mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 22:05:32 +03:00
Build patterns from closed terms
We'll use fresh names for the variables in the environment, then recalculate the local variables as we build the case tree (we don't know how many we'll need in advance, especially given 'as' patterns) Also implement 'subst' for this (it may turn out to have other uses too)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,35 @@
module Core.CaseBuilder
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
%default covering
public export
data Phase = CompileTime | RunTime
data ArgType : List Name -> Type where
Known : RigCount -> (ty : Term vars) -> ArgType vars -- arg has type 'ty'
Stuck : (fty : Term vars) -> ArgType vars
-- ^ arg will have argument type of 'fty' when we know enough to
-- calculate it
Unknown : ArgType vars
-- arg's type is not yet known due to a previously stuck argument
Show (ArgType ns) where
show (Known c t) = "Known " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show t
show (Stuck t) = "Stuck " ++ show t
show Unknown = "Unknown"
record PatInfo (pvar : Name) (vars : List Name) where
constructor MkInfo
pat : Pat
loc : IsVar name idx vars
argType : ArgType vars -- Type of the argument being inspected (i.e.
-- *not* refined by this particular pattern)
@ -21,18 +21,15 @@ mutual
DefaultCase : CaseTree vars -> CaseAlt vars
public export
data Pat : List Name -> Type where
PAs : {name : _} ->
FC -> (idx : Nat) -> IsVar name idx vars -> Pat vars -> Pat vars
data Pat : Type where
PAs : FC -> Name -> Pat -> Pat
PCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
List (Pat vars) -> Pat vars
PTyCon : FC -> Name -> (arity : Nat) ->
List (Pat vars) -> Pat vars
PConst : FC -> (c : Constant) -> Pat vars
PArrow : FC -> (x : Name) -> Pat vars -> Pat (x :: vars) -> Pat vars
PLoc : {name : _} ->
FC -> (idx : Nat) -> IsVar name idx vars -> Pat vars
PUnmatchable : FC -> Term vars -> Pat vars
List Pat -> Pat
PTyCon : FC -> Name -> (arity : Nat) -> List Pat -> Pat
PConst : FC -> (c : Constant) -> Pat
PArrow : FC -> (x : Name) -> Pat -> Pat -> Pat
PLoc : FC -> Name -> Pat
PUnmatchable : FC -> Term [] -> Pat
@ -54,23 +51,23 @@ mutual
show (DefaultCase sc)
= "_ => " ++ show sc
mkPat' : List (Pat vars) -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Pat vars
mkPat' [] orig (Local fc c idx p) = PLoc fc idx p
mkPat' : List Pat -> Term [] -> Term [] -> Pat
mkPat' [] orig (Ref fc Bound n) = PLoc fc n
mkPat' args orig (Ref fc (DataCon t a) n) = PCon fc n t a args
mkPat' args orig (Ref fc (TyCon t a) n) = PTyCon fc n a args
mkPat' [] orig (Bind fc x (Pi _ _ s) t)
= PArrow fc x (mkPat' [] s s) (mkPat' [] t t)
= let t' = subst (Erased fc) t in
PArrow fc x (mkPat' [] s s) (mkPat' [] t' t')
mkPat' args orig (App fc fn p arg)
= let parg = mkPat' [] arg arg in
mkPat' (parg :: args) orig fn
mkPat' args orig (As fc idx p ptm)
= let pat = mkPat' args orig ptm in
PAs fc idx p pat
mkPat' [] orig (As fc (Ref _ Bound n) ptm)
= PAs fc n (mkPat' [] ptm ptm)
mkPat' [] orig (PrimVal fc c) = PConst fc c
mkPat' args orig tm = PUnmatchable (getLoc orig) orig
mkPat : Term vars -> Pat vars
mkPat : Term [] -> Pat
mkPat tm = mkPat' [] tm tm
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, opts : EvalOpts)
(\arg => eval env (arg :: locs) scope stk)
eval env locs (App fc fn p arg) stk
= eval env locs fn ((p, MkClosure opts locs env arg) :: stk)
eval env locs (As fc idx p tm) stk = eval env locs tm stk
eval env locs (As fc _ tm) stk = eval env locs tm stk
eval env locs (TDelayed fc r ty) stk
= pure (NDelayed fc r (MkClosure opts locs env ty))
eval env locs (TDelay fc r tm) stk
@ -297,9 +297,8 @@ data Term : List Name -> Type where
App : FC -> (fn : Term vars) -> (p : AppInfo) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
-- as patterns; since we check LHS patterns as terms before turning
-- them into patterns, this helps us get it right. When normalising,
-- we just reduce the inner term and ignore the name
As : {name : _} ->
FC -> (idx : Nat) -> IsVar name idx vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
-- we just reduce the inner term and ignore the 'as' part
As : FC -> (as : Term vars) -> (pat : Term vars) -> Term vars
-- Typed laziness annotations
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ getLoc (Ref fc x name) = fc
getLoc (Meta fc x y xs) = fc
getLoc (Bind fc x b scope) = fc
