Check import hashes before a full parse

This needed a bit of reorganisation, but it speeds up checking if a
module doesn't need rebuilding due to the import interfaces not
changing. Also it means that the "Type checking foo.idr" message is
displayed before parsing rather than after, which is probably better.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-02-10 15:47:19 +00:00
parent a9db2b6754
commit 9fd2e428ad
8 changed files with 103 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -50,24 +50,6 @@ Show BuildMod where
showNS : List String -> String
showNS ns = showSep "." (reverse ns)
readHeader : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> (mod : List String) -> Core (String, Module)
readHeader loc mod
= do path <- nsToSource loc mod
Right res <- coreLift (readFile path)
| Left err => throw (FileErr path err)
case runParserTo isColon res (progHdr path) of
Left err => throw (ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc path err) err)
Right mod => pure (path, mod)
-- Stop at the first :, that's definitely not part of the header, to
-- save lexing the whole file unnecessarily
isColon : TokenData Token -> Bool
isColon t
= case tok t of
Symbol ":" => True
_ => False
data AllMods : Type where
mkModTree : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -86,7 +68,8 @@ mkModTree loc done mod
-- If we've seen it before, reuse what we found
case lookup mod all of
Nothing =>
do (file, modInfo) <- readHeader loc mod
do file <- nsToSource loc mod
modInfo <- readHeader file
let imps = map path (imports modInfo)
ms <- traverse (mkModTree loc (mod :: done)) imps
let mt = MkModTree mod (Just file) ms

View File

@ -176,6 +176,24 @@ getParseErrorLoc fname (ParseFail _ (Just pos) _) = MkFC fname pos pos
getParseErrorLoc fname (LexFail (l, c, _)) = MkFC fname (l, c) (l, c)
getParseErrorLoc fname _ = replFC
readHeader : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(path : String) -> Core Module
readHeader path
= do Right res <- coreLift (readFile path)
| Left err => throw (FileErr path err)
case runParserTo isColon res (progHdr path) of
Left err => throw (ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc path err) err)
Right mod => pure mod
-- Stop at the first :, that's definitely not part of the header, to
-- save lexing the whole file unnecessarily
isColon : TokenData Token -> Bool
isColon t
= case tok t of
Symbol ":" => True
_ => False
-- Process everything in the module; return the syntax information which
-- needs to be written to the TTC (e.g. exported infix operators)
-- Returns 'Nothing' if it didn't reload anything
@ -185,11 +203,47 @@ processMod : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
(srcf : String) -> (ttcf : String) -> (msg : String) ->
Module ->
(sourcecode : String) ->
Core (Maybe (List Error))
processMod srcf ttcf msg mod sourcecode
= catch (do let ns = moduleNS mod
processMod srcf ttcf msg sourcecode
= catch (do
-- Just read the header to start with (this is to get the imports and
-- see if we can avoid rebuilding if none have changed)
modh <- readHeader srcf
-- Add an implicit prelude import
let imps =
if (noprelude !getSession || moduleNS modh == ["Prelude"])
then imports modh
else addPrelude (imports modh)
hs <- traverse readHash imps
defs <- get Ctxt
log 5 $ "Current hash " ++ show (ifaceHash defs)
log 5 $ show (moduleNS modh) ++ " hashes:\n" ++
show (sort hs)
imphs <- readImportHashes ttcf
log 5 $ "Old hashes from " ++ ttcf ++ ":\n" ++ show (sort imphs)
-- If the old hashes are the same as the hashes we've just
-- read from the imports, and the source file is older than
-- the ttc, we can skip the rest.
srctime <- modTime srcf
ttctime <- modTime ttcf
let ns = moduleNS modh
if (sort hs == sort imphs && srctime <= ttctime)
then -- Hashes the same, source up to date, just set the namespace
-- for the REPL
do setNS ns
pure Nothing
else -- needs rebuilding
do iputStrLn msg
Right mod <- logTime ("Parsing " ++ srcf) $
pure (runParser sourcecode (do p <- prog srcf; eoi; pure p))
| Left err => pure (Just [ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc srcf err) err])
when (ns /= ["Main"]) $
do let MkFC fname _ _ = headerloc mod
d <- getDirs
@ -197,55 +251,29 @@ processMod srcf ttcf msg mod sourcecode
throw (GenericMsg (headerloc mod)
("Module name " ++ showSep "." (reverse ns) ++
" does not match file name " ++ fname))
-- Add an implicit prelude import
let imps =
if (noprelude !getSession || moduleNS mod == ["Prelude"])
then imports mod
else addPrelude (imports mod)
hs <- traverse readHash imps
-- read import ttcs in full here
-- Note: We should only import .ttc - assumption is that there's
-- a phase before this which builds the dependency graph
-- (also that we only build child dependencies if rebuilding
-- changes the interface - will need to store a hash in .ttc!)
logTime "Reading imports" $
traverse_ readImport imps
-- Before we process the source, make sure the "hide_everywhere"
-- names are set to private (TODO, maybe if we want this?)
-- defs <- get Ctxt
-- traverse (\x => setVisibility emptyFC x Private) (hiddenNames defs)
setNS ns
errs <- logTime "Processing decls" $
processDecls (decls mod)
-- Save the import hashes for the imports we just read.
-- If they haven't changed next time, and the source
-- file hasn't changed, no need to rebuild.
defs <- get Ctxt
log 5 $ "Current hash " ++ show (ifaceHash defs)
log 5 $ show (moduleNS mod) ++ " hashes:\n" ++
show (sort hs)
imphs <- readImportHashes ttcf
log 5 $ "Old hashes from " ++ ttcf ++ ":\n" ++ show (sort imphs)
-- If the old hashes are the same as the hashes we've just
-- read from the imports, and the source file is older than
-- the ttc, we can skip the rest.
srctime <- modTime srcf
ttctime <- modTime ttcf
if (sort hs == sort imphs && srctime <= ttctime)
then -- Hashes the same, source up to date, just set the namespace
-- for the REPL
do setNS ns
pure Nothing
do iputStrLn msg
-- read imports here
-- Note: We should only import .ttc - assumption is that there's
-- a phase before this which builds the dependency graph
-- (also that we only build child dependencies if rebuilding
-- changes the interface - will need to store a hash in .ttc!)
logTime "Reading imports" $
traverse_ readImport imps
-- Before we process the source, make sure the "hide_everywhere"
-- names are set to private (TODO, maybe if we want this?)
-- defs <- get Ctxt
-- traverse (\x => setVisibility emptyFC x Private) (hiddenNames defs)
setNS ns
errs <- logTime "Processing decls" $
processDecls (decls mod)
-- Save the import hashes for the imports we just read.
-- If they haven't changed next time, and the source
-- file hasn't changed, no need to rebuild.
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { importHashes = hs } defs)
pure (Just errs))
put Ctxt (record { importHashes = hs } defs)
pure (Just errs))
(\err => pure (Just [err]))
-- Process a file. Returns any errors, rather than throwing them, because there
@ -261,30 +289,20 @@ process : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
process buildmsg file
= do Right res <- coreLift (readFile file)
| Left err => pure [FileErr file err]
parseRes <- logTime ("Parsing " ++ file) $
pure (runParser res (do p <- prog file; eoi; pure p))
case parseRes of
Left err => pure [ParseFail (getParseErrorLoc file err) err]
Right mod =>
-- Processing returns a list of errors across a whole module,
-- but may fail for other reasons, so we still need to catch
-- other possible errors
catch (do initHash
fn <- getTTCFileName file ".ttc"
Just errs <- logTime ("Elaborating " ++ file) $
processMod file fn buildmsg mod res
| Nothing => pure [] -- skipped it
if isNil errs
do defs <- get Ctxt
d <- getDirs
makeBuildDirectory (pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) file)
logTime ("Writing TTC for " ++ file) $
writeToTTC !(get Syn) fn
mfn <- getTTCFileName file ".ttm"
logTime ("Writing TTM for " ++ file) $
writeToTTM mfn
pure []
else do pure errs)
(\err => pure [err])
catch (do ttcf <- getTTCFileName file ".ttc"
Just errs <- logTime ("Elaborating " ++ file) $
processMod file ttcf buildmsg res
| Nothing => pure [] -- skipped it
if isNil errs
do defs <- get Ctxt
d <- getDirs
makeBuildDirectory (pathToNS (working_dir d) (source_dir d) file)
logTime ("Writing TTC for " ++ file) $
writeToTTC !(get Syn) ttcf
ttmf <- getTTCFileName file ".ttm"
logTime ("Writing TTM for " ++ file) $
writeToTTM ttmf
pure []
else do pure errs)
(\err => pure [err])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:5:1--5:1:Parse error: Expected ')' (next tokens: [identifier bar, identifier x, symbol =, let, identifier y, symbol =, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:7:1--7:1:Parse error: Expected ')' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, Int, symbol ->, Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:5:17--5:17:Parse error: Expected 'case', 'if', 'do', application or operator expression (next tokens: [symbol (, literal 42, in, identifier y, symbol +, identifier x, identifier baz, symbol :, Int, symbol ->])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:4:33--4:33:Parse error: Wrong number of 'with' arguments (next tokens: [symbol =, identifier x, identifier foo, identifier x, identifier y, symbol |, identifier True, symbol |, identifier True, symbol =])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:7:1--7:1:Parse error: Expected 'in' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, Int, symbol ->, Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
1/1: Building PError (PError.idr)
PError.idr:7:1--7:1:Parse error: Expected 'else' (next tokens: [identifier baz, symbol :, Int, symbol ->, Int, identifier baz, identifier x, symbol =, identifier x, end of input])