mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 22:30:30 +03:00
Save FC so that metadata works
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ import Utils.Binary
TTC FC where
toBuf b (MkFC file startPos endPos)
= pure () -- do toBuf b file; toBuf b startPos; toBuf b endPos
= do toBuf b file; toBuf b startPos; toBuf b endPos
fromBuf r b
= pure emptyFC
-- do f <- fromBuf r b;
-- s <- fromBuf r b; e <- fromBuf r b
-- pure (MkFC f s e)
= do f <- fromBuf r b;
s <- fromBuf r b; e <- fromBuf r b
pure (MkFC f s e)
TTC Name where
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ mutual
toBuf b (Lam c x ty) = do tag 0; toBuf b c; toBuf b x; -- toBuf b ty
toBuf b (Let c val ty) = do tag 1; toBuf b c; toBuf b val -- ; toBuf b ty
toBuf b (Pi c x ty) = do tag 2; toBuf b c; toBuf b x; toBuf b ty
toBuf b (PVar c ty) = do tag 3; toBuf b c -- ; toBuf b ty
toBuf b (PVar c ty) = do tag 3; toBuf b c; toBuf b ty
toBuf b (PLet c val ty) = do tag 4; toBuf b c; toBuf b val -- ; toBuf b ty
toBuf b (PVTy c ty) = do tag 5; toBuf b c -- ; toBuf b ty
@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ mutual
0 => do c <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b; pure (Lam c x (Erased emptyFC))
1 => do c <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b; pure (Let c x (Erased emptyFC))
2 => do c <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b; y <- fromBuf r b; pure (Pi c x y)
3 => do c <- fromBuf r b; pure (PVar c (Erased emptyFC))
3 => do c <- fromBuf r b; ty <- fromBuf r b; pure (PVar c ty)
4 => do c <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b; pure (PLet c x (Erased emptyFC))
5 => do c <- fromBuf r b; pure (PVTy c (Erased emptyFC))
_ => corrupt "Binder"
@ -203,80 +202,74 @@ mutual
toBuf b idx
toBuf b (Ref fc nt name)
= do tag 1;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b nt; toBuf b name
toBuf b nt; toBuf b name
toBuf b (Meta fc n i xs)
= do tag 2;
toBuf b fc -- Name no longer needed -- toBuf b n;
-- Name no longer needed
toBuf b i; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (Bind fc x bnd scope)
= do tag 3;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b x;
toBuf b x;
toBuf b bnd; toBuf b scope
toBuf b (App fc fn arg)
= do tag 4;
let (fn, args) = getFnArgs (App fc fn arg)
toBuf b fc; toBuf b fn; -- toBuf b p;
toBuf b fn; -- toBuf b p;
toBuf b args
toBuf b (As fc as tm)
= do tag 5;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b as; toBuf b tm
toBuf b as; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TDelayed fc r tm)
= do tag 6;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b r; toBuf b tm
toBuf b r; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= do tag 7;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b r; toBuf b ty; toBuf b tm
toBuf b r; toBuf b ty; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TForce fc tm)
= do tag 8;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b tm
toBuf b tm
toBuf b (PrimVal fc c)
= do tag 9;
toBuf b fc; toBuf b c
toBuf b c
toBuf b (Erased fc)
= do tag 10;
toBuf b fc
= tag 10
toBuf b (TType fc)
= do tag 11;
toBuf b fc
= tag 11
fromBuf r b
= case !getTag of
0 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
0 => do name <- fromBuf r b
idx <- fromBuf r b
pure (Local {name} fc Nothing idx (mkPrf idx))
1 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; nt <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
pure (Ref fc nt name)
2 => do fc <- fromBuf {a = FC} r b; -- n <- fromBuf r b
x <- fromBuf r b
pure (Local {name} emptyFC Nothing idx (mkPrf idx))
1 => do nt <- fromBuf r b; name <- fromBuf r b
pure (Ref emptyFC nt name)
2 => do x <- fromBuf r b
Just (n, Just idx) <- coreLift $ readArray r x
| Just (n, Nothing) =>
corrupt ("Metavar name index " ++ show x)
| Nothing => corrupt ("Metavar name index " ++ show x ++ " (not in array)")
xs <- fromBuf r b
pure (Meta fc (UN "metavar") idx xs)
3 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; x <- fromBuf r b
pure (Meta emptyFC (UN "metavar") idx xs)
3 => do x <- fromBuf r b
bnd <- fromBuf r b; scope <- fromBuf r b
pure (Bind fc x bnd scope)
4 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; fn <- fromBuf r b
-- p <- fromBuf r b;
pure (Bind emptyFC x bnd scope)
4 => do fn <- fromBuf r b
args <- fromBuf r b
pure (apply fc fn args)
5 => do fc <- fromBuf r b
as <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (As fc as tm)
6 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; lr <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TDelayed fc lr tm)
7 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; lr <- fromBuf r b;
pure (apply emptyFC fn args)
5 => do as <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (As emptyFC as tm)
6 => do lr <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TDelayed emptyFC lr tm)
7 => do lr <- fromBuf r b;
ty <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TDelay fc lr ty tm)
8 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TForce fc tm)
9 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; c <- fromBuf r b
pure (PrimVal fc c)
10 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; pure (Erased fc)
11 => do fc <- fromBuf r b; pure (TType fc)
idxp => do -- fc <- fromBuf r b;
name <- fromBuf r b
pure (TDelay emptyFC lr ty tm)
8 => do tm <- fromBuf r b
pure (TForce emptyFC tm)
9 => do c <- fromBuf r b
pure (PrimVal emptyFC c)
10 => pure (Erased emptyFC)
11 => pure (TType emptyFC)
idxp => do name <- fromBuf r b
let idx = fromInteger (prim__sextB8_BigInt idxp - 12)
pure (Local {name} emptyFC Nothing idx (mkPrf idx))
Reference in New Issue
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