mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 05:32:03 +03:00
Make a start on TTC reading/writing
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
module Core.Binary
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Hash
import Core.Normalise
import Core.TT
import Core.TTC
import Core.UnifyState
-- Reading and writing 'Defs' from/to a binary file
-- In order to be saved, a name must have been flagged using 'toSave'.
-- (Otherwise we'd save out everything, not just the things in the current
-- file).
import public Utils.Binary
import Data.Buffer
%default covering
-- increment this when changing anything in the data format
-- TTC files can only be compatible if the version number is the same
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 1
checkTTCVersion : Int -> Int -> Core ()
checkTTCVersion ver exp
= if ver < exp
then throw (TTCError FormatOlder)
else if ver > exp
then throw (TTCError FormatNewer)
else pure ()
record TTCFile extra where
constructor MkTTCFile
version : Int
ifaceHash : Int
importHashes : List (List String, Int)
holes : List (Int, (FC, Name))
guesses : List (Int, (FC, Name))
constraints : Context Constraint
context : Defs
extraData : extra
-- NOTE: TTC files are only compatible if the version number is the same,
-- *and* the 'annot/extra' type are the same, or there are no holes/constraints
TTC extra => TTC (TTCFile extra) where
toBuf b file
= do toBuf b "TTC"
toBuf b (version file)
toBuf b (ifaceHash file)
toBuf b (importHashes file)
toBuf b (holes file)
toBuf b (guesses file)
toBuf b (constraints file)
toBuf b (context file)
toBuf b (extraData file)
fromBuf b
= do hdr <- fromBuf b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
ver <- fromBuf b
checkTTCVersion ver ttcVersion
ifaceHash <- fromBuf b
importHashes <- fromBuf b
holes <- fromBuf b
guesses <- fromBuf b
constraints <- fromBuf b
defs <- fromBuf b
ex <- fromBuf b
pure (MkTTCFile ver ifaceHash importHashes
holes guesses constraints defs ex)
-- Update the various fields in Defs affected by the name's flags
processFlags : Name -> List DefFlag -> Defs -> Defs
processFlags n [] defs = defs
processFlags n (GlobalHint t :: fs) defs
= processFlags n fs (record { autoHints $= ((t, n) ::) } defs)
processFlags n (TypeHint ty d :: fs) defs
= processFlags n fs (addToTypeHints ty n d defs)
processFlags n (Inline :: fs) defs = processFlags n fs defs
processFlags n (TCInline :: fs) defs = processFlags n fs defs
processFlags n (Invertible :: fs) defs = processFlags n fs defs
processFlags n (Overloadable :: fs) defs = processFlags n fs defs
processFlags n (SetTotal t :: fs) defs = processFlags n fs defs
-- For every name (from 'toSave' in defs), add its definition and any
-- information from its flags to the new set of Defs that we'll write out
-- as Binary.
mkSaveDefs : List Name -> Defs -> Defs -> Defs
mkSaveDefs [] acc _ = acc
mkSaveDefs (n :: ns) acc defs
= case lookupGlobalExact n (gamma defs) of
Nothing => mkSaveDefs ns acc defs -- 'n' really should exist though!
Just gdef =>
let gdef' = record { type $= normaliseHoles defs [] } gdef
gam' = addCtxt n gdef' (gamma acc)
defs' = processFlags n (flags gdef) defs in
mkSaveDefs ns (record { gamma = gam' } acc) defs'
-- Write out the things in the context which have been defined in the
-- current source file
writeToTTC : (TTC annot annot, TTC annot extra) =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST (UState annot)} ->
extra ->
(fname : String) ->
Core annot ()
writeToTTC extradata fname
= do buf <- initBinary
defs <- get Ctxt
ust <- get UST
let defs' = mkSaveDefs (getSave defs)
(record { options = options defs,
imported = imported defs,
currentNS = currentNS defs,
hiddenNames = hiddenNames defs,
cgdirectives = cgdirectives defs
} initCtxt)
log 5 $ "Writing " ++ fname ++ " with hash " ++ show (ifaceHash defs)
toBuf buf (MkTTCFile ttcVersion (ifaceHash defs) (importHashes defs)
(holes ust) (constraints ust) defs'
Right ok <- coreLift $ writeToFile fname !(get Bin)
| Left err => throw (InternalError (fname ++ ": " ++ show err))
pure ()
-- Add definitions from a binary file to the current context
-- Returns the "extra" section of the file (user defined data), the interface
-- has and the list of additional TTCs that need importing
-- (we need to return these, rather than do it here, because after loading
-- the data that's when we process the extra data...)
