Added context for global names, store in an array

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-03-10 15:14:38 +00:00
parent 77e634cd33
commit e03a2ba4b5
4 changed files with 231 additions and 1 deletions

src/Core/Context.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
module Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Name
import Core.TT
import Data.IOArray
import Data.NameMap
import Data.StringMap
%default total
-- Label for array references
data Arr : Type where
record Context a where
constructor MkContext
nextEntry : Int
-- Map from full name to it position in the context
resolvedAs : NameMap Int
-- Map from strings to all the possible names in all namespaces
possibles : StringMap (List (Name, Int))
-- Reference to the actual content, indexed by Int
content : Ref Arr (IOArray a)
-- Namespaces which are visible (i.e. have been imported)
-- This only matters during evaluation and type checking, to control
-- access in a program - in all other cases, we'll assume everything is
-- visible
visibleNS : List (List String)
initSize : Int
initSize = 10000
Grow : Int
Grow = initSize
initCtxt : Core (Context a)
= do arr <- coreLift $ newArray initSize
aref <- newRef Arr arr
pure (MkContext 0 empty empty aref [])
-- Get the position of the next entry in the context array, growing the
-- array if it's out of bounds.
getPosition : Name -> Context a -> Core (Int, Context a)
getPosition n ctxt
= case lookup n (resolvedAs ctxt) of
Just idx => pure (idx, ctxt)
Nothing =>
do let idx = nextEntry ctxt + 1
let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
when (idx >= max arr) $
do arr' <- coreLift $ newArrayCopy (max arr + Grow) arr
put Arr arr'
pure (idx, record { nextEntry = idx } ctxt)
-- Add the name to the context, or update the existing entry if it's already
-- there.
addCtxt : Name -> a -> Context a -> Core (Context a)
addCtxt n val ctxt_in
= do (idx, ctxt) <- getPosition n ctxt_in
let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
coreLift $ writeArray arr idx val
pure ctxt
lookupCtxtExact : Name -> Context a -> Core (Maybe a)
lookupCtxtExact (Resolved idx) ctxt
= do let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
coreLift (readArray arr idx)
lookupCtxtExact n ctxt
= do let Just idx = lookup n (resolvedAs ctxt)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
let a = content ctxt
arr <- get Arr
coreLift (readArray arr idx)
lookupCtxtName : Name -> Context a -> Core (List (Name, a))
lookupCtxtName n ctxt
= case userNameRoot n of
Nothing => do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact n ctxt
| Nothing => pure []
pure [(n, res)]
Just r =>
do let Just ps = lookup r (possibles ctxt)
| Nothing => pure []
ps' <- the (Core (List (Maybe (Name, a)))) $
traverse (\ (n, i) =>
do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved i) ctxt
| pure Nothing
pure (Just (n, res))) ps
getMatches ps'
matches : Name -> (Name, a) -> Bool
matches (NS ns _) (NS cns _, _) = ns `isPrefixOf` cns
matches (NS _ _) _ = True -- no in library name, so root doesn't match
matches _ _ = True -- no prefix, so root must match, so good
getMatches : List (Maybe (Name, a)) -> Core (List (Name, a))
getMatches [] = pure []
getMatches (Nothing :: rs) = getMatches rs
getMatches (Just r :: rs)
= if matches n r
then do rs' <- getMatches rs
pure (r :: rs')
else getMatches rs
public export
data Def : Type where
None : Def -- Not yet defined
Fn : ClosedTerm -> Def -- Ordinary function definition
DCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> Def -- data constructor
TCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
(parampos : List Nat) -> -- parameters
(detpos : List Nat) -> -- determining arguments
(datacons : List Name) ->
Hole : (numlocs : Nat) -> (invertible : Bool) -> Def

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@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ data Name : Type where
export Show Name where
show n = "[not done yet]"
userNameRoot : Name -> Maybe String
userNameRoot (NS _ n) = userNameRoot n
userNameRoot (UN n) = Just n
userNameRoot _ = Nothing
showSep : String -> List String -> String
showSep sep [] = ""

src/Data/IOArray.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
module Data.IOArray
%default total
-- Raw access to IOArrays. This interface is unsafe because there's no
-- bounds checking, and is merely intended to provide primitive access via
-- the RTS. Safe interfaces (either with run time or compile time
-- bounds checking) can be implemented on top of this
-- Implemented entirely by the array primitives in the RTS
data ArrayData : Type -> Type where
data IORawArray elem = MkIORawArray (ArrayData elem)
||| Create a new array of the given size, with all entries set to the
||| given default element.
newRawArray : Int -> elem -> IO (IORawArray elem)
newRawArray size default
= do vm <- getMyVM
MkRaw p <- foreign FFI_C "idris_newArray"
(Ptr -> Int -> Raw elem -> IO (Raw (ArrayData elem)))
vm size (MkRaw default)
pure (MkIORawArray p)
||| Write an element at a location in an array.
||| There is *no* bounds checking, hence this is unsafe. Safe interfaces can
||| be implemented on top of this, either with a run time or compile time
||| check.
unsafeWriteArray : IORawArray elem -> Int -> elem -> IO ()
unsafeWriteArray (MkIORawArray p) i val
= foreign FFI_C "idris_arraySet"
(Raw (ArrayData elem) -> Int -> Raw elem -> IO ())
(MkRaw p) i (MkRaw val)
||| Read the element at a location in an array.
||| There is *no* bounds checking, hence this is unsafe. Safe interfaces can
||| be implemented on top of this, either with a run time or compile time
||| check.
unsafeReadArray : IORawArray elem -> Int -> IO elem
unsafeReadArray (MkIORawArray p) i
= do MkRaw val <- foreign FFI_C "idris_arrayGet"
(Raw (ArrayData elem) -> Int -> IO (Raw elem))
(MkRaw p) i
pure val
-- As IORawArray, but wrapped in dynamic checks that elements exist and
-- are in bounds
public export
record IOArray elem where
constructor MkIOArray
max : Int
content : IORawArray (Maybe elem)
newArray : Int -> IO (IOArray elem)
newArray size
= pure (MkIOArray size !(newRawArray size Nothing))
writeArray : IOArray elem -> Int -> elem -> IO ()
writeArray arr pos el
= if pos < 0 || pos >= max arr
then pure ()
else unsafeWriteArray (content arr) pos (Just el)
readArray : IOArray elem -> Int -> IO (Maybe elem)
readArray arr pos
= if pos < 0 || pos >= max arr
then pure Nothing
else unsafeReadArray (content arr) pos
-- Make a new array of the given size with the elements copied from the
-- other array
newArrayCopy : (newsize : Int) -> IOArray elem -> IO (IOArray elem)
newArrayCopy newsize arr
= do let newsize' = if newsize < max arr then max arr else newsize
arr' <- newArray newsize'
copyFrom (content arr) (content arr') (max arr - 1)
pure arr'
copyFrom : IORawArray (Maybe elem) ->
IORawArray (Maybe elem) ->
Int -> IO ()
copyFrom old new pos
= if pos < 0
then pure ()
else do el <- unsafeReadArray old pos
unsafeWriteArray new pos el
assert_total (copyFrom old new (pos - 1))

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package yaffle
modules =
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ modules =