getLoc (App fc fn p arg) = fc
getLoc (As fc idx x y) = fc
getLoc (As fc x y) = fc
getLoc (TDelayed fc x y) = fc
getLoc (TDelay fc x y) = fc
getLoc (TForce fc x) = fc
@ -454,9 +453,7 @@ thin {outer} {inner} n (Bind fc x b scope)
= let sc' = thin {outer = x :: outer} {inner} n scope in
Bind fc x (assert_total (map (thin n) b)) sc'
thin n (App fc fn p arg) = App fc (thin n fn) p (thin n arg)
thin n (As fc idx prf tm)
= let (_ ** prf') = insertVar {n} _ prf in
As fc _ prf' (thin n tm)
thin n (As fc nm tm) = As fc (thin n nm) (thin n tm)
thin n (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (thin n ty)
thin n (TDelay fc r tm) = TDelay fc r (thin n tm)
thin n (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (thin n tm)
@ -479,9 +476,8 @@ insertNames {outer} {inner} ns (Bind fc x b scope)
(insertNames {outer = x :: outer} {inner} ns scope)
insertNames ns (App fc fn p arg)
= App fc (insertNames ns fn) p (insertNames ns arg)
insertNames ns (As fc idx prf tm)
= let (_ ** prf') = insertVarNames {ns} idx prf in
As fc _ prf' (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (As fc as tm)
= As fc (insertNames ns as) (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (insertNames ns ty)
insertNames ns (TDelay fc r tm) = TDelay fc r (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (insertNames ns tm)
@ -547,8 +543,8 @@ renameVars prf (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (renameVars prf) b) (renameVars (CompatExt prf) scope)
renameVars prf (App fc fn p arg)
= App fc (renameVars prf fn) p (renameVars prf arg)
renameVars prf (As fc idx vprf tm)
= As fc idx (snd (renameLocalRef prf vprf)) (renameVars prf tm)
renameVars prf (As fc as tm)
= As fc (renameVars prf as) (renameVars prf tm)
renameVars prf (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (renameVars prf ty)
renameVars prf (TDelay fc r tm) = TDelay fc r (renameVars prf tm)
renameVars prf (TForce fc x) = TForce fc (renameVars prf x)
@ -620,10 +616,8 @@ mutual
= Just (Bind fc x !(shrinkBinder b prf) !(shrinkTerm scope (KeepCons prf)))
shrinkTerm (App fc fn p arg) prf
= Just (App fc !(shrinkTerm fn prf) p !(shrinkTerm arg prf))
shrinkTerm (As fc idx loc tm) prf
= case subElem loc prf of
Nothing => Nothing
Just (_ ** loc') => Just (As fc _ loc' !(shrinkTerm tm prf))
shrinkTerm (As fc as tm) prf
= Just (As fc !(shrinkTerm as prf) !(shrinkTerm tm prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelayed fc x y) prf
= Just (TDelayed fc x !(shrinkTerm y prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelay fc x y) prf
@ -695,8 +689,8 @@ mkLocals {later} bs (Bind fc x b scope)
(mkLocals {later = x :: later} bs scope)
mkLocals bs (App fc fn p arg)
= App fc (mkLocals bs fn) p (mkLocals bs arg)
mkLocals bs (As fc idx p tm)
= let (_ ** p') = addVars bs p in As fc _ p' (mkLocals bs tm)
mkLocals bs (As fc as tm)
= As fc (mkLocals bs as) (mkLocals bs tm)
mkLocals bs (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (mkLocals bs y)
mkLocals bs (TDelay fc x y)
@ -711,6 +705,56 @@ export
refsToLocals : Bounds bound -> Term vars -> Term (bound ++ vars)
refsToLocals bs y = mkLocals {later = []} bs y
-- Substitute some explicit terms for names in a term, and remove those
-- names from the scope
namespace SubstEnv
data SubstEnv : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
Nil : SubstEnv [] vars
(::) : Term vars ->
SubstEnv ds vars -> SubstEnv (d :: ds) vars
findDrop : {drop, idx : _} ->
FC -> Maybe RigCount -> IsVar name idx (drop ++ vars) ->
SubstEnv drop vars -> Term vars
findDrop {drop = []} fc r var env = Local fc r _ var
findDrop {drop = x :: xs} fc r First (tm :: env) = tm
findDrop {drop = x :: xs} fc r (Later p) (tm :: env)
= findDrop fc r p env
find : {outer, idx : _} ->
FC -> Maybe RigCount -> IsVar name idx (outer ++ (drop ++ vars)) ->
SubstEnv drop vars ->
Term (outer ++ vars)
find {outer = []} fc r var env = findDrop fc r var env
find {outer = x :: xs} fc r First env = Local fc r _ First
find {outer = x :: xs} fc r (Later p) env = weaken (find fc r p env)
substEnv : {outer : _} ->
SubstEnv drop vars -> Term (outer ++ (drop ++ vars)) ->
Term (outer ++ vars)
substEnv env (Local fc r _ prf)
= find fc r prf env
substEnv env (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
substEnv env (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (substEnv env) xs)
substEnv {outer} env (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (substEnv env) b)
