Merge branch 'master' into typo

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Edwin Brady 2019-12-07 15:17:51 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit f6397ad0f6
No known key found for this signature in database
174 changed files with 4349 additions and 2574 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ifeq ($(shell git status >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 0)
PREFIX ?= ${HOME}/.idris2
export IDRIS2_PATH = ${CURDIR}/libs/prelude/build/ttc:${CURDIR}/libs/base/build/ttc

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ modules =
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ modules =

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Control.Monad.Identity
public export
public export
record Identity (a : Type) where
constructor Id
runIdentity : a

View File

@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ public export
implementation Monad f => Applicative (StateT stateType f) where
pure x = ST (\st => pure (x, st))
(ST f) <*> (ST a)
= ST (\st =>
(ST f) <*> (ST a)
= ST (\st =>
do (g, r) <- f st
(b, t) <- a r
pure (g b, t))
public export
implementation Monad m => Monad (StateT stateType m) where
(ST f) >>= k
= ST (\st =>
(ST f) >>= k
= ST (\st =>
do (v, st') <- f st
let ST kv = k v
kv st')
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ implementation Monad m => MonadState stateType (StateT stateType m) where
public export
implementation MonadTrans (StateT stateType) where
lift x
= ST (\st =>
lift x
= ST (\st =>
do r <- x
pure (r, st))
@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ implementation (Monad f, Alternative f) => Alternative (StateT st f) where
||| Apply a function to modify the context of this computation
public export
modify : MonadState stateType m => (stateType -> stateType) -> m ()
modify f
modify f
= do s <- get
put (f s)
||| Evaluate a function in the context held by this computation
public export
gets : MonadState stateType m => (stateType -> a) -> m a
gets f
gets f
= do s <- get
pure (f s)

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ sizeInd : Sized a => {0 P : a -> Type} ->
sizeInd step z = accInd step z (sizeAccessible z)
sizeRec : Sized a =>
sizeRec : Sized a =>
(step : (x : a) -> ((y : a) -> Smaller y x -> b) -> b) ->
(z : a) -> b
sizeRec step z = accRec step z (sizeAccessible z)

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ bufferData buf
unpackTo (val :: acc) (loc - 1)
readBufferFromFile : BinaryFile -> Buffer -> (maxbytes : Int) ->
readBufferFromFile : BinaryFile -> Buffer -> (maxbytes : Int) ->
IO (Either FileError Buffer)
readBufferFromFile (FHandle h) (MkBuffer buf size loc) max
= do read <- schemeCall Int "blodwen-readbuffer" [h, buf, loc, max]
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ readBufferFromFile (FHandle h) (MkBuffer buf size loc) max
else pure (Left FileReadError)
writeBufferToFile : BinaryFile -> Buffer -> (maxbytes : Int) ->
writeBufferToFile : BinaryFile -> Buffer -> (maxbytes : Int) ->
IO (Either FileError Buffer)
writeBufferToFile (FHandle h) (MkBuffer buf size loc) max
= do let maxwrite = size - loc

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@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ last : {n : _} -> Fin (S n)
last {n=Z} = FZ
last {n=S _} = FS last
export total
export total
FSinjective : {f : Fin n} -> {f' : Fin n} -> (FS f = FS f') -> f = f'
FSinjective Refl = Refl
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ implementation Ord (Fin n) where
public export
natToFin : Nat -> (n : Nat) -> Maybe (Fin n)
natToFin Z (S j) = Just FZ
natToFin (S k) (S j)
natToFin (S k) (S j)
= case natToFin k j of
Just k' => Just (FS k')
Nothing => Nothing
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ restrict n val = let val' = assert_total (abs (mod val (cast (S n)))) in
-- DecEq
export total
export total
FZNotFS : {f : Fin n} -> FZ {k = n} = FS f -> Void
FZNotFS Refl impossible

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ data IORef : Type -> Type where
newIORef : a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef val
newIORef val
= do m <- primIO (prim__newIORef val)
pure (MkRef m)

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ span p (x::xs) =
public export
break : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
break p = span (not . p)
break p xs = span (not . p) xs
public export
split : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
@ -121,6 +121,13 @@ public export
reverse : List a -> List a
reverse = reverseOnto []
||| Construct a list with `n` copies of `x`.
||| @ n how many copies
||| @ x the element to replicate
public export
replicate : (n : Nat) -> (x : a) -> List a
replicate Z _ = []
replicate (S n) x = x :: replicate n x
||| Compute the intersect of two lists by user-supplied equality predicate.
@ -132,6 +139,39 @@ export
intersect : Eq a => List a -> List a -> List a
intersect = intersectBy (==)
||| Combine two lists elementwise using some function.
||| If the lists are different lengths, the result is truncated to the
||| length of the shortest list.
zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> List a -> List b -> List c
zipWith _ [] _ = []
zipWith _ _ [] = []
zipWith f (x::xs) (y::ys) = f x y :: zipWith f xs ys
||| Combine two lists elementwise into pairs.
||| If the lists are different lengths, the result is truncated to the
||| length of the shortest list.
zip : List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
zip = zipWith \x, y => (x, y)
zipWith3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> List a -> List b -> List c -> List d
zipWith3 _ [] _ _ = []
zipWith3 _ _ [] _ = []
zipWith3 _ _ _ [] = []
zipWith3 f (x::xs) (y::ys) (z::zs) = f x y z :: zipWith3 f xs ys zs
||| Combine three lists elementwise into tuples.
||| If the lists are different lengths, the result is truncated to the
||| length of the shortest list.
zip3 : List a -> List b -> List c -> List (a, b, c)
zip3 = zipWith3 \x, y, z => (x, y, z)
public export
data NonEmpty : (xs : List a) -> Type where
IsNonEmpty : NonEmpty (x :: xs)
@ -159,6 +199,18 @@ export
toList : Foldable t => t a -> List a
toList = foldr (::) []
||| Prefix every element in the list with the given element
||| ```idris example
||| with List (mergeReplicate '>' ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
||| ```
mergeReplicate : a -> List a -> List a
mergeReplicate sep [] = []
mergeReplicate sep (y::ys) = sep :: y :: mergeReplicate sep ys
||| Insert some separator between the elements of a list.
||| ````idris example
@ -168,11 +220,7 @@ toList = foldr (::) []
intersperse : a -> List a -> List a
intersperse sep [] = []
intersperse sep (x::xs) = x :: intersperse' sep xs
intersperse' : a -> List a -> List a
intersperse' sep [] = []
intersperse' sep (y::ys) = sep :: y :: intersperse' sep ys
intersperse sep (x::xs) = x :: mergeReplicate sep xs
||| Apply a partial function to the elements of a list, keeping the ones at which
||| it is defined.
@ -212,7 +260,7 @@ mergeBy order (x::xs) (y::ys) =
||| Merge two sorted lists using the default ordering for the type of their elements.
merge : Ord a => List a -> List a -> List a
merge = mergeBy compare
merge left right = mergeBy compare left right
||| Sort a list using some arbitrary comparison predicate.
@ -299,15 +347,15 @@ appendAssociative (x::xs) c r =
revOnto : (xs, vs : _) -> reverseOnto xs vs = reverse vs ++ xs
revOnto xs [] = Refl
revOnto xs (v :: vs)
= rewrite revOnto (v :: xs) vs in
revOnto xs (v :: vs)
= rewrite revOnto (v :: xs) vs in
rewrite appendAssociative (reverse vs) [v] xs in
rewrite revOnto [v] vs in Refl
revAppend : (vs, ns : List a) -> reverse ns ++ reverse vs = reverse (vs ++ ns)
revAppend [] ns = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral (reverse ns) in Refl
revAppend (v :: vs) ns
revAppend (v :: vs) ns
= rewrite revOnto [v] vs in
rewrite revOnto [v] (vs ++ ns) in
rewrite sym (revAppend vs ns) in

View File

@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
||| Contains:
||| 1. Tail recursive versions of the list processing functions from
||| Data.List.
||| 2. Extensional equality proofs that these variants are
||| (extensionally) equivalent to their non-tail-recursive
||| counterparts.
||| Note:
||| 1. Written in one sitting, feel free to refactor
||| 2. The proofs below also work on non-publicly exported
||| definitions. This could be due to a bug, and will need to be
||| moved elsewhere if it's fixed.
module Data.List.TailRec
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import Syntax.WithProof
import Data.List
import Data.Vect
import Data.Nat
length_aux : List a -> Nat -> Nat
length_aux [] len = len
length_aux (_::xs) len = length_aux xs (S len)
length : List a -> Nat
length xs = length_aux xs Z
length_ext : (xs : List a) -> Data.List.length xs = Data.List.TailRec.length xs
length_ext xs = Calculate [
Data.List.length xs
==| sym (plusZeroRightNeutral (Data.List.length xs)),
Data.List.length xs + 0
==| lemma 0 xs,
Data.List.TailRec.length_aux xs 0
==| Refl,
Data.List.TailRec.length xs
==| QED
lemma : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.length xs + n = length_aux xs n
lemma n [] = Refl
lemma n (_ :: xs) =
let length_xs : Nat
length_xs = Data.List.length xs in
Calculate [
1 + (length_xs + n)
-- Hopefully we could Frex these two steps one day
==| plusAssociative 1 length_xs n ,
(1 + length_xs) + n
==| cong (+n) (plusCommutative 1 length_xs) ,
(length_xs + 1) + n
==| sym (plusAssociative length_xs 1 n),
(length_xs) + (1 + n)
==| lemma (1 + n) xs,
length_aux xs (1 + n)
==| QED
take_aux : Nat -> List a -> List a -> List a
take_aux Z xs acc = reverseOnto [] acc
take_aux (S n) [] acc = reverseOnto [] acc
take_aux (S n) (x :: xs) acc = take_aux n xs (x :: acc)
take : Nat -> List a -> List a
take n xs = take_aux n xs []
take_ext :
(n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.take n xs = Data.List.TailRec.take n xs
take_ext n xs = Calculate [
Data.List.take n xs
==| Refl ,
reverse [] ++ (Data.List.take n xs)
==| sym (revOnto (Data.List.take n xs) []) ,
reverseOnto (Data.List.take n xs) []
==| sym (lemma n xs []) ,
take_aux n xs []
==| QED
lemma : (n : Nat) -> (xs, acc : List a) ->
take_aux n xs acc = reverseOnto (Data.List.take n xs) acc
lemma Z xs acc = Refl
lemma (S n) [] acc = Refl
lemma (S n) (x::xs) acc = lemma n xs (x :: acc)
span_aux : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a -> (List a, List a)
span_aux p [] acc = (reverseOnto [] acc, [])
span_aux p (x::xs) acc =
if p x then
Data.List.TailRec.span_aux p xs (x :: acc)
(reverseOnto [] acc, x::xs)
span : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
span p xs = span_aux p xs []
coe : (f : (i : a) -> Type) -> i = i' -> f i -> f i'
coe f Refl x = x
span_aux_ext : (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs, acc : List a) ->
(reverseOnto (fst $ Data.List.span p xs) acc, snd $ Data.List.span p xs)
span_aux p xs acc
span_aux_ext p [] acc = Refl
-- This is disgusting. Please teach me a better way.
span_aux_ext p (x::xs) acc with (@@(p x), @@(Data.List.span p xs))
span_aux_ext p (x::xs) acc | ((True ** px_tru), ((pre, rest)**dl_pf)) =
rewrite px_tru in
rewrite dl_pf in
let u = span_aux_ext p xs (x::acc) in
coe (\u => (reverseOnto (x :: fst u) acc, snd u) =
Data.List.TailRec.span_aux p xs (x :: acc)) dl_pf u
span_aux_ext p (x::xs) acc | ((False**px_fls), ((pre,rest)**dl_pf)) =
rewrite px_fls in
span_ext : (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.span p xs = Data.List.TailRec.span p xs
span_ext p xs with (@@(Data.List.span p xs))
span_ext p xs | ((pre, rest) ** pf) =
rewrite pf in
let u = span_aux_ext p xs [] in
coe (\u => (fst u, snd u) = span_aux p xs []) pf u
break : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
break p xs = Data.List.TailRec.span (not . p) xs
break_ext : (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.break p xs = Data.List.TailRec.break p xs
break_ext p xs = span_ext (not . p) xs
splitOnto : List (List a) -> (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
splitOnto acc p xs =
case Data.List.break p xs of
(chunk, [] ) => reverseOnto [chunk] acc
(chunk, (c::rest)) => splitOnto (chunk::acc) p rest
split : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
split p xs = splitOnto [] p xs
splitOnto_ext : (acc : List (List a)) -> (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) ->
reverseOnto (Data.List.split p xs) acc
= Data.List.TailRec.splitOnto acc p xs
splitOnto_ext acc p xs with (@@(Data.List.break p xs))
splitOnto_ext acc p xs | ((chunk, [] )**pf) =
rewrite pf in
splitOnto_ext acc p xs | ((chunk, c::rest)**pf) =
rewrite pf in
rewrite splitOnto_ext (chunk::acc) p rest in
split_ext : (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.split p xs = Data.List.TailRec.split p xs
split_ext p xs = splitOnto_ext [] p xs
splitAtOnto : List a -> (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> (List a, List a)
splitAtOnto acc Z xs = (reverseOnto [] acc, xs)
splitAtOnto acc (S n) [] = (reverseOnto [] acc, [])
splitAtOnto acc (S n) (x::xs) = splitAtOnto (x::acc) n xs
splitAt : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> (List a, List a)
splitAt n xs = splitAtOnto [] n xs
splitAtOnto_ext : (acc : List a) -> (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) ->
(reverseOnto (fst $ Data.List.splitAt n xs) acc, snd $ Data.List.splitAt n xs)
= splitAtOnto acc n xs
splitAtOnto_ext acc Z xs = Refl
splitAtOnto_ext acc (S n) [] = Refl
splitAtOnto_ext acc (S n) (x::xs) with (@@(Data.List.splitAt n xs))
splitAtOnto_ext acc (S n) (x::xs) | ((tk, dr)**pf) =
rewrite pf in
let u = splitAtOnto_ext (x::acc) n xs in
coe (\u => (reverseOnto (x :: fst u) acc, snd u) =
splitAtOnto (x :: acc) n xs) pf u
splitAt_ext : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.splitAt n xs =
Data.List.TailRec.splitAt n xs
splitAt_ext n xs with (@@(Data.List.splitAt n xs))
splitAt_ext n xs | ((tk, dr)**pf) =
rewrite pf in
rewrite sym $ splitAtOnto_ext [] n xs in
rewrite pf in
partitionOnto : List a -> List a -> (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
partitionOnto lfts rgts p [] = (reverseOnto [] lfts, reverseOnto [] rgts)
partitionOnto lfts rgts p (x::xs) =
if p x then
partitionOnto (x :: lfts) rgts p xs
partitionOnto lfts (x::rgts) p xs
partition : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> (List a, List a)
partition p xs = partitionOnto [] [] p xs
partitionOnto_ext : (lfts, rgts : List a) -> (p : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) ->
(reverseOnto (fst $ Data.List.partition p xs) lfts
,reverseOnto (snd $ Data.List.partition p xs) rgts)
= Data.List.TailRec.partitionOnto lfts rgts p xs
partitionOnto_ext lfts rgts p [] = Refl
partitionOnto_ext lfts rgts p (x::xs) with (@@(p x), @@(Data.List.partition p xs))
partitionOnto_ext lfts rgts p (x::xs) | ((True **px_tru), ((dl_l, dl_r)**dl_pf))
= rewrite px_tru in
rewrite dl_pf in
rewrite px_tru in
let u = partitionOnto_ext (x :: lfts) rgts p xs in
coe (\u => (reverseOnto (x :: fst u) lfts
,reverseOnto ( snd u) rgts)
= partitionOnto (x :: lfts) rgts p xs) dl_pf u
partitionOnto_ext lfts rgts p (x::xs) | ((False**px_fls), ((dl_l, dl_r)**dl_pf))
= rewrite px_fls in
rewrite dl_pf in
rewrite px_fls in
let u = partitionOnto_ext lfts (x :: rgts) p xs in
coe (\u => (reverseOnto ( fst u) lfts
,reverseOnto (x :: snd u) rgts)
= partitionOnto lfts (x::rgts) p xs) dl_pf u
mergeReplicate_aux : a -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeReplicate_aux sep [] acc = reverseOnto [] acc
mergeReplicate_aux sep (x::xs) acc = mergeReplicate_aux sep xs (x :: sep :: acc)
mergeReplicate_ext : (sep : a) -> (xs : List a) -> (acc : List a) ->
mergeReplicate_aux sep xs acc =
reverseOnto (mergeReplicate sep xs) acc
mergeReplicate_ext sep [] acc = Refl
mergeReplicate_ext sep (x::xs) acc = Calculate [
mergeReplicate_aux sep xs (x :: sep :: acc)
==| mergeReplicate_ext sep xs (x :: sep :: acc) ,
reverseOnto (sep :: x :: mergeReplicate sep xs) acc
==| QED
intersperse : a -> List a -> List a
intersperse sep [] = []
intersperse sep (y::ys) = y :: mergeReplicate_aux sep ys []
intersperse_ext : (sep : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.intersperse sep xs =
Data.List.TailRec.intersperse sep xs
intersperse_ext sep [] = Refl
intersperse_ext sep (y::ys) = cong (y::) (sym $ mergeReplicate_ext sep ys [])
mapMaybeOnto : List b -> (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> List b
mapMaybeOnto acc f [] = reverseOnto [] acc
mapMaybeOnto acc f (x::xs) =
case f x of
Nothing => mapMaybeOnto acc f xs
Just y => mapMaybeOnto (y :: acc) f xs
mapMaybe : (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> List b
mapMaybe f xs = mapMaybeOnto [] f xs
mapMaybeOnto_ext : (acc : List b) -> (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (xs : List a) ->
reverseOnto (Data.List.mapMaybe f xs) acc
mapMaybeOnto acc f xs
mapMaybeOnto_ext acc f [] = Refl
mapMaybeOnto_ext acc f (x::xs) with (f x)
mapMaybeOnto_ext acc f (x::xs) | Nothing = mapMaybeOnto_ext acc f xs
mapMaybeOnto_ext acc f (x::xs) | Just y = mapMaybeOnto_ext (y :: acc) f xs
mapMaybe_ext : (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.mapMaybe f xs = Data.List.TailRec.mapMaybe f xs
mapMaybe_ext f xs = mapMaybeOnto_ext [] f xs
sorted : Ord a => List a -> Bool
sorted [ ] = True
sorted [x] = True
sorted (x :: xs@(y :: ys)) = case (x <= y) of
False => False
True => Data.List.TailRec.sorted xs
sorted_ext : Ord a => (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.sorted xs = Data.List.TailRec.sorted xs
sorted_ext [] = Refl
sorted_ext [x] = Refl
sorted_ext (x :: y :: ys) with (x <= y)
sorted_ext (x :: y :: ys) | False = Refl
sorted_ext (x :: y :: ys) | True = sorted_ext (y::ys)
mergeByOnto : List a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeByOnto acc order [] right = reverseOnto right acc
mergeByOnto acc order left [] = reverseOnto left acc
mergeByOnto acc order left@(x::xs) right@(y::ys) =
case order x y of
LT => mergeByOnto (x :: acc) order xs right
_ => mergeByOnto (y :: acc) order left ys
mergeByOnto_ext : (acc : List a)
-> (order : a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (left, right : List a)
-> reverseOnto (mergeBy order left right) acc
= mergeByOnto acc order left right
mergeByOnto_ext acc order [] right = Refl
mergeByOnto_ext acc order left [] = ?bug139
mergeByOnto_ext acc order left@(x::xs) right@(y::ys) with (order x y)
mergeByOnto_ext acc order left@(x::xs) right@(y::ys) | LT =
mergeByOnto_ext (x :: acc) order xs (y::ys)
-- We need to exhaust the two other cases explicitly to convince the
-- typecheker. See #140
mergeByOnto_ext acc order left@(x::xs) right@(y::ys) | EQ =
mergeByOnto_ext (y :: acc) order (x::xs) ys
mergeByOnto_ext acc order left@(x::xs) right@(y::ys) | GT =
mergeByOnto_ext (y :: acc) order (x::xs) ys
mergeBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeBy order left right = mergeByOnto [] order left right
mergeBy_ext : (order : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (left, right : List a) ->
Data.List.mergeBy order left right =
Data.List.TailRec.mergeBy order left right
mergeBy_ext order left right = mergeByOnto_ext [] order left right
merge : Ord a => List a -> List a -> List a
merge = Data.List.TailRec.mergeBy compare
merge_ext : Ord a => (left, right : List a) ->
Data.List.merge left right = Data.List.TailRec.merge left right
merge_ext left right = mergeBy_ext compare left right
-- Not quite finished due to a bug.
sortBy_splitRec : List a -> List a -> (List a -> List a) -> (List a, List a)
sortBy_splitRec (_::_::xs) (y::ys) zs = sortBy_splitRec xs ys (zs . ((::) y))
sortBy_splitRec _ ys zs = (zs [], ys)
sortBy_split : List a -> (List a, List a)
sortBy_split xs = sortBy_splitRec xs xs id
sortBy : (cmp : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (xs : List a) -> List a
sortBy cmp [] = []
sortBy cmp [x] = [x]
sortBy cmp xs = let (x, y) = sortBy_split xs in
Data.List.TailRec.mergeBy cmp
(Data.List.TailRec.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs x))
(Data.List.TailRec.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs y))
{-- -- This code seems to make Idris2 loop
sortBy_ext : (cmp : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (xs : List a) ->
Data.List.sortBy cmp xs = Data.List.TailRec.sortBy cmp xs
sortBy_ext cmp [] = Refl
sortBy_ext cmp [x] = Refl
sortBy_ext cmp xs@(y::ys) = let (x, y) = split xs in
Calculate [
Data.List.mergeBy cmp
(Data.List.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs x))
(Data.List.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs y))
==| ?help1 ,
Data.List.TailRec.mergeBy cmp
(Data.List.TailRec.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs x))
(Data.List.TailRec.sortBy cmp (assert_smaller xs y))
==| QED

View File

@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ lengthSuc : (xs : List a) -> (y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
lengthSuc [] _ _ = Refl
lengthSuc (x :: xs) y ys = cong S (lengthSuc xs y ys)
lengthLT : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List a) ->
lengthLT : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List a) ->
LTE (length xs) (length (ys ++ xs))
lengthLT xs [] = lteRefl
lengthLT xs (x :: ys) = lteSuccRight (lengthLT _ _)
smallerLeft : (ys : List a) -> (y : a) -> (zs : List a) ->
smallerLeft : (ys : List a) -> (y : a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length ys))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerLeft [] y zs = LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)
smallerLeft (z :: ys) y zs = LTESucc (smallerLeft ys _ _)
smallerRight : (ys : List a) -> (zs : List a) ->
smallerRight : (ys : List a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length zs))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerRight {y} ys zs = rewrite lengthSuc ys y zs in
smallerRight {y} ys zs = rewrite lengthSuc ys y zs in
(LTESucc (LTESucc (lengthLT _ _)))
||| View for splitting a list in half, non-recursively
@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ public export
data Split : List a -> Type where
SplitNil : Split []
SplitOne : (x : a) -> Split [x]
SplitPair : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
(y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
SplitPair : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
(y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
Split (x :: xs ++ y :: ys)
splitHelp : (head : a) ->
(xs : List a) ->
(xs : List a) ->
(counter : List a) -> Split (head :: xs)
splitHelp head [] counter = SplitOne _
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [] = SplitPair head [] x xs
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [y] = SplitPair head [] x xs
splitHelp head (x :: xs) (_ :: _ :: ys)
splitHelp head (x :: xs) (_ :: _ :: ys)
= case splitHelp head xs ys of
SplitOne x => SplitPair x [] _ []
SplitPair x' xs y' ys => SplitPair x' (x :: xs) y' ys
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ data SnocList : List a -> Type where
Snoc : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
(rec : SnocList xs) -> SnocList (xs ++ [x])
snocListHelp : {input : _} ->
snocListHelp : {input : _} ->
SnocList input -> (rest : List a) -> SnocList (input ++ rest)
snocListHelp snoc [] = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral input in snoc
snocListHelp snoc (x :: xs)
= rewrite appendAssociative input [x] xs in
snocListHelp snoc (x :: xs)
= rewrite appendAssociative input [x] xs in
snocListHelp (Snoc x input snoc) xs
||| Covering function for the `SnocList` view

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export
isLTE : (m, n : Nat) -> Dec (LTE m n)
isLTE Z n = Yes LTEZero
isLTE (S k) Z = No succNotLTEzero
isLTE (S k) (S j)
isLTE (S k) (S j)
= case isLTE k j of
No contra => No (contra . fromLteSucc)
Yes prf => Yes (LTESucc prf)
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ cmp (S x) (S y) with (cmp x y)
cmp (S x) (S x) | CmpEQ = CmpEQ
cmp (S (y + (S k))) (S y) | CmpGT k = CmpGT k
-- Proofs on +
-- Proofs on
plusZeroLeftNeutral : (right : Nat) -> 0 + right = right

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Data.So
||| it may be appropriate to define a type of evidence for the property that you
||| care about instead.
public export
data So : Bool -> Type where
data So : Bool -> Type where
Oh : So True

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ length [] = 0
length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs
||| Show that the length function on vectors in fact calculates the length
lengthCorrect : (len : Nat) -> (xs : Vect len elem) -> length xs = len
lengthCorrect Z [] = Refl
lengthCorrect (S n) (x :: xs) = rewrite lengthCorrect n xs in Refl
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public export
unzip3 : (xs : Vect n (a, b, c)) -> (Vect n a, Vect n b, Vect n c)
unzip3 [] = ([], [], [])
unzip3 ((l,c,r)::xs) with (unzip3 xs)
unzip3 ((l,c,r)::xs) | (lefts, centers, rights)
unzip3 ((l,c,r)::xs) | (lefts, centers, rights)
= (l::lefts, c::centers, r::rights)
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ implementation (Eq elem) => Eq (Vect len elem) where
public export
implementation Ord elem => Ord (Vect len elem) where
compare [] [] = EQ
compare (x::xs) (y::ys)
compare (x::xs) (y::ys)
= case compare x y of
EQ => compare xs ys
x => x
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ findIndex p (x :: xs) = if p x then Just FZ else map FS (findIndex p xs)
public export
findIndices : (elem -> Bool) -> Vect m elem -> List (Fin m)
findIndices p [] = []
findIndices p (x :: xs)
findIndices p (x :: xs)
= let is = map FS $ findIndices p xs in
if p x then FZ :: is else is
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ transpose (x :: xs) = zipWith (::) x (transpose xs) -- = [| x :: xs |]
-- Applicative/Monad/Traversable
-- These only work if the length is known at run time!
-- These only work if the length is known at run time!
implementation {k : Nat} -> Applicative (Vect k) where
pure = replicate _
@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ replaceByElem (x::xs) Here y = y :: xs
replaceByElem (x::xs) (There xinxs) y = x :: replaceByElem xs xinxs y
public export
mapElem : {0 xs : Vect k t} -> {0 f : t -> u} ->
mapElem : {0 xs : Vect k t} -> {0 f : t -> u} ->
Elem x xs -> Elem (f x) (map f xs)
mapElem Here = Here
mapElem (There e) = There (mapElem e)

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Debug.Trace
import Prelude
import PrimIO
trace : (msg : String) -> (result : a) -> a
trace x val = unsafePerformIO (do putStrLn x; pure val)

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@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ interface DecEq t where
||| The negation of equality is symmetric (follows from symmetry of equality)
export total
export total
negEqSym : forall a, b . (a = b -> Void) -> (b = a -> Void)
negEqSym p h = p (sym h)
||| Everything is decidably equal to itself
export total
export total
decEqSelfIsYes : DecEq a => {x : a} -> decEq x x = Yes Refl
decEqSelfIsYes {x} with (decEq x x)
decEqSelfIsYes {x} | Yes Refl = Refl
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ implementation (DecEq t) => DecEq (Maybe t) where
decEq Nothing Nothing = Yes Refl
decEq (Just x') (Just y') with (decEq x' y')
decEq (Just x') (Just y') | Yes p = Yes $ cong Just p
decEq (Just x') (Just y') | No p
decEq (Just x') (Just y') | No p
= No $ \h : Just x' = Just y' => p $ justInjective h
decEq Nothing (Just _) = No nothingNotJust
decEq (Just _) Nothing = No (negEqSym nothingNotJust)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ implementation (DecEq t) => DecEq (Maybe t) where
-- TODO: Other prelude data types
-- For the primitives, we have to cheat because we don't have access to their
-- internal implementations. We use believe_me for the inequality proofs
-- internal implementations. We use believe_me for the inequality proofs
-- because we don't them to reduce (and they should never be needed anyway...)
-- A postulate would be better, but erasure analysis may think they're needed
-- for computation in a higher order setting.
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ implementation (DecEq t) => DecEq (Maybe t) where
implementation DecEq Int where
decEq x y = case x == y of -- Blocks if x or y not concrete
True => Yes primitiveEq
True => Yes primitiveEq
False => No primitiveNotEq
where primitiveEq : forall x, y . x = y
primitiveEq = believe_me (Refl {x})
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ implementation DecEq Int where
implementation DecEq Char where
decEq x y = case x == y of -- Blocks if x or y not concrete
True => Yes primitiveEq
True => Yes primitiveEq
False => No primitiveNotEq
where primitiveEq : forall x, y . x = y
primitiveEq = believe_me (Refl {x})
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ implementation DecEq Char where
implementation DecEq Integer where
decEq x y = case x == y of -- Blocks if x or y not concrete
True => Yes primitiveEq
True => Yes primitiveEq
False => No primitiveNotEq
where primitiveEq : forall x, y . x = y
primitiveEq = believe_me (Refl {x})
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ implementation DecEq Integer where
implementation DecEq String where
decEq x y = case x == y of -- Blocks if x or y not concrete
True => Yes primitiveEq
True => Yes primitiveEq
False => No primitiveNotEq
where primitiveEq : forall x, y . x = y
primitiveEq = believe_me (Refl {x})

View File

@ -1,77 +1,28 @@
module Language.Reflection
public export
FilePos : Type
FilePos = (Int, Int)
import public Language.Reflection.TT
import public Language.Reflection.TTImp
public export
data FC : Type where
MkFC : String -> FilePos -> FilePos -> FC
EmptyFC : FC
data Elab : Type -> Type where
Pure : a -> Elab a
Bind : Elab a -> (a -> Elab b) -> Elab b
public export
emptyFC : FC
emptyFC = MkFC "(empty)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
Check : TTImp -> Elab a
public export
data NameType : Type where
Bound : NameType
Func : NameType
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
Functor Elab where
map f e = do e' <- e
pure (f e')
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| BI Integer
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| WorldVal
| IntType
| IntegerType
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Name = UN String
| MN String Int
| NS (List String) Name
public export
data Count = M0 | M1 | MW
public export
data PiInfo = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit
public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
-- Type checked terms in the core TT
public export
data TT : List Name -> Type where
Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (n : Name) ->
(0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars
Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars
TForce : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars
PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars
Erased : FC -> TT vars
TType : FC -> TT vars
Applicative Elab where
pure = Pure
f <*> a = do f' <- f
a' <- a
pure (f' a')
Monad Elab where
(>>=) = Bind

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module Language.Reflection.TT
public export
FilePos : Type
FilePos = (Int, Int)
public export
data FC : Type where
MkFC : String -> FilePos -> FilePos -> FC
EmptyFC : FC
public export
emptyFC : FC
emptyFC = EmptyFC
public export
data NameType : Type where
Bound : NameType
Func : NameType
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| BI Integer
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| WorldVal
| IntType
| IntegerType
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Name = UN String
| MN String Int
| NS (List String) Name
public export
data Count = M0 | M1 | MW
public export
data PiInfo = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit
public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
-- Type checked terms in the core TT
public export
data TT : List Name -> Type where
Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (n : Name) ->
(0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars
Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
(x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) ->
TT vars
App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars
TForce : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars
PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars
Erased : FC -> TT vars
TType : FC -> TT vars
public export
data Visibility = Private | Export | Public

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
module Language.Reflection.TTImp
import Language.Reflection.TT
-- Unchecked terms and declarations in the intermediate language
public export
data BindMode = PI Count | PATTERN | NONE
-- For as patterns matching linear arguments, select which side is
-- consumed
public export
data UseSide = UseLeft | UseRight
public export
data TTImp : Type where
IVar : FC -> Name -> TTImp
IPi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (retTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Maybe Name ->
(argTy : TTImp) -> (lamTy : TTImp) -> TTImp
ILet : FC -> Count -> Name ->
(nTy : TTImp) -> (nVal : TTImp) ->
(scope : TTImp) -> TTImp
ICase : FC -> TTImp -> (ty : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> TTImp
ILocal : FC -> List Decl -> TTImp -> TTImp
IUpdate : FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> TTImp -> TTImp
IApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
IImplicitApp : FC -> TTImp -> Maybe Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
IWithApp : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
ISearch : FC -> (depth : Nat) -> TTImp
IAlternative : FC -> AltType -> List TTImp -> TTImp
IRewrite : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Any implicit bindings in the scope should be bound here, using
-- the given binder
IBindHere : FC -> BindMode -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A name which should be implicitly bound
IBindVar : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An 'as' pattern, valid on the LHS of a clause only
IAs : FC -> UseSide -> Name -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- A 'dot' pattern, i.e. one which must also have the given value
-- by unification
IMustUnify : FC -> (reason : String) -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Laziness annotations
IDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TTImp -> TTImp -- the type
IDelay : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -- delay constructor
IForce : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
-- Quasiquotation
IQuote : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
IQuoteDecl : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
IUnquote : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp
IPrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> TTImp
IType : FC -> TTImp
IHole : FC -> String -> TTImp
-- An implicit value, solved by unification, but which will also be
-- bound (either as a pattern variable or a type variable) if unsolved
-- at the end of elaborator
Implicit : FC -> (bindIfUnsolved : Bool) -> TTImp
public export
data IFieldUpdate : Type where
ISetField : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
ISetFieldApp : (path : List String) -> TTImp -> IFieldUpdate
public export
data AltType : Type where
FirstSuccess : AltType
Unique : AltType
UniqueDefault : TTImp -> AltType
public export
data FnOpt : Type where
Inline : FnOpt
-- Flag means the hint is a direct hint, not a function which might
-- find the result (e.g. chasing parent interface dictionaries)
Hint : Bool -> FnOpt
-- Flag means to use as a default if all else fails
GlobalHint : Bool -> FnOpt
ExternFn : FnOpt
-- Defined externally, list calling conventions
ForeignFn : List String -> FnOpt
-- assume safe to cancel arguments in unification
Invertible : FnOpt
Total : FnOpt
Covering : FnOpt
PartialOK : FnOpt
Macro : FnOpt
public export
data ITy : Type where
MkTy : FC -> (n : Name) -> (ty : TTImp) -> ITy
public export
data DataOpt : Type where
SearchBy : List Name -> DataOpt -- determining arguments
NoHints : DataOpt -- Don't generate search hints for constructors
public export
data Data : Type where
MkData : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) ->
(opts : List DataOpt) ->
(datacons : List ITy) -> Data
MkLater : FC -> (n : Name) -> (tycon : TTImp) -> Data
public export
data IField : Type where
MkIField : FC -> Count -> PiInfo -> Name -> TTImp ->
public export
data Record : Type where
MkRecord : FC -> (n : Name) ->
(params : List (Name, TTImp)) ->
(conName : Maybe Name) ->
(fields : List IField) ->
public export
data Clause : Type where
PatClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (rhs : TTImp) -> Clause
WithClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> (wval : TTImp) ->
List Clause -> Clause
ImpossibleClause : FC -> (lhs : TTImp) -> Clause
public export
data Decl : Type where
IClaim : FC -> Count -> Visibility -> List FnOpt ->
ITy -> Decl
IData : FC -> Visibility -> Data -> Decl
IDef : FC -> Name -> List Clause -> Decl
IParameters : FC -> List (Name, TTImp) ->
List Decl -> Decl
IRecord : FC -> Visibility -> Record -> Decl
INamespace : FC ->
(nested : Bool) ->
-- ^ if True, parent namespaces in the same file can also
-- look inside and see private/export names in full
List String -> List Decl -> Decl
ITransform : FC -> TTImp -> TTImp -> Decl
ILog : Nat -> Decl

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
||| Until Idris2 starts supporting the 'syntax' keyword, here's a
||| poor-man's equational reasoning
module Syntax.PreorderReasoning
||| Deep embedding of equation derivation sequences.
||| Using the Nil, (::) constructors lets us use list syntax.
public export
data Derivation : (x : a) -> (y : b) -> Type where
Nil : Derivation x x
(::) : (x = y) -> Derivation y z -> Derivation x z
infix 1 ==|
||| Explicate the term under consideration and the justification for
||| the next step.
(==|) : (x : a) -> (x = y) -> x = y
(==|) x pf = pf
||| Finishg the derivation.
||| A bit klunky, but this /is/ a poor-man's version.
QED : {x : a} -> x = x
QED = Refl
Calculate : Derivation x y -> x = y
Calculate [] = Refl
Calculate (Refl :: der) = Calculate der
||| Requires Data.Nata
example : (x : Nat) -> (x + 1) + 0 = 1 + x
example x = Calculate [
(x + 1) + 0
==| plusZeroRightNeutral (x + 1) ,
x + 1
==| plusCommutative x 1 ,
1 + x
==| QED

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Syntax.WithProof
||| Until Idris2 supports the 'with (...) proof p' construct, here's a
||| poor-man's replacement.
prefix 10 @@
public export
(@@) : (t : a ) -> (u : a ** t = u)
(@@) x = ( x ** Refl)

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@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ stderr = FHandle prim__stderr
openFile : String -> Mode -> IO (Either FileError File)
openFile f m
openFile f m
= do res <- primIO (prim__open f (modeStr m) 0)
fpure (map FHandle res)
openBinaryFile : String -> Mode -> IO (Either FileError BinaryFile)
openBinaryFile f m
openBinaryFile f m
= do res <- primIO (prim__open f (modeStr m) 1)
fpure (map FHandle res)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ closeFile (FHandle f) = primIO (prim__close f)
fGetLine : (h : File) -> IO (Either FileError String)
fGetLine (FHandle f)
fGetLine (FHandle f)
= do res <- primIO (prim__readLine f)
fpure res
@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ fPutStr (FHandle f) str
fPutStrLn : (h : File) -> String -> IO (Either FileError ())
fPutStrLn f str = fPutStr f (str ++ "\n")
fPutStrLn f str = fPutStr f (str ++ "\n")
fEOF : (h : File) -> IO Bool
fEOF (FHandle f)
= do res <- primIO (prim__eof f)
pure (res /= 0)
readFile : String -> IO (Either FileError String)
readFile file

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ replWith acc prompt fn
then pure ()
else do x <- getLine
case fn acc x of
Just (out, acc') =>
Just (out, acc') =>
do putStr out
replWith acc' prompt fn
Nothing => pure ()

View File

@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ modules = Control.Monad.Identity,

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.List
||| Creates a UNIX socket with the given family, socket type and protocol
||| number. Returns either a socket or an error.
socket : (fam : SocketFamily)
-> (ty : SocketType)
-> (pnum : ProtocolNumber)
@ -24,11 +25,13 @@ socket sf st pn = do
else pure $ Right (MkSocket socket_res sf st pn)
||| Close a socket
close : Socket -> IO ()
close sock = cCall () "close" [descriptor sock]
||| Binds a socket to the given socket address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
bind : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : Maybe SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ bind sock addr port = do
||| Connects to a given address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, and an error number on error.
connect : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ connect sock addr port = do
||| Listens on a bound socket.
||| @sock The socket to listen on.
listen : (sock : Socket) -> IO Int
listen sock = do
listen_res <- cCall Int "listen" [ descriptor sock, BACKLOG ]
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ listen sock = do
||| + `SocketAddress` :: The
||| @sock The socket used to establish connection.
accept : (sock : Socket)
-> IO (Either SocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
accept sock = do
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ accept sock = do
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @msg The data to send.
send : (sock : Socket)
-> (msg : String)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ send sock dat = do
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
||| @len How much of the data to receive.
recv : (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (String, ResultCode))
@ -152,7 +160,7 @@ recv sock len = do
||| Returns on success the payload `String`
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
recvAll : (sock : Socket) -> IO (Either SocketError String)
recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
@ -174,6 +182,7 @@ recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
||| @addr Address of the recipient.
||| @port The port on which to send the message.
||| @msg The message to send.
sendTo : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -198,6 +207,7 @@ sendTo sock addr p dat = do
||| @sock The channel on which to receive.
||| @len Size of the expected message.
recvFrom : (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, String, ResultCode))

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public export
public export
rewrite__impl : {0 x, y : a} -> (0 p : _) ->
rewrite__impl : {0 x, y : a} -> (0 p : _) ->
(0 rule : x = y) -> (1 val : p y) -> p x
rewrite__impl p Refl prf = prf

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import public Builtin
import public PrimIO
The Prelude is minimal (since it is effectively part of the language
The Prelude is minimal (since it is effectively part of the language
specification, this seems to be desirable - we should, nevertheless, aim to
provide a good selection of base libraries). A rule of thumb is that it should
contain the basic functions required by almost any non-trivial program.
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ interface Eq ty => Ord ty where
(<) : ty -> ty -> Bool
(<) x y = compare x y == LT
(>) : ty -> ty -> Bool
(>) x y = compare x y == GT
@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ Abs Integer where
public export
Integral Integer where
div x y
div x y
= case y == 0 of
False => prim__div_Integer x y
mod x y
mod x y
= case y == 0 of
False => prim__mod_Integer x y
@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ Abs Int where
public export
Integral Int where
div x y
div x y
= case y == 0 of
False => prim__div_Int x y
mod x y
mod x y
= case y == 0 of
False => prim__mod_Int x y
@ -571,9 +571,9 @@ data Nat = Z | S Nat
public export
integerToNat : Integer -> Nat
integerToNat x
integerToNat x
= if intToBool (prim__lte_Integer x 0)
then Z
then Z
else S (assert_total (integerToNat (prim__sub_Integer x 1)))
-- Define separately so we can spot the name when optimising Nats
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ Ord a => Ord (List a) where
compare [] [] = EQ
compare [] (x :: xs) = LT
compare (x :: xs) [] = GT
compare (x :: xs) (y ::ys)
compare (x :: xs) (y ::ys)
= case compare x y of
EQ => compare xs ys
c => c
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ pack (x :: xs) = strCons x (pack xs)
fastPack : List Char -> String
fastPack xs
fastPack xs
= unsafePerformIO (schemeCall String "string" (toFArgs xs))
toFArgs : List Char -> FArgList
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ isAlphaNum x = isDigit x || isAlpha x
public export
isSpace : Char -> Bool
isSpace x
isSpace x
= x == ' ' || x == '\t' || x == '\r' ||
x == '\n' || x == '\f' || x == '\v' ||
x == '\xa0'
@ -938,14 +938,14 @@ isNL x = x == '\r' || x == '\n'
public export
toUpper : Char -> Char
toUpper x
toUpper x
= if (isLower x)
then prim__cast_IntChar (prim__cast_CharInt x - 32)
else x
public export
toLower : Char -> Char
toLower x
toLower x
= if (isUpper x)
then prim__cast_IntChar (prim__cast_CharInt x + 32)
else x
@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ isOctDigit x = (x >= '0' && x <= '7')
public export
isControl : Char -> Bool
isControl x
isControl x
= (x >= '\x0000' && x <= '\x001f')
|| (x >= '\x007f' && x <= '\x009f')
@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ showLitChar '\v' = ("\\v" ++)
showLitChar '\SO' = protectEsc (== 'H') "\\SO"
showLitChar '\DEL' = ("\\DEL" ++)
showLitChar '\\' = ("\\\\" ++)
showLitChar c
showLitChar c
= case getAt (fromInteger (prim__cast_CharInteger c)) asciiTab of
Just k => strCons '\\' . (k ++)
Nothing => if (c > '\DEL')
@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ export
Show a => Show (List a) where
show xs = "[" ++ show' "" xs ++ "]"
show xs = "[" ++ show' "" xs ++ "]"
show' : String -> List a -> String
show' acc [] = acc
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ Functor IO where
public export
Applicative IO where
pure x = io_pure x
f <*> a
f <*> a
= io_bind f (\f' =>
io_bind a (\a' =>
io_pure (f' a')))
@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ log x = prim__doubleLog x
public export
pow : Double -> Double -> Double
pow x y = exp (y * log x)
pow x y = exp (y * log x)
public export
sin : Double -> Double
@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ takeBefore p (x :: xs)
then []
else x :: takeBefore p xs
public export
public export
interface Range a where
rangeFromTo : a -> a -> List a
rangeFromThenTo : a -> a -> a -> List a
@ -1347,35 +1347,35 @@ interface Range a where
-- think it's worth going to those lengths! Let's keep it simple and assert.
Range Nat where
rangeFromTo x y
rangeFromTo x y
= if y > x
then assert_total $ takeUntil (>= y) (countFrom x S)
else if x > y
then assert_total $ takeUntil (<= y) (countFrom x (\n => minus n 1))
else [x]
rangeFromThenTo x y z
rangeFromThenTo x y z
= if y > x
then (if z > x
then assert_total $ takeBefore (> z) (countFrom x (plus (minus y x)))
else [])
else (if x == y
else (if x == y
then (if x == z then [x] else [])
else assert_total $ takeBefore (< z) (countFrom x (\n => minus n (minus x y))))
rangeFrom x = countFrom x S
rangeFromThen x y
= if y > x
rangeFromThen x y
= if y > x
then countFrom x (plus (minus y x))
else countFrom x (\n => minus n (minus x y))
(Integral a, Ord a, Neg a) => Range a where
rangeFromTo x y
rangeFromTo x y
= if y > x
then assert_total $ takeUntil (>= y) (countFrom x (+1))
else if x > y
then assert_total $ takeUntil (<= y) (countFrom x (\x => x-1))
else [x]
rangeFromThenTo x y z
rangeFromThenTo x y z
= if (z - x) > (z - y)
then -- go up
assert_total $ takeBefore (> z) (countFrom x (+ (y-x)))
@ -1386,8 +1386,8 @@ export
if x == y && y == z
then [x] else []
rangeFrom x = countFrom x (1+)
rangeFromThen x y
= if y > x
rangeFromThen x y
= if y > x
then countFrom x (+ (y - x))
else countFrom x (\n => n - (x - y))

View File

@ -10,21 +10,30 @@ export
data IO : Type -> Type where
MkIO : (1 fn : (1 x : %World) -> IORes a) -> IO a
public export
PrimIO : Type -> Type
PrimIO a = (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
prim_io_pure : a -> PrimIO a
prim_io_pure x = \w => MkIORes x w
io_pure : a -> IO a
io_pure x = MkIO (\w => MkIORes x w)
prim_io_bind : (1 act : PrimIO a) -> (1 k : a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b
prim_io_bind fn k w
= let MkIORes x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
io_bind : (1 act : IO a) -> (1 k : a -> IO b) -> IO b
io_bind (MkIO fn)
= \k => MkIO (\w => let MkIORes x' w' = fn w
= \k => MkIO (\w => let MkIORes x' w' = fn w
MkIO res = k x' in
res w')
public export
PrimIO : Type -> Type
PrimIO a = (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
%extern prim__putStr : String -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes ()
%extern prim__getStr : (1 x : %World) -> IORes String
@ -46,9 +55,9 @@ data FArgList : Type where
Nil : FArgList
(::) : {a : Type} -> (1 arg : a) -> (1 args : FArgList) -> FArgList
%extern prim__cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
%extern prim__cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
(1 x : %World) -> IORes ret
%extern prim__schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
%extern prim__schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
(1 x : %World) -> IORes ret
export %inline
@ -56,17 +65,17 @@ primIO : (1 fn : (1 x : %World) -> IORes a) -> IO a
primIO op = MkIO op
export %inline
toPrim : IO a -> PrimIO a
toPrim : (1 act : IO a) -> PrimIO a
toPrim (MkIO fn) = fn
export %inline
schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) -> IO ret
schemeCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__schemeCall ret fn args)
export %inline
cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> FArgList -> IO ret
cCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__cCall ret fn args)
putStr : String -> IO ()
putStr str = primIO (prim__putStr str)
@ -83,6 +92,10 @@ export
fork : (1 prog : IO ()) -> IO ThreadID
fork (MkIO act) = schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act]
prim_fork : (1 prog : PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO ThreadID
prim_fork act w = prim__schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act] w
unsafeCreateWorld : (1 f : (1 x : %World) -> a) -> a
unsafeCreateWorld f = f %MkWorld

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ getAllDesc (n :: rest) ns defs
Nothing =>
case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => getAllDesc rest ns defs
Just def =>
Just def =>
let refs = refersTo def in
getAllDesc (rest ++ keys refs) (insert n () ns) defs
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ natHackNames
-- Find all the names which need compiling, from a given expression, and compile
-- them to CExp form (and update that in the Defs)
findUsedNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Term vars ->
findUsedNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Term vars ->
Core (List Name, NameTags)
findUsedNames tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ findUsedNames tm
-- Use '1' for '->' constructor
let tyconInit = insert (UN "->") 1 $
insert (UN "Type") 2 $
primTags 3 empty
primTags 3 empty
[IntType, IntegerType, StringType,
CharType, DoubleType, WorldType]
tycontags <- mkNameTags defs tyconInit 100 cns
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ parseCC "" = Nothing
parseCC str
= case span (/= ':') str of
(target, "") => Just (trim target, [])
(target, opts) => Just (trim target,
map trim (getOpts
(target, opts) => Just (trim target,
map trim (getOpts
(assert_total (strTail opts))))
getOpts : String -> List String

View File

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ mutual
toCExpTm tags n (TDelayed fc _ _) = pure $ CErased fc
toCExpTm tags n (TDelay fc _ _ arg)
= pure (CDelay fc !(toCExp tags n arg))
toCExpTm tags n (TForce fc arg)
toCExpTm tags n (TForce fc _ arg)
= pure (CForce fc !(toCExp tags n arg))
toCExpTm tags n (PrimVal fc c)
= let t = constTag c in

