Add 'last chance' unification and tweak guesses

Idris 1 will fill in the last metavariables by matching rather than
unification, as a convenience. I still think this is okay, even if it's
a bit hacky, because it's a huge convenience and doesn't affect other
unification problems.

Also abstract over lets in guesses, like in delayed elaborators, to
avoid any difficulties when linearity checking and to make sure that let
bound things don't get reevaluated.

This is enough to get the Chapter 6 TypeDD tests working
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-07-05 00:07:04 +01:00
parent c260f6c90e
commit aa58114671
14 changed files with 324 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -62,7 +62,14 @@ In `Loops.idr` and `ReadNum.idr` add `import Data.Strings` and change `cast` to
Chapter 6
In `DataStore.idr` and `DataStoreHoles.idr`, add `import Data.Strings` and
`import System.REPL`
In `DataStore.idr`, the `schema` argument to `display` is required for
matching, so change the type to:
display : {schema : _} -> SchemaType schema -> String
In `TypeFuns.idr` add `import Data.Strings`
Chapter 7

View File

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ import Data.List.Views
public export
data UnifyMode = InLHS
| InTerm
| InDot
| InMatch
| InSearch
Eq UnifyMode where
InLHS == InLHS = True
InTerm == InTerm = True
InDot == InDot = True
InMatch == InMatch = True
InSearch == InSearch = True
_ == _ = False
@ -756,14 +756,14 @@ mutual
= if hdx == hdy
then unifyArgs InSearch loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False InSearch loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
doUnifyBothApps InDot loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
doUnifyBothApps InMatch loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
= if hdx == hdy
then do logC 5 (do defs <- get Ctxt
xs <- traverse (quote defs env) xargs
ys <- traverse (quote defs env) yargs
pure ("Unifying dot pattern args " ++ show xs ++ " " ++ show ys))
unifyArgs InDot loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False InDot loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
pure ("Matching args " ++ show xs ++ " " ++ show ys))
unifyArgs InMatch loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False InMatch loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
doUnifyBothApps mode loc env xfc fx ax yfc fy ay
= unifyApp False mode loc env xfc fx ax (NApp yfc fy ay)
@ -1090,7 +1090,10 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
throw !(normaliseErr err)
_ => pure False) -- Postpone again
Guess tm constrs =>
do cs' <- traverse (retry mode) constrs
do let umode = case smode of
LastChance => InMatch
_ => mode
cs' <- traverse (retry umode) constrs
let csAll = unionAll cs'
case constraints csAll of
-- All constraints resolved, so turn into a
@ -1154,7 +1157,7 @@ checkDots
-- A dot is okay if the constraint is solvable *without solving
-- any additional holes*
(do cs <- unify InDot fc env x y
(do cs <- unify InMatch fc env x y
defs <- get Ctxt
Just ndef <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)

View File

@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ newMeta fc r env n ty cyc = newMetaLets fc r env n ty cyc False
mkConstant : FC -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> ClosedTerm
mkConstant fc [] tm = tm
mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (Let c val ty :: env) tm
= mkConstant fc env (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) tm)
-- mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (Let c val ty :: env) tm
-- = mkConstant fc env (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) tm)
mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (b :: env) tm
= let ty = binderType b in
mkConstant fc env (Bind fc x (Lam (multiplicity b) Explicit ty) tm)
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ newConstant : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Core (Term vars)
newConstant {vars} fc rig env tm ty constrs
= do let def = mkConstant fc env tm
let defty = abstractEnvType fc env ty
let defty = abstractFullEnvType fc env ty
cn <- genName "postpone"
let guess = newDef fc cn rig [] defty Public (Guess def constrs)
log 5 $ "Adding new constant " ++ show (cn, fc, rig)
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ newConstant {vars} fc rig env tm ty constrs
pure (Meta fc cn idx envArgs)
envArgs : List (Term vars)
envArgs = let args = reverse (mkConstantAppArgs {done = []} False fc env []) in
envArgs = let args = reverse (mkConstantAppArgs {done = []} True fc env []) in
rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral vars) in args
-- Create a new search with the given name and return type,

View File

@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ process Edit
Nothing => do coreLift $ putStrLn "No file loaded"
pure True
Just f =>
do let line = maybe "" (\i => " +" ++ show i) (errorLine opts)
do let line = maybe "" (\i => " +" ++ show (i + 1)) (errorLine opts)
coreLift $ system (editor opts ++ " " ++ f ++ line)
loadMainFile f
pure True

View File

@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ idrisTests
typeddTests : List String
= ["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05"]
= ["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05",
chezTests : List String

