs arity epos !(toCExpTm tags n f) args'
do let res = eraseConArgs arity epos f' args'
pure $ natHack res
let res = expandToArity a !(toCExpTm tags n f) args'
let res = expandToArity a f' args'
pure $ natHack res
conCases : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CConAlt vars))
conCases tags n [] = pure []
conCases {vars} tags n (ConCase x tag args sc :: ns)
conCases n [] = pure []
conCases {vars} n (ConCase x tag args sc :: ns)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact x (gamma defs)
| Nothing => -- primitive type match
do xn <- getFullName x
pure $ MkConAlt xn Nothing args !(toCExpTree tags n sc)
:: !(conCases tags n ns)
pure $ MkConAlt xn Nothing args !(toCExpTree n sc)
:: !(conCases n ns)
case (definition gdef) of
DCon _ arity (Just pos) => conCases tags n ns -- skip it
DCon _ arity (Just pos) => conCases n ns -- skip it
_ => do xn <- getFullName x
let (args' ** sub)
= mkDropSubst 0 (eraseArgs gdef) vars args
sc' <- toCExpTree n sc
ns' <- conCases n ns
if dcon (definition gdef)
then pure $ MkConAlt xn (Just tag) args'
(shrinkCExp sub !(toCExpTree tags n sc))
:: !(conCases tags n ns)
else pure $ MkConAlt xn Nothing args'
(shrinkCExp sub !(toCExpTree tags n sc))
:: !(conCases tags n ns)
then pure $ MkConAlt xn (Just tag) args' (shrinkCExp sub sc') :: ns'
else pure $ MkConAlt xn Nothing args' (shrinkCExp sub sc') :: ns'
dcon : Def -> Bool
dcon (DCon _ _ _) = True
dcon _ = False
conCases tags n (_ :: ns) = conCases tags n ns
conCases n (_ :: ns) = conCases n ns
constCases : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CConstAlt vars))
constCases tags n [] = pure []
constCases tags n (ConstCase WorldVal sc :: ns)
= constCases tags n ns
constCases tags n (ConstCase x sc :: ns)
= pure $ MkConstAlt x !(toCExpTree tags n sc) ::
!(constCases tags n ns)
constCases tags n (_ :: ns) = constCases tags n ns
constCases n [] = pure []
constCases n (ConstCase WorldVal sc :: ns)
= constCases n ns
constCases n (ConstCase x sc :: ns)
= pure $ MkConstAlt x !(toCExpTree n sc) ::
!(constCases n ns)
constCases n (_ :: ns) = constCases n ns
-- If there's a case which matches on a 'newtype', return the RHS
-- without matching.
@ -333,12 +326,12 @@ mutual
-- once.
getNewType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> CExp vars ->
NameTags -> Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp vars))
getNewType fc scr tags n [] = pure Nothing
getNewType fc scr tags n (DefaultCase sc :: ns)
getNewType fc scr n [] = pure Nothing
getNewType fc scr n (DefaultCase sc :: ns)
= pure $ Nothing
getNewType {vars} fc scr tags n (ConCase x tag args sc :: ns)
getNewType {vars} fc scr n (ConCase x tag args sc :: ns)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupDefExact x (gamma defs)) of
-- If the flag is False, we still take the
@ -359,12 +352,12 @@ mutual
-- then
let env : SubstCEnv args vars
= mkSubst 0 scr pos args in
pure $ Just (substs env !(toCExpTree tags n sc))
pure $ Just (substs env !(toCExpTree n sc))
-- else -- let bind the scrutinee, and substitute the
-- -- name into the RHS
-- let env : SubstCEnv args (MN "eff" 0 :: vars)
-- = mkSubst 0 (CLocal fc First) pos args in
-- do sc' <- toCExpTree tags n sc
-- do sc' <- toCExpTree n sc
-- let scope = thin {outer=args}
-- {inner=vars}
-- (MN "eff" 0) sc'
@ -379,61 +372,61 @@ mutual
= if i == pos
then scr :: mkSubst (1 + i) scr pos as
else CErased fc :: mkSubst (1 + i) scr pos as
getNewType fc scr tags n (_ :: ns) = getNewType fc scr tags n ns