View File

@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ checkLengthMatch : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List b) -> Maybe (LengthMatch xs ys)
checkLengthMatch [] [] = Just NilMatch
checkLengthMatch [] (x :: xs) = Nothing
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) [] = Nothing
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= Just (ConsMatch !(checkLengthMatch xs ys))
extend : EEnv free vars -> (args : List (CExp free)) -> (args' : List Name) ->
LengthMatch args args' -> EEnv free (args' ++ vars)
extend env [] [] NilMatch = env
extend env (a :: xs) (n :: ns) (ConsMatch w)
extend env (a :: xs) (n :: ns) (ConsMatch w)
= a :: extend env xs ns w
extendLoc : FC -> EEnv free vars -> (args' : List Name) ->
extendLoc : FC -> EEnv free vars -> (args' : List Name) ->
EEnv (args' ++ free) (args' ++ vars)
extendLoc fc env [] = env
extendLoc fc env (n :: ns)
extendLoc fc env (n :: ns)
= CLocal fc First :: weakenEnv (extendLoc fc env ns)
Stack : List Name -> Type
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ getArity (MkCon _ arity) = arity
getArity (MkForeign _ args _) = length args
getArity (MkError _) = 0
takeFromStack : EEnv free vars -> Stack free -> (args : List Name) ->
takeFromStack : EEnv free vars -> Stack free -> (args : List Name) ->
Maybe (EEnv free (args ++ vars), Stack free)
takeFromStack env (e :: es) (a :: as)
takeFromStack env (e :: es) (a :: as)
= do (env', stk') <- takeFromStack env es as
pure (e :: env', stk')
takeFromStack env stk [] = pure (env, stk)
@ -71,97 +71,97 @@ takeFromStack env [] args = Nothing
thinAll : (ns : List Name) -> CExp (outer ++ inner) -> CExp (outer ++ ns ++ inner)
thinAll [] exp = exp
thinAll {outer} {inner} (n :: ns) exp
thinAll {outer} {inner} (n :: ns) exp
= thin {outer} {inner = ns ++ inner} n (thinAll ns exp)
evalLocal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List Name -> Stack free ->
EEnv free vars ->
EEnv free vars ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar x idx (vars ++ free)) ->
Core (CExp free)
evalLocal {vars = []} fc rec stk env p
evalLocal {vars = []} fc rec stk env p
= pure $ unload stk (CLocal fc p)
evalLocal {vars = x :: xs} fc rec stk (v :: env) First
= eval rec env stk (weakenNs xs v)
evalLocal {vars = x :: xs} fc rec stk (_ :: env) (Later p)
evalLocal {vars = x :: xs} fc rec stk (_ :: env) (Later p)
= evalLocal fc rec stk env p
tryApply : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> Stack free -> EEnv free vars -> CDef ->
List Name -> Stack free -> EEnv free vars -> CDef ->
Core (Maybe (CExp free))
tryApply {free} {vars} rec stk env (MkFun args exp)
= do let Just (env', stk') = takeFromStack env stk args
| Nothing => pure Nothing
res <- eval rec env' stk'
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args vars free) in
res <- eval rec env' stk'
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args vars free) in
embed {vars = vars ++ free} exp)
pure (Just res)
tryApply rec stk env _ = pure Nothing
eval : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> EEnv free vars -> Stack free -> CExp (vars ++ free) ->
List Name -> EEnv free vars -> Stack free -> CExp (vars ++ free) ->
Core (CExp free)
eval rec env stk (CLocal fc p) = evalLocal fc rec stk env p
eval rec env stk (CRef fc n)
eval rec env stk (CRef fc n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure (unload stk (CRef fc n))
let Just def = compexpr gdef
| Nothing => pure (unload stk (CRef fc n))
let arity = getArity def
let arity = getArity def
if (Inline `elem` flags gdef) && (not (n `elem` rec))
then do ap <- tryApply (n :: rec) stk env def
pure $ maybe (unloadApp arity stk (CRef fc n)) id ap
else pure $ unloadApp arity stk (CRef fc n)
eval {vars} {free} rec env [] (CLam fc x sc)
= do let thinsc = thin x {outer = x :: vars} {inner = free} sc
eval {vars} {free} rec env [] (CLam fc x sc)
= do let thinsc = thin x {outer = x :: vars} {inner = free} sc
sc' <- eval rec (CLocal fc First :: weakenEnv env) [] thinsc
pure $ CLam fc x sc'
eval rec env (e :: stk) (CLam fc x sc) = eval rec (e :: env) stk sc
eval {vars} {free} rec env stk (CLet fc x val sc)
= do let thinsc = thin x {outer = x :: vars} {inner = free} sc
eval {vars} {free} rec env stk (CLet fc x val sc)
= do let thinsc = thin x {outer = x :: vars} {inner = free} sc
sc' <- eval rec (CLocal fc First :: weakenEnv env) [] thinsc
pure $ CLet fc x !(eval rec env [] val) sc'
eval rec env stk (CApp fc f args)
eval rec env stk (CApp fc f args)
= eval rec env (!(traverse (eval rec env []) args) ++ stk) f
eval rec env stk (CCon fc n t args)
eval rec env stk (CCon fc n t args)
= pure $ unload stk $ CCon fc n t !(traverse (eval rec env []) args)
eval rec env stk (COp fc p args)
eval rec env stk (COp fc p args)
= pure $ unload stk $ COp fc p !(mapV (eval rec env []) args)
mapV : (a -> Core b) -> Vect n a -> Core (Vect n b)
mapV f [] = pure []
mapV f (x :: xs) = pure $ !(f x) :: !(mapV f xs)
eval rec env stk (CExtPrim fc p args)
eval rec env stk (CExtPrim fc p args)
= pure $ unload stk $ CExtPrim fc p !(traverse (eval rec env []) args)
eval rec env stk (CForce fc e)
= case !(eval rec env [] e) of
CDelay _ e' => eval rec [] stk e'
res => pure $ unload stk (CForce fc res)
eval rec env stk (CDelay fc e)
eval rec env stk (CDelay fc e)
= pure $ unload stk (CDelay fc !(eval rec env [] e))
eval rec env stk (CConCase fc sc alts def)
eval rec env stk (CConCase fc sc alts def)
= do sc' <- eval rec env [] sc
case !(pickAlt rec env stk sc' alts def) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do def' <- case def of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just d => pure (Just !(eval rec env stk d))
pure $
CConCase fc sc'
CConCase fc sc'
!(traverse (evalAlt fc rec env stk) alts)
Just val => pure val
eval rec env stk (CConstCase fc sc alts def)
eval rec env stk (CConstCase fc sc alts def)
= do sc' <- eval rec env [] sc
case !(pickConstAlt rec env stk sc' alts def) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do def' <- case def of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just d => pure (Just !(eval rec env stk d))
pure $
CConstCase fc sc'
CConstCase fc sc'
!(traverse (evalConstAlt rec env stk) alts)
Just val => pure val
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ mutual
evalAlt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> List Name -> EEnv free vars -> Stack free -> CConAlt (vars ++ free) ->
Core (CConAlt free)
evalAlt {free} {vars} fc rec env stk (MkConAlt n t args sc)
= do let sc' = thinAll {outer=args ++ vars} {inner=free} args
evalAlt {free} {vars} fc rec env stk (MkConAlt n t args sc)
= do let sc' = thinAll {outer=args ++ vars} {inner=free} args
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args vars free) in sc)
scEval <- eval rec (extendLoc fc env args) (map (weakenNs args) stk) sc'
pure $ MkConAlt n t args scEval
@ -186,37 +186,37 @@ mutual
pickAlt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> EEnv free vars -> Stack free ->
CExp free -> List (CConAlt (vars ++ free)) ->
Maybe (CExp (vars ++ free)) ->
CExp free -> List (CConAlt (vars ++ free)) ->
Maybe (CExp (vars ++ free)) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp free))
pickAlt rec env stk (CCon fc n t args) [] def
pickAlt rec env stk (CCon fc n t args) [] def
= case def of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just d => pure $ Just !(eval rec env stk d)
pickAlt {vars} {free} rec env stk (CCon fc n t args) (MkConAlt n' t' args' sc :: alts) def
= if t == t'
pickAlt {vars} {free} rec env stk (CCon fc n t args) (MkConAlt n' t' args' sc :: alts) def
= if t == t'
then case checkLengthMatch args args' of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just m =>
do let env' : EEnv free (args' ++ vars)
do let env' : EEnv free (args' ++ vars)
= extend env args args' m
pure $ Just !(eval rec env' stk
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args' vars free) in
pure $ Just !(eval rec env' stk
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args' vars free) in
else pickAlt rec env stk (CCon fc n t args) alts def
pickAlt rec env stk _ _ _ = pure Nothing
pickConstAlt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> EEnv free vars -> Stack free ->
CExp free -> List (CConstAlt (vars ++ free)) ->
Maybe (CExp (vars ++ free)) ->
CExp free -> List (CConstAlt (vars ++ free)) ->
Maybe (CExp (vars ++ free)) ->
Core (Maybe (CExp free))
pickConstAlt rec env stk (CPrimVal fc c) [] def
pickConstAlt rec env stk (CPrimVal fc c) [] def
= case def of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just d => pure $ Just !(eval rec env stk d)
pickConstAlt {vars} {free} rec env stk (CPrimVal fc c) (MkConstAlt c' sc :: alts) def
= if c == c'
pickConstAlt {vars} {free} rec env stk (CPrimVal fc c) (MkConstAlt c' sc :: alts) def
= if c == c'
then pure $ Just !(eval rec env stk sc)
else pickConstAlt rec env stk (CPrimVal fc c) alts def
pickConstAlt rec env stk _ _ _ = pure Nothing
@ -241,4 +241,4 @@ inlineDef n
inlined <- inline cexpr
-- coreLift $ putStrLn $ show (fullname def) ++ " after: " ++ show inlined
setCompiled n inlined

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@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ cCall fc cfn clib args ret
argTypes <- traverse (cftySpec fc) (filter notWorld args)
retType <- cftySpec fc retty
pure $
"(let ([c-code (foreign-callable #f " ++
"(let ([c-code (foreign-callable #f " ++
mkFun args retty n ++
" (" ++ showSep " " argTypes ++ ") " ++ retType ++ ")])" ++
" (lock-object c-code) (foreign-callable-entry-point c-code))"

View File

@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ import System.Info
%default covering
findCSI : IO String
findCSI = pure "/usr/bin/env csi"
findCSI =
do env <- getEnv "CHICKEN_CSI"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S csi" env
findCSC : IO String
findCSC = pure "/usr/bin/env csc"
findCSC =
do env <- getEnv "CHICKEN_CSC"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S csc" env
schHeader : List String -> String
schHeader ds
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ mutual
chickenPrim : Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CExp vars) -> Core String
chickenPrim i vs CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile C FFI calls to Chicken Scheme yet"))
chickenPrim i vs prim args
chickenPrim i vs prim args
= schExtCommon chickenPrim chickenString i vs prim args
compileToSCM : Ref Ctxt Defs ->

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data SVars : List Name -> Type where
extendSVars : (xs : List Name) -> SVars ns -> SVars (xs ++ ns)
extendSVars {ns} xs vs = extSVars' (cast (length ns)) xs vs
extSVars' : Int -> (xs : List Name) -> SVars ns -> SVars (xs ++ ns)
extSVars' i [] vs = vs
extSVars' i (x :: xs) vs = schName (MN "v" i) :: extSVars' (i + 1) xs vs
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ op o args = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ showSep " " args ++ ")"
boolop : String -> List String -> String
boolop o args = "(or (and " ++ op o args ++ " 1) 0)"
||| Generate scheme for a primitive function.
||| Generate scheme for a primitive function.
schOp : PrimFn arity -> Vect arity String -> String
schOp (Add IntType) [x, y] = op "b+" [x, y, "63"]
schOp (Sub IntType) [x, y] = op "b-" [x, y, "63"]
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ schOp BelieveMe [_,_,x] = x
||| Extended primitives for the scheme backend, outside the standard set of primFn
public export
data ExtPrim = CCall | SchemeCall | PutStr | GetStr
data ExtPrim = CCall | SchemeCall | PutStr | GetStr
| FileOpen | FileClose | FileReadLine | FileWriteLine | FileEOF
| NewIORef | ReadIORef | WriteIORef
| Stdin | Stdout | Stderr
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Show ExtPrim where
||| Match on a user given name to get the scheme primitive
toPrim : Name -> ExtPrim
toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
toPrim pn@(NS _ n)
= cond [(n == UN "prim__schemeCall", SchemeCall),
(n == UN "prim__cCall", CCall),
(n == UN "prim__putStr", PutStr),
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ schConstant _ WorldType = "#t"
schCaseDef : Maybe String -> String
schCaseDef Nothing = ""
schCaseDef (Just tm) = "(else " ++ tm ++ ")"
schArglist : SVars ns -> String
schArglist [] = ""
@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
bindArgs : Int -> (ns : List Name) -> SVars (ns ++ vars) -> String -> String
bindArgs i [] vs body = body
bindArgs i (n :: ns) (v :: vs) body
bindArgs i (n :: ns) (v :: vs) body
= "(let ((" ++ v ++ " " ++ "(vector-ref " ++ target ++ " " ++ show i ++ "))) "
++ bindArgs (i + 1) ns vs body ++ ")"
schConstAlt : Int -> SVars vars -> String -> CConstAlt vars -> Core String
schConstAlt i vs target (MkConstAlt c exp)
= pure $ "((equal? " ++ target ++ " " ++ schConstant schString c ++ ") " ++ !(schExp i vs exp) ++ ")"
-- oops, no traverse for Vect in Core
schArgs : Int -> SVars vars -> Vect n (CExp vars) -> Core (Vect n String)
schArgs i vs [] = pure []
@ -257,35 +257,35 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
schExp : Int -> SVars vars -> CExp vars -> Core String
schExp i vs (CLocal fc el) = pure $ lookupSVar el vs
schExp i vs (CRef fc n) = pure $ schName n
schExp i vs (CLam fc x sc)
= do let vs' = extendSVars [x] vs
schExp i vs (CLam fc x sc)
= do let vs' = extendSVars [x] vs
sc' <- schExp i vs' sc
pure $ "(lambda (" ++ lookupSVar First vs' ++ ") " ++ sc' ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CLet fc x val sc)
schExp i vs (CLet fc x val sc)
= do let vs' = extendSVars [x] vs
val' <- schExp i vs val
sc' <- schExp i vs' sc
pure $ "(let ((" ++ lookupSVar First vs' ++ " " ++ val' ++ ")) " ++ sc' ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CApp fc x [])
schExp i vs (CApp fc x [])
= pure $ "(" ++ !(schExp i vs x) ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CApp fc x args)
schExp i vs (CApp fc x args)
= pure $ "(" ++ !(schExp i vs x) ++ " " ++ showSep " " !(traverse (schExp i vs) args) ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CCon fc x tag args)
schExp i vs (CCon fc x tag args)
= pure $ schConstructor tag !(traverse (schExp i vs) args)
schExp i vs (COp fc op args)
schExp i vs (COp fc op args)
= pure $ schOp op !(schArgs i vs args)
schExp i vs (CExtPrim fc p args)
schExp i vs (CExtPrim fc p args)
= schExtPrim i vs (toPrim p) args
schExp i vs (CForce fc t) = pure $ "(force " ++ !(schExp i vs t) ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CDelay fc t) = pure $ "(delay " ++ !(schExp i vs t) ++ ")"
schExp i vs (CConCase fc sc alts def)
schExp i vs (CConCase fc sc alts def)
= do tcode <- schExp (i+1) vs sc
defc <- maybe (pure Nothing) (\v => pure (Just !(schExp i vs v))) def
let n = "sc" ++ show i
pure $ "(let ((" ++ n ++ " " ++ tcode ++ ")) (case (get-tag " ++ n ++ ") "
++ showSep " " !(traverse (schConAlt (i+1) vs n) alts)
++ schCaseDef defc ++ "))"
schExp i vs (CConstCase fc sc alts def)
schExp i vs (CConstCase fc sc alts def)
= do defc <- maybe (pure Nothing) (\v => pure (Just !(schExp i vs v))) def
tcode <- schExp (i+1) vs sc
let n = "sc" ++ show i
@ -314,12 +314,12 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
schExtCommon i vs SchemeCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= pure $ mkWorld ("(apply (eval (string->symbol " ++ !(schExp i vs fn) ++")) "
++ !(readArgs i vs args) ++ ")")
schExtCommon i vs PutStr [arg, world]
schExtCommon i vs PutStr [arg, world]
= pure $ "(display " ++ !(schExp i vs arg) ++ ") " ++ mkWorld (schConstructor 0 []) -- code for MkUnit
schExtCommon i vs GetStr [world]
schExtCommon i vs GetStr [world]
= pure $ mkWorld "(blodwen-get-line (current-input-port))"
schExtCommon i vs FileOpen [file, mode, bin, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ fileOp $ "(blodwen-open "
= pure $ mkWorld $ fileOp $ "(blodwen-open "
++ !(schExp i vs file) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i vs mode) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i vs bin) ++ ")"
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
schExtCommon i vs FileReadLine [file, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ fileOp $ "(blodwen-get-line " ++ !(schExp i vs file) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i vs FileWriteLine [file, str, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ fileOp $ "(blodwen-putstring "
= pure $ mkWorld $ fileOp $ "(blodwen-putstring "
++ !(schExp i vs file) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i vs str) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i vs FileEOF [file, world]
@ -338,17 +338,17 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
schExtCommon i vs ReadIORef [_, ref, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(unbox " ++ !(schExp i vs ref) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i vs WriteIORef [_, ref, val, world]
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(set-box! "
++ !(schExp i vs ref) ++ " "
= pure $ mkWorld $ "(set-box! "
++ !(schExp i vs ref) ++ " "
++ !(schExp i vs val) ++ ")"
schExtCommon i vs VoidElim [_, _]
= pure "(display \"Error: Executed 'void'\")"
schExtCommon i vs (Unknown n) args
schExtCommon i vs (Unknown n) args
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile unknown external primitive " ++ show n))
schExtCommon i vs Stdin [] = pure "(current-input-port)"
schExtCommon i vs Stdout [] = pure "(current-output-port)"
schExtCommon i vs Stderr [] = pure "(current-error-port)"
schExtCommon i vs prim args
schExtCommon i vs prim args
= throw (InternalError ("Badly formed external primitive " ++ show prim
++ " " ++ show args))
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ parameters (schExtPrim : {vars : _} -> Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CEx
= pure $ "(define (" ++ schName !(getFullName n) ++ " . any-args) " ++ !(schExp 0 [] exp) ++ ")\n"
schDef n (MkForeign _ _ _) = pure "" -- compiled by specific back end
schDef n (MkCon t a) = pure "" -- Nothing to compile here
-- Convert the name to scheme code
-- (There may be no code generated, for example if it's a constructor)

View File

@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ import System.Info
%default covering
findRacket : IO String
findRacket = pure "/usr/bin/env racket"
findRacket =
do env <- getEnv "RACKET"
pure $ fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S racket" env
findRacoExe : IO String
findRacoExe = pure "raco exe"
findRacoExe =
do env <- getEnv "RACKET_RACO"
pure $ (fromMaybe "/usr/bin/env -S raco" env) ++ " exe"
schHeader : String -> String
schHeader libs
@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ mutual
racketPrim : Int -> SVars vars -> ExtPrim -> List (CExp vars) -> Core String
racketPrim i vs CCall [ret, fn, args, world]
= throw (InternalError ("Can't compile C FFI calls to Racket yet"))
racketPrim i vs prim args
racketPrim i vs prim args
= schExtCommon racketPrim racketString i vs prim args
-- Reference label for keeping track of loaded external libraries
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ cftySpec fc t = throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't pass argument of type " ++ show t +
loadlib : String -> String -> String
loadlib libn ver
= "(define-ffi-definer define-" ++ libn ++
= "(define-ffi-definer define-" ++ libn ++
" (ffi-lib \"" ++ libn ++ "\" " ++ ver ++ "))\n"
getLibVers : String -> (String, String)
@ -131,8 +135,8 @@ cCall fc cfn libspec args ret
argTypes <- traverse (\a => do s <- cftySpec fc (snd a)
pure (a, s)) args
retType <- cftySpec fc ret
let cbind = "(define-" ++ libn ++ " " ++ cfn ++
" (_fun " ++ showSep " " (map snd argTypes) ++ " -> " ++
let cbind = "(define-" ++ libn ++ " " ++ cfn ++
" (_fun " ++ showSep " " (map snd argTypes) ++ " -> " ++
retType ++ "))\n"
let call = "(" ++ cfn ++ " " ++
showSep " " !(traverse useArg argTypes) ++ ")"
@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ cCall fc cfn libspec args ret
applyLams : String -> List (Maybe (String, CFType)) -> String
applyLams n [] = n
applyLams n (Nothing :: as) = applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " #f)") as
applyLams n (Just (a, ty) :: as)
applyLams n (Just (a, ty) :: as)
= applyLams ("(" ++ n ++ " " ++ cToRkt ty a ++ ")") as
getVal : CFType -> String -> String
@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ useCC fc [] args ret
useCC fc (cc :: ccs) args ret
= case parseCC cc of
Nothing => useCC fc ccs args ret
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
Just ("scheme", [sfn]) =>
do body <- schemeCall fc sfn (map fst args) ret
pure ("", body)
Just ("C", [cfn, clib]) => cCall fc cfn clib args ret
@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ mkArgs i (c :: cs) = (MN "farg" i, True) :: mkArgs (i + 1) cs
schFgnDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto l : Ref Loaded (List String)} ->
FC -> Name -> CDef -> Core (String, String)
schFgnDef fc n (MkForeign cs args ret)
schFgnDef fc n (MkForeign cs args ret)
= do let argns = mkArgs 0 args
let allargns = map fst argns
let useargns = map fst (filter snd argns)
@ -251,9 +255,9 @@ compileToRKT c tm outfile
let code = concat (map snd fgndefs) ++ concat compdefs
main <- schExp racketPrim racketString 0 [] !(compileExp tags tm)
support <- readDataFile "racket/support.rkt"
let scm = schHeader (concat (map fst fgndefs)) ++
support ++ code ++
"(void " ++ main ++ ")\n" ++
let scm = schHeader (concat (map fst fgndefs)) ++
support ++ code ++
"(void " ++ main ++ ")\n" ++
Right () <- coreLift $ writeFile outfile scm
| Left err => throw (FileErr outfile err)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ searchType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (trying : List (Term vars)) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) ->
(defining : Name) ->
(checkDets : Bool) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> (target : Term vars) -> Core (Term vars)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export
mkArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Core (List (ArgInfo vars), NF vars)
mkArgs fc rigc env (NBind nfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -43,25 +43,25 @@ mkArgs fc rigc env (NBind nfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
nm <- genName "sa"
argTy <- quote empty env ty
let argRig = rigMult rigc c
(idx, arg) <- newMeta fc argRig env nm argTy
(idx, arg) <- newMeta fc argRig env nm argTy
(Hole (length env) False) False
setInvertible fc (Resolved idx)
(rest, restTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env
(rest, restTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env
!(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env arg))
pure (MkArgInfo idx argRig p arg argTy :: rest, restTy)
mkArgs fc rigc env ty = pure ([], ty)
searchIfHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC ->
FC ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(ispair : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) -> Env Term vars ->
(arg : ArgInfo vars) ->
Core ()
searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair Z def top env arg
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) -> Env Term vars ->
(arg : ArgInfo vars) ->
Core ()
searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair Z def top env arg
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top) -- possibly should say depth limit hit?
searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair (S depth) def top env arg
searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair (S depth) def top env arg
= do let hole = holeID arg
let rig = argRig arg
@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair (S depth) def top env arg
| Nothing => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
let Hole _ _ = definition gdef
| _ => pure () -- already solved
top' <- if ispair
top' <- if ispair
then normaliseScope defs [] (type gdef)
else pure top
argdef <- searchType fc rig defaults trying depth def False top' env
argdef <- searchType fc rig defaults trying depth def False top' env
!(normaliseScope defs env (argType arg))
vs <- unify InTerm fc env (metaApp arg) argdef
let [] = constraints vs
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ successful [] = pure []
successful (elab :: elabs)
= do ust <- get UST
defs <- branch
catch (do -- Run the elaborator
catch (do -- Run the elaborator
res <- elab
-- Record post-elaborator state
ust' <- get UST
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ exactlyOne : {vars : _} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
List (Core (Term vars)) ->
Core (Term vars)
exactlyOne fc env top [elab]
exactlyOne fc env top [elab]
= catch elab
(\err => case err of
CantSolveGoal _ _ _ => throw err
@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ exactlyOne fc env top [elab]
exactlyOne {vars} fc env top all
= do elabs <- successful all
case rights elabs of
[(res, defs, ust)] =>
[(res, defs, ust)] =>
do put UST ust
put Ctxt defs
pure res
[] => throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
rs => throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env
rs => throw (AmbiguousSearch fc env
!(traverse normRes rs))
normRes : (Term vars, Defs, UState) -> Core (Term vars)
@ -147,22 +147,22 @@ exactlyOne {vars} fc env top all
-- because something is apparently available now, it will be available by the
-- time we get to linearity checking.
-- It's also fine to use anything if we're working at multiplicity 0
getAllEnv : FC -> RigCount -> (done : List Name) ->
getAllEnv : FC -> RigCount -> (done : List Name) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term (done ++ vars), Term (done ++ vars))
getAllEnv fc rigc done [] = []
getAllEnv {vars = v :: vs} fc rigc done (b :: env)
= let rest = getAllEnv fc rigc (done ++ [v]) env in
getAllEnv {vars = v :: vs} fc rigc done (b :: env)
= let rest = getAllEnv fc rigc (done ++ [v]) env in
if multiplicity b == RigW || rigc == Rig0
then let MkVar p = weakenVar {name=v} {inner=v :: vs} done First in
(Local fc Nothing _ p,
rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in
weakenNs (done ++ [v]) (binderType b)) ::
(Local fc Nothing _ p,
rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in
weakenNs (done ++ [v]) (binderType b)) ::
rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in rest
else rewrite appendAssociative done [v] vs in rest
-- A local is usable if it contains no holes in a determining argument position
usableLocal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> (defaults : Bool) ->
FC -> (defaults : Bool) ->
Env Term vars -> (locTy : NF vars) -> Core Bool
-- pattern variables count as concrete things!
usableLocal loc defaults env (NApp fc (NMeta (PV _ _) _ _) args)
@ -180,24 +180,24 @@ usableLocal {vars} loc defaults env (NTCon _ n _ _ args)
usableLocalArg i dets (c :: cs)
= if i `elem` dets
then do defs <- get Ctxt
u <- usableLocal loc defaults env !(evalClosure defs c)
u <- usableLocal loc defaults env !(evalClosure defs c)
if u
then usableLocalArg (1 + i) dets cs
else pure False
else usableLocalArg (1 + i) dets cs
usableLocal loc defaults env (NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
us <- traverse (usableLocal loc defaults env)
us <- traverse (usableLocal loc defaults env)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs) args)
pure (and (map Delay us))
usableLocal loc defaults env (NApp _ (NLocal _ _ _) args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
us <- traverse (usableLocal loc defaults env)
us <- traverse (usableLocal loc defaults env)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs) args)
pure (and (map Delay us))
usableLocal loc defaults env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ _) sc)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
usableLocal loc defaults env
usableLocal loc defaults env
!(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc)))
usableLocal loc defaults env (NErased _) = pure False
usableLocal loc _ _ _ = pure True
@ -208,20 +208,20 @@ searchLocalWith : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term vars, Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term vars, Term vars) ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchLocalWith fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
searchLocalWith {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env ((prf, ty) :: rest) target
= tryUnify
= tryUnify
(do defs <- get Ctxt
nty <- nf defs env ty
findPos defs prf id nty target)
(searchLocalWith fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env rest target)
clearEnvType : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx vs) ->
clearEnvType : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx vs) ->
FC -> Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
clearEnvType First fc (b :: env)
clearEnvType First fc (b :: env)
= Lam (multiplicity b) Explicit (Erased fc) :: env
clearEnvType (Later p) fc (b :: env) = b :: clearEnvType p fc env
@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ searchLocalWith {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env ((prf, ty) :: r
= clearEnvType p fc env
clearEnv _ env = env
findDirect : Defs -> Term vars ->
findDirect : Defs -> Term vars ->
(Term vars -> Term vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (Term vars)
findDirect defs prf f ty target
= do (args, appTy) <- mkArgs fc rigc env ty
@ -252,16 +252,16 @@ searchLocalWith {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env ((prf, ty) :: r
let env' = clearEnv prf env
-- Work right to left, because later arguments may solve
-- earlier ones by unification
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults trying False depth def top env')
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults trying False depth def top env')
(reverse args)
pure candidate
else do logNF 10 "Can't use " env ty
throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
findPos : Defs -> Term vars ->
findPos : Defs -> Term vars ->
(Term vars -> Term vars) ->
NF vars -> -- local's type
(target : NF vars) ->
(target : NF vars) ->
Core (Term vars)
findPos defs prf f nty@(NTCon pfc pn _ _ [xty, yty]) target
= tryUnify (findDirect defs prf f nty target)
@ -277,14 +277,14 @@ searchLocalWith {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env ((prf, ty) :: r
ytytm <- quote empty env yty
(do xtynf <- evalClosure defs xty
findPos defs prf
findPos defs prf
(\arg => apply fc (Ref fc Func fname)
f arg])
xtynf target)
(do ytynf <- evalClosure defs yty
findPos defs prf
findPos defs prf
(\arg => apply fc (Ref fc Func sname)
@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ searchLocal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars ->
Env Term vars ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchLocal fc rig defaults trying depth def top env target
= searchLocalWith fc rig defaults trying depth def top env
= searchLocalWith fc rig defaults trying depth def top env
(getAllEnv fc rig [] env) target
isPairNF : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ searchName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> (target : NF vars) ->
(Name, GlobalDef) ->
Env Term vars -> (target : NF vars) ->
(Name, GlobalDef) ->
Core (Term vars)
searchName fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env target (n, ndef)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
when (not (visibleInAny (!getNS :: !getNestedNS)
when (not (visibleInAny (!getNS :: !getNestedNS)
(fullname ndef) (visibility ndef))) $
throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] top)
when (BlockedHint `elem` flags ndef) $
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ searchName fc rigc defaults trying depth def top env target (n, ndef)
logTermNF 10 "Candidate " env candidate
-- Work right to left, because later arguments may solve earlier
-- dependencies by unification
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair depth def top env)
traverse (searchIfHole fc defaults trying ispair depth def top env)
(reverse args)
pure candidate
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ searchNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(defaults : Bool) -> List (Term vars) ->
(depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> Bool -> List Name ->
Env Term vars -> Bool -> List Name ->
(target : NF vars) -> Core (Term vars)
searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env ambig [] target
= throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] topty)
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env ambig (n :: ns) tar
then anyOne fc env topty elabs
else exactlyOne fc env topty elabs
visible : Context ->
visible : Context ->
List (List String) -> Name -> Core (Maybe (Name, GlobalDef))
visible gam nspace n
= do Just def <- lookupCtxtExact n gam
@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ searchNames fc rigc defaults trying depth defining topty env ambig (n :: ns) tar
concreteDets : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Bool ->
Env Term vars -> (top : ClosedTerm) ->
(pos : Nat) -> (dets : List Nat) ->
Env Term vars -> (top : ClosedTerm) ->
(pos : Nat) -> (dets : List Nat) ->
(args : List (Closure vars)) ->
Core ()
concreteDets fc defaults env top pos dets [] = pure ()
@ -421,28 +421,28 @@ concreteDets {vars} fc defaults env top pos dets (arg :: args)
checkConcreteDets : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Bool ->
Env Term vars -> (top : ClosedTerm) ->
Env Term vars -> (top : ClosedTerm) ->
NF vars ->
Core ()
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top (NTCon tfc tyn t a args)
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top (NTCon tfc tyn t a args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if !(isPairType tyn)
then case args of
[aty, bty] =>
[aty, bty] =>
do anf <- evalClosure defs aty
bnf <- evalClosure defs bty
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top anf
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top bnf
_ => do sd <- getSearchData fc defaults tyn
concreteDets fc defaults env top 0 (detArgs sd) args
do sd <- getSearchData fc defaults tyn
concreteDets fc defaults env top 0 (detArgs sd) args
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top _
= pure ()
abandonIfCycle : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) ->
Core ()
abandonIfCycle env tm [] = pure ()
abandonIfCycle env tm (ty :: tys)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def checkdets top env target
if a == length args
then do logNF 10 "Next target" env nty
sd <- getSearchData fc defaults tyn
-- Check determining arguments are okay for 'args'
-- Check determining arguments are okay for 'args'
when checkdets $
checkConcreteDets fc defaults env top
(NTCon tfc tyn t a args)
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def checkdets top env target
ambig : Error -> Bool
ambig (AmbiguousSearch _ _ _) = True
ambig _ = False
-- Take the earliest error message (that's when we look inside pairs,
-- typically, and it's best to be more precise)
tryGroups : Maybe Error ->
@ -506,14 +506,14 @@ searchType {vars} fc rigc defaults trying depth def checkdets top env target
-- {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
-- FC -> RigCount ->
-- (defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
-- (defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
-- (defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
-- Core (Term vars) fc rigc defaults depth def top env
= do defs <- get Ctxt
logTermNF 2 "Initial target: " env top
log 2 $ "Running search with defaults " ++ show defaults
tm <- searchType fc rigc defaults [] depth def
True (abstractEnvType fc env top) env
tm <- searchType fc rigc defaults [] depth def
True (abstractEnvType fc env top) env
logTermNF 2 "Result" env tm
defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Data.Buffer
-- TTC files can only be compatible if the version number is the same
ttcVersion : Int
ttcVersion = 9
ttcVersion = 12
checkTTCVersion : Int -> Int -> Core ()
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ HasNames e => HasNames (TTCFile e) where
!(fullRW gam rewritenames)
!(fullPrim gam primnames)
!(full gam namedirectives)
!(full gam extra)
fullPair : Context -> Maybe PairNames -> Core (Maybe PairNames)
@ -169,15 +169,15 @@ HasNames e => HasNames (TTCFile e) where
asName : List String -> Maybe (List String) -> Name -> Name
asName mod (Just ns) (NS oldns n)
= if mod == oldns
asName mod (Just ns) (NS oldns n)
= if mod == oldns
then NS ns n -- TODO: What about if there are nested namespaces in a module?
else NS oldns n
asName _ _ n = n
-- NOTE: TTC files are only compatible if the version number is the same,
-- *and* the 'annot/extra' type are the same, or there are no holes/constraints
writeTTCFile : (HasNames extra, TTC extra) =>
writeTTCFile : (HasNames extra, TTC extra) =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Ref Bin Binary -> TTCFile extra -> Core ()
writeTTCFile b file_in
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ writeTTCFile b file_in
toBuf b (cgdirectives file)
toBuf b (extraData file)
readTTCFile : TTC extra =>
readTTCFile : TTC extra =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List String -> Maybe (List String) ->
Ref Bin Binary -> Core (TTCFile extra)
@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ readTTCFile modns as b
cgds <- fromBuf b
ex <- fromBuf b
pure (MkTTCFile ver ifaceHash importHashes
[] [] [] defs uholes -- holes guesses constraints defs
[] [] [] defs uholes -- holes guesses constraints defs
autohs typehs imp nextv cns nns
pns rws prims nds cgds ex)
-- Pull out the list of GlobalDefs that we want to save
getSaveDefs : List Name -> List (Name, Binary) -> Defs ->
getSaveDefs : List Name -> List (Name, Binary) -> Defs ->
Core (List (Name, Binary))
getSaveDefs [] acc _ = pure acc
getSaveDefs (n :: ns) acc defs
@ -269,10 +269,10 @@ writeToTTC extradata fname
ust <- get UST
gdefs <- getSaveDefs (keys (toSave defs)) [] defs
log 5 $ "Writing " ++ fname ++ " with hash " ++ show (ifaceHash defs)
writeTTCFile buf
writeTTCFile buf
(MkTTCFile ttcVersion (ifaceHash defs) (importHashes defs)
(toList (holes ust))
(toList (guesses ust))
(toList (holes ust))
(toList (guesses ust))
(toList (constraints ust))
(keys (userHoles defs))
@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ writeToTTC extradata fname
(nextName ust)
(currentNS defs)
(nestedNS defs)
(pairnames (options defs))
(rewritenames (options defs))
(primnames (options defs))
(namedirectives defs)
(pairnames (options defs))
(rewritenames (options defs))
(primnames (options defs))
(namedirectives defs)
(cgdirectives defs)
Right ok <- coreLift $ writeToFile fname !(get Bin)
@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ addGlobalDef modns as (n, def)
addTypeHint : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> (Name, Name, Bool) -> Core ()
addTypeHint fc (tyn, hintn, d)
= do logC 10 (pure (show !(getFullName hintn) ++ " for " ++
addTypeHint fc (tyn, hintn, d)
= do logC 10 (pure (show !(getFullName hintn) ++ " for " ++
show !(getFullName tyn)))
addHintFor fc tyn hintn d True
@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ addAutoHint : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
addAutoHint (hintn, d) = addGlobalHint hintn d
updatePair : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
updatePair : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Maybe PairNames -> Core ()
updatePair p
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->pairnames $= (p <+>) } defs)
updateRewrite : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
updateRewrite : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Maybe RewriteNames -> Core ()
updateRewrite r
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -344,17 +344,17 @@ updatePrimNames : PrimNames -> PrimNames -> PrimNames
updatePrimNames p
= record { fromIntegerName $= ((fromIntegerName p) <+>),
fromStringName $= ((fromStringName p) <+>),
fromCharName $= ((fromCharName p) <+>) }
fromCharName $= ((fromCharName p) <+>) }
updatePrims : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
updatePrims : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
PrimNames -> Core ()
updatePrims p
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { options->primnames $= updatePrimNames p } defs)
updateNameDirectives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
updateNameDirectives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List (Name, List String) -> Core ()
updateNameDirectives [] = pure ()
updateNameDirectives ((t, ns) :: nds)
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ updateNameDirectives ((t, ns) :: nds)
updateNameDirectives nds
updateCGDirectives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
updateCGDirectives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List (CG, String) -> Core ()
updateCGDirectives cgs
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ readFromTTC : TTC extra =>
(fname : String) -> -- file containing the module
(modNS : List String) -> -- module namespace
(importAs : List String) -> -- namespace to import as
Core (Maybe (extra, Int,
Core (Maybe (extra, Int,
List (List String, Bool, List String)))
readFromTTC loc reexp fname modNS importAs
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ readFromTTC loc reexp fname modNS importAs
Right buf <- coreLift $ readFromFile fname
| Left err => throw (InternalError (fname ++ ": " ++ show err))
bin <- newRef Bin buf -- for reading the file into
let as = if importAs == modNS
then Nothing
let as = if importAs == modNS
then Nothing
else Just importAs
ttc <- readTTCFile modNS as bin
logTime "Adding defs" $ traverse (addGlobalDef modNS as) (context ttc)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ data Phase = CompileTime | RunTime
data ArgType : List Name -> Type where
Known : RigCount -> (ty : Term vars) -> ArgType vars -- arg has type 'ty'
Stuck : (fty : Term vars) -> ArgType vars
Stuck : (fty : Term vars) -> ArgType vars
-- ^ arg will have argument type of 'fty' when we know enough to
-- calculate it
Unknown : ArgType vars
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ record PatInfo (pvar : Name) (vars : List Name) where
constructor MkInfo
pat : Pat
loc : IsVar name idx vars
argType : ArgType vars -- Type of the argument being inspected (i.e.
argType : ArgType vars -- Type of the argument being inspected (i.e.
-- *not* refined by this particular pattern)
Show (PatInfo n vars) where
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ data NamedPats : List Name -> -- pattern variables still to process
-- in order
Type where
Nil : NamedPats vars []
(::) : PatInfo pvar vars ->
(::) : PatInfo pvar vars ->
-- ^ a pattern, where its variable appears in the vars list,
-- and its type. The type has no variable names; any names it
-- refers to are explicit
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ getPatInfo [] = []
getPatInfo (x :: xs) = pat x :: getPatInfo xs
updatePats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars ->
Env Term vars ->
NF vars -> NamedPats vars todo -> Core (NamedPats vars todo)
updatePats env nf [] = pure []
updatePats {todo = pvar :: ns} env (NBind fc _ (Pi c _ farg) fsc) (p :: ps)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ updatePats {todo = pvar :: ns} env (NBind fc _ (Pi c _ farg) fsc) (p :: ps)
_ => pure (p :: ps)
updatePats env nf (p :: ps)
= case argType p of
Unknown =>
Unknown =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
pure (record { argType = Stuck !(quote empty env nf) } p :: ps)
@ -87,20 +87,20 @@ mkEnv fc [] = []
mkEnv fc (n :: ns) = PVar RigW Explicit (Erased fc) :: mkEnv fc ns
substInPatInfo : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Term vars -> PatInfo pvar vars ->
NamedPats vars todo ->
FC -> Name -> Term vars -> PatInfo pvar vars ->
NamedPats vars todo ->
Core (PatInfo pvar vars, NamedPats vars todo)
substInPatInfo {pvar} {vars} fc n tm p ps
substInPatInfo {pvar} {vars} fc n tm p ps
= case argType p of
Known c ty => pure (record { argType = Known c (substName n tm ty) } p, ps)
Stuck fty =>
Stuck fty =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
let env = mkEnv fc vars
case !(nf defs env (substName n tm fty)) of
NBind pfc _ (Pi c _ farg) fsc =>
pure (record { argType = Known c !(quote empty env farg) } p,
!(updatePats env
!(updatePats env
!(fsc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env
(Ref pfc Bound pvar))) ps))
_ => pure (p, ps)
@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ substInPatInfo {pvar} {vars} fc n tm p ps
-- Substitute the name with a term in the pattern types, and reduce further
-- (this aims to resolve any 'Stuck' pattern types)
substInPats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Term vars -> NamedPats vars todo ->
FC -> Name -> Term vars -> NamedPats vars todo ->
Core (NamedPats vars todo)
substInPats fc n tm [] = pure []
substInPats fc n tm (p :: ps)
substInPats fc n tm (p :: ps)
= do (p', ps') <- substInPatInfo fc n tm p ps
pure (p' :: !(substInPats fc n tm ps'))
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ getPat First (x :: xs) = x
getPat (Later p) (x :: xs) = getPat p xs
dropPat : {idx : Nat} ->
.(el : IsVar name idx ps) ->
.(el : IsVar name idx ps) ->
NamedPats ns ps -> NamedPats ns (dropVar ps el)
dropPat First (x :: xs) = xs
dropPat (Later p) (x :: xs) = x :: dropPat p xs
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ Show (NamedPats vars todo) where
showAll : NamedPats vs ts -> String
showAll [] = ""
showAll {ts = t :: _ } [x]
= show t ++ " " ++ show (pat x) ++ " [" ++ show (argType x) ++ "]"
showAll {ts = t :: _ } (x :: xs)
= show t ++ " " ++ show (pat x) ++ " [" ++ show (argType x) ++ "]"
showAll {ts = t :: _ } (x :: xs)
= show t ++ " " ++ show (pat x) ++ " [" ++ show (argType x) ++ "]"
++ ", " ++ showAll xs
@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ weaken : NamedPats vars todo -> NamedPats (x :: vars) todo
weaken [] = []
weaken (p :: ps) = weaken p :: weaken ps
weakenNs : (ns : List Name) ->
weakenNs : (ns : List Name) ->
NamedPats vars todo -> NamedPats (ns ++ vars) todo
weakenNs ns [] = []
weakenNs ns (p :: ps)
weakenNs ns (p :: ps)
= weakenNs ns p :: weakenNs ns ps
(++) : NamedPats vars ms -> NamedPats vars ns -> NamedPats vars (ms ++ ns)
@ -170,18 +170,18 @@ take (x :: xs) (p :: ps) = p :: take xs ps
data PatClause : (vars : List Name) -> (todo : List Name) -> Type where
MkPatClause : List Name -> -- names matched so far (from original lhs)
NamedPats vars todo ->
NamedPats vars todo ->
(rhs : Term vars) -> PatClause vars todo
getNPs : PatClause vars todo -> NamedPats vars todo
getNPs (MkPatClause _ lhs rhs) = lhs
Show (PatClause vars todo) where
show (MkPatClause _ ps rhs)
show (MkPatClause _ ps rhs)
= show ps ++ " => " ++ show rhs
substInClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> PatClause vars (a :: todo) ->
substInClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> PatClause vars (a :: todo) ->
Core (PatClause vars (a :: todo))
substInClause {vars} {a} fc (MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat pprf fty :: pats) rhs)
= do pats' <- substInPats fc a (mkTerm vars pat) pats
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ checkLengthMatch : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List b) -> Maybe (LengthMatch xs ys)
checkLengthMatch [] [] = Just NilMatch
checkLengthMatch [] (x :: xs) = Nothing
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) [] = Nothing
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
checkLengthMatch (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= Just (ConsMatch !(checkLengthMatch xs ys))
data Partitions : List (PatClause vars todo) -> Type where
@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ clauseType phase (MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo arg _ ty :: rest) rhs)
partition : Phase -> (ps : List (PatClause vars (a :: as))) -> Partitions ps
partition phase [] = NoClauses
partition phase (x :: xs) with (partition phase xs)
partition phase (x :: (cs ++ ps)) | (ConClauses cs rest)
partition phase (x :: (cs ++ ps)) | (ConClauses cs rest)
= case clauseType phase x of
ConClause => ConClauses (x :: cs) rest
VarClause => VarClauses [x] (ConClauses cs rest)
partition phase (x :: (vs ++ ps)) | (VarClauses vs rest)
partition phase (x :: (vs ++ ps)) | (VarClauses vs rest)
= case clauseType phase x of
ConClause => ConClauses [x] (VarClauses vs rest)
VarClause => VarClauses (x :: vs) rest
@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ data ConType : Type where
CConst : Constant -> ConType
conTypeEq : (x, y : ConType) -> Maybe (x = y)
conTypeEq (CName x tag) (CName x' tag')
conTypeEq (CName x tag) (CName x' tag')
= do Refl <- nameEq x x'
case decEq tag tag' of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
conTypeEq CDelay CDelay = Just Refl
conTypeEq (CConst x) (CConst y)
conTypeEq (CConst x) (CConst y)
= case constantEq x y of
Nothing => Nothing
Just Refl => Just Refl
@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ conTypeEq _ _ = Nothing
data Group : List Name -> -- variables in scope
List Name -> -- pattern variables still to process
Type where
ConGroup : Name -> (tag : Int) ->
ConGroup : Name -> (tag : Int) ->
List (PatClause (newargs ++ vars) (newargs ++ todo)) ->
Group vars todo
DelayGroup : List (PatClause (tyarg :: valarg :: vars)
(tyarg :: valarg :: todo)) ->
DelayGroup : List (PatClause (tyarg :: valarg :: vars)
(tyarg :: valarg :: todo)) ->
Group vars todo
ConstGroup : Constant -> List (PatClause vars todo) ->
Group vars todo
@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ Show (Group vars todo) where
data GroupMatch : ConType -> List Pat -> Group vars todo -> Type where
ConMatch : LengthMatch ps newargs ->
GroupMatch (CName n tag) ps
GroupMatch (CName n tag) ps
(ConGroup {newargs} n tag (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
DelayMatch : GroupMatch CDelay []
DelayMatch : GroupMatch CDelay []
(DelayGroup {tyarg} {valarg} (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
ConstMatch : GroupMatch (CConst c) []
(ConstGroup c (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ data GroupMatch : ConType -> List Pat -> Group vars todo -> Type where
checkGroupMatch : (c : ConType) -> (ps : List Pat) -> (g : Group vars todo) ->
GroupMatch c ps g
checkGroupMatch (CName x tag) ps (ConGroup {newargs} x' tag' (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
checkGroupMatch (CName x tag) ps (ConGroup {newargs} x' tag' (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
= case checkLengthMatch ps newargs of
Nothing => NoMatch
Just prf => case (nameEq x x', decEq tag tag') of
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ checkGroupMatch (CName x tag) ps (ConGroup {newargs} x' tag' (MkPatClause pvs pa
checkGroupMatch (CName x tag) ps _ = NoMatch
checkGroupMatch CDelay [] (DelayGroup (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
= DelayMatch
checkGroupMatch (CConst c) [] (ConstGroup c' (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
checkGroupMatch (CConst c) [] (ConstGroup c' (MkPatClause pvs pats rhs :: rest))
= case constantEq c c' of
Nothing => NoMatch
Just Refl => ConstMatch
@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ nextNames {vars} fc root (p :: pats) fty
-- replace the prefix of patterns with 'pargs'
newPats : (pargs : List Pat) -> LengthMatch pargs ns ->
NamedPats vars (ns ++ todo) ->
NamedPats vars ns
NamedPats vars ns
newPats [] NilMatch rest = []
newPats (newpat :: xs) (ConsMatch w) (pi :: rest)
newPats (newpat :: xs) (ConsMatch w) (pi :: rest)
= record { pat = newpat} pi :: newPats xs w rest
updateNames : List (Name, Pat) -> List (Name, Name)
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ updatePatNames ns (pi :: ps)
= record { pat $= update } pi :: updatePatNames ns ps
update : Pat -> Pat
update (PAs fc n p)
update (PAs fc n p)
= case lookup n ns of
Nothing => PAs fc n (update p)
Just n' => PAs fc n' (update p)
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ updatePatNames ns (pi :: ps)
update (PTyCon fc n a ps) = PTyCon fc n a (map update ps)
update (PArrow fc x s t) = PArrow fc x (update s) (update t)
update (PDelay fc r t p) = PDelay fc r (update t) (update p)
update (PLoc fc n)
update (PLoc fc n)
= case lookup n ns of
Nothing => PLoc fc n
Just n' => PLoc fc n'
@ -406,12 +406,12 @@ groupCons : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name ->
List Name ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
Core (List (Group vars todo))
groupCons fc fn pvars cs
groupCons fc fn pvars cs
= gc [] cs
addConG : Name -> (tag : Int) ->
addConG : Name -> (tag : Int) ->
List Pat -> NamedPats vars todo ->
(rhs : Term vars) ->
(acc : List (Group vars todo)) ->
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
-- add new pattern arguments for each of that constructor's arguments.
-- The type of 'ConGroup' ensures that we refer to the arguments by
-- the same name in each of the clauses
addConG {todo} n tag pargs pats rhs []
addConG {todo} n tag pargs pats rhs []
= do cty <- the (Core (NF vars)) $ if n == UN "->"
then pure $ NBind fc (MN "_" 0) (Pi RigW Explicit (NType fc)) $
(\d, a => pure $ NBind fc (MN "_" 1) (Pi RigW Explicit (NErased fc))
@ -434,15 +434,15 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
-- explicit dependencies in types accurate)
let pats' = updatePatNames (updateNames (zip patnames pargs))
(weakenNs patnames pats)
let clause = MkPatClause {todo = patnames ++ todo}
(newargs ++ pats')
let clause = MkPatClause {todo = patnames ++ todo}
(newargs ++ pats')
(weakenNs patnames rhs)
pure [ConGroup n tag [clause]]
addConG {todo} n tag pargs pats rhs (g :: gs) with (checkGroupMatch (CName n tag) pargs g)
addConG {todo} n tag pargs pats rhs
((ConGroup {newargs} n tag ((MkPatClause pvars ps tm) :: rest)) :: gs)
| (ConMatch {newargs} lprf)
| (ConMatch {newargs} lprf)
= do let newps = newPats pargs lprf ps
let pats' = updatePatNames (updateNames (zip newargs pargs))
(weakenNs newargs pats)
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
-- match the clauses top to bottom.
pure ((ConGroup n tag (MkPatClause pvars ps tm :: rest ++ [newclause]))
:: gs)
addConG n tag pargs pats rhs (g :: gs) | NoMatch
addConG n tag pargs pats rhs (g :: gs) | NoMatch
= do gs' <- addConG n tag pargs pats rhs gs
pure (g :: gs')
@ -468,11 +468,11 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
Core (List (Group vars todo))
addDelayG {todo} pty parg pats rhs []
= do let dty = NBind fc (MN "a" 0) (Pi Rig0 Explicit (NType fc)) $
(\d, a =>
(\d, a =>
do a' <- evalClosure d a
pure (NBind fc (MN "x" 0) (Pi RigW Explicit a')
(\dv, av => pure (NDelayed fc LUnknown a'))))
([tyname, argname] ** newargs) <- nextNames {vars} fc "e" [pty, parg]
([tyname, argname] ** newargs) <- nextNames {vars} fc "e" [pty, parg]
(Just dty)
| _ => throw (InternalError "Error compiling Delay pattern match")
let pats' = updatePatNames (updateNames [(tyname, pty),
@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
let pats' = updatePatNames (updateNames [(tyarg, pty),
(valarg, parg)])
(weakenNs [tyarg, valarg] pats)
let newclause : PatClause (tyarg :: valarg :: vars)
let newclause : PatClause (tyarg :: valarg :: vars)
(tyarg :: valarg :: todo)
= MkPatClause pvars (newps ++ pats')
= MkPatClause pvars (newps ++ pats')
(weakenNs [tyarg, valarg] rhs)
pure ((DelayGroup (MkPatClause pvars ps tm :: rest ++ [newclause]))
:: gs)
@ -504,30 +504,30 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
(rhs : Term vars) ->
(acc : List (Group vars todo)) ->
Core (List (Group vars todo))
addConstG c pats rhs []
addConstG c pats rhs []
= pure [ConstGroup c [MkPatClause pvars pats rhs]]
addConstG {todo} c pats rhs (g :: gs) with (checkGroupMatch (CConst c) [] g)
addConstG {todo} c pats rhs
((ConstGroup c ((MkPatClause pvars ps tm) :: rest)) :: gs) | ConstMatch
((ConstGroup c ((MkPatClause pvars ps tm) :: rest)) :: gs) | ConstMatch
= let newclause : PatClause vars todo
= MkPatClause pvars pats rhs in
pure ((ConstGroup c
pure ((ConstGroup c
(MkPatClause pvars ps tm :: rest ++ [newclause])) :: gs)
addConstG c pats rhs (g :: gs) | NoMatch
addConstG c pats rhs (g :: gs) | NoMatch
= do gs' <- addConstG c pats rhs gs
pure (g :: gs')
addGroup : {idx : Nat} -> Pat -> .(IsVar name idx vars) ->
NamedPats vars todo -> Term vars ->
List (Group vars todo) ->
NamedPats vars todo -> Term vars ->
List (Group vars todo) ->
Core (List (Group vars todo))
-- In 'As' replace the name on the RHS with a reference to the
-- variable we're doing the case split on
addGroup (PAs fc n p) pprf pats rhs acc
addGroup (PAs fc n p) pprf pats rhs acc
= addGroup p pprf pats (substName n (Local fc (Just True) _ pprf) rhs) acc
addGroup (PCon _ n t a pargs) pprf pats rhs acc
addGroup (PCon _ n t a pargs) pprf pats rhs acc
= addConG n t pargs pats rhs acc
addGroup (PTyCon _ n a pargs) pprf pats rhs acc
addGroup (PTyCon _ n a pargs) pprf pats rhs acc
= addConG n 0 pargs pats rhs acc
addGroup (PArrow _ _ s t) pprf pats rhs acc
= addConG (UN "->") 0 [s, t] pats rhs acc
@ -535,16 +535,16 @@ groupCons fc fn pvars cs
-- scrutinee (need to check in 'caseGroups below)
addGroup (PDelay _ _ pty parg) pprf pats rhs acc
= addDelayG pty parg pats rhs acc
addGroup (PConst _ c) pprf pats rhs acc
addGroup (PConst _ c) pprf pats rhs acc
= addConstG c pats rhs acc
addGroup _ pprf pats rhs acc = pure acc -- Can't happen, not a constructor
-- -- FIXME: Is this possible to rule out with a type? Probably.
gc : List (Group vars todo) ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
gc : List (Group vars todo) ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
Core (List (Group vars todo))
gc acc [] = pure acc
gc {a} acc ((MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat pprf fty :: pats) rhs) :: cs)
gc {a} acc ((MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat pprf fty :: pats) rhs) :: cs)
= do acc' <- addGroup pat pprf pats rhs acc
gc acc' cs
@ -555,12 +555,12 @@ getFirstArgType : NamedPats ns (p :: ps) -> ArgType ns
getFirstArgType (p :: _) = argType p
-- Check whether all the initial patterns have the same concrete, known
-- and matchable type, which is multiplicity > 0.
-- and matchable type, which is multiplicity > 0.
-- If so, it's okay to match on it
sameType : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name ->
Env Term ns -> List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
Env Term ns -> List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
Core ()
sameType fc fn env [] = pure ()
sameType {ns} fc fn env (p :: xs)
@ -580,10 +580,10 @@ sameType {ns} fc fn env (p :: xs)
sameTypeAs : NF ns -> List (ArgType ns) -> Core ()
sameTypeAs ty [] = pure ()
sameTypeAs ty (Known Rig0 t :: xs)
sameTypeAs ty (Known Rig0 t :: xs)
= throw (CaseCompile fc fn (MatchErased (_ ** (env, mkTerm _ (firstPat p)))))
-- Can't match on erased thing
sameTypeAs ty (Known c t :: xs)
sameTypeAs ty (Known c t :: xs)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if headEq ty !(nf defs env t)
then sameTypeAs ty xs
@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ sameType {ns} fc fn env (p :: xs)
-- If so, we'll match it to refine later types and move on
samePat : List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) -> Bool
samePat [] = True
samePat (pi :: xs)
= samePatAs (dropAs (getFirstPat pi))
samePat (pi :: xs)
= samePatAs (dropAs (getFirstPat pi))
(map (dropAs . getFirstPat) xs)
dropAs : Pat -> Pat
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ samePat (pi :: xs)
then samePatAs (PCon fc n t a args) ps
else False
samePatAs (PConst fc c) (PConst _ c' :: ps)
= if c == c'
= if c == c'
then samePatAs (PConst fc c) ps
else False
samePatAs (PArrow fc x s t) (PArrow _ _ s' t' :: ps)
@ -652,17 +652,17 @@ countDiff xs = length (distinct [] (map getFirstCon xs))
distinct : List Pat -> List Pat -> List Pat
distinct acc [] = acc
distinct acc (p :: ps)
= if elemBy sameCase p acc
distinct acc (p :: ps)
= if elemBy sameCase p acc
then distinct acc ps
else distinct (p :: acc) ps
getScore : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name ->
List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name ->
List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
Core (Either CaseError ())
getScore fc name npss
getScore fc name npss
= do catch (do sameType fc name (mkEnv fc ns) npss
pure (Right ()))
(\err => case err of
@ -673,10 +673,10 @@ getScore fc name npss
-- same family, or all variables, or all the same type constructor.
pickNext : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
FC -> Name -> List (NamedPats ns (p :: ps)) ->
Core (Var (p :: ps))
-- last possible variable
pickNext {ps = []} fc fn npss
pickNext {ps = []} fc fn npss
= if samePat npss
then pure (MkVar First)
else do Right () <- getScore fc fn npss
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ shuffleVars : {idx : Nat} -> .(el : IsVar name idx todo) -> PatClause vars todo
shuffleVars el (MkPatClause pvars lhs rhs) = MkPatClause pvars (moveFirst el lhs) rhs
{- 'PatClause' contains a list of patterns still to process (that's the
{- 'PatClause' contains a list of patterns still to process (that's the
"todo") and a right hand side with the variables we know about "vars".
So "match" builds the remainder of the case tree for
the unprocessed patterns. "err" is the tree for when the patterns don't
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ mutual
match : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
List (PatClause vars todo) -> (err : Maybe (CaseTree vars)) ->
List (PatClause vars todo) -> (err : Maybe (CaseTree vars)) ->
Core (CaseTree vars)
-- Before 'partition', reorder the arguments so that the one we
-- inspect next has a concrete type that is the same in all cases, and
@ -720,14 +720,14 @@ mutual
maybe (pure (Unmatched "No clauses"))
!(mixture fc fn phase ps err)
match {todo = []} fc fn phase [] err
match {todo = []} fc fn phase [] err
= maybe (pure (Unmatched "No patterns"))
pure err
match {todo = []} fc fn phase ((MkPatClause pvars [] rhs) :: _) err
match {todo = []} fc fn phase ((MkPatClause pvars [] rhs) :: _) err
= pure $ STerm rhs
caseGroups : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar pvar idx vars) -> Term vars ->
List (Group vars todo) -> Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
@ -737,10 +737,10 @@ mutual
pure (Case _ el (resolveNames vars ty) g)
altGroups : List (Group vars todo) -> Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
altGroups [] = maybe (pure [])
(\e => pure [DefaultCase e])
altGroups [] = maybe (pure [])
(\e => pure [DefaultCase e])
altGroups (ConGroup {newargs} cn tag rest :: cs)
altGroups (ConGroup {newargs} cn tag rest :: cs)
= do crest <- match fc fn phase rest (map (weakenNs newargs) errorCase)
cs' <- altGroups cs
pure (ConCase cn tag newargs crest :: cs')
@ -754,17 +754,17 @@ mutual
pure (ConstCase c crest :: cs')
conRule : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Core (CaseTree vars)
conRule fc fn phase [] err = maybe (pure (Unmatched "No constructor clauses")) pure err
conRule fc fn phase [] err = maybe (pure (Unmatched "No constructor clauses")) pure err
-- ASSUMPTION, not expressed in the type, that the patterns all have
-- the same variable (pprf) for the first argument. If not, the result
-- will be a broken case tree... so we should find a way to express this
-- in the type if we can.
conRule {a} fc fn phase cs@(MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat pprf fty :: pats) rhs :: rest) err
conRule {a} fc fn phase cs@(MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat pprf fty :: pats) rhs :: rest) err
= do refinedcs <- traverse (substInClause fc) cs
groups <- groupCons fc fn pvars refinedcs
ty <- case fty of
@ -773,19 +773,19 @@ mutual
caseGroups fc fn phase pprf ty groups err
varRule : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
List (PatClause vars (a :: todo)) ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Core (CaseTree vars)
varRule {vars} {a} fc fn phase cs err
varRule {vars} {a} fc fn phase cs err
= do alts' <- traverse updateVar cs
match fc fn phase alts' err
updateVar : PatClause vars (a :: todo) -> Core (PatClause vars todo)
-- replace the name with the relevant variable on the rhs
updateVar (MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo (PLoc pfc n) prf fty :: pats) rhs)
= pure $ MkPatClause (n :: pvars)
= pure $ MkPatClause (n :: pvars)
!(substInPats fc a (Local pfc (Just False) _ prf) pats)
(substName n (Local pfc (Just False) _ prf) rhs)
-- If it's an as pattern, replace the name with the relevant variable on
@ -797,41 +797,41 @@ mutual
-- match anything, name won't appear in rhs but need to update
-- LHS pattern types based on what we've learned
updateVar (MkPatClause pvars (MkInfo pat prf fty :: pats) rhs)
= pure $ MkPatClause pvars
= pure $ MkPatClause pvars
!(substInPats fc a (mkTerm vars pat) pats) rhs
mixture : {auto i : Ref PName Int} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{ps : List (PatClause vars (a :: todo))} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
Partitions ps ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Partitions ps ->
Maybe (CaseTree vars) ->
Core (Maybe (CaseTree vars))
mixture fc fn phase (ConClauses cs rest) err
mixture fc fn phase (ConClauses cs rest) err
= do fallthrough <- mixture fc fn phase rest err
pure (Just !(conRule fc fn phase cs fallthrough))
mixture fc fn phase (VarClauses vs rest) err
mixture fc fn phase (VarClauses vs rest) err
= do fallthrough <- mixture fc fn phase rest err
pure (Just !(varRule fc fn phase vs fallthrough))
mixture fc fn {a} {todo} phase NoClauses err
mixture fc fn {a} {todo} phase NoClauses err
= pure err
mkPatClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name ->
(args : List Name) -> ClosedTerm -> (List Pat, ClosedTerm) ->
Core (PatClause args args)
mkPatClause fc fn args ty (ps, rhs)
mkPatClause fc fn args ty (ps, rhs)
= maybe (throw (CaseCompile fc fn DifferingArgNumbers))
(\eq =>
(\eq =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
nty <- nf defs [] ty
ns <- mkNames args ps eq (Just nty)
pure (MkPatClause [] ns
(rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral args) in
(rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral args) in
(weakenNs args rhs))))
(checkLengthMatch args ps)
mkNames : (vars : List Name) -> (ps : List Pat) ->
mkNames : (vars : List Name) -> (ps : List Pat) ->
LengthMatch vars ps -> Maybe (NF []) ->
Core (NamedPats vars vars)
mkNames [] [] NilMatch fty = pure []
@ -841,33 +841,33 @@ mkPatClause fc fn args ty (ps, rhs)
fa_tys <-
case fty of
Nothing => pure (Nothing, Unknown)
Just (NBind pfc _ (Pi c _ farg) fsc) =>
Just (NBind pfc _ (Pi c _ farg) fsc) =>
pure (Just !(fsc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Ref pfc Bound arg))),
Known c (embed {more = arg :: args}
Known c (embed {more = arg :: args}
!(quote empty [] farg)))
Just t =>
pure (Nothing,
Stuck (embed {more = arg :: args}
Just t =>
pure (Nothing,
Stuck (embed {more = arg :: args}
!(quote empty [] t)))
pure (MkInfo p First (snd fa_tys)
:: weaken !(mkNames args ps eq (fst fa_tys)))
patCompile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
patCompile : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Phase ->
ClosedTerm -> List (List Pat, ClosedTerm) ->
ClosedTerm -> List (List Pat, ClosedTerm) ->
Maybe (CaseTree []) ->
Core (args ** CaseTree args)
patCompile fc fn phase ty [] def
patCompile fc fn phase ty [] def
= maybe (pure ([] ** Unmatched "No definition"))
(\e => pure ([] ** e))
patCompile fc fn phase ty (p :: ps) def
patCompile fc fn phase ty (p :: ps) def
= do let ns = getNames 0 (fst p)
pats <- traverse (mkPatClause fc fn ns ty) (p :: ps)
log 5 $ "Pattern clauses " ++ show pats
i <- newRef PName (the Int 0)
cases <- match fc fn phase pats
cases <- match fc fn phase pats
(rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral ns) in
map (weakenNs ns) def)
pure (_ ** cases)
@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ simpleCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Phase -> Name -> ClosedTerm -> (def : Maybe (CaseTree [])) ->
(clauses : List (ClosedTerm, ClosedTerm)) ->
Core (args ** CaseTree args)
simpleCase fc phase fn ty def clauses
simpleCase fc phase fn ty def clauses
= do log 5 $ "Compiling clauses " ++ show clauses
ps <- traverse (toPatClause fc fn) clauses
defs <- get Ctxt
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ simpleCase fc phase fn ty def clauses
getPMDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Phase -> Name -> ClosedTerm -> List Clause ->
FC -> Phase -> Name -> ClosedTerm -> List Clause ->
Core (args ** CaseTree args)
-- If there's no clauses, make a definition with the right number of arguments
-- for the type, which we can use in coverage checking to ensure that one of
@ -928,15 +928,15 @@ getPMDef fc phase fn ty clauses
mkSubstEnv : Int -> Env Term vars -> SubstEnv vars []
mkSubstEnv i [] = Nil
mkSubstEnv i (v :: vs)
mkSubstEnv i (v :: vs)
= Ref fc Bound (MN "pat" i) :: mkSubstEnv (i + 1) vs
close : Env Term vars -> Term vars -> ClosedTerm
close {vars} env tm
= substs (mkSubstEnv 0 env)
close {vars} env tm
= substs (mkSubstEnv 0 env)
(rewrite appendNilRightNeutral vars in tm)
toClosed : Defs -> Clause -> (ClosedTerm, ClosedTerm)
toClosed defs (MkClause env lhs rhs)
toClosed defs (MkClause env lhs rhs)
= (close env lhs, close env rhs)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ mutual
public export
data CaseTree : List Name -> Type where
Case : {name : _} ->
(idx : Nat) ->
(idx : Nat) ->
IsVar name idx vars ->
(scTy : Term vars) -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
CaseTree vars
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ mutual
data CaseAlt : List Name -> Type where
ConCase : Name -> (tag : Int) -> (args : List Name) ->
CaseTree (args ++ vars) -> CaseAlt vars
DelayCase : (ty : Name) -> (arg : Name) ->
DelayCase : (ty : Name) -> (arg : Name) ->
CaseTree (ty :: arg :: vars) -> CaseAlt vars
ConstCase : Constant -> CaseTree vars -> CaseAlt vars
DefaultCase : CaseTree vars -> CaseAlt vars
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Show Pat where
insertCaseNames : (ns : List Name) -> CaseTree (outer ++ inner) ->
CaseTree (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertCaseNames {inner} {outer} ns (Case idx prf scTy alts)
insertCaseNames {inner} {outer} ns (Case idx prf scTy alts)
= let MkVar prf' = insertVarNames {outer} {inner} {ns} _ prf in
Case _ prf' (insertNames {outer} ns scTy)
(map (insertCaseAltNames {outer} {inner} ns) alts)
@ -83,26 +83,26 @@ mutual
insertCaseNames ns (Unmatched msg) = Unmatched msg
insertCaseNames ns Impossible = Impossible
insertCaseAltNames : (ns : List Name) ->
CaseAlt (outer ++ inner) ->
insertCaseAltNames : (ns : List Name) ->
CaseAlt (outer ++ inner) ->
CaseAlt (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertCaseAltNames {outer} {inner} ns (ConCase x tag args ct)
= ConCase x tag args
insertCaseAltNames {outer} {inner} ns (ConCase x tag args ct)
= ConCase x tag args
(rewrite appendAssociative args outer (ns ++ inner) in
insertCaseNames {outer = args ++ outer} {inner} ns
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative args outer inner) in
insertCaseAltNames {outer} {inner} ns (DelayCase tyn valn ct)
= DelayCase tyn valn
= DelayCase tyn valn
(insertCaseNames {outer = tyn :: valn :: outer} {inner} ns ct)
insertCaseAltNames ns (ConstCase x ct)
insertCaseAltNames ns (ConstCase x ct)
= ConstCase x (insertCaseNames ns ct)
insertCaseAltNames ns (DefaultCase ct)
insertCaseAltNames ns (DefaultCase ct)
= DefaultCase (insertCaseNames ns ct)
thinTree : (n : Name) -> CaseTree (outer ++ inner) -> CaseTree (outer ++ n :: inner)
thinTree n (Case idx prf scTy alts)
thinTree n (Case idx prf scTy alts)
= let MkVar prf' = insertVar {n} _ prf in
Case _ prf' (thin n scTy) (map (insertCaseAltNames [n]) alts)
thinTree n (STerm tm) = STerm (thin n tm)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ thinTree n Impossible = Impossible
Weaken CaseTree where
weakenNs ns t = insertCaseNames {outer = []} ns t
weakenNs ns t = insertCaseNames {outer = []} ns t
getNames : ({vs : _} -> NameMap Bool -> Term vs -> NameMap Bool) ->
NameMap Bool -> CaseTree vars -> NameMap Bool
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ getNames add ns sc = getSet ns sc
getAltSets : NameMap Bool -> List (CaseAlt vs) -> NameMap Bool
getAltSets ns [] = ns
getAltSets ns (a :: as)
getAltSets ns (a :: as)
= assert_total $ getAltSets (getAltSet ns a) as
getSet : NameMap Bool -> CaseTree vs -> NameMap Bool
@ -155,16 +155,16 @@ mkPat' args orig (Ref fc (TyCon t a) n) = PTyCon fc n a args
mkPat' args orig (Bind fc x (Pi _ _ s) t)
= let t' = subst (Erased fc) t in
PArrow fc x (mkPat' [] s s) (mkPat' [] t' t')
mkPat' args orig (App fc fn arg)
mkPat' args orig (App fc fn arg)
= let parg = mkPat' [] arg arg in
mkPat' (parg :: args) orig fn
mkPat' args orig (As fc (Ref _ Bound n) ptm)
mkPat' args orig (As fc (Ref _ Bound n) ptm)
= PAs fc n (mkPat' [] ptm ptm)
mkPat' args orig (As fc _ ptm)
mkPat' args orig (As fc _ ptm)
= mkPat' [] orig ptm
mkPat' args orig (TDelay fc r ty p)
mkPat' args orig (TDelay fc r ty p)
= PDelay fc r (mkPat' [] orig ty) (mkPat' [] orig p)
mkPat' args orig (PrimVal fc c)
mkPat' args orig (PrimVal fc c)
= if constTag c == 0
then PConst fc c
else PTyCon fc (UN (show c)) 0 []
@ -173,24 +173,24 @@ mkPat' args orig tm = PUnmatchable (getLoc orig) orig
argToPat : ClosedTerm -> Pat
argToPat tm
argToPat tm
= mkPat' [] tm tm
mkTerm : (vars : List Name) -> Pat -> Term vars
mkTerm vars (PAs fc x y) = mkTerm vars y
mkTerm vars (PCon fc x tag arity xs)
mkTerm vars (PCon fc x tag arity xs)
= apply fc (Ref fc (DataCon tag arity) x)
(map (mkTerm vars) xs)
mkTerm vars (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
mkTerm vars (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
= apply fc (Ref fc (TyCon 0 arity) x)
(map (mkTerm vars) xs)
mkTerm vars (PConst fc c) = PrimVal fc c
mkTerm vars (PArrow fc x s t)
mkTerm vars (PArrow fc x s t)
= Bind fc x (Pi RigW Explicit (mkTerm vars s)) (mkTerm (x :: vars) t)
mkTerm vars (PDelay fc r ty p)
= TDelay fc r (mkTerm vars ty) (mkTerm vars p)
mkTerm vars (PLoc fc n)
mkTerm vars (PLoc fc n)
= case isVar n vars of
Just (MkVar prf) => Local fc Nothing _ prf
_ => Ref fc Bound n