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
AdderType : (numargs : Nat) -> Type -> Type
AdderType Z numType = numType
AdderType (S k) numType = (next : numType) -> AdderType k numType
adder : Num numType =>
(numargs : Nat) -> numType -> AdderType numargs numType
adder Z acc = acc
adder (S k) acc = \next => adder k (next + acc)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
module Main
import Data.List
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System.REPL
infixr 5 .+.
data Schema = SString | SInt | (.+.) Schema Schema
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)
record DataStore where
constructor MkData
schema : Schema
size : Nat
items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)
addToStore : (store : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema store) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema size store) newitem = MkData schema _ (addToData store)
addToData : Vect oldsize (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (S oldsize) (SchemaType schema)
addToData [] = [newitem]
addToData (x :: xs) = x :: addToData xs
setSchema : (store : DataStore) -> Schema -> Maybe DataStore
setSchema store schema = case size store of
Z => Just (MkData schema _ [])
S k => Nothing
data Command : Schema -> Type where
SetSchema : Schema -> Command schema
Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema
Get : Integer -> Command schema
Quit : Command schema
parsePrefix : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (SchemaType schema, String)
parsePrefix SString input = getQuoted (unpack input)
getQuoted : List Char -> Maybe (String, String)
getQuoted ('"' :: xs)
= case span (/= '"') xs of
(quoted, '"' :: rest) => Just (pack quoted, ltrim (pack rest))
_ => Nothing
getQuoted _ = Nothing
parsePrefix SInt input = case span isDigit input of
("", rest) => Nothing
(num, rest) => Just (cast num, ltrim rest)
parsePrefix (schemal .+. schemar) input
= case parsePrefix schemal input of
Nothing => Nothing
Just (l_val, input') =>
case parsePrefix schemar input' of
Nothing => Nothing
Just (r_val, input'') => Just ((l_val, r_val), input'')
parseBySchema : (schema : Schema) -> String -> Maybe (SchemaType schema)
parseBySchema schema x = case parsePrefix schema x of
Nothing => Nothing
Just (res, "") => Just res
Just _ => Nothing
parseSchema : List String -> Maybe Schema
parseSchema ("String" :: xs)
= case xs of
[] => Just SString
_ => case parseSchema xs of
Nothing => Nothing
Just xs_sch => Just (SString .+. xs_sch)
parseSchema ("Int" :: xs)
= case xs of
[] => Just SInt
_ => case parseSchema xs of
Nothing => Nothing
Just xs_sch => Just (SInt .+. xs_sch)
parseSchema _ = Nothing
parseCommand : (schema : Schema) -> String -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)
parseCommand schema "add" rest = case parseBySchema schema rest of
Nothing => Nothing
Just restok => Just (Add restok)
parseCommand schema "get" val = case all isDigit (unpack val) of
False => Nothing
True => Just (Get (cast val))
parseCommand schema "quit" "" = Just Quit
parseCommand schema "schema" rest
= case parseSchema (words rest) of
Nothing => Nothing
Just schemaok => Just (SetSchema schemaok)
parseCommand _ _ _ = Nothing
parse : (schema : Schema) -> (input : String) -> Maybe (Command schema)
parse schema input = case span (/= ' ') input of
(cmd, args) => parseCommand schema cmd (ltrim args)
display : {schema : _} -> SchemaType schema -> String
display {schema = SString} item = show item
display {schema = SInt} item = show item
display {schema = (y .+. z)} (iteml, itemr) = display iteml ++ ", " ++
display itemr
getEntry : (pos : Integer) -> (store : DataStore) ->
Maybe (String, DataStore)
getEntry pos store
= let store_items = items store in
case integerToFin pos (size store) of
Nothing => Just ("Out of range\n", store)
Just id => Just (display (index id (items store)) ++ "\n", store)
processInput : DataStore -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput store input
= case parse (schema store) input of
Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", store)
Just (Add item) =>
Just ("ID " ++ show (size store) ++ "\n", addToStore store item)
Just (SetSchema schema') =>
case setSchema store schema' of
Nothing => Just ("Can't update schema when entries in store\n", store)
Just store' => Just ("OK\n", store')
Just (Get pos) => getEntry pos store
Just Quit => Nothing
main : IO ()
main = replWith (MkData (SString .+. SString .+. SInt) _ []) "Command: " processInput