getNewType fc scr n (_ :: ns) = getNewType fc scr n ns
getDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Name -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp vars))
getDef tags n [] = pure Nothing
getDef tags n (DefaultCase sc :: ns)
= pure $ Just !(toCExpTree tags n sc)
getDef tags n (ConstCase WorldVal sc :: ns)
= pure $ Just !(toCExpTree tags n sc)
getDef tags n (_ :: ns) = getDef tags n ns
getDef n [] = pure Nothing
getDef n (DefaultCase sc :: ns)
= pure $ Just !(toCExpTree n sc)
getDef n (ConstCase WorldVal sc :: ns)
= pure $ Just !(toCExpTree n sc)
getDef n (_ :: ns) = getDef n ns
toCExpTree : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTree tags n alts@(Case _ x scTy (DelayCase ty arg sc :: rest))
toCExpTree n alts@(Case _ x scTy (DelayCase ty arg sc :: rest))
= let fc = getLoc scTy in
pure $
CLet fc arg True (CForce fc (CLocal (getLoc scTy) x)) $
CLet fc ty True (CErased fc)
!(toCExpTree tags n sc)
toCExpTree tags n alts
= toCExpTree' tags n alts
!(toCExpTree n sc)
toCExpTree n alts
= toCExpTree' n alts
toCExpTree' : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (CExp vars)
toCExpTree' tags n (Case _ x scTy alts@(ConCase _ _ _ _ :: _))
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy alts@(ConCase _ _ _ _ :: _))
= let fc = getLoc scTy in
do Nothing <- getNewType fc (CLocal fc x) tags n alts
do Nothing <- getNewType fc (CLocal fc x) n alts
| Just def => pure def
defs <- get Ctxt
cases <- conCases tags n alts
def <- getDef tags n alts
cases <- conCases n alts
def <- getDef n alts
if isNil cases
then pure (fromMaybe (CErased fc) def)
else pure $ boolHackTree $ natHackTree $
CConCase fc (CLocal fc x) cases def
toCExpTree' tags n (Case _ x scTy alts@(DelayCase _ _ _ :: _))
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy alts@(DelayCase _ _ _ :: _))
= throw (InternalError "Unexpected DelayCase")
toCExpTree' tags n (Case fc x scTy alts@(ConstCase _ _ :: _))
toCExpTree' n (Case fc x scTy alts@(ConstCase _ _ :: _))
= let fc = getLoc scTy in
do cases <- constCases tags n alts
def <- getDef tags n alts
do cases <- constCases n alts
def <- getDef n alts
if isNil cases
then pure (fromMaybe (CErased fc) def)
else pure $ CConstCase fc (CLocal fc x) cases def
toCExpTree' tags n (Case _ x scTy alts@(DefaultCase sc :: _))
= toCExpTree tags n sc
toCExpTree' tags n (Case _ x scTy [])
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy alts@(DefaultCase sc :: _))
= toCExpTree n sc
toCExpTree' n (Case _ x scTy [])
= pure $ CCrash (getLoc scTy) $ "Missing case tree in " ++ show n
toCExpTree' tags n (STerm tm) = toCExp tags n tm
toCExpTree' tags n (Unmatched msg)
toCExpTree' n (STerm tm) = toCExp n tm
toCExpTree' n (Unmatched msg)
= pure $ CCrash emptyFC msg
toCExpTree' tags n Impossible
toCExpTree' n Impossible
= pure $ CCrash emptyFC ("Impossible case encountered in " ++ show n)
-- Need this for ensuring that argument list matches up to operator arity for
@ -507,9 +500,10 @@ nfToCFType _ False (NBind fc _ (Pi _ _ ty) sc)
pure (CFFun sty tty)
nfToCFType _ True (NBind fc _ _ _)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Function types not allowed in a foreign struct")
nfToCFType _ s (NTCon fc n _ _ args)
nfToCFType _ s (NTCon fc n_in _ _ args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(getNArgs defs !(toFullNames n) args) of
n <- toFullNames n_in
case !(getNArgs defs n args) of
User un uargs =>
do nargs <- traverse (evalClosure defs) uargs
cargs <- traverse (nfToCFType fc s) nargs
@ -527,6 +521,10 @@ nfToCFType _ s (NTCon fc n _ _ args)
