Rabbit hole

Sorry for the less than informative title :). Lots going on here. It
started as an attempt to fix unification to deal with laziness coercions
in trickier places, but unearthed a couple of tricky and interconnected
issues that are hard to unpick into a single patch. So, this fixes a few

- default hints should only be resolved on the current elaboration (e.g.
nested function definitions, not the outer definition which might not
yet be complete)
- delayed elaborators should be allowed to have nested delayed
elaborators, which means disambiguation is a little bit better
- we should delay elaborating arguments where the type isn't known yet,
because later arguments may resolve the type, and we can use this to
help with disambiguation/laziness coercions
- other bits and pieces arising
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2020-03-27 00:11:21 +00:00
parent bba4b347b9
commit ed5b53d97f
30 changed files with 222 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -15,52 +15,66 @@ import Data.List.Views
%default covering
-- Need to record if we're at the top level or not, because top level things
-- can have Force and Delay inserted, and may have been postponed.
public export
data UnifyLoc = Top Bool -- True == precise, False = generalise to RigW in Pi
| Lower Bool
public export
data UnifyMode = InLHS
| InTerm UnifyLoc
| InTerm
| InMatch
| InSearch
-- Need to record if we're at the top level or not, because top level things
-- can have Force and Delay inserted, and may have been postponed.
public export
record UnifyInfo where
constructor MkUnifyInfo
atTop : Bool
precise : Bool -- False == generalise to RigW in Pi
umode : UnifyMode
inTerm : UnifyMode
inTerm = InTerm (Top True)
inTerm : UnifyInfo
inTerm = MkUnifyInfo True True InTerm
lam : UnifyMode -> UnifyMode
lam (InTerm (Top _)) = InTerm (Top True)
lam (InTerm (Lower _)) = InTerm (Lower True)
lam m = m
inLHS : UnifyInfo
inLHS = MkUnifyInfo True True InLHS
inLam : UnifyMode -> Bool
inLam (InTerm (Top t)) = t
inLam (InTerm (Lower t)) = t
inLam _ = False
inTermP : Bool -> UnifyInfo
inTermP p = MkUnifyInfo True p InTerm
lower : UnifyMode -> UnifyMode
lower (InTerm (Top t)) = InTerm (Lower t)
lower t = t
inMatch : UnifyInfo
inMatch = MkUnifyInfo True True InMatch
atTop : UnifyMode -> Bool
atTop (InTerm (Top _)) = True
atTop _ = False
inSearch : UnifyInfo
inSearch = MkUnifyInfo True True InSearch
Eq UnifyLoc where
(Top s) == (Top t) = s == t
(Lower s) == (Lower t) = s == t
_ == _ = False
lam : UnifyInfo -> UnifyInfo
lam = record { precise = True }
inLam : UnifyInfo -> Bool
inLam = precise
lower : UnifyInfo -> UnifyInfo
lower = record { atTop = False }
Eq UnifyMode where
InLHS == InLHS = True
(InTerm s) == (InTerm t) = s == t
InTerm == InTerm = True
InMatch == InMatch = True
InSearch == InSearch = True
_ == _ = False
Eq UnifyInfo where
x == y = atTop x == atTop y && precise x == precise y && umode x == umode y
Show UnifyMode where
show InLHS = "InLHS"
show InTerm = "InTerm"
show InMatch = "InMatch"
show InSearch = "InSearch"
-- If we're unifying a Lazy type with a non-lazy type, we need to add an
-- explicit force or delay to the first argument to unification. This says
-- which to add, if any. Can only added at the very top level.
@ -106,7 +120,7 @@ interface Unify (tm : List Name -> Type) where
-- Unify returns a list of ids referring to newly added constraints
unifyD : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
Ref UST UState ->
UnifyMode ->
UnifyInfo ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
@ -114,7 +128,7 @@ interface Unify (tm : List Name -> Type) where
-- order to infer annotations
unifyWithLazyD : Ref Ctxt Defs ->
Ref UST UState ->
UnifyMode ->
UnifyInfo ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
@ -127,7 +141,7 @@ export
unify : Unify tm =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode ->
UnifyInfo ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
@ -137,7 +151,7 @@ export
unifyWithLazy : Unify tm =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode ->
UnifyInfo ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
@ -171,7 +185,7 @@ convertErrorS s loc env x y
postpone : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> UnifyMode -> String ->
FC -> UnifyInfo -> String ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core UnifyResult
postpone loc mode logstr env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -188,7 +202,7 @@ postpone loc mode logstr env x y
postponeS : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Bool -> FC -> UnifyMode -> String -> Env Term vars ->
Bool -> FC -> UnifyInfo -> String -> Env Term vars ->
NF vars -> NF vars ->
Core UnifyResult
postponeS s loc mode logstr env x y
@ -198,7 +212,7 @@ postponeS s loc mode logstr env x y
unifyArgs : (Unify tm, Quote tm) =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
List (tm vars) -> List (tm vars) ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyArgs mode loc env [] [] = pure success
@ -341,7 +355,7 @@ patternEnvTm {vars} env args
instantiate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{newvars : _} ->
