Add CompileExpr

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-06-02 17:54:55 +01:00
parent 0fa61f7c4f
commit bdc38d438c
4 changed files with 326 additions and 3 deletions

src/Core/CompileExpr.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
-- Representation of expressions ready for compiling
-- Type erased, explicit case trees
module Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Name
import Core.TT
import Data.Vect
%default total
||| CExp - an expression ready for compiling.
public export
data CExp : List Name -> Type where
CLocal : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar x idx vars) -> CExp vars
CRef : Name -> CExp vars
-- Lambda expression
CLam : (x : Name) -> CExp (x :: vars) -> CExp vars
-- Let bindings
CLet : (x : Name) -> CExp vars -> CExp (x :: vars) -> CExp vars
-- Application of a defined function. The length of the argument list is
-- exactly the same length as expected by its definition (so saturate with
-- lambdas if necessary, or overapply with additional CApps)
CApp : CExp vars -> List (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
-- A saturated constructor application
CCon : Name -> (tag : Int) -> List (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
-- Internally defined primitive operations
COp : PrimFn arity -> Vect arity (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
-- Externally defined primitive operations
CExtPrim : (p : Name) -> List (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
-- A forced (evaluated) value (TODO: is this right?)
CForce : CExp vars -> CExp vars
-- A delayed value (lazy? TODO: check)
CDelay : CExp vars -> CExp vars
-- A case match statement
CConCase : (sc : CExp vars) -> List (CConAlt vars) -> Maybe (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
CConstCase : (sc : CExp vars) -> List (CConstAlt vars) -> Maybe (CExp vars) -> CExp vars
-- A primitive value
CPrimVal : Constant -> CExp vars
-- An erased value
CErased : CExp vars
-- Some sort of crash?
CCrash : String -> CExp vars
public export
data CConAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkConAlt : Name -> (tag : Int) -> (args : List Name) ->
CExp (args ++ vars) -> CConAlt vars
public export
data CConstAlt : List Name -> Type where
MkConstAlt : Constant -> CExp vars -> CConstAlt vars
public export
data CDef : Type where
-- Normal function definition
MkFun : (args : List Name) -> CExp args -> CDef
-- Constructor
MkCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> CDef
-- A function which will fail at runtime (usually due to being a hole) so needs
-- to run, discarding arguments, no matter how many arguments are passed
MkError : CExp [] -> CDef
Show (CExp vars) where
show (CLocal {x} y) = "!" ++ show x
show (CRef x) = show x
show (CLam x y) = "(%lam " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ ")"
show (CLet x y z) = "(%let " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ " " ++ show z ++ ")"
show (CApp x xs)
= assert_total $ "(" ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
show (CCon x tag xs)
= assert_total $ "(%con " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show tag ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
show (COp op xs)
= assert_total $ "(" ++ show op ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
show (CExtPrim p xs)
= assert_total $ "(%extern " ++ show p ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
show (CForce x) = "(%force " ++ show x ++ ")"
show (CDelay x) = "(%delay " ++ show x ++ ")"
show (CConCase sc xs def)
= assert_total $ "(%case " ++ show sc ++ " " ++ show xs ++ " " ++ show def ++ ")"
show (CConstCase sc xs def)
= assert_total $ "(%case " ++ show sc ++ " " ++ show xs ++ " " ++ show def ++ ")"
show (CPrimVal x) = show x
show CErased = "___"
show (CCrash x) = "(CRASH " ++ show x ++ ")"
Show (CConAlt vars) where
show (MkConAlt x tag args exp)
= "(%concase " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show tag ++ " " ++
show args ++ " " ++ show exp ++ ")"
Show (CConstAlt vars) where
show (MkConstAlt x exp)
= "(%constcase " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show exp ++ ")"
Show CDef where
show (MkFun args exp) = show args ++ ": " ++ show exp
show (MkCon tag arity) = "Constructor tag " ++ show tag ++ " arity " ++ show arity
show (MkError exp) = "Error: " ++ show exp
thin : (n : Name) -> CExp (outer ++ inner) -> CExp (outer ++ n :: inner)
thin n (CLocal prf)
= let MkVar var' = insertVar {n} _ prf in
CLocal var'
thin n (CRef x) = CRef x
thin {outer} {inner} n (CLam x sc)
= let sc' = thin {outer = x :: outer} {inner} n sc in
CLam x sc'
thin {outer} {inner} n (CLet x val sc)
= let sc' = thin {outer = x :: outer} {inner} n sc in
CLet x (thin n val) sc'
thin n (CApp x xs)
= CApp (thin n x) (assert_total (map (thin n) xs))
thin n (CCon x tag xs)
= CCon x tag (assert_total (map (thin n) xs))
thin n (COp x xs)
= COp x (assert_total (map (thin n) xs))
thin n (CExtPrim p xs)
= CExtPrim p (assert_total (map (thin n) xs))
thin n (CForce x) = CForce (thin n x)
thin n (CDelay x) = CDelay (thin n x)
thin n (CConCase sc xs def)
= CConCase (thin n sc) (assert_total (map (thinConAlt n) xs))
(assert_total (map (thin n) def))
thin n (CConstCase sc xs def)
= CConstCase (thin n sc) (assert_total (map (thinConstAlt n) xs))
(assert_total (map (thin n) def))
thin n (CPrimVal x) = CPrimVal x
thin n CErased = CErased
thin n (CCrash x) = CCrash x
thinConAlt : (n : Name) -> CConAlt (outer ++ inner) -> CConAlt (outer ++ n :: inner)
thinConAlt {outer} {inner} n (MkConAlt x tag args sc)
= let sc' : CExp ((args ++ outer) ++ inner)
= rewrite sym (appendAssociative args outer inner) in sc in
MkConAlt x tag args
(rewrite appendAssociative args outer (n :: inner) in
thin n sc')
thinConstAlt : (n : Name) -> CConstAlt (outer ++ inner) -> CConstAlt (outer ++ n :: inner)
thinConstAlt n (MkConstAlt x sc) = MkConstAlt x (thin n sc)
embed : CExp args -> CExp (args ++ vars)
embed (CLocal prf) = CLocal (varExtend prf)
embed (CRef n) = CRef n
embed (CLam x sc) = CLam x (embed sc)
embed (CLet x val sc) = CLet x (embed val) (embed sc)
embed (CApp f args) = CApp (embed f) (assert_total (map embed args))
embed (CCon n t args) = CCon n t (assert_total (map embed args))
embed (COp p args) = COp p (assert_total (map embed args))
embed (CExtPrim p args) = CExtPrim p (assert_total (map embed args))
embed (CForce e) = CForce (embed e)
embed (CDelay e) = CDelay (embed e)
embed (CConCase sc alts def)
= CConCase (embed sc) (assert_total (map embedAlt alts))
(assert_total (map embed def))
embed (CConstCase sc alts def)
= CConstCase (embed sc) (assert_total (map embedConstAlt alts))
(assert_total (map embed def))
embed (CPrimVal c) = CPrimVal c
embed CErased = CErased
embed (CCrash msg) = CCrash msg
embedAlt : CConAlt args -> CConAlt (args ++ vars)
embedAlt {args} {vars} (MkConAlt n t as sc)
= MkConAlt n t as (rewrite appendAssociative as args vars in embed sc)
embedConstAlt : CConstAlt args -> CConstAlt (args ++ vars)
embedConstAlt (MkConstAlt c sc) = MkConstAlt c (embed sc)
Weaken CExp where
weaken = thin {outer = []} _

