Add pruneByType

This shortcuts ambiguity checking by only keeping the things which have
the target type. Given a set of ambiguous applications, the rules are:

- keep any which return the expected target type (a concrete match), or
  a polymorphic type (a possible match)
- if there are any concrete matches, drop any possible match which has
  the '%allow_overloads' flag set (in practice this will be interface
  methods, but other things can be flagged).
- if there ar eno matches, keep everything so that the error messages
  show everything that went wrong.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-05-21 12:11:55 +01:00
parent c2e1b85143
commit 9f4ca9e67f
2 changed files with 124 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -100,6 +100,123 @@ expandAmbigName mode env orig args (IImplicitApp fc f n a) exp
((fc, Just n, a) :: args) f exp
expandAmbigName elabmode env orig args tm exp = pure orig
stripDelay : Defs -> NF vars -> Core (NF vars)
stripDelay defs (NDelayed fc r t) = evalClosure defs t
stripDelay defs tm = pure tm
data TypeMatch = Concrete | Poly | NoMatch
mightMatchD : Defs -> NF vars -> NF [] -> Core TypeMatch
mightMatchD defs l r
= mightMatch defs !(stripDelay defs l) !(stripDelay defs r)
mightMatchArg : Defs ->
(AppInfo, Closure vars) -> (AppInfo, Closure []) ->
Core Bool
mightMatchArg defs (_, l) (_, r)
= case !(mightMatchD defs !(evalClosure defs l) !(evalClosure defs r)) of
NoMatch => pure False
_ => pure True
mightMatchArgs : Defs ->
List (AppInfo, Closure vars) -> List (AppInfo, Closure []) ->
Core Bool
mightMatchArgs defs [] [] = pure True
mightMatchArgs defs (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= do amatch <- mightMatchArg defs x y
if amatch
then mightMatchArgs defs xs ys
else pure False
mightMatchArgs _ _ _ = pure False
mightMatch : Defs -> NF vars -> NF [] -> Core TypeMatch
mightMatch defs target (NBind fc n (Pi _ _ _) sc)
= mightMatchD defs target !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
mightMatch defs (NTCon _ n t a args) (NTCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if n == n'
then do amatch <- mightMatchArgs defs args args'
if amatch then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NDCon _ n t a args) (NDCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if t == t'
then do amatch <- mightMatchArgs defs args args'
if amatch then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y)
= if x == y then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NType _) (NType _) = pure Concrete
mightMatch defs (NApp _ _ _) _ = pure Poly
mightMatch defs (NErased _) _ = pure Poly
mightMatch defs _ (NApp _ _ _) = pure Poly
mightMatch defs _ (NErased _) = pure Poly
mightMatch _ _ _ = pure NoMatch
-- Return true if the given name could return something of the given target type
couldBeName : Defs -> NF vars -> Name -> Core TypeMatch
couldBeName defs target n
= case !(lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure Poly -- could be a local name, don't rule it out
Just ty => mightMatchD defs target !(nf defs [] ty)
couldBeFn : Defs -> NF vars -> RawImp -> Core TypeMatch
couldBeFn defs ty (IVar _ n) = couldBeName defs ty n
couldBeFn defs ty _ = pure Poly
-- Returns Nothing if there's no possibility the expression's type matches
-- the target type
-- Just (True, app) if it's a match on concrete return type
-- Just (False, app) if it might be a match due to being polymorphic
couldBe : Defs -> NF vars -> RawImp -> Core (Maybe (Bool, RawImp))
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NTCon _ n _ _ _) app
= case !(couldBeFn {vars} defs ty (getFn app)) of
Concrete => pure $ Just (True, app)
Poly => pure $ Just (False, app)
NoMatch => pure Nothing
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NPrimVal _ _) app
= case !(couldBeFn {vars} defs ty (getFn app)) of
Concrete => pure $ Just (True, app)
Poly => pure $ Just (False, app)
NoMatch => pure Nothing
couldBe defs ty app = pure $ Just (False, app)
notOverloadable : Defs -> RawImp -> Core Bool
notOverloadable defs fn = notOverloadableFn (getFn fn)
notOverloadableFn : RawImp -> Core Bool
notOverloadableFn (IVar _ n)
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure True
pure (not (Overloadable `elem` flags gdef))
notOverloadableFn _ = pure True
filterCore : (a -> Core Bool) -> List a -> Core (List a)
filterCore f [] = pure []
filterCore f (x :: xs)
= do p <- f x
xs' <- filterCore f xs
if p then pure (x :: xs')
else pure xs'
pruneByType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
NF vars -> List RawImp ->
Core (List RawImp)
pruneByType target alts
= do defs <- get Ctxt
matches_in <- traverse (couldBe defs target) alts
let matches = mapMaybe id matches_in
res <- if or (map Delay (map fst matches))
-- if there's any concrete matches, drop the ones marked
-- as '%allow_overloads' from the possible set
then filterCore (notOverloadable defs) (map snd matches)
else pure (map snd matches)
if isNil res
then pure alts -- if none of them work, better to show all the errors
else pure res
ambiguous : Error -> Bool
ambiguous (AmbiguousElab _ _ _) = True
@ -141,6 +258,7 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc uniq alts mexpected
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
(\delayed =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
alts' <- pruneByType !(getNF expected) alts
exp <- getTerm expected
-- If we don't know the target type on the first attempt,
-- delay

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@ -277,3 +277,9 @@ apply : RawImp -> List RawImp -> RawImp
apply f [] = f
apply f (x :: xs) = apply (IApp (getFC f) f x) xs
getFn : RawImp -> RawImp
getFn (IApp _ f arg) = getFn f
getFn (IImplicitApp _ f _ _) = getFn f
getFn f = f