View File

@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ data CDef : Type where
-- Constructor
MkCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> CDef
-- Foreign definition
MkForeign : (ccs : List String) ->
(fargs : List CFType) ->
MkForeign : (ccs : List String) ->
(fargs : List CFType) ->
CFType ->
-- A function which will fail at runtime (usually due to being a hole) so needs
@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ export
Show CDef where
show (MkFun args exp) = show args ++ ": " ++ show exp
show (MkCon tag arity) = "Constructor tag " ++ show tag ++ " arity " ++ show arity
show (MkForeign ccs args ret)
= "Foreign call " ++ show ccs ++ " " ++
show (MkForeign ccs args ret)
= "Foreign call " ++ show ccs ++ " " ++
show args ++ " -> " ++ show ret
show (MkError exp) = "Error: " ++ show exp
thin : (n : Name) -> CExp (outer ++ inner) -> CExp (outer ++ n :: inner)
thin n (CLocal fc prf)
thin n (CLocal fc prf)
= let MkVar var' = insertVar {n} _ prf in
CLocal fc var'
thin _ (CRef fc x) = CRef fc x
@ -219,15 +219,15 @@ mutual
-- in the remaining set with Erased
shrinkCExp : SubVars newvars vars -> CExp vars -> CExp newvars
shrinkCExp sub (CLocal fc prf)
shrinkCExp sub (CLocal fc prf)
= case subElem prf sub of
Nothing => CErased fc
Just (MkVar prf') => CLocal fc prf'
shrinkCExp _ (CRef fc x) = CRef fc x
shrinkCExp sub (CLam fc x sc)
shrinkCExp sub (CLam fc x sc)
= let sc' = shrinkCExp (KeepCons sub) sc in
CLam fc x sc'
shrinkCExp sub (CLet fc x val sc)
shrinkCExp sub (CLet fc x val sc)
= let sc' = shrinkCExp (KeepCons sub) sc in
CLet fc x (shrinkCExp sub val) sc'
shrinkCExp sub (CApp fc x xs)
@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ mutual
shrinkCExp sub (CForce fc x) = CForce fc (shrinkCExp sub x)
shrinkCExp sub (CDelay fc x) = CDelay fc (shrinkCExp sub x)
shrinkCExp sub (CConCase fc sc xs def)
= CConCase fc (shrinkCExp sub sc)
= CConCase fc (shrinkCExp sub sc)
(assert_total (map (shrinkConAlt sub) xs))
(assert_total (map (shrinkCExp sub) def))
shrinkCExp sub (CConstCase fc sc xs def)
= CConstCase fc (shrinkCExp sub sc)
= CConstCase fc (shrinkCExp sub sc)
(assert_total (map (shrinkConstAlt sub) xs))
(assert_total (map (shrinkCExp sub) def))
shrinkCExp _ (CPrimVal fc x) = CPrimVal fc x

View File

@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ data DefFlag
-- care!
| SetTotal TotalReq
| BlockedHint -- a hint, but blocked for the moment (so don't use)
| Macro
Eq TotalReq where
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ Eq DefFlag where
(==) TCInline TCInline = True
(==) (SetTotal x) (SetTotal y) = x == y
(==) BlockedHint BlockedHint = True
(==) Macro Macro = True
(==) _ _ = False
public export
@ -429,6 +431,23 @@ newDef fc n rig vars ty vis def
= MkGlobalDef fc n ty [] rig vars vis unchecked [] empty False False False def
Nothing []
-- Rewrite rules, applied after type checking, for runtime code only
-- LHS and RHS must have the same type, but we don't (currently) require that
-- the result still type checks (which might happen e.g. if transforming to a
-- faster implementation with different behaviour)
-- (Q: Do we need the 'Env' here? Usually we end up needing an 'Env' with a
-- 'NF but we're working with terms rather than values...)
public export
data Transform : Type where
MkTransform : Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Transform
getFnName : Transform -> Maybe Name
getFnName (MkTransform _ app _)
= case getFn app of
Ref _ _ fn => Just fn
_ => Nothing
public export
interface HasNames a where
full : Context -> a -> Core a
@ -469,8 +488,8 @@ HasNames (Term vars) where
= pure (TDelayed fc x !(full gam y))
full gam (TDelay fc x t y)
= pure (TDelay fc x !(full gam t) !(full gam y))
full gam (TForce fc y)
= pure (TForce fc !(full gam y))
full gam (TForce fc r y)
= pure (TForce fc r !(full gam y))
full gam tm = pure tm
resolved gam (Ref fc x n)
@ -492,8 +511,8 @@ HasNames (Term vars) where
= pure (TDelayed fc x !(resolved gam y))
resolved gam (TDelay fc x t y)
= pure (TDelay fc x !(resolved gam t) !(resolved gam y))
resolved gam (TForce fc y)
= pure (TForce fc !(resolved gam y))
resolved gam (TForce fc r y)
= pure (TForce fc r !(resolved gam y))
resolved gam tm = pure tm
@ -673,6 +692,15 @@ HasNames GlobalDef where
sizeChange = !(traverse (resolved gam) (sizeChange def))
} def
HasNames Transform where
full gam (MkTransform env lhs rhs)
= pure $ MkTransform !(full gam env) !(full gam lhs) !(full gam rhs)
resolved gam (MkTransform env lhs rhs)
= pure $ MkTransform !(resolved gam env)
!(resolved gam lhs) !(resolved gam rhs)
public export
record Defs where
constructor MkDefs
@ -701,6 +729,10 @@ record Defs where
-- We don't look up anything in here, it's merely for saving out to TTC.
-- We save the hints in the 'GlobalDef' itself for faster lookup.
saveAutoHints : List (Name, Bool)
transforms : NameMap Transform
-- ^ A mapping from names to transformation rules which update applications
-- of that name
saveTransforms : List (Name, Transform)
namedirectives : List (Name, List String)
ifaceHash : Int
importHashes : List (List String, Int)
@ -737,9 +769,9 @@ initDefs : Core Defs
= do gam <- initCtxt
pure (MkDefs gam [] ["Main"] [] defaults empty 100
empty empty empty [] [] [] 5381 [] [] [] [] [] empty
empty empty empty [] [] empty []
[] 5381 [] [] [] [] [] empty empty)
-- Reset the context, except for the options
clearCtxt : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -1298,6 +1330,17 @@ setOpenHints hs
= do d <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { openHints = hs } d)
addTransform : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Transform -> Core ()
addTransform fc t
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let Just fn = getFnName t
| Nothing =>
throw (GenericMsg fc "LHS of a transformation must be a function application")
put Ctxt (record { transforms $= insert fn t,
saveTransforms $= ((fn, t) ::) } defs)
clearSavedHints : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core ()
@ -1898,7 +1941,7 @@ logTimeOver nsecs str act
assert_total $ -- We're not dividing by 0
do str' <- str
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "TIMING " ++ str' ++ ": " ++
show (time `div` nano) ++ "." ++
show (time `div` nano) ++ "." ++
addZeros (unpack (show ((time `mod` nano) `div` 1000000))) ++
pure res
@ -1973,7 +2016,7 @@ showTimeRecord
= do coreLift $ putStr (key ++ ": ")
let nano = 1000000000
assert_total $ -- We're not dividing by 0
coreLift $ putStrLn $ show (time `div` nano) ++ "." ++
coreLift $ putStrLn $ show (time `div` nano) ++ "." ++
addZeros (unpack (show ((time `mod` nano) `div` 1000000))) ++

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ freeEnv fc (n :: ns) = PVar RigW Explicit (Erased fc) :: freeEnv fc ns
getCons : Defs -> NF vars -> Core (List (NF [], Name, Int, Nat))
getCons defs (NTCon _ tn _ _ _)
= case !(lookupDefExact tn (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ cons) =>
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ cons) =>
do cs' <- traverse addTy cons
pure (mapMaybe id cs')
_ => pure []
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ getCons defs (NTCon _ tn _ _ _)
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact cn (gamma defs)
| _ => pure Nothing
case (definition gdef, type gdef) of
(DCon t arity, ty) =>
(DCon t arity, ty) =>
pure (Just (!(nf defs [] ty), cn, t, arity))
_ => pure Nothing
getCons defs _ = pure []
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ emptyRHS fc sc = sc
mkAlt : FC -> CaseTree vars -> (Name, Int, Nat) -> CaseAlt vars
mkAlt fc sc (cn, t, ar)
= ConCase cn t (map (MN "m") (take ar [0..]))
= ConCase cn t (map (MN "m") (take ar [0..]))
(weakenNs _ (emptyRHS fc sc))
altMatch : CaseAlt vars -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ altMatch _ _ = False
-- Given a type and a list of case alternatives, return the
-- well-typed alternatives which were *not* in the list
getMissingAlts : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
getMissingAlts : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
-- If it's a primitive, there's too many to reasonably check, so require a
-- If it's a primitive, there's too many to reasonably check, so require a
-- catch all
getMissingAlts fc defs (NPrimVal _ c) alts
= if any isDefault alts
@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ getMissingAlts fc defs (NType _) alts
isDefault (DefaultCase _) = True
isDefault _ = False
getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (filter (noneOf alts)
= do allCons <- getCons defs nfty
pure (filter (noneOf alts)
(map (mkAlt fc (Unmatched "Coverage check") . snd) allCons))
-- Return whether the alternative c matches none of the given cases in alts
noneOf : List (CaseAlt vars) -> CaseAlt vars -> Bool
noneOf alts c = not $ any (altMatch c) alts
noneOf alts c = not $ any (altMatch c) alts
-- Mapping of variable to constructor tag already matched for it
KnownVars : List Name -> Type -> Type
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ showK {a} xs = show (map aString xs)
weakenNs : (args : List Name) -> KnownVars vars a -> KnownVars (args ++ vars) a
weakenNs args [] = []
weakenNs {vars} args ((MkVar p, t) :: xs)
= (insertVarNames _ {outer = []} {ns=args} {inner=vars} p, t)
weakenNs {vars} args ((MkVar p, t) :: xs)
= (insertVarNames _ {outer = []} {ns=args} {inner=vars} p, t)
:: weakenNs args xs
findTag : IsVar n idx vars -> KnownVars vars a -> Maybe a
@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ tagIsNot ts (DefaultCase _) = False
-- Replace a default case with explicit branches for the constructors.
-- This is easier than checking whether a default is needed when traversing
-- the tree (just one constructor lookup up front).
replaceDefaults : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
replaceDefaults : FC -> Defs -> NF vars -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (CaseAlt vars))
-- Leave it alone if it's a primitive type though, since we need the catch
-- all case there
replaceDefaults fc defs (NPrimVal _ _) cs = pure cs
replaceDefaults fc defs (NType _) cs = pure cs
replaceDefaults fc defs nfty cs
replaceDefaults fc defs nfty cs
= do cs' <- traverse rep cs
pure (dropRep (concat cs'))
@ -226,50 +226,50 @@ buildArgs fc defs known not ps cs@(Case {name = var} idx el ty altsIn)
-- the ones it can't possibly be (the 'not') because a previous case
-- has matched.
= do let fenv = freeEnv fc _
nfty <- nf defs fenv ty
nfty <- nf defs fenv ty
alts <- replaceDefaults fc defs nfty altsIn
let alts' = alts ++ !(getMissingAlts fc defs nfty alts)
let altsK = maybe alts' (\t => filter (tagIs t) alts')
(findTag el known)
(findTag el known)
let altsN = maybe altsK (\ts => filter (tagIsNot ts) altsK)
(findTag el not)
buildArgsAlt not altsN
buildArgAlt : KnownVars vars (List Int) ->
CaseAlt vars -> Core (List (List ClosedTerm))
buildArgAlt not' (ConCase n t args sc)
buildArgAlt not' (ConCase n t args sc)
= do let con = Ref fc (DataCon t (length args)) n
let ps' = map (substName var
let ps' = map (substName var
(apply fc
con (map (Ref fc Bound) args))) ps
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs args ((MkVar el, t) :: known))
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs args ((MkVar el, t) :: known))
(weakenNs args not') ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (DelayCase t a sc)
= let ps' = map (substName var (TDelay fc LUnknown
= let ps' = map (substName var (TDelay fc LUnknown
(Ref fc Bound t)
(Ref fc Bound a))) ps in
buildArgs fc defs (weakenNs [t,a] known) (weakenNs [t,a] not')
ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (ConstCase c sc)
buildArgAlt not' (ConstCase c sc)
= do let ps' = map (substName var (PrimVal fc c)) ps
buildArgs fc defs known not' ps' sc
buildArgAlt not' (DefaultCase sc)
buildArgAlt not' (DefaultCase sc)
= buildArgs fc defs known not' ps sc
buildArgsAlt : KnownVars vars (List Int) -> List (CaseAlt vars) ->
Core (List (List ClosedTerm))
buildArgsAlt not' [] = pure []
buildArgsAlt not' (c@(ConCase _ t _ _) :: cs)
= pure $ !(buildArgAlt not' c) ++
= pure $ !(buildArgAlt not' c) ++
!(buildArgsAlt (addNot el t not') cs)
buildArgsAlt not' (c :: cs)
= pure $ !(buildArgAlt not' c) ++ !(buildArgsAlt not' cs)
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (STerm vs)
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (STerm vs)
= pure [] -- matched, so return nothing
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (Unmatched msg)
buildArgs fc defs known not ps (Unmatched msg)
= pure [ps] -- unmatched, so return it
buildArgs fc defs known not ps Impossible
buildArgs fc defs known not ps Impossible
= pure [] -- not a possible match, so return nothing
-- Traverse a case tree and return pattern clauses which are not
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ buildArgs fc defs known not ps Impossible
-- checked
getMissing : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> CaseTree vars ->
FC -> Name -> CaseTree vars ->
Core (List ClosedTerm)
getMissing fc n ctree
= do defs <- get Ctxt

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ data Env : (tm : List Name -> Type) -> List Name -> Type where
extend : (x : Name) -> Binder (tm vars) -> Env tm vars -> Env tm (x :: vars)
extend x = (::) {x}
extend x = (::) {x}
length : Env tm xs -> Nat
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ data IsDefined : Name -> List Name -> Type where
defined : {vars : _} ->
(n : Name) -> Env Term vars ->
(n : Name) -> Env Term vars ->
Maybe (IsDefined n vars)
defined n [] = Nothing
defined {vars = x :: xs} n (b :: env)
@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ defined {vars = x :: xs} n (b :: env)
bindEnv : FC -> Env Term vars -> (tm : Term vars) -> ClosedTerm
bindEnv loc [] tm = tm
bindEnv loc (b :: env) tm
bindEnv loc (b :: env) tm
= bindEnv loc env (Bind loc _ b tm)
revOnto : (xs, vs : _) -> reverseOnto xs vs = reverse vs ++ xs
revOnto xs [] = Refl
revOnto xs (v :: vs)
= rewrite revOnto (v :: xs) vs in
revOnto xs (v :: vs)
= rewrite revOnto (v :: xs) vs in
rewrite appendAssociative (reverse vs) [v] xs in
rewrite revOnto [v] vs in Refl
revNs : (vs, ns : List a) -> reverse ns ++ reverse vs = reverse (vs ++ ns)
revNs [] ns = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral (reverse ns) in Refl
revNs (v :: vs) ns
revNs (v :: vs) ns
= rewrite revOnto [v] vs in
rewrite revOnto [v] (vs ++ ns) in
rewrite sym (revNs vs ns) in
@ -59,22 +59,22 @@ revNs (v :: vs) ns
-- in big environments
-- Also reversing the names at the end saves significant time over concatenating
-- when environments get fairly big.
getBinderUnder : Weaken tm =>
getBinderUnder : Weaken tm =>
{idx : Nat} ->
(ns : List Name) ->
.(IsVar x idx vars) -> Env tm vars ->
(ns : List Name) ->
.(IsVar x idx vars) -> Env tm vars ->
Binder (tm (reverse ns ++ vars))
getBinderUnder {idx = Z} {vars = v :: vs} ns First (b :: env)
getBinderUnder {idx = Z} {vars = v :: vs} ns First (b :: env)
= rewrite appendAssociative (reverse ns) [v] vs in
rewrite revNs [v] ns in
map (weakenNs (reverse (v :: ns))) b
getBinderUnder {idx = S k} {vars = v :: vs} ns (Later lp) (b :: env)
getBinderUnder {idx = S k} {vars = v :: vs} ns (Later lp) (b :: env)
= rewrite appendAssociative (reverse ns) [v] vs in
rewrite revNs [v] ns in
getBinderUnder (v :: ns) lp env
getBinder : Weaken tm =>
getBinder : Weaken tm =>
{idx : Nat} ->
.(IsVar x idx vars) -> Env tm vars -> Binder (tm vars)
getBinder el env = getBinderUnder [] el env
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ abstractEnvType : FC -> Env Term vars -> (tm : Term vars) -> ClosedTerm
abstractEnvType fc [] tm = tm
abstractEnvType fc (Let c val ty :: env) tm
= abstractEnvType fc env (Bind fc _ (Let c val ty) tm)
abstractEnvType fc (Pi c e ty :: env) tm
abstractEnvType fc (Pi c e ty :: env) tm
= abstractEnvType fc env (Bind fc _ (Pi c e ty) tm)
abstractEnvType fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractEnvType fc env (Bind fc _
abstractEnvType fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractEnvType fc env (Bind fc _
(Pi (multiplicity b) Explicit (binderType b)) tm)
-- As above, for the corresponding term
@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ abstractEnv : FC -> Env Term vars -> (tm : Term vars) -> ClosedTerm
abstractEnv fc [] tm = tm
abstractEnv fc (Let c val ty :: env) tm
= abstractEnv fc env (Bind fc _ (Let c val ty) tm)
abstractEnv fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractEnv fc env (Bind fc _
abstractEnv fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractEnv fc env (Bind fc _
(Lam (multiplicity b) Explicit (binderType b)) tm)
-- As above, but abstract over all binders including lets
abstractFullEnvType : FC -> Env Term vars -> (tm : Term vars) -> ClosedTerm
abstractFullEnvType fc [] tm = tm
abstractFullEnvType fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractFullEnvType fc env (Bind fc _
abstractFullEnvType fc (b :: env) tm
= abstractFullEnvType fc env (Bind fc _
(Pi (multiplicity b) Explicit (binderType b)) tm)
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ letToLam (b :: env) = b :: letToLam env
-- Quicker, if less safe, to store variables as a Nat, for quick comparison
findUsed : Env Term vars -> List Nat -> Term vars -> List Nat
findUsed env used (Local fc r idx p)
= if elemBy eqNat idx used
findUsed env used (Local fc r idx p)
= if elemBy eqNat idx used
then used
else assert_total (findUsedInBinder env (idx :: used)
(getBinder p env))
@ -135,31 +135,31 @@ mutual
findUsedArgs env u [] = u
findUsedArgs env u (a :: as)
= findUsedArgs env (findUsed env u a) as
findUsed env used (Bind fc x b tm)
findUsed env used (Bind fc x b tm)
= assert_total $
dropS (findUsed (b :: env)
(map S (findUsedInBinder env used b))
dropS : List Nat -> List Nat
dropS [] = []
dropS (Z :: xs) = dropS xs
dropS (S p :: xs) = p :: dropS xs
findUsed env used (App fc fn arg)
findUsed env used (App fc fn arg)
= findUsed env (findUsed env used fn) arg
findUsed env used (As fc a p)
findUsed env used (As fc a p)
= findUsed env (findUsed env used a) p
findUsed env used (TDelayed fc r tm)
= findUsed env used tm
findUsed env used (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= findUsed env (findUsed env used ty) tm
findUsed env used (TForce fc tm)
findUsed env used (TForce fc r tm)
= findUsed env used tm
findUsed env used _ = used
findUsedInBinder : Env Term vars -> List Nat ->
Binder (Term vars) -> List Nat
findUsedInBinder env used (Let _ val ty)
findUsedInBinder env used (Let _ val ty)
= findUsed env (findUsed env used val) ty
findUsedInBinder env used (PLet _ val ty)
= findUsed env (findUsed env used val) ty
@ -168,32 +168,32 @@ mutual
toVar : (vars : List Name) -> Nat -> Maybe (Var vars)
toVar (v :: vs) Z = Just (MkVar First)
toVar (v :: vs) (S k)
= do MkVar prf <- toVar vs k
= do MkVar prf <- toVar vs k
Just (MkVar (Later prf))
toVar _ _ = Nothing
findUsedLocs : Env Term vars -> Term vars -> List (Var vars)
findUsedLocs env tm
findUsedLocs env tm
= mapMaybe (toVar _) (findUsed env [] tm)
isUsed : Nat -> List (Var vars) -> Bool
isUsed n [] = False
isUsed n (v :: vs) = n == varIdx v || isUsed n vs
mkShrinkSub : (vars : _) -> List (Var (n :: vars)) ->
mkShrinkSub : (vars : _) -> List (Var (n :: vars)) ->
(newvars ** SubVars newvars (n :: vars))
mkShrinkSub [] els
mkShrinkSub [] els
= if isUsed 0 els
then (_ ** KeepCons SubRefl)
else (_ ** DropCons SubRefl)
mkShrinkSub (x :: xs) els
mkShrinkSub (x :: xs) els
= let (_ ** subRest) = mkShrinkSub xs (dropFirst els) in
if isUsed 0 els
then (_ ** KeepCons subRest)
else (_ ** DropCons subRest)
mkShrink : List (Var vars) ->
mkShrink : List (Var vars) ->
(newvars ** SubVars newvars vars)
mkShrink {vars = []} xs = (_ ** SubRefl)
mkShrink {vars = v :: vs} xs = mkShrinkSub _ xs
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ mkShrink {vars = v :: vs} xs = mkShrinkSub _ xs
-- Find the smallest subset of the environment which is needed to type check
-- the given term
findSubEnv : Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
findSubEnv : Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
(vars' : List Name ** SubVars vars' vars)
findSubEnv env tm = mkShrink (findUsedLocs env tm)
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ export
shrinkEnv : Env Term vars -> SubVars newvars vars -> Maybe (Env Term newvars)
shrinkEnv env SubRefl = Just env
shrinkEnv (b :: env) (DropCons p) = shrinkEnv env p
shrinkEnv (b :: env) (KeepCons p)
shrinkEnv (b :: env) (KeepCons p)
= do env' <- shrinkEnv env p
b' <- shrinkBinder b p
pure (b' :: env')

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ FileName = String
public export
data FC = MkFC FileName FilePos FilePos
| EmptyFC
file : FC -> FileName
file (MkFC fn _ _) = fn
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ within (x, y) (MkFC _ start end)
= (x, y) >= start && (x, y) <= end
within _ _ = False
-- Return whether a given line is on the same line as the file context (assuming
-- Return whether a given line is on the same line as the file context (assuming
-- we're in the right file)
onLine : Int -> FC -> Bool
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ toplevelFC = MkFC "(toplevel)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
Show FC where
show loc = file loc ++ ":" ++
showPos (startPos loc) ++ "--" ++
show loc = file loc ++ ":" ++
showPos (startPos loc) ++ "--" ++
showPos (endPos loc)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Core.Value
-- Get the type of an already typechecked thing.
-- We need this (occasionally) because we don't store types in subterms (e.g. on
-- applications) and we don't keep the type of suterms up to date throughout
-- applications) and we don't keep the type of suterms up to date throughout
-- unification. Perhaps we should? There's a trade off here, and recalculating on
-- the rare occasions it's necessary doesn't seem to cost too much, but keep an
-- eye on it...
@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ import Core.Value
chk : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Glued vars)
chk env (Local fc r idx p)
chk env (Local fc r idx p)
= pure $ gnf env (binderType (getBinder p env))
chk env (Ref fc nt n)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just ty <- lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)
pure $ gnf env (embed ty)
chk env (Meta fc n i args)
chk env (Meta fc n i args)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just mty <- lookupTyExact (Resolved i) (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc n)
chkMeta fc env !(nf defs env (embed mty)) args
chk env (Bind fc nm b sc)
chk env (Bind fc nm b sc)
= do bt <- chkBinder env b
sct <- chk {vars = nm :: _} (b :: env) sc
pure $ gnf env (discharge fc nm b !(getTerm bt) !(getTerm sct))
chk env (App fc f a)
chk env (App fc f a)
= do fty <- chk env f
case !(getNF fty) of
NBind _ _ (Pi _ _ ty) scdone =>
NBind _ _ (Pi _ _ ty) scdone =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
aty <- chk env a
sc' <- scdone defs (toClosure defaultOpts env a)
@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ mutual
throw (NotFunctionType fc env fty')
chk env (As fc n p) = chk env p
chk env (TDelayed fc r tm) = pure (gType fc)
chk env (TDelay fc r dty tm)
chk env (TDelay fc r dty tm)
= do gtm <- chk env tm
tm' <- getNF gtm
defs <- get Ctxt
pure $ glueBack defs env (NDelayed fc r tm')
chk env (TForce fc tm)
chk env (TForce fc r tm)
= do tm' <- chk env tm
case !(getNF tm') of
NDelayed fc r fty =>
NDelayed fc _ fty =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
pure $ glueBack defs env fty
chk env (PrimVal fc x) = pure $ gnf env (chkConstant fc x)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ mutual
chkMeta : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (Glued vars)
chkMeta fc env ty []
chkMeta fc env ty []
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure $ glueBack defs env ty
chkMeta fc env (NBind _ _ (Pi _ _ ty) scdone) (a :: args)
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ mutual
= Bind fc n (Pi c x ty) scopety
discharge fc n (Let c val ty) bindty scopety
= Bind fc n (Let c val ty) scopety
discharge fc n (Pi c x ty) bindty scopety
discharge fc n (Pi c x ty) bindty scopety
= bindty
discharge fc n (PVar c p ty) bindty scopety
discharge fc n (PVar c p ty) bindty scopety
= Bind fc n (PVTy c ty) scopety
discharge fc n (PLet c val ty) bindty scopety
= Bind fc n (PLet c val ty) scopety

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public export
interface Hashable a where
hash : a -> Int
hashWithSalt : Int -> a -> Int
hash = hashWithSalt 5381
hashWithSalt h i = h * 33 + hash i
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ Hashable String where
hashChars : Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int
hashChars h p len str
= assert_total $
if p == len
if p == len
then h
else hashChars (h * 33 + cast (strIndex str p))
else hashChars (h * 33 + cast (strIndex str p))
(p + 1) len str
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Hashable PiInfo where
Hashable ty => Hashable (Binder ty) where
hashWithSalt h (Lam c p ty)
hashWithSalt h (Lam c p ty)
= h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` c `hashWithSalt` p `hashWithSalt` ty
hashWithSalt h (Let c val ty)
= h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` c `hashWithSalt` val `hashWithSalt` ty
@ -98,72 +98,72 @@ Hashable (Var vars) where
Hashable (Term vars) where
hashWithSalt h (Local fc x idx y)
hashWithSalt h (Local fc x idx y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` idx
hashWithSalt h (Ref fc x name)
hashWithSalt h (Ref fc x name)
= h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` name
hashWithSalt h (Meta fc x y xs)
hashWithSalt h (Meta fc x y xs)
= h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` y `hashWithSalt` xs
hashWithSalt h (Bind fc x b scope)
hashWithSalt h (Bind fc x b scope)
= h `hashWithSalt` 3 `hashWithSalt` b `hashWithSalt` scope
hashWithSalt h (App fc fn arg)
hashWithSalt h (App fc fn arg)
= h `hashWithSalt` 4 `hashWithSalt` fn `hashWithSalt` arg
hashWithSalt h (As fc nm pat)
= h `hashWithSalt` 5 `hashWithSalt` nm `hashWithSalt` pat
hashWithSalt h (TDelayed fc x y)
hashWithSalt h (TDelayed fc x y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 6 `hashWithSalt` y
hashWithSalt h (TDelay fc x t y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 7 `hashWithSalt` t `hashWithSalt` y
hashWithSalt h (TForce fc x)
hashWithSalt h (TForce fc r x)
= h `hashWithSalt` 8 `hashWithSalt` x
hashWithSalt h (PrimVal fc c)
hashWithSalt h (PrimVal fc c)
= h `hashWithSalt` 9 `hashWithSalt` (show c)
hashWithSalt h (Erased fc)
hashWithSalt h (Erased fc)
= hashWithSalt h 10
hashWithSalt h (TType fc)
= hashWithSalt h 11
Hashable Pat where
hashWithSalt h (PAs fc nm pat)
hashWithSalt h (PAs fc nm pat)
= h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` nm `hashWithSalt` pat
hashWithSalt h (PCon fc x tag arity xs)
hashWithSalt h (PCon fc x tag arity xs)
= h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` x `hashWithSalt` xs
hashWithSalt h (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
hashWithSalt h (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
= h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` x `hashWithSalt` xs
hashWithSalt h (PConst fc c)
hashWithSalt h (PConst fc c)
= h `hashWithSalt` 3 `hashWithSalt` (show c)
hashWithSalt h (PArrow fc x s t)
hashWithSalt h (PArrow fc x s t)
= h `hashWithSalt` 4 `hashWithSalt` s `hashWithSalt` t
hashWithSalt h (PDelay fc r t p)
= h `hashWithSalt` 5 `hashWithSalt` t `hashWithSalt` p
hashWithSalt h (PLoc fc x)
hashWithSalt h (PLoc fc x)
= h `hashWithSalt` 6 `hashWithSalt` x
hashWithSalt h (PUnmatchable fc x)
hashWithSalt h (PUnmatchable fc x)
= h `hashWithSalt` 7 `hashWithSalt` x
Hashable (CaseTree vars) where
hashWithSalt h (Case idx x scTy xs)
hashWithSalt h (Case idx x scTy xs)
= h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` idx `hashWithSalt` xs
hashWithSalt h (STerm x)
hashWithSalt h (STerm x)
= h `hashWithSalt` 1 `hashWithSalt` x
hashWithSalt h (Unmatched msg)
hashWithSalt h (Unmatched msg)
= h `hashWithSalt` 2
hashWithSalt h Impossible
= h `hashWithSalt` 3
Hashable (CaseAlt vars) where
hashWithSalt h (ConCase x tag args y)
hashWithSalt h (ConCase x tag args y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 0 `hashWithSalt` x `hashWithSalt` args
`hashWithSalt` y
hashWithSalt h (DelayCase t x y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` (show t)
hashWithSalt h (DelayCase t x y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 2 `hashWithSalt` (show t)
`hashWithSalt` (show x) `hashWithSalt` y
hashWithSalt h (ConstCase x y)
hashWithSalt h (ConstCase x y)
= h `hashWithSalt` 3 `hashWithSalt` (show x) `hashWithSalt` y
hashWithSalt h (DefaultCase x)
hashWithSalt h (DefaultCase x)
= h `hashWithSalt` 4 `hashWithSalt` x

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import Core.TT
addPrim : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Prim -> Core ()
addPrim p
addPrim p
= do addBuiltin (opName (fn p)) (type p) (totality p) (fn p)
-- compileDef empty (opName (fn p))
addPrimitives : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Core ()
= traverse_ addPrim allPrimitives