readFromTTC : (TTC annot annot, TTC annot extra) =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST (UState annot)} ->
annot ->
Bool ->
(fname : String) -> -- file containing the module
(modNS : List String) -> -- module namespace
(importAs : List String) -> -- namespace to import as
Core annot (Maybe (extra, Int, List (List String, Bool, List String)))
readFromTTC loc reexp fname modNS importAs
= do defs <- get Ctxt
-- If it's already in the context, don't load it again
let False = (fname, importAs) `elem` allImported defs
| True => pure Nothing
put Ctxt (record { allImported $= ((fname, importAs) :: ) } defs)
Right buf <- coreLift $ readFromFile fname
| Left err => throw (InternalError (fname ++ ": " ++ show err))
bin <- newRef Bin buf -- for reading the file into
sh <- initShare -- for recording string sharing
ttc <- fromBuf sh bin
-- Rename everything in the ttc's context according to the namespace
-- it was imported as
-- [TODO]
let renamed = context ttc
-- Extend the current context with the updated definitions from the ttc
extendAs loc reexp modNS importAs renamed
setNS (currentNS (context ttc))
-- Finally, update the unification state with the holes from the
-- ttc
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { holes = holes ttc,
constraints = constraints ttc } ust)
pure (Just (extraData ttc, ifaceHash ttc, imported (context ttc)))
getImportHashes : Ref Bin Binary ->
Core (List (List String, Int))
getImportHashes b
= do hdr <- fromBuf {a = String} b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
ver <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
checkTTCVersion ver ttcVersion
ifaceHash <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
fromBuf b
getHash : Ref Bin Binary -> Core Int
getHash b
= do hdr <- fromBuf {a = String} b
when (hdr /= "TTC") $ corrupt "TTC header"
ver <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
checkTTCVersion ver ttcVersion
fromBuf b
readIFaceHash : (fname : String) -> -- file containing the module
Core Int
readIFaceHash fname
= do Right buf <- coreLift $ readFromFile fname
| Left err => pure 0
b <- newRef Bin buf
catch (getHash b)
(\err => pure 0)
readImportHashes : (fname : String) -> -- file containing the module
Core (List (List String, Int))
readImportHashes fname
= do Right buf <- coreLift $ readFromFile fname
| Left err => pure []
b <- newRef Bin buf
catch (getImportHashes b)
(\err => pure [])
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ module Core.Context
import public Core.Core
import public Core.Name
import Core.Options
import public Core.TT
import Utils.Binary
import Data.IOArray
import Data.NameMap
@ -30,6 +32,11 @@ record Context a where
-- visible
visibleNS : List (List String)
TTC a => TTC (Context a) where
toBuf = ?tocontext
fromBuf = ?fromcontext
initSize : Int
initSize = 10000
@ -206,7 +213,10 @@ record Defs where
constructor MkDefs
gamma : Context GlobalDef
currentNS : List String -- namespace for current definitions
options : Options
-- toSave : SortedSet
nextTag : Int
ifaceHash : Int
clearDefs : Defs -> Core Defs
@ -218,8 +228,13 @@ export
initDefs : Core Defs
= do gam <- initCtxt
pure (MkDefs gam ["Main"] 100)
pure (MkDefs gam ["Main"] defaults 100 5381)
TTC Defs where
toBuf = ?todefs
fromBuf = ?fromdefs
-- Label for context references
data Ctxt : Type where
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Core.Hash
import Core.TT
import Data.List
%default total
-- This is so that we can store a hash of the interface in ttc files, to avoid
-- the need for reloading modules when no interfaces have changed in imports.