FC -> UnifyMode -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> UnifyInfo -> Env Term vars ->
(metavar : Name) -> (mref : Int) -> (numargs : Nat) ->
(mdef : GlobalDef) ->
List (Var newvars) -> -- Variable each argument maps to
@ -475,14 +489,15 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(postpone : Bool) ->
FC -> UnifyMode -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars ->
FC -> UnifyInfo -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyIfEq post loc mode env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if !(convert defs env x y)
then pure success
else if post
then postpone loc mode "Postponing unifyIfEq" env x y
then postpone loc mode ("Postponing unifyIfEq " ++
show (atTop mode)) env x y
else convertError loc env x y
getArgTypes : Defs -> (fnType : NF vars) -> List (Closure vars) ->
@ -514,7 +529,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(swaporder : Bool) ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
(metaname : Name) -> (metaref : Int) ->
(margs : List (Closure vars)) ->
(margs' : List (Closure vars)) ->
@ -574,7 +589,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(swaporder : Bool) ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
(metaname : Name) -> (metaref : Int) ->
(margs : List (Closure vars)) ->
(margs' : List (Closure vars)) ->
@ -614,7 +629,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(swaporder : Bool) ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
(metaname : Name) -> (metaref : Int) ->
(margs : List (Closure vars)) ->
(margs' : List (Closure vars)) ->
@ -631,7 +646,7 @@ mutual
solveHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
FC -> UnifyMode -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> UnifyInfo -> Env Term vars ->
(metaname : Name) -> (metaref : Int) ->
(margs : List (Closure vars)) ->
(margs' : List (Closure vars)) ->
@ -669,7 +684,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(swaporder : Bool) ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (metaname : Name) -> (metaref : Int) ->
(args : List (Closure vars)) ->
(args' : List (Closure vars)) ->
@ -721,7 +736,7 @@ mutual
{vars : _} ->
(swaporder : Bool) -> -- swap the order when postponing
-- (this is to preserve second arg being expected type)
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars -> FC ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars -> FC ->
NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) -> NF vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyApp swap mode loc env fc (NMeta n i margs) args tm
@ -769,7 +784,7 @@ mutual
unifyBothApps : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
Core UnifyResult
@ -780,10 +795,10 @@ mutual
(NApp yfc (NLocal yr y yp) [])
-- Locally bound things, in a term (not LHS). Since we have to unify
-- for *all* possible values, we can safely unify the arguments.
unifyBothApps (InTerm t) loc env xfc (NLocal xr x xp) xargs yfc (NLocal yr y yp) yargs
unifyBothApps mode@(MkUnifyInfo p t InTerm) loc env xfc (NLocal xr x xp) xargs yfc (NLocal yr y yp) yargs
= if x == y
then unifyArgs (InTerm t) loc env xargs yargs
else postpone loc (InTerm t) "Postponing local app"
then unifyArgs mode loc env xargs yargs
else postpone loc mode "Postponing local app"
env (NApp xfc (NLocal xr x xp) xargs)
(NApp yfc (NLocal yr y yp) yargs)
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc (NLocal xr x xp) xargs yfc (NLocal yr y yp) yargs
@ -792,7 +807,7 @@ mutual
-- If they're both holes, solve the one with the bigger context
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc (NMeta xn xi xargs) xargs' yfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs'
= do invx <- isDefInvertible xi
if xi == yi && (invx || mode == InSearch)
if xi == yi && (invx || umode mode == InSearch)
-- Invertible, (from auto implicit search)
-- so we can also unify the arguments.
then unifyArgs mode loc env (xargs ++ xargs')
@ -805,7 +820,7 @@ mutual
let xbigger = xlocs > ylocs
|| (xlocs == ylocs &&
length xargs' <= length yargs')
if (xbigger || mode == InMatch) && not (pv xn)
if (xbigger || umode mode == InMatch) && not (pv xn)
then unifyApp False mode loc env xfc (NMeta xn xi xargs) xargs'
(NApp yfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs')
else unifyApp True mode loc env yfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs'
@ -827,23 +842,23 @@ mutual
= unifyApp False mode loc env xfc (NMeta xn xi xargs) xargs'
(NApp yfc fy yargs')
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc fx xargs' yfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs'
= if mode /= InMatch
= if umode mode /= InMatch
then unifyApp True mode loc env xfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs'
(NApp xfc fx xargs')
else unifyApp False mode loc env xfc fx xargs'
(NApp yfc (NMeta yn yi yargs) yargs')
unifyBothApps InSearch loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
unifyBothApps mode@(MkUnifyInfo p t InSearch) loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
= if hdx == hdy
then unifyArgs InSearch loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False InSearch loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