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ doneScope (MkVar (Later p) :: xs) = MkVar p :: doneScope xs
count : Nat -> Usage ns -> Nat
count p [] = 0
count p (v :: xs)
count p (v :: xs)
= if p == varIdx v then 1 + count p xs else count p xs
localPrf : {later : _} -> Var (later ++ n :: vars)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ mutual
updateHoleUsageArgs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
(useInHole : Bool) ->
Var vars -> List (Term vars) -> Core Bool
Var vars -> List (Term vars) -> Core Bool
updateHoleUsageArgs useInHole var [] = pure False
updateHoleUsageArgs useInHole var (a :: as)
= do h <- updateHoleUsage useInHole var a
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ mutual
= do updateHoleUsage False var a
scty <- updateHoleType useInHole var sc as
pure (Bind bfc nm (Pi c e ty) scty)
updateHoleType useInHole var ty as
updateHoleType useInHole var ty as
= do updateHoleUsageArgs False var as
pure ty
updateHoleUsagePats : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
(useInHole : Bool) ->
@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ mutual
findLocal (Local _ _ _ p :: _) Z = Just (MkVar p)
findLocal (_ :: els) (S k) = findLocal els k
findLocal _ _ = Nothing
updateHoleUsage : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
(useInHole : Bool) ->
Var vars -> Term vars -> Core Bool
Var vars -> Term vars -> Core Bool
updateHoleUsage useInHole (MkVar var) (Bind _ n (Let c val ty) sc)
= do h <- updateHoleUsage useInHole (MkVar var) val
h' <- updateHoleUsage useInHole (MkVar (Later var)) sc
@ -133,23 +133,23 @@ mutual
ty' <- updateHoleType useInHole var ty args
updateTy i ty'
pure True
_ => updateHoleUsageArgs useInHole var args
_ => updateHoleUsageArgs useInHole var args
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (As _ a p)
= do h <- updateHoleUsage useInHole var a
h' <- updateHoleUsage useInHole var a
pure (h || h')
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TDelayed _ _ t)
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TDelayed _ _ t)
= updateHoleUsage useInHole var t
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TDelay _ _ _ t)
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TDelay _ _ _ t)
= updateHoleUsage useInHole var t
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TForce _ t)
updateHoleUsage useInHole var (TForce _ _ t)
= updateHoleUsage useInHole var t
updateHoleUsage useInHole var tm
updateHoleUsage useInHole var tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ _ fn, args) =>
(Ref _ _ fn, args) =>
do aup <- updateHoleUsageArgs useInHole var args
defs <- get Ctxt
Just (NS _ (CaseBlock _ _), PMDef _ _ _ _ pats) <-
Just (NS _ (CaseBlock _ _), PMDef _ _ _ _ pats) <-
lookupExactBy (\d => (fullname d, definition d))
fn (gamma defs)
| _ => pure aup
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ mutual
lcheck : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState } ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars, Usage vars)
lcheck {vars} rig erase env (Local {name} fc x idx prf)
= let b = getBinder prf env
lcheck {vars} rig erase env (Local {name} fc x idx prf)
= let b = getBinder prf env
rigb = multiplicity b
ty = binderType b in
do when (not erase) $ rigSafe rigb rig
@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ mutual
-- if there's a hole, assume it will contain the missing usage
-- if there is none already
let used = case rigMult (multiplicity b) rig of
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
else used_in
_ => used_in
@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ mutual
checkUsageOK used Rig0 = pure ()
checkUsageOK used RigW = pure ()
checkUsageOK used Rig1
= if used == 1
= if used == 1
then pure ()
else throw (LinearUsed fc used nm)
lcheck rig erase env (App fc f a)
lcheck rig erase env (App fc f a)
= do (f', gfty, fused) <- lcheck rig erase env f
defs <- get Ctxt
fty <- getNF gfty
@ -285,45 +285,45 @@ mutual
when (not !(convert defs env aty ty)) $
do ty' <- quote defs env ty
aty' <- quote defs env aty
throw (CantConvert fc env ty' aty')
pure (App fc f' aerased,
glueBack defs env sc',
throw (CantConvert fc env ty' aty')
pure (App fc f' aerased,
glueBack defs env sc',
fused ++ aused)
_ => do tfty <- getTerm gfty
throw (GenericMsg fc ("Linearity checking failed on " ++ show f' ++
throw (GenericMsg fc ("Linearity checking failed on " ++ show f' ++
" (" ++ show tfty ++ " not a function type)"))
lcheck rig erase env (As fc as pat)
lcheck rig erase env (As fc as pat)
= do (as', _, _) <- lcheck rig erase env as
(pat', pty, u) <- lcheck rig erase env pat
pure (As fc as' pat', pty, u)
lcheck rig erase env (TDelayed fc r ty)
lcheck rig erase env (TDelayed fc r ty)
= do (ty', _, u) <- lcheck rig erase env ty
pure (TDelayed fc r ty', gType fc, u)
lcheck rig erase env (TDelay fc r ty val)
lcheck rig erase env (TDelay fc r ty val)
= do (ty', _, _) <- lcheck Rig0 erase env ty
(val', gty, u) <- lcheck rig erase env val
ty <- getTerm gty
pure (TDelay fc r ty' val', gnf env (TDelayed fc r ty), u)
lcheck rig erase env (TForce fc val)
lcheck rig erase env (TForce fc r val)
= do (val', gty, u) <- lcheck rig erase env val
tynf <- getNF gty
case tynf of
NDelayed _ r narg
=> do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (TForce fc val', glueBack defs env narg, u)
pure (TForce fc r val', glueBack defs env narg, u)
_ => throw (GenericMsg fc "Not a delayed tyoe")
lcheck rig erase env (PrimVal fc c)
lcheck rig erase env (PrimVal fc c)
= pure (PrimVal fc c, gErased fc, [])
lcheck rig erase env (Erased fc)
lcheck rig erase env (Erased fc)
= pure (Erased fc, gErased fc, [])
lcheck rig erase env (TType fc)
lcheck rig erase env (TType fc)
= pure (TType fc, gType fc, [])
lcheckBinder : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars ->
Binder (Term vars) ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars ->
Binder (Term vars) ->
Core (Binder (Term vars), Glued vars, Usage vars)
lcheckBinder rig erase env (Lam c x ty)
= do (tyv, tyt, _) <- lcheck Rig0 erase env ty
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ mutual
Core (Term vars, Glued vars, Usage vars)
discharge defs env fc nm (Lam c x ty) gbindty scope gscopety used
= do scty <- getTerm gscopety
pure (Bind fc nm (Lam c x ty) scope,
pure (Bind fc nm (Lam c x ty) scope,
gnf env (Bind fc nm (Pi c x ty) scty), used)
discharge defs env fc nm (Let c val ty) gbindty scope gscopety used
= do scty <- getTerm gscopety
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ mutual
discharge defs env fc nm (PVTy c ty) gbindty scope gscopety used
= pure (Bind fc nm (PVTy c ty) scope, gbindty, used)
data ArgUsage
data ArgUsage
= UseAny -- RigW so we don't care
| Use0 -- argument position not used
| Use1 -- argument position used exactly once
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ mutual
= do us <- traverse (getPUsage ty) pats
pure (map snd !(combine us))
getCaseUsage : Term ns -> Env Term vs -> List (Term vs) ->
getCaseUsage : Term ns -> Env Term vs -> List (Term vs) ->
Usage vs -> Term vs ->
Core (List (Name, ArgUsage))
getCaseUsage ty env (As _ _ p :: args) used rhs
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ mutual
Rig1 => pure ((n, UseKeep) :: rest)
_ => pure ((n, UseKeep) :: rest)
getCaseUsage tm env args used rhs = pure []
checkUsageOK : FC -> Nat -> Name -> Bool -> RigCount -> Core ()
checkUsageOK fc used nm isloc Rig0 = pure ()
checkUsageOK fc used nm isloc RigW = pure ()
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ mutual
then throw (LinearUsed fc used nm)
else pure ()
checkUsageOK fc used nm isloc Rig1
= if used == 1
= if used == 1
then pure ()
else throw (LinearUsed fc used nm)
@ -441,15 +441,15 @@ mutual
= if idx == varIdx p
then True
else isLocArg p args
isLocArg p (As _ tm pat :: args)
isLocArg p (As _ tm pat :: args)
= isLocArg p (tm :: pat :: args)
isLocArg p (_ :: args) = isLocArg p args
-- As checkEnvUsage in general, but it's okay for local variables to
-- remain unused (since in that case, they must be used outside the
-- case block)
checkEnvUsage : RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Usage (done ++ vars) ->
checkEnvUsage : RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Usage (done ++ vars) ->
List (Term (done ++ vars)) ->
Term (done ++ vars) -> Core ()
checkEnvUsage rig [] usage args tm = pure ()
@ -461,14 +461,14 @@ mutual
then updateHoleUsage (used_in == 0) pos tm
else pure False
let used = case rigMult (multiplicity b) rig of
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
else used_in
_ => used_in
checkUsageOK (getLoc (binderType b))
used nm (isLocArg pos args)
used nm (isLocArg pos args)
(rigMult (multiplicity b) rig)
checkEnvUsage {done = done ++ [nm]} rig env
checkEnvUsage {done = done ++ [nm]} rig env
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [nm] xs) in usage)
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [nm] xs) in args)
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [nm] xs) in tm)
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ mutual
log 10 $ "Arg usage: " ++ show ause
pure ause
combineUsage : (Name, ArgUsage) -> (Name, ArgUsage) ->
combineUsage : (Name, ArgUsage) -> (Name, ArgUsage) ->
Core (Name, ArgUsage)
combineUsage (n, Use0) (_, Use1)
= throw (GenericMsg topfc ("Inconsistent usage of " ++ show n ++ " in case branches"))
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ mutual
pure (u' :: us')
combineUsages _ _ = throw (InternalError "Argument usage lists inconsistent")
combine : List (List (Name, ArgUsage)) ->
combine : List (List (Name, ArgUsage)) ->
Core (List (Name, ArgUsage))
combine [] = pure []
combine [x] = pure x
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ mutual
lcheckDef : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars -> Name ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars -> Name ->
Core ClosedTerm
lcheckDef rig True env n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -533,17 +533,17 @@ mutual
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Linearity checking failed on " ++ show n))
Just def <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved idx) (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (InternalError ("Linearity checking failed on " ++ show n))
if linearChecked def
if linearChecked def
then pure (type def)
else do case definition def of
PMDef _ _ _ _ pats =>
PMDef _ _ _ _ pats =>
do u <- getArgUsage (getLoc (type def))
rig (type def) pats
log 10 $ "Overall arg usage " ++ show u
let ty' = updateUsage u (type def)
updateTy idx ty'
setLinearCheck idx True
logTerm 5 ("New type of " ++
logTerm 5 ("New type of " ++
show (fullname def)) ty'
pure ty'
_ => pure (type def)
@ -559,10 +559,10 @@ mutual
UseAny => c in -- no constraint, so leave alone
Bind bfc n (Pi c' e ty) sc'
updateUsage _ ty = ty
expandMeta : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> (erase : Bool) -> Env Term vars ->
Name -> Int -> Def -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars, Usage vars)
expandMeta rig erase env n idx (PMDef _ [] (STerm fn) _ _) args
@ -581,28 +581,28 @@ mutual
lcheckMeta : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
RigCount -> Bool -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> Name -> Int ->
FC -> Name -> Int ->
(args : List (Term vars)) ->
(checked : List (Term vars)) ->
NF vars -> Core (Term vars, Glued vars, Usage vars)
lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx
lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx
(arg :: args) chk (NBind _ _ (Pi rigf _ ty) sc)
= do let checkRig = rigMult rigf rig
(arg', gargTy, aused) <- lcheck checkRig erase env arg
defs <- get Ctxt
sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env arg')
let aerased = if erase && rigf == Rig0 then Erased fc else arg'
(tm, gty, u) <- lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx args
(tm, gty, u) <- lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx args
(aerased :: chk) sc'
pure (tm, gty, aused ++ u)
lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx (arg :: args) chk nty
= do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
ty <- quote empty env nty
throw (GenericMsg fc ("Linearity checking failed on metavar
" ++ show n ++ " (" ++ show ty ++
throw (GenericMsg fc ("Linearity checking failed on metavar
" ++ show n ++ " (" ++ show ty ++
" not a function type)"))
lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx [] chk nty
lcheckMeta rig erase env fc n idx [] chk nty
= do defs <- get Ctxt
pure (Meta fc n idx (reverse chk), glueBack defs env nty, [])
@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ mutual
checkEnvUsage : {done : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Usage (done ++ vars) ->
Term (done ++ vars) ->
FC -> RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Usage (done ++ vars) ->
Term (done ++ vars) ->
Core ()
checkEnvUsage fc rig [] usage tm = pure ()
checkEnvUsage fc rig {done} {vars = nm :: xs} (b :: env) usage tm
@ -623,12 +623,12 @@ checkEnvUsage fc rig {done} {vars = nm :: xs} (b :: env) usage tm
then updateHoleUsage (used_in == 0) pos tm
else pure False
let used = case rigMult (multiplicity b) rig of
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
Rig1 => if holeFound && used_in == 0
then 1
else used_in
_ => used_in
checkUsageOK used (rigMult (multiplicity b) rig)
checkEnvUsage {done = done ++ [nm]} fc rig env
checkEnvUsage {done = done ++ [nm]} fc rig env
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [nm] xs) in usage)
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [nm] xs) in tm)
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ checkEnvUsage fc rig {done} {vars = nm :: xs} (b :: env) usage tm
checkUsageOK used Rig0 = pure ()
checkUsageOK used RigW = pure ()
checkUsageOK used Rig1
= if used == 1
= if used == 1
then pure ()
else throw (LinearUsed fc used nm)
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ export
linearCheck : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount -> (erase : Bool) ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
Core (Term vars)
linearCheck fc rig erase env tm
= do logTerm 5 "Linearity check on " tm

View File

@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ addLHS : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
addLHS loc outerenvlen env tm
= do meta <- get MD
tm' <- toFullNames (bindEnv loc (toPat env) tm)
put MD (record {
lhsApps $= ((loc, outerenvlen, tm') ::)
put MD (record {
lhsApps $= ((loc, outerenvlen, tm') ::)
} meta)
toPat : Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ addLHS loc outerenvlen env tm
substEnv : {vars : _} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> (tm : Term vars) -> ClosedTerm
substEnv loc [] tm = tm
substEnv {vars = x :: _} loc (b :: env) tm
substEnv {vars = x :: _} loc (b :: env) tm
= substEnv loc env (subst (Ref loc Bound x) tm)
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ addNameType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
addNameType loc n env tm
= do meta <- get MD
n' <- getFullName n
put MD (record {
names $= ((loc, (n', 0, substEnv loc env tm)) ::)
put MD (record {
names $= ((loc, (n', 0, substEnv loc env tm)) ::)
} meta)
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ addTyDecl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
addTyDecl loc n env tm
= do meta <- get MD
n' <- getFullName n
put MD (record {
tydecls $= ((loc, (n', length env, bindEnv loc env tm)) ::)
put MD (record {
tydecls $= ((loc, (n', length env, bindEnv loc env tm)) ::)
} meta)
@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ findEntryWith p ((l, x) :: xs)
findLHSAt : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
(FC -> ClosedTerm -> Bool) ->
(FC -> ClosedTerm -> Bool) ->
Core (Maybe (FC, Nat, ClosedTerm))
findLHSAt p
findLHSAt p
= do meta <- get MD
pure (findEntryWith (\ loc, tm => p loc (snd tm)) (lhsApps meta))
findTypeAt : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
(FC -> (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm) -> Bool) ->
(FC -> (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm) -> Bool) ->
Core (Maybe (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm))
findTypeAt p
= do meta <- get MD
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ findTypeAt p
findTyDeclAt : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
(FC -> (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm) -> Bool) ->
(FC -> (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm) -> Bool) ->
Core (Maybe (FC, Name, Nat, ClosedTerm))
findTyDeclAt p
= do meta <- get MD
@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ normaliseTypes
ns' <- traverse (nfType defs) (names meta)
put MD (record { names = ns' } meta)
nfType : Defs -> (FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) ->
nfType : Defs -> (FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm)) ->
Core (FC, (Name, Nat, ClosedTerm))
nfType defs (loc, (n, len, ty))
nfType defs (loc, (n, len, ty))
= pure (loc, (n, len, !(normaliseArgHoles defs [] ty)))
record TTMFile where

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ nameTag (Resolved _) = 8
Ord Name where
compare (NS x y) (NS x' y')
compare (NS x y) (NS x' y')
= case compare y y' of -- Compare base name first (more likely to differ)
EQ => compare x x'
-- Because of the terrible way Idris 1 compiles 'case', this
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Ord Name where
GT => GT
LT => LT
compare (UN x) (UN y) = compare x y
compare (MN x y) (MN x' y')
compare (MN x y) (MN x' y')
= case compare y y' of
EQ => compare x x'
GT => GT
@ -176,5 +176,5 @@ nameEq (WithBlock x y) (WithBlock x' y') with (decEq x x')
nameEq (Resolved x) (Resolved y) with (decEq x y)
nameEq (Resolved y) (Resolved y) | (Yes Refl) = Just Refl
nameEq (Resolved x) (Resolved y) | (No contra) = Nothing
nameEq _ _ = Nothing
nameEq _ _ = Nothing

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Stack vars = List (Closure vars)
evalWithOpts : {vars : _} ->
Defs -> EvalOpts ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Term (vars ++ free) -> Stack free -> Core (NF free)
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ useMeta fc n defs opts
parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
eval : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Term (vars ++ free) -> Stack free -> Core (NF free)
eval env locs (Local fc mrig idx prf) stk
= evalLocal env fc mrig idx prf stk locs
eval env locs (Ref fc nt fn) stk
eval env locs (Local fc mrig idx prf) stk
= evalLocal env fc mrig idx prf stk locs
eval env locs (Ref fc nt fn) stk
= evalRef env locs False fc nt fn stk (NApp fc (NRef nt fn) stk)
eval {vars} {free} env locs (Meta fc name idx args) stk
= evalMeta env locs fc name idx (closeArgs args) stk
@ -88,46 +88,46 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
= if holesOnly topopts || argHolesOnly topopts
then do b' <- traverse (\tm => eval env locs tm []) b
pure $ NBind fc x b'
(\defs', arg => evalWithOpts defs' topopts
(\defs', arg => evalWithOpts defs' topopts
env (arg :: locs) scope stk)
else eval env (MkClosure topopts locs env val :: locs) scope stk
eval env locs (Bind fc x b scope) stk
eval env locs (Bind fc x b scope) stk
= do b' <- traverse (\tm => eval env locs tm []) b
pure $ NBind fc x b'
(\defs', arg => evalWithOpts defs' topopts
(\defs', arg => evalWithOpts defs' topopts
env (arg :: locs) scope stk)
eval env locs (App fc fn arg) stk
eval env locs (App fc fn arg) stk
= eval env locs fn (MkClosure topopts locs env arg :: stk)
eval env locs (As fc n tm) stk
eval env locs (As fc n tm) stk
= if removeAs topopts
then eval env locs tm stk
else do n' <- eval env locs n stk
tm' <- eval env locs tm stk
tm' <- eval env locs tm stk
pure (NAs fc n' tm')
eval env locs (TDelayed fc r ty) stk
eval env locs (TDelayed fc r ty) stk
= do ty' <- eval env locs ty stk
pure (NDelayed fc r ty')
eval env locs (TDelay fc r ty tm) stk
eval env locs (TDelay fc r ty tm) stk
= pure (NDelay fc r (MkClosure topopts locs env ty)
(MkClosure topopts locs env tm))
eval env locs (TForce fc tm) stk
eval env locs (TForce fc r tm) stk
= do tm' <- eval env locs tm []
case tm' of
NDelay fc r _ arg =>
NDelay fc r _ arg =>
eval env (arg :: locs) (Local {name = UN "fvar"} fc Nothing _ First) stk
_ => pure (NForce fc tm' stk)
_ => pure (NForce fc r tm' stk)
eval env locs (PrimVal fc c) stk = pure $ NPrimVal fc c
eval env locs (Erased fc) stk = pure $ NErased fc
eval env locs (TType fc) stk = pure $ NType fc
evalLocal : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free ->
FC -> Maybe Bool ->
Env Term free ->
FC -> Maybe Bool ->
(idx : Nat) -> .(IsVar name idx (vars ++ free)) ->
Stack free ->
LocalEnv free vars ->
LocalEnv free vars ->
Core (NF free)
evalLocal {vars = []} env fc mrig idx prf stk locs
evalLocal {vars = []} env fc mrig idx prf stk locs
= if not (holesOnly topopts || argHolesOnly topopts) && isLet mrig idx env
case getBinder prf env of
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
isLet _ n env = isLet' n env
evalLocal env fc mrig Z First stk (MkClosure opts locs' env' tm' :: locs)
= evalWithOpts defs opts env' locs' tm' stk
evalLocal {free} {vars = x :: xs}
evalLocal {free} {vars = x :: xs}
env fc mrig Z First stk (MkNFClosure nf :: locs)
= applyToStack nf stk
@ -159,19 +159,19 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
(NApp fc (NRef nt fn) args)
applyToStack (NApp fc (NLocal mrig idx p) args) stk
= let MkVar p' = insertVarNames {outer=[]} {ns = xs} idx p in
evalLocal env fc mrig _ p' (args ++ stk) locs
applyToStack (NDCon fc n t a args) stk
evalLocal env fc mrig _ p' (args ++ stk) locs
applyToStack (NDCon fc n t a args) stk
= pure $ NDCon fc n t a (args ++ stk)
applyToStack (NTCon fc n t a args) stk
applyToStack (NTCon fc n t a args) stk
= pure $ NTCon fc n t a (args ++ stk)
applyToStack nf _ = pure nf
evalLocal {vars = x :: xs} {free}
env fc mrig (S idx) (Later p) stk (_ :: locs)
= evalLocal {vars = xs} env fc mrig idx p stk locs
= evalLocal {vars = xs} env fc mrig idx p stk locs
evalMeta : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
FC -> Name -> Int -> List (Closure free) ->
Stack free -> Core (NF free)
evalMeta {vars} env locs fc nm i args stk
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
(NApp fc (NMeta nm i args) stk)
evalRef : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars ->
(isMeta : Bool) ->
FC -> NameType -> Name -> Stack free -> (def : Lazy (NF free)) ->
Core (NF free)
@ -189,19 +189,19 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
= pure $ NTCon fc fn tag arity stk
evalRef env locs meta fc Bound fn stk def
= pure def
evalRef env locs meta fc nt n stk def
evalRef env locs meta fc nt n stk def
= do Just res <- lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure def
| Nothing => pure def
let redok = evalAll topopts ||
reducibleInAny (currentNS defs :: nestedNS defs)
(fullname res)
reducibleInAny (currentNS defs :: nestedNS defs)
(fullname res)
(visibility res)
if redok
then do
opts' <- if noCycles res
then useMeta fc n defs topopts
else pure topopts
evalDef env locs opts' meta fc
evalDef env locs opts' meta fc
(multiplicity res) (definition res) (flags res) stk def
else pure def
@ -212,28 +212,28 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
getCaseBound [] [] loc = Just loc
getCaseBound [] (x :: xs) loc = Nothing -- mismatched arg length
getCaseBound (arg :: args) [] loc = Nothing -- mismatched arg length
getCaseBound (arg :: args) (n :: ns) loc
getCaseBound (arg :: args) (n :: ns) loc
= do loc' <- getCaseBound args ns loc
pure (arg :: loc')
evalConAlt : Env Term free ->
evalConAlt : Env Term free ->
LocalEnv free (more ++ vars) -> EvalOpts -> FC ->
Stack free ->
(args : List Name) ->
List (Closure free) ->
Stack free ->
(args : List Name) ->
List (Closure free) ->
CaseTree (args ++ more) ->
(default : Core (NF free)) ->
(default : Core (NF free)) ->
Core (NF free)
evalConAlt {more} {vars} env loc opts fc stk args args' sc def
= maybe def (\bound =>
let loc' : LocalEnv _ ((args ++ more) ++ vars)
= maybe def (\bound =>
let loc' : LocalEnv _ ((args ++ more) ++ vars)
= rewrite sym (appendAssociative args more vars) in
bound in
evalTree env loc' opts fc stk sc def)
(getCaseBound args' args loc)
tryAlt : Env Term free ->
LocalEnv free (more ++ vars) -> EvalOpts -> FC ->
LocalEnv free (more ++ vars) -> EvalOpts -> FC ->
Stack free -> NF free -> CaseAlt more ->
(default : Core (NF free)) -> Core (NF free)
-- Ordinary constructor matching
@ -255,10 +255,10 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
tryAlt env loc opts fc stk (NType _) (ConCase (UN "Type") tag [] sc) def
= evalTree env loc opts fc stk sc def
-- Arrow matching, in typecase
tryAlt {more} {vars}
tryAlt {more} {vars}
env loc opts fc stk (NBind pfc x (Pi r e aty) scty) (ConCase (UN "->") tag [s,t] sc) def
= evalConAlt {more} {vars} env loc opts fc stk [s,t]
[MkNFClosure aty,
[MkNFClosure aty,
MkNFClosure (NBind pfc x (Lam r e aty) scty)]
sc def
-- Delay matching
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
else def
-- Default case matches against any *concrete* value
tryAlt env loc opts fc stk val (DefaultCase sc) def
= if concrete val
= if concrete val
then evalTree env loc opts fc stk sc def
else def
@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
= tryAlt env loc opts fc stk val x (findAlt env loc opts fc stk val xs def)
evalTree : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free (args ++ vars) ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free (args ++ vars) ->
EvalOpts -> FC ->
Stack free -> CaseTree args ->
(default : Core (NF free)) -> Core (NF free)
evalTree {args} {vars} {free} env loc opts fc stk (Case idx x _ alts) def
= do let x' : IsVar _ _ ((args ++ vars) ++ free)
= do let x' : IsVar _ _ ((args ++ vars) ++ free)
= rewrite sym (appendAssociative args vars free) in
varExtend x
xval <- evalLocal env fc Nothing idx x' [] loc
xval <- evalLocal env fc Nothing idx x' [] loc
findAlt env loc opts fc stk xval alts def
evalTree {args} {vars} {free} env loc opts fc stk (STerm tm) def
= do let tm' : Term ((args ++ vars) ++ free)
= do let tm' : Term ((args ++ vars) ++ free)
= rewrite sym (appendAssociative args vars free) in
embed tm
embed tm
case fuel opts of
Nothing => evalWithOpts defs opts env loc tm' stk
Just Z => def
Just (S k) =>
Just (S k) =>
do let opts' = record { fuel = Just k } opts
evalWithOpts defs opts' env loc tm' stk
evalTree env loc opts fc stk _ def = def
@ -320,22 +320,22 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
Maybe (Vect arity (Closure free), Stack free)
takeFromStack arity stk = takeStk arity stk []
takeStk : (remain : Nat) -> Stack free ->
Vect got (Closure free) ->
takeStk : (remain : Nat) -> Stack free ->
Vect got (Closure free) ->
Maybe (Vect (got + remain) (Closure free), Stack free)
takeStk {got} Z stk acc = Just (rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral got in
reverse acc, stk)
takeStk (S k) [] acc = Nothing
takeStk {got} (S k) (arg :: stk) acc
takeStk {got} (S k) (arg :: stk) acc
= rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc got k) in
takeStk k stk (arg :: acc)
extendFromStack : (args : List Name) ->
extendFromStack : (args : List Name) ->
LocalEnv free vars -> Stack free ->
Maybe (LocalEnv free (args ++ vars), Stack free)
extendFromStack [] loc stk = Just (loc, stk)
extendFromStack (n :: ns) loc [] = Nothing
extendFromStack (n :: ns) loc (arg :: args)
extendFromStack (n :: ns) loc (arg :: args)
= do (loc', stk') <- extendFromStack ns loc args
pure (arg :: loc', stk')
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
evalOp {arity} fn stk def
= case takeFromStack arity stk of
-- Stack must be exactly the right height
Just (args, []) =>
Just (args, []) =>
do argsnf <- evalAll args
case fn argsnf of
Nothing => pure def
@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
evalAll : Vect n (Closure free) -> Core (Vect n (NF free))
evalAll [] = pure []
evalAll (c :: cs) = pure $ !(evalClosure defs c) :: !(evalAll cs)
evalDef : {vars : _} ->
Env Term free -> LocalEnv free vars -> EvalOpts ->
(isMeta : Bool) -> FC ->
RigCount -> Def -> List DefFlag ->
RigCount -> Def -> List DefFlag ->
Stack free -> (def : Lazy (NF free)) ->
Core (NF free)
evalDef {vars} env locs opts meta fc rigd (PMDef r args tree _ _) flags stk def
@ -373,14 +373,14 @@ parameters (defs : Defs, topopts : EvalOpts)
-- + It's a metavariable and not in Rig0
-- + It's a metavariable and we're not in 'argHolesOnly'
-- + It's inlinable and we're in 'tcInline'
= if r
= if r
|| (not (holesOnly opts) && not (argHolesOnly opts) && not (tcInline opts))
|| (meta && rigd /= Rig0)
|| (meta && holesOnly opts)
|| (tcInline opts && elem TCInline flags)
then case extendFromStack args locs stk of
Nothing => pure def
Just (locs', stk') =>
Just (locs', stk') =>
evalTree env locs' opts fc stk' tree (pure def)
else pure def
evalDef {vars} env locs opts meta fc rigd (Builtin op) flags stk def
@ -407,17 +407,17 @@ nfOpts opts defs env tm = eval defs opts env [] tm []
gnf : Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Glued vars
gnf env tm
gnf env tm
= MkGlue True
(pure tm)
(pure tm)
(\c => do defs <- get Ctxt
nf defs env tm)
gnfOpts : EvalOpts -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Glued vars
gnfOpts opts env tm
gnfOpts opts env tm
= MkGlue True
(pure tm)
(pure tm)
(\c => do defs <- get Ctxt
nfOpts opts defs env tm)
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ genName n
quoteArgs : {bound : _} ->
Ref QVar Int -> Defs -> Bounds bound ->
Env Term free -> List (Closure free) ->
Env Term free -> List (Closure free) ->
Core (List (Term (bound ++ free)))
quoteArgs q defs bounds env [] = pure []
quoteArgs q defs bounds env (a :: args)
@ -458,27 +458,27 @@ mutual
!(quoteArgs q defs bounds env args))
quoteHead : {bound : _} ->
Ref QVar Int -> Defs ->
FC -> Bounds bound -> Env Term free -> NHead free ->
Ref QVar Int -> Defs ->
FC -> Bounds bound -> Env Term free -> NHead free ->
Core (Term (bound ++ free))
quoteHead {bound} q defs fc bounds env (NLocal mrig _ prf)
quoteHead {bound} q defs fc bounds env (NLocal mrig _ prf)
= let MkVar prf' = addLater bound prf in
pure $ Local fc mrig _ prf'
addLater : (ys : List Name) -> IsVar n idx xs ->
addLater : (ys : List Name) -> IsVar n idx xs ->
Var (ys ++ xs)
addLater [] isv = MkVar isv
addLater (x :: xs) isv
addLater (x :: xs) isv
= let MkVar isv' = addLater xs isv in
MkVar (Later isv')
quoteHead q defs fc bounds env (NRef Bound (MN n i))
quoteHead q defs fc bounds env (NRef Bound (MN n i))
= case findName bounds of
Just (MkVar p) => pure $ Local fc Nothing _ (varExtend p)
Nothing => pure $ Ref fc Bound (MN n i)
findName : Bounds bound' -> Maybe (Var bound')
findName None = Nothing
findName (Add x (MN n' i') ns)
findName (Add x (MN n' i') ns)
= if i == i' -- this uniquely identifies it, given how we
-- generated the names, and is a faster test!
then Just (MkVar First)
@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ mutual
quoteBinder : {bound : _} ->
Ref QVar Int -> Defs -> Bounds bound ->
Env Term free -> Binder (NF free) ->
Env Term free -> Binder (NF free) ->
Core (Binder (Term (bound ++ free)))
quoteBinder q defs bounds env (Lam r p ty)
quoteBinder q defs bounds env (Lam r p ty)
= do ty' <- quoteGenNF q defs bounds env ty
pure (Lam r p ty')
quoteBinder q defs bounds env (Let r val ty)
@ -519,11 +519,11 @@ mutual
quoteGenNF : {bound : _} ->
Ref QVar Int ->
Defs -> Bounds bound ->
Defs -> Bounds bound ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Core (Term (bound ++ vars))
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NBind fc n b sc)
= do var <- genName "qv"
sc' <- quoteGenNF q defs (Add n var bound) env
sc' <- quoteGenNF q defs (Add n var bound) env
!(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Ref fc Bound var)))
b' <- quoteBinder q defs bound env b
pure (Bind fc n b' sc')
@ -531,10 +531,10 @@ mutual
= do f' <- quoteHead q defs fc bound env f
args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args
pure $ apply fc f' args'
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NDCon fc n t ar args)
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NDCon fc n t ar args)
= do args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args
pure $ apply fc (Ref fc (DataCon t ar) n) args'
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NTCon fc n t ar args)
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NTCon fc n t ar args)
= do args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args
pure $ apply fc (Ref fc (TyCon t ar) n) args'
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NAs fc n pat)
@ -552,17 +552,17 @@ mutual
pure (TDelay fc r tyQ argQ)
toHolesOnly : Closure vs -> Closure vs
toHolesOnly (MkClosure _ locs env tm)
toHolesOnly (MkClosure _ locs env tm)
= MkClosure withHoles locs env tm
toHolesOnly c = c
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NForce fc arg args)
= do args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NForce fc r arg args)
= do args' <- quoteArgs q defs bound env args
case arg of
NDelay fc _ _ arg =>
do argNF <- evalClosure defs arg
pure $ apply fc !(quoteGenNF q defs bound env argNF) args'
t => do arg' <- quoteGenNF q defs bound env arg
pure $ apply fc (TForce fc arg') args'
pure $ apply fc (TForce fc r arg') args'
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NPrimVal fc c) = pure $ PrimVal fc c
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NErased fc) = pure $ Erased fc
quoteGenNF q defs bound env (NType fc) = pure $ TType fc
@ -581,10 +581,10 @@ Quote Closure where
glueBack : Defs -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Glued vars
glueBack defs env nf
glueBack defs env nf
= MkGlue False
(do empty <- clearDefs defs
quote empty env nf)
quote empty env nf)
(const (pure nf))
@ -593,27 +593,27 @@ normalise defs env tm = quote defs env !(nf defs env tm)
normaliseOpts : EvalOpts -> Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseOpts opts defs env tm
normaliseOpts opts defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts opts defs env tm)
normaliseHoles : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseHoles defs env tm
normaliseHoles defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts withHoles defs env tm)
normaliseLHS : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseLHS defs env tm
normaliseLHS defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts onLHS defs env tm)
normaliseArgHoles : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseArgHoles defs env tm
normaliseArgHoles defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts withArgHoles defs env tm)
normaliseAll : Defs -> Env Term free -> Term free -> Core (Term free)
normaliseAll defs env tm
normaliseAll defs env tm
= quote defs env !(nfOpts withAll defs env tm)
-- Normalise, but without normalising the types of binders. Dealing with
@ -621,19 +621,19 @@ normaliseAll defs env tm
-- a big win
normaliseScope : Defs -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
normaliseScope defs env (Bind fc n b sc)
normaliseScope defs env (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $ Bind fc n b !(normaliseScope defs (b :: env) sc)
normaliseScope defs env tm = normalise defs env tm
public export
interface Convert (tm : List Name -> Type) where
convert : Defs -> Env Term vars ->
convert : Defs -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars -> Core Bool
convGen : Ref QVar Int ->
Defs -> Env Term vars ->
Defs -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars -> Core Bool
convert defs env tm tm'
convert defs env tm tm'
= do q <- newRef QVar 0
convGen q defs env tm tm'
@ -646,10 +646,10 @@ mutual
allConv q defs env _ _ = pure False
chkConvHead : Ref QVar Int -> Defs -> Env Term vars ->
NHead vars -> NHead vars -> Core Bool
NHead vars -> NHead vars -> Core Bool
chkConvHead q defs env (NLocal _ idx _) (NLocal _ idx' _) = pure $ idx == idx'
chkConvHead q defs env (NRef _ n) (NRef _ n') = pure $ n == n'
chkConvHead q defs env (NMeta n i args) (NMeta n' i' args')
chkConvHead q defs env (NMeta n i args) (NMeta n' i' args')
= if i == i'
then allConv q defs env args args'
else pure False
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ mutual
Convert NF where
convGen q defs env (NBind fc x b sc) (NBind _ x' b' sc')
convGen q defs env (NBind fc x b sc) (NBind _ x' b' sc')
= do var <- genName "conv"
let c = MkClosure defaultOpts [] env (Ref fc Bound var)
bok <- convBinders q defs env b b'
@ -688,16 +688,16 @@ mutual
convGen q defs env bsc bsc'
else pure False
convGen q defs env tmx@(NBind fc x (Lam c ix tx) scx) tmy
convGen q defs env tmx@(NBind fc x (Lam c ix tx) scx) tmy
= do empty <- clearDefs defs
etay <- nf defs env
etay <- nf defs env
(Bind fc x (Lam c ix !(quote empty env tx))
(App fc (weaken !(quote empty env tmy))
(Local fc Nothing _ First)))
convGen q defs env tmx etay
convGen q defs env tmx tmy@(NBind fc y (Lam c iy ty) scy)
= do empty <- clearDefs defs
etax <- nf defs env
etax <- nf defs env
(Bind fc y (Lam c iy !(quote empty env ty))
(App fc (weaken !(quote empty env tmx))
(Local fc Nothing _ First)))
@ -727,9 +727,11 @@ mutual
= if compatible r r'
then convGen q defs env arg arg'
else pure False
convGen q defs env (NForce _ arg args) (NForce _ arg' args')
= if !(convGen q defs env arg arg')
then allConv q defs env args args'
convGen q defs env (NForce _ r arg args) (NForce _ r' arg' args')
= if compatible r r'
then if !(convGen q defs env arg arg')
then allConv q defs env args args'
else pure False
else pure False
convGen q defs env (NPrimVal _ c) (NPrimVal _ c') = pure (c == c')
@ -750,7 +752,7 @@ mutual
getValArity : Defs -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Core Nat
getValArity defs env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ _) sc)
getValArity defs env (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ _) sc)
= pure (S !(getValArity defs env !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Erased fc)))))
getValArity defs env val = pure 0
@ -768,7 +770,7 @@ logNF lvl msg env tmnf
then do defs <- get Ctxt
tm <- quote defs env tmnf
tm' <- toFullNames tm
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
++ ": " ++ show tm'
else pure ()
@ -783,7 +785,7 @@ logTermNF lvl msg env tm
then do defs <- get Ctxt
tmnf <- normaliseHoles defs env tm
tm' <- toFullNames tmnf
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
++ ": " ++ show tm'
else pure ()
@ -796,7 +798,7 @@ logGlue lvl msg env gtm
then do defs <- get Ctxt
tm <- getTerm gtm
tm' <- toFullNames tm
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
++ ": " ++ show tm'
else pure ()
@ -810,7 +812,7 @@ logGlueNF lvl msg env gtm
tm <- getTerm gtm
tmnf <- normaliseHoles defs env tm
tm' <- toFullNames tmnf
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
coreLift $ putStrLn $ "LOG " ++ show lvl ++ ": " ++ msg
++ ": " ++ show tm'
else pure ()
@ -828,11 +830,11 @@ logEnv lvl msg env
dumpEnv [] = pure ()
dumpEnv {vs = x :: _} (Let c val ty :: bs)
= do logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ": let " ++ show x) bs val
logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show c ++ " " ++
logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show c ++ " " ++
show x) bs ty
dumpEnv bs
dumpEnv {vs = x :: _} (b :: bs)
= do logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show (multiplicity b) ++ " " ++
= do logTermNF lvl (msg ++ ":" ++ show (multiplicity b) ++ " " ++
show x) bs (binderType b)
dumpEnv bs
@ -851,29 +853,29 @@ replace' {vars} tmpi defs env lhs parg tm
repSub : NF vars -> Core (Term vars)
repSub (NBind fc x b scfn)
= do b' <- traverse repSub b
= do b' <- traverse repSub b
let x' = MN "tmp" tmpi
sc' <- replace' (tmpi + 1) defs env lhs parg
sc' <- replace' (tmpi + 1) defs env lhs parg
!(scfn defs (toClosure defaultOpts env (Ref fc Bound x')))
pure (Bind fc x b' (refsToLocals (Add x x' None) sc'))
repSub (NApp fc hd [])
repSub (NApp fc hd [])
= do empty <- clearDefs defs
quote empty env (NApp fc hd [])
repSub (NApp fc hd args)
repSub (NApp fc hd args)
= do args' <- traverse repArg args
pure $ apply fc
pure $ apply fc
!(replace' tmpi defs env lhs parg (NApp fc hd []))
repSub (NDCon fc n t a args)
repSub (NDCon fc n t a args)
= do args' <- traverse repArg args
empty <- clearDefs defs
pure $ apply fc
pure $ apply fc
!(quote empty env (NDCon fc n t a []))
repSub (NTCon fc n t a args)
repSub (NTCon fc n t a args)
= do args' <- traverse repArg args
empty <- clearDefs defs
pure $ apply fc
pure $ apply fc
!(quote empty env (NTCon fc n t a []))
repSub (NAs fc a p)
@ -887,10 +889,10 @@ replace' {vars} tmpi defs env lhs parg tm
= do ty' <- replace' tmpi defs env lhs parg !(evalClosure defs ty)
tm' <- replace' tmpi defs env lhs parg !(evalClosure defs tm)
pure (TDelay fc r ty' tm')
repSub (NForce fc tm args)
repSub (NForce fc r tm args)
= do args' <- traverse repArg args
tm' <- repSub tm
pure $ apply fc (TForce fc tm') args'
pure $ apply fc (TForce fc r tm') args'
repSub tm = do empty <- clearDefs defs
quote empty env tm

View File

@ -65,40 +65,40 @@ strLength _ = Nothing
strHead : Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strHead [NPrimVal fc (Str "")] = Nothing
strHead [NPrimVal fc (Str str)]
strHead [NPrimVal fc (Str str)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Ch (assert_total (strHead str))))
strHead _ = Nothing
strTail : Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strTail [NPrimVal fc (Str "")] = Nothing
strTail [NPrimVal fc (Str str)]
strTail [NPrimVal fc (Str str)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Str (assert_total (strTail str))))
strTail _ = Nothing
strIndex : Vect 2 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strIndex [NPrimVal fc (Str str), NPrimVal _ (I i)]
strIndex [NPrimVal fc (Str str), NPrimVal _ (I i)]
= if i >= 0 && cast i < length str
then Just (NPrimVal fc (Ch (assert_total (prim__strIndex str i))))
else Nothing
strIndex _ = Nothing
strCons : Vect 2 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strCons [NPrimVal fc (Ch x), NPrimVal _ (Str y)]
strCons [NPrimVal fc (Ch x), NPrimVal _ (Str y)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Str (strCons x y)))
strCons _ = Nothing
strAppend : Vect 2 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strAppend [NPrimVal fc (Str x), NPrimVal _ (Str y)]
strAppend [NPrimVal fc (Str x), NPrimVal _ (Str y)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Str (x ++ y)))
strAppend _ = Nothing
strReverse : Vect 1 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strReverse [NPrimVal fc (Str x)]
strReverse [NPrimVal fc (Str x)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Str (reverse x)))
strReverse _ = Nothing
strSubstr : Vect 3 (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
strSubstr [NPrimVal fc (I start), NPrimVal _ (I len), NPrimVal _ (Str str)]
strSubstr [NPrimVal fc (I start), NPrimVal _ (I len), NPrimVal _ (Str str)]
= Just (NPrimVal fc (Str (prim__strSubstr start len str)))
strSubstr _ = Nothing
@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ believeMe [_, _, NType fc] = Just (NType fc)
believeMe [_, _, val] = Nothing
constTy : Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
constTy a b c
= PrimVal emptyFC a `linFnType`
constTy a b c
= PrimVal emptyFC a `linFnType`
(PrimVal emptyFC b `linFnType` PrimVal emptyFC c)
constTy3 : Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
constTy3 a b c d
= PrimVal emptyFC a `linFnType`
(PrimVal emptyFC b `linFnType`
constTy3 a b c d
= PrimVal emptyFC a `linFnType`
(PrimVal emptyFC b `linFnType`
(PrimVal emptyFC c `linFnType` PrimVal emptyFC d))
predTy : Constant -> Constant -> ClosedTerm
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ doubleTy : ClosedTerm
doubleTy = predTy DoubleType DoubleType
believeMeTy : ClosedTerm
= Bind emptyFC (UN "a") (Pi Rig0 Explicit (TType emptyFC)) $
Bind emptyFC (UN "b") (Pi Rig0 Explicit (TType emptyFC)) $
Bind emptyFC (UN "x") (Pi RigW Explicit (Local emptyFC Nothing _ (Later First))) $
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ castTo DoubleType = castDouble
castTo _ = const Nothing
getOp : PrimFn arity ->
getOp : PrimFn arity ->
{vars : List Name} -> Vect arity (NF vars) -> Maybe (NF vars)
getOp (Add ty) = binOp add
getOp (Sub ty) = binOp sub
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ allPrimitives =
map (\t => MkPrim (Neg t) (predTy t t) isTotal) [IntType, IntegerType, DoubleType] ++
map (\t => MkPrim (ShiftL t) (arithTy t) notCovering) [IntType] ++
map (\t => MkPrim (ShiftR t) (arithTy t) notCovering) [IntType] ++
map (\t => MkPrim (LT t) (cmpTy t) isTotal) [IntType, IntegerType, CharType, DoubleType, StringType] ++
map (\t => MkPrim (LTE t) (cmpTy t) isTotal) [IntType, IntegerType, CharType, DoubleType, StringType] ++
map (\t => MkPrim (EQ t) (cmpTy t) isTotal) [IntType, IntegerType, CharType, DoubleType, StringType] ++