-- As you can probably tell, I know almost nothing about writing good hash
-- functions, so better implementations will be very welcome...
public export
interface Hashable a where
hash : a -> Int
hashWithSalt : Int -> a -> Int
hash = hashWithSalt 5381
hashWithSalt h i = h * 33 + hash i
Hashable Int where
hash = id
Hashable Char where
hash = cast
Hashable a => Hashable (List a) where
hashWithSalt h [] = abs h
hashWithSalt h (x :: xs) = hashWithSalt (h * 33 + hash x) xs
Hashable String where
hashWithSalt h str = hashChars h 0 (cast (length str)) str
hashChars : Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int
hashChars h p len str
= assert_total $
if p == len
then h
else hashChars (h * 33 + cast (strIndex str p))
(p + 1) len str
Hashable Name where
hashWithSalt h (MN s _) = hashWithSalt h s
hashWithSalt h n = hashWithSalt h (show n)
count : RigCount -> String
count Rig0 = "0"
count Rig1 = "1"
count RigW = "w"
plicity : PiInfo -> String
plicity Implicit = "{}"
plicity Explicit = "()"
plicity AutoImplicit = "{a}"
-- I suppose this'll do for now... TODO: Write a proper one!
-- Converting to a string (and indeed, however we do the hash function...)
-- we need to ignore machine generated names because they'll have different
-- numbers depending on implementations of functions, and that doesn't affect
-- the exported interface.
hshow : Term vars -> String
-- hshow (Local {x} _ _) = nameRoot x
-- hshow (Ref _ n) = nameRoot n
-- hshow (Bind x (Lam c p ty) sc)
-- = "\\" ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ plicity p ++ hshow ty ++ "." ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (Bind x (Let c val ty) sc)
-- = "let " ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ " " ++ hshow val ++ " " ++ hshow ty ++ "."
-- ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (Bind x (Pi c p ty) sc)
-- = "pi." ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ plicity p ++ hshow ty ++ "." ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (Bind x (PVar c ty) sc)
-- = "pvar." ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ hshow ty ++ "." ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (Bind x (PLet c val ty) sc)
-- = "plet " ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ " " ++ hshow val ++ " " ++ hshow ty ++ "."
-- ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (Bind x (PVTy c ty) sc)
-- = "pty." ++ nameRoot x ++ count c ++ hshow ty ++ "." ++ hshow sc
-- hshow (App f a) = "(" ++ hshow f ++ " " ++ hshow a ++ ")"
-- hshow (PrimVal x) = show x
-- hshow TType = "#"
-- hshow Erased = "_"
Hashable (Term vars) where
hashWithSalt h tm
= hashWithSalt h (hshow tm)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Core.Options
import Core.Core
import Core.Name
import Core.TTC
import Utils.Binary
public export
record Dirs where
constructor MkDirs
working_dir : String
build_dir : String -- build directory, relative to working directory
dir_prefix : String -- installation prefix, for finding data files (e.g. run time support)
extra_dirs : List String -- places to look for import files
data_dirs : List String -- places to look for data file
public export
toString : Dirs -> String
toString (MkDirs wdir bdir dfix edirs ddirs) =
unlines [ "+ Working Directory :: " ++ show wdir
, "+ Build Directory :: " ++ show bdir
, "+ Installation Prefix :: " ++ show dfix
, "+ Extra Directories :: " ++ show edirs
, "+ Data Directories :: " ++ show ddirs]
public export
data CG = Chez
| Chicken
| Racket
Eq CG where
Chez == Chez = True
Chicken == Chicken = True
Racket == Racket = True
_ == _ = False
TTC CG where
toBuf b Chez = tag 0
toBuf b Chicken = tag 1
toBuf b Racket = tag 2
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure Chez
1 => pure Chicken
2 => pure Racket
_ => corrupt "CG"
availableCGs : List (String, CG)
availableCGs = [("chez", Chez), ("chicken", Chicken), ("racket", Racket)]
getCG : String -> Maybe CG
getCG cg = lookup (toLower cg) availableCGs
-- Other options relevant to the current session (so not to be saved in a TTC)
public export
record Session where
constructor MkSessionOpts
noprelude : Bool
codegen : CG
public export
record PPrinter where
constructor MkPPOpts
showImplicits : Bool
showFullEnv : Bool
fullNamespace : Bool
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOptions
dirs : Dirs
printing : PPrinter
session : Session
defaultDirs : Dirs
defaultDirs = MkDirs "." "build" "/usr/local" ["."] []
defaultPPrint : PPrinter
defaultPPrint = MkPPOpts False True False
defaultSession : Session
defaultSession = MkSessionOpts False Chez
defaults : Options
defaults = MkOptions defaultDirs defaultPPrint defaultSession
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module Core.TTC
import Core.Core
import Core.FC
import Core.TT
import Utils.Binary
TTC FC where
toBuf = ?tofc
fromBuf = ?fromfc
TTC Name where
toBuf = ?toName
fromBuf = ?fromName
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.FC
import Core.TT
import Core.TTC
import Utils.Binary
import Data.IntMap
@ -29,6 +31,11 @@ data Constraint : Type where
-- A resolved constraint
Resolved : Constraint
TTC Constraint where
toBuf = ?toconstraint
fromBuf = ?fromconstraint
public export
record UState where
constructor MkUState
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
module Utils.Binary
import Core.Core
import Data.Buffer
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
-- Serialising data as binary. Provides an interface TTC which allows
-- reading and writing to chunks of memory, "Binary", which can be written
-- to and read from files.
%default covering
-- A label for binary states
data Bin : Type where
-- A label for storing shared strings
data Share : Type where
-- A component of the serialised data.
record Chunk where
constructor MkChunk
buf : Buffer
loc : Int
size : Int -- Capacity
used : Int -- Amount used
newChunk : Buffer -> Chunk
newChunk b = MkChunk b 0 (size b) 0
avail : Chunk -> Int
avail c = size c - loc c
toRead : Chunk -> Int
toRead c = used c - loc c
appended : Int -> Chunk -> Chunk
appended i c = record { loc $= (+i),
used $= (+i) } c
incLoc : Int -> Chunk -> Chunk
incLoc i c = record { loc $= (+i) } c
-- Serialised data is stored as a list of chunks, in a zipper.
-- i.e. processed chunks, chunk we're working on, chunks to do
data Binary = MkBin (List Chunk) Chunk (List Chunk)
dumpBin : Binary -> IO ()
dumpBin (MkBin done chunk rest)
= do printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf done))
printLn !(bufferData (buf chunk))
printLn !(traverse bufferData (map buf rest))
nonEmptyRev : NonEmpty (xs ++ y :: ys)
nonEmptyRev {xs = []} = IsNonEmpty
nonEmptyRev {xs = (x :: xs)} = IsNonEmpty
reset : Binary -> Binary
reset (MkBin done cur rest)
= setBin (reverse done ++ cur :: rest) nonEmptyRev
setBin : (xs : List Chunk) -> (prf : NonEmpty xs) -> Binary
setBin (chunk :: rest) IsNonEmpty
= MkBin [] (record { loc = 0 } chunk)
(map (record { loc = 0 }) rest)
req : List Chunk -> Int
req [] = 0
req (c :: cs)
= used c + req cs
-- Take all the data from the chunks in a 'Binary' and copy them into one
-- single buffer, ready for writing to disk.
