Reorganise Language.Reflection modules

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-11-30 13:23:03 +00:00
parent 1c006b647a
commit aae3d0f718
11 changed files with 361 additions and 319 deletions

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@ -1,217 +1,10 @@
module Language.Reflection
public export
FilePos : Type
FilePos = (Int, Int)
import public Language.Reflection.TT
import public Language.Reflection.TTImp
public export
data FC : Type where
MkFC : String -> FilePos -> FilePos -> FC
EmptyFC : FC
data TC : Type -> Type where
Check : TTImp -> TC a
Bind : TC a -> (a -> TC b) -> TC b
public export
emptyFC : FC
emptyFC = MkFC "(empty)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
public export
data NameType : Type where
Bound : NameType
Func : NameType
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| BI Integer
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| WorldVal
| IntType
| IntegerType
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Name = UN String
| MN String Int
| NS (List String) Name
public export
data Count = M0 | M1 | MW
public export
data PiInfo = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit
public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
-- Type checked terms in the core TT
public export
data TT : List Name -> Type where
Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (n : Name) ->
(0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars
Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars
TForce : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars
PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars
Erased : FC -> TT vars
TType : FC -> TT vars
public export
data Visibility = Private | Export | Public
-- Unchecked terms and declarations in the intermediate language
public export
data BindMode = PI Count | PATTERN | NONE
-- For as patterns matching linear arguments, select which side is
-- consumed
public export
data UseSide = UseLeft | UseRight
data TTImp : Type where
IVar : FC -> Name -> TTImp
IPi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (retTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (lamTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILet : FC -> Count -> Name ->
(nTy : TTImp) -> (nVal : TTImp) ->
(scope : TTImp) -> TTImp
ICase : FC -> TTImp -> (ty : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> TTImp
ILocal : FC -> List Decl -> TTImp -> TTImp
IUpdate : FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> TTImp -> TTImp
IApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
IImplicitApp : FC -> TTImp -> Maybe Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
IWithApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
ISearch : FC -> (depth : Nat) -> TTImp
IAlternative : FC -> AltType -> List TTImp -> TTImp
IRewrite : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Any implicit bindings in the scope should be bound here, using
-- the given binder
IBindHere : FC -> BindMode -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A name which should be implicitly bound
IBindVar : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An 'as' pattern, valid on the LHS of a clause only
IAs : FC -> UseSide -> Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A 'dot' pattern, i.e. one which must also have the given value
-- by unification
IMustUnify : FC -> (reason : String) -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Laziness annotations
IDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TTImp -> TTImp -- the type
IDelay : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -- delay constructor
IForce : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
IPrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> TTImp
IType : FC -> TTImp
IHole : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An implicit value, solved by unification, but which will also be
-- bound (either as a pattern variable or a type variable) if unsolved
-- at the end of elaborator
Implicit : FC -> (bindIfUnsolved : Bool) -> TTImp
public export
data IFieldUpdate : Type where
ISetField : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
ISetFieldApp : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
public export
data AltType : Type where
FirstSuccess : AltType
Unique : AltType
UniqueDefault : TTImp -> AltType
public export
data FnOpt : Type where
Inline : FnOpt
-- Flag means the hint is a direct hint, not a function which might
-- find the result (e.g. chasing parent interface dictionaries)
Hint : Bool -> FnOpt
-- Flag means to use as a default if all else fails
GlobalHint : Bool -> FnOpt
ExternFn : FnOpt
-- Defined externally, list calling conventions
ForeignFn : List String -> FnOpt
-- assume safe to cancel arguments in unification
Invertible : FnOpt
Total : FnOpt
Covering : FnOpt
PartialOK : FnOpt
public export
data ITy : Type where
MkTy : FC -> (n : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> ITy
public export
data DataOpt : Type where
SearchBy : List Name -> DataOpt -- determining arguments
NoHints : DataOpt -- Don't generate search hints for constructors
public export
data Data : Type where
MkData : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) ->
(opts : List DataOpt) ->
(datacons : List ITy) -> Data
MkLater : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) -> Data
public export
data IField : Type where
MkIField : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Name -> TTImp ->
public export
data Record : Type where
MkRecord : FC -> (n : Name) ->
(params : List (Name, TTImp)) ->
(conName : Maybe Name) ->
(fields : List IField) ->
public export
data Clause : Type where
PatClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (rhs : TTImp) -> Clause
WithClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (wval : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> Clause
ImpossibleClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> Clause
public export
data Decl : Type where
IClaim : FC -> Count -> Visibility -> List FnOpt ->
ITy -> Decl
IData : FC -> Visibility -> Data -> Decl
IDef : FC -> Name -> List Clause -> Decl
IParameters : FC -> List (Name, TTImp) ->
List Decl -> Decl
IRecord : FC -> Visibility -> Record -> Decl
INamespace : FC ->
(nested : Bool) ->
-- ^ if True, parent namespaces in the same file can also
-- look inside and see private/export names in full
List String -> List Decl -> Decl
ITransform : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> Decl
ILog : Nat -> Decl