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Core.Reflect
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Value
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
%default covering
@ -47,14 +47,22 @@ export
reflection : String -> Name
reflection n = NS ["Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
reflectiontt : String -> Name
reflectiontt n = NS ["TT", "Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
reflectionttimp : String -> Name
reflectionttimp n = NS ["TTImp", "Reflection", "Language"] (UN n)
cantReify : NF vars -> String -> Core a
cantReify val ty
cantReify val ty
= throw (GenericMsg (getLoc val) ("Can't reify as " ++ ty))
cantReflect : FC -> String -> Core a
cantReflect fc ty
cantReflect fc ty
= throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't reflect as " ++ ty))
@ -155,6 +163,23 @@ Reflect a => Reflect (List a) where
xs' <- reflect fc defs env xs
appCon fc defs (prelude "::") [Erased fc, x', xs']
Reify a => Reify (Maybe a) where
reify defs (NDCon _ (NS _ (UN "Nothing")) _ _ _)
= pure Nothing
reify defs (NDCon _ (NS _ (UN "Just")) _ _ [_, x])
= do x' <- reify defs !(evalClosure defs x)
pure (Just x')
reify defs val = cantReify val "Maybe"
Reflect a => Reflect (Maybe a) where
reflect fc defs env Nothing = appCon fc defs (prelude "Nothing") [Erased fc]
reflect fc defs env (Just x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (prelude "Just") [Erased fc, x']
(Reify a, Reify b) => Reify (a, b) where
reify defs (NDCon _ (NS _ (UN "MkPair")) _ _ [_, _, x, y])
@ -187,17 +212,17 @@ Reify Name where
Reflect Name where
reflect fc defs env (UN x)
reflect fc defs env (UN x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "UN") [x']
reflect fc defs env (MN x i)
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "UN") [x']
reflect fc defs env (MN x i)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "MN") [x', i']
reflect fc defs env (NS ns n)
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MN") [x', i']
reflect fc defs env (NS ns n)
= do ns' <- reflect fc defs env ns
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "NS") [ns', n']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "NS") [ns', n']
reflect fc defs env val = cantReflect fc "Name"
@ -218,16 +243,16 @@ Reify NameType where
Reflect NameType where
reflect fc defs env Bound = getCon fc defs (reflection "Bound")
reflect fc defs env Func = getCon fc defs (reflection "Func")
reflect fc defs env Bound = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Bound")
reflect fc defs env Func = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Func")
reflect fc defs env (DataCon t i)
= do t' <- reflect fc defs env t
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "DataCon") [t', i']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DataCon") [t', i']
reflect fc defs env (TyCon t i)
= do t' <- reflect fc defs env t
i' <- reflect fc defs env i
appCon fc defs (reflection "TyCon") [t', i']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TyCon") [t', i']
Reify Constant where
@ -266,33 +291,33 @@ export
Reflect Constant where
reflect fc defs env (I x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "I") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "I") [x']
reflect fc defs env (BI x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "BI") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "BI") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Str x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Str") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Str") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Ch x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Ch") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Ch") [x']
reflect fc defs env (Db x)
= do x' <- reflect fc defs env x
appCon fc defs (reflection "Db") [x']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Db") [x']
reflect fc defs env WorldVal
= getCon fc defs (reflection "WorldVal")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldVal")
reflect fc defs env IntType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "IntTyoe")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntTyoe")
reflect fc defs env IntegerType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "IntegerType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "IntegerType")
reflect fc defs env StringType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "StringType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "StringType")
reflect fc defs env CharType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "CharType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "CharType")
reflect fc defs env DoubleType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "DoubleTyoe")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "DoubleTyoe")
reflect fc defs env WorldType
= getCon fc defs (reflection "WorldType")
= getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "WorldType")
Reify Visibility where
@ -306,9 +331,9 @@ Reify Visibility where
Reflect Visibility where
reflect fc defs env Private = getCon fc defs (reflection "Private")
reflect fc defs env Export = getCon fc defs (reflection "Export")
reflect fc defs env Public = getCon fc defs (reflection "Public")
reflect fc defs env Private = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Private")
reflect fc defs env Export = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Export")
reflect fc defs env Public = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Public")
Reify RigCount where
@ -322,9 +347,9 @@ Reify RigCount where
Reflect RigCount where
reflect fc defs env Rig0 = getCon fc defs (reflection "M0")
reflect fc defs env Rig1 = getCon fc defs (reflection "M1")
reflect fc defs env RigW = getCon fc defs (reflection "MW")
reflect fc defs env Rig0 = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "M0")
reflect fc defs env Rig1 = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "M1")
reflect fc defs env RigW = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MW")
Reify PiInfo where
@ -338,9 +363,9 @@ Reify PiInfo where
Reflect PiInfo where
reflect fc defs env Implicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "ImplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env Explicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "ExplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env AutoImplicit = getCon fc defs (reflection "AutoImplicit")
reflect fc defs env Implicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "ImplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env Explicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "ExplicitArg")
reflect fc defs env AutoImplicit = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "AutoImplicit")
Reify LazyReason where
@ -354,9 +379,9 @@ Reify LazyReason where
Reflect LazyReason where
reflect fc defs env LInf = getCon fc defs (reflection "LInf")
reflect fc defs env LLazy = getCon fc defs (reflection "LLazy")
reflect fc defs env LUnknown = getCon fc defs (reflection "LUnknown")
reflect fc defs env LInf = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LInf")
reflect fc defs env LLazy = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LLazy")
reflect fc defs env LUnknown = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "LUnknown")
Reify FC where
@ -375,8 +400,8 @@ Reflect FC where
= do fn' <- reflect fc defs env fn
start' <- reflect fc defs env start
end' <- reflect fc defs env end
appCon fc defs (reflection "MkFC") [fn', start', end']
reflect fc defs env EmptyFC = getCon fc defs (reflection "EmptyFC")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "MkFC") [fn', start', end']
reflect fc defs env EmptyFC = getCon fc defs (reflectiontt "EmptyFC")
-- Reflection of well typed terms: We don't reify terms because that involves
-- type checking, but we can reflect them
@ -384,10 +409,10 @@ Reflect FC where
Reflect (IsVar name idx vs) where
reflect fc defs env First
= appCon fc defs (reflection "First") [Erased fc, Erased fc]
reflect fc defs env (Later p)
= appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "First") [Erased fc, Erased fc]
reflect fc defs env (Later p)
= do p' <- reflect fc defs env p
appCon fc defs (reflection "Later")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Later")
[Erased fc, Erased fc, Erased fc, Erased fc, p']
-- Assume terms are normalised so there's not Let bindings in particular
@ -398,13 +423,13 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
lfc' <- reflect fc defs env lfc
idx' <- reflect fc defs env idx
prf' <- reflect fc defs env prf
appCon fc defs (reflection "Local")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Local")
[Erased fc, Erased fc, lfc', idx', prf']
reflect fc defs env (Ref rfc nt n)
= do rfc' <- reflect fc defs env rfc
nt' <- reflect fc defs env nt
n' <- reflect fc defs env n
appCon fc defs (reflection "Ref")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Ref")
[Erased fc, rfc', nt', n']
reflect fc defs env (Bind bfc x (Pi c p ty) sc)
= do bfc' <- reflect fc defs env bfc
@ -413,7 +438,7 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
p' <- reflect fc defs env p
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Pi")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Pi")
[Erased fc, bfc', c', p', x', ty', sc']
reflect fc defs env (Bind bfc x (Lam c p ty) sc)
= do bfc' <- reflect fc defs env bfc
@ -422,44 +447,45 @@ Reflect (Term vs) where
p' <- reflect fc defs env p
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
sc' <- reflect fc defs env sc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Lam")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Lam")
[Erased fc, bfc', c', p', x', ty', sc']
reflect fc defs env (App afc fn arg)
= do afc' <- reflect fc defs env afc
fn' <- reflect fc defs env fn
arg' <- reflect fc defs env arg
appCon fc defs (reflection "App")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "App")
[Erased fc, afc', fn', arg']
reflect fc defs env (TDelayed dfc r tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TDelayed")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TDelayed")
[Erased fc, dfc', r', tm']
reflect fc defs env (TDelay dfc r ty tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
ty' <- reflect fc defs env ty
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TDelay")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TDelay")
[Erased fc, dfc', r', ty', tm']
reflect fc defs env (TForce dfc tm)
reflect fc defs env (TForce dfc r tm)
= do dfc' <- reflect fc defs env dfc
r' <- reflect fc defs env r
tm' <- reflect fc defs env tm
appCon fc defs (reflection "TForce")
[Erased fc, dfc', tm']
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TForce")
[Erased fc, r', dfc', tm']
reflect fc defs env (PrimVal pfc c)
= do pfc' <- reflect fc defs env pfc
c' <- reflect fc defs env c
appCon fc defs (reflection "PrimVal")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "PrimVal")
[Erased fc, pfc', c']
reflect fc defs env (Erased efc)
= do efc' <- reflect fc defs env efc
appCon fc defs (reflection "Erased")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "Erased")
[Erased fc, efc']
reflect fc defs env (TType tfc)
= do tfc' <- reflect fc defs env tfc
appCon fc defs (reflection "TType")
appCon fc defs (reflectiontt "TType")
[Erased fc, tfc']
reflect fc defs env val = cantReflect fc "Term"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data NameType : Type where
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
public export
data Constant
data Constant
= I Int
| BI Integer
| Str String
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ data Binder : Type -> Type where
-- pattern bound variables. The PiInfo gives the implicitness at the
-- point it was bound (Explicit if it was explicitly named in the
-- program)
PVar : RigCount -> PiInfo -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
PVar : RigCount -> PiInfo -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- variable bound for an as pattern (Like a let, but no computational
-- force, and only used on the lhs. Converted to a let on the rhs because
-- we want the computational behaviour.)
PLet : RigCount -> (val : type) -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
PLet : RigCount -> (val : type) -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- the type of pattern bound variables
PVTy : RigCount -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ multiplicity (Pi c x ty) = c
multiplicity (PVar c p ty) = c
multiplicity (PLet c val ty) = c
multiplicity (PVTy c ty) = c
setMultiplicity : Binder tm -> RigCount -> Binder tm
setMultiplicity (Lam c x ty) c' = Lam c' x ty
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ showCount : RigCount -> String
showCount Rig0 = "0 "
showCount Rig1 = "1 "
showCount RigW = ""
Show ty => Show (Binder ty) where
show (Lam c _ t) = "\\" ++ showCount c ++ show t
show (Pi c _ t) = "Pi " ++ showCount c ++ show t
@ -374,13 +374,13 @@ data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
public export
data Term : List Name -> Type where
Local : {name : _} ->
FC -> Maybe Bool ->
FC -> Maybe Bool ->
(idx : Nat) -> .(IsVar name idx vars) -> Term vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> (name : Name) -> Term vars
-- Metavariables and the scope they are applied to
Meta : FC -> Name -> Int -> List (Term vars) -> Term vars
Bind : FC -> (x : Name) ->
(b : Binder (Term vars)) ->
Bind : FC -> (x : Name) ->
(b : Binder (Term vars)) ->
(scope : Term (x :: vars)) -> Term vars
App : FC -> (fn : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
-- as patterns; since we check LHS patterns as terms before turning
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ data Term : List Name -> Type where
-- Typed laziness annotations
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
TForce : FC -> Term vars -> Term vars
TForce : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
PrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> Term vars
Erased : FC -> Term vars
TType : FC -> Term vars
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ getLoc (App fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (As fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelayed fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelay fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (TForce fc _) = fc
getLoc (TForce fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (PrimVal fc _) = fc
getLoc (Erased fc) = fc
getLoc (TType fc) = fc
@ -441,15 +441,15 @@ export
Eq (Term vars) where
(==) (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
(==) (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
(==) (Meta _ _ i args) (Meta _ _ i' args')
(==) (Meta _ _ i args) (Meta _ _ i' args')
= assert_total (i == i' && args == args')
(==) (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc')
(==) (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc')
= assert_total (b == b' && sc == believe_me sc')
(==) (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = f == f' && a == a'
(==) (As _ a p) (As _ a' p') = a == a' && p == p'
(==) (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = t == t'
(==) (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = t == t' && x == x'
(==) (TForce _ t) (TForce _ t') = t == t'
(==) (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = t == t'
(==) (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
(==) (Erased _) (Erased _) = True
(==) (TType _) (TType _) = True
@ -496,20 +496,20 @@ Ord Visibility where
compare Public Export = GT
public export
data PartialReason
= NotStrictlyPositive
data PartialReason
= NotStrictlyPositive
| BadCall (List Name)
| RecPath (List Name)
Show PartialReason where
show NotStrictlyPositive = "not strictly positive"
show (BadCall [n])
show (BadCall [n])
= "not terminating due to call to " ++ show n
show (BadCall ns)
= "not terminating due to calls to " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
show (RecPath ns)
= "not terminating due to recursive path " ++ showSep " -> " (map show ns)
show (BadCall ns)
= "not terminating due to calls to " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
show (RecPath ns)
= "not terminating due to recursive path " ++ showSep " -> " (map show ns)
public export
data Terminating
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Show Terminating where
show (NotTerminating p) = show p
public export
data Covering
data Covering
= IsCovering
| MissingCases (List (Term []))
| NonCoveringCall (List Name)
@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ export
Show Covering where
show IsCovering = "covering"
show (MissingCases c) = "not covering all cases"
show (NonCoveringCall [f])
show (NonCoveringCall [f])
= "not covering due to call to function " ++ show f
show (NonCoveringCall cs)
show (NonCoveringCall cs)
= "not covering due to calls to functions " ++ showSep ", " (map show cs)
-- Totality status of a definition. We separate termination checking from
@ -573,12 +573,12 @@ notCovering = MkTotality Unchecked (MissingCases [])
insertVar : {outer : _} ->
(idx : Nat) ->
(idx : Nat) ->
.(IsVar name idx (outer ++ inner)) ->
Var (outer ++ n :: inner)
insertVar {outer = []} idx x = MkVar (Later x)
insertVar {outer = (name :: xs)} Z First = MkVar First
insertVar {n} {outer = (x :: xs)} (S i) (Later y)
insertVar {n} {outer = (x :: xs)} (S i) (Later y)
= let MkVar prf = insertVar {n} i y in
MkVar (Later prf)
@ -586,30 +586,30 @@ export
weakenVar : (ns : List Name) -> {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx inner) ->
Var (ns ++ inner)
weakenVar [] x = MkVar x
weakenVar (y :: xs) x
weakenVar (y :: xs) x
= let MkVar x' = weakenVar xs x in
MkVar (Later x')
insertVarNames : {outer, ns : _} ->
(idx : Nat) ->
(idx : Nat) ->
.(IsVar name idx (outer ++ inner)) ->
Var (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertVarNames {ns} {outer = []} idx prf = weakenVar ns prf
insertVarNames {outer = (y :: xs)} Z First = MkVar First
insertVarNames {ns} {outer = (y :: xs)} (S i) (Later x)
insertVarNames {ns} {outer = (y :: xs)} (S i) (Later x)
= let MkVar prf = insertVarNames {ns} i x in
MkVar (Later prf)
thin : {outer, inner : _} ->
(n : Name) -> Term (outer ++ inner) -> Term (outer ++ n :: inner)
thin n (Local fc r idx prf)
thin n (Local fc r idx prf)
= let MkVar var' = insertVar {n} idx prf in
Local fc r _ var'
thin n (Ref fc nt name) = Ref fc nt name
thin n (Meta fc name idx args) = Meta fc name idx (map (thin n) args)
thin {outer} {inner} n (Bind fc x b scope)
thin {outer} {inner} n (Bind fc x b scope)
= let sc' = thin {outer = x :: outer} {inner} n scope in
Bind fc x (thinBinder n b) sc'
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ thin n (App fc fn arg) = App fc (thin n fn) (thin n arg)
thin n (As fc nm tm) = As fc (thin n nm) (thin n tm)
thin n (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (thin n ty)
thin n (TDelay fc r ty tm) = TDelay fc r (thin n ty) (thin n tm)
thin n (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (thin n tm)
thin n (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (thin n tm)
thin n (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
thin n (Erased fc) = Erased fc
thin n (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -634,28 +634,28 @@ export
insertNames : {outer, inner : _} ->
(ns : List Name) -> Term (outer ++ inner) ->
Term (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertNames ns (Local fc r idx prf)
insertNames ns (Local fc r idx prf)
= let MkVar prf' = insertVarNames {ns} idx prf in
Local fc r _ prf'
insertNames ns (Ref fc nt name) = Ref fc nt name
insertNames ns (Meta fc name idx args)
= Meta fc name idx (map (insertNames ns) args)
insertNames {outer} {inner} ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (insertNames ns) b))
insertNames {outer} {inner} ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (insertNames ns) b))
(insertNames {outer = x :: outer} {inner} ns scope)
insertNames ns (App fc fn arg)
insertNames ns (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (insertNames ns fn) (insertNames ns arg)
insertNames ns (As fc as tm)
insertNames ns (As fc as tm)
= As fc (insertNames ns as) (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (insertNames ns ty)
insertNames ns (TDelay fc r ty tm)
insertNames ns (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (insertNames ns ty) (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (insertNames ns tm)
insertNames ns (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
insertNames ns (Erased fc) = Erased fc
insertNames ns (TType fc) = TType fc
Weaken Term where
weaken tm = thin {outer = []} _ tm
weakenNs ns tm = insertNames {outer = []} ns tm
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ export
getFnArgs : Term vars -> (Term vars, List (Term vars))
getFnArgs tm = getFA [] tm
getFA : List (Term vars) -> Term vars ->
getFA : List (Term vars) -> Term vars ->
(Term vars, List (Term vars))
getFA args (App _ f a) = getFA (a :: args) f
getFA args tm = (tm, args)
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ data CompatibleVars : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
CompatExt : CompatibleVars xs ys -> CompatibleVars (n :: xs) (m :: ys)
areVarsCompatible : (xs : List Name) -> (ys : List Name) ->
areVarsCompatible : (xs : List Name) -> (ys : List Name) ->
Maybe (CompatibleVars xs ys)
areVarsCompatible [] [] = pure CompatPre
areVarsCompatible (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
@ -732,15 +732,15 @@ extendCompats : (args : List Name) ->
extendCompats [] prf = prf
extendCompats (x :: xs) prf = CompatExt (extendCompats xs prf)
renameLocalRef : CompatibleVars xs ys ->
{idx : Nat} ->
.(IsVar name idx xs) ->
renameLocalRef : CompatibleVars xs ys ->
{idx : Nat} ->
.(IsVar name idx xs) ->
Var ys
renameLocalRef prf p = believe_me (MkVar p)
-- renameLocalRef CompatPre First = (MkVar First)
-- renameLocalRef (CompatExt x) First = (MkVar First)
-- renameLocalRef CompatPre (Later p) = (MkVar (Later p))
-- renameLocalRef (CompatExt y) (Later p)
-- renameLocalRef (CompatExt y) (Later p)
-- = let (MkVar p') = renameLocalRef y p in MkVar (Later p')
renameVarList : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Var xs -> Var ys
@ -748,24 +748,24 @@ renameVarList prf (MkVar p) = renameLocalRef prf p
-- TODO: Surely identity at run time, can we replace with 'believe_me'?
renameVars : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Term xs -> Term ys
renameVars : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Term xs -> Term ys
renameVars CompatPre tm = tm
renameVars prf (Local fc r idx vprf)
renameVars prf (Local fc r idx vprf)
= let MkVar vprf' = renameLocalRef prf vprf in
Local fc r _ vprf'
renameVars prf (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
renameVars prf (Meta fc n i args)
renameVars prf (Meta fc n i args)
= Meta fc n i (map (renameVars prf) args)
renameVars prf (Bind fc x b scope)
renameVars prf (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (renameVars prf) b) (renameVars (CompatExt prf) scope)
renameVars prf (App fc fn arg)
renameVars prf (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (renameVars prf fn) (renameVars prf arg)
renameVars prf (As fc as tm)
= As fc (renameVars prf as) (renameVars prf tm)
renameVars prf (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (renameVars prf ty)
renameVars prf (TDelay fc r ty tm)
renameVars prf (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (renameVars prf ty) (renameVars prf tm)
renameVars prf (TForce fc x) = TForce fc (renameVars prf x)
renameVars prf (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (renameVars prf x)
renameVars prf (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
renameVars prf (Erased fc) = Erased fc
renameVars prf (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -781,15 +781,15 @@ data SubVars : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
KeepCons : SubVars xs ys -> SubVars (x :: xs) (x :: ys)
subElem : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx xs) ->
subElem : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx xs) ->
SubVars ys xs -> Maybe (Var ys)
subElem prf SubRefl = Just (MkVar prf)
subElem First (DropCons p) = Nothing
subElem (Later x) (DropCons p)
subElem (Later x) (DropCons p)
= do MkVar prf' <- subElem x p
Just (MkVar prf')
subElem First (KeepCons p) = Just (MkVar First)
subElem (Later x) (KeepCons p)
subElem (Later x) (KeepCons p)
= do MkVar prf' <- subElem x p
Just (MkVar (Later prf'))
@ -806,9 +806,9 @@ subInclude ns (KeepCons p) = KeepCons (subInclude ns p)
shrinkBinder : Binder (Term vars) -> SubVars newvars vars ->
shrinkBinder : Binder (Term vars) -> SubVars newvars vars ->
Maybe (Binder (Term newvars))
shrinkBinder (Lam c p ty) prf
shrinkBinder (Lam c p ty) prf
= Just (Lam c p !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (Let c val ty) prf
= Just (Let c !(shrinkTerm val prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
@ -827,26 +827,26 @@ mutual
shrinkTerm : Term vars -> SubVars newvars vars -> Maybe (Term newvars)
shrinkTerm (Local fc r idx loc) prf
shrinkTerm (Local fc r idx loc) prf
= case subElem loc prf of
Nothing => Nothing
Just (MkVar loc') => Just (Local fc r _ loc')
shrinkTerm (Ref fc x name) prf = Just (Ref fc x name)
shrinkTerm (Meta fc x y xs) prf
shrinkTerm (Meta fc x y xs) prf
= do xs' <- traverse (\x => shrinkTerm x prf) xs
Just (Meta fc x y xs')
shrinkTerm (Bind fc x b scope) prf
shrinkTerm (Bind fc x b scope) prf
= Just (Bind fc x !(shrinkBinder b prf) !(shrinkTerm scope (KeepCons prf)))
shrinkTerm (App fc fn arg) prf
shrinkTerm (App fc fn arg) prf
= Just (App fc !(shrinkTerm fn prf) !(shrinkTerm arg prf))
shrinkTerm (As fc as tm) prf
shrinkTerm (As fc as tm) prf
= Just (As fc !(shrinkTerm as prf) !(shrinkTerm tm prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelayed fc x y) prf
shrinkTerm (TDelayed fc x y) prf
= Just (TDelayed fc x !(shrinkTerm y prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelay fc x t y) prf
= Just (TDelay fc x !(shrinkTerm t prf) !(shrinkTerm y prf))
shrinkTerm (TForce fc x) prf
= Just (TForce fc !(shrinkTerm x prf))
shrinkTerm (TForce fc r x) prf
= Just (TForce fc r !(shrinkTerm x prf))
shrinkTerm (PrimVal fc c) prf = Just (PrimVal fc c)
shrinkTerm (Erased fc) prf = Just (Erased fc)
shrinkTerm (TType fc) prf = Just (TType fc)
@ -863,14 +863,14 @@ addVars : {later, bound : _} ->
Var (later ++ (bound ++ vars))
addVars {later = []} {bound} bs p = weakenVar bound p
addVars {later = (x :: xs)} bs First = MkVar First
addVars {later = (x :: xs)} bs (Later p)
addVars {later = (x :: xs)} bs (Later p)
= let MkVar p' = addVars {later = xs} bs p in
MkVar (Later p')
resolveRef : (done : List Name) -> Bounds bound -> FC -> Name ->
resolveRef : (done : List Name) -> Bounds bound -> FC -> Name ->
Maybe (Term (later ++ (done ++ bound ++ vars)))
resolveRef done None fc n = Nothing
resolveRef {later} {vars} done (Add {xs} new old bs) fc n
resolveRef {later} {vars} done (Add {xs} new old bs) fc n
= if n == old
then rewrite appendAssociative later done (new :: xs ++ vars) in
let MkVar p = weakenVar {inner = new :: xs ++ vars}
@ -880,30 +880,30 @@ resolveRef {later} {vars} done (Add {xs} new old bs) fc n
in resolveRef (done ++ [new]) bs fc n
mkLocals : {later, bound : _} ->
Bounds bound ->
Bounds bound ->
Term (later ++ vars) -> Term (later ++ (bound ++ vars))
mkLocals bs (Local fc r idx p)
mkLocals bs (Local fc r idx p)
= let MkVar p' = addVars bs p in Local fc r _ p'
mkLocals bs (Ref fc Bound name)
mkLocals bs (Ref fc Bound name)
= maybe (Ref fc Bound name) id (resolveRef [] bs fc name)
mkLocals bs (Ref fc nt name)
mkLocals bs (Ref fc nt name)
= Ref fc nt name
mkLocals bs (Meta fc name y xs)
mkLocals bs (Meta fc name y xs)
= maybe (Meta fc name y (map (mkLocals bs) xs))
id (resolveRef [] bs fc name)
mkLocals {later} bs (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (mkLocals bs) b)
mkLocals {later} bs (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (mkLocals bs) b)
(mkLocals {later = x :: later} bs scope)
mkLocals bs (App fc fn arg)
mkLocals bs (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (mkLocals bs fn) (mkLocals bs arg)
mkLocals bs (As fc as tm)
mkLocals bs (As fc as tm)
= As fc (mkLocals bs as) (mkLocals bs tm)
mkLocals bs (TDelayed fc x y)
mkLocals bs (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (mkLocals bs y)
mkLocals bs (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (mkLocals bs t) (mkLocals bs y)
mkLocals bs (TForce fc x)
= TForce fc (mkLocals bs x)
mkLocals bs (TForce fc r x)
= TForce fc r (mkLocals bs x)
mkLocals bs (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
mkLocals bs (Erased fc) = Erased fc
mkLocals bs (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ refToLocal x new tm = refsToLocals (Add new x None) tm
isVar : (n : Name) -> (ns : List Name) -> Maybe (Var ns)
isVar n [] = Nothing
isVar n (m :: ms)
isVar n (m :: ms)
= case nameEq n m of
Nothing => do MkVar p <- isVar n ms
pure (MkVar (Later p))
@ -934,20 +934,20 @@ resolveNames vars (Ref fc Bound name)
= case isVar name vars of
Just (MkVar prf) => Local fc (Just False) _ prf
_ => Ref fc Bound name
resolveNames vars (Meta fc n i xs)
resolveNames vars (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (resolveNames vars) xs)
resolveNames vars (Bind fc x b scope)
resolveNames vars (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (resolveNames vars) b) (resolveNames (x :: vars) scope)
resolveNames vars (App fc fn arg)
resolveNames vars (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (resolveNames vars fn) (resolveNames vars arg)
resolveNames vars (As fc as pat)
resolveNames vars (As fc as pat)
= As fc (resolveNames vars as) (resolveNames vars pat)
resolveNames vars (TDelayed fc x y)
resolveNames vars (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (resolveNames vars y)
resolveNames vars (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (resolveNames vars t) (resolveNames vars y)
resolveNames vars (TForce fc x)
= TForce fc (resolveNames vars x)
resolveNames vars (TForce fc r x)
= TForce fc r (resolveNames vars x)
resolveNames vars tm = tm
@ -959,15 +959,15 @@ namespace SubstEnv
public export
data SubstEnv : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
Nil : SubstEnv [] vars
(::) : Term vars ->
(::) : Term vars ->
SubstEnv ds vars -> SubstEnv (d :: ds) vars
findDrop : {drop : _} -> {idx : Nat} ->
FC -> Maybe Bool -> .(IsVar name idx (drop ++ vars)) ->
FC -> Maybe Bool -> .(IsVar name idx (drop ++ vars)) ->
SubstEnv drop vars -> Term vars
findDrop {drop = []} fc r var env = Local fc r _ var
findDrop {drop = x :: xs} fc r First (tm :: env) = tm
findDrop {drop = x :: xs} fc r (Later p) (tm :: env)
findDrop {drop = x :: xs} fc r (Later p) (tm :: env)
= findDrop fc r p env
find : {outer : _} -> {idx : Nat} ->
@ -979,24 +979,24 @@ namespace SubstEnv
find {outer = x :: xs} fc r (Later p) env = weaken (find fc r p env)
substEnv : {outer : _} ->
SubstEnv drop vars -> Term (outer ++ (drop ++ vars)) ->
SubstEnv drop vars -> Term (outer ++ (drop ++ vars)) ->
Term (outer ++ vars)
substEnv env (Local fc r _ prf)
substEnv env (Local fc r _ prf)
= find fc r prf env
substEnv env (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
substEnv env (Meta fc n i xs)
substEnv env (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (substEnv env) xs)
substEnv {outer} env (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (substEnv env) b)
substEnv {outer} env (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (substEnv env) b)
(substEnv {outer = x :: outer} env scope)
substEnv env (App fc fn arg)
substEnv env (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (substEnv env fn) (substEnv env arg)
substEnv env (As fc as pat)
substEnv env (As fc as pat)
= As fc (substEnv env as) (substEnv env pat)
substEnv env (TDelayed fc x y) = TDelayed fc x (substEnv env y)
substEnv env (TDelay fc x t y)
substEnv env (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (substEnv env t) (substEnv env y)
substEnv env (TForce fc x) = TForce fc (substEnv env x)
substEnv env (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (substEnv env x)
substEnv env (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
substEnv env (Erased fc) = Erased fc
substEnv env (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -1016,24 +1016,24 @@ substName x new (Ref fc nt name)
= case nameEq x name of
Nothing => Ref fc nt name
Just Refl => new
substName x new (Meta fc n i xs)
substName x new (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (substName x new) xs)
-- ASSUMPTION: When we substitute under binders, the name has always been
-- resolved to a Local, so no need to check that x isn't shadowing
substName x new (Bind fc y b scope)
substName x new (Bind fc y b scope)
= Bind fc y (map (substName x new) b) (substName x (weaken new) scope)
substName x new (App fc fn arg)
substName x new (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (substName x new fn) (substName x new arg)
substName x new (As fc as pat)
substName x new (As fc as pat)
= As fc as (substName x new pat)
substName x new (TDelayed fc y z)
substName x new (TDelayed fc y z)
= TDelayed fc y (substName x new z)
substName x new (TDelay fc y t z)
= TDelay fc y (substName x new t) (substName x new z)
substName x new (TForce fc y)
= TForce fc (substName x new y)
substName x new (TForce fc r y)
= TForce fc r (substName x new y)
substName x new tm = tm
addMetas : NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addMetas ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
@ -1043,17 +1043,17 @@ addMetas ns (Meta fc n i xs) = addMetaArgs (insert n False ns) xs
addMetaArgs : NameMap Bool -> List (Term vars) -> NameMap Bool
addMetaArgs ns [] = ns
addMetaArgs ns (t :: ts) = addMetaArgs (addMetas ns t) ts
addMetas ns (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) scope)
addMetas ns (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) scope)
= addMetas (addMetas (addMetas ns val) ty) scope
addMetas ns (Bind fc x b scope)
addMetas ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addMetas (addMetas ns (binderType b)) scope
addMetas ns (App fc fn arg)
addMetas ns (App fc fn arg)
= addMetas (addMetas ns fn) arg
addMetas ns (As fc as tm) = addMetas ns tm
addMetas ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addMetas ns y
addMetas ns (TDelay fc x t y)
addMetas ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addMetas (addMetas ns t) y
addMetas ns (TForce fc x) = addMetas ns x
addMetas ns (TForce fc r x) = addMetas ns x
addMetas ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addMetas ns (Erased fc) = ns
addMetas ns (TType fc) = ns
@ -1062,33 +1062,33 @@ addMetas ns (TType fc) = ns
getMetas : Term vars -> NameMap Bool
getMetas tm = addMetas empty tm
addRefs : (underAssert : Bool) -> (aTotal : Name) ->
addRefs : (underAssert : Bool) -> (aTotal : Name) ->
NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addRefs ua at ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (Ref fc x name) = insert name ua ns
addRefs ua at ns (Meta fc n i xs)
addRefs ua at ns (Meta fc n i xs)
= addRefsArgs ns xs
addRefsArgs : NameMap Bool -> List (Term vars) -> NameMap Bool
addRefsArgs ns [] = ns
addRefsArgs ns (t :: ts) = addRefsArgs (addRefs ua at ns t) ts
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) scope)
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) scope)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns val) ty) scope
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x b scope)
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns (binderType b)) scope
addRefs ua at ns (App _ (App _ (Ref fc _ name) x) y)
= if name == at
then addRefs True at (insert name True ns) y
else addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at (insert name ua ns) x) y
addRefs ua at ns (App fc fn arg)
addRefs ua at ns (App fc fn arg)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns fn) arg
addRefs ua at ns (As fc as tm) = addRefs ua at ns tm
addRefs ua at ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addRefs ua at ns y
addRefs ua at ns (TDelay fc x t y)
addRefs ua at ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns t) y
addRefs ua at ns (TForce fc x) = addRefs ua at ns x
addRefs ua at ns (TForce fc r x) = addRefs ua at ns x
addRefs ua at ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (Erased fc) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (TType fc) = ns
@ -1104,46 +1104,46 @@ export Show (Term vars) where
show tm = let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm in showApp fn args
showApp : Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> String
showApp (Local {name} _ c idx _) []
showApp (Local {name} _ c idx _) []
= show name ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]"
showApp (Ref _ _ n) [] = show n
showApp (Meta _ n i args) []
showApp (Meta _ n i args) []
= "?" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show args
showApp (Bind _ x (Lam c p ty) sc) []
= "\\" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (Lam c p ty) sc) []
= "\\" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (Let c val ty) sc) []
= "let " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (Let c val ty) sc) []
= "let " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c Explicit ty) sc) []
= "((" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c Explicit ty) sc) []
= "((" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
") -> " ++ show sc ++ ")"
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c Implicit ty) sc) []
= "{" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c Implicit ty) sc) []
= "{" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
"} -> " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c AutoImplicit ty) sc) []
= "{auto" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi c AutoImplicit ty) sc) []
= "{auto" ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
"} -> " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c Explicit ty) sc) []
= "pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c Explicit ty) sc) []
= "pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c Implicit ty) sc) []
= "{pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c Implicit ty) sc) []
= "{pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
"} => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c AutoImplicit ty) sc) []
= "{auto pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar c AutoImplicit ty) sc) []
= "{auto pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
"} => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PLet c val ty) sc) []
= "plet " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (PLet c val ty) sc) []
= "plet " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PVTy c ty) sc) []
= "pty " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
showApp (Bind _ x (PVTy c ty) sc) []
= "pty " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (App _ _ _) [] = "[can't happen]"
showApp (As _ n tm) [] = show n ++ "@" ++ show tm
showApp (TDelayed _ _ tm) [] = "%Delayed " ++ show tm
showApp (TDelay _ _ _ tm) [] = "%Delay " ++ show tm
showApp (TForce _ tm) [] = "%Force " ++ show tm
showApp (TForce _ _ tm) [] = "%Force " ++ show tm
showApp (PrimVal _ c) [] = show c
showApp (Erased _) [] = "[__]"
showApp (TType _) [] = "Type"

View File

@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import Utils.Binary
TTC FC where
toBuf b (MkFC file startPos endPos)
toBuf b (MkFC file startPos endPos)
= do tag 0; toBuf b file; toBuf b startPos; toBuf b endPos
toBuf b EmptyFC = tag 1
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do f <- fromBuf b;
0 => do f <- fromBuf b;
s <- fromBuf b; e <- fromBuf b
pure (MkFC f s e)
1 => pure EmptyFC
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ TTC Name where
toBuf b (Nested x y) = do tag 5; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (CaseBlock x y) = do tag 6; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (WithBlock x y) = do tag 7; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (Resolved x)
toBuf b (Resolved x)
= throw (InternalError ("Can't write resolved name " ++ show x))
fromBuf b
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ TTC Name where
y <- fromBuf b
pure (WithBlock x y)
_ => corrupt "Name"
TTC RigCount where
toBuf b Rig0 = tag 0
toBuf b Rig1 = tag 1
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ TTC Constant where
toBuf b (Str x) = do tag 2; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Ch x) = do tag 3; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Db x) = do tag 4; toBuf b x
toBuf b WorldVal = tag 5
toBuf b IntType = tag 6
toBuf b IntegerType = tag 7
toBuf b IntegerType = tag 7
toBuf b StringType = tag 8
toBuf b CharType = tag 9
toBuf b DoubleType = tag 10
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ mutual
TTC (Term vars) where
toBuf b (Local {name} fc c idx y)
toBuf b (Local {name} fc c idx y)
= if idx < 244
then do toBuf b (prim__truncBigInt_B8 (12 + cast idx))
toBuf b c
@ -207,43 +207,43 @@ mutual
toBuf b c
toBuf b name
toBuf b idx
toBuf b (Ref fc nt name)
toBuf b (Ref fc nt name)
= do tag 1;
toBuf b nt; toBuf b name
toBuf b (Meta fc n i xs)
toBuf b (Meta fc n i xs)
= do tag 2;
toBuf b n; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (Bind fc x bnd scope)
toBuf b (Bind fc x bnd scope)
= do tag 3;
toBuf b x;
toBuf b x;
toBuf b bnd; toBuf b scope
toBuf b (App fc fn arg)
toBuf b (App fc fn arg)
= do tag 4;
toBuf b fn; toBuf b arg
-- let (fn, args) = getFnArgs (App fc fn arg)
-- toBuf b fn; -- toBuf b p;
-- toBuf b fn; -- toBuf b p;
-- toBuf b args
toBuf b (As fc as tm)
= do tag 5;
toBuf b as; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TDelayed fc r tm)
toBuf b (TDelayed fc r tm)
= do tag 6;
toBuf b r; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= do tag 7;
toBuf b r; toBuf b ty; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (TForce fc tm)
toBuf b (TForce fc r tm)
= do tag 8;
toBuf b tm
toBuf b (PrimVal fc c)
toBuf b r; toBuf b tm
toBuf b (PrimVal fc c)
= do tag 9;
toBuf b c
toBuf b (Erased fc)
toBuf b (Erased fc)
= tag 10
toBuf b (TType fc)
= tag 11
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do c <- fromBuf b
name <- fromBuf b
@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ mutual
pure (As emptyFC as tm)
6 => do lr <- fromBuf b; tm <- fromBuf b
pure (TDelayed emptyFC lr tm)
7 => do lr <- fromBuf b;
7 => do lr <- fromBuf b;
ty <- fromBuf b; tm <- fromBuf b
pure (TDelay emptyFC lr ty tm)
8 => do tm <- fromBuf b
pure (TForce emptyFC tm)
8 => do lr <- fromBuf b; tm <- fromBuf b
pure (TForce emptyFC lr tm)
9 => do c <- fromBuf b
pure (PrimVal emptyFC c)
10 => pure (Erased emptyFC)
@ -280,24 +280,24 @@ mutual
TTC Pat where
toBuf b (PAs fc x y)
toBuf b (PAs fc x y)
= do tag 0; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (PCon fc x t arity xs)
toBuf b (PCon fc x t arity xs)
= do tag 1; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
toBuf b (PTyCon fc x arity xs)
= do tag 2; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b arity; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (PConst fc c)
= do tag 3; toBuf b fc; toBuf b c
toBuf b (PArrow fc x s t)
= do tag 4; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b s; toBuf b t
toBuf b (PDelay fc x t y)
toBuf b (PDelay fc x t y)
= do tag 5; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x; toBuf b t; toBuf b y
toBuf b (PLoc fc x)
toBuf b (PLoc fc x)
= do tag 6; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x
toBuf b (PUnmatchable fc x)
toBuf b (PUnmatchable fc x)
= do tag 7; toBuf b fc; toBuf b x
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do fc <- fromBuf b; x <- fromBuf b;
y <- fromBuf b
@ -327,15 +327,15 @@ TTC Pat where
TTC (CaseTree vars) where
toBuf b (Case {name} idx x scTy xs)
toBuf b (Case {name} idx x scTy xs)
= do tag 0; toBuf b name; toBuf b idx; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (STerm x)
toBuf b (STerm x)
= do tag 1; toBuf b x
toBuf b (Unmatched msg)
toBuf b (Unmatched msg)
= do tag 2; toBuf b msg
toBuf b Impossible = tag 3
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do name <- fromBuf b; idx <- fromBuf b
xs <- fromBuf b
@ -349,16 +349,16 @@ mutual
TTC (CaseAlt vars) where
toBuf b (ConCase x t args y)
toBuf b (ConCase x t args y)
= do tag 0; toBuf b x; toBuf b t; toBuf b args; toBuf b y
toBuf b (DelayCase ty arg y)
toBuf b (DelayCase ty arg y)
= do tag 1; toBuf b ty; toBuf b arg; toBuf b y
toBuf b (ConstCase x y)
= do tag 2; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (DefaultCase x)
= do tag 3; toBuf b x
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do x <- fromBuf b; t <- fromBuf b
args <- fromBuf b; y <- fromBuf b
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ mutual
TTC (Env Term vars) where
toBuf b [] = pure ()
toBuf b ((::) bnd env)
toBuf b ((::) bnd env)
= do toBuf b bnd; toBuf b env
-- Length has to correspond to length of 'vars'
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ TTC Visibility where
toBuf b Export = tag 1
toBuf b Public = tag 2
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure Private
1 => pure Export
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ TTC PartialReason where
toBuf b (BadCall xs) = do tag 1; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (RecPath xs) = do tag 2; toBuf b xs
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure NotStrictlyPositive
1 => do xs <- fromBuf b
@ -429,14 +429,14 @@ TTC Terminating where
TTC Covering where
toBuf b IsCovering = tag 0
toBuf b (MissingCases ms)
toBuf b (MissingCases ms)
= do tag 1
toBuf b ms
toBuf b (NonCoveringCall ns)
toBuf b (NonCoveringCall ns)
= do tag 2
toBuf b ns
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure IsCovering
1 => do ms <- fromBuf b
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ TTC (PrimFn n) where
35 => do ty <- fromBuf b; pure (ShiftL ty)
36 => do ty <- fromBuf b; pure (ShiftR ty)
_ => corrupt "PrimFn 2"
fromBuf3 : Ref Bin Binary ->
Core (PrimFn 3)
fromBuf3 b
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ TTC (PrimFn n) where
18 => pure StrSubstr
100 => pure BelieveMe
_ => corrupt "PrimFn 3"
TTC (CExp vars) where
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ TTC CDef where
toBuf b (MkForeign cs args ret) = do tag 2; toBuf b cs; toBuf b args; toBuf b ret
toBuf b (MkError cexpr) = do tag 3; toBuf b cexpr
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do args <- fromBuf b; cexpr <- fromBuf b
pure (MkFun args cexpr)
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ TTC PrimNames where
TTC Def where
toBuf b None = tag 0
toBuf b (PMDef r args ct rt pats)
toBuf b (PMDef r args ct rt pats)
= do tag 1; toBuf b args; toBuf b ct; toBuf b rt; toBuf b pats
toBuf b (ExternDef a)
= do tag 2; toBuf b a
@ -743,22 +743,22 @@ TTC Def where
toBuf b (Builtin a)
= throw (InternalError "Trying to serialise a Builtin")
toBuf b (DCon t arity) = do tag 4; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity
toBuf b (TCon t arity parampos detpos ms datacons)
toBuf b (TCon t arity parampos detpos ms datacons)
= do tag 5; toBuf b t; toBuf b arity; toBuf b parampos
toBuf b detpos; toBuf b ms; toBuf b datacons
toBuf b (Hole locs p)
toBuf b (Hole locs p)
= do tag 6; toBuf b locs; toBuf b p
toBuf b (BySearch c depth def)
toBuf b (BySearch c depth def)
= do tag 7; toBuf b c; toBuf b depth; toBuf b def
toBuf b (Guess guess envb constraints)
toBuf b (Guess guess envb constraints)
= do tag 8; toBuf b guess; toBuf b envb; toBuf b constraints
toBuf b ImpBind = tag 9
toBuf b Delayed = tag 10
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => pure None
1 => do args <- fromBuf b
1 => do args <- fromBuf b
ct <- fromBuf b
rt <- fromBuf b
pats <- fromBuf b
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ TTC Def where
4 => do t <- fromBuf b; a <- fromBuf b
pure (DCon t a)
5 => do t <- fromBuf b; a <- fromBuf b
ps <- fromBuf b; dets <- fromBuf b;
ps <- fromBuf b; dets <- fromBuf b;
ms <- fromBuf b; cs <- fromBuf b
pure (TCon t a ps dets ms cs)
6 => do l <- fromBuf b
@ -805,6 +805,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
toBuf b TCInline = tag 5
toBuf b (SetTotal x) = do tag 6; toBuf b x
toBuf b BlockedHint = tag 7
toBuf b Macro = tag 8
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
@ -814,6 +815,7 @@ TTC DefFlag where
5 => pure TCInline
6 => do x <- fromBuf b; pure (SetTotal x)
7 => pure BlockedHint
8 => pure Macro
_ => corrupt "DefFlag"
@ -839,7 +841,7 @@ TTC SCCall where
TTC GlobalDef where
toBuf b gdef
toBuf b gdef
= -- Only write full details for user specified names. The others will
-- be holes where all we will ever need after loading is the definition
do toBuf b (fullname gdef)
@ -859,30 +861,44 @@ TTC GlobalDef where
toBuf b (noCycles gdef)
toBuf b (sizeChange gdef)
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= do name <- fromBuf b
def <- fromBuf b
cdef <- fromBuf b
refsList <- fromBuf b;
refsList <- fromBuf b;
let refs = map fromList refsList
if isUserName name
then do loc <- fromBuf b;
ty <- fromBuf b; eargs <- fromBuf b;
then do loc <- fromBuf b;
ty <- fromBuf b; eargs <- fromBuf b;
mul <- fromBuf b; vars <- fromBuf b
vis <- fromBuf b; tot <- fromBuf b
fl <- fromBuf b
inv <- fromBuf b
c <- fromBuf b
sc <- fromBuf b
pure (MkGlobalDef loc name ty eargs mul vars vis
pure (MkGlobalDef loc name ty eargs mul vars vis
tot fl refs inv c True def cdef sc)
else do let fc = emptyFC
pure (MkGlobalDef fc name (Erased fc) []
RigW [] Public unchecked [] refs
False False True def cdef [])
TTC Transform where
toBuf b (MkTransform {vars} env lhs rhs)
= do toBuf b vars
toBuf b env
toBuf b lhs
toBuf b rhs
fromBuf b
= do vars <- fromBuf b
env <- fromBuf b
lhs <- fromBuf b
rhs <- fromBuf b
pure (MkTransform {vars} env lhs rhs)
-- decode : Context -> Int -> ContextEntry -> Core GlobalDef
Core.Context.decode gam idx (Coded bin)
Core.Context.decode gam idx (Coded bin)
= do b <- newRef Bin bin
def <- fromBuf b
let a = getContent gam

View File

@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ totRefsIn defs ty = totRefs defs (keys (getRefs (Resolved (-1)) ty))
scEq : Term vars -> Term vars -> Bool
scEq (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
scEq (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
scEq (Meta _ _ i args) _ = True
scEq _ (Meta _ _ i args) = True
scEq (Meta _ _ i args) _ = True
scEq _ (Meta _ _ i args) = True
scEq (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc') = False -- not checkable
scEq (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = scEq f f' && scEq a a'
scEq (As _ a p) p' = scEq p p'
scEq p (As _ a p') = scEq p p'
scEq (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = scEq t t' && scEq x x'
scEq (TForce _ t) (TForce _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = scEq t t'
scEq (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
scEq (Erased _) (Erased _) = True
scEq (TType _) (TType _) = True
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ mutual
List (Nat, Term vars) -> -- LHS args and their position
Term vars -> -- Right hand side
Core (List SCCall)
findSC {vars} defs env g pats (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $
findSC {vars} defs env g pats (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $
!(findSCbinder b) ++
!(findSC defs (b :: env) g (map (\ (p, tm) => (p, weaken tm)) pats) sc)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ mutual
pure (concat scs)
(_, Ref fc Func fn, args) =>
do Just ty <- lookupTyExact fn (gamma defs)
| Nothing =>
| Nothing =>
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn 0 args
arity <- getArity defs [] ty
findSCcall defs env Unguarded pats fc fn arity args
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ mutual
-- arity (i.e. the arity of the function we're calling) to ensure that
-- it's noted that we don't know the size change relationship with the
-- extra arguments.
expandToArity : Nat -> List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)) ->
expandToArity : Nat -> List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)) ->
List (Maybe (Nat, SizeChange))
expandToArity Z xs = xs
expandToArity (S k) (x :: xs) = x :: expandToArity k xs
@ -144,29 +144,29 @@ mutual
= if assertedSmaller big tm
then True
else case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ (DataCon t a) cn, args)
(Ref _ (DataCon t a) cn, args)
=> any (smaller True defs big s) args
_ => case s of
App _ f _ => smaller inc defs big f tm
App _ f _ => smaller inc defs big f tm
-- Higher order recursive argument
_ => False
-- if the argument is an 'assert_smaller', return the thing it's smaller than
asserted : Name -> Term vars -> Maybe (Term vars)
asserted aSmaller tm
asserted aSmaller tm
= case getFnArgs tm of
(Ref _ nt fn, [_, _, b, _])
(Ref _ nt fn, [_, _, b, _])
=> if fn == aSmaller
then Just b
else Nothing
_ => Nothing
-- Calculate the size change for the given argument.
-- i.e., return the size relationship of the given argument with an entry
-- i.e., return the size relationship of the given argument with an entry
-- in 'pats'; the position in 'pats' and the size change.
-- Nothing if there is no relation with any of them.
mkChange : Defs -> Name ->
(pats : List (Nat, Term vars)) ->
(pats : List (Nat, Term vars)) ->
(arg : Term vars) ->
Maybe (Nat, SizeChange)
mkChange defs aSmaller [] arg = Nothing
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ mutual
-- rather than treating the definitions separately.
getCasePats : Defs -> Name -> List (Nat, Term vars) ->
List (Term vars) ->
Core (Maybe (List (vs ** (Env Term vs,
Core (Maybe (List (vs ** (Env Term vs,
List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))))
getCasePats {vars} defs n pats args
= case !(lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)) of
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ mutual
urhs (App fc f a) = App fc (updateRHS ms f) (updateRHS ms a)
urhs (As fc a p) = As fc (updateRHS ms a) (updateRHS ms p)
urhs (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (updateRHS ms ty)
urhs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
urhs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (updateRHS ms ty) (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (updateRHS ms tm)
urhs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (updateRHS ms) b)
= Bind fc x (map (updateRHS ms) b)
(updateRHS (map (\vt => (weaken (fst vt), weaken (snd vt))) ms) sc)
urhs (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
urhs (Erased fc) = Erased fc
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ mutual
updatePat : List (Term vs, Term vs') -> (Nat, Term vs) -> (Nat, Term vs')
updatePat ms (n, tm) = (n, updateRHS ms tm)
matchArgs : (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
matchArgs : (vs ** (Env Term vs, Term vs, Term vs)) ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs))
matchArgs (_ ** (env', lhs, rhs))
= let patMatch = reverse (zip args (getArgs lhs)) in
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ mutual
List (Nat, Term vars) ->
FC -> Name -> Nat -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findSCcall defs env g pats fc fn_in arity args
findSCcall defs env g pats fc fn_in arity args
-- Under 'assert_total' we assume that all calls are fine, so leave
-- the size change list empty
= do Just gdef <- lookupCtxtExact fn_in (gamma defs)
@ -262,45 +262,49 @@ mutual
Just ps => do scs <- traverse (findInCase defs g) ps
pure (concat scs))]
(do scs <- traverse (findSC defs env g pats) args
pure ([MkSCCall fn
(expandToArity arity
(map (mkChange defs aSmaller pats) args))]
pure ([MkSCCall fn
(expandToArity arity
(map (mkChange defs aSmaller pats) args))]
++ concat scs))
findInCase : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Guardedness ->
Defs -> Guardedness ->
(vs ** (Env Term vs, List (Nat, Term vs), Term vs)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findInCase defs g (_ ** (env, pats, tm))
findInCase defs g (_ ** (env, pats, tm))
= do logC 10 (do ps <- traverse toFullNames (map snd pats)
pure ("Looking in case args " ++ show ps))
logTermNF 10 " =" env tm
rhs <- normaliseOpts tcOnly defs env tm
findSC defs env g pats rhs
-- Remove all laziness annotations which are nothing to do with coinduction,
-- meaning that all only Force/Delay left is to guard coinductive calls.
-- Remove all force and delay annotations which are nothing to do with
-- coinduction meaning that all Delays left guard coinductive calls.
delazy : Defs -> Term vars -> Term vars
delazy defs (TDelayed fc r tm)
delazy defs (TDelayed fc r tm)
= let tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelayed fc r tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
delazy defs (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= let ty' = delazy defs ty
tm' = delazy defs tm in
case r of
LInf => TDelay fc r ty' tm'
_ => tm'
delazy defs (TForce fc r t)
= case r of
LInf => TForce fc r (delazy defs t)
_ => delazy defs t
delazy defs (Meta fc n i args) = Meta fc n i (map (delazy defs) args)
delazy defs (Bind fc x b sc)
delazy defs (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (map (delazy defs) b) (delazy defs sc)
delazy defs (App fc f a) = App fc (delazy defs f) (delazy defs a)
delazy defs (As fc a p) = As fc (delazy defs a) (delazy defs p)
delazy defs tm = tm
findCalls : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> (vars ** (Env Term vars, Term vars, Term vars)) ->
Defs -> (vars ** (Env Term vars, Term vars, Term vars)) ->
Core (List SCCall)
findCalls defs (_ ** (env, lhs, rhs_in))
= do let pargs = getArgs (delazy defs lhs)
@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ findCalls defs (_ ** (env, lhs, rhs_in))
getSC : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Def -> Core (List SCCall)
getSC defs (PMDef _ args _ _ pats)
getSC defs (PMDef _ args _ _ pats)
= do sc <- traverse (findCalls defs) pats
pure (concat sc)
getSC defs _ = pure []
@ -338,7 +342,7 @@ nextArg x = x + 1
initArgs : {auto a : Ref APos Arg} ->
Nat -> Core (List (Maybe (Arg, SizeChange)))
initArgs Z = pure []
initArgs (S k)
initArgs (S k)
= do arg <- get APos
put APos (nextArg arg)
args' <- initArgs k
@ -351,7 +355,7 @@ initArgs (S k)
-- use that rather than continuing to traverse the graph!
checkSC : {auto a : Ref APos Arg} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs ->
Defs ->
Name -> -- function we're checking
List (Maybe (Arg, SizeChange)) -> -- functions arguments and change
List (Name, List (Maybe Arg)) -> -- calls we've seen so far
@ -398,7 +402,7 @@ checkSC defs f args path
then case term of
NotTerminating (RecPath _) =>
-- might have lost information while assuming this
-- was mutually recursive, so start again with new
-- was mutually recursive, so start again with new
-- arguments (that is, where we'd start if the
-- function was the top level thing we were checking)
do args' <- initArgs (length (fnArgs sc))
@ -419,11 +423,11 @@ checkSC defs f args path
calcTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Terminating
calcTerminating loc n
calcTerminating loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupCtxtExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => throw (UndefinedName loc n)
Just def =>
Just def =>
case !(totRefs defs (nub !(addCases defs (keys (refersTo def))))) of
IsTerminating =>
do let ty = type def
@ -455,7 +459,7 @@ checkTerminating : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
checkTerminating loc n
= do tot <- getTotality loc n
case isTerminating tot of
Unchecked =>
Unchecked =>
do tot' <- calcTerminating loc n
setTerminating loc n tot'
pure tot'
@ -468,7 +472,7 @@ nameIn defs tyns (NBind fc x b sc)
else do sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc))
nameIn defs tyns sc'
nameIn defs tyns (NApp _ _ args)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs) args)
nameIn defs tyns (NTCon _ n _ _ args)
= if n `elem` tyns
@ -476,7 +480,7 @@ nameIn defs tyns (NTCon _ n _ _ args)
else do args' <- traverse (evalClosure defs) args
anyM (nameIn defs tyns) args'
nameIn defs tyns (NDCon _ n _ _ args)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
= anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
!(traverse (evalClosure defs) args)
nameIn defs tyns _ = pure False
@ -485,10 +489,10 @@ nameIn defs tyns _ = pure False
posArg : Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
-- a tyn can only appear in the parameter positions of
-- tc; report positivity failure if it appears anywhere else
posArg defs tyns (NTCon _ tc _ _ args)
posArg defs tyns (NTCon _ tc _ _ args)
= let testargs : List (Closure [])
= case !(lookupDefExact tc (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ params _ _ _) =>
Just (TCon _ _ params _ _ _) =>
dropParams 0 params args
_ => args in
if !(anyM (nameIn defs tyns)
@ -503,7 +507,7 @@ posArg defs tyns (NTCon _ tc _ _ args)
then dropParams (S i) ps xs
else x :: dropParams (S i) ps xs
-- a tyn can not appear as part of ty
posArg defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
posArg defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
= if !(nameIn defs tyns ty)
then pure (NotTerminating NotStrictlyPositive)
else do sc' <- sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc))
@ -511,20 +515,20 @@ posArg defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
posArg defs tyn _ = pure IsTerminating
checkPosArgs : Defs -> List Name -> NF [] -> Core Terminating
checkPosArgs defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
checkPosArgs defs tyns (NBind fc x (Pi c e ty) sc)
= case !(posArg defs tyns ty) of
IsTerminating =>
checkPosArgs defs tyns
IsTerminating =>
checkPosArgs defs tyns
!(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
bad => pure bad
checkPosArgs defs tyns _ = pure IsTerminating
checkCon : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Name -> Core Terminating
checkCon defs tyns cn
checkCon defs tyns cn
= case !(lookupTyExact cn (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure Unchecked
Just ty =>
Just ty =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating => checkPosArgs defs tyns !(nf defs [] ty)
bad => pure bad
@ -541,12 +545,12 @@ checkData defs tyns (c :: cs)
-- return whether it's terminating, along with its data constructors
calcPositive : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core (Terminating, List Name)
calcPositive loc n
calcPositive loc n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(lookupDefTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ tns dcons, ty) =>
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ tns dcons, ty) =>
case !(totRefsIn defs ty) of
IsTerminating =>
IsTerminating =>
do t <- checkData defs (n :: tns) dcons
pure (t , dcons)
bad => pure (bad, dcons)
@ -570,7 +574,7 @@ checkPositive loc n_in
t => pure t
-- Check and record totality of the given name; positivity if it's a data
-- type, termination if it's a function
-- type, termination if it's a function
checkTotal : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Name -> Core Terminating

src/Core/Transform.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Core.Transform
import Core.Context
import Core.Env
import Core.TT
applyTransforms : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
applyTransforms t = pure t -- TODO!

