Add optional version tag when build in between releases

Also add REPL :version command to show the current version
This commit is contained in:
Kamil Shakirov 2019-09-27 22:26:04 +06:00
parent 4e019d8093
commit b87fd0beb3
7 changed files with 90 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -2,13 +2,27 @@
ifeq ($(shell git status >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 0)
# inside a git repo
ifneq ($(shell git describe --exact-match --tags >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 0)
# not tagged as a released version, so add sha1 of this build in between releases
GIT_SHA1 := $(shell git rev-parse --short=9 HEAD)
PREFIX ?= ${HOME}/.idris2
IDRIS_VERSION := $(shell idris --version)
export IDRIS2_PATH = ${CURDIR}/libs/prelude/build/ttc:${CURDIR}/libs/base/build/ttc
export IDRIS2_DATA = ${CURDIR}/support
IDRIS_VERSION := $(shell idris --version)
.PHONY: ttimp idris2 prelude test base clean lib_clean check_version
@ -16,14 +30,15 @@ export IDRIS2_DATA = ${CURDIR}/support
all: idris2 libs test
@echo "Using idris version: $(IDRIS_VERSION)"
@echo "Using Idris 1 version: $(IDRIS_VERSION)"
@if [ $(shell expr $(IDRIS_VERSION) : $(VALID_IDRIS_VERSION_REGEXP)) -eq 0 ]; then echo "Wrong idris version, expected version matching $(VALID_IDRIS_VERSION_REGEXP)"; exit 1; fi
idris2: src/YafflePaths.idr check_version
@echo "Building Idris 2 version: $(IDRIS2_VERSION)"
idris --build idris2.ipkg
echo 'module YafflePaths; export yversion : ((Nat,Nat,Nat), String); yversion = ((${MAJOR},${MINOR},${PATCH}), "")' > src/YafflePaths.idr
echo 'module YafflePaths; export yversion : ((Nat,Nat,Nat), String); yversion = ((${MAJOR},${MINOR},${PATCH}), "${GIT_SHA1}")' > src/YafflePaths.idr
echo 'export yprefix : String; yprefix = "${PREFIX}"' >> src/YafflePaths.idr

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ atom fname
x <- name
end <- location
pure (PRef (MkFC fname start end) x)
whereBlock : FileName -> Int -> Rule (List PDecl)
whereBlock fname col
= do keyword "where"
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ continueWith indents req
symbol req
iOperator : Rule Name
= do n <- operator
pure (UN n)
<|> do symbol "`"
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ mutual
pure (PPrefixOp (MkFC fname start end) op arg)
<|> fail "Expected 'case', 'if', 'do', application or operator expression"
applyExpImp : FilePos -> FilePos -> PTerm ->
List ArgType ->
applyExpImp : FilePos -> FilePos -> PTerm ->
List ArgType ->
applyExpImp start end f [] = f
applyExpImp start end f (ExpArg exp :: args)
= applyExpImp start end (PApp (MkFC fname start end) f exp) args
applyExpImp start end f (ImpArg n imp :: args)
applyExpImp start end f (ImpArg n imp :: args)
= applyExpImp start end (PImplicitApp (MkFC fname start end) f n imp) args
applyExpImp start end f (WithArg exp :: args)
= applyExpImp start end (PWithApp (MkFC fname start end) f exp) args
@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ mutual
opExpr q fname indents
= do start <- location
l <- appExpr q fname indents
(if eqOK q
(if eqOK q
then do continue indents
symbol "="
symbol "="
r <- opExpr q fname indents
end <- location
pure (POp (MkFC fname start end) (UN "=") l r)
else fail "= not allowed")
(do continue indents
op <- iOperator
middle <- location
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ mutual
symbol "**"
rest <- dpair fname loc indents <|> expr pdef fname indents
end <- location
pure (PDPair (MkFC fname start end)
pure (PDPair (MkFC fname start end)
(PRef (MkFC fname start loc) (UN x))
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ mutual
<|> do start <- location
symbol "["
listExpr fname start indents
multiplicity : EmptyRule (Maybe Integer)
= do c <- intLit
@ -360,26 +360,26 @@ mutual
getMult Nothing = pure RigW
getMult _ = fatalError "Invalid multiplicity (must be 0 or 1)"
pibindAll : FC -> PiInfo -> List (RigCount, Maybe Name, PTerm) ->
pibindAll : FC -> PiInfo -> List (RigCount, Maybe Name, PTerm) ->
PTerm -> PTerm
pibindAll fc p [] scope = scope
pibindAll fc p ((rig, n, ty) :: rest) scope
= PPi fc rig p n ty (pibindAll fc p rest scope)
bindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
bindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, PTerm, PTerm))
bindList fname start indents
= sepBy1 (symbol ",")
(do rigc <- multiplicity
pat <- simpleExpr fname indents
ty <- option
ty <- option
(PInfer (MkFC fname start start))
(do symbol ":"
opExpr pdef fname indents)
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (rig, pat, ty))
pibindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
pibindList : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (List (RigCount, Maybe Name, PTerm))
pibindList fname start indents
= do rigc <- multiplicity
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ mutual
ty <- expr pdef fname indents
rig <- getMult rigc
pure (rig, Just n, ty))
bindSymbol : Rule PiInfo
= do symbol "->"
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ mutual
bindAll fc ((rig, pat, ty) :: rest) scope
= PLam fc rig Explicit pat ty (bindAll fc rest scope)
letBinder : FileName -> IndentInfo ->
letBinder : FileName -> IndentInfo ->
Rule (FilePos, FilePos, RigCount, PTerm, PTerm, List PClause)
letBinder fname indents
= do start <- location
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ mutual
buildLets fname [] sc = sc
buildLets fname ((start, end, rig, pat, val, alts) :: rest) sc
= let fc = MkFC fname start end in
PLet fc rig pat (PImplicit fc) val
PLet fc rig pat (PImplicit fc) val
(buildLets fname rest sc) alts
buildDoLets : FileName ->
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ mutual
= let fc = MkFC fname start end in
if lowerFirst n
then DoLet fc (UN n) rig val :: buildDoLets fname rest
else DoLetPat fc (PRef fc' (UN n)) val []
else DoLetPat fc (PRef fc' (UN n)) val []
:: buildDoLets fname rest
buildDoLets fname ((start, end, rig, pat, val, alts) :: rest)
= let fc = MkFC fname start end in
@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ mutual
let_ fname indents
= do start <- location
keyword "let"
res <- nonEmptyBlock (letBinder fname)
res <- nonEmptyBlock (letBinder fname)
commitKeyword indents "in"
scope <- typeExpr pdef fname indents
end <- location
pure (buildLets fname res scope)
<|> do start <- location
keyword "let"
@ -541,13 +541,13 @@ mutual
= do start <- location
lhs <- opExpr plhs fname indents
caseRHS fname start indents lhs
caseRHS : FileName -> FilePos -> IndentInfo -> PTerm -> Rule PClause
caseRHS fname start indents lhs
= do symbol "=>"
mustContinue indents Nothing
rhs <- expr pdef fname indents
atEnd indents
atEnd indents
end <- location
pure (MkPatClause (MkFC fname start end) lhs rhs [])
<|> do keyword "impossible"
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ mutual
tm <- expr pdef fname indents
end <- location
pure (PRewrite (MkFC fname start end) rule tm)
doBlock : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
doBlock fname indents
= do start <- location
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ mutual
patAlt fname indents
= do symbol "|"
caseAlt fname indents
lazy : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PTerm
lazy fname indents
= do start <- location
@ -707,8 +707,8 @@ mutual
mkPi : FilePos -> FilePos -> PTerm -> List (PiInfo, PTerm) -> PTerm
mkPi start end arg [] = arg
mkPi start end arg ((exp, a) :: as)
= PPi (MkFC fname start end) RigW exp Nothing arg
mkPi start end arg ((exp, a) :: as)
= PPi (MkFC fname start end) RigW exp Nothing arg
(mkPi start end a as)
@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ mutual
applyArgs f ((fc, a) :: args) = applyArgs (PApp fc f a) args
parseWithArg : Rule (FC, PTerm)
= do symbol "|"
start <- location
tm <- expr plhs fname indents
@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ mutual
mkTyConType : FC -> List Name -> PTerm
mkTyConType fc [] = PType fc
mkTyConType fc (x :: xs)
mkTyConType fc (x :: xs)
= PPi fc Rig1 Explicit Nothing (PType fc) (mkTyConType fc xs)
mkDataConType : FC -> PTerm -> List ArgType -> PTerm
@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ mkDataConType fc ret (ExpArg x :: xs)
= PPi fc Rig1 Explicit Nothing x (mkDataConType fc ret xs)
mkDataConType fc ret (ImpArg n (PRef fc' x) :: xs)
= if n == Just x
then PPi fc Rig1 Implicit n (PType fc')
then PPi fc Rig1 Implicit n (PType fc')
(mkDataConType fc ret xs)
else PPi fc Rig1 Implicit n (PRef fc' x)
else PPi fc Rig1 Implicit n (PRef fc' x)
(mkDataConType fc ret xs)
mkDataConType fc ret (ImpArg n x :: xs)
= PPi fc Rig1 Implicit n x (mkDataConType fc ret xs)
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ simpleCon fname ret indents
atEnd indents
end <- location
let cfc = MkFC fname start end
pure (MkPTy cfc cname (mkDataConType cfc ret params))
pure (MkPTy cfc cname (mkDataConType cfc ret params))
simpleData : FileName -> FilePos -> Name -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDataDecl
simpleData fname start n indents
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ simpleData fname start n indents
symbol "="
let conRetTy = papply tyfc (PRef tyfc n)
(map (PRef tyfc) params)
cons <- sepBy1 (symbol "|")
cons <- sepBy1 (symbol "|")
(simpleCon fname conRetTy indents)
end <- location
pure (MkPData (MkFC fname start end) n
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ dataOpt
ns <- some name
pure (SearchBy ns)
dataBody : FileName -> Int -> FilePos -> Name -> IndentInfo -> PTerm ->
dataBody : FileName -> Int -> FilePos -> Name -> IndentInfo -> PTerm ->
EmptyRule PDataDecl
dataBody fname mincol start n indents ty
= do atEndIndent indents
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ dataDeclBody fname indents
col <- column
keyword "data"
n <- name
simpleData fname start n indents
simpleData fname start n indents
<|> gadtData fname col start n indents
dataDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
@ -887,8 +887,8 @@ stripBraces str = pack (drop '{' (reverse (drop '}' (reverse (unpack str)))))
drop c (c' :: xs) = if c == c' then drop c xs else c' :: xs
onoff : Rule Bool
= do exactIdent "on"
= do exactIdent "on"
pure True
<|> do exactIdent "off"
pure False
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ fix
<|> do keyword "prefix"; pure Prefix
namespaceHead : Rule (List String)
= do keyword "namespace"
ns <- namespace_
@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ visOpt
opt <- fnDirectOpt
pure (Right opt)
getVisibility : Maybe Visibility -> List (Either Visibility FnOpt) ->
getVisibility : Maybe Visibility -> List (Either Visibility FnOpt) ->
EmptyRule Visibility
getVisibility Nothing [] = pure Private
getVisibility (Just vis) [] = pure vis
@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ ifaceDecl fname indents
pure (Just n))
body <- assert_total (blockAfter col (topDecl fname))
end <- location
pure (PInterface (MkFC fname start end)
pure (PInterface (MkFC fname start end)
vis cons n params det dc (collectDefs (concat body)))
implDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ implDecl fname indents
atEnd indents
end <- location
pure (PImplementation (MkFC fname start end)
vis Single impls cons n params iname
vis Single impls cons n params iname
(map (collectDefs . concat) body))
fieldDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List PField)
@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ recordDecl fname indents
keyword "where"
dcflds <- blockWithOptHeaderAfter col ctor (fieldDecl fname)
end <- location
pure (PRecord (MkFC fname start end)
pure (PRecord (MkFC fname start end)
vis n params (fst dcflds) (concat (snd dcflds)))
ctor : IndentInfo -> Rule Name
@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ claim fname indents
cl <- tyDecl fname indents
end <- location
pure (PClaim (MkFC fname start end) rig vis opts cl)
definition : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
definition fname indents
= do start <- location
@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ fixDecl fname indents
directiveDecl : FileName -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
directiveDecl fname indents
= do start <- location
symbol "%"
symbol "%"
(do d <- directive fname indents
end <- location
pure (PDirective (MkFC fname start end) d))
@ -1283,8 +1283,8 @@ collectDefs (PDef annot cs :: ds)
(ys, zs) => (y ++ ys, zs)
isClause : PDecl -> Maybe (List PClause)
isClause (PDef annot cs)
= Just cs
isClause (PDef annot cs)
= Just cs
isClause _ = Nothing
collectDefs (PNamespace annot ns nds :: ds)
= PNamespace annot ns (collectDefs nds) :: collectDefs ds
@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ setVarOption
mode <- parseMode
pure (EvalMode mode)
<|> do exactIdent "editor"
e <- unqualifiedName
e <- unqualifiedName
pure (Editor e)
<|> do exactIdent "cg"
c <- unqualifiedName
@ -1462,6 +1462,8 @@ nonEmptyCommand
pure (SetLog (fromInteger i))
<|> do symbol ":"; replCmd ["m", "metavars"]
pure Metavars
<|> do symbol ":"; replCmd ["version"]
pure ShowVersion
<|> do symbol ":"; cmd <- editCmd
pure (Editing cmd)
<|> do tm <- expr pdef "(interactive)" init

View File

@ -568,7 +568,8 @@ process NOP
process ShowVersion
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ => iputStrLn $ showVersion version
REPL _ => do iputStrLn $ showVersion version
pure True
IDEMode i _ f => do
let MkVersion (maj, min, patch) t = version
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return",
@ -576,7 +577,7 @@ process ShowVersion
SExpList [SExpList (map (IntegerAtom . cast) [maj, min, patch]),
SExpList [ StringAtom $ fromMaybe "" t ]]],
toSExp i])
pure False
pure False
processCatch : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->

tests/ideMode/ideMode002/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
000018(:protocol-version 2 0)
000021(:return (:ok ((0 0 0) (""))) 1)
Alas the file is done, aborting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
VERSION=`echo $INPUT | cut -d- -f1`
TAG=`echo $INPUT | cut -s -d- -f2`
MAJOR=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1`
MINOR=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f2`
PATCH=`echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f3`
EXPECTED_LINE="(:return (:ok ((${MAJOR} ${MINOR} ${PATCH}) (\"${TAG}\"))) 1)"
sed -e "s/__EXPECTED_LINE__/$(printf '%06x' ${EXPECTED_LENGTH})${EXPECTED_LINE}/g" > expected

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
$1 --version | awk '{print $4}' | ./
$1 --ide-mode < input
rm -rf build