-- TODO: YAGNI? Delete if so...
toBuffer : Binary -> IO (Maybe Buffer)
toBuffer (MkBin done cur rest)
= do let chunks = reverse done ++ cur :: rest
Just b <- newBuffer (req chunks)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
copyToBuf 0 b chunks
pure (Just b)
copyToBuf : (pos : Int) -> Buffer -> List Chunk -> IO ()
copyToBuf pos b [] = pure ()
copyToBuf pos b (c :: cs)
= do copyData (buf c) 0 (used c) b pos
copyToBuf (pos + used c) b cs
fromBuffer : Buffer -> IO Binary
fromBuffer buf
= do len <- rawSize buf
pure (MkBin [] (MkChunk buf 0 len len) []) -- assume all used
writeToFile : (fname : String) -> Binary -> IO (Either FileError ())
writeToFile fname (MkBin done cur rest)
= do Right h <- openFile fname WriteTruncate
| Left err => pure (Left err)
let chunks = reverse done ++ cur :: rest
writeChunks h chunks
closeFile h
pure (Right ())
writeChunks : File -> List Chunk -> IO ()
writeChunks h [] = pure ()
writeChunks h (c :: cs)
= do writeBufferToFile h (resetBuffer (buf c)) (used c)
writeChunks h cs
readFromFile : (fname : String) -> IO (Either FileError Binary)
readFromFile fname
= do Right h <- openFile fname Read
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Right max <- fileSize h
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Just b <- newBuffer max
| Nothing => pure (Left (GenericFileError 0)) --- um, not really
b <- readBufferFromFile h b max
pure (Right (MkBin [] (MkChunk b 0 max max) []))
public export
interface TTC a where -- TTC = TT intermediate code/interface file
-- Add binary data representing the value to the given buffer
toBuf : Ref Bin Binary -> a -> Core ()
-- Return the data representing a thing of type 'a' from the given buffer.
-- Throws if the data can't be parsed as an 'a'
fromBuf : Ref Bin Binary -> Core a
-- Create a new list of chunks, initialised with one 64k chunk
initBinary : Core (Ref Bin Binary)
= do Just buf <- coreLift $ newBuffer 65536
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer creation failed")
newRef Bin (MkBin [] (newChunk buf) [])
corrupt : String -> Core a
corrupt ty = throw (TTCError (Corrupt ty))
-- Primitives; these are the only things that have to deal with growing
-- the buffer list
TTC Bits8 where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 1
do coreLift $ setByte (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 1 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer 65536
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setByte newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 1 (size newbuf) 1)
fromBuf b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 1
do val <- coreLift $ getByte (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 1 chunk) rest)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Byte"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getByte (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 1 next) rest)
pure val
tag : {auto b : Ref Bin Binary} -> Bits8 -> Core ()
tag {b} val = toBuf b val
getTag : {auto b : Ref Bin Binary} -> Core Bits8
getTag {b} = fromBuf b
-- Some useful types from the prelude
TTC Int where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 4
do coreLift $ setInt (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 4 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer 65536
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setInt newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 4 (size newbuf) 4)
fromBuf b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 4
do val <- coreLift $ getInt (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 4 chunk) rest)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Int"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getInt (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 4 next) rest)
pure val
TTC String where
toBuf b val
= do let req : Int = cast (length val)
toBuf b req
MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= req
do coreLift $ setString (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended req chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer 65536
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setString newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf req (size newbuf) req)