View File

@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ Eq UnifyMode where
-- explicit force or delay to the first argument to unification. This says
-- which to add, if any. Can only added at the very top level.
public export
data AddLazy = NoLazy | AddForce | AddDelay LazyReason
data AddLazy = NoLazy | AddForce LazyReason | AddDelay LazyReason
Show AddLazy where
show NoLazy = "NoLazy"
show AddForce = "AddForce"
show (AddForce _) = "AddForce"
show (AddDelay _) = "AddDelay"
public export
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ interface Unify (tm : List Name -> Type) where
Ref UST UState ->
UnifyMode ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
-- As unify but at the top level can allow lazy/non-lazy to be mixed in
-- order to infer annotations
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ interface Unify (tm : List Name -> Type) where
Ref UST UState ->
UnifyMode ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyWithLazyD = unifyD
@ -89,22 +89,22 @@ interface Unify (tm : List Name -> Type) where
-- In calls to unification, the first argument is the given type, and the second
-- argument is the expected type.
unify : Unify tm =>
unify : Unify tm =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unify {c} {u} = unifyD c u
unifyWithLazy : Unify tm =>
unifyWithLazy : Unify tm =>
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
UnifyMode ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
tm vars -> tm vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyWithLazy {c} {u} = unifyWithLazyD c u
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ search : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
(defaults : Bool) -> (depth : Nat) ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
(defining : Name) -> (topTy : Term vars) -> Env Term vars ->
Core (Term vars)
ufail : FC -> String -> Core a
@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ ufail loc msg = throw (GenericMsg loc msg)
convertError : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core a
convertError loc env x y
convertError loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
throw (CantConvert loc env !(quote empty env x)
throw (CantConvert loc env !(quote empty env x)
!(quote empty env y))
convertErrorS : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Bool -> FC -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars -> Core a
convertErrorS s loc env x y
convertErrorS s loc env x y
= if s then convertError loc env y x
else convertError loc env x y
@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ postpone loc logstr env x y
logC 10 $
do xq <- quote defs env x
yq <- quote defs env y
pure (logstr ++ ": " ++ show !(toFullNames xq) ++
pure (logstr ++ ": " ++ show !(toFullNames xq) ++
" =?= " ++ show !(toFullNames yq))
c <- addConstraint (MkConstraint loc env !(quote empty env x)
c <- addConstraint (MkConstraint loc env !(quote empty env x)
!(quote empty env y))
pure (constrain c)
@ -173,20 +173,20 @@ unifyArgs mode loc env (cx :: cxs) (cy :: cys)
pure (union res cs)
_ => do cs <- unifyArgs mode loc env cxs cys
-- TODO: Fix this bit! See p59 Ulf's thesis
-- c <- addConstraint
-- (MkSeqConstraint loc env
-- c <- addConstraint
-- (MkSeqConstraint loc env
-- (map (quote gam env) (cx :: cxs))
-- (map (quote gam env) (cy :: cys)))
pure (union res cs) -- [c]
unifyArgs mode loc env _ _ = ufail loc ""
-- Get the variables in an application argument list; fail if any arguments
-- Get the variables in an application argument list; fail if any arguments
-- are not variables, fail if there's any repetition of variables
-- We use this to check that the pattern unification rule is applicable
-- when solving a metavariable applied to arguments
getVars : List Nat -> List (NF vars) -> Maybe (List (Var vars))
getVars got [] = Just []
getVars got (NApp fc (NLocal r idx v) [] :: xs)
getVars got (NApp fc (NLocal r idx v) [] :: xs)
= if inArgs idx got then Nothing
else do xs' <- getVars (idx :: got) xs
pure (MkVar v :: xs')
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ getVars got (NApp fc (NLocal r idx v) [] :: xs)
-- Nat is linear time in Idris 1!
inArgs : Nat -> List Nat -> Bool
inArgs n [] = False
inArgs n (n' :: ns)
inArgs n (n' :: ns)
= if toIntegerNat n == toIntegerNat n' then True else inArgs n ns
getVars got (NAs _ _ p :: xs) = getVars got (p :: xs)
getVars got (NAs _ _ p :: xs) = getVars got (p :: xs)
getVars _ (_ :: xs) = Nothing
-- Make a sublist representing the variables used in the application.
@ -206,13 +206,13 @@ getVars _ (_ :: xs) = Nothing
toSubVars : (vars : List Name) -> List (Var vars) ->
(newvars ** SubVars newvars vars)
toSubVars [] xs = ([] ** SubRefl)
toSubVars (n :: ns) xs
toSubVars (n :: ns) xs
-- If there's a proof 'First' in 'xs', then 'n' should be kept,
-- otherwise dropped
-- (Remember: 'n' might be shadowed; looking for 'First' ensures we
-- get the *right* proof that the name is in scope!)
= let (_ ** svs) = toSubVars ns (dropFirst xs) in
if anyFirst xs
if anyFirst xs
then (_ ** KeepCons svs)
else (_ ** DropCons svs)
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ toSubVars (n :: ns) xs
patternEnv : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
Env Term vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
Core (Maybe (newvars ** (List (Var newvars),
SubVars newvars vars)))
patternEnv {vars} env args
@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ patternEnv {vars} env args
args' <- traverse (evalArg empty) args
case getVars [] args' of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just vs =>
Just vs =>
let (newvars ** svs) = toSubVars _ vs in
pure (Just (newvars **
pure (Just (newvars **
(updateVars vs svs, svs)))
-- Update the variable list to point into the sub environment
@ -262,10 +262,10 @@ patternEnv {vars} env args
= case subElem p svs of
Nothing => updateVars ps svs
Just p' => p' :: updateVars ps svs
getVarsBelowTm : Nat -> List (Term vars) -> Maybe (List (Var vars))
getVarsBelowTm max [] = Just []
getVarsBelowTm max (Local fc r idx v :: xs)
getVarsBelowTm max (Local fc r idx v :: xs)
= if idx >= max then Nothing
else do xs' <- getVarsBelowTm idx xs
pure (MkVar v :: xs')
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ export
patternEnvTm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term vars) ->
Env Term vars -> List (Term vars) ->
Core (Maybe (newvars ** (List (Var newvars),
SubVars newvars vars)))
patternEnvTm {vars} env args
@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ patternEnvTm {vars} env args
empty <- clearDefs defs
case getVarsBelowTm 1000000 args of
Nothing => pure Nothing
Just vs =>
Just vs =>
let (newvars ** svs) = toSubVars _ vs in
pure (Just (newvars **
pure (Just (newvars **
(updateVars vs svs, svs)))
-- Update the variable list to point into the sub environment
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ patternEnvTm {vars} env args
instantiate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{newvars : _} ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
(metavar : Name) -> (mref : Int) -> (mdef : GlobalDef) ->
List (Var newvars) -> -- Variable each argument maps to
Term vars -> -- original, just for error message
@ -324,14 +324,14 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc env mname mref mdef locs otm tm
defs <- get Ctxt
rhs <- mkDef [] newvars (snocList newvars) CompatPre
(rewrite appendNilRightNeutral newvars in locs)
(rewrite appendNilRightNeutral newvars in tm)
(rewrite appendNilRightNeutral newvars in tm)
logTerm 5 ("Instantiated: " ++ show mname) ty
log 5 ("From vars: " ++ show newvars)
logTerm 5 "Definition" rhs
let simpleDef = isSimple rhs
let newdef = record { definition =
PMDef simpleDef [] (STerm rhs) (STerm rhs) []
let newdef = record { definition =
PMDef simpleDef [] (STerm rhs) (STerm rhs) []
} mdef
addDef (Resolved mref) newdef
removeHole mref
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc env mname mref mdef locs otm tm
isSimple (TType _) = True
isSimple _ = False
updateLoc : {v : Nat} -> List (Var vs) -> .(IsVar name v vs') ->
updateLoc : {v : Nat} -> List (Var vs) -> .(IsVar name v vs') ->
Maybe (Var vs)
updateLoc [] el = Nothing
updateLoc (p :: ps) First = Just p
@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc env mname mref mdef locs otm tm
Just (Local fc r _ p')
updateLocs {vs} locs (Bind fc x b sc)
= do b' <- updateLocsB b
sc' <- updateLocs
(MkVar First :: map (\ (MkVar p) => (MkVar (Later p))) locs)
sc' <- updateLocs
(MkVar First :: map (\ (MkVar p) => (MkVar (Later p))) locs)
Just (Bind fc x b' sc')
@ -379,15 +379,15 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc env mname mref mdef locs otm tm
mkDef : (got : List Name) -> (vs : List Name) -> SnocList vs ->
CompatibleVars got rest ->
List (Var (vs ++ got)) -> Term (vs ++ got) ->
List (Var (vs ++ got)) -> Term (vs ++ got) ->
Term ts -> Core (Term rest)
mkDef {rest} got [] Empty cvs locs tm ty
mkDef {rest} got [] Empty cvs locs tm ty
= do let Just tm' = updateLocs (reverse locs) tm
| Nothing => ufail loc ("Can't make solution for " ++ show mname)
pure (renameVars cvs tm')
mkDef got vs rec cvs locs tm (Bind _ _ (Let _ _ _) sc)
= mkDef got vs rec cvs locs tm sc
mkDef got (vs ++ [v]) (Snoc rec) cvs locs tm (Bind bfc x (Pi c _ ty) sc)
mkDef got (vs ++ [v]) (Snoc rec) cvs locs tm (Bind bfc x (Pi c _ ty) sc)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
sc' <- mkDef (v :: got) vs rec (CompatExt cvs)
(rewrite appendAssociative vs [v] got in locs)
@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ instantiate {newvars} loc env mname mref mdef locs otm tm
pure (Bind bfc x (Lam c Explicit (Erased bfc)) sc')
mkDef got (vs ++ [v]) (Snoc rec) cvs locs tm ty
= ufail loc $ "Can't make solution for " ++ show mname
= ufail loc $ "Can't make solution for " ++ show mname
solveIfUndefined : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ solveIfUndefined env (Meta fc mname idx args) soln
| Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't happen: no definition")
instantiate fc env mname idx hdef locs soln stm
pure True
solveIfUndefined env metavar soln
solveIfUndefined env metavar soln
= pure False
isDefInvertible : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -432,17 +432,17 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
(postpone : Bool) ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> NF vars -> NF vars ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyIfEq post loc env x y
unifyIfEq post loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if !(convert defs env x y)
then pure success
else if post
else if post
then postpone loc "Postponing unifyIfEq" env x y
else convertError loc env x y
getArgTypes : Defs -> (fnType : NF vars) -> List (Closure vars) ->
getArgTypes : Defs -> (fnType : NF vars) -> List (Closure vars) ->
Core (Maybe (List (NF vars)))
getArgTypes defs (NBind _ n (Pi _ _ ty) sc) (a :: as)
= do Just scTys <- getArgTypes defs !(sc defs a) as
@ -452,18 +452,18 @@ mutual
getArgTypes _ _ _ = pure Nothing
headsConvert : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars ->
Env Term vars ->
Maybe (List (NF vars)) -> Maybe (List (NF vars)) ->
Core Bool
headsConvert env (Just vs) (Just ns)
= case (reverse vs, reverse ns) of
(v :: _, n :: _) =>
(v :: _, n :: _) =>
do logNF 10 "Converting" env v
logNF 10 "......with" env n
defs <- get Ctxt
convert defs env v n
_ => pure False
headsConvert env _ _
headsConvert env _ _
= do log 10 "Nothing to convert"
pure True
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ mutual
-- If the rightmost arguments have the same type, or we don't
-- know the types of the arguments, we'll get on with it.
if !(headsConvert env vargTys nargTys)
-- Unify the rightmost arguments, with the goal of turning the
-- hole application into a pattern form
case (reverse margs', reverse args') of
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ mutual
do log 10 "Unifying invertible"
ures <- unify mode fc env h f
log 10 $ "Constraints " ++ show (constraints ures)
uargs <- unify mode fc env
uargs <- unify mode fc env
(NApp fc (NMeta mname mref margs) (reverse hargs))
(con (reverse fargs))
pure (union ures uargs)
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ mutual
do log 10 "Unifying invertible"
ures <- unify mode fc env f h
log 10 $ "Constraints " ++ show (constraints ures)
uargs <- unify mode fc env
uargs <- unify mode fc env
(con (reverse fargs))
(NApp fc (NMeta mname mref margs) (reverse hargs))
pure (union ures uargs))
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ mutual
(NApp fc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs')
(con args')
else -- TODO: Cancellable function applications
postpone fc "Postponing hole application [3]" env
postpone fc "Postponing hole application [3]" env
(NApp fc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs') (con args')
-- Unify a hole application - we have already checked that the hole is
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ mutual
mty <- lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)
unifyInvertible swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' mty (NTCon nfc n t a) args'
unifyHoleApp swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' (NApp nfc (NLocal r idx p) args')
= unifyInvertible swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' Nothing
= unifyInvertible swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' Nothing
(NApp nfc (NLocal r idx p)) args'
unifyHoleApp swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tm@(NApp nfc (NMeta n i margs2) args2')
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ mutual
if inv
then unifyInvertible swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' Nothing
(NApp nfc (NMeta n i margs2)) args2'
else postponeS swap loc "Postponing hole application" env
else postponeS swap loc "Postponing hole application" env
(NApp loc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs') tm
isPatName : Name -> Bool
isPatName (PV _ _) = True
isPatName _ = False
unifyHoleApp swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tm
= postponeS swap loc "Postponing hole application" env
= postponeS swap loc "Postponing hole application" env
(NApp loc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs') tm
postponePatVar : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ mutual
(soln : NF vars) ->
Core UnifyResult
postponePatVar swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tm
= postponeS swap loc "Not in pattern fragment" env
= postponeS swap loc "Not in pattern fragment" env
(NApp loc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs') tm
solveHole : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ mutual
empty <- clearDefs defs
-- if the terms are the same, this isn't a solution
-- but they are already unifying, so just return
if solutionHeadSame solnf
if solutionHeadSame solnf
then pure success
else -- Rather than doing the occurs check here immediately,
-- we'll wait until all metavariables are resolved, and in
@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ mutual
pure $ "Unifying: " ++ show mname ++ " " ++ show qargs ++
" with " ++ show qtm)
case !(patternEnv env args) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do Just hdef <- lookupCtxtExact (Resolved mref) (gamma defs)
| _ => postponePatVar swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tmnf
let Hole _ _ = definition hdef
@ -646,20 +646,20 @@ mutual
if invertible hdef
then unifyHoleApp swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tmnf
else postponePatVar swap mode loc env mname mref margs margs' tmnf
Just (newvars ** (locs, submv)) =>
Just (newvars ** (locs, submv)) =>
do tm <- quote empty env tmnf
case shrinkTerm tm submv of
Just stm => solveHole fc env mname mref
margs margs' locs submv
Just stm => solveHole fc env mname mref
margs margs' locs submv
tm stm tmnf
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do tm' <- normalise defs env tm
case shrinkTerm tm' submv of
Nothing => postponeS swap loc "Can't shrink" env
(NApp loc (NMeta mname mref margs) margs')
Just stm => solveHole fc env mname mref
margs margs' locs submv
Just stm => solveHole fc env mname mref
margs margs' locs submv
tm stm tmnf
-- Unify an application with something else
@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ mutual
unifyApp swap mode loc env xfc (NLocal rx x xp) [] (NApp yfc (NLocal ry y yp) [])
= do gam <- get Ctxt
if x == y then pure success
else postponeS swap loc "Postponing var"
env (NApp xfc (NLocal rx x xp) [])
else postponeS swap loc "Postponing var"
env (NApp xfc (NLocal rx x xp) [])
(NApp yfc (NLocal ry y yp) [])
-- A local against something canonical (binder or constructor) is bad
unifyApp swap mode loc env xfc (NLocal rx x xp) args y@(NBind _ _ _ _)
@ -700,13 +700,13 @@ mutual
= convertErrorS swap loc env (NApp xfc (NLocal rx x xp) args) y
-- If they're already convertible without metavariables, we're done,
-- otherwise postpone
unifyApp False mode loc env fc hd args tm
unifyApp False mode loc env fc hd args tm
= do gam <- get Ctxt
if !(convert gam env (NApp fc hd args) tm)
then pure success
else postponeS False loc "Postponing constraint"
env (NApp fc hd args) tm
unifyApp True mode loc env fc hd args tm
unifyApp True mode loc env fc hd args tm
= do gam <- get Ctxt
if !(convert gam env tm (NApp fc hd args))
then pure success
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc (NLocal xr x xp) [] yfc (NLocal yr y yp) []
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ mutual
case !(evalClosure defs c) of
NApp _ (NLocal _ _ _) _ => pure $ S !(localsIn cs)
_ => localsIn cs
unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc (NMeta xn xi xargs) xargs' yfc fy yargs'
= unifyApp False mode loc env xfc (NMeta xn xi xargs) xargs'
(NApp yfc fy yargs')
@ -794,15 +794,15 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{vars : _} ->
UnifyMode -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
(Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
FC -> Name -> Binder (NF vars) ->
(Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
Core UnifyResult
unifyBothBinders mode loc env xfc x (Pi cx ix tx) scx yfc y (Pi cy iy ty) scy
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if ix /= iy || not (subRig cx cy)
then convertError loc env
then convertError loc env
(NBind xfc x (Pi cx ix tx) scx)
(NBind yfc y (Pi cy iy ty) scy)
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ mutual
unifyBothBinders mode loc env xfc x (Lam cx ix tx) scx yfc y (Lam cy iy ty) scy
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if ix /= iy || not (subRig cx cy)
then convertError loc env
then convertError loc env
(NBind xfc x (Lam cx ix tx) scx)
(NBind yfc y (Lam cy iy ty) scy)
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ mutual
pure (union ct cs')
unifyBothBinders mode loc env xfc x bx scx yfc y by scy
= convertError loc env
= convertError loc env
(NBind xfc x bx scx)
(NBind yfc y by scy)
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ mutual
= do gam <- get Ctxt
if tagx == tagy
then unifyArgs mode loc env xs ys
else convertError loc env
else convertError loc env
(NDCon xfc x tagx ax xs)
(NDCon yfc y tagy ay ys)
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NTCon xfc x tagx ax xs) (NTCon yfc y tagy ay ys)
@ -888,27 +888,27 @@ mutual
-- what's injective...
-- then postpone loc env (quote empty env (NTCon x tagx ax xs))
-- (quote empty env (NTCon y tagy ay ys))
else convertError loc env
else convertError loc env
(NTCon xfc x tagx ax xs)
(NTCon yfc y tagy ay ys)
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NDelayed xfc _ x) (NDelayed yfc _ y)
= unify mode loc env x y
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NDelay xfc _ xty x) (NDelay yfc _ yty y)
= unifyArgs mode loc env [xty, x] [yty, y]
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NForce xfc x axs) (NForce yfc y ays)
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NForce xfc _ x axs) (NForce yfc _ y ays)
= do cs <- unify mode loc env x y
cs' <- unifyArgs mode loc env axs ays
pure (union cs cs')
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NApp xfc fx axs) (NApp yfc fy ays)
= unifyBothApps mode loc env xfc fx axs yfc fy ays
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NApp xfc hd args) y
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NApp xfc hd args) y
= unifyApp False mode loc env xfc hd args y
unifyNoEta mode loc env y (NApp yfc hd args)
= unifyApp True mode loc env yfc hd args y
-- Only try stripping as patterns as a last resort
unifyNoEta mode loc env x (NAs _ _ y) = unifyNoEta mode loc env x y
unifyNoEta mode loc env (NAs _ _ x) y = unifyNoEta mode loc env x y
unifyNoEta mode loc env x y
unifyNoEta mode loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
empty <- clearDefs defs
unifyIfEq False loc env x y
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ mutual
Unify NF where
unifyD _ _ mode loc env (NBind xfc x bx scx) (NBind yfc y by scy)
unifyD _ _ mode loc env (NBind xfc x bx scx) (NBind yfc y by scy)
= unifyBothBinders mode loc env xfc x bx scx yfc y by scy
unifyD _ _ mode loc env tmx@(NBind xfc x (Lam cx ix tx) scx) tmy
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -952,10 +952,10 @@ mutual
ety <- getEtaType env !(quote empty env tmx)
case ety of
Just argty =>
do etay <- nf defs env
do etay <- nf defs env
(Bind xfc x (Lam cx ix argty)
(App xfc
(weaken !(quote empty env tmy))
(App xfc
(weaken !(quote empty env tmy))
(Local xfc Nothing 0 First)))
logNF 10 "Expand" env etay
unify mode loc env tmx etay
@ -970,10 +970,10 @@ mutual
ety <- getEtaType env !(quote empty env tmy)
case ety of
Just argty =>
do etax <- nf defs env
do etax <- nf defs env
(Bind yfc y (Lam cy iy argty)
(App yfc
(weaken !(quote empty env tmx))
(App yfc
(weaken !(quote empty env tmx))
(Local yfc Nothing 0 First)))
logNF 10 "Expand" env etax
unify mode loc env etax tmy
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ mutual
= unify mode loc env tmx tmy
unifyWithLazyD _ _ mode loc env (NDelayed _ r tmx) tmy
= do vs <- unify mode loc env tmx tmy
pure (record { addLazy = AddForce } vs)
pure (record { addLazy = AddForce r } vs)
unifyWithLazyD _ _ mode loc env tmx (NDelayed _ r tmy)
= do vs <- unify mode loc env tmx tmy
pure (record { addLazy = AddDelay r } vs)
@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ mutual
Unify Term where
unifyD _ _ mode loc env x y
unifyD _ _ mode loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if x == y
then do log 10 $ "Skipped unification (equal already): "
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ mutual
else do xnf <- nf defs env x
ynf <- nf defs env y
unify mode loc env xnf ynf
unifyWithLazyD _ _ mode loc env x y
unifyWithLazyD _ _ mode loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
if x == y
then do log 10 $ "Skipped unification (equal already): "
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ mutual
Unify Closure where
unifyD _ _ mode loc env x y
unifyD _ _ mode loc env x y
= do defs <- get Ctxt
unify mode loc env !(evalClosure defs x) !(evalClosure defs y)
@ -1050,20 +1050,20 @@ retry withLazy mode c
Nothing => pure success
Just Resolved => pure success
Just (MkConstraint loc env x y)
=> catch (do logTermNF 5 "Retrying" env x
=> catch (do logTermNF 5 "Retrying" env x
logTermNF 5 "....with" env y
cs <- if withLazy
then unifyWithLazy mode loc env x y
else unify mode loc env x y
then unifyWithLazy mode loc env x y
else unify mode loc env x y
case constraints cs of
[] => do deleteConstraint c
pure cs
_ => pure cs)
(\err => throw (WhenUnifying loc env x y err))
(\err => throw (WhenUnifying loc env x y err))
Just (MkSeqConstraint loc env xs ys)
=> do cs <- unifyArgs mode loc env xs ys
case constraints cs of
[] => do deleteConstraint c
[] => do deleteConstraint c
pure cs
_ => pure cs
@ -1072,10 +1072,10 @@ delayMeta r (S k) ty (Bind fc n b sc)
= Bind fc n b (delayMeta r k (weaken ty) sc)
delayMeta r envb ty tm = TDelay (getLoc tm) r ty tm
forceMeta : Nat -> Term vars -> Term vars
forceMeta (S k) (Bind fc n b sc)
= Bind fc n b (forceMeta k sc)
forceMeta envb tm = TForce (getLoc tm) tm
forceMeta : LazyReason -> Nat -> Term vars -> Term vars
forceMeta r (S k) (Bind fc n b sc)
= Bind fc n b (forceMeta r k sc)
forceMeta r envb tm = TForce (getLoc tm) r tm
-- Retry the given constraint, return True if progress was made
retryGuess : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -1098,15 +1098,15 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
removeGuess hid
pure True)
(\err => case err of
DeterminingArg _ n i _ _ =>
DeterminingArg _ n i _ _ =>
do logTerm 5 ("Failed (det " ++ show hname ++ " " ++ show n ++ ")")
(type def)
setInvertible loc (Resolved i)
pure False -- progress made!
_ => do logTermNF 5 ("Search failed at " ++ show rig ++ " for " ++ show hname)
_ => do logTermNF 5 ("Search failed at " ++ show rig ++ " for " ++ show hname)
[] (type def)
case smode of
LastChance =>
LastChance =>
throw !(normaliseErr err)
_ => pure False) -- Postpone again
Guess tm envb [constr] =>
@ -1117,8 +1117,8 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
case constraints cs of
[] => do tm' <- case addLazy cs of
NoLazy => pure tm
AddForce => pure $ forceMeta envb tm
AddDelay r =>
AddForce r => pure $ forceMeta r envb tm
AddDelay r =>
do ty <- getType [] tm
pure $ delayMeta r envb !(getTerm ty) tm
let gdef = record { definition = PMDef True [] (STerm tm') (STerm tm') [] } def
@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ retryGuess mode smode (hid, (loc, hname))
newcs => do let gdef = record { definition = Guess tm envb newcs } def
addDef (Resolved hid) gdef
pure False
Guess tm envb constrs =>
Guess tm envb constrs =>
do let umode = case smode of
MatchArgs => InMatch
_ => mode
@ -1156,10 +1156,10 @@ solveConstraints : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
solveConstraints umode smode
= do ust <- get UST
progress <- traverse (retryGuess umode smode) (toList (guesses ust))
when (or (map Delay progress)) $
when (or (map Delay progress)) $
solveConstraints umode smode
-- Replace any 'BySearch' with 'Hole', so that we don't keep searching
-- Replace any 'BySearch' with 'Hole', so that we don't keep searching
-- fruitlessly while elaborating the rest of a source file
giveUpConstraints : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
@ -1205,12 +1205,12 @@ checkDots
let h = case ndef of
Hole _ _ => True
_ => False
when (not (isNil (constraints cs)) || holesSolved cs || h) $
throw (InternalError "Dot pattern match fail"))
(\err => do defs <- get Ctxt
throw (BadDotPattern fc env reason
!(normaliseHoles defs env x)
throw (BadDotPattern fc env reason
!(normaliseHoles defs env x)
!(normaliseHoles defs env y)))
checkConstraint _ = pure ()

View File

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ data Constraint : Type where
-- An unsolved constraint, noting two terms which need to be convertible
-- in a particular environment
MkConstraint : {vars : _} ->
FC ->
FC ->
(env : Env Term vars) ->
(x : Term vars) -> (y : Term vars) ->
(x : Term vars) -> (y : Term vars) ->
-- An unsolved sequence of constraints, arising from arguments in an
-- application where solving later constraints relies on solving earlier
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ data Constraint : Type where
TTC Constraint where
toBuf b (MkConstraint {vars} fc env x y)
toBuf b (MkConstraint {vars} fc env x y)
= do tag 0; toBuf b vars; toBuf b fc; toBuf b env; toBuf b x; toBuf b y
toBuf b (MkSeqConstraint {vars} fc env xs ys)
= do tag 1; toBuf b vars; toBuf b fc; toBuf b env; toBuf b xs; toBuf b ys
toBuf b Resolved = tag 2
fromBuf b
fromBuf b
= case !getTag of
0 => do vars <- fromBuf b
fc <- fromBuf b; env <- fromBuf b
@ -273,18 +273,18 @@ addDot : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Core ()
addDot fc env dotarg x reason y
= do ust <- get UST
put UST (record { dotConstraints $=
((dotarg, reason, MkConstraint fc env x y) ::)
put UST (record { dotConstraints $=
((dotarg, reason, MkConstraint fc env x y) ::)
} ust)
mkConstantAppArgs : Bool -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
mkConstantAppArgs : Bool -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
(wkns : List Name) ->
List (Term (wkns ++ (vars ++ done)))
mkConstantAppArgs lets fc [] wkns = []
mkConstantAppArgs {done} {vars = x :: xs} lets fc (b :: env) wkns
= let rec = mkConstantAppArgs {done} lets fc env (wkns ++ [x]) in
if lets || not (isLet b)
then Local fc (Just (isLet b)) (length wkns) (mkVar wkns) ::
then Local fc (Just (isLet b)) (length wkns) (mkVar wkns) ::
rewrite (appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done)) in rec
else rewrite (appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done)) in rec
@ -302,19 +302,19 @@ mkConstantAppArgsOthers : Bool -> FC -> Env Term vars ->
(wkns : List Name) ->
List (Term (wkns ++ (vars ++ done)))
mkConstantAppArgsOthers lets fc [] p wkns = []
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
lets fc (b :: env) SubRefl wkns
= rewrite appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done) in
mkConstantAppArgsOthers lets fc env SubRefl (wkns ++ [x])
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
lets fc (b :: env) (KeepCons p) wkns
= rewrite appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done) in
mkConstantAppArgsOthers lets fc env p (wkns ++ [x])
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} {vars = x :: xs}
lets fc (b :: env) (DropCons p) wkns
= let rec = mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done} lets fc env p (wkns ++ [x]) in
if lets || not (isLet b)
then Local fc (Just (isLet b)) (length wkns) (mkVar wkns) ::
then Local fc (Just (isLet b)) (length wkns) (mkVar wkns) ::
rewrite appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done) in rec
else rewrite appendAssociative wkns [x] (xs ++ done) in rec
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ applyToFull {vars} fc tm env
apply fc tm (rewrite sym (appendNilRightNeutral vars) in args)
applyToOthers : FC -> Term vars -> Env Term vars ->
applyToOthers : FC -> Term vars -> Env Term vars ->
SubVars smaller vars -> Term vars
applyToOthers {vars} fc tm env sub
= let args = reverse (mkConstantAppArgsOthers {done = []} True fc env sub []) in
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ newMetaLets {vars} fc rig env n ty def nocyc lets
log 5 $ "Adding new meta " ++ show (n, fc, rig)
logTerm 10 ("New meta type " ++ show n) hty
defs <- get Ctxt
idx <- addDef n hole
idx <- addDef n hole
addHoleName fc n idx
pure (idx, Meta fc n idx envArgs)
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ export
newMeta : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars -> Def ->
Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars -> Def ->
Bool ->
Core (Int, Term vars)
newMeta fc r env n ty def cyc = newMetaLets fc r env n ty def cyc False
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ mkConstant : FC -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> ClosedTerm
mkConstant fc [] tm = tm
-- mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (Let c val ty :: env) tm
-- = mkConstant fc env (Bind fc x (Let c val ty) tm)
mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (b :: env) tm
mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (b :: env) tm
= let ty = binderType b in
mkConstant fc env (Bind fc x (Lam (multiplicity b) Explicit ty) tm)
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ mkConstant {vars = x :: _} fc (b :: env) tm
newConstant : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> RigCount -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> RigCount -> Env Term vars ->
(tm : Term vars) -> (ty : Term vars) ->
(constrs : List Int) ->
Core (Term vars)
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ newConstant {vars} fc rig env tm ty constrs
= do let def = mkConstant fc env tm
let defty = abstractFullEnvType fc env ty
cn <- genName "postpone"
let guess = newDef fc cn rig [] defty Public
let guess = newDef fc cn rig [] defty Public
(Guess def (length env) constrs)
log 5 $ "Adding new constant " ++ show (cn, fc, rig)
logTerm 10 ("New constant type " ++ show cn) defty
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ newSearch {vars} fc rig depth def env n ty
= do let hty = abstractEnvType fc env ty
let hole = newDef fc n rig [] hty Public (BySearch rig depth def)
log 10 $ "Adding new search " ++ show n
idx <- addDef n hole
idx <- addDef n hole
addGuessName fc n idx
pure (idx, Meta fc n idx envArgs)
@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ newSearch {vars} fc rig depth def env n ty
-- Add a hole which stands for a delayed elaborator
newDelayed : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> RigCount ->
Env Term vars -> Name ->
(ty : Term vars) -> Core (Int, Term vars)
newDelayed {vars} fc rig env n ty
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ tryUnify elab1 elab2
pure ok
handleUnify : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
handleUnify : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Core a -> (Error -> Core a) -> Core a
handleUnify elab1 elab2
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ checkDelayedHoles : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
= do ust <- get UST
let hs = toList (delayedHoles ust)
if (not (isNil hs))
if (not (isNil hs))
then do pure (Just (UnsolvedHoles (map snd hs)))
else pure Nothing
@ -528,18 +528,18 @@ checkValidHole (idx, (fc, n))
Just ty <- lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)
| Nothing => pure ()
throw (CantSolveGoal fc [] ty)
Guess tm envb (con :: _) =>
Guess tm envb (con :: _) =>
do ust <- get UST
let Just c = lookup con (constraints ust)
| Nothing => pure ()
case c of
MkConstraint fc env x y =>
do put UST (record { guesses = empty } ust)
do put UST (record { guesses = empty } ust)
xnf <- normaliseHoles defs env x
ynf <- normaliseHoles defs env y
throw (CantSolveEq fc env xnf ynf)
MkSeqConstraint fc env (x :: _) (y :: _) =>
do put UST (record { guesses = empty } ust)
do put UST (record { guesses = empty } ust)
xnf <- normaliseHoles defs env x
ynf <- normaliseHoles defs env y
throw (CantSolveEq fc env xnf ynf)
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ checkValidHole (idx, (fc, n))
checkRef : Name -> Core ()
checkRef (PV n f)
= throw (GenericMsg fc
= throw (GenericMsg fc
("Hole cannot depend on an unbound implicit " ++ show n))
checkRef _ = pure ()
@ -569,9 +569,9 @@ checkUserHoles now
traverse_ checkValidHole gs
hs_map <- getCurrentHoles
let hs = toList hs_map
let hs' = if any isUserName (map (snd . snd) hs)
let hs' = if any isUserName (map (snd . snd) hs)
then [] else hs
when (now && not (isNil hs')) $
when (now && not (isNil hs')) $
throw (UnsolvedHoles (map snd (nubBy nameEq hs)))
-- Note the hole names, to ensure they are resolved
-- by the end of elaborating the current source file
@ -600,30 +600,30 @@ dumpHole lvl hole
case !(lookupCtxtExact (Resolved hole) (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure ()
Just gdef => case (definition gdef, type gdef) of
(Guess tm envb constraints, ty) =>
do log lvl $ "!" ++ show !(getFullName (Resolved hole)) ++ " : " ++
(Guess tm envb constraints, ty) =>
do log lvl $ "!" ++ show !(getFullName (Resolved hole)) ++ " : " ++
show !(toFullNames !(normaliseHoles defs [] ty))
log lvl $ "\t = " ++ show !(normaliseHoles defs [] tm)
++ "\n\twhen"
traverse dumpConstraint constraints
traverse dumpConstraint constraints
pure ()
(Hole _ p, ty) =>
log lvl $ "?" ++ show (fullname gdef) ++ " : " ++
log lvl $ "?" ++ show (fullname gdef) ++ " : " ++
show !(normaliseHoles defs [] ty)
++ if p then " (ImplBind)" else ""
++ if invertible gdef then " (Invertible)" else ""
(BySearch _ _ _, ty) =>
log lvl $ "Search " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
log lvl $ "Search " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
show !(toFullNames !(normaliseHoles defs [] ty))
(PMDef _ args t _ _, ty) =>
log 4 $ "Solved: " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
log 4 $ "Solved: " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
show !(normalise defs [] ty) ++
" = " ++ show !(normalise defs [] (Ref emptyFC Func (Resolved hole)))
(ImpBind, ty) =>
log 4 $ "Bound: " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
log 4 $ "Bound: " ++ show hole ++ " : " ++
show !(normalise defs [] ty)
(Delayed, ty) =>
log 4 $ "Delayed elaborator : " ++
log 4 $ "Delayed elaborator : " ++
show !(normalise defs [] ty)
_ => pure ()
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ dumpHole lvl hole
log lvl $ "\t\t" ++ show xs ++ " =?= " ++ show ys
dumpConstraints : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
dumpConstraints : {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
(loglevel : Nat) ->
(all : Bool) ->

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ mutual
public export
data Closure : List Name -> Type where
MkClosure : (opts : EvalOpts) ->
LocalEnv free vars ->
LocalEnv free vars ->
Env Term free ->
Term (vars ++ free) -> Closure free
MkNFClosure : NF free -> Closure free
@ -64,21 +64,21 @@ mutual
NRef : NameType -> Name -> NHead vars
NMeta : Name -> Int -> List (Closure vars) -> NHead vars
-- Values themselves. 'Closure' is an unevaluated thunk, which means
-- Values themselves. 'Closure' is an unevaluated thunk, which means
-- we can wait until necessary to reduce constructor arguments
public export
data NF : List Name -> Type where
NBind : FC -> (x : Name) -> Binder (NF vars) ->
(Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) -> NF vars
NApp : FC -> NHead vars -> List (Closure vars) -> NF vars
NDCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
NDCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
List (Closure vars) -> NF vars
NTCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
NTCon : FC -> Name -> (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) ->
List (Closure vars) -> NF vars
NAs : FC -> NF vars -> NF vars -> NF vars
NDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> NF vars -> NF vars
NDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> Closure vars -> Closure vars -> NF vars
NForce : FC -> NF vars -> List (Closure vars) -> NF vars
NForce : FC -> LazyReason -> NF vars -> List (Closure vars) -> NF vars
NPrimVal : FC -> Constant -> NF vars
NErased : FC -> NF vars
NType : FC -> NF vars
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ getLoc (NTCon fc _ _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (NAs fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (NDelayed fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (NDelay fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (NForce fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (NForce fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (NPrimVal fc _) = fc
getLoc (NErased fc) = fc
getLoc (NType fc) = fc

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export
record ANameMap a where
constructor MkANameMap
-- for looking up by exact (completely qualified) names
exactNames : NameMap a
exactNames : NameMap a
-- for looking up by name root or partially qualified (so possibly
-- ambiguous) names. This doesn't store machine generated names.
hierarchy : StringMap (List (Name, a))
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ addToHier n val hier
addName : Name -> a -> ANameMap a -> ANameMap a
addName n val (MkANameMap dict hier)
addName n val (MkANameMap dict hier)
= let dict' = insert n val dict
hier' = addToHier n val hier in
MkANameMap dict' hier'
MkANameMap dict' hier'
toList : ANameMap a -> List (Name, a)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ newRawArray size default
vm size (MkRaw default)
pure (MkIORawArray p)
||| Write an element at a location in an array.
||| Write an element at a location in an array.
||| There is *no* bounds checking, hence this is unsafe. Safe interfaces can
||| be implemented on top of this, either with a run time or compile time
||| check.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ unsafeWriteArray (MkIORawArray p) i val
(Raw (ArrayData elem) -> Int -> Raw elem -> IO ())
(MkRaw p) i (MkRaw val)
||| Read the element at a location in an array.
||| Read the element at a location in an array.
||| There is *no* bounds checking, hence this is unsafe. Safe interfaces can
||| be implemented on top of this, either with a run time or compile time
||| check.
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ fromList ns
addToArray : Int -> List (Maybe elem) -> IOArray elem -> IO ()
addToArray loc [] arr = pure ()
addToArray loc (Nothing :: ns) arr
addToArray loc (Nothing :: ns) arr
= assert_total (addToArray (loc + 1) ns arr)
addToArray loc (Just el :: ns) arr
= do unsafeWriteArray (content arr) loc (Just el)

View File

@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ Key = Int
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : Key -> v -> Tree Z v
Branch2 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Branch3 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Leaf : Key -> v -> Tree Z v
Branch2 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Branch3 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
branch4 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch4 a b c d e f g =
Branch2 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch2 e f g)
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ treeToList = treeToList' []
treeToList' : List (Key, v) -> Tree n v -> List (Key, v)
treeToList' rest (Leaf k v) = (k, v) :: rest
treeToList' rest (Branch2 t1 _ t2)
treeToList' rest (Branch2 t1 _ t2)
= treeToList' (treeToList' rest t2) t1
treeToList' rest (Branch3 t1 _ t2 _ t3)
treeToList' rest (Branch3 t1 _ t2 _ t3)
= treeToList' (treeToList' (treeToList' rest t3) t2) t1
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ export
values : IntMap v -> List v
values = map snd . toList
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
treeMap f (Leaf k v) = Leaf k (f v)
treeMap f (Branch2 t1 k t2) = Branch2 (treeMap f t1) k (treeMap f t2)
treeMap f (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3)

View File

@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ Key = Name
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : Key -> v -> Tree Z v
Branch2 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Branch3 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Leaf : Key -> v -> Tree Z v
Branch2 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
Branch3 : Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Key -> Tree n v -> Tree (S n) v
branch4 :
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v -> Key ->
Tree n v ->
Tree (S (S n)) v
Tree (S (S n)) v
branch4 a b c d e f g =
Branch2 (Branch2 a b c) d (Branch2 e f g)
@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ treeToList = treeToList' []
treeToList' : List (Key, v) -> Tree n v -> List (Key, v)
treeToList' rest (Leaf k v) = (k, v) :: rest
treeToList' rest (Branch2 t1 _ t2)
treeToList' rest (Branch2 t1 _ t2)
= treeToList' (treeToList' rest t2) t1
treeToList' rest (Branch3 t1 _ t2 _ t3)
treeToList' rest (Branch3 t1 _ t2 _ t3)
= treeToList' (treeToList' (treeToList' rest t3) t2) t1
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ export
values : NameMap v -> List v
values = map snd . toList
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree n a -> Tree n b
treeMap f (Leaf k v) = Leaf k (f v)
treeMap f (Branch2 t1 k t2) = Branch2 (treeMap f t1) k (treeMap f t2)
treeMap f (Branch3 t1 k1 t2 k2 t3)

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ extendAs old as newsyn
put Syn (record { infixes $= mergeLeft (infixes newsyn),
prefixes $= mergeLeft (prefixes newsyn),
ifaces $= mergeAs old as (ifaces newsyn),
bracketholes $= ((bracketholes newsyn) ++) }
bracketholes $= ((bracketholes newsyn) ++) }
mkPrec : Fixity -> Nat -> OpPrec
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ toTokList (POp fc opn l r)
= do syn <- get Syn
let op = nameRoot opn
case lookup op (infixes syn) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
let ops = unpack opChars in
if any (\x => x `elem` ops) (unpack op)
then throw (GenericMsg fc $ "Unknown operator '" ++ op ++ "'")
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ toTokList (POp fc opn l r)
pure (Expr l :: Op fc opn (mkPrec fix prec) :: rtoks)
backtickPrec : OpPrec
backtickPrec = NonAssoc 10
backtickPrec = NonAssoc 1
toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opn arg)
= do syn <- get Syn
let op = nameRoot opn
@ -107,36 +107,36 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
desugar side ps (PRef fc x) = pure $ IVar fc x
desugar side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
desugar side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
= let ps' = maybe ps (:: ps) mn in
pure $ IPi fc rig p mn !(desugar side ps argTy)
pure $ IPi fc rig p mn !(desugar side ps argTy)
!(desugar side ps' retTy)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(UN _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(UN _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(MN _ _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(MN _ _)) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just n) !(desugar side ps argTy)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PImplicit _) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p Nothing !(desugar side ps argTy)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p (PImplicit _) argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p Nothing !(desugar side ps argTy)
!(desugar side ps scope)
desugar side ps (PLam fc rig p pat argTy scope)
= pure $ ILam fc rig p (Just (MN "lamc" 0)) !(desugar side ps argTy) $
ICase fc (IVar fc (MN "lamc" 0)) (Implicit fc False)
[!(desugarClause ps True (MkPatClause fc pat scope []))]
desugar side ps (PLet fc rig (PRef _ n) nTy nVal scope [])
= pure $ ILet fc rig n !(desugar side ps nTy) !(desugar side ps nVal)
= pure $ ILet fc rig n !(desugar side ps nTy) !(desugar side ps nVal)
!(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PLet fc rig pat nTy nVal scope alts)
desugar side ps (PLet fc rig pat nTy nVal scope alts)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps nVal) !(desugar side ps nTy)
!(traverse (desugarClause ps True)
!(traverse (desugarClause ps True)
(MkPatClause fc pat scope [] :: alts))
desugar side ps (PCase fc x xs)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps x)
desugar side ps (PCase fc x xs)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps x)
(Implicit fc False)
!(traverse (desugarClause ps True) xs)
desugar side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
= pure $ ILocal fc (concat !(traverse (desugarDecl ps) xs))
desugar side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
= pure $ ILocal fc (concat !(traverse (desugarDecl ps) xs))
!(desugar side (definedIn xs ++ ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PApp pfc (PUpdate fc fs) rec)
= pure $ IUpdate pfc !(traverse (desugarUpdate side ps) fs)
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ mutual
desugar side ps (PUpdate fc fs)
= desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(PApp fc (PUpdate fc fs) (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0))))
desugar side ps (PApp fc x y)
desugar side ps (PApp fc x y)
= pure $ IApp fc !(desugar side ps x) !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PWithApp fc x y)
desugar side ps (PWithApp fc x y)
= pure $ IWithApp fc !(desugar side ps x) !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PImplicitApp fc x argn y)
desugar side ps (PImplicitApp fc x argn y)
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(desugar side ps x) argn !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PDelayed fc r ty)
= pure $ IDelayed fc r !(desugar side ps ty)
@ -163,18 +163,18 @@ mutual
[apply (IVar fc (UN "===")) [l', r'],
apply (IVar fc (UN "~=~")) [l', r']]
desugar side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugar side ps e
desugar side ps (POp fc op l r)
desugar side ps (POp fc op l r)
= do ts <- toTokList (POp fc op l r)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugar side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugar side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
= do ts <- toTokList (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
desugar side ps (PSectionL fc op arg)
desugar side ps (PSectionL fc op arg)
= do syn <- get Syn
-- It might actually be a prefix argument rather than a section
-- so check that first, otherwise desugar as a lambda
case lookup (nameRoot op) (prefixes syn) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
(POp fc op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
Just prec => desugar side ps (PPrefixOp fc op arg)
@ -188,36 +188,40 @@ mutual
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (BI x)))
[IPrimVal fc (BI x),
IPrimVal fc (I (fromInteger x))]
Just fi => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc fi)
Just fi => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc fi)
(IPrimVal fc (BI x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc (Str x))
= case !fromStringName of
Nothing =>
pure $ IPrimVal fc (Str x)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
(IPrimVal fc (Str x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc (Ch x))
= case !fromCharName of
Nothing =>
pure $ IPrimVal fc (Ch x)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
Just f => pure $ IApp fc (IVar fc f)
(IPrimVal fc (Ch x))
desugar side ps (PPrimVal fc x) = pure $ IPrimVal fc x
desugar side ps (PQuote fc x)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Reflection not implemeted yet")
-- = pure $ IQuote fc !(desugar side ps x)
desugar side ps (PUnquote fc x)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Reflection not implemeted yet")
-- = pure $ IUnquote fc !(desugar side ps x)
desugar side ps (PHole fc br holename)
desugar side ps (PQuote fc tm)
= pure $ IQuote fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PQuoteDecl fc x)
= do [x'] <- desugarDecl ps x
| _ => throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't quote this declaration")
pure $ IQuoteDecl fc x'
desugar side ps (PUnquote fc tm)
= pure $ IUnquote fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PRunElab fc tm)
= pure $ IRunElab fc !(desugar side ps tm)
desugar side ps (PHole fc br holename)
= do when br $
do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { bracketholes $= ((UN holename) ::) } syn)
pure $ IHole fc holename
desugar side ps (PType fc) = pure $ IType fc
desugar side ps (PAs fc vname pattern)
desugar side ps (PAs fc vname pattern)
= pure $ IAs fc UseRight vname !(desugar side ps pattern)
desugar side ps (PDotted fc x)
desugar side ps (PDotted fc x)
= pure $ IMustUnify fc "User dotted" !(desugar side ps x)
desugar side ps (PImplicit fc) = pure $ Implicit fc True
desugar side ps (PInfer fc) = pure $ Implicit fc False
@ -225,35 +229,35 @@ mutual
= expandDo side ps fc block
desugar side ps (PList fc args)
= expandList side ps fc args
desugar side ps (PPair fc l r)
desugar side ps (PPair fc l r)
= do l' <- desugar side ps l
r' <- desugar side ps r
let pval = apply (IVar fc (UN "MkPair")) [l', r']
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
[apply (IVar fc (UN "Pair")) [l', r'], pval]
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) (PImplicit _) r)
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) (PImplicit _) r)
= do r' <- desugar side ps r
let pval = apply (IVar fc (UN "MkDPair")) [IVar nfc (UN n), r']
pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
[apply (IVar fc (UN "DPair"))
[Implicit nfc False,
[apply (IVar fc (UN "DPair"))
[Implicit nfc False,
ILam nfc RigW Explicit (Just (UN n)) (Implicit nfc False) r'],
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) ty r)
desugar side ps (PDPair fc (PRef nfc (UN n)) ty r)
= do ty' <- desugar side ps ty
r' <- desugar side ps r
pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "DPair"))
ILam nfc RigW Explicit (Just (UN n)) ty' r']
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l (PImplicit _) r)
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l (PImplicit _) r)
= do l' <- desugar side ps l
r' <- desugar side ps r
pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "MkDPair")) [l', r']
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l ty r)
desugar side ps (PDPair fc l ty r)
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid dependent pair type")
desugar side ps (PUnit fc)
desugar side ps (PUnit fc)
= pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")))
[IVar fc (UN "Unit"),
[IVar fc (UN "Unit"),
IVar fc (UN "MkUnit")]
desugar side ps (PIfThenElse fc x t e)
= pure $ ICase fc !(desugar side ps x) (Implicit fc False)
@ -273,12 +277,12 @@ mutual
desugar side ps (PRange fc start next end)
= case next of
Nothing =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc
desugar side ps (PApp fc
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromTo"))
start) end)
Just n =>
desugar side ps (PApp fc
(PApp fc
desugar side ps (PApp fc
(PApp fc
(PApp fc (PRef fc (UN "rangeFromThenTo"))
start) n) end)
desugar side ps (PRangeStream fc start next)
@ -305,7 +309,7 @@ mutual
Side -> List Name -> FC -> List PTerm -> Core RawImp
expandList side ps fc [] = pure (IVar fc (UN "Nil"))
expandList side ps fc (x :: xs)
= pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "::"))
= pure $ apply (IVar fc (UN "::"))
[!(desugar side ps x), !(expandList side ps fc xs)]
expandDo : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -315,21 +319,21 @@ mutual
Side -> List Name -> FC -> List PDo -> Core RawImp
expandDo side ps fc [] = throw (GenericMsg fc "Do block cannot be empty")
expandDo side ps _ [DoExp fc tm] = desugar side ps tm
expandDo side ps fc [e]
= throw (GenericMsg (getLoc e)
"Last statement in do block must be an expression")
expandDo side ps fc [e]
= throw (GenericMsg (getLoc e)
"Last statement in do block must be an expression")
expandDo side ps topfc (DoExp fc tm :: rest)
= do tm' <- desugar side ps tm
rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc rest
gam <- get Ctxt
pure $ IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN ">>=")) tm')
(ILam fc RigW Explicit Nothing
(ILam fc RigW Explicit Nothing
(Implicit fc False) rest')
expandDo side ps topfc (DoBind fc n tm :: rest)
= do tm' <- desugar side ps tm
rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc rest
pure $ IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN ">>=")) tm')
(ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just n)
(ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just n)
(Implicit fc False) rest')
expandDo side ps topfc (DoBindPat fc pat exp alts :: rest)
= do pat' <- desugar LHS ps pat
@ -339,24 +343,24 @@ mutual
let ps' = newps ++ ps
rest' <- expandDo side ps' topfc rest
pure $ IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (UN ">>=")) exp')
(ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just (MN "_" 0))
(ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just (MN "_" 0))
(Implicit fc False)
(ICase fc (IVar fc (MN "_" 0))
(Implicit fc False)
(PatClause fc bpat rest'
(PatClause fc bpat rest'
:: alts')))
expandDo side ps topfc (DoLet fc n rig tm :: rest)
expandDo side ps topfc (DoLet fc n rig tm :: rest)
= do tm' <- desugar side ps tm
rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc rest
pure $ ILet fc rig n (Implicit fc False) tm' rest'
expandDo side ps topfc (DoLetPat fc pat tm alts :: rest)
expandDo side ps topfc (DoLetPat fc pat tm alts :: rest)
= do pat' <- desugar LHS ps pat
(newps, bpat) <- bindNames False pat'
tm' <- desugar side ps tm
alts' <- traverse (desugarClause ps True) alts
let ps' = newps ++ ps
rest' <- expandDo side ps' topfc rest
pure $ ICase fc tm' (Implicit fc False)
pure $ ICase fc tm' (Implicit fc False)
(PatClause fc bpat rest'
:: alts')
expandDo side ps topfc (DoLetLocal fc decls :: rest)
@ -402,7 +406,7 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
List Name -> PTypeDecl -> Core ImpTy
desugarType ps (MkPTy fc n ty)
desugarType ps (MkPTy fc n ty)
= pure $ MkImpTy fc n !(bindTypeNames ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps ty))
desugarClause : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -414,7 +418,7 @@ mutual
= do ws <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) wheres
(bound, blhs) <- bindNames arg !(desugar LHS ps lhs)
rhs' <- desugar AnyExpr (bound ++ ps) rhs
pure $ PatClause fc blhs
pure $ PatClause fc blhs
(case ws of
[] => rhs'
_ => ILocal fc (concat ws) rhs')
@ -432,24 +436,24 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
List Name -> PDataDecl -> Core ImpData
desugarData ps (MkPData fc n tycon opts datacons)
desugarData ps (MkPData fc n tycon opts datacons)
= pure $ MkImpData fc n !(bindTypeNames ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps tycon))
!(traverse (desugarType ps) datacons)
desugarData ps (MkPLater fc n tycon)
desugarData ps (MkPLater fc n tycon)
= pure $ MkImpLater fc n !(bindTypeNames ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps tycon))
desugarField : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
List Name -> PField ->
List Name -> PField ->
Core IField
desugarField ps (MkField fc rig p n ty)
= pure (MkIField fc rig p n !(bindTypeNames ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps ty)))
-- Get the declaration to process on each pass of a mutual block
-- Essentially: types on the first pass
-- Essentially: types on the first pass
-- i.e. type constructors of data declarations
-- function types
-- interfaces (in full, since it includes function types)
@ -479,8 +483,8 @@ mutual
getDecl AsDef (PFixity _ _ _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef (PDirective _ _) = Nothing
getDecl AsDef d = Just d
getDecl p (PParameters fc ps pds)
getDecl p (PParameters fc ps pds)
= Just (PParameters fc ps (mapMaybe (getDecl p) pds))
getDecl Single d = Just d
@ -493,14 +497,14 @@ mutual
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
List Name -> PDecl -> Core (List ImpDecl)
desugarDecl ps (PClaim fc rig vis opts ty)
desugarDecl ps (PClaim fc rig vis opts ty)
= pure [IClaim fc rig vis opts !(desugarType ps ty)]
desugarDecl ps (PDef fc clauses)
desugarDecl ps (PDef fc clauses)
-- The clauses won't necessarily all be from the same function, so split
-- after desugaring, by function name, using collectDefs from RawImp
= do cs <- traverse (desugarClause ps False) clauses
defs <- traverse toIDef cs
pure (collectDefs defs)
pure (collectDefs defs)
getFn : RawImp -> Core Name
getFn (IVar _ n) = pure n
@ -509,14 +513,14 @@ mutual
getFn tm = throw (InternalError (show tm ++ " is not a function application"))
toIDef : ImpClause -> Core ImpDecl
toIDef (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
toIDef (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
= pure $ IDef fc !(getFn lhs) [PatClause fc lhs rhs]
toIDef (WithClause fc lhs rhs cs)
toIDef (WithClause fc lhs rhs cs)
= pure $ IDef fc !(getFn lhs) [WithClause fc lhs rhs cs]
toIDef (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
toIDef (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
= pure $ IDef fc !(getFn lhs) [ImpossibleClause fc lhs]
desugarDecl ps (PData fc vis ddecl)
desugarDecl ps (PData fc vis ddecl)
= pure [IData fc vis !(desugarData ps ddecl)]
desugarDecl ps (PParameters fc params pds)
= do pds' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ map fst params)) pds
@ -540,19 +544,19 @@ mutual
pure (fst ntm, tm')) params
-- Look for bindable names in all the constraints and parameters
let mnames = map dropNS (definedIn body)
let bnames = concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ mnames ++ map fst params) [])
let bnames = concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ mnames ++ map fst params) [])
(map snd cons') ++
concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ mnames ++ map fst params) [])
concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ mnames ++ map fst params) [])
(map snd params')
let paramsb = map (\ (n, tm) => (n, doBind bnames tm)) params'
let consb = map (\ (n, tm) => (n, doBind bnames tm)) cons'
body' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ mnames ++ map fst params)) body
pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env =>
pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env =>
elabInterface fc vis env nest consb
tn paramsb det conname
tn paramsb det conname
(concat body'))]
-- Turns pairs in the constraints to individual constraints. This
@ -585,15 +589,15 @@ mutual
pure (Just (concat b'))) body
pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env =>
elabImplementation fc vis pass env nest isb consb
tn paramsb impname
tn paramsb impname
desugarDecl ps (PRecord fc vis tn params conname fields)
= do params' <- traverse (\ ntm => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps (snd ntm)
pure (fst ntm, tm')) params
let fnames = map fname fields
-- Look for bindable names in the parameters
let bnames = concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ fnames ++ map fst params) [])
let bnames = concatMap (findBindableNames True
(ps ++ fnames ++ map fst params) [])
(map snd params')
fields' <- traverse (desugarField (ps ++ fnames ++ map fst params))
@ -607,11 +611,11 @@ mutual
fname : PField -> Name
fname (MkField _ _ _ n _) = n
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc Prefix prec (UN n))
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc Prefix prec (UN n))
= do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { prefixes $= insert n prec } syn)
pure []
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc fix prec (UN n))
desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc fix prec (UN n))
= do syn <- get Syn
put Syn (record { infixes $= insert n (fix, prec) } syn)
pure []
@ -624,7 +628,11 @@ mutual
desugarDecl ps (PNamespace fc ns decls)
= do ds <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) decls
pure [INamespace fc False ns (concat ds)]
desugarDecl ps (PDirective fc d)
desugarDecl ps (PTransform fc lhs rhs)
= do (bound, blhs) <- bindNames False !(desugar LHS ps lhs)
rhs' <- desugar AnyExpr (bound ++ ps) rhs
pure [ITransform fc blhs rhs']
desugarDecl ps (PDirective fc d)
= case d of
Hide n => pure [IPragma (\c, nest, env => hide fc n)]
Logging i => pure [ILog i]

View File

@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ import Data.NameMap
%default covering
mkImpl : FC -> Name -> List RawImp -> Name
mkImpl fc n ps
mkImpl fc n ps
= DN (show n ++ " implementation at " ++ show fc)
(UN ("__Impl_" ++ show n ++ "_" ++
showSep "_" (map show ps)))
bindConstraints : FC -> PiInfo ->
bindConstraints : FC -> PiInfo ->
List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindConstraints fc p [] ty = ty
bindConstraints fc p ((n, ty) :: rest) sc
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ bindImpls fc ((n, r, ty) :: rest) sc
= IPi fc r Implicit (Just n) ty (bindImpls fc rest sc)
addDefaults : FC -> Name -> List Name -> List (Name, List ImpClause) ->
List ImpDecl ->
List ImpDecl ->
(List ImpDecl, List Name) -- Updated body, list of missing methods
addDefaults fc impName allms defs body
= let missing = dropGot allms body in
@ -51,25 +51,25 @@ addDefaults fc impName allms defs body
-- Given the list of missing names, if any are among the default definitions,
-- add them to the body
extendBody : List Name -> List Name -> List ImpDecl ->
extendBody : List Name -> List Name -> List ImpDecl ->
(List ImpDecl, List Name)
extendBody ms [] body = (body, ms)
extendBody ms (n :: ns) body
= case lookup n defs of
Nothing => extendBody (n :: ms) ns body
Just cs =>
Just cs =>
-- If any method names appear in the clauses, they should
-- be applied to the constraint name __con because they
-- are going to be referring to the present implementation.
-- That is, default method implementations could depend on
-- other methods.
-- (See test idris2/interface014 for an example!)
let mupdates
let mupdates
= map (\n => (n, IImplicitApp fc (IVar fc n)
(Just (UN "__con"))
(IVar fc impName))) allms
cs' = map (substNamesClause [] mupdates) cs in
extendBody ms ns
extendBody ms ns
(IDef fc n (map (substLocClause fc) cs') :: body)
-- Find which names are missing from the body
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
Just conty <- lookupTyExact (iconstructor cdata) (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc (iconstructor cdata))
let impsp = nub (concatMap findIBinds ps ++
let impsp = nub (concatMap findIBinds ps ++
concatMap findIBinds (map snd cons))
logTerm 3 ("Found interface " ++ show cn) ity
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
-- Don't make it a hint if it's a named implementation
let opts = maybe [Inline, Hint True] (const [Inline]) impln
let initTy = bindImpls fc is $ bindConstraints fc AutoImplicit cons
let initTy = bindImpls fc is $ bindConstraints fc AutoImplicit cons
(apply (IVar fc iname) ps)
let paramBinds = findBindableNames True vars [] initTy
let impTy = doBind paramBinds initTy
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
log 5 $ "Implementation type: " ++ show impTy
when (typePass pass) $ processDecl [] nest env impTyDecl
-- If the body is empty, we're done for now (just declaring that
-- the implementation exists and define it later)
when (defPass pass) $ maybe (pure ())
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
-- 1.5. Lookup default definitions and add them to to body
let (body, missing)
= addDefaults fc impName (map (dropNS . fst) (methods cdata))
= addDefaults fc impName (map (dropNS . fst) (methods cdata))
(defaults cdata) body_in
log 5 $ "Added defaults: body is " ++ show body
@ -169,15 +169,15 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
-- 2. Elaborate top level function types for this interface
defs <- get Ctxt
fns <- topMethTypes [] impName methImps impsp (params cdata)
(map fst (methods cdata))
(map fst (methods cdata))
(methods cdata)
traverse (processDecl [] nest env) (map mkTopMethDecl fns)
-- 3. Build the record for the implementation
let mtops = map (Basics.fst . snd) fns
let con = iconstructor cdata
let ilhs = impsApply (IVar fc impName)
(map (\x => (x, IBindVar fc (show x)))
let ilhs = impsApply (IVar fc impName)
(map (\x => (x, IBindVar fc (show x)))
(map fst methImps))
-- RHS is the constructor applied to a search for the necessary
-- parent constraints, then the method implementations
@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
impsApply : RawImp -> List (Name, RawImp) -> RawImp
impsApply fn [] = fn
impsApply fn ((n, arg) :: ns)
impsApply fn ((n, arg) :: ns)
= impsApply (IImplicitApp fc fn (Just n) arg) ns
mkLam : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo) -> RawImp -> RawImp
mkLam [] tm = tm
mkLam ((x, c, p) :: xs) tm
mkLam ((x, c, p) :: xs) tm
= ILam fc c p (Just x) (Implicit fc False) (mkLam xs tm)
applyTo : FC -> RawImp -> List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo) -> RawImp
@ -248,10 +248,10 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
= applyTo fc (IImplicitApp fc tm (Just x) (IVar fc x)) xs
-- When applying the method in the field for the record, eta expand
-- the expected arguments based on the field type, so that implicits get
-- the expected arguments based on the field type, so that implicits get
-- inserted in the right place
mkMethField : List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
List (Name, List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo)) ->
List (Name, List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo)) ->
(Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, RawImp) -> RawImp
mkMethField methImps fldTys (topn, n, upds, c, ty)
= let argns = map applyUpdate (maybe [] id (lookup (dropNS topn) fldTys))
@ -264,22 +264,22 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
(map (\n => (n, IVar fc (UN (show n)))) imps))
applyUpdate : (Name, RigCount, PiInfo) -> (Name, RigCount, PiInfo)
applyUpdate (UN n, c, p)
applyUpdate (UN n, c, p)
= maybe (UN n, c, p) (\n' => (UN n', c, p)) (lookup n upds)
applyUpdate t = t
methName : Name -> Name
methName (NS _ n) = methName n
methName n
methName n
= DN (show n) (UN (show n ++ "_" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++
maybe "" show impln ++ "_" ++
showSep "_" (map show ps)))
applyCon : Name -> Name -> Core (Name, RawImp)
applyCon impl n
applyCon impl n
= do mn <- inCurrentNS (methName n)
pure (dropNS n, IVar fc mn)
bindImps : List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindImps [] ty = ty
bindImps ((n, c, t) :: ts) ty
@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
topMethType : List (Name, RawImp) ->
Name -> List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
List String -> List Name -> List Name ->
(Name, RigCount, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
(Name, RigCount, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core ((Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, RawImp),
List (Name, RawImp))
List (Name, RawImp))
topMethType methupds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths (mn, c, (d, mty_in))
= do -- Get the specialised type by applying the method to the
-- parameters
@ -319,20 +319,20 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
log 3 $ "Method " ++ show mn ++ " ==> " ++
show n ++ " : " ++ show mty
log 5 $ "Updates " ++ show methupds
log 5 $ "From " ++ show mbase
log 3 $ "Name updates " ++ show upds
log 3 $ "Param names: " ++ show pnames
log 5 $ "From " ++ show mbase
log 3 $ "Name updates " ++ show upds
log 3 $ "Param names: " ++ show pnames
log 10 $ "Used names " ++ show ibound
let ibinds = map fst methImps
let methupds' = if isNil ibinds then []
else [(n, impsApply (IVar fc n)
(map (\x => (x, IBindVar fc (show x))) ibinds))]
pure ((mn, n, upds, c, mty), methupds')
topMethTypes : List (Name, RawImp) ->
Name -> List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
List String -> List Name -> List Name ->
List (Name, RigCount, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
List (Name, RigCount, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core (List (Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, RawImp))
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths [] = pure []
topMethTypes upds impName methImps impsp pnames allmeths (m :: ms)
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
pure (m' :: ms')
mkTopMethDecl : (Name, Name, List (String, String), RigCount, RawImp) -> ImpDecl
mkTopMethDecl (mn, n, upds, c, mty)
mkTopMethDecl (mn, n, upds, c, mty)
= IClaim fc c vis [] (MkImpTy fc n mty)
-- Given the method type (result of topMethType) return the mapping from
@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
findMethName : List (Name, Name) -> FC -> Name -> Core Name
findMethName ns fc n
= case lookup n ns of
Nothing => throw (GenericMsg fc
(show n ++ " is not a method of " ++
Nothing => throw (GenericMsg fc
(show n ++ " is not a method of " ++
show iname))
Just n' => pure n'
@ -370,9 +370,9 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
updateApp ns tm
= throw (GenericMsg (getFC tm) "Invalid method definition")
updateClause : List (Name, Name) -> ImpClause ->
updateClause : List (Name, Name) -> ImpClause ->
Core ImpClause
updateClause ns (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
updateClause ns (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
= do lhs' <- updateApp ns lhs
pure (PatClause fc lhs' rhs)
updateClause ns (WithClause fc lhs wval cs)
@ -384,10 +384,10 @@ elabImplementation {vars} fc vis pass env nest is cons iname ps impln mbody
pure (ImpossibleClause fc lhs')
updateBody : List (Name, Name) -> ImpDecl -> Core ImpDecl
updateBody ns (IDef fc n cs)
updateBody ns (IDef fc n cs)
= do cs' <- traverse (updateClause ns) cs
n' <- findMethName ns fc n
pure (IDef fc n' cs')
updateBody ns _
= throw (GenericMsg fc
updateBody ns _
= throw (GenericMsg fc
"Implementation body can only contain definitions")