unifyBothApps InMatch loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
then unifyArgs mode loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False mode loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
unifyBothApps mode@(MkUnifyInfo p t InMatch) loc env xfc fx@(NRef xt hdx) xargs yfc fy@(NRef yt hdy) yargs
= if hdx == hdy
then do logC 5 (do defs <- get Ctxt
xs <- traverse (quote defs env) xargs
ys <- traverse (quote defs env) yargs
pure ("Matching args " ++ show xs ++ " " ++ show ys))
unifyArgs InMatch loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False InMatch loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
unifyArgs mode loc env xargs yargs
else unifyApp False mode loc env xfc fx xargs (NApp yfc fy yargs)
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc fx ax yfc fy ay
= unifyApp False mode loc env xfc fx ax (NApp yfc fy ay)
@ -855,7 +870,7 @@ mutual
unifyBothBinders: {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
(Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
@ -945,7 +960,7 @@ mutual
unifyNoEta : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
UnifyInfo -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
NF vars -> NF vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NDCon xfc x tagx ax xs) (NDCon yfc y tagy ay ys)
@ -997,7 +1012,7 @@ mutual
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NDelay xfc _ xty x) (NDelay yfc _ yty y)
= unifyArgs mode loc env [xty, x] [yty, y]
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NForce xfc _ x axs) (NForce yfc _ y ays)
= do cs <- unify mode loc env x y
= do cs <- unify (lower mode) loc env x y
cs' <- unifyArgs mode loc env axs ays
pure (union cs cs')
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NApp xfc fx axs) (NApp yfc fy ays)
@ -1005,7 +1020,7 @@ mutual
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NApp xfc hd args) y
= unifyApp False (lower mode) loc env xfc hd args y
unifyNoEta mode loc env y (NApp yfc hd args)
= if mode /= InMatch
= if umode mode /= InMatch
then unifyApp True mode loc env yfc hd args y
else unifyIfEq True loc mode env y (NApp yfc hd args)
-- Only try stripping as patterns as a last resort
@ -1156,21 +1171,21 @@ Eq SolveMode where
retry : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode -> Int -> Core UnifyResult
UnifyInfo -> Int -> Core UnifyResult
retry mode c
= do ust <- get UST
case lookup c (constraints ust) of
Nothing => pure success
Just Resolved => pure success
Just (MkConstraint loc withLazy env x y)
=> catch (do logTermNF 5 "Retrying" env x
=> catch (do logTermNF 5 ("Retrying " ++ show c) env x
logTermNF 5 "....with" env y
log 5 $ if withLazy
then "(lazy allowed)"
else "(no lazy)"
cs <- if withLazy
then unifyWithLazy mode loc env x y
else unify mode loc env x y
else unify (lower mode) loc env x y
case constraints cs of
[] => do log 5 $ "Success " ++ show (addLazy cs)
deleteConstraint c
@ -1198,7 +1213,7 @@ forceMeta r envb tm = TForce (getLoc tm) r tm
-- Retry the given constraint, return True if progress was made
retryGuess : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode -> (smode : SolveMode) -> (hole : (Int, (FC, Name))) ->
UnifyInfo -> (smode : SolveMode) -> (hole : (Int, (FC, Name))) ->
Core Bool
retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -1229,7 +1244,7 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
_ => pure False) -- Postpone again
Guess tm envb [constr] =>
do let umode = case smode of
MatchArgs => InMatch
MatchArgs => inMatch
_ => mode
cs <- retry umode constr
case constraints cs of
@ -1258,7 +1273,7 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
pure False
Guess tm envb constrs =>
do let umode = case smode of
MatchArgs => InMatch
MatchArgs => inMatch
_ => mode
cs' <- traverse (retry umode) constrs
let csAll = unionAll cs'
@ -1280,13 +1295,27 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
solveConstraints : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode -> (smode : SolveMode) -> Core ()
UnifyInfo -> (smode : SolveMode) -> Core ()
solveConstraints umode smode
= do ust <- get UST
progress <- traverse (retryGuess umode smode) (toList (guesses ust))
when (or (map Delay progress)) $
solveConstraints umode Normal
solveConstraintsAfter : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Int -> UnifyInfo -> (smode : SolveMode) -> Core ()
solveConstraintsAfter start umode smode
= do ust <- get UST
progress <- traverse (retryGuess umode smode)
(filter afterStart (toList (guesses ust)))
when (or (map Delay progress)) $
solveConstraintsAfter start umode Normal
afterStart : (Int, a) -> Bool
afterStart (x, _) = x >= start
-- Replace any 'BySearch' with 'Hole', so that we don't keep searching
-- fruitlessly while elaborating the rest of a source file
@ -1364,7 +1393,7 @@ checkDots
-- In 'InMatch' mode, only metavariables in 'x' can
-- be solved, so everything in the dotted metavariable
-- must be complete.
cs <- unify InMatch fc env x y
cs <- unify inMatch fc env x y
defs <- get Ctxt
Just ndef <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)