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Main
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
import System.REPL
infixr 5 .+.
data Schema = SString | SInt | (.+.) Schema Schema
SchemaType : Schema -> Type
SchemaType SString = String
SchemaType SInt = Int
SchemaType (x .+. y) = (SchemaType x, SchemaType y)
record DataStore where
constructor MkData
schema : Schema
size : Nat
items : Vect size (SchemaType schema)
addToStore : (d : DataStore) -> SchemaType (schema d) -> DataStore
addToStore (MkData schema size store) newitem = MkData schema _ (addToData store)
addToData : Vect oldsize (SchemaType schema) -> Vect (S oldsize) (SchemaType schema)
addToData [] = [newitem]
addToData (x :: xs) = x :: addToData xs
data Command : Schema -> Type where
Add : SchemaType schema -> Command schema
Get : Integer -> Command schema
Quit : Command schema
parseCommand : String -> String -> Maybe (Command schema)
parseCommand "add" rest = Just (Add (?parseBySchema rest))
parseCommand "get" val = case all isDigit (unpack val) of
False => Nothing
True => Just (Get (cast val))
parseCommand "quit" "" = Just Quit
parseCommand _ _ = Nothing
parse : (schema : Schema) -> (input : String) -> Maybe (Command schema)
parse schema input = case span (/= ' ') input of
(cmd, args) => parseCommand cmd (ltrim args)
getEntry : (pos : Integer) -> (store : DataStore) ->
Maybe (String, DataStore)
getEntry pos store
= let store_items = items store in
case integerToFin pos (size store) of
Nothing => Just ("Out of range\n", store)
Just id => Just (?display (index id (items store)) ++ "\n", store)
processInput : DataStore -> String -> Maybe (String, DataStore)
processInput store input
= case parse (schema store) input of
Nothing => Just ("Invalid command\n", store)
Just (Add item) =>
Just ("ID " ++ show (size store) ++ "\n", addToStore store item)
Just (Get pos) => getEntry pos store
Just Quit => Nothing
main : IO ()
main = replWith (MkData SString _ []) "Command: " processInput

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
maybeAdd : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
maybeAdd x y = case x of
Nothing => Nothing
Just x_val => case y of
Nothing => Nothing
Just y_val => Just (x_val + y_val)
maybeAdd' : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
maybeAdd' x y = x >>= \x_val =>
y >>= \y_val =>
Just (x_val + y_val)
maybeAdd'' : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
maybeAdd'' x y = do x_val <- x
y_val <- y
Just (x_val + y_val)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
data Format = Number Format
| Str Format
| Lit String Format
| End
PrintfType : Format -> Type
PrintfType (Number fmt) = (i : Int) -> PrintfType fmt
PrintfType (Str fmt) = (str : String) -> PrintfType fmt
PrintfType (Lit str fmt) = PrintfType fmt
PrintfType End = String
printfFmt : (fmt : Format) -> (acc : String) -> PrintfType fmt
printfFmt (Number fmt) acc = \i => printfFmt fmt (acc ++ show i)
printfFmt (Str fmt) acc = \str => printfFmt fmt (acc ++ str)
printfFmt (Lit lit fmt) acc = printfFmt fmt (acc ++ lit)
printfFmt End acc = acc
toFormat : (xs : List Char) -> Format
toFormat [] = End
toFormat ('%' :: 'd' :: chars) = Number (toFormat chars)
toFormat ('%' :: 's' :: chars) = Str (toFormat chars)
toFormat ('%' :: chars) = Lit "%" (toFormat chars)
toFormat (c :: chars) = case toFormat chars of
Lit lit chars' => Lit (strCons c lit) chars'
fmt => Lit (strCons c "") fmt
printf : (fmt : String) -> PrintfType (toFormat (unpack fmt))
printf fmt = printfFmt _ ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Data.Strings
import Data.Vect
StringOrInt : Bool -> Type
StringOrInt False = String
StringOrInt True = Int
getStringOrInt : (isInt : Bool) -> StringOrInt isInt
getStringOrInt False = "Ninety four"
getStringOrInt True = 94
valToString : (isInt : Bool) -> StringOrInt isInt -> String
valToString False y = trim y
valToString True y = cast y
valToString' : (isInt : Bool) -> (case isInt of
False => String
True => Int) -> String
valToString' False y = trim y
valToString' True y = cast y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import Data.Vect
tri : Vect 3 (Double, Double)
tri = [(0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 0.0), (0.0, 4.0)]
Position : Type
Position = (Double, Double)
tri' : Vect 3 Position
tri' = [(0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 0.0), (0.0, 4.0)]
Polygon : Nat -> Type
Polygon n = Vect n Position
tri'' : Polygon 3
tri'' = [(0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 0.0), (0.0, 4.0)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building Adder (Adder.idr)
1/1: Building DataStore (DataStore.idr)
1/1: Building DataStoreHoles (DataStoreHoles.idr)
1/1: Building Maybe (Maybe.idr)
1/1: Building Printf (Printf.idr)
1/1: Building TypeFuns (TypeFuns.idr)
1/1: Building TypeSynonyms (TypeSynonyms.idr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$1 Adder.idr --check
$1 DataStore.idr --check
$1 DataStoreHoles.idr --check
$1 Maybe.idr --check
$1 Printf.idr --check
$1 TypeFuns.idr --check
$1 TypeSynonyms.idr --check
rm -rf build