View File

@ -26,25 +26,25 @@ import Data.ANameMap
mkDataTy : FC -> List (Name, RawImp) -> RawImp
mkDataTy fc [] = IType fc
mkDataTy fc ((n, ty) :: ps)
mkDataTy fc ((n, ty) :: ps)
= IPi fc RigW Explicit (Just n) ty (mkDataTy fc ps)
mkIfaceData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Visibility -> Env Term vars ->
List (Maybe Name, RigCount, RawImp) ->
Name -> Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
Name -> Name -> List (Name, RawImp) ->
List Name -> List (Name, RigCount, RawImp) -> Core ImpDecl
mkIfaceData {vars} fc vis env constraints n conName ps dets meths
= let opts = if isNil dets
= let opts = if isNil dets
then [NoHints]
else [NoHints, SearchBy dets]
else [NoHints, SearchBy dets]
retty = apply (IVar fc n) (map (IVar fc) (map fst ps))
conty = mkTy Implicit (map jname ps) $
mkTy Explicit (map bhere constraints ++ map bname meths) retty
con = MkImpTy fc conName !(bindTypeNames (map fst ps ++ map fst meths ++ vars) conty) in
pure $ IData fc vis (MkImpData fc n
pure $ IData fc vis (MkImpData fc n
!(bindTypeNames (map fst ps ++ map fst meths ++ vars)
(mkDataTy fc ps))
(mkDataTy fc ps))
opts [con])
jname : (Name, RawImp) -> (Maybe Name, RigCount, RawImp)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ mkIfaceData {vars} fc vis env constraints n conName ps dets meths
bhere : (Maybe Name, RigCount, RawImp) -> (Maybe Name, RigCount, RawImp)
bhere (n, c, t) = (n, c, IBindHere (getFC t) (PI Rig0) t)
mkTy : PiInfo ->
mkTy : PiInfo ->
List (Maybe Name, RigCount, RawImp) -> RawImp -> RawImp
mkTy imp [] ret = ret
mkTy imp ((n, c, argty) :: args) ret
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ getMethDecl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars -> NestedNames vars ->
(params : List (Name, RawImp)) ->
(mnames : List Name) ->
(FC, RigCount, List FnOpt, n, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
(FC, RigCount, List FnOpt, n, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core (n, RigCount, RawImp)
getMethDecl {vars} env nest params mnames (fc, c, opts, n, (d, ty))
= do ty_imp <- bindTypeNames (map fst params ++ mnames ++ vars) ty
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ getMethDecl {vars} env nest params mnames (fc, c, opts, n, (d, ty))
then stripParams ps ret
else IPi fc r p mn arg (stripParams ps ret)
stripParams ps ty = ty
-- bind the auto implicit for the interface - put it after all the other
-- implicits
bindIFace : FC -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
@ -93,42 +93,42 @@ bindIFace _ ity (IPi fc rig AutoImplicit n ty sc)
= IPi fc rig AutoImplicit n ty (bindIFace fc ity sc)
bindIFace fc ity sc = IPi fc RigW AutoImplicit (Just (UN "__con")) ity sc
-- Get the top level function for implementing a method
-- Get the top level function for implementing a method
getMethToplevel : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Env Term vars -> Visibility ->
Env Term vars -> Visibility ->
Name -> Name ->
(constraints : List (Maybe Name)) ->
(allmeths : List Name) ->
(params : List Name) ->
(FC, RigCount, List FnOpt, Name, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
(FC, RigCount, List FnOpt, Name, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core (List ImpDecl)
getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params
getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params
(fc, c, opts, n, (d, ty))
= do let ity = apply (IVar fc iname) (map (IVar fc) params)
= do let ity = apply (IVar fc iname) (map (IVar fc) params)
-- Make the constraint application explicit for any method names
-- which appear in other method types
let ty_constr = substNames vars (map applyCon allmeths) ty
ty_imp <- bindTypeNames vars (bindIFace fc ity ty_constr)
cn <- inCurrentNS n
let tydecl = IClaim fc c vis (if d then [Inline, Invertible]
else [Inline])
(MkImpTy fc cn ty_imp)
else [Inline])
(MkImpTy fc cn ty_imp)
let conapp = apply (IVar fc cname)
(map (const (Implicit fc True)) constraints ++
map (IBindVar fc) (map bindName allmeths))
let argns = getExplicitArgs 0 ty
-- eta expand the RHS so that we put implicits in the right place
let fnclause = PatClause fc (IImplicitApp fc (IVar fc cn)
let fnclause = PatClause fc (IImplicitApp fc (IVar fc cn)
(Just (UN "__con"))
(mkLam argns
(mkLam argns
(apply (IVar fc (methName n))
(map (IVar fc) argns)))
let fndef = IDef fc cn [fnclause]
pure [tydecl, fndef]
applyCon : Name -> (Name, RawImp)
applyCon n = (n, IImplicitApp fc (IVar fc n)
applyCon n = (n, IImplicitApp fc (IVar fc n)
(Just (UN "__con")) (IVar fc (UN "__con")))
getExplicitArgs : Int -> RawImp -> List Name
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params
mkLam : List Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
mkLam [] tm = tm
mkLam (x :: xs) tm
mkLam (x :: xs) tm
= ILam fc RigW Explicit (Just x) (Implicit fc False) (mkLam xs tm)
bindName : Name -> String
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ getMethToplevel {vars} env vis iname cname constraints allmeths params
-- Get the function for chasing a constraint. This is one of the
-- arguments to the record, appearing before the method arguments.
getConstraintHint : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> Visibility ->
FC -> Env Term vars -> Visibility ->
Name -> Name ->
(constraints : List Name) ->
(allmeths : List Name) ->
@ -162,14 +162,14 @@ getConstraintHint : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
getConstraintHint {vars} fc env vis iname cname constraints meths params (cn, con)
= do let ity = apply (IVar fc iname) (map (IVar fc) params)
let fty = IPi fc RigW Explicit Nothing ity con
ty_imp <- bindTypeNames (meths ++ vars) fty
ty_imp <- bindTypeNames (meths ++ vars) fty
let hintname = DN ("Constraint " ++ show con)
(UN ("__" ++ show iname ++ "_" ++ show con))
let tydecl = IClaim fc RigW vis [Inline, Hint False]
let tydecl = IClaim fc RigW vis [Inline, Hint False]
(MkImpTy fc hintname ty_imp)
let conapp = apply (IVar fc cname)
(map (IBindVar fc) (map bindName constraints) ++
map (const (Implicit fc True)) meths)
map (const (Implicit fc True)) meths)
let fnclause = PatClause fc (IApp fc (IVar fc hintname) conapp)
(IVar fc (constName cn))
let fndef = IDef fc hintname [fnclause]
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ getDefault (IDef fc n cs) = Just (fc, [], n, cs)
getDefault _ = Nothing
mkCon : FC -> Name -> Name
mkCon loc (NS ns (UN n))
mkCon loc (NS ns (UN n))
= NS ns (DN (n ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN ("__mk" ++ n)))
mkCon loc n
mkCon loc n
= DN (show n ++ " at " ++ show loc) (UN ("__mk" ++ show n))
updateIfaceSyn : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ elabInterface : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
FC -> Visibility ->
FC -> Visibility ->
Env Term vars -> NestedNames vars ->
(constraints : List (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
Name ->
@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
ns_meths <- traverse (\mt => do n <- inCurrentNS (fst mt)
pure (n, snd mt)) meth_decls
ns_iname <- inCurrentNS fullIName
updateIfaceSyn ns_iname conName
updateIfaceSyn ns_iname conName
(map fst params) (map snd constraints)
ns_meths ds
nameCons : Int -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Name, RawImp)
nameCons i [] = []
nameCons i ((_, ty) :: rest)
nameCons i ((_, ty) :: rest)
= (UN ("__con" ++ show i), ty) :: nameCons (i + 1) rest
-- Elaborate the data declaration part of the interface
@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
-- signatures and constraint hints
meths <- traverse (getMethDecl env nest params meth_names) meth_sigs
log 5 $ "Method declarations: " ++ show meths
consts <- traverse (getMethDecl env nest params meth_names)
consts <- traverse (getMethDecl env nest params meth_names)
(map (\c => (fc, Rig1, [], c))
(map notData constraints))
log 5 $ "Constraints: " ++ show consts
dt <- mkIfaceData fc vis env consts iname conName params
dt <- mkIfaceData fc vis env consts iname conName params
dets meths
log 10 $ "Methods: " ++ show meths
log 5 $ "Making interface data type " ++ show dt
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
notData : (n, t) -> (n, (Bool, t))
notData (x, y) = (x, (False, y))
elabMethods : (conName : Name) -> List Name ->
elabMethods : (conName : Name) -> List Name ->
List (FC, RigCount, List FnOpt, Name, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
Core ()
elabMethods conName meth_names meth_sigs
@ -293,14 +293,14 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
-- we know it's okay, since we'll need to re-elaborate it for each
-- instance, to specialise it
elabDefault : List (Name, RigCount, (Bool, RawImp)) ->
(FC, List FnOpt, Name, List ImpClause) ->
(FC, List FnOpt, Name, List ImpClause) ->
Core (Name, List ImpClause)
elabDefault tydecls (fc, opts, n, cs)
elabDefault tydecls (fc, opts, n, cs)
= do -- orig <- branch
let dn_in = UN ("Default implementation of " ++ show n)
dn <- inCurrentNS dn_in
(rig, dty) <-
(rig, dty) <-
the (Core (RigCount, RawImp)) $
case lookup n tydecls of
Just (r, (_, t)) => pure (r, t)
@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
-- Substitute the method names with their top level function
-- name, so they don't get implicitly bound in the name
methNameMap <- traverse (\n =>
methNameMap <- traverse (\n =>
do cn <- inCurrentNS n
pure (n, applyParams (IVar fc cn)
pure (n, applyParams (IVar fc cn)
(map fst params)))
(map fst tydecls)
let dty = substNames vars methNameMap dty
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
dty_imp <- bindTypeNames (map fst tydecls ++ vars)
(bindIFace fc ity dty)
log 5 $ "Default method " ++ show dn ++ " : " ++ show dty_imp
let dtydecl = IClaim fc rig vis [] (MkImpTy fc dn dty_imp)
let dtydecl = IClaim fc rig vis [] (MkImpTy fc dn dty_imp)
processDecl [] nest env dtydecl
let cs' = map (changeName dn) cs
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ elabInterface {vars} fc vis env nest constraints iname params dets mcon body
changeNameTerm dn tm = tm
changeName : Name -> ImpClause -> ImpClause
changeName dn (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
changeName dn (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
= PatClause fc (changeNameTerm dn lhs) rhs
changeName dn (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
changeName dn (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
= ImpossibleClause fc (changeNameTerm dn lhs)
elabConstraintHints : (conName : Name) -> List Name ->

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Parser.Support
pshow : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core String
pshow env tm
pshow env tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
itm <- resugar env !(normaliseHoles defs env tm)
pure (show itm)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pshow env tm
pshowNoNorm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core String
pshowNoNorm env tm
pshowNoNorm env tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
itm <- resugar env tm
pure (show itm)
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ perror (Fatal err) = perror err
perror (CantConvert _ env l r)
= pure $ "Mismatch between:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env l) ++ "\nand\n\t" ++ !(pshow env r)
perror (CantSolveEq _ env l r)
= pure $ "Can't solve constraint between:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env l) ++
= pure $ "Can't solve constraint between:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env l) ++
"\nand\n\t" ++ !(pshow env r)
perror (PatternVariableUnifies _ env n tm)
= pure $ "Pattern variable " ++ showPVar n ++
= pure $ "Pattern variable " ++ showPVar n ++
" unifies with:\n\t" ++ !(pshow env tm)
showPVar : Name -> String
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ perror (NotCovering fc n (MissingCases cs))
showSep "\n\t" !(traverse (pshow []) cs)
perror (NotCovering fc n (NonCoveringCall ns))
= pure $ show n ++ " is not covering:\n\t" ++
"Calls non covering function"
"Calls non covering function"
++ case ns of
[fn] => " " ++ show fn
_ => "s: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ perror (LinearMisuse fc n exp ctx)
showRel Rig1 = "relevant"
showRel RigW = "non-linear"
perror (BorrowPartial fc env tm arg)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
" borrows argument " ++ !(pshow env arg) ++
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
" borrows argument " ++ !(pshow env arg) ++
" so must be fully applied"
perror (BorrowPartialType fc env tm)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++
" borrows, so must return a concrete type"
perror (AmbiguousName fc ns) = pure $ "Ambiguous name " ++ show ns
perror (AmbiguousElab fc env ts)
@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ perror (NotRecordField fc fld (Just ty))
perror (NotRecordType fc ty)
= pure $ show ty ++ " is not a record type"
perror (IncompatibleFieldUpdate fc flds)
= pure $ "Field update " ++ showSep "->" flds ++
= pure $ "Field update " ++ showSep "->" flds ++
" not compatible with other updates"
perror (InvalidImplicits _ env [Just n] tm)
= pure $ show n ++ " is not a valid implicit argument in " ++ !(pshow env tm)
perror (InvalidImplicits _ env ns tm)
= pure $ showSep ", " (map show ns) ++
= pure $ showSep ", " (map show ns) ++
" are not valid implicit arguments in " ++ !(pshow env tm)
perror (TryWithImplicits _ env imps)
= pure $ "Need to bind implicits "
@ -159,19 +159,19 @@ perror (CantSolveGoal _ env g)
-- For display, we don't want to see the full top level type; just the
-- return type
dropPis : Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
dropPis : Env Term vars -> Term vars ->
(ns ** (Env Term ns, Term ns))
dropPis env (Bind _ n b@(Pi _ _ _) sc) = dropPis (b :: env) sc
dropPis env (Bind _ n b@(Pi _ _ _) sc) = dropPis (b :: env) sc
dropPis env tm = (_ ** (env, tm))
perror (DeterminingArg _ n i env g)
= pure $ "Can't find an implementation for " ++ !(pshow env g) ++ "\n" ++
"since I can't infer a value for argument " ++ show n
perror (UnsolvedHoles hs)
perror (UnsolvedHoles hs)
= pure $ "Unsolved holes:\n" ++ showHoles hs
showHoles [] = ""
showHoles ((fc, n) :: hs) = show n ++ " introduced at " ++ show fc ++ "\n"
showHoles ((fc, n) :: hs) = show n ++ " introduced at " ++ show fc ++ "\n"
++ showHoles hs
perror (CantInferArgType _ env n h ty)
= pure $ "Can't infer type for argument " ++ show n ++ "\n" ++
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ perror (SolvedNamedHole _ env h tm)
= pure $ "Named hole " ++ show h ++ " has been solved by unification\n"
++ "Result: " ++ !(pshow env tm)
perror (VisibilityError fc vx x vy y)
= pure $ show vx ++ " " ++ sugarName x ++
= pure $ show vx ++ " " ++ sugarName x ++
" cannot refer to " ++ show vy ++ " " ++ sugarName y
perror (NonLinearPattern _ n) = pure $ "Non linear pattern " ++ sugarName n
perror (BadPattern _ n) = pure $ "Pattern not allowed here: " ++ show n
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ perror (AlreadyDefined _ n) = pure $ show n ++ " is already defined"
perror (NotFunctionType _ env tm)
= pure $ !(pshow env tm) ++ " is not a function type"
perror (RewriteNoChange _ env rule ty)
= pure $ "Rewriting by " ++ !(pshow env rule) ++
= pure $ "Rewriting by " ++ !(pshow env rule) ++
" did not change type " ++ !(pshow env ty)
perror (NotRewriteRule fc env rule)
= pure $ !(pshow env rule) ++ " is not a rewrite rule type"
@ -199,24 +199,24 @@ perror (CaseCompile _ n DifferingTypes)
= pure $ "Patterns for " ++ show n ++ " require matching on different types"
perror (CaseCompile _ n UnknownType)
= pure $ "Can't infer type to match in " ++ show n
perror (CaseCompile fc n (MatchErased (_ ** (env, tm))))
= pure $ "Attempt to match on erased argument " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
perror (CaseCompile fc n (MatchErased (_ ** (env, tm))))
= pure $ "Attempt to match on erased argument " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
" in " ++ show n
perror (BadDotPattern _ env reason x y)
= pure $ "Can't match on " ++ !(pshow env x) ++
(if reason /= "" then " (" ++ reason ++ ")" else "") ++ "\n" ++
"It elaborates to: " ++ !(pshow env y)
perror (MatchTooSpecific _ env tm)
= pure $ "Can't match on " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
= pure $ "Can't match on " ++ !(pshow env tm) ++
" as it has a polymorphic type"
perror (BadImplicit _ str)
perror (BadImplicit _ str)
= pure $ "Can't infer type for unbound implicit name " ++ str ++ "\n" ++
"Try making it a bound implicit."
perror (BadRunElab _ env script)
= pure $ "Bad elaborator script " ++ !(pshow env script)
perror (GenericMsg _ str) = pure str
perror (TTCError msg) = pure $ "Error in TTC file: " ++ show msg
perror (FileErr fname err)
perror (FileErr fname err)
= pure $ "File error in " ++ fname ++ ": " ++ show err
perror (ParseFail _ err)
= pure $ show err
@ -231,22 +231,22 @@ perror ForceNeeded = pure "Internal error when resolving implicit laziness"
perror (InternalError str) = pure $ "INTERNAL ERROR: " ++ str
perror (InType fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing type of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
= pure $ "While processing type of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
perror (InCon fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing constructor " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
= pure $ "While processing constructor " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
perror (InLHS fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing left hand side of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
= pure $ "While processing left hand side of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
perror (InRHS fc n err)
= pure $ "While processing right hand side of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
= pure $ "While processing right hand side of " ++ sugarName !(getFullName n) ++
" at " ++ show fc ++ ":\n" ++ !(perror err)
display : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
Error -> Core String
display err
display err
= pure $ maybe "" (\f => show f ++ ":") (getErrorLoc err) ++
!(perror err)

View File

@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ dump (Other str) = str
data UPD : Type where
doUpdates : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List (String, String) -> List SourcePart ->
Defs -> List (String, String) -> List SourcePart ->
Core (List SourcePart)
doUpdates defs ups [] = pure []
doUpdates defs ups (LBrace :: xs)
= case dropSpace xs of
Name n :: RBrace :: rest =>
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
pure (LBrace :: Name n ::
Whitespace " " :: Equal :: Whitespace " " ::
!(doUpdates defs ups (Name n :: RBrace :: rest)))
Name n :: Equal :: rest =>
@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ doUpdates defs ups (HoleName n :: xs)
n' <- uniqueName defs used n
put UPD (n' :: used)
pure $ HoleName n' :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
doUpdates defs ups (x :: xs)
doUpdates defs ups (x :: xs)
= pure $ x :: !(doUpdates defs ups xs)
-- State here is a list of new hole names we generated (so as not to reuse any).
-- Update the token list with the string replacements for each match, and return
-- Update the token list with the string replacements for each match, and return
-- the newly generated strings.
updateAll : {auto u : Ref UPD (List String)} ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List (List (String, String)) ->
Defs -> List SourcePart -> List (List (String, String)) ->
Core (List String)
updateAll defs l [] = pure []
updateAll defs l (rs :: rss)
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ getReplaces : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
getReplaces updates
= do strups <- traverse toStrUpdate updates
pure (concat strups)
showImpossible : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
{auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ updateCase splits line col
let thisline = getLine (cast line) (lines file)
case thisline of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "File too short!")
Just l =>
Just l =>
do let valid = mapMaybe getValid splits
let bad = mapMaybe getBad splits
if isNil valid
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ updateCase splits line col
getBad _ = Nothing
fnName : Bool -> Name -> String
fnName lhs (UN n)
fnName lhs (UN n)
= if any (not . identChar) (unpack n)
then if lhs then "(" ++ n ++ ")"
else "op"
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ getClause l n
| Nothing => pure Nothing
n <- getFullName nidx
argns <- getEnvArgNames defs envlen !(nf defs [] ty)
pure (Just (indent loc ++ fnName True n ++ concat (map (" " ++) argns) ++
pure (Just (indent loc ++ fnName True n ++ concat (map (" " ++) argns) ++
" = ?" ++ fnName False n ++ "_rhs"))
indent : FC -> String

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Parser.Lexer
-- Implement make-with and make-case from the IDE mode
isLit : String -> (Bool, String)
isLit str
isLit str
= assert_total $
if length str > 0 && strHead str == '>'
then (True, strTail str)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ makeWith n srcline
case span isSpace src of
(spc, rest) => (length spc, rest)
indent = fst isrc
src = snd isrc
src = snd isrc
lhs = pack (readLHS 0 (unpack src)) in
mkWithArg lit indent lhs ++ "\n" ++
mkWithPat lit indent lhs ++ "\n"
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ makeWith n srcline
pref : Bool -> Nat -> String
pref l ind
= (if l then ">" else "") ++
= (if l then ">" else "") ++
pack (replicate ind ' ')
mkWithArg : Bool -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithArg lit indent lhs
mkWithArg lit indent lhs
= pref lit indent ++ lhs ++ "with (_)"
mkWithPat : Bool -> Nat -> String -> String
mkWithPat lit indent lhs
= pref lit (indent + 2) ++ lhs ++ "| with_pat = ?" ++
mkWithPat lit indent lhs
= pref lit (indent + 2) ++ lhs ++ "| with_pat = ?" ++
showRHSName n ++ "_rhs"

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ident = pred startIdent <+> many (pred validIdent)
validIdent x = isAlphaNum x
ideTokens : TokenMap Token
ideTokens =
ideTokens =
map (\x => (exact x, Symbol)) symbols ++
[(digits, \x => Literal (cast x)),
(stringLit, \x => StrLit (stripQuotes x)),
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ ideTokens =
stripQuotes = assert_total (strTail . reverse . strTail . reverse)
idelex : String -> Either (Int, Int, String) (List (TokenData Token))
idelex str
idelex str
= case lex ideTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
[MkToken l c EndInput])
(_, fail) => Left fail
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ sexp
pure (IntegerAtom i)
<|> do str <- strLit
pure (StringAtom str)
<|> do symbol ":"; x <- unqualifiedName
<|> do symbol ":"; x <- unqualifiedName
pure (SymbolAtom x)
<|> do symbol "("
xs <- many sexp
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ sexp
pure (SExpList xs)
ideParser : String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
ideParser str p
ideParser str p
= case idelex str of
Left err => Left $ LexFail err
Right toks =>
Right toks =>
case parse p toks of
Left (Error err []) =>
Left (Error err []) =>
Left $ ParseFail err Nothing []
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left $ ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t))
(map tok (t :: ts))
Right (val, _) => Right val

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ holeIdent : Lexer
holeIdent = is '?' <+> ident
srcTokens : TokenMap SourcePart
srcTokens =
srcTokens =
[(ident, Name),
(holeIdent, \x => HoleName (assert_total (strTail x))),
(space, Whitespace),
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ srcTokens =
tokens : String -> List SourcePart
tokens str
tokens str
= case lex srcTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(srctoks, (l, c, rest)) =>
(srctoks, (l, c, rest)) =>
map tok srctoks ++ (if rest == "" then [] else [Other rest])

View File

@ -1025,6 +1025,8 @@ fnDirectOpt
pure Inline
<|> do exactIdent "extern"
pure ExternFn
<|> do exactIdent "macro"
pure Macro
<|> do exactIdent "foreign"
cs <- many strLit
pure (ForeignFn cs)

View File

@ -420,7 +420,9 @@ process (Eval itm)
defs <- get Ctxt
opts <- get ROpts
let norm = nfun (evalMode opts)
itm <- resugar [] !(norm defs [] tm)
ntm <- norm defs [] tm
itm <- resugar [] ntm
logTermNF 5 "Normalised" [] ntm
if showTypes opts
then do ty <- getTerm gty
ity <- resugar [] !(norm defs [] ty)
@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ process (Editing cmd)
processEdit cmd
setPPrint ppopts
pure True
process Quit
process Quit
= pure False
process NOP
= pure True
@ -653,8 +655,8 @@ repl
repeat <- interpret inp
end <- coreLift $ fEOF stdin
if repeat && not end
then repl
then repl
do iputStrLn "Bye for now!"
pure ()

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ iputStrLn msg
REPL False => coreLift $ putStrLn msg
REPL _ => pure ()
IDEMode i _ f =>
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "write-string",
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "write-string",
toSExp msg, toSExp i])
printWithStatus : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
String -> String -> Core ()
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ printWithStatus status msg
case idemode opts of
REPL _ => coreLift $ putStrLn msg
IDEMode i _ f =>
do let m = SExpList [SymbolAtom status, toSExp msg,
do let m = SExpList [SymbolAtom status, toSExp msg,
-- highlighting; currently blank
SExpList []]
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "return", m, toSExp i])
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ emitError : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
emitError err
= do opts <- get ROpts
case idemode opts of
REPL _ =>
REPL _ =>
do msg <- display err
coreLift $ putStrLn msg
IDEMode i _ f =>
@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ emitError err
case getErrorLoc err of
Nothing => iputStrLn msg
Just fc =>
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "warning",
SExpList [toSExp (file fc),
toSExp (addOne (startPos fc)),
toSExp (addOne (endPos fc)),
send f (SExpList [SymbolAtom "warning",
SExpList [toSExp (file fc),
toSExp (addOne (startPos fc)),
toSExp (addOne (endPos fc)),
toSExp msg,
-- highlighting; currently blank
SExpList []],

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Socket
public export
data OutputMode
data OutputMode
= IDEMode Integer File File
| REPL Bool -- quiet flag (ignore iputStrLn)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ setSource src
getSource : {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
Core String
= do opts <- get ROpts
pure (source opts)

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ mutual
= pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (UN n)))
toPTerm p (IVar loc (Nested _ n))
= toPTerm p (IVar loc n)
toPTerm p (IVar fc n)
toPTerm p (IVar fc n)
= do ns <- fullNamespace
pure (sugarApp (PRef fc (if ns then n else dropNS n)))
toPTerm p (IPi fc rig Implicit n arg ret)
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ mutual
bracket p startPrec (mkIf (PCase fc sc' alts'))
mkIf : PTerm -> PTerm
mkIf tm@(PCase loc sc [MkPatClause _ (PRef _ tval) t [],
mkIf tm@(PCase loc sc [MkPatClause _ (PRef _ tval) t [],
MkPatClause _ (PRef _ fval) f []])
= if dropNS tval == UN "True" && dropNS fval == UN "False"
then PIfThenElse loc sc t f
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ mutual
= do arg' <- toPTerm startPrec arg
fn' <- toPTerm startPrec fn
bracket p appPrec (PWithApp fc fn' arg')
toPTerm p (IImplicitApp fc fn n arg)
toPTerm p (IImplicitApp fc fn n arg)
= do arg' <- toPTerm startPrec arg
app <- toPTermApp fn [(fc, Just n, arg')]
imp <- showImplicits
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ mutual
else mkOp app
toPTerm p (ISearch fc d) = pure (PSearch fc d)
toPTerm p (IAlternative fc _ _) = pure (PImplicit fc)
toPTerm p (IRewrite fc rule tm)
toPTerm p (IRewrite fc rule tm)
= pure (PRewrite fc !(toPTerm startPrec rule)
!(toPTerm startPrec tm))
toPTerm p (ICoerced fc tm) = toPTerm p tm
@ -214,6 +214,14 @@ mutual
toPTerm p (IDelayed fc r ty) = pure (PDelayed fc r !(toPTerm argPrec ty))
toPTerm p (IDelay fc tm) = pure (PDelay fc !(toPTerm argPrec tm))
toPTerm p (IForce fc tm) = pure (PForce fc !(toPTerm argPrec tm))
toPTerm p (IQuote fc tm) = pure (PQuote fc !(toPTerm argPrec tm))
toPTerm p (IQuoteDecl fc d)
= do md <- toPDecl d
case md of
Nothing => throw (InternalError "Can't resugar log or pragma")
Just d' => pure (PQuoteDecl fc d')
toPTerm p (IUnquote fc tm) = pure (PUnquote fc !(toPTerm argPrec tm))
toPTerm p (IRunElab fc tm) = pure (PRunElab fc !(toPTerm argPrec tm))
toPTerm p (Implicit fc True) = pure (PImplicit fc)
toPTerm p (Implicit fc False) = pure (PInfer fc)
@ -221,7 +229,7 @@ mutual
mkApp : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
PTerm -> List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), PTerm) -> Core PTerm
mkApp fn [] = pure fn
mkApp fn [] = pure fn
mkApp fn ((fc, Nothing, arg) :: rest)
= do let ap = sugarApp (PApp fc fn arg)
mkApp ap rest
@ -236,10 +244,10 @@ mutual
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
RawImp -> List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), PTerm) ->
Core PTerm
toPTermApp (IApp fc f a) args
toPTermApp (IApp fc f a) args
= do a' <- toPTerm argPrec a
toPTermApp f ((fc, Nothing, a') :: args)
toPTermApp (IImplicitApp fc f n a) args
toPTermApp (IImplicitApp fc f n a) args
= do a' <- toPTerm startPrec a
toPTermApp f ((fc, Just n, a') :: args)
toPTermApp fn@(IVar fc n) args
@ -249,12 +257,12 @@ mutual
mkApp fn' args
Just def => do fn' <- toPTerm appPrec fn
fenv <- showFullEnv
let args'
= if fenv
let args'
= if fenv
then args
else drop (length (vars def)) args
mkApp fn' args'
toPTermApp fn args
toPTermApp fn args
= do fn' <- toPTerm appPrec fn
mkApp fn' args
@ -306,10 +314,10 @@ mutual
toPRecord : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
ImpRecord ->
ImpRecord ->
Core (Name, List (Name, PTerm), Maybe Name, List PField)
toPRecord (MkImpRecord fc n ps con fs)
= do ps' <- traverse (\ (n, ty) =>
= do ps' <- traverse (\ (n, ty) =>
do ty' <- toPTerm startPrec ty
pure (n, ty')) ps
fs' <- traverse toPField fs
@ -319,7 +327,7 @@ mutual
toPDecl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
ImpDecl -> Core (Maybe PDecl)
toPDecl (IClaim fc rig vis opts ty)
toPDecl (IClaim fc rig vis opts ty)
= pure (Just (PClaim fc rig vis opts !(toPTypeDecl ty)))
toPDecl (IData fc vis d)
= pure (Just (PData fc vis !(toPData d)))
@ -327,7 +335,7 @@ mutual
= pure (Just (PDef fc !(traverse toPClause cs)))
toPDecl (IParameters fc ps ds)
= do ds' <- traverse toPDecl ds
pure (Just (PParameters fc
pure (Just (PParameters fc
!(traverse (\ntm => do tm' <- toPTerm startPrec (snd ntm)
pure (fst ntm, tm')) ps)
(mapMaybe id ds')))
@ -337,6 +345,9 @@ mutual
toPDecl (INamespace fc _ ns ds)
= do ds' <- traverse toPDecl ds
pure (Just (PNamespace fc ns (mapMaybe id ds')))
toPDecl (ITransform fc lhs rhs)
= pure (Just (PTransform fc !(toPTerm startPrec lhs)
!(toPTerm startPrec rhs)))
toPDecl (IPragma _) = pure Nothing
toPDecl (ILog _) = pure Nothing
@ -347,7 +358,7 @@ resugar : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
resugar env tm
= do tti <- unelab env tm
toPTerm startPrec tti
resugarNoPatvars : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
@ -355,7 +366,7 @@ resugarNoPatvars : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
resugarNoPatvars env tm
= do tti <- unelabNoPatvars env tm
toPTerm startPrec tti
pterm : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->

View File

@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ mutual
PSearch : FC -> (depth : Nat) -> PTerm
PPrimVal : FC -> Constant -> PTerm
PQuote : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
PQuoteDecl : FC -> PDecl -> PTerm
PUnquote : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
PRunElab : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
PHole : FC -> (bracket : Bool) -> (holename : String) -> PTerm
PType : FC -> PTerm
PAs : FC -> Name -> (pattern : PTerm) -> PTerm
@ -217,6 +219,7 @@ mutual
PMutual : FC -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PFixity : FC -> Fixity -> Nat -> OpStr -> PDecl
PNamespace : FC -> List String -> List PDecl -> PDecl
PTransform : FC -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PDecl
PDirective : FC -> Directive -> PDecl
definedInData : PDataDecl -> List Name
@ -393,7 +396,9 @@ mutual
= showPrec d f ++ " {" ++ showPrec d n ++ " = " ++ showPrec d a ++ "}"
showPrec _ (PSearch _ _) = "%search"
showPrec d (PQuote _ tm) = "`(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PQuoteDecl _ tm) = "`( <<declaration>> )"
showPrec d (PUnquote _ tm) = "~(" ++ showPrec d tm ++ ")"
showPrec d (PRunElab _ tm) = "%runElab " ++ showPrec d tm
showPrec d (PPrimVal _ c) = showPrec d c
showPrec _ (PHole _ _ n) = "?" ++ n
showPrec _ (PType _) = "Type"

View File

@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ comment = is '-' <+> is '-' <+> many (isNot '\n')
toEndComment : (k : Nat) -> Recognise (k /= 0)
toEndComment Z = empty
toEndComment (S k)
= some (pred (\c => c /= '-' && c /= '{'))
toEndComment (S k)
= some (pred (\c => c /= '-' && c /= '{'))
<+> toEndComment (S k)
<|> is '{' <+> is '-' <+> toEndComment (S (S k))
<|> is '-' <+> is '}' <+> toEndComment k
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ toEndComment (S k)
blockComment : Lexer
blockComment = is '{' <+> is '-' <+> toEndComment 1
docComment : Lexer
docComment = is '|' <+> is '|' <+> is '|' <+> many (isNot '\n')
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ holeIdent : Lexer
holeIdent = is '?' <+> ident
doubleLit : Lexer
= digits <+> is '.' <+> digits <+> opt
(is 'e' <+> opt (is '-' <|> is '+') <+> digits)
@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ doubleLit
-- a specific back end
cgDirective : Lexer
= exact "%cg" <+>
((some space <+>
= exact "%cg" <+>
((some space <+>
some (pred isAlphaNum) <+> many space <+>
is '{' <+> many (isNot '}') <+>
is '}')
is '{' <+> many (isNot '}') <+>
is '}')
<|> many (isNot '\n'))
mkDirective : String -> Token
@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ special = ["%lam", "%pi", "%imppi", "%let"]
-- don't match 'validSymbol'
symbols : List String
= [".(", -- for things such as Foo.Bar.(+)
"(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", ",", ";", "_",
"(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", ",", ";", "_",
"`(", "`"]
@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ validSymbol = some (oneOf opChars)
reservedSymbols : List String
= symbols ++
= symbols ++
["%", "\\", ":", "=", "|", "|||", "<-", "->", "=>", "?", "&", "**", ".."]
symbolChar : Char -> Bool
symbolChar c = c `elem` unpack opChars
rawTokens : TokenMap Token
rawTokens =
rawTokens =
[(comment, Comment),
(blockComment, Comment),
(docComment, DocComment),
@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ rawTokens =
lexTo : (TokenData Token -> Bool) ->
String -> Either (Int, Int, String) (List (TokenData Token))
lexTo pred str
lexTo pred str
= case lexTo pred rawTokens str of
-- Add the EndInput token so that we'll have a line and column
-- number to read when storing spans in the file
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
(tok, (l, c, "")) => Right (filter notComment tok ++
[MkToken l c EndInput])
(_, fail) => Left fail

View File

@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ export
Show ParseError where
show (ParseFail err loc toks)
= "Parse error: " ++ err ++ " (next tokens: "
++ show (take 10 toks) ++ ")"
show (LexFail (c, l, str))
++ show (take 10 toks) ++ ")"
show (LexFail (c, l, str))
= "Lex error at " ++ show (c, l) ++ " input: " ++ str
show (FileFail err)
= "File error: " ++ show err
eoi : EmptyRule ()
= do nextIs "Expected end of input" (isEOI . tok)
pure ()
@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ eoi
runParserTo : (TokenData Token -> Bool) ->
String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
runParserTo pred str p
runParserTo pred str p
= case lexTo pred str of
Left err => Left $ LexFail err
Right toks =>
Right toks =>
case parse p toks of
Left (Error err []) =>
Left (Error err []) =>
Left $ ParseFail err Nothing []
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left $ ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t))
(map tok (t :: ts))
Right (val, _) => Right val
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ parseFile fn p
location : EmptyRule (Int, Int)
= do tok <- peek
pure (line tok, col tok)
@ -176,29 +176,29 @@ escape' ('\\' :: 't' :: xs) = pure $ '\t' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'v' :: xs) = pure $ '\v' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\'' :: xs) = pure $ '\'' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\"' :: xs) = pure $ '\"' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'x' :: xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'x' :: xs)
= case span isHexDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toHex 1 (reverse ds)) ::
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toHex 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toHex : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toHex _ [] = Just 0
toHex m (d :: ds)
toHex m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(hex (toLower d)) * m + !(toHex (m*16) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: 'o' :: xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'o' :: xs)
= case span isOctDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toOct 1 (reverse ds)) ::
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toOct 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toOct : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toOct _ [] = Just 0
toOct m (d :: ds)
toOct m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(oct (toLower d)) * m + !(toOct (m*8) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: xs)
escape' ('\\' :: xs)
= case span isDigit xs of
([], (a :: b :: c :: rest)) =>
([], (a :: b :: c :: rest)) =>
case getEsc (pack (the (List _) [a, b, c])) of
Just v => Just (v :: !(assert_total (escape' rest)))
Nothing => case getEsc (pack (the (List _) [a, b])) of
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ escape' ('\\' :: xs)
Just v => Just (v :: [])
Nothing => escape' xs
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => Just $ cast (cast {to=Int} (pack ds)) ::
(ds, rest) => Just $ cast (cast {to=Int} (pack ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
escape' (x :: xs) = Just $ x :: !(escape' xs)
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ getCharLit str
constant : Rule Constant
= terminal "Expected constant"
(\x => case tok x of
Literal i => Just (BI i)
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ constant
intLit : Rule Integer
= terminal "Expected integer literal"
(\x => case tok x of
Literal i => Just i
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ intLit
strLit : Rule String
= terminal "Expected string literal"
(\x => case tok x of
StrLit s => Just s
@ -293,14 +293,14 @@ operator : Rule String
= terminal "Expected operator"
(\x => case tok x of
Symbol s =>
if s `elem` reservedSymbols
Symbol s =>
if s `elem` reservedSymbols
then Nothing
else Just s
_ => Nothing)
identPart : Rule String
= terminal "Expected name"
(\x => case tok x of
Ident str => Just str
@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ identPart
namespace_ : Rule (List String)
= do ns <- sepBy1 (do col <- column
symbol "."
col' <- column
if (col' - col == 1)
then pure ()
else fail "No whitepace allowed after namespace separator")
else fail "No whitepace allowed after namespace separator")
pure (reverse ns) -- innermost first, so reverse
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ unqualifiedName = identPart
holeName : Rule String
= terminal "Expected hole name"
(\x => case tok x of
HoleIdent str => Just str
@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ holeName
name : Rule Name
= do ns <- namespace_
= do ns <- namespace_
(do symbol ".("
op <- operator
symbol ")"
@ -374,12 +374,12 @@ continue = continueF (fail "Unexpected end of expression")
-- As 'continue' but failing is fatal (i.e. entire parse fails)
mustContinue : (indent : IndentInfo) -> Maybe String -> EmptyRule ()
mustContinue indent Nothing
mustContinue indent Nothing
= continueF (fatalError "Unexpected end of expression") indent
mustContinue indent (Just req)
mustContinue indent (Just req)
= continueF (fatalError ("Expected '" ++ req ++ "'")) indent
data ValidIndent
data ValidIndent
= AnyIndent -- In {}, entries can begin in any column
| AtPos Int -- Entry must begin in a specific column
| AfterPos Int -- Entry can begin in this column or later
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ isTerminator _ = False
-- Check we're at the end of a block entry, given the start column
-- of the block.
-- It's the end if we have a terminating token, or the next token starts
-- It's the end if we have a terminating token, or the next token starts
-- in or before indent. Works by looking ahead but not consuming.
atEnd : (indent : IndentInfo) -> EmptyRule ()
@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ terminator valid laststart
afterDedent valid col
<|> pure EndOfBlock
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or anywhere after the initial
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or anywhere after the initial
-- column (if we're inside an indentation delimited block)
afterSemi : ValidIndent -> ValidIndent
afterSemi AnyIndent = AnyIndent -- in braces, anything goes
@ -461,8 +461,8 @@ terminator valid laststart
afterSemi (AfterPos c) = AfterPos c
afterSemi EndOfBlock = EndOfBlock
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or in exactly the initial column
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or in exactly the initial column
-- (if we're inside an indentation delimited block)
afterDedent : ValidIndent -> Int -> EmptyRule ValidIndent
afterDedent AnyIndent col
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ terminator valid laststart
afterDedent EndOfBlock col = pure EndOfBlock
-- Parse an entry in a block
blockEntry : ValidIndent -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) ->
blockEntry : ValidIndent -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) ->
Rule (ty, ValidIndent)
blockEntry valid rule
= do col <- column
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ blockWithOptHeaderAfter {ty} mincol header item
else do hidt <- optional $ blockEntry (AtPos col) header
ps <- blockEntries (AtPos col) item
pure (map fst hidt, ps)
restOfBlock : Maybe (hd, ValidIndent) -> Rule (Maybe hd, List ty)
restOfBlock (Just (h, idt)) = do ps <- blockEntries idt item
symbol "}"

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ import Control.Monad.State
-- Rename the IBindVars in a term. Anything which appears in the list 'renames'
-- should be renamed, to something which is *not* in the list 'used'
renameIBinds : (renames : List String) ->
(used : List String) ->
renameIBinds : (renames : List String) ->
(used : List String) ->
RawImp -> State (List (String, String)) RawImp
renameIBinds rs us (IPi fc c p (Just (UN n)) ty sc)
= if n `elem` rs
= if n `elem` rs
then let n' = getUnique (rs ++ us) n
sc' = substNames (map UN (filter (/= n) us))
sc' = substNames (map UN (filter (/= n) us))
[(UN n, IVar fc (UN n'))] sc in
do scr <- renameIBinds rs (n' :: us) sc'
ty' <- renameIBinds rs us ty
@ -141,6 +141,6 @@ piBindNames loc env tm
piBind : List String -> RawImp -> RawImp
piBind [] ty = ty
piBind (n :: ns) ty
piBind (n :: ns) ty
= IPi loc Rig0 Implicit (Just (UN n)) (Implicit loc False) (piBind ns ty)

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Core.Env
import Core.LinearCheck
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Transform
import Core.UnifyState
import Core.Unify
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ findPLetRenames (Bind fc n (PLet c (Local {name = x@(MN _ _)} _ _ _ p) ty) sc)
findPLetRenames (Bind fc n _ sc) = findPLetRenames sc
findPLetRenames tm = []
doPLetRenames : List (Name, (RigCount, Name)) ->
doPLetRenames : List (Name, (RigCount, Name)) ->
List Name -> Term vars -> Term vars
doPLetRenames ns drops (Bind fc n b@(PLet _ _ _) sc)
= if n `elem` drops
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ doPLetRenames ns drops (Bind fc n b@(PLet _ _ _) sc)
else Bind fc n b (doPLetRenames ns drops sc)
doPLetRenames ns drops (Bind fc n b sc)
= case lookup n ns of
Just (c, n') =>
Just (c, n') =>
Bind fc n' (setMultiplicity b (max c (multiplicity b)))
(doPLetRenames ns (n' :: drops) (renameTop n' sc))
Nothing => Bind fc n b (doPLetRenames ns drops sc)
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ getRigNeeded _ = Rig1
-- away (since solved holes don't get written to .tti)
normaliseHoleTypes : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Core ()
= do ust <- get UST
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ elabTermSub {vars} defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
-- need to check here.
else pure chktm
-- Put the current hole state back to what it was (minus anything
-- Put the current hole state back to what it was (minus anything
-- which has been solved in the meantime)
when (not incase) $
do hs <- getHoles
@ -155,15 +156,15 @@ elabTermSub {vars} defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
-- were of the form x@_, where the _ is inferred to be a variable,
-- to just x)
case mode of
InLHS _ =>
InLHS _ =>
do let vs = findPLetRenames chktm
let ret = doPLetRenames vs [] chktm
pure (ret, gnf env (doPLetRenames vs [] !(getTerm chkty)))
_ => do dumpConstraints 2 False
pure (chktm, chkty)
addHoles : (acc : IntMap (FC, Name)) ->
(allHoles : IntMap (FC, Name)) ->
addHoles : (acc : IntMap (FC, Name)) ->
(allHoles : IntMap (FC, Name)) ->
List (Int, (FC, Name)) ->
IntMap (FC, Name)
addHoles acc allhs [] = acc
@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ checkTermSub : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Int -> ElabMode -> List ElabOpt ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
Int -> ElabMode -> List ElabOpt ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
Env Term inner -> SubVars inner vars ->
RawImp -> Glued vars ->
Core (Term vars)
@ -201,9 +202,9 @@ checkTermSub defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
_ => get Ctxt
ust <- get UST
mv <- get MD
res <-
res <-
catch {t = Error}
(elabTermSub defining mode opts nest
(elabTermSub defining mode opts nest
env env' sub tm (Just ty))
(\err => case err of
TryWithImplicits loc benv ns
@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ checkTermSub defining mode opts nest env env' sub tm ty
_ => throw err)
pure (fst res)
bindImps : FC -> Env Term vs -> List (Name, Term vs) -> RawImp ->
bindImps : FC -> Env Term vs -> List (Name, Term vs) -> RawImp ->
Core RawImp
bindImps loc env [] ty = pure ty
bindImps loc env ((n, ty) :: ntys) sc
@ -229,8 +230,8 @@ checkTerm : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Int -> ElabMode -> List ElabOpt ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
Int -> ElabMode -> List ElabOpt ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RawImp -> Glued vars ->
Core (Term vars)
checkTerm defining mode opts nest env tm ty