View File

@ -105,18 +105,20 @@ elabTermSub {vars} defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
ust <- get UST
let olddelayed = delayedElab ust
put UST (record { delayedElab = [] } ust)
constart <- getNextEntry
defs <- get Ctxt
e <- newRef EST (initEStateSub defining env' sub)
let rigc = getRigNeeded mode
(chktm, chkty) <- check {e} rigc (initElabInfo mode) nest env tm ty
-- Final retry of constraints and delayed elaborations
-- - Solve any constraints, then retry any delayed elaborations
-- - Finally, last attempts at solving constraints, but this
-- is most likely just to be able to display helpful errors
let solvemode = case mode of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)
InLHS _ => inLHS
_ => inTermP False
solveConstraints solvemode Normal
logTerm 5 "Looking for delayed in " chktm
ust <- get UST
@ -127,16 +129,17 @@ elabTermSub {vars} defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
throw err)
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = olddelayed } ust)
solveConstraints solvemode MatchArgs
solveConstraintsAfter constart solvemode MatchArgs
-- As long as we're not in a case block, finish off constraint solving
when (not incase) $
-- resolve any default hints
do solveConstraints solvemode Defaults
do log 5 "Resolving default hints"
solveConstraintsAfter constart solvemode Defaults
-- perhaps resolving defaults helps...
-- otherwise, this last go is most likely just to give us more
-- helpful errors.
solveConstraints solvemode LastChance
solveConstraintsAfter constart solvemode LastChance
dumpConstraints 4 False
defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -274,7 +274,6 @@ export
ambiguous : Error -> Bool
ambiguous (AmbiguousElab _ _ _) = True
ambiguous (AmbiguousName _ _) = True
ambiguous (AllFailed _) = True
ambiguous (InType _ _ err) = ambiguous err
ambiguous (InCon _ _ err) = ambiguous err
ambiguous (InLHS _ _ err) = ambiguous err
@ -304,8 +303,8 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc (UniqueDefault def) alts mexpected
pure (gnf env ty))
pure mexpected
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
\delayed =>
do solveConstraints solvemode Normal
@ -318,11 +317,12 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc (UniqueDefault def) alts mexpected
then gnf env exp
else expected
alts' <- pruneByType env !(getNF exp') alts
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts ++
" at " ++ show fc ++
"\nWith default. Target type ") env exp'
alts' <- pruneByType env !(getNF exp') alts
log 5 ("Pruned alts " ++ show alts')
if delayed -- use the default if there's still ambiguity
then try
(exactlyOne fc env
@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc uniq alts mexpected
pure (gnf env ty))
pure mexpected
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
\delayed =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -363,7 +363,8 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc uniq alts mexpected
alts' <- pruneByType env !(getNF exp') alts
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show delayed ++ " " ++
show alts' ++
" at " ++ show fc ++
"\nTarget type ") env exp'
let tryall = case uniq of

View File

@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ mutual
then pure True
else do sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc False))
concrete defs env sc'
if !(needsDelay (elabMode elabinfo) kr arg_in) then do
if (isHole aty && kr) || !(needsDelay (elabMode elabinfo) kr arg_in) then do
nm <- genMVName x
empty <- clearDefs defs
metaty <- quote empty env aty
@ -385,12 +385,16 @@ mutual
-- better way that leads to good code...)
logTerm 5 ("Solving " ++ show metaval ++ " with") argv
ok <- solveIfUndefined env metaval argv
when (not ok) $
do res <- convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env metaval)
-- If there's a constraint, make a constant, but otherwise
-- just return the term as expected
tm <- if not ok
then do res <- convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env metaval)
(gnf env argv)
let [] = constraints res
| cs => throw (CantConvert fc env metaval argv)
pure ()
let [] = constraints res
| cs => do tmty <- getTerm gty
newConstant fc rig env tm tmty cs
pure tm
else pure tm
case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ => -- reset hole and redo it with the unexpanded definition
do updateDef (Resolved idx) (const (Just (Hole 0 False)))