fromBuf b
= do len <- fromBuf {a = Int} b
MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= len
do val <- coreLift $ getString (buf chunk) (loc chunk) len
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc len chunk) rest)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "String"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getString (buf next) 0 len
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(incLoc len next) rest)
pure val
TTC Bool where
toBuf b False = tag 0
toBuf b True = tag 1
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure False
1 => pure True
_ => corrupt "Bool"
TTC Char where
toBuf b c = toBuf b (cast {to=Int} c)
fromBuf b
= do i <- fromBuf b
pure (cast {from=Int} i)
TTC Double where
toBuf b val
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if avail chunk >= 8
do coreLift $ setDouble (buf chunk) (loc chunk) val
put Bin (MkBin done (appended 8 chunk) rest)
do Just newbuf <- coreLift $ newBuffer 65536
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Buffer expansion failed")
coreLift $ setDouble newbuf 0 val
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done)
(MkChunk newbuf 8 (size newbuf) 8)
fromBuf b
= do MkBin done chunk rest <- get Bin
if toRead chunk >= 8
do val <- coreLift $ getDouble (buf chunk) (loc chunk)
put Bin (MkBin done (incLoc 8 chunk) rest)
pure val
case rest of
[] => throw (TTCError (EndOfBuffer "Double"))
(next :: rest) =>
do val <- coreLift $ getDouble (buf next) 0
put Bin (MkBin (chunk :: done) (incLoc 8 next) rest)
pure val
(TTC a, TTC b) => TTC (a, b) where
toBuf b (x, y)
= do toBuf b x
toBuf b y
fromBuf b
= do x <- fromBuf b
y <- fromBuf b
pure (x, y)
TTC () where
toBuf b () = pure ()
fromBuf b = pure ()
(TTC a, {y : a} -> TTC (p y)) => TTC (DPair a p) where
toBuf b (vs ** tm)
= do toBuf b vs
toBuf b tm
fromBuf b
= do x <- fromBuf b
p <- fromBuf b
pure (x ** p)
TTC a => TTC (Maybe a) where
toBuf b Nothing
= tag 0
toBuf b (Just val)
= do tag 1
toBuf b val
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure Nothing
1 => do val <- fromBuf b
pure (Just val)
_ => corrupt "Maybe"
(TTC a, TTC b) => TTC (Either a b) where
toBuf b (Left val)
= do tag 0
toBuf b val
toBuf b (Right val)
= do tag 1
toBuf b val
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do val <- fromBuf b
pure (Left val)
1 => do val <- fromBuf b
pure (Right val)
_ => corrupt "Either"
TTC a => TTC (List a) where
toBuf b xs
= do toBuf b (cast {to=Int} (length xs))
traverse (toBuf b) xs
pure ()
fromBuf b
= do len <- fromBuf b {a = Int}
readElems [] (cast len)
readElems : List a -> Nat -> Core (List a)
readElems xs Z = pure (reverse xs)
readElems xs (S k)
= do val <- fromBuf b
readElems (val :: xs) k
TTC a => TTC (Vect n a) where
toBuf b xs = writeAll xs
writeAll : Vect n a -> Core ()
writeAll [] = pure ()
writeAll (x :: xs) = do toBuf b x; writeAll xs
fromBuf {n} b = rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral n) in readElems [] n
readElems : Vect done a -> (todo : Nat) -> Core (Vect (todo + done) a)
readElems {done} xs Z
= pure (reverse xs)
readElems {done} xs (S k)
= do val <- fromBuf b
rewrite (plusSuccRightSucc k done)
readElems (val :: xs) k
count : List.Elem x xs -> Int
count Here = 0
count (There p) = 1 + count p
toLimbs : Integer -> List Int
toLimbs x
= if x == 0
then []
else if x == -1 then [-1]
else fromInteger (prim__andBigInt x 0xff) ::
toLimbs (prim__ashrBigInt x 8)
fromLimbs : List Int -> Integer
fromLimbs [] = 0
fromLimbs (x :: xs) = cast x + prim__shlBigInt (fromLimbs xs) 8
TTC Integer where
toBuf b val
= assert_total $ if val < 0
then do toBuf b (the Bits8 0)
toBuf b (toLimbs (-val))
else do toBuf b (the Bits8 1)
toBuf b (toLimbs val)
fromBuf b
= do val <- fromBuf b {a = Bits8}
case val of
0 => do val <- fromBuf b
pure (-(fromLimbs val))
1 => do val <- fromBuf b
pure (fromLimbs val)
_ => corrupt "Integer"
TTC Nat where
toBuf b val = toBuf b (cast {to=Integer} val)
fromBuf b
= do val <- fromBuf b
pure (fromInteger val)
@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ package yaffle
modules =
@ -40,7 +44,9 @@ modules =
sourcedir = src
executable = yaffle
Reference in New Issue
Block a user