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import TTImp.TTImp
expandAmbigName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
ElabMode -> NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), RawImp) ->
ElabMode -> NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), RawImp) ->
RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) -> Core RawImp
expandAmbigName (InLHS _) nest env orig args (IBindVar fc n) exp
= do est <- get EST
@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
Nothing => do
defs <- get Ctxt
case defined x env of
Just _ =>
if isNil args || notLHS mode
Just _ =>
if isNil args || notLHS mode
then pure $ orig
else pure $ IMustUnify fc "Name applied to arguments" orig
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do est <- get EST
fi <- fromIntegerName
si <- fromStringName
@ -51,41 +51,41 @@ expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
-- If there's multiple alternatives and all else fails, resort to using
-- the primitive directly
uniqType : Maybe Name -> Maybe Name -> Maybe Name -> Name ->
uniqType : Maybe Name -> Maybe Name -> Maybe Name -> Name ->
List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), RawImp) -> AltType
uniqType (Just fi) _ _ n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (BI x))]
uniqType (Just fi) _ _ n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (BI x))]
= UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (BI x))
uniqType _ (Just si) _ n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (Str x))]
uniqType _ (Just si) _ n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (Str x))]
= UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (Str x))
uniqType _ _ (Just ci) n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (Ch x))]
uniqType _ _ (Just ci) n [(_, _, IPrimVal fc (Ch x))]
= UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (Ch x))
uniqType _ _ _ _ _ = Unique
buildAlt : RawImp -> List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), RawImp) ->
buildAlt : RawImp -> List (FC, Maybe (Maybe Name), RawImp) ->
buildAlt f [] = f
buildAlt f ((fc', Nothing, a) :: as)
buildAlt f ((fc', Nothing, a) :: as)
= buildAlt (IApp fc' f a) as
buildAlt f ((fc', Just i, a) :: as)
buildAlt f ((fc', Just i, a) :: as)
= buildAlt (IImplicitApp fc' f i a) as
isPrimName : List Name -> Name -> Bool
isPrimName [] fn = False
isPrimName (p :: ps) fn
isPrimName (p :: ps) fn
= dropNS fn == p || isPrimName ps fn
-- If it's not a constructor application, dot it
wrapDot : Bool -> EState vars ->
ElabMode -> Name -> List RawImp -> Def -> RawImp -> RawImp
ElabMode -> Name -> List RawImp -> Def -> RawImp -> RawImp
wrapDot _ _ _ _ _ (DCon _ _) tm = tm
wrapDot _ _ _ _ _ (TCon _ _ _ _ _ _) tm = tm
-- Leave primitive applications alone, because they'll be inlined
-- before compiling the case tree
wrapDot prim est (InLHS _) n' [arg] _ tm
wrapDot prim est (InLHS _) n' [arg] _ tm
= if n' == Resolved (defining est) || prim
then tm
else IMustUnify fc "Not a constructor application or primitive" tm
wrapDot prim est (InLHS _) n' _ _ tm
wrapDot prim est (InLHS _) n' _ _ tm
= if n' == Resolved (defining est)
then tm
else IMustUnify fc "Not a constructor application or primitive" tm
@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
mkTerm : Bool -> EState vars -> Name -> GlobalDef -> RawImp
mkTerm prim est n def
mkTerm prim est n def
= wrapDot prim est mode n (map (snd . snd) args)
(definition def) (buildAlt (IVar fc n) args)
mkAlt : Bool -> EState vars -> (Name, Int, GlobalDef) -> RawImp
mkAlt prim est (fullname, i, gdef)
mkAlt prim est (fullname, i, gdef)
= mkTerm prim est (Resolved i) gdef
notLHS : ElabMode -> Bool
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IVar fc x) exp
notLHS _ = True
expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IApp fc f a) exp
= expandAmbigName mode nest env orig
= expandAmbigName mode nest env orig
((fc, Nothing, a) :: args) f exp
expandAmbigName mode nest env orig args (IImplicitApp fc f n a) exp
= expandAmbigName mode nest env orig
= expandAmbigName mode nest env orig
((fc, Just n, a) :: args) f exp
expandAmbigName elabmode nest env orig args tm exp = pure orig
@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ Show TypeMatch where
mightMatchD : Defs -> NF vars -> NF [] -> Core TypeMatch
mightMatchD defs l r
mightMatchD defs l r
= mightMatch defs (stripDelay l) (stripDelay r)
mightMatchArg : Defs ->
Closure vars -> Closure [] ->
mightMatchArg : Defs ->
Closure vars -> Closure [] ->
Core Bool
mightMatchArg defs l r
= case !(mightMatchD defs !(evalClosure defs l) !(evalClosure defs r)) of
@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ mutual
mightMatch defs target (NBind fc n (Pi _ _ _) sc)
= mightMatchD defs target !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
mightMatch defs (NTCon _ n t a args) (NTCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if n == n'
= if n == n'
then do amatch <- mightMatchArgs defs args args'
if amatch then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NDCon _ n t a args) (NDCon _ n' t' a' args')
= if t == t'
= if t == t'
then do amatch <- mightMatchArgs defs args args'
if amatch then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y)
mightMatch defs (NPrimVal _ x) (NPrimVal _ y)
= if x == y then pure Concrete else pure NoMatch
mightMatch defs (NType _) (NType _) = pure Concrete
mightMatch defs (NApp _ _ _) _ = pure Poly
@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ couldBeFn defs ty _ = pure Poly
-- Just (True, app) if it's a match on concrete return type
-- Just (False, app) if it might be a match due to being polymorphic
couldBe : Defs -> NF vars -> RawImp -> Core (Maybe (Bool, RawImp))
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NTCon _ n _ _ _) app
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NTCon _ n _ _ _) app
= case !(couldBeFn {vars} defs ty (getFn app)) of
Concrete => pure $ Just (True, app)
Poly => pure $ Just (False, app)
NoMatch => pure Nothing
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NPrimVal _ _) app
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NPrimVal _ _) app
= case !(couldBeFn {vars} defs ty (getFn app)) of
Concrete => pure $ Just (True, app)
Poly => pure $ Just (False, app)
NoMatch => pure Nothing
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NType _) app
couldBe {vars} defs ty@(NType _) app
= case !(couldBeFn {vars} defs ty (getFn app)) of
Concrete => pure $ Just (True, app)
Poly => pure $ Just (False, app)
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ filterCore f (x :: xs)
pruneByType : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars -> List RawImp ->
Env Term vars -> NF vars -> List RawImp ->
Core (List RawImp)
pruneByType env target alts
= do defs <- get Ctxt
@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ checkAlternative : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> AltType -> List RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc (UniqueDefault def) alts mexpected
@ -285,35 +285,35 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc (UniqueDefault def) alts mexpected
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
\delayed =>
do solveConstraints solvemode Normal
defs <- get Ctxt
exp <- getTerm expected
-- We can't just use the old NF on the second attempt,
-- We can't just use the old NF on the second attempt,
-- because we might know more now, so recalculate it
let exp' = if delayed
let exp' = if delayed
then gnf env exp
else expected
alts' <- pruneByType env !(getNF exp') alts
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
" at " ++ show fc ++
"\nWith default. Target type ") env exp'
if delayed -- use the default if there's still ambiguity
then try
(exactlyOne fc env
(map (\t =>
(getName t,
checkImp rig elabinfo nest env t
then try
(exactlyOne fc env
(map (\t =>
(getName t,
checkImp rig elabinfo nest env t
(Just exp'))) alts'))
(do log 5 "All failed, running default"
checkImp rig elabinfo nest env def (Just exp'))
else exactlyOne fc env
(map (\t =>
(getName t,
(map (\t =>
(getName t,
checkImp rig elabinfo nest env t (Just exp')))
checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc uniq alts mexpected
@ -329,28 +329,28 @@ checkAlternative rig elabinfo nest env fc uniq alts mexpected
let solvemode = case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS c => InLHS
_ => InTerm
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected ambiguous $
\delayed =>
do solveConstraints solvemode Normal
defs <- get Ctxt
exp <- getTerm expected
-- We can't just use the old NF on the second attempt,
-- We can't just use the old NF on the second attempt,
-- because we might know more now, so recalculate it
let exp' = if delayed
let exp' = if delayed
then gnf env exp
else expected
alts' <- pruneByType env !(getNF exp') alts
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show alts' ++
" at " ++ show fc ++
"\nTarget type ") env exp'
let tryall = case uniq of
FirstSuccess => anyOne fc
_ => exactlyOne fc env
tryall (map (\t =>
(getName t,
tryall (map (\t =>
(getName t,
do res <- checkImp rig elabinfo nest env t (Just exp')
-- Do it twice for interface resolution;
-- first pass gets the determining argument

View File

@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ getNameType : {vars : _} ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
getNameType rigc env fc x
= case defined x env of
Just (MkIsDefined rigb lv) =>
Just (MkIsDefined rigb lv) =>
do rigSafe rigb rigc
let binder = getBinder lv env
let bty = binderType binder
addNameType fc x env bty
when (isLinear rigb) $
do est <- get EST
put EST
put EST
(record { linearUsed $= ((MkVar lv) :: ) } est)
pure (Local fc (Just (isLet binder)) _ lv, gnf env bty)
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
[(pname, i, def)] <- lookupCtxtName x (gamma defs)
| [] => throw (UndefinedName fc x)
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ getVarType rigc nest env fc x
useVars : List (Term vars) -> Term vars -> Term vars
useVars [] sc = sc
useVars (a :: as) (Bind bfc n (Pi c _ ty) sc)
useVars (a :: as) (Bind bfc n (Pi c _ ty) sc)
= Bind bfc n (Let c a ty) (useVars (map weaken as) sc)
useVars as (Bind bfc n (Let c v ty) sc)
useVars as (Bind bfc n (Let c v ty) sc)
= Bind bfc n (Let c v ty) (useVars (map weaken as) sc)
useVars _ sc = sc -- Can't happen?
@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) ->
Name -> NF vars -> (Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
(expargs : List RawImp) ->
(impargs : List (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) ->
Name -> NF vars -> (Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
(expargs : List RawImp) ->
(impargs : List (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ mutual
-- on the LHS, just treat it as an implicit pattern variable.
-- on the RHS, add a searchable hole
= case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ =>
InLHS _ =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
nm <- genMVName x
empty <- clearDefs defs
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ mutual
needsDelayExpr True (ISearch _ _) = pure True
needsDelayExpr True (IRewrite _ _ _) = pure True
needsDelayExpr True _ = pure False
-- On the LHS, for any concrete thing, we need to make sure we know
-- its type before we proceed so that we can reject it if the type turns
-- out to be polymorphic
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) -> Name ->
(aty : NF vars) -> (sc : Defs -> Closure vars -> Core (NF vars)) ->
(arg : RawImp) ->
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ mutual
defs <- get Ctxt
-- If we're on the LHS, reinstantiate it with 'argv' because it
-- *may* have as patterns in it and we need to retain them.
-- (As patterns are a bit of a hack but I don't yet see a
-- (As patterns are a bit of a hack but I don't yet see a
-- better way that leads to good code...)
logTerm 5 ("Solving " ++ show metaval ++ " with") argv
ok <- solveIfUndefined env metaval argv
@ -351,25 +351,25 @@ mutual
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fntm : Term vars) -> (fnty : NF vars) ->
(expargs : List RawImp) ->
(impargs : List (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
(knownret : Bool) -> -- Do we know what the return type is yet?
-- if we do, we might be able to use it to work
-- if we do, we might be able to use it to work
-- out the types of arguments before elaborating them
(expected : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
-- Ordinary explicit argument
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm (NBind tfc x (Pi rigb Explicit aty) sc)
(arg :: expargs) impargs kr expty
(arg :: expargs) impargs kr expty
= do let argRig = rigMult rig rigb
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
tm x aty sc arg expargs impargs kr expty
-- Function type is delayed, so force the term and continue
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm (NDelayed dfc r ty@(NBind _ _ (Pi _ _ _) sc)) expargs impargs kr expty
= checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc (TForce dfc tm) ty expargs impargs kr expty
= checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc (TForce dfc r tm) ty expargs impargs kr expty
-- If there's no more arguments given, and the plicities of the type and
-- the expected type line up, stop
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty@(NBind tfc x (Pi rigb Implicit aty) sc)
@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ mutual
expargs impargs kr expty
= let argRig = rigMult rig rigb in
case useAutoImp [] impargs of
Nothing => makeAutoImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm
Nothing => makeAutoImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm
x aty sc expargs impargs kr expty
Just (arg, impargs') =>
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
tm x aty sc arg expargs impargs' kr expty
useAutoImp : List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ mutual
expargs impargs kr expty
= let argRig = rigMult rig rigb in
case useImp [] impargs of
Nothing => makeImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm
Nothing => makeImplicit rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc tm
x aty sc expargs impargs kr expty
Just (arg, impargs') =>
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
checkRestApp rig argRig elabinfo nest env fc
tm x aty sc arg expargs impargs' kr expty
useImp : List (Maybe Name, RawImp) -> List (Maybe Name, RawImp) ->
@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ mutual
useImp acc (ximp :: rest)
= useImp (ximp :: acc) rest
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] [] kr expty
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] [] kr expty
= do defs <- get Ctxt
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm (glueBack defs env ty) expty
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] impargs kr expty
checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] impargs kr expty
= case filter notInfer impargs of
[] => checkAppWith rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty [] [] kr expty
is => throw (InvalidImplicits fc env (map fst is) tm)
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ mutual
notInfer (_, Implicit _ _) = False
notInfer (n, IAs _ _ _ i) = notInfer (n, i)
notInfer _ = True
checkAppWith {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty (arg :: expargs) impargs kr expty
checkAppWith {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc tm ty (arg :: expargs) impargs kr expty
= -- Invent a function type, and hope that we'll know enough to solve it
-- later when we unify with expty
do logNF 10 "Function type" env ty
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ mutual
argTy <- metaVar fc Rig0 env argn (TType fc)
let argTyG = gnf env argTy
retTy <- metaVar -- {vars = argn :: vars}
fc Rig0 env -- (Pi RigW Explicit argTy :: env)
fc Rig0 env -- (Pi RigW Explicit argTy :: env)
retn (TType fc)
(argv, argt) <- check rig elabinfo
nest env arg (Just argTyG)
@ -480,10 +480,10 @@ checkApp : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fn : RawImp) ->
(expargs : List RawImp) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (fn : RawImp) ->
(expargs : List RawImp) ->
(impargs : List (Maybe Name, RawImp)) ->
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ checkApp rig elabinfo nest env fc (IVar fc' n) expargs impargs exp
elabinfo <- updateElabInfo (elabMode elabinfo) n expargs elabinfo
logC 10 (do defs <- get Ctxt
fnty <- quote defs env nty
exptyt <- maybe (pure Nothing)
exptyt <- maybe (pure Nothing)
(\t => do ety <- getTerm t
etynf <- normaliseHoles defs env ety
pure (Just !(toFullNames etynf)))
@ -510,15 +510,15 @@ checkApp rig elabinfo nest env fc (IVar fc' n) expargs impargs exp
isPrimName : List Name -> Name -> Bool
isPrimName [] fn = False
isPrimName (p :: ps) fn
isPrimName (p :: ps) fn
= dropNS fn == p || isPrimName ps fn
updateElabInfo : ElabMode -> Name -> List RawImp -> ElabInfo -> Core ElabInfo
-- If it's a primitive function applied to a constant on the LHS, treat it
-- as an expression because we'll normalise the function away and match on
-- the result
updateElabInfo (InLHS _) n [IPrimVal fc c] elabinfo =
do let prims = mapMaybe id
do let prims = mapMaybe id
[!fromIntegerName, !fromStringName, !fromCharName]
if isPrimName prims !(getFullName n)
then pure (record { elabMode = InExpr } elabinfo)

View File

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ checkAs : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> UseSide -> Name -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkAs rig elabinfo nest env fc side n_in pat topexp
checkAs rig elabinfo nest env fc side n_in pat topexp
= do let elabmode = elabMode elabinfo
let InLHS _ = elabmode
| _ => throw (GenericMsg fc "@-patterns only allowed in pattern clauses")
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ checkAs rig elabinfo nest env fc side n_in pat topexp
noteLHSPatVar elabmode str
notePatVar n
case lookup n (boundNames est) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do (pattm, patty) <- check rigPat elabinfo nest env pat topexp
(tm, exp, bty) <- mkPatternHole fc rig n env
(implicitMode elabinfo)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ checkAs rig elabinfo nest env fc side n_in pat topexp
(ntm, nty) <- checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm (gnf env exp)
(Just patty)
pure (As fc ntm pattm, patty)
Just bty => throw (NonLinearPattern fc n_in)
Just bty => throw (NonLinearPattern fc n_in)
-- Only one side can be usable if it's linear! Normally we'd assume this
-- to be the new variable (UseRight), but in generated case blocks it's

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ dropName n nest = record { names $= drop } nest
drop : List (Name, a) -> List (Name, a)
drop [] = []
drop ((x, y) :: xs)
= if x == n then drop xs
drop ((x, y) :: xs)
= if x == n then drop xs
else (x, y) :: drop xs
@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ checkPi : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
(argTy : RawImp) -> (retTy : RawImp) ->
(expTy : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkPi rig elabinfo nest env fc rigf info n argTy retTy expTy
= do let pirig = getRig (elabMode elabinfo)
(tyv, tyt) <- check pirig elabinfo nest env argTy
(tyv, tyt) <- check pirig elabinfo nest env argTy
(Just (gType fc))
let env' : Env Term (n :: _) = Pi rigf info tyv :: env
let nest' = weaken (dropName n nest)
(scopev, scopet) <-
inScope fc env' (\e' =>
(scopev, scopet) <-
inScope fc env' (\e' =>
check {e=e'} pirig elabinfo nest' env' retTy (Just (gType fc)))
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc (Bind fc n (Pi rigf info tyv) scopev) (gType fc) expTy
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ inferLambda : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
(argTy : RawImp) -> (scope : RawImp) ->
(expTy : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ inferLambda rig elabinfo nest env fc rigl info n argTy scope expTy
let env' : Env Term (n :: _) = Lam rigb info tyv :: env
let nest' = weaken (dropName n nest)
(scopev, scopet) <- inScope fc env' (\e' =>
check {e=e'} rig elabinfo
check {e=e'} rig elabinfo
nest' env' scope Nothing)
let lamty = gnf env (Bind fc n (Pi rigb info tyv) !(getTerm scopet))
logGlue 5 "Inferred lambda type" env lamty
@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ checkLambda : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> PiInfo -> (n : Name) ->
(argTy : RawImp) -> (scope : RawImp) ->
(expTy : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ checkLambda rig_in elabinfo nest env fc rigl info n argTy scope (Just expty_in)
defs <- get Ctxt
case exptynf of
Bind bfc bn (Pi c _ pty) psc =>
do (tyv, tyt) <- check Rig0 elabinfo nest env
do (tyv, tyt) <- check Rig0 elabinfo nest env
argTy (Just (gType fc))
let rigb = min rigl c
let env' : Env Term (n :: _) = Lam rigb info tyv :: env
convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env tyv) (gnf env pty)
convert fc elabinfo env (gnf env tyv) (gnf env pty)
let nest' = weaken (dropName n nest)
(scopev, scopet) <-
inScope fc env' (\e' =>
check {e=e'} rig elabinfo nest' env' scope
check {e=e'} rig elabinfo nest' env' scope
(Just (gnf env' (renameTop n psc))))
logTermNF 10 "Lambda type" env exptynf
logGlueNF 10 "Got scope type" env' scopet
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc
(Bind fc n (Lam rigb info tyv) scopev)
(gnf env
(gnf env
(Bind fc n (Pi rigb info tyv) !(getTerm scopet)))
(Just (gnf env
(Bind fc bn (Pi rigb info pty) psc)))
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ checkLet : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> (n : Name) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC ->
RigCount -> (n : Name) ->
(nTy : RawImp) -> (nVal : RawImp) -> (scope : RawImp) ->
(expTy : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -179,15 +179,15 @@ checkLet rigc_in elabinfo nest env fc rigl n nTy nVal scope expty
pure (fst c, snd c, rigMult rigl rigc))
(\err => case err of
LinearMisuse _ _ Rig1 _
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo
nest env nVal (Just (gnf env tyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, Rig1)
e => throw e)
let env' : Env Term (n :: _) = Lam rigb Explicit tyv :: env
let nest' = weaken (dropName n nest)
expScope <- weakenExp env' expty
(scopev, gscopet) <-
inScope fc env' (\e' =>
expScope <- weakenExp env' expty
(scopev, gscopet) <-
inScope fc env' (\e' =>
check {e=e'} rigc elabinfo nest' env' scope expScope)
scopet <- getTerm gscopet

View File

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ changeVar (MkVar {i=x} old) (MkVar new) (Local fc r idx p)
else Local fc r _ p
changeVar old new (Meta fc nm i args)
= Meta fc nm i (map (changeVar old new) args)
changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new) (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new)) b))
changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new) (Bind fc x b sc)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (changeVar (MkVar old) (MkVar new)) b))
(changeVar (MkVar (Later old)) (MkVar (Later new)) sc)
changeVar old new (App fc fn arg)
changeVar old new (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (changeVar old new fn) (changeVar old new arg)
changeVar old new (As fc nm p)
= As fc (changeVar old new nm) (changeVar old new p)
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ changeVar old new (TDelayed fc r p)
= TDelayed fc r (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TDelay fc r t p)
= TDelay fc r (changeVar old new t) (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TForce fc p)
= TForce fc (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new (TForce fc r p)
= TForce fc r (changeVar old new p)
changeVar old new tm = tm
findLater : (x : Name) -> (newer : List Name) -> Var (newer ++ x :: older)
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ findLater {older} x (_ :: xs)
MkVar (Later p)
-- For any variable *not* in vs', re-abstract over it in the term
absOthers : FC -> Env Term vs -> SubVars vs' vs ->
absOthers : FC -> Env Term vs -> SubVars vs' vs ->
Term (done ++ vs) -> Term (done ++ vs)
absOthers fc _ SubRefl tm = tm
absOthers {done} {vs = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) (KeepCons sub) tm
absOthers {done} {vs = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) (KeepCons sub) tm
= rewrite appendAssociative done [x] vars in
absOthers {done = done ++ [x]} fc env sub
(rewrite sym (appendAssociative done [x] vars) in tm)
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ absOthers {done} {vs = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) (DropCons sub) tm
= rewrite appendAssociative done [x] vars in
map (weakenNs (done ++ [x])) b
b' = Pi (multiplicity b) Explicit (binderType bindervs)
btm = Bind fc x b'
btm = Bind fc x b'
(changeVar (findLater _ (x :: done)) (MkVar First) (weaken tm)) in
rewrite appendAssociative done [x] vars in
absOthers {done = done ++ [x]} fc env sub
@ -70,43 +70,43 @@ absOthers {done} {vs = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) (DropCons sub) tm
-- unbound implicits at the point in the environment where they were
-- created (which is after the outer environment was bound)
abstractOver : FC -> Defs -> BindMode -> Env Term vs ->
abstractOver : FC -> Defs -> BindMode -> Env Term vs ->
Maybe (SubVars outer vs) -> List (Name, ImplBinding outer) ->
(tm : Term vs) -> Core ClosedTerm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode [] Nothing imps tm = pure tm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode [] (Just SubRefl) imps tm
= do tm' <- if isNil imps
abstractOver fc defs bindmode [] (Just SubRefl) imps tm
= do tm' <- if isNil imps
then pure tm
else normaliseHoles defs [] tm
(bimptm, _) <- bindImplicits fc bindmode defs [] imps tm' (TType fc)
pure bimptm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) (Just SubRefl) imps tm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) (Just SubRefl) imps tm
= do let c : RigCount
= case multiplicity b of
Rig1 => Rig0
r => r
tm' <- if isNil imps
tm' <- if isNil imps
then pure tm
else normaliseHoles defs (b :: env) tm
(bimptm, _) <- bindImplicits fc bindmode defs (b :: env) imps
tm' (TType fc)
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env Nothing imps
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env Nothing imps
(Bind fc _ (Pi c Explicit (binderType b)) bimptm)
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) (Just (DropCons p)) imps tm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) (Just (DropCons p)) imps tm
= let c = case multiplicity b of
Rig1 => Rig0
r => r in
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env (Just p) imps
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env (Just p) imps
(Bind fc _ (Pi c Explicit (binderType b)) tm)
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) _ imps tm
abstractOver fc defs bindmode (b :: env) _ imps tm
= let c = case multiplicity b of
Rig1 => Rig0
r => r in
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env Nothing imps
abstractOver fc defs bindmode env Nothing imps
(Bind fc _ (Pi c Explicit (binderType b)) tm)
toRig1 : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx vs) -> Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
toRig1 First (b :: bs)
toRig1 First (b :: bs)
= if multiplicity b == Rig0
then setMultiplicity b Rig1 :: bs
else b :: bs
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ updateMults : List (Var vs) -> Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
updateMults [] env = env
updateMults (MkVar p :: us) env = updateMults us (toRig0 p env)
shrinkImp : SubVars outer vars ->
shrinkImp : SubVars outer vars ->
(Name, ImplBinding vars) -> Maybe (Name, ImplBinding outer)
shrinkImp sub (n, NameBinding c p tm ty)
= do tm' <- shrinkTerm tm sub
@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ shrinkImp sub (n, AsBinding c p tm ty pat)
findImpsIn : FC -> Env Term vars -> List (Name, Term vars) -> Term vars ->
Core ()
findImpsIn fc env ns (Bind _ n b@(Pi _ Implicit ty) sc)
= findImpsIn fc (b :: env)
= findImpsIn fc (b :: env)
((n, weaken ty) :: map (\x => (fst x, weaken (snd x))) ns)
findImpsIn fc env ns (Bind _ n b sc)
= findImpsIn fc (b :: env)
= findImpsIn fc (b :: env)
(map (\x => (fst x, weaken (snd x))) ns)
findImpsIn fc env ns ty
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ merge (v :: vs) xs
-- Extend the list of variables we need in the environment so far, removing
-- duplicates
extendNeeded : Binder (Term vs) ->
extendNeeded : Binder (Term vs) ->
Env Term vs -> List (Var vs) -> List (Var vs)
extendNeeded (Let c ty val) env needed
= merge (findUsedLocs env ty) (merge (findUsedLocs env val) needed)
@ -183,16 +183,16 @@ isNeeded x (MkVar {i} _ :: xs) = x == i || isNeeded x xs
-- starting from the 'outerEnv' which is the fragment of the environment
-- used for the outer scope)
shrinkEnv : Defs -> SubVars outer vs -> List (Var vs) ->
(done : List Name) -> Env Term vs ->
(done : List Name) -> Env Term vs ->
Core (outer' ** SubVars outer' vs)
shrinkEnv defs SubRefl needed done env
shrinkEnv defs SubRefl needed done env
= pure (_ ** SubRefl) -- keep them all
-- usable name, so drop from the outer environment
shrinkEnv {vs = UN n :: _} defs (DropCons p) needed done (b :: env)
shrinkEnv {vs = UN n :: _} defs (DropCons p) needed done (b :: env)
= do b' <- traverse (normaliseHoles defs env) b
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(extendNeeded b'
env (dropFirst needed))
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(extendNeeded b'
env (dropFirst needed))
(UN n :: done) env
-- if shadowed and not needed, keep in the outer env
if (UN n `elem` done) && not (isNeeded 0 needed)
@ -200,22 +200,22 @@ shrinkEnv {vs = UN n :: _} defs (DropCons p) needed done (b :: env)
else pure (_ ** DropCons p')
shrinkEnv {vs = n :: _} defs (DropCons p) needed done (b :: env)
= do b' <- traverse (normaliseHoles defs env) b
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(extendNeeded b'
env (dropFirst needed))
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(extendNeeded b'
env (dropFirst needed))
(n :: done) env
if isNeeded 0 needed || notLam b
then pure (_ ** DropCons p')
then pure (_ ** DropCons p')
else pure (_ ** KeepCons p')
notLam : Binder t -> Bool
notLam (Lam _ _ _) = False
notLam _ = True
shrinkEnv {vs = n :: _} defs (KeepCons p) needed done (b :: env)
shrinkEnv {vs = n :: _} defs (KeepCons p) needed done (b :: env)
= do b' <- traverse (normaliseHoles defs env) b
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(_ ** p') <- shrinkEnv defs p
(extendNeeded b'
env (dropFirst needed))
env (dropFirst needed))
(n :: done) env
pure (_ ** KeepCons p') -- still keep it
@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ findScrutinee _ _ _ = Nothing
caseBlock : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount ->
ElabInfo -> FC ->
NestedNames vars ->
Env Term vars ->
RigCount ->
ElabInfo -> FC ->
NestedNames vars ->
Env Term vars ->
RawImp -> -- original scrutinee
Term vars -> -- checked scrutinee
Term vars -> -- its type
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
(implicitMode elabinfo) env []
let fullImps = mapMaybe (shrinkImp (subEnv est)) fullImps_in
log 5 $ "Doing a case under unbound implicits " ++ show fullImps
scrn <- genVarName "scr"
casen <- genCaseName (defining est)
@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
-- if the scrutinee is ones of the arguments in 'env' we should
-- split on that, rather than adding it as a new argument
let splitOn = findScrutinee env smaller scr
caseretty <- the (Core (Term vars)) $ case expected of
Just ty => getTerm ty
_ =>
do nmty <- genName "caseTy"
metaVar fc Rig0 env nmty (TType fc)
let envscope = absOthers {done = []} fc (allow splitOn env) smaller
(maybe (Bind fc scrn (Pi caseRig Explicit scrty)
let envscope = absOthers {done = []} fc (allow splitOn env) smaller
(maybe (Bind fc scrn (Pi caseRig Explicit scrty)
(weaken caseretty))
(const caseretty) splitOn)
casefnty <- abstractOver fc defs (implicitMode elabinfo)
@ -317,20 +317,20 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
let alts' = map (updateClause casen splitOn env smaller) alts
log 2 $ "Generated alts: " ++ show alts'
let nest' = record { names $= ((Resolved cidx, (Nothing,
(\fc, nt => applyToFull fc caseRef pre_env))) ::) }
let nest' = record { names $= ((Resolved cidx, (Nothing,
(\fc, nt => applyToFull fc caseRef pre_env))) ::) }
processDecl [InCase] nest' pre_env (IDef fc casen alts')
let applyEnv = applyToOthers fc (applyToFull fc caseRef env) env smaller
pure (maybe (App fc applyEnv scrtm)
(const applyEnv) splitOn,
pure (maybe (App fc applyEnv scrtm)
(const applyEnv) splitOn,
gnf env caseretty)
mkLocalEnv : Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
mkLocalEnv [] = []
mkLocalEnv (b :: bs)
mkLocalEnv (b :: bs)
= let b' = if isLinear (multiplicity b)
then setMultiplicity b Rig0
else b in
@ -341,40 +341,41 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
= if n `elem` vs then Nothing else Just n
canBindName _ vs = Nothing
addEnv : Env Term vs -> SubVars vs' vs -> List Name ->
(List (Maybe RawImp), List Name)
addEnv [] sub used = ([], used)
addEnv : Env Term vs -> SubVars vs' vs -> List Name ->
List (Maybe RawImp)
addEnv [] sub used = []
addEnv {vs = v :: vs} (b :: bs) SubRefl used
= let (rest, used') = addEnv bs SubRefl used in
(Nothing :: rest, used')
= let rest = addEnv bs SubRefl used in
Nothing :: rest
addEnv (b :: bs) (KeepCons p) used
= let (rest, used') = addEnv bs p used in
(Nothing :: rest, used')
= let rest = addEnv bs p used in
Nothing :: rest
addEnv {vs = v :: vs} (b :: bs) (DropCons p) used
= let (rest, used') = addEnv bs p used in
case canBindName v used' of
Just n => (Just (IAs fc UseLeft n (Implicit fc True)) :: rest, n :: used')
_ => (Just (Implicit fc True) :: rest, used')
= case canBindName v used of
Just n => let rest = addEnv bs p (n :: used) in
Just (IAs fc UseLeft n (Implicit fc True)) :: rest
_ => let rest = addEnv bs p used in
Just (Implicit fc True) :: rest
-- Replace a variable in the argument list; if the reference is to
-- a variable kept in the outer environment (therefore not an argument
-- in the list) don't consume it
replace : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx vs) ->
replace : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx vs) ->
RawImp -> List (Maybe RawImp) ->
List RawImp
replace First lhs (old :: xs)
replace First lhs (old :: xs)
= let lhs' = case old of
Just (IAs loc' side n _) => IAs loc' side n lhs
Just (IAs loc' side n _) => IAs loc' side n lhs
_ => lhs in
lhs' :: mapMaybe id xs
replace (Later p) lhs (Nothing :: xs)
replace (Later p) lhs (Nothing :: xs)
= replace p lhs xs
replace (Later p) lhs (Just x :: xs)
replace (Later p) lhs (Just x :: xs)
= x :: replace p lhs xs
replace _ _ xs = mapMaybe id xs
mkSplit : Maybe (Var vs) ->
RawImp -> List (Maybe RawImp) ->
mkSplit : Maybe (Var vs) ->
RawImp -> List (Maybe RawImp) ->
List RawImp
mkSplit Nothing lhs args = reverse (lhs :: mapMaybe id args)
mkSplit (Just (MkVar prf)) lhs args
@ -393,16 +394,16 @@ caseBlock {vars} rigc elabinfo fc nest env scr scrtm scrty caseRig alts expected
Env Term vars -> SubVars vs' vars ->
ImpClause -> ImpClause
updateClause casen splitOn env sub (PatClause loc' lhs rhs)
= let args = fst (addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs))
= let args = addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs)
args' = mkSplit splitOn lhs args in
PatClause loc' (apply (IVar loc' casen) args') rhs
-- With isn't allowed in a case block but include for completeness
updateClause casen splitOn env sub (WithClause loc' lhs wval cs)
= let args = fst (addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs))
= let args = addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs)
args' = mkSplit splitOn lhs args in
WithClause loc' (apply (IVar loc' casen) args') wval cs
updateClause casen splitOn env sub (ImpossibleClause loc' lhs)
= let args = fst (addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs))
= let args = addEnv env sub (usedIn lhs)
args' = mkSplit splitOn lhs args in
ImpossibleClause loc' (apply (IVar loc' casen) args')
@ -414,15 +415,15 @@ checkCase : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (scr : RawImp) -> (ty : RawImp) -> List ImpClause ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> (scr : RawImp) -> (ty : RawImp) -> List ImpClause ->
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkCase rig elabinfo nest env fc scr scrty_exp alts exp
= delayElab fc rig env exp $
do (scrtyv, scrtyt) <- check Rig0 elabinfo nest env scrty_exp
do (scrtyv, scrtyt) <- check Rig0 elabinfo nest env scrty_exp
(Just (gType fc))
logTerm 10 "Expected scrutinee type" scrtyv
-- Try checking at the given multiplicity; if that doesn't work,
-- try checking at Rig1 (meaning that we're using a linear variable
@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ checkCase rig elabinfo nest env fc scr scrty_exp alts exp
pure (fst c, snd c, RigW))
(\err => case err of
LinearMisuse _ _ Rig1 _
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo nest env scr
=> do c <- check Rig1 elabinfo nest env scr
(Just (gnf env scrtyv))
pure (fst c, snd c, Rig1)
e => throw e)

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Show (ImplBinding vars) where
bindingMetas : ImplBinding vars -> NameMap Bool
bindingMetas (NameBinding c p tm ty) = getMetas ty
bindingMetas (AsBinding c p tm ty pat)
bindingMetas (AsBinding c p tm ty pat)
= insertAll (toList (getMetas ty)) (getMetas pat)
insertAll : List (Name, Bool) -> NameMap Bool -> NameMap Bool
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ record EState (vars : List Name) where
outerEnv : Env Term outer
subEnv : SubVars outer vars
boundNames : List (Name, ImplBinding vars)
-- implicit pattern/type variable bindings and the
-- implicit pattern/type variable bindings and the
-- term/type they elaborated to
toBind : List (Name, ImplBinding vars)
-- implicit pattern/type variables which haven't been
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ record EState (vars : List Name) where
-- pattern vars need to be dealt with in with-application on
-- the RHS)
bindIfUnsolved : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo,
(vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars',
SubVars outer vars')))
(vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars',
SubVars outer vars')))
-- names to add as unbound implicits if they are still holes
-- when unbound implicits are added
lhsPatVars : List String
@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ weakenedEState : {auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
Core (Ref EST (EState (n :: vars)))
weakenedEState {e}
= do est <- get EST
eref <- newRef EST
(MkEState (defining est)
eref <- newRef EST
(MkEState (defining est)
(outerEnv est)
(DropCons (subEnv est))
(map wknTms (boundNames est))
(map wknTms (toBind est))
(bindIfUnsolved est)
(bindIfUnsolved est)
(lhsPatVars est)
(allPatVars est)
(allowDelay est)
(map weaken (linearUsed est)))
pure eref
wknTms : (Name, ImplBinding vs) ->
wknTms : (Name, ImplBinding vs) ->
(Name, ImplBinding (n :: vs))
wknTms (f, NameBinding c p x y) = (f, NameBinding c p (weaken x) (weaken y))
wknTms (f, AsBinding c p x y z)
@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ strengthenedEState {n} {vars} c e fc env
svs <- dropSub (subEnv est)
bns <- traverse (strTms defs) (boundNames est)
todo <- traverse (strTms defs) (toBind est)
pure (MkEState (defining est)
pure (MkEState (defining est)
(outerEnv est)
(bindIfUnsolved est)
(bindIfUnsolved est)
(lhsPatVars est)
(allPatVars est)
(allowDelay est)
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ strengthenedEState {n} {vars} c e fc env
-- in scope.
removeArgVars : List (Term (n :: vs)) -> Maybe (List (Term vs))
removeArgVars [] = pure []
removeArgVars (Local fc r _ (Later p) :: args)
removeArgVars (Local fc r _ (Later p) :: args)
= do args' <- removeArgVars args
pure (Local fc r _ p :: args')
removeArgVars (Local fc r _ First :: args)
removeArgVars (Local fc r _ First :: args)
= removeArgVars args
removeArgVars (a :: args)
= do a' <- shrinkTerm a (DropCons SubRefl)
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ strengthenedEState {n} {vars} c e fc env
f' <- shrinkTerm f (DropCons SubRefl)
pure (apply (getLoc f) f' args')
strTms : Defs -> (Name, ImplBinding (n :: vars)) ->
strTms : Defs -> (Name, ImplBinding (n :: vars)) ->
Core (Name, ImplBinding vars)
strTms defs (f, NameBinding c p x y)
= do xnf <- normaliseHoles defs env x
ynf <- normaliseHoles defs env y
case (removeArg xnf,
case (removeArg xnf,
shrinkTerm ynf (DropCons SubRefl)) of
(Just x', Just y') => pure (f, NameBinding c p x' y')
_ => throw (BadUnboundImplicit fc env f y)
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ strengthenedEState {n} {vars} c e fc env
= do xnf <- normaliseHoles defs env x
ynf <- normaliseHoles defs env y
znf <- normaliseHoles defs env z
case (shrinkTerm xnf (DropCons SubRefl),
case (shrinkTerm xnf (DropCons SubRefl),
shrinkTerm ynf (DropCons SubRefl),
shrinkTerm znf (DropCons SubRefl)) of
(Just x', Just y', Just z') => pure (f, AsBinding c p x' y' z')
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ strengthenedEState {n} {vars} c e fc env
inScope : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> Env Term (n :: vars) ->
(Ref EST (EState (n :: vars)) -> Core a) ->
FC -> Env Term (n :: vars) ->
(Ref EST (EState (n :: vars)) -> Core a) ->
Core a
inScope {c} {e} fc env elab
= do e' <- weakenedEState
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ inScope {c} {e} fc env elab
pure res
updateEnv : Env Term new -> SubVars new vars ->
updateEnv : Env Term new -> SubVars new vars ->
List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo, (vars' ** (Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars', SubVars new vars'))) ->
EState vars -> EState vars
updateEnv env sub bif st
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ addBindIfUnsolved : Name -> RigCount -> PiInfo ->
addBindIfUnsolved hn r p env tm ty st
= MkEState (defining st)
(outerEnv st) (subEnv st)
(boundNames st) (toBind st)
(boundNames st) (toBind st)
((hn, r, p, (_ ** (env, tm, ty, subEnv st))) :: bindIfUnsolved st)
(lhsPatVars st)
(allPatVars st)
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ clearToBind : {auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
(excepts : List Name) -> Core ()
clearToBind excepts
= do est <- get EST
put EST (record { toBind $= filter (\x => fst x `elem` excepts) }
put EST (record { toBind $= filter (\x => fst x `elem` excepts) }
(clearBindIfUnsolved est))
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ successful : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
List (Maybe Name, Core a) ->
Core (List (Either (Maybe Name, Error)
Core (List (Either (Maybe Name, Error)
(a, Defs, UState, EState vars)))
successful [] = pure []
successful ((tm, elab) :: elabs)
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ successful ((tm, elab) :: elabs)
est <- get EST
md <- get MD
defs <- branch
catch (do -- Run the elaborator
catch (do -- Run the elaborator
log 5 $ "Running " ++ show tm
res <- elab
-- Record post-elaborator state
@ -440,14 +440,14 @@ exactlyOne : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
List (Maybe Name, Core (Term vars, Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
exactlyOne fc env [(tm, elab)] = elab
exactlyOne {vars} fc env all
= do elabs <- successful all
case rights elabs of
[(res, defs, ust, est)] =>
[(res, defs, ust, est)] =>
do put UST ust
put EST est
put Ctxt defs
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ exactlyOne {vars} fc env all
-- If they've all failed, collect all the errors
-- If more than one succeeded, report the ambiguity
altError : List (Maybe Name, Error) ->
altError : List (Maybe Name, Error) ->
List ((Term vars, Glued vars), st) ->
altError ls [] = AllFailed ls
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ anyOne : {vars : _} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> List (Maybe Name, Core (Term vars, Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
anyOne fc [] = throw (GenericMsg fc "No elaborators provided")
anyOne fc [] = throw (GenericMsg fc "No elaborators provided")
anyOne fc [(tm, elab)] = elab
anyOne fc ((tm, elab) :: es) = try elab (anyOne fc es)
@ -486,8 +486,8 @@ check : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ checkImp : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -508,9 +508,9 @@ processDecl : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
List ElabOpt -> NestedNames vars ->
List ElabOpt -> NestedNames vars ->
Env Term vars -> ImpDecl -> Core ()
-- Check whether two terms are convertible. May solve metavariables (in Ctxt)
-- in doing so.
-- Returns a list of constraints which need to be solved for the conversion
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ convertWithLazy withLazy fc elabinfo env x y
= case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm in
(do logGlueNF 5 "Unifying" env x
logGlueNF 5 "....with" env y
vs <- if isFromTerm x && isFromTerm y
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ convertWithLazy withLazy fc elabinfo env x y
when (holesSolved vs) $
solveConstraints umode Normal
pure vs)
(\err =>
(\err =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
xtm <- getTerm x
ytm <- getTerm y
@ -579,19 +579,19 @@ checkExp : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo -> Env Term vars -> FC ->
(term : Term vars) ->
(got : Glued vars) -> (expected : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
(term : Term vars) ->
(got : Glued vars) -> (expected : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm got (Just exp)
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm got (Just exp)
= do vs <- convertWithLazy True fc elabinfo env got exp
case (constraints vs) of
[] => case addLazy vs of
NoLazy => do logTerm 5 "Solved" tm
pure (tm, got)
AddForce => do logTerm 5 "Force" tm
logGlue 5 "Got" env got
logGlue 5 "Exp" env exp
pure (TForce fc tm, exp)
AddForce r => do logTerm 5 "Force" tm
logGlue 5 "Got" env got
logGlue 5 "Exp" env exp
pure (TForce fc r tm, exp)
AddDelay r => do ty <- getTerm got
logTerm 5 "Delay" tm
pure (TDelay fc r ty tm, exp)
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm got (Just exp)
dumpConstraints 5 False
case addLazy vs of
NoLazy => pure (ctm, got)
AddForce => pure (TForce fc tm, got)
AddForce r => pure (TForce fc r tm, got)
AddDelay r => do ty <- getTerm got
pure (TDelay fc r ty tm, got)
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm got Nothing = pure (tm, got)

View File

@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ import Data.IntMap
%default covering
-- We run the elaborator in the given environment, but need to end up with a
-- closed term.
mkClosedElab : FC -> Env Term vars ->
-- closed term.
mkClosedElab : FC -> Env Term vars ->
(Core (Term vars, Glued vars)) ->
Core ClosedTerm
mkClosedElab fc [] elab
mkClosedElab fc [] elab
= do (tm, _) <- elab
pure tm
mkClosedElab {vars = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) elab
= mkClosedElab fc env
= mkClosedElab fc env
(do (sc', _) <- elab
let b' = newBinder b
pure (Bind fc x b' sc', gErased fc))
@ -42,50 +42,50 @@ mkClosedElab {vars = x :: vars} fc (b :: env) elab
-- predicate, make a hole and try it again later when more holes might
-- have been resolved
delayOnFailure : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
delayOnFailure : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> RigCount -> Env Term vars ->
(expected : Glued vars) ->
(Error -> Bool) ->
(Bool -> Core (Term vars, Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected pred elab
delayOnFailure fc rig env expected pred elab
= handle (elab False)
(\err =>
(\err =>
do est <- get EST
if pred err && allowDelay est
do nm <- genName "delayed"
(ci, dtm) <- newDelayed fc Rig1 env nm !(getTerm expected)
logGlueNF 5 ("Postponing elaborator " ++ show nm ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Postponing elaborator " ++ show nm ++
" at " ++ show fc ++
" for") env expected
log 10 ("Due to error " ++ show err)
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
(do est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = False } est)
tm <- elab True
est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = True } est)
pure tm)) :: ) }
pure tm)) :: ) }
pure (dtm, expected)
else throw err)
delayElab : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
delayElab : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> RigCount -> Env Term vars ->
(expected : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp elab
delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp elab
= do est <- get EST
if not (allowDelay est)
then elab
@ -93,17 +93,17 @@ delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp elab
nm <- genName "delayed"
expected <- mkExpected exp
(ci, dtm) <- newDelayed fc Rig1 env nm !(getTerm expected)
logGlueNF 5 ("Postponing elaborator " ++ show nm ++
logGlueNF 5 ("Postponing elaborator " ++ show nm ++
" for") env expected
ust <- get UST
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
put UST (record { delayedElab $=
((ci, mkClosedElab fc env
(do est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = False } est)
tm <- elab
est <- get EST
put EST (record { allowDelay = True } est)
pure tm)) :: ) }
pure tm)) :: ) }
pure (dtm, expected)
@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ delayElab {vars} fc rig env exp elab
pure (gnf env ty)
retryDelayed : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
retryDelayed : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
List (Int, Core ClosedTerm) ->
Core ()
retryDelayed [] = pure ()
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ retryDelayed ((i, elab) :: ds)
| _ => retryDelayed ds
log 5 ("Retrying delayed hole " ++ show !(getFullName (Resolved i)))
tm <- elab
updateDef (Resolved i) (const (Just
updateDef (Resolved i) (const (Just
(PMDef True [] (STerm tm) (STerm tm) [])))
logTerm 5 ("Resolved delayed hole " ++ show i) tm
logTermNF 5 ("Resolved delayed hole NF " ++ show i) [] tm

View File

@ -23,26 +23,26 @@ checkDot : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkDot rig elabinfo nest env fc reason tm Nothing
= throw (GenericMsg fc ("Dot pattern not valid here (unknown type) "
= throw (GenericMsg fc ("Dot pattern not valid here (unknown type) "
++ show tm))
checkDot rig elabinfo nest env fc reason tm (Just gexpty)
= case elabMode elabinfo of
InLHS _ =>
do (wantedTm, wantedTy) <- checkImp rig
do (wantedTm, wantedTy) <- checkImp rig
(record { elabMode = InExpr }
nest env
nest env
tm (Just gexpty)
nm <- genName "dotTm"
expty <- getTerm gexpty
metaval <- metaVar fc rig env nm expty
addDot fc env nm wantedTm reason metaval
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc metaval wantedTy (Just gexpty)
_ => throw (GenericMsg fc ("Dot pattern not valid here (Not LHS) "
_ => throw (GenericMsg fc ("Dot pattern not valid here (Not LHS) "
++ show tm))

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ checkHole : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkHole rig elabinfo nest env fc n_in (Just gexpty)

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ import Data.NameMap
%default covering
varEmbedSub : SubVars small vars ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar n idx small) ->
varEmbedSub : SubVars small vars ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar n idx small) ->
Var vars
varEmbedSub SubRefl y = MkVar y
varEmbedSub (DropCons prf) y
varEmbedSub (DropCons prf) y
= let MkVar y' = varEmbedSub prf y in
MkVar (Later y')
varEmbedSub (KeepCons prf) First = MkVar First
@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ varEmbedSub (KeepCons prf) (Later p)
embedSub : SubVars small vars -> Term small -> Term vars
embedSub sub (Local fc x idx y)
embedSub sub (Local fc x idx y)
= let MkVar y' = varEmbedSub sub y in Local fc x _ y'
embedSub sub (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
embedSub sub (Meta fc x y xs)
embedSub sub (Meta fc x y xs)
= Meta fc x y (map (embedSub sub) xs)
embedSub sub (Bind fc x b scope)
embedSub sub (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (embedSub sub) b) (embedSub (KeepCons sub) scope)
embedSub sub (App fc fn arg)
embedSub sub (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (embedSub sub fn) (embedSub sub arg)
embedSub sub (As fc nm pat)
embedSub sub (As fc nm pat)
= As fc (embedSub sub nm) (embedSub sub pat)
embedSub sub (TDelayed fc x y) = TDelayed fc x (embedSub sub y)
embedSub sub (TDelay fc x t y)
embedSub sub (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (embedSub sub t) (embedSub sub y)
embedSub sub (TForce fc x) = TForce fc (embedSub sub x)
embedSub sub (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (embedSub sub x)
embedSub sub (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
embedSub sub (Erased fc) = Erased fc
embedSub sub (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ mkOuterHole loc rig n topenv (Just expty_in)
case shrinkTerm expected sub of
-- Can't shrink so rely on unification with expected type later
Nothing => mkOuterHole loc rig n topenv Nothing
Just exp' =>
Just exp' =>
do let env = outerEnv est
tm <- implBindVar loc rig env n exp'
pure (embedSub sub tm, embedSub sub exp')
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ mkPatternHole {vars} loc rig n topenv imode (Just expty_in)
Nothing => mkPatternHole loc rig n topenv imode Nothing
Just exp' =>
do tm <- implBindVar loc rig env n exp'
pure (apply loc (embedSub sub tm) (mkArgs sub),
pure (apply loc (embedSub sub tm) (mkArgs sub),
embedSub sub exp')
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ mkPatternHole {vars} loc rig n topenv imode (Just expty_in)
-- This is for the specific situation where we're pattern matching on
-- function types, which is realistically the only time we'll legitimately
-- encounter a type variable under a binder
bindInner : Env Term vs -> Term vs -> SubVars newvars vs ->
bindInner : Env Term vs -> Term vs -> SubVars newvars vs ->
Maybe (Term newvars)
bindInner env ty SubRefl = Just ty
bindInner {vs = x :: _} (b :: env) ty (DropCons p)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ bindUnsolved : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> {auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> ElabMode -> BindMode -> Core ()
bindUnsolved fc elabmode NONE = pure ()
bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
= do est <- get EST
defs <- get Ctxt
let bifs = bindIfUnsolved est
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
= case shrinkTerm expected sub of
Nothing => do tmn <- toFullNames expected
throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't bind implicit " ++ show n ++ " of type " ++ show tmn))
Just exp' =>
Just exp' =>
do impn <- genVarName (nameRoot n)
tm <- metaVar fc rig env impn exp'
est <- get EST
@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
pure (embedSub sub tm)
mkImplicit : Defs -> Env Term outer -> SubVars outer vars ->
(Name, RigCount, PiInfo, (vars' **
(Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars', SubVars outer vars'))) ->
(Name, RigCount, PiInfo, (vars' **
(Env Term vars', Term vars', Term vars', SubVars outer vars'))) ->
Core ()
mkImplicit defs outerEnv subEnv (n, rig, p, (vs ** (env, tm, exp, sub)))
= do Just (Hole _ _) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
@ -176,33 +176,33 @@ bindUnsolved {vars} fc elabmode _
fc env tm bindtm
pure ()
swapIsVarH : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx (x :: y :: xs)) ->
swapIsVarH : {idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx (x :: y :: xs)) ->
Var (y :: x :: xs)
swapIsVarH First = MkVar (Later First)
swapIsVarH (Later First) = MkVar First
swapIsVarH (Later (Later x)) = MkVar (Later (Later x))
swapIsVar : (vs : List Name) ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx (vs ++ x :: y :: xs)) ->
{idx : Nat} -> .(IsVar name idx (vs ++ x :: y :: xs)) ->
Var (vs ++ y :: x :: xs)
swapIsVar [] prf = swapIsVarH prf
swapIsVar (x :: xs) First = MkVar First
swapIsVar (x :: xs) (Later p)
swapIsVar (x :: xs) (Later p)
= let MkVar p' = swapIsVar xs p in MkVar (Later p')
swapVars : {vs : List Name} ->
Term (vs ++ x :: y :: ys) -> Term (vs ++ y :: x :: ys)
swapVars (Local fc x idx p)
swapVars (Local fc x idx p)
= let MkVar p' = swapIsVar _ p in Local fc x _ p'
swapVars (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
swapVars (Meta fc n i xs) = Meta fc n i (map swapVars xs)
swapVars {vs} (Bind fc x b scope)
swapVars {vs} (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map swapVars b) (swapVars {vs = x :: vs} scope)
swapVars (App fc fn arg) = App fc (swapVars fn) (swapVars arg)
swapVars (As fc nm pat) = As fc (swapVars nm) (swapVars pat)
swapVars (TDelayed fc x tm) = TDelayed fc x (swapVars tm)
swapVars (TDelay fc x ty tm) = TDelay fc x (swapVars ty) (swapVars tm)
swapVars (TForce fc tm) = TForce fc (swapVars tm)
swapVars (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (swapVars tm)
swapVars (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
swapVars (Erased fc) = Erased fc
swapVars (TType fc) = TType fc
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ push ofc n b tm@(Bind fc (PV x i) (Pi c Implicit ty) sc) -- only push past 'PV's
= case shrinkTerm ty (DropCons SubRefl) of
Nothing => -- needs explicit pi, do nothing
Bind ofc n b tm
Just ty' => Bind fc (PV x i) (Pi c Implicit ty')
Just ty' => Bind fc (PV x i) (Pi c Implicit ty')
(push ofc n (map weaken b) (swapVars {vs = []} sc))
push ofc n b tm = Bind ofc n b tm
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ liftImps : BindMode -> (Term vars, Term vars) -> (Term vars, Term vars)
liftImps (PI _) (tm, TType) = (liftImps' tm, TType)
liftImps' : Term vars -> Term vars
liftImps' (Bind fc (PV n i) (Pi c Implicit ty) sc)
liftImps' (Bind fc (PV n i) (Pi c Implicit ty) sc)
= Bind fc (PV n i) (Pi c Implicit ty) (liftImps' sc)
liftImps' (Bind fc n (Pi c p ty) sc)
= push fc n (Pi c p ty) (liftImps' sc)
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ bindImplVars : FC -> BindMode ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
Term vars -> Term vars -> (Term vars, Term vars)
bindImplVars fc NONE gam env imps_in scope scty = (scope, scty)
bindImplVars {vars} fc mode gam env imps_in scope scty
bindImplVars {vars} fc mode gam env imps_in scope scty
= let imps = map (\ (x, bind) => (tidyName x, x, bind)) imps_in in
getBinds imps None scope scty
@ -253,31 +253,31 @@ bindImplVars {vars} fc mode gam env imps_in scope scty
tidyName (Nested n inner) = tidyName inner
tidyName n = n
getBinds : (imps : List (Name, Name, ImplBinding vs)) ->
getBinds : (imps : List (Name, Name, ImplBinding vs)) ->
Bounds new -> (tm : Term vs) -> (ty : Term vs) ->
(Term (new ++ vs), Term (new ++ vs))
getBinds [] bs tm ty = (refsToLocals bs tm, refsToLocals bs ty)
getBinds ((n, metan, NameBinding c p _ bty) :: imps) bs tm ty
= let (tm', ty') = getBinds imps (Add n metan bs) tm ty
= let (tm', ty') = getBinds imps (Add n metan bs) tm ty
bty' = refsToLocals bs bty in
case mode of
PI c =>
(Bind fc _ (Pi c Implicit bty') tm',
(Bind fc _ (Pi c Implicit bty') tm',
TType fc)
_ =>
(Bind fc _ (PVar c p bty') tm',
(Bind fc _ (PVar c p bty') tm',
Bind fc _ (PVTy c bty') ty')
getBinds ((n, metan, AsBinding c _ _ bty bpat) :: imps) bs tm ty
= let (tm', ty') = getBinds imps (Add n metan bs) tm ty
= let (tm', ty') = getBinds imps (Add n metan bs) tm ty
bty' = refsToLocals bs bty
bpat' = refsToLocals bs bpat in
(Bind fc _ (PLet c bpat' bty') tm',
(Bind fc _ (PLet c bpat' bty') tm',
Bind fc _ (PLet c bpat' bty') ty')
normaliseHolesScope : Defs -> Env Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Term vars)
normaliseHolesScope defs env (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $ Bind fc n b
!(normaliseHolesScope defs
normaