More progress on TTCs

Added Core.Directory (more or less directly from Blodwen) and now
writing out TTCs from the test Main, but it's still not writing out
definitions because we're not yet making a note of the names which need
saving (this will be the defined names and any holes introduced).

Also it's clear from logging that holes/guess/constraints aren't being
cleared so this needs to be fixed next.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-04-21 23:20:10 +01:00
parent bc26d74f9b
commit a48d90f821
7 changed files with 247 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -117,13 +117,18 @@ readTTCFile modns as r b
importHashes <- fromBuf r b
-- Read in name map, update 'r'
r <- readNameMap r b
coreLift $ putStrLn "Read name map"
defs <- get Ctxt
gam' <- updateEntries (gamma defs) modns as 0 (max r) r
setCtxt gam'
holes <- fromBuf r b
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show (length holes) ++ " holes"
guesses <- fromBuf r b
constraints <- fromBuf r b
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show (length guesses) ++ "guesses"
constraints <- the (Core (List (Int, Constraint))) $ fromBuf r b
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show (length constraints) ++ "constraints"
defs <- fromBuf r b
coreLift $ putStrLn ("Read defs of " ++ show (map fullname defs))
imp <- fromBuf r b
cns <- fromBuf r b
ex <- fromBuf r b

View File

@ -354,6 +354,7 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
fromBuf r b
= do loc <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "Read " ++ show name
ty <- fromBuf r b; mul <- fromBuf r b
vis <- fromBuf r b; fl <- fromBuf r b
def <- fromBuf r b
@ -397,6 +398,14 @@ export
getSave : Defs -> List Name
getSave = map Basics.fst . toList . toSave
-- Note that the name should be saved when writing out a .ttc
addToSave : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Core ()
addToSave n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { toSave $= insert n } defs)
-- Label for context references
data Ctxt : Type where
@ -566,6 +575,53 @@ toFullNames tm
= pure (TForce fc !(full gam x))
full gam tm = pure tm
-- Getting and setting various options
getPPrint : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Core PPrinter
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (printing (options defs))
getDirs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core Dirs
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (dirs (options defs))
addExtraDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
addExtraDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->extra_dirs $= (++ [dir]) } defs)
addDataDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
addDataDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->data_dirs $= (++ [dir]) } defs)
setBuildDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
setBuildDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->build_dir = dir } defs)
setWorkingDir : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
setWorkingDir dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
coreLift $ changeDir dir
cdir <- coreLift $ currentDir
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->working_dir = cdir } defs)
setPrefix : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core ()
setPrefix dir
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->dirs->dir_prefix = dir } defs)
-- Log message with a term, translating back to human readable names first
logTerm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->