(substEnv {outer = x :: outer} env scope)
substEnv env (App fc fn p arg)
= App fc (substEnv env fn) p (substEnv env arg)
substEnv env (As fc as pat)
= As fc (substEnv env as) (substEnv env pat)
substEnv env (TDelayed fc x y) = TDelayed fc x (substEnv env y)
substEnv env (TDelay fc x y) = TDelay fc x (substEnv env y)
substEnv env (TForce fc x) = TForce fc (substEnv env x)
substEnv env (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
substEnv env (Erased fc) = Erased fc
substEnv env (TType fc) = TType fc
subst : Term vars -> Term (x :: vars) -> Term vars
subst val tm = substEnv {outer = []} {drop = [_]} [val] tm
-- Get the metavariable names in a term
getMetas : Term vars -> NameMap ()
@ -726,7 +770,7 @@ getMetas tm = getMap empty tm
= getMap (getMap ns (binderType b)) scope
getMap ns (App fc fn p arg)
= getMap (getMap ns fn) arg
getMap ns (As fc idx x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (As fc as tm) = getMap ns tm
getMap ns (TDelayed fc x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (TDelay fc x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (TForce fc x) = getMap ns x
@ -750,7 +794,7 @@ getRefs tm = getMap empty tm
= getMap (getMap ns (binderType b)) scope
getMap ns (App fc fn p arg)
= getMap (getMap ns fn) arg
getMap ns (As fc idx x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (As fc as tm) = getMap ns tm
getMap ns (TDelayed fc x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (TDelay fc x y) = getMap ns y
getMap ns (TForce fc x) = getMap ns x
@ -210,10 +210,9 @@ TTC (Term vars) where
toBuf b (App fc fn p arg)
= do tag 4;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b fn; toBuf b p; toBuf b arg
toBuf b (As {name} fc idx p tm)
toBuf b (As fc as tm)
= do tag 5;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b name;
toBuf b idx; toBuf b tm
toBuf b fc; toBuf b as; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TDelayed fc r tm)
= do tag 6;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b r; toBuf b tm
@ -249,9 +248,9 @@ TTC (Term vars) where
4 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; fn <- fromBuf r b
p <- fromBuf r b; arg <- fromBuf r b
pure (App fc fn p arg)
5 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
idx <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (As {name} fc idx (mkPrf idx) tm)
5 => do fc <- fromBuf r b
as <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (As fc as tm)
6 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; lr <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TDelayed fc lr tm)
7 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; lr <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
@ -265,9 +264,9 @@ TTC (Term vars) where
_ => corrupt "Term"
TTC (Pat vars) where
toBuf b (PAs {name} fc idx x y)
= do tag 0; toBuf b fc; toBuf b name; toBuf b idx; toBuf b y
TTC Pat where
toBuf b (PAs fc x y)
= do tag 0; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (PCon fc x t arity xs)
= do tag 1; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
@ -276,16 +275,16 @@ TTC (Pat vars) where
= do tag 3; toBuf b fc; toBuf b c
toBuf b (PArrow fc x s t)
= do tag 4; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b s; toBuf b t
toBuf b (PLoc {name} fc idx x)
= do tag 5; toBuf b fc; toBuf b name; toBuf b idx
toBuf b (PLoc fc x)
= do tag 5; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x
toBuf b (PUnmatchable fc x)
= do tag 6; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x
fromBuf r b
= case !getTag of
0 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b;
idx <- fromBuf r b; y <- fromBuf r b
pure (PAs {name} fc idx (mkPrf idx) y)
0 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b;
y <- fromBuf r b
pure (PAs fc x y)
1 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b
t <- fromBuf r b; arity <- fromBuf r b
xs <- fromBuf r b
@ -299,9 +298,8 @@ TTC (Pat vars) where
4 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b
s <- fromBuf r b; t <- fromBuf r b
pure (PArrow fc x s t)
5 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
idx <- fromBuf r b
pure (PLoc {name} fc idx (mkPrf idx))
5 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b
pure (PLoc fc x)
6 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b
pure (PUnmatchable fc x)
_ => corrupt "Pat"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user