provide a socket-based client REPL

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Arnaud Bailly 2019-08-06 10:46:02 +02:00
parent 6e8b5aa2d2
commit c40eabc7e5
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GPG Key ID: 389CC2BC5448321E

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import System
import Idris.IDEMode.Commands
import Idris.IDEMode.Parser
import Idris.Socket
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.REPL
import Idris.Socket.Data
import Idris.IDEMode.REPL
import Parser.Support
@ -68,27 +70,74 @@ readOutput sock = do
Right (msg, _) <- recv sock num | Left err => pure (Left $ "failed to read from socket, error: " ++ show err)
pure $ either (Left . show) Right $ parseSExp msg
readResult: Socket -> IO ()
readResult sock = do
Right output <- readOutput sock | Left err => putStrLn err
case output of
SExpList (SymbolAtom "return" :: rest) => putStrLn $ show (SExpList rest)
res => do
putStrLn (show res)
readResult sock
data IDEResult : Type where
IDEReturn : List SExp -> IDEResult
NetworkError : String -> IDEResult
InputError : String -> IDEResult
OutputError : String -> IDEResult
client : String -> Int -> IDECommand -> IO ()
client host port command = do
cnx<- connectTo host port
case cnx of
Left fail => do
putStrLn fail
Right sock => do
implementation Show IDEResult where
show (IDEReturn exprs) = unlines $ map show exprs
show (NetworkError reason) = reason
show (InputError reason) = reason
show (OutputError reason) = reason
readResult: Socket -> List SExp -> IO IDEResult
readResult sock outputs = do
Right output <- readOutput sock | Left err => pure (OutputError err)
case output of
SExpList (SymbolAtom "return" :: rest) => pure (IDEReturn (SExpList rest :: outputs))
res => do
readResult sock (res :: outputs)
execute : Socket -> IDECommand -> IO IDEResult
execute cnx command = do
let cmdString = serialize command
case cmdString of
Just cmd => do
Right sent <- send sock cmd
| Left err =>putStrLn ("Failed to connect to :" ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port ++", " ++ show err)
readResult sock
close sock
Nothing => putStrLn "Command is too long"
Right sent <- send cnx cmd
| Left err => pure (NetworkError ("Failed to send command, error: " ++ show err))
readResult cnx []
Nothing => pure $ InputError "Command is too long"
connect : String -> Int -> IO Socket
connect host port = do
Right sock <- connectTo host port
| Left fail => do
putStrLn $ "fail to connect to " ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port ++", error: " ++ fail
exit 1
pure sock
makeIDECommand : REPLCmd -> Either String IDECommand
makeIDECommand (Eval term) = Right $ Interpret (show term)
makeIDECommand (Check term) = Right $ TypeOf (show term) Nothing
makeIDECommand (Load file) = Right $ LoadFile file Nothing
makeIDECommand (Editing (TypeAt line col name)) = Right $ TypeOf (show name) (Just (cast line, cast col))
makeIDECommand other = Left "Don't know how to interpret command"
parseCommand : String -> Either String IDECommand
parseCommand = either (Left . show) makeIDECommand . parseRepl
repl : Socket -> IO ()
repl cnx
= do putStr prompt
Right input <- map parseCommand getLine
| Left err => do
putStrLn err
repl cnx
end <- fEOF stdin
if end
then putStrLn "Bye!"
else do
result <- execute cnx input
putStrLn $ show result
repl cnx
prompt : String
prompt = "λ> "
client : String -> Int -> IO ()
client host port = connect host port >>= repl