src/Core/Directory.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
module Core.Directory
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.FC
import Core.Name
import Core.Options
import System.Info
%default total
isWindows : Bool
isWindows = os `elem` ["win32", "mingw32", "cygwin32"]
sep : Char
sep = if isWindows then '\\' else '/'
dirSep : String
dirSep = cast sep
fullPath : String -> List String
fullPath fp = filter (/="") $ split (==sep) fp
dropExtension : String -> String
dropExtension fname
= case span (/= '.') (reverse fname) of
(all, "") => -- no extension
reverse all
(ext, root) =>
-- assert that root can't be empty
reverse (assert_total (strTail root))
-- Return the contents of the first file available in the list
firstAvailable : List String -> Core (Maybe String)
firstAvailable [] = pure Nothing
firstAvailable (f :: fs)
= do Right ok <- coreLift $ openFile f Read
| Left err => firstAvailable fs
coreLift $ closeFile ok
pure (Just f)
readDataFile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core String
readDataFile fname
= do d <- getDirs
let fs = map (\p => p ++ cast sep ++ fname) (data_dirs d)
Just f <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Can't find data file " ++ fname))
Right d <- coreLift $ readFile f
| Left err => throw (FileErr f err)
pure d
-- Given a namespace, return the full path to the checked module,
-- looking first in the build directory then in the extra_dirs
nsToPath : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List String -> Core String
nsToPath loc ns
= do d <- getDirs
let fnameBase = showSep (cast sep) (reverse ns)
let fs = map (\p => p ++ cast sep ++ fnameBase ++ ".ttc")
(build_dir d :: extra_dirs d)
Just f <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => throw (ModuleNotFound loc ns)
pure f
-- Given a namespace, return the full path to the source module (if it
-- exists in the working directory)
nsToSource : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List String -> Core String
nsToSource loc ns
= do d <- getDirs
let fnameBase = showSep (cast sep) (reverse ns)
let fs = map (\ext => fnameBase ++ ext)
[".blod", ".idr", ".lidr"]
Just f <- firstAvailable fs
| Nothing => throw (ModuleNotFound loc ns)
pure f
-- Given a filename in the working directory, return the correct
-- namespace for it
pathToNS : String -> String -> List String
pathToNS wdir fname
= let wsplit = splitSep wdir
fsplit = splitSep fname in
dropWdir wsplit fsplit fsplit
dropWdir : List String -> List String -> List String -> List String
dropWdir wdir orig [] = []
dropWdir wdir orig (x :: xs)
= if wdir == xs
then [x]
else x :: dropWdir wdir orig xs
splitSep : String -> List String
splitSep fname
= case span (/=sep) fname of
(end, "") => [dropExtension end]
(mod, rest) => assert_total (splitSep (strTail rest)) ++ [mod]
-- Create subdirectories, if they don't exist
mkdirs : List String -> IO (Either FileError ())
mkdirs [] = pure (Right ())
mkdirs (d :: ds)
= do ok <- changeDir d
if ok
then do mkdirs ds
changeDir ".."
pure (Right ())
else do Right _ <- createDir d
| Left err => pure (Left err)
ok <- changeDir d
mkdirs ds
changeDir ".."
pure (Right ())
-- Given a namespace (i.e. a module name), make the build directory for the
-- corresponding ttc file
makeBuildDirectory : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List String -> Core ()
makeBuildDirectory ns
= do d <- getDirs
let bdir = build_dir d
let ndirs = case ns of
[] => []
(n :: ns) => ns -- first item is file name
let fname = showSep (cast sep) (reverse ndirs)
Right _ <- coreLift $ mkdirs (build_dir d :: reverse ndirs)
| Left err => throw (FileErr (bdir ++ cast sep ++ fname) err)
pure ()
-- Given a source file, return the name of the ttc file to generate
getTTCFileName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> String -> Core String
getTTCFileName inp ext
= do ns <- getNS
d <- getDirs
-- Get its namespace from the file relative to the working directory
-- and generate the ttc file from that
let ns = pathToNS (working_dir d) inp
let fname = showSep (cast sep) (reverse ns) ++ ext
let bdir = build_dir d
pure $ bdir ++ cast sep ++ fname
-- Given a root executable name, return the name in the build directory
getExecFileName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> String -> Core String
getExecFileName efile
= do d <- getDirs
pure $ build_dir d ++ cast sep ++ efile

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ TTC FC where
toBuf b (MkFC file startPos endPos)
= do toBuf b file; toBuf b startPos; toBuf b endPos
fromBuf r b
= do f <- fromBuf r b; s <- fromBuf r b; e <- fromBuf r b
= do f <- fromBuf r b;
s <- fromBuf r b; e <- fromBuf r b
pure (MkFC f s e)
@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ TTC (Term vars) where
toBuf b fc; toBuf b n; toBuf b i; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (Bind fc x bnd scope)
= do tag 3;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b bnd; toBuf b scope
toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b bnd; toBuf b scope
toBuf b (App fc fn p arg)
= do tag 4;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b fn; toBuf b p; toBuf b arg

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export
processDecls : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Env Term vars -> List ImpDecl -> Core ()
Env Term vars -> List ImpDecl -> Core Bool
processDecls env decls
= do traverse (processDecl env) decls
pure ()
pure True -- TODO: False on error

View File

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import Parser.Support
import Core.Binary
import Core.Context
import Core.Directory
import Core.Env
import Core.FC
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.UnifyState
@ -18,19 +20,27 @@ import System
coreMain : String -> Core ()
coreMain fname
= do Right tti <- coreLift $ parseFile fname
(do decls <- prog fname
pure decls)
| Left err => do coreLift $ printLn err
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
coreLift $ putStrLn "Parsed okay"
defs <- initDefs
= do defs <- initDefs
c <- newRef Ctxt defs
u <- newRef UST initUState
processDecls [] tti
coreLift $ putStrLn "Done"
d <- getDirs
case span (/= '.') fname of
(_, ".ttc") => do coreLift $ putStrLn "Processing as TTC"
readFromTTC {extra = ()} emptyFC True fname [] []
coreLift $ putStrLn "Read TTC"
_ => do coreLift $ putStrLn "Processing as TTImp"
Right tti <- coreLift $ parseFile fname
(do decls <- prog fname
pure decls)
| Left err => do coreLift $ printLn err
coreLift $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
coreLift $ putStrLn "Parsed okay"
ok <- processDecls [] tti
when ok $
do makeBuildDirectory (pathToNS (working_dir d) fname)
writeToTTC () !(getTTCFileName fname ".ttc")
coreLift $ putStrLn "Written TTC"
defs <- get Ctxt
res <- normalise defs [] (Ref emptyFC Func (NS ["Main"] (UN "main")))

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ modules =