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Core.Context
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import public Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.Hash
@ -391,6 +392,47 @@ TTC DefFlag where
6 => do x <- fromBuf s b; pure (SetTotal x)
_ => corrupt "DefFlag"
public export
data SizeChange = Smaller | Same | Unknown
Show SizeChange where
show Smaller = "Smaller"
show Same = "Same"
show Unknown = "Unknown"
public export
record SCCall where
constructor MkSCCall
fnCall : Name -- Function called
fnArgs : List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange))
-- relationship to arguments of calling function; argument position
-- (in the calling function), and how its size changed in the call.
-- 'Nothing' if it's not related to any of the calling function's
-- arguments
TTC SizeChange where
toBuf b Smaller = tag 0
toBuf b Same = tag 1
toBuf b Unknown = tag 2
fromBuf s b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure Smaller
1 => pure Same
2 => pure Unknown
_ => corrupt "SizeChange"
TTC SCCall where
toBuf b c = do toBuf b (fnCall c); toBuf b (fnArgs c)
fromBuf s b
= do fn <- fromBuf s b
args <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkSCCall fn args)
public export
record GlobalDef where
constructor MkGlobalDef
@ -410,6 +452,8 @@ record GlobalDef where
-- occurs check)
linearChecked : Bool -- Flag whether we've already checked its linearity
definition : Def
compexpr : Maybe CDef
sizeChange : List SCCall
TTC GlobalDef where
@ -418,6 +462,7 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
-- be holes where all we will ever need after loading is the definition
do toBuf b (fullname gdef)
toBuf b (definition gdef)
toBuf b (compexpr gdef)
when (isUserName (fullname gdef)) $
do toBuf b (location gdef)
toBuf b (type gdef)
@ -428,10 +473,12 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
toBuf b (flags gdef)
toBuf b (map fst (toList (refersTo gdef)))
toBuf b (noCycles gdef)
toBuf b (sizeChange gdef)
fromBuf r b
= do name <- fromBuf r b
def <- fromBuf r b
cdef <- fromBuf r b
if isUserName name
then do loc <- fromBuf r b;
ty <- fromBuf r b; mul <- fromBuf r b
@ -441,18 +488,20 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
refsList <- fromBuf r b;
let refs = fromList (map (\x => (x, ())) refsList)
c <- fromBuf r b
sc <- fromBuf r b
pure (MkGlobalDef loc name ty mul vars vis
tot fl refs c True def)
tot fl refs c True def cdef sc)
else do let fc = emptyFC
pure (MkGlobalDef fc name (Erased fc)
RigW [] Public unchecked [] empty
False True def)
False True def cdef [])
newDef : FC -> Name -> RigCount -> List Name ->
ClosedTerm -> Visibility -> Def -> GlobalDef
newDef fc n rig vars ty vis def
= MkGlobalDef fc n ty rig vars vis unchecked [] empty False False def
Nothing []
public export
record Defs where
@ -546,7 +595,8 @@ addBuiltin : {auto x : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PrimFn arity -> Core ()
addBuiltin n ty tot op
= do addDef n (MkGlobalDef emptyFC n ty RigW [] Public tot
[Inline] empty False True (Builtin op))
[Inline] empty False True (Builtin op)
Nothing [])
pure ()

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@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
module Core.TTC
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.CompileExpr
import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.FC
import Core.Name
import Core.TT
import Data.Vect
import Utils.Binary
%default covering
@ -532,4 +534,89 @@ TTC (PrimFn n) where
20 => pure BelieveMe
_ => corrupt "PrimFn 3"
TTC (CExp vars) where
toBuf b (CLocal {x} {idx} h) = do tag 0; toBuf b x; toBuf b idx
toBuf b (CRef n) = do tag 1; toBuf b n
toBuf b (CLam x sc) = do tag 2; toBuf b x; toBuf b sc
toBuf b (CLet x val sc) = do tag 3; toBuf b x; toBuf b val; toBuf b sc
toBuf b (CApp f as) = assert_total $ do tag 4; toBuf b f; toBuf b as
toBuf b (CCon t n as) = assert_total $ do tag 5; toBuf b t; toBuf b n; toBuf b as
toBuf b (COp {arity} op as) = assert_total $ do tag 6; toBuf b arity; toBuf b op; toBuf b as
toBuf b (CExtPrim f as) = assert_total $ do tag 7; toBuf b f; toBuf b as
toBuf b (CForce x) = assert_total $ do tag 8; toBuf b x
toBuf b (CDelay x) = assert_total $ do tag 9; toBuf b x
toBuf b (CConCase sc alts def) = assert_total $ do tag 10; toBuf b sc; toBuf b alts; toBuf b def
toBuf b (CConstCase sc alts def) = assert_total $ do tag 11; toBuf b sc; toBuf b alts; toBuf b def
toBuf b (CPrimVal c) = do tag 12; toBuf b c
toBuf b CErased = do tag 13
toBuf b (CCrash msg) = do tag 14; toBuf b msg
fromBuf s b
= assert_total $ case !getTag of
0 => do x <- fromBuf s b; idx <- fromBuf s b
pure (CLocal {x} (mkPrf idx))
1 => do n <- fromBuf s b
pure (CRef n)
2 => do x <- fromBuf s b; sc <- fromBuf s b
pure (CLam x sc)
3 => do x <- fromBuf s b; val <- fromBuf s b; sc <- fromBuf s b
pure (CLet x val sc)
4 => do f <- fromBuf s b; as <- fromBuf s b
pure (CApp f as)
5 => do t <- fromBuf s b; n <- fromBuf s b; as <- fromBuf s b
pure (CCon t n as)
6 => do arity <- fromBuf s b; op <- fromBuf s b; args <- fromBuf s b
pure (COp {arity} op args)
7 => do p <- fromBuf s b; as <- fromBuf s b
pure (CExtPrim p as)
8 => do x <- fromBuf s b
pure (CForce x)
9 => do x <- fromBuf s b
pure (CDelay x)
10 => do sc <- fromBuf s b; alts <- fromBuf s b; def <- fromBuf s b
pure (CConCase sc alts def)
11 => do sc <- fromBuf s b; alts <- fromBuf s b; def <- fromBuf s b
pure (CConstCase sc alts def)
12 => do c <- fromBuf s b
pure (CPrimVal c)
13 => pure CErased
14 => do msg <- fromBuf s b
pure (CCrash msg)
_ => corrupt "CExp"
TTC (CConAlt vars) where
toBuf b (MkConAlt n t as sc) = do toBuf b n; toBuf b t; toBuf b as; toBuf b sc
fromBuf s b
= do n <- fromBuf s b; t <- fromBuf s b
as <- fromBuf s b; sc <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkConAlt n t as sc)
TTC (CConstAlt vars) where
toBuf b (MkConstAlt c sc) = do toBuf b c; toBuf b sc
fromBuf s b
= do c <- fromBuf s b; sc <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkConstAlt c sc)
TTC CDef where
toBuf b (MkFun args cexpr) = do tag 0; toBuf b args; toBuf b cexpr
toBuf b (MkCon t arity) = do tag 1; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity
toBuf b (MkError cexpr) = do tag 2; toBuf b cexpr
fromBuf s b
= case !getTag of
0 => do args <- fromBuf s b; cexpr <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkFun args cexpr)
1 => do t <- fromBuf s b; arity <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkCon t arity)
2 => do cexpr <- fromBuf s b
pure (MkError cexpr)
_ => corrupt "CDef"

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ modules =