Add sort and merge to Data.List

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Edwin Brady 2019-07-06 13:56:57 +01:00
parent 7a588d30cc
commit c02da23c1a

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@ -105,3 +105,58 @@ export
toList : Foldable t => t a -> List a
toList = foldr (::) []
-- Sorting
||| Check whether a list is sorted with respect to the default ordering for the type of its elements.
sorted : Ord a => List a -> Bool
sorted [] = True
sorted (x::xs) =
case xs of
Nil => True
(y::ys) => x <= y && sorted (y::ys)
||| Merge two sorted lists using an arbitrary comparison
||| predicate. Note that the lists must have been sorted using this
||| predicate already.
mergeBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeBy order [] right = right
mergeBy order left [] = left
mergeBy order (x::xs) (y::ys) =
case order x y of
LT => x :: mergeBy order xs (y::ys)
_ => y :: mergeBy order (x::xs) ys
||| Merge two sorted lists using the default ordering for the type of their elements.
merge : Ord a => List a -> List a -> List a
merge = mergeBy compare
||| Sort a list using some arbitrary comparison predicate.
||| @ cmp how to compare elements
||| @ xs the list to sort
sortBy : (cmp : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (xs : List a) -> List a
sortBy cmp [] = []
sortBy cmp [x] = [x]
sortBy cmp xs = let (x, y) = split xs in
mergeBy cmp
(sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs x))
(sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs y)) -- not structurally smaller, hence assert
splitRec : List a -> List a -> (List a -> List a) -> (List a, List a)
splitRec (_::_::xs) (y::ys) zs = splitRec xs ys (zs . ((::) y))
splitRec _ ys zs = (zs [], ys)
split : List a -> (List a, List a)
split xs = splitRec xs xs id
||| Sort a list using the default ordering for the type of its elements.
sort : Ord a => List a -> List a
sort = sortBy compare