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module Language.Reflection.TT
public export
FilePos : Type
FilePos = (Int, Int)
public export
data FC : Type where
MkFC : String -> FilePos -> FilePos -> FC
EmptyFC : FC
public export
emptyFC : FC
emptyFC = EmptyFC
public export
data NameType : Type where
Bound : NameType
Func : NameType
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| BI Integer
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| WorldVal
| IntType
| IntegerType
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Name = UN String
| MN String Int
| NS (List String) Name
public export
data Count = M0 | M1 | MW
public export
data PiInfo = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit
public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
-- Type checked terms in the core TT
public export
data TT : List Name -> Type where
Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (n : Name) ->
(0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars
Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars
TForce : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars
PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars
Erased : FC -> TT vars
TType : FC -> TT vars
public export
data Visibility = Private | Export | Public

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
module Language.Reflection.TTImp
import Language.Reflection.TT
-- Unchecked terms and declarations in the intermediate language
public export
data BindMode = PI Count | PATTERN | NONE
-- For as patterns matching linear arguments, select which side is
-- consumed
public export
data UseSide = UseLeft | UseRight
public export
data TTImp : Type where
IVar : FC -> Name -> TTImp
IPi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (retTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (lamTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILet : FC -> Count -> Name ->
(nTy : TTImp) -> (nVal : TTImp) ->
(scope : TTImp) -> TTImp
ICase : FC -> TTImp -> (ty : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> TTImp
ILocal : FC -> List Decl -> TTImp -> TTImp
IUpdate : FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> TTImp -> TTImp
IApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
IImplicitApp : FC -> TTImp -> Maybe Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
IWithApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
ISearch : FC -> (depth : Nat) -> TTImp
IAlternative : FC -> AltType -> List TTImp -> TTImp
IRewrite : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Any implicit bindings in the scope should be bound here, using
-- the given binder
IBindHere : FC -> BindMode -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A name which should be implicitly bound
IBindVar : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An 'as' pattern, valid on the LHS of a clause only
IAs : FC -> UseSide -> Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A 'dot' pattern, i.e. one which must also have the given value
-- by unification
IMustUnify : FC -> (reason : String) -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Laziness annotations
IDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TTImp -> TTImp -- the type
IDelay : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -- delay constructor
IForce : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
IPrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> TTImp
IType : FC -> TTImp
IHole : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An implicit value, solved by unification, but which will also be
-- bound (either as a pattern variable or a type variable) if unsolved
-- at the end of elaborator
Implicit : FC -> (bindIfUnsolved : Bool) -> TTImp
public export
data IFieldUpdate : Type where
ISetField : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
ISetFieldApp : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
public export
data AltType : Type where
FirstSuccess : AltType
Unique : AltType
UniqueDefault : TTImp -> AltType
public export
data FnOpt : Type where
Inline : FnOpt
-- Flag means the hint is a direct hint, not a function which might
-- find the result (e.g. chasing parent interface dictionaries)
Hint : Bool -> FnOpt
-- Flag means to use as a default if all else fails
GlobalHint : Bool -> FnOpt
ExternFn : FnOpt
-- Defined externally, list calling conventions
ForeignFn : List String -> FnOpt
-- assume safe to cancel arguments in unification
Invertible : FnOpt
Total : FnOpt
Covering : FnOpt
PartialOK : FnOpt
Macro : FnOpt
public export
data ITy : Type where
MkTy : FC -> (n : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> ITy
public export
data DataOpt : Type where
SearchBy : List Name -> DataOpt -- determining arguments
NoHints : DataOpt -- Don't generate search hints for constructors
public export
data Data : Type where
MkData : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) ->
(opts : List DataOpt) ->
(datacons : List ITy) -> Data
MkLater : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) -> Data
public export
data IField : Type where
MkIField : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Name -> TTImp ->
public export
data Record : Type where
MkRecord : FC -> (n : Name) ->
(params : List (Name, TTImp)) ->
(conName : Maybe Name) ->
(fields : List IField) ->
public export
data Clause : Type where
PatClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (rhs : TTImp) -> Clause
WithClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (wval : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> Clause
ImpossibleClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> Clause
public export
data Decl : Type where
IClaim : FC -> Count -> Visibility -> List FnOpt ->
ITy -> Decl
IData : FC -> Visibility -> Data -> Decl
IDef : FC -> Name -> List Clause -> Decl
IParameters : FC -> List (Name, TTImp) ->
List Decl -> Decl
IRecord : FC -> Visibility -> Record -> Decl
INamespace : FC ->
(nested : Bool) ->
-- ^ if True, parent namespaces in the same file can also
-- look inside and see private/export names in full
List String -> List Decl -> Decl
ITransform : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> Decl
ILog : Nat -> Decl

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ modules = Control.Monad.Identity,

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@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ data DefFlag
-- care!
| SetTotal TotalReq
| BlockedHint -- a hint, but blocked for the moment (so don't use)
| Macro
Eq TotalReq where
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ Eq DefFlag where
(==) TCInline TCInline = True
(==) (SetTotal x) (SetTotal y) = x == y
(==) BlockedHint BlockedHint = True
(==) Macro Macro = True
(==) _ _ = False
public export

View File

@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ export
reflection : String -> Name
reflection n = NS ["Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
reflectiontt : String -> Name
reflectiontt n = NS ["TT", "Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
reflectionttimp : String -> Name
reflectionttimp n = NS ["TTImp", "Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
cantReify : NF vars -> String -> Core a
cantReify val ty
@ -206,15 +214,15 @@ export
Reflect Name where
reflect fc defs env (UN x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "UN") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "UN") [x']
reflect fc defs env (MN x i)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "MN") [x', i']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MN") [x', i']
reflect fc defs env (NS ns n)
= do ns' <- reflect fc defs env ns
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "NS") [ns', n']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "NS") [ns', n']
reflect fc defs env val = cantReflect fc "Name"
@ -235,16 +243,16 @@ Reify NameType where
Reflect NameType where
reflect fc defs env Bound = getCon fc defs (reflection "Bound")
reflect fc defs env Func = getCon fc defs (reflection "Func")
reflect fc defs env Bound = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bound")
reflect fc defs env Func = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Func")
reflect fc defs env (DataCon t i)
= do t' <- reflect fc defs env t
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "DataCon") [t', i']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DataCon") [t', i']
reflect fc defs env (TyCon t i)
= do t' <- reflect fc defs env t
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "TyCon") [t', i']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TyCon") [t', i']
Reify Constant where
@ -283,33 +291,33 @@ export
Reflect Constant where
reflect fc defs env (I x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "I") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "I") [x']
reflect fc defs env (BI x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "BI") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "BI") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Str x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Str") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Str") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Ch x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Ch") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Ch") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Db x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Db") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Db") [x']
reflect fc defs env WorldVal
= getCon fc defs (reflection "WorldVal")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldVal")
reflect fc defs env IntType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "IntTyoe")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntTyoe")
reflect fc defs env IntegerType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "IntegerType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntegerType")
reflect fc defs env StringType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "StringType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "StringType")
reflect fc defs env CharType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "CharType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "CharType")
reflect fc defs env DoubleType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "DoubleTyoe")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DoubleTyoe")
reflect fc defs env WorldType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "WorldType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldType")
Reify Visibility where
@ -323,9 +331,9 @@ Reify Visibility where
Reflect Visibility where
reflect fc defs env Private = getCon fc defs (reflection "Private")
reflect fc defs env Export = getCon fc defs (reflection "Export")
reflect fc defs env Public = getCon fc defs (reflection "Public")
reflect fc defs env Private = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Private")
reflect fc defs env Export = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Export")
reflect fc defs env Public = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Public")
Reify RigCount where
@ -339,9 +347,9 @@ Reify RigCount where
Reflect RigCount where
reflect fc defs env Rig0 = getCon fc defs (reflection "M0")
reflect fc defs env Rig1 = getCon fc defs (reflection "M1")
reflect fc defs env RigW = getCon fc defs (reflection "MW")
reflect fc defs env Rig0 = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "M0")
reflect fc defs env Rig1 = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "M1")
reflect fc defs env RigW = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MW")
Reify PiInfo where
@ -355,9 +363,9 @@ Reify PiInfo where
Reflect PiInfo where
reflect fc defs env Implicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "ImplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env Explicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "ExplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env AutoImplicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "AutoImplicit")
reflect fc defs env Implicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "ImplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env Explicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "ExplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env AutoImplicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "AutoImplicit")
Reify LazyReason where
@ -371,9 +379,9 @@ Reify LazyReason where
Reflect LazyReason where
reflect fc defs env LInf = getCon fc defs (reflection "LInf")
reflect fc defs env LLazy = getCon fc defs (reflection "LLazy")
reflect fc defs env LUnknown = getCon fc defs (reflection "LUnknown")
reflect fc defs env LInf = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LInf")
reflect fc defs env LLazy = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LLazy")
reflect fc defs env LUnknown = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LUnknown")
Reify FC where
@ -392,8 +400,8 @@ Reflect FC where
= do fn' <- reflect fc defs env fn
start' <- reflect fc defs env start
end' <- reflect fc defs env end
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkFC") [fn', start', end']
reflect fc defs env EmptyFC = getCon fc defs (reflection "EmptyFC")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MkFC") [fn', start', end']
reflect fc defs env EmptyFC = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "EmptyFC")
-- Reflection of well typed terms: We don't reify terms because that involves
-- type checking, but we can reflect them
@ -401,10 +409,10 @@ Reflect FC where
Reflect (IsVar name idx vs) where
reflect fc defs env First
= appCon fc defs (reflection "First") [Erased fc, Erased fc]
= appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "First") [Erased fc, Erased fc]
reflect fc defs env (Later p)
= do p' <- reflect fc defs env p
appCon fc defs (reflection "Later")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Later")
[Erased fc, Erased fc, Erased fc, Erased fc, p']
-- Assume terms are normalised so there's not Let bindings in particular
@ -415,13 +423,13 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
lfc' <- reflect fc defs env lfc
idx' <- reflect fc defs env idx
prf' <- reflect fc defs env prf
appCon fc defs (reflection "Local")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Local")
[Erased fc, Erased fc, lfc', idx', prf']
reflect fc defs env (Ref rfc nt n)
= do rfc' <- reflect fc defs env rfc
nt' <- reflect fc defs env nt
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "Ref")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Ref")
[Erased fc, rfc', nt', n']
reflect fc defs env (Bind bfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
= do bfc' <- reflect fc defs env bfc
@ -430,7 +438,7 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
p' <- reflect fc defs env p
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Pi")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Pi")
[Erased fc, bfc', c', p', x', ty', sc']
reflect fc defs env (Bind bfc x (Lam c p ty) sc)
= do bfc' <- reflect fc defs env bfc
@ -439,45 +447,45 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
p' <- reflect fc defs env p
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Lam")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Lam")
[Erased fc, bfc', c', p', x', ty', sc']
reflect fc defs env (App afc fn arg)
= do afc' <- reflect fc defs env afc
fn' <- reflect fc defs env fn
arg' <- reflect fc defs env arg
appCon fc defs (reflection "App")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "App")
[Erased fc, afc', fn', arg']
reflect fc defs env (TDelayed dfc r tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TDelayed")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TDelayed")
[Erased fc, dfc', r', tm']
reflect fc defs env (TDelay dfc r ty tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TDelay")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TDelay")
[Erased fc, dfc', r', ty', tm']
reflect fc defs env (TForce dfc r tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TForce")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TForce")
[Erased fc, r', dfc', tm']
reflect fc defs env (PrimVal pfc c)
= do pfc' <- reflect fc defs env pfc
c' <- reflect fc defs env c
appCon fc defs (reflection "PrimVal")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "PrimVal")
[Erased fc, pfc', c']
reflect fc defs env (Erased efc)
= do efc' <- reflect fc defs env efc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Erased")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Erased")
[Erased fc, efc']
reflect fc defs env (TType tfc)
= do tfc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
appCon fc defs (reflection "TType")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TType")
[Erased fc, tfc']
reflect fc defs env val = cantReflect fc "Term"

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@ -805,6 +805,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
toBuf b TCInline = tag 5
toBuf b (SetTotal x) = do tag 6; toBuf b x
toBuf b BlockedHint = tag 7
toBuf b Macro = tag 8
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -814,6 +815,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
5 => pure TCInline
6 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (SetTotal x)
7 => pure BlockedHint
8 => pure Macro
_ => corrupt "DefFlag"

View File

@ -1025,6 +1025,8 @@ fnDirectOpt
pure Inline
<|> do exactIdent "extern"
pure ExternFn
<|> do exactIdent "macro"
pure Macro
<|> do exactIdent "foreign"
cs <- many strLit
pure (ForeignFn cs)

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ processFnOpt fc ndef Covering
= setFlag fc ndef (SetTotal CoveringOnly)
processFnOpt fc ndef PartialOK
= setFlag fc ndef (SetTotal PartialOK)
processFnOpt fc ndef Macro
= setFlag fc ndef Macro
-- If it's declared as externally defined, set the definition to
-- ExternFn <arity>, where the arity is assumed to be fixed (i.e.

View File

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ export
Reflect BindMode where
reflect fc defs env (PI c)
= do c' <- reflect fc defs env c
appCon fc defs (reflection "PI") [c']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "PI") [c']
reflect fc defs env PATTERN
= getCon fc defs (reflection "PATTERN")
= getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "PATTERN")
reflect fc defs env NONE
= getCon fc defs (reflection "NONE")
= getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "NONE")
Reify UseSide where
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ Reify UseSide where
Reflect UseSide where
reflect fc defs env UseLeft
= getCon fc defs (reflection "UseLeft")
= getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "UseLeft")
reflect fc defs env UseRight
= getCon fc defs (reflection "UseRight")
= getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "UseRight")
@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ mutual
= pure Covering
reify defs (NDCon _ (NS _ (UN "PartialOK")) _ _ _)
= pure PartialOK
reify defs (NDCon _ (NS _ (UN "Macro")) _ _ _)
= pure Macro
reify defs val = cantReify val "FnOpt"
@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ mutual
reflect fc defs env (IVar tfc n)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "IVar") [fc', n']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IVar") [fc', n']
reflect fc defs env (IPi tfc c p mn aty rty)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
c' <- reflect fc defs env c
@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ mutual
mn' <- reflect fc defs env mn
aty' <- reflect fc defs env aty
rty' <- reflect fc defs env rty
appCon fc defs (reflection "IPi") [fc', c', p', mn', aty', rty']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IPi") [fc', c', p', mn', aty', rty']
reflect fc defs env (ILam tfc c p mn aty rty)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
c' <- reflect fc defs env c
@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ mutual
mn' <- reflect fc defs env mn
aty' <- reflect fc defs env aty
rty' <- reflect fc defs env rty
appCon fc defs (reflection "ILam") [fc', c', p', mn', aty', rty']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ILam") [fc', c', p', mn', aty', rty']
reflect fc defs env (ILet tfc c n aty aval sc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
c' <- reflect fc defs env c
@ -372,139 +374,140 @@ mutual
aty' <- reflect fc defs env aty
aval' <- reflect fc defs env aval
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "ILet") [fc', c', n', aty', aval', sc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ILet") [fc', c', n', aty', aval', sc']
reflect fc defs env (ICase tfc sc ty cs)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
cs' <- reflect fc defs env cs
appCon fc defs (reflection "ICase") [fc', sc', ty', cs']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ICase") [fc', sc', ty', cs']
reflect fc defs env (ILocal tfc ds sc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
ds' <- reflect fc defs env ds
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "ILocal") [fc', ds', sc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ILocal") [fc', ds', sc']
reflect fc defs env (IUpdate tfc ds sc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
ds' <- reflect fc defs env ds
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "IUpdate") [fc', ds', sc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IUpdate") [fc', ds', sc']
reflect fc defs env (IApp tfc f a)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
f' <- reflect fc defs env f
a' <- reflect fc defs env a
appCon fc defs (reflection "IApp") [fc', f', a']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IApp") [fc', f', a']
reflect fc defs env (IImplicitApp tfc f m a)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
f' <- reflect fc defs env f
m' <- reflect fc defs env m
a' <- reflect fc defs env a
appCon fc defs (reflection "IImplicitApp") [fc', f', m', a']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IImplicitApp") [fc', f', m', a']
reflect fc defs env (IWithApp tfc f a)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
f' <- reflect fc defs env f
a' <- reflect fc defs env a
appCon fc defs (reflection "IWithApp") [fc', f', a']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IWithApp") [fc', f', a']
reflect fc defs env (ISearch tfc d)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
d' <- reflect fc defs env d
appCon fc defs (reflection "ISearch") [fc', d']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ISearch") [fc', d']
reflect fc defs env (IAlternative tfc t as)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
as' <- reflect fc defs env as
appCon fc defs (reflection "IAlternative") [fc', t', as']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IAlternative") [fc', t', as']
reflect fc defs env (IRewrite tfc t sc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "IRewrite") [fc', t', sc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IRewrite") [fc', t', sc']
reflect fc defs env (ICoerced tfc d) = reflect fc defs env d
reflect fc defs env (IBindHere tfc n sc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "IBindHere") [fc', n', sc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IBindHere") [fc', n', sc']
reflect fc defs env (IBindVar tfc n)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "IBindVar") [fc', n']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IBindVar") [fc', n']
reflect fc defs env (IAs tfc s n t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
s' <- reflect fc defs env s
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IAs") [fc', s', n', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IAs") [fc', s', n', t']
reflect fc defs env (IMustUnify tfc r t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IMustUnify") [fc', r', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IMustUnify") [fc', r', t']
reflect fc defs env (IDelayed tfc r t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IDelayed") [fc', r', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IDelayed") [fc', r', t']
reflect fc defs env (IDelay tfc t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IDelay") [fc', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IDelay") [fc', t']
reflect fc defs env (IForce tfc t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IForce") [fc', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IForce") [fc', t']
reflect fc defs env (IPrimVal tfc t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IPrimVal") [fc', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IPrimVal") [fc', t']
reflect fc defs env (IType tfc)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
appCon fc defs (reflection "IType") [fc']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IType") [fc']
reflect fc defs env (IHole tfc t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "IHole") [fc', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IHole") [fc', t']
reflect fc defs env (Implicit tfc t)
= do fc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "Implicit") [fc', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Implicit") [fc', t']
Reflect IFieldUpdate where
reflect fc defs env (ISetField p t)
= do p' <- reflect fc defs env p
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "ISetField") [p', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ISetField") [p', t']
reflect fc defs env (ISetFieldApp p t)
= do p' <- reflect fc defs env p
t' <- reflect fc defs env t
appCon fc defs (reflection "ISetFieldApp") [p', t']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ISetFieldApp") [p', t']
Reflect AltType where
reflect fc defs env FirstSuccess = getCon fc defs (reflection "FirstSuccess")
reflect fc defs env Unique = getCon fc defs (reflection "Unique")
reflect fc defs env FirstSuccess = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "FirstSuccess")
reflect fc defs env Unique = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Unique")
reflect fc defs env (UniqueDefault x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "UniqueDefault") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "UniqueDefault") [x']
Reflect FnOpt where
reflect fc defs env Inline = getCon fc defs (reflection "FirstSuccess")
reflect fc defs env Inline = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "FirstSuccess")
reflect fc defs env (Hint x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Hint") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Hint") [x']
reflect fc defs env (GlobalHint x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "GlobalHint") [x']
reflect fc defs env ExternFn = getCon fc defs (reflection "ExternFn")
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "GlobalHint") [x']
reflect fc defs env ExternFn = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ExternFn")
reflect fc defs env (ForeignFn x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "ForeignFn") [x']
reflect fc defs env Invertible = getCon fc defs (reflection "Invertible")
reflect fc defs env Total = getCon fc defs (reflection "Total")
reflect fc defs env Covering = getCon fc defs (reflection "Covering")
reflect fc defs env PartialOK = getCon fc defs (reflection "PartialOK")
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ForeignFn") [x']
reflect fc defs env Invertible = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Invertible")
reflect fc defs env Total = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Total")
reflect fc defs env Covering = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Covering")
reflect fc defs env PartialOK = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "PartialOK")
reflect fc defs env Macro = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "Macro")
Reflect ImpTy where
@ -512,14 +515,14 @@ mutual
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkTy") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "MkTy") [x', y', z']
Reflect DataOpt where
reflect fc defs env (SearchBy x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "SearchBy") [x']
reflect fc defs env NoHints = getCon fc defs (reflection "NoHints")
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "SearchBy") [x']
reflect fc defs env NoHints = getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "NoHints")
Reflect ImpData where
@ -529,12 +532,12 @@ mutual
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkData") [v', w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "MkData") [v', w', x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (MkImpLater x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkLater") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "MkLater") [x', y', z']
Reflect IField where
@ -544,7 +547,7 @@ mutual
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkIField") [v', w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "MkIField") [v', w', x', y', z']
Reflect ImpRecord where
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@ mutual
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkRecord") [v', w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "MkRecord") [v', w', x', y', z']
Reflect ImpClause where
@ -562,17 +565,17 @@ mutual
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "PatClause") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "PatClause") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (WithClause w x y z)
= do w' <- reflect fc defs env x
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "WithClause") [w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "WithClause") [w', x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (ImpossibleClause x y)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
appCon fc defs (reflection "ImpossibleClause") [x', y']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ImpossibleClause") [x', y']
Reflect ImpDecl where
@ -582,42 +585,42 @@ mutual
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "IClaim") [v', w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IClaim") [v', w', x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (IData x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "IData") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IData") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (IDef x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "IDef") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IDef") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (IParameters x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "IParameters") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IParameters") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (IRecord x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "IRecord") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "IRecord") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (INamespace w x y z)
= do w' <- reflect fc defs env w
x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "INamespace") [w', x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "INamespace") [w', x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (ITransform x y z)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
y' <- reflect fc defs env y
z' <- reflect fc defs env z
appCon fc defs (reflection "ITransform") [x', y', z']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ITransform") [x', y', z']
reflect fc defs env (IPragma x)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't reflect a pragma")
reflect fc defs env (ILog x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "ILog") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "ILog") [x']

View File

@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ mutual
Total : FnOpt
Covering : FnOpt
PartialOK : FnOpt
Macro : FnOpt
Show FnOpt where
@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ mutual
show Total = "total"
show Covering = "covering"
show PartialOK = "partial"
show Macro = "%macro"
Eq FnOpt where
@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ mutual
Total == Total = True
Covering == Covering = True
PartialOK == PartialOK = True
Macro == Macro = True
_ == _ = False
public export
@ -811,6 +814,7 @@ mutual
toBuf b Total = tag 6
toBuf b Covering = tag 7
toBuf b PartialOK = tag 8
toBuf b Macro = tag 9
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -823,6 +827,7 @@ mutual
6 => pure Total
7 => pure Covering
8 => pure PartialOK
9 => pure Macro
_ => corrupt "FnOpt"