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.Elab.Delayed
import TTImp.TTImp
%default covering
@ -192,13 +193,13 @@ checkLet rigc_in elabinfo nest env fc rigl n nTy nVal scope expty
-- try checking at Rig1 (meaning that we're using a linear variable
-- so the resulting binding should be linear)
(valv, valt, rigb) <- handle
(do c <- check (rigMult rigl rigc)
(do c <- runDelays $ check (rigMult rigl rigc)
(record { preciseInf = True } elabinfo)
nest env nVal (Just (gnf env tyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, rigMult rigl rigc))
(\err => case err of
LinearMisuse _ _ Rig1 _
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo
=> do c <- runDelays $ check Rig1 elabinfo
nest env nVal (Just (gnf env tyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, Rig1)
e => do c <- check (rigMult rigl rigc)

View File

@ -315,7 +315,6 @@ checkCase rig elabinfo nest env fc scr scrty_exp alts exp
= delayElab fc rig env exp $
do (scrtyv, scrtyt) <- check Rig0 elabinfo nest env scrty_exp
(Just (gType fc))
logTerm 10 "Expected scrutinee type" scrtyv
-- Try checking at the given multiplicity; if that doesn't work,
-- try checking at Rig1 (meaning that we're using a linear variable
@ -326,14 +325,15 @@ checkCase rig elabinfo nest env fc scr scrty_exp alts exp
log 5 $ "Checking " ++ show scr ++ " at " ++ show chrig
(scrtm_in, gscrty, caseRig) <- handle
(do c <- check chrig elabinfo nest env scr (Just (gnf env scrtyv))
(do c <- runDelays $ check chrig elabinfo nest env scr (Just (gnf env scrtyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, chrig))
(\err => case err of
LinearMisuse _ _ Rig1 _
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo nest env scr
=> do c <- runDelays $ check Rig1 elabinfo nest env scr
(Just (gnf env scrtyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, Rig1)
e => throw e)
scrty <- getTerm gscrty
logTermNF 5 "Scrutinee type" env scrty
defs <- get Ctxt
@ -347,4 +347,3 @@ checkCase rig elabinfo nest env fc scr scrty_exp alts exp
checkConcrete (NApp _ (NMeta n i _) _)
= throw (GenericMsg (getFC scr) "Can't infer type for case scrutinee")
checkConcrete _ = pure ()

View File

@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ import Data.StringMap
public export
data ElabMode = InType | InLHS RigCount | InExpr
Show ElabMode where
show InType = "InType"
show (InLHS c) = "InLHS " ++ show c
show InExpr = "InExpr"
public export
data ElabOpt
= HolesOkay
@ -444,6 +449,7 @@ successful ((tm, elab) :: elabs)
est' <- get EST
md' <- get MD
defs' <- get Ctxt
-- Reset to previous state and try the rest
put UST ust
put EST est
@ -549,13 +555,14 @@ convertWithLazy
FC -> ElabInfo -> Env Term vars -> Glued vars -> Glued vars ->
Core UnifyResult
convertWithLazy withLazy prec fc elabinfo env x y
= let umode : UnifyMode
= let umode : UnifyInfo
= case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top prec) in
InLHS _ => inLHS
_ => inTermP prec in
(do let lazy = !isLazyActive && withLazy
logGlueNF 5 ("Unifying " ++ show withLazy) env x
logGlueNF 5 ("Unifying " ++ show withLazy ++ " "
++ show (elabMode elabinfo)) env x
logGlueNF 5 "....with" env y
vs <- if isFromTerm x && isFromTerm y
then do xtm <- getTerm x

View File

@ -66,13 +66,7 @@ delayOnFailure fc rig env expected pred elab
log 10 ("Due to error " ++ show err)
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
(do est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = False } est)
tm <- elab True
est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = True } est)
pure tm)) :: ) }
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env (elab True)) :: ) }
pure (dtm, expected)
else throw err)
@ -98,13 +92,7 @@ delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp elab
" for") env expected
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
(do est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = False } est)
tm <- elab
est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = True } est)
pure tm)) :: ) }
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env elab) :: ) }
pure (dtm, expected)
@ -127,11 +115,37 @@ retryDelayed ((i, elab) :: ds)
Just Delayed <- lookupDefExact (Resolved i) (gamma defs)
| _ => retryDelayed ds
log 5 ("Retrying delayed hole " ++ show !(getFullName (Resolved i)))
-- elab itself might have delays internally, so keep track of them
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = [] } ust)
tm <- elab
ust <- get UST
let ds' = reverse (delayedElab ust) ++ ds
updateDef (Resolved i) (const (Just
(PMDef (MkPMDefInfo NotHole True) [] (STerm tm) (STerm tm) [])))
logTerm 5 ("Resolved delayed hole " ++ show i) tm
logTermNF 5 ("Resolved delayed hole NF " ++ show i) [] tm
removeHole i
retryDelayed ds
retryDelayed ds'
-- Run an elaborator, then all the delayed elaborators arising from it
runDelays : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
Core a -> Core a
runDelays elab
= do ust <- get UST
let olddelayed = delayedElab ust
put UST (record { delayedElab = [] } ust)
tm <- elab
ust <- get UST
catch (retryDelayed (reverse (delayedElab ust)))
(\err =>
do ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = olddelayed } ust)
throw err)
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab = olddelayed } ust)
pure tm

View File

@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
!(normaliseHoles defs env exp)
logTerm 5 ("Added unbound implicit") bindtm
unify (case elabmode of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False))
InLHS _ => inLHS
_ => inTermP False)
fc env tm bindtm
pure ()
@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ getToBind fc elabmode NONE env excepts
= pure [] -- We should probably never get here, but for completeness...
getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
= do solveConstraints (case elabmode of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)) Normal
InLHS _ => inLHS
_ => inTermP False) Normal
bindUnsolved fc elabmode impmode
solveConstraints (case elabmode of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)) Normal
InLHS _ => inLHS
_ => inTermP False) Normal
defs <- get Ctxt
est <- get EST
let tob = reverse $ filter (\x => not (fst x `elem` excepts)) $
@ -459,16 +459,18 @@ checkBindHere rig elabinfo nest env fc bindmode tm exp
-- Set the binding environment in the elab state - unbound
-- implicits should have access to whatever is in scope here
put EST (updateEnv env SubRefl [] est)
constart <- getNextEntry
(tmv, tmt) <- check rig (record { implicitMode = bindmode,
bindingVars = True }
nest env tm exp
solveConstraints (case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)) Normal
solveConstraints (case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)) Defaults
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False) Normal
solveConstraintsAfter constart
(case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False) Defaults
ust <- get UST
catch (retryDelayed (delayedElab ust))
(\err =>

View File

@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ checkDelay rig elabinfo nest env fc tm mexpected
pure (gnf env ty))
pure mexpected
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False
solveConstraints solvemode Normal
-- Can only check if we know the expected type already because we
-- need to infer the delay reason

View File

@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ checkUpdate rig elabinfo nest env fc upds rec expected
nest env rec Nothing
pure ty
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm (Top False)
InLHS c => inLHS
_ => inTermP False
delayOnFailure fc rig env recty needType $
\delayed =>
do solveConstraints solvemode Normal

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ searchName fc rigc opts env target topty defining (n, ndef)
(args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env nty
logNF 5 "Target" env target
logNF 10 "App type" env appTy
ures <- unify InSearch fc env target appTy
ures <- unify inSearch fc env target appTy
let [] = constraints ures
| _ => pure []
-- Search the explicit arguments first, they may resolve other holes

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ test3ok : Nat
test3ok = case (the Nat 1, the Nat 2) of
(x, y) => x + y
test3bad : Nat
test3bad = case (1, 2) of
test3ok' : Nat
test3ok' = case (1, 2) of
(x, y) => x + y

View File

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
1/1: Building CaseInf (CaseInf.idr)
CaseInf.idr:7:24--9:1:While processing right hand side of test3bad at CaseInf.idr:6:1--9:1:
While processing right hand side of case block in test3bad at CaseInf.idr:7:14--9:1:
When unifying Integer and Nat
Mismatch between:
Main> S (S (S Z))
Main> S (S (S Z))
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1/1: Building Error (Error.idr)
Error.idr:6:19--7:1:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
When unifying a and Vect ?k a
When unifying a and Vect ?k ?a
Mismatch between:
Vect ?k a
Vect ?k ?a

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
(::) : a -> Vect k a -> Vect (S k) a
wrong : a -> Vect (S n) a -> Vect (S n) a
wrong xs = x :: xs
wrong xs = x :: ys

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
1/1: Building Error (Error.idr)
Error.idr:6:12--6:14:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
Undefined name x
Error.idr:6:17--7:1:While processing right hand side of wrong at Error.idr:6:1--7:1:
Undefined name ys

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
1/1: Building IEdit (IEdit.idr)
Main> empties : (m : Nat) -> Vect m (Vect Z a)
empties m
Main> transposeHelper : Vect k (Vect m a) -> Vect m a -> Vect m (Vect k a) -> Vect m (Vect (S k) a)
transposeHelper xs x xs_trans
Main> transposeHelper : Vect m a -> Vect k (Vect m a) -> Vect m (Vect k a) -> Vect m (Vect (S k) a)
transposeHelper x xs xs_trans
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Main> (y @@ res) => ?now_4
Main> (True @@ d) => ?now_4
(False @@ d) => ?now_5
Main> 0 m : Type -> Type
x : Integer
1 d : Door Open
x : Integer
0 r : Res Bool (\r => (Door (if r then Open else Closed)))
now_2 : Use Many m ()
Main> 0 m : Type -> Type
x : Integer
1 d : Door Closed
x : Integer
0 r : Res Bool (\r => (Door (if r then Open else Closed)))
now_3 : Use Many m ()

View File

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ IFace> Bye for now!
2/2: Building IFace1 (IFace1.idr)
IFace1> 0 a : Type
0 p : a -> Type
l' : a
r : p l'
r' : p l'
l : a
r' : p l
r : p l
l' : a
foo : Bool
IFace1> Bye for now!

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
Main> 0 v : Type
0 k' : Type
0 k : Type
z : List (k', v)
y : v
x : k'
y : v
z : List (k', v)
bang : List (k', v)
Main> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1/1: Building Main (Main.idr)
Main.idr:27:37--27:72:While processing right hand side of dpairWithExtraInfoBad at Main.idr:27:1--28:1:
Main.idr:27:26--27:72:While processing right hand side of dpairWithExtraInfoBad at Main.idr:27:1--28:1:
When unifying [MN (fromInteger 0), MN (fromInteger 0)] and [MN (fromInteger 0)]
Mismatch between:
[MN (fromInteger 0)]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:24} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect {k:24}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus {k:24}) m)) a))))))))
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:25} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect {k:25}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus {k:25}) m)) a))))))))
Yaffle> Bye for now!
Processing as TTC
Read TTC
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:24} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect {k:24}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus {k:24}) m)) a))))))))
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:25} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect {k:25}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus {k:25}) m)) a))))))))
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> ((Main.Just [Just a = ((Main.Vect.Vect (Main.S Main.Z)) Integer)]) ((((Main.Vect.Cons [Just k = Main.Z]) [Just a = Integer]) 1) (Main.Vect.Nil [Just a = Integer])))
Yaffle> ((Main.MkInfer [Just a = (Main.List.List Integer)]) (((Main.List.Cons [Just a = Integer]) 1) (Main.List.Nil [Just a = Integer])))
Yaffle> (repl):1:9--1:12:Ambiguous elaboration [($resolved116 ?Main.{a:54}_[]), ($resolved98 ?Main.{a:54}_[])]
Yaffle> (repl):1:9--1:12:Ambiguous elaboration [($resolved117 ?Main.{a:59}_[]), ($resolved98 ?Main.{a:59}_[])]
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> Main.lookup: All cases covered
Yaffle> Main.lookup':
($resolved142 [__] [__] (Main.FZ [__]) {arg:3})
($resolved144 [__] [__] (Main.FZ [__]) {arg:3})
Yaffle> Main.lookup'': Calls non covering function Main.lookup'
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:17} Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just ws ((Main.Vect {k:17}) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just y a (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:17})) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S (Main.S {k:17}))) m)) a))))))))))
Yaffle> Main.bar : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:45} Main.Nat (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect {k:45}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just xs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:45})) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S {k:45})) m)) a)))))))))
Yaffle> Main.baz : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:74} Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect {k:74}) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just xs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:74})) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just ts ((Main.Vect {k:74}) a) ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S {k:74})) m)) a))))))))))
Yaffle> Main.foo : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:19} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just y a (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just ws ((Main.Vect {k:19}) a) (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:19})) a) (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S (Main.S {k:19}))) m)) a))))))))))
Yaffle> Main.bar : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:48} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect {k:48}) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just xs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:48})) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S {k:48})) m)) a)))))))))
Yaffle> Main.baz : (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just m Main.Nat (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just a %type (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing ((Main.Vect m) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just {k:78} Main.Nat (%pi RigW Explicit Nothing a (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just zs ((Main.Vect {k:78}) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just xs ((Main.Vect (Main.S {k:78})) a) (%pi Rig0 Explicit Just n Main.Nat (%pi Rig1 Explicit Just ts ((Main.Vect {k:78}) a) ((Main.Vect ((Main.plus (Main.S {k:78})) m)) a))))))))))
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> (((((Main.There [Just {type_of_y:14} = Main.Nat]) [Just y = (Main.S Main.Z)]) [Just xs = (((Main.Cons [Just a = Main.Nat]) Main.Z) (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat]))]) [Just x = Main.Z]) (((Main.Here [Just {a:8} = Main.Nat]) [Just xs = (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat])]) [Just x = Main.Z]))
Yaffle> (((Main.Here [Just {a:8} = Main.Nat]) [Just xs = (((Main.Cons [Just a = Main.Nat]) Main.Z) (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat]))]) [Just x = (Main.S Main.Z)])
Yaffle> (((((Main.There [Just {a:15} = Main.Nat]) [Just y = (Main.S Main.Z)]) [Just xs = (((Main.Cons [Just a = Main.Nat]) Main.Z) (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat]))]) [Just x = Main.Z]) (((Main.Here [Just {a:9} = Main.Nat]) [Just xs = (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat])]) [Just x = Main.Z]))
Yaffle> (((Main.Here [Just {a:9} = Main.Nat]) [Just xs = (((Main.Cons [Just a = Main.Nat]) Main.Z) (Main.Nil [Just a = Main.Nat]))]) [Just x = (Main.S Main.Z)])
Yaffle> ((((Main.MkPair [Just b = Integer]) [Just a = String]) "b") 94)
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> \0 m : Main.Nat => \0 a : Type => \ys : (Main.Vect m[1] a[0]) => \0 n : Main.Nat => ys[1]
Yaffle> \0 m : Main.Nat => \0 a : Type => \0 {k:28} : Main.Nat => \xs : (Main.Vect {k:28}[0] a[1]) => \x : a[2] => \ys : (Main.Vect m[4] a[3]) => \0 n : Main.Nat => (Main.Cons (Main.plus {k:28}[4] m[6]) a[5] x[2] (Main.append m[6] a[5] {k:28}[4] xs[3] ys[1]))
Yaffle> [((Main.app2 (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = y, ((Main.app2 ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) $y) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = ((Main.plus {_:199}) m)]) [Just a = a]) x) (((((Main.app2 [Just m = m]) [Just a = a]) [Just n = {_:199}]) z) y))]
Yaffle> [((Main.zip (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = (Main.Nil [Just a = ((Main.Pair a) b)]), ((Main.zip ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $y) $w)) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = {_:309}]) [Just a = ((Main.Pair a) b)]) ((((Main.MkPair [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) x) y)) (((((Main.zip [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) [Just n = {_:309}]) z) w))]
Yaffle> [(((Main.zipWith $f) (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = (Main.Nil [Just a = c]), (((Main.zipWith $f) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $y) $w)) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = {_:459}]) [Just a = c]) ((f x) y)) (((((((Main.zipWith [Just n = {_:459}]) [Just c = c]) [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) f) z) w))]
Yaffle> \0 m : Main.Nat => \0 a : Type => \0 {k:29} : Main.Nat => \x : a[1] => \xs : (Main.Vect {k:29}[1] a[2]) => \ys : (Main.Vect m[4] a[3]) => \0 n : Main.Nat => (Main.Cons (Main.plus {k:29}[4] m[6]) a[5] x[3] (Main.append m[6] a[5] {k:29}[4] xs[2] ys[1]))
Yaffle> [((Main.app2 (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = y, ((Main.app2 ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) $y) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = ((Main.plus {_:201}) m)]) [Just a = a]) x) (((((Main.app2 [Just m = m]) [Just a = a]) [Just n = {_:201}]) z) y))]
Yaffle> [((Main.zip (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = (Main.Nil [Just a = ((Main.Pair a) b)]), ((Main.zip ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $y) $w)) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = {_:314}]) [Just a = ((Main.Pair a) b)]) ((((Main.MkPair [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) x) y)) (((((Main.zip [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) [Just n = {_:314}]) z) w))]
Yaffle> [(((Main.zipWith $f) (Main.Nil [Just a = _])) $y) = (Main.Nil [Just a = c]), (((Main.zipWith $f) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $x) $z)) ((((Main.Cons [Just k = _]) [Just a = _]) $y) $w)) = ((((Main.Cons [Just k = {_:464}]) [Just a = c]) ((f x) y)) (((((((Main.zipWith [Just n = {_:464}]) [Just c = c]) [Just b = b]) [Just a = a]) f) z) w))]
Yaffle> Bye for now!

View File

@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ fourNotInVector (There (There (There (There _)))) impossible
peteNotInVector : Elem "Pete" ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"] -> Void
peteNotInVector (There (There (There (There Here)))) impossible
peteNotInVector (There (There (There (There (There _))))) impossible