do narg <- evalClosure defs uarg
carg <- nfToCFType fc s narg
pure (CFIORes carg)
nfToCFType _ s (NType _)
= pure (CFUser (UN "Type") [])
nfToCFType _ s (NErased _ _)
= pure (CFUser (UN "__") [])
nfToCFType fc s t
= do defs <- get Ctxt
ty <- quote defs [] t
@ -546,13 +544,13 @@ getCFTypes args t
= pure (reverse args, !(nfToCFType (getLoc t) False t))
toCDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> Name -> ClosedTerm -> Def ->
Name -> ClosedTerm -> Def ->
Core CDef
toCDef tags n ty None
toCDef n ty None
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered undefined name " ++ show !(getFullName n))
toCDef tags n ty (PMDef _ args _ tree _)
= pure $ MkFun _ !(toCExpTree tags n tree)
toCDef tags n ty (ExternDef arity)
toCDef n ty (PMDef _ args _ tree _)
= pure $ MkFun _ !(toCExpTree n tree)
toCDef n ty (ExternDef arity)
= let (ns ** args) = mkArgList 0 arity in
pure $ MkFun _ (CExtPrim emptyFC !(getFullName n) (map toArgExp (getVars args)))
@ -562,11 +560,11 @@ toCDef tags n ty (ExternDef arity)
getVars : ArgList k ns -> List (Var ns)
getVars NoArgs = []
getVars (ConsArg a rest) = MkVar First :: map weakenVar (getVars rest)
toCDef tags n ty (ForeignDef arity cs)
toCDef n ty (ForeignDef arity cs)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
(atys, retty) <- getCFTypes [] !(nf defs [] ty)
pure $ MkForeign cs atys retty
toCDef tags n ty (Builtin {arity} op)
toCDef n ty (Builtin {arity} op)
= let (ns ** args) = mkArgList 0 arity in
pure $ MkFun _ (COp emptyFC op (map toArgExp (getVars args)))
@ -576,41 +574,41 @@ toCDef tags n ty (Builtin {arity} op)
getVars : ArgList k ns -> Vect k (Var ns)
getVars NoArgs = []
getVars (ConsArg a rest) = MkVar First :: map weakenVar (getVars rest)
toCDef tags n _ (DCon tag arity pos)
toCDef n _ (DCon tag arity pos)
= let nt = maybe Nothing (Just . snd) pos in
pure $ MkCon (Just tag) arity nt
toCDef tags n _ (TCon tag arity _ _ _ _ _ _)
toCDef n _ (TCon tag arity _ _ _ _ _ _)
= pure $ MkCon Nothing arity Nothing
-- We do want to be able to compile these, but also report an error at run time
-- (and, TODO: warn at compile time)
toCDef tags n ty (Hole _ _)
toCDef n ty (Hole _ _)
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered unimplemented hole " ++
show !(getFullName n))
toCDef tags n ty (Guess _ _ _)
toCDef n ty (Guess _ _ _)
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered constrained hole " ++
show !(getFullName n))
toCDef tags n ty (BySearch _ _ _)
toCDef n ty (BySearch _ _ _)
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered incomplete proof search " ++
show !(getFullName n))
toCDef tags n ty def
toCDef n ty def
= pure $ MkError $ CCrash emptyFC ("Encountered uncompilable name " ++
show (!(getFullName n), def))
compileExp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
NameTags -> ClosedTerm -> Core (CExp [])
compileExp tags tm
= do exp <- toCExp tags (UN "main") tm
ClosedTerm -> Core (CExp [])
compileExp tm
= do exp <- toCExp (UN "main") tm
pure exp
||| Given a name, look up an expression, and compile it to a CExp in the environment
compileDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> NameTags -> Name -> Core ()
compileDef tags n
compileDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Name -> Core ()
compileDef n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Trying to compile unknown name " ++ show n))
ce <- toCDef tags n (type gdef)
ce <- toCDef n (type gdef)
!(toFullNames (definition gdef))
setCompiled n ce

View File

@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ import Core.Context
import Core.FC
import Core.TT
import Data.Vect
import Data.LengthMatch
import Data.NameMap
import Data.Vect
%default covering
@ -419,3 +420,27 @@ mergeLamDef n
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs) | Nothing => pure ()
let Just cexpr = compexpr def | Nothing => pure ()
setCompiled n !(mergeLam cexpr)
compileAndInlineAll : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core ()
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let ns = keys (toIR defs)
cns <- filterM nonErased ns
traverse_ compileDef cns
traverse_ inlineDef cns
traverse_ mergeLamDef cns
traverse_ fixArityDef cns
traverse_ inlineDef cns
traverse_ mergeLamDef cns
traverse_ fixArityDef cns
nonErased : Name -> Core Bool
nonErased n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure False
pure (multiplicity gdef /= erased)

View File

@ -328,7 +328,6 @@ compileToSS c appdir tm outfile
traverse_ copyLib libs
cdata <- getCompileData tm
let ns = allNames cdata
let tags = nameTags cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -291,7 +291,6 @@ compileToRKT : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
compileToRKT c tm outfile
= do cdata <- getCompileData tm
let ns = allNames cdata
let tags = nameTags cdata
let ctm = forget (mainExpr cdata)
defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Data.Buffer
-- TTC files can only be compatible if the version number is the same
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 24
ttcVersion = 25
checkTTCVersion : String -> Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ readTTCFile : TTC extra =>
Ref Bin Binary -> Core (TTCFile extra)
readTTCFile modns as b
= do hdr <- fromBuf b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
chunk <- get Bin
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt ("TTC header in " ++ show modns ++ " " ++ show hdr)
ver <- fromBuf b
checkTTCVersion (show modns) ver ttcVersion
ifaceHash <- fromBuf b
@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ getImportHashes : String -> Ref Bin Binary ->
Core (List (List String, Int))
getImportHashes file b
= do hdr <- fromBuf {a = String} b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt ("TTC header in " ++ file ++ " " ++ show hdr)
ver <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
checkTTCVersion file ver ttcVersion
ifaceHash <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ getImportHashes file b
getHash : String -> Ref Bin Binary -> Core Int
getHash file b
= do hdr <- fromBuf {a = String} b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt ("TTC header in " ++ file ++ " " ++ show hdr)
ver <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
checkTTCVersion file ver ttcVersion
fromBuf b

View File

@ -826,8 +826,11 @@ record Defs where
cgdirectives : List (CG, String)
-- ^ Code generator directives, which are free form text and thus to
-- be interpreted however the specific code generator requires
toCompile : List Name
toCompileCase : List Name
-- ^ Names which need to be compiled to run time case trees
toIR : NameMap ()
-- ^ Names which need to be compiled to IR at the end of processing
-- the current module
userHoles : NameMap ()
-- ^ Metavariables the user still has to fill in. In practice, that's
-- everything with a user accessible name and a definition of Hole
@ -853,7 +856,7 @@ initDefs
= do gam <- initCtxt
pure (MkDefs gam [] ["Main"] [] defaults empty 100
empty empty empty [] [] empty []
empty 5381 [] [] [] [] [] empty empty empty)
empty 5381 [] [] [] [] [] empty empty empty empty)
-- Reset the context, except for the options
@ -1061,9 +1064,12 @@ depth
addToSave : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core ()
addToSave n
addToSave n_in
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { toSave $= insert !(full (gamma defs) n) () } defs)
n <- full (gamma defs) n_in
put Ctxt (record { toSave $= insert n (),
toIR $= insert n ()
} defs)
-- Specific lookup functions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
module Core.InitPrimitives
import Compiler.CompileExpr
import Core.Context
import Core.Primitives
import Core.TT
-- import Data.NameMap
%default covering
addPrim : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Prim -> Core ()
addPrim p
= do addBuiltin (opName (fn p)) (type p) (totality p) (fn p)
-- compileDef empty (opName (fn p))
compileDef (opName (fn p))
addPrimitives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core ()

View File

@ -918,13 +918,13 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
toBuf b (map toList (refersToM gdef))
toBuf b (map toList (refersToRuntimeM gdef))
toBuf b (location gdef)
toBuf b (multiplicity gdef)
when (isUserName (fullname gdef) || cwName (fullname gdef)) $
do toBuf b (type gdef)
toBuf b (eraseArgs gdef)
toBuf b (safeErase gdef)
toBuf b (specArgs gdef)
toBuf b (inferrable gdef)
toBuf b (multiplicity gdef)
toBuf b (vars gdef)
toBuf b (visibility gdef)
toBuf b (totality gdef)
@ -946,11 +946,12 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
let refs = map fromList refsList
let refsR = map fromList refsRList
loc <- fromBuf b
mul <- fromBuf b
if isUserName name
then do ty <- fromBuf b; eargs <- fromBuf b;
seargs <- fromBuf b; specargs <- fromBuf b
iargs <- fromBuf b;
mul <- fromBuf b; vars <- fromBuf b
vars <- fromBuf b
vis <- fromBuf b; tot <- fromBuf b
fl <- fromBuf b
inv <- fromBuf b
@ -960,7 +961,7 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
mul vars vis
tot fl refs refsR inv c True def cdef Nothing sc)
else pure (MkGlobalDef loc name (Erased loc False) [] [] [] []
top [] Public unchecked [] refs refsR
mul [] Public unchecked [] refs refsR
False False True def cdef Nothing [])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Idris.ProcessIdr
import Compiler.Inline
import Core.Binary
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ processMod srcf ttcf msg sourcecode
errs <- logTime "Processing decls" $
processDecls (decls mod)
logTime "Compile defs" $ compileAndInlineAll
-- Save the import hashes for the imports we just read.
-- If they haven't changed next time, and the source
-- file hasn't changed, no need to rebuild.

View File

@ -607,11 +607,11 @@ compileRunTime : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core ()
compileRunTime atotal
= do defs <- get Ctxt
traverse_ mkRunTime (toCompile defs)
traverse (calcRefs True atotal) (toCompile defs)
traverse_ mkRunTime (toCompileCase defs)
traverse (calcRefs True atotal) (toCompileCase defs)
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { toCompile = [] } defs)
put Ctxt (record { toCompileCase = [] } defs)
toPats : Clause -> (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs))
toPats (MkClause {vars} env lhs rhs)
@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ processDef opts nest env fc n_in cs_in
-- Flag this name as one which needs compiling
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { toCompile $= (n ::) } defs)
put Ctxt (record { toCompileCase $= (n ::) } defs)
atotal <- toResolvedNames (NS ["Builtin"] (UN "assert_total"))
when (not (InCase `elem` opts)) $

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Erasable args: []
Detaggable arg types: []
Specialise args: []
Inferrable args: []
Compiled: Constructor tag Just 0 arity 1 (newtype by 0)
Refers to: []
Refers to (runtime): []
Main> Main.MkBar ==> DataCon 0 1
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ Erasable args: []
Detaggable arg types: []
Specialise args: []
Inferrable args: []
Compiled: Constructor tag Just 0 arity 1
Refers to: []
Refers to (runtime): []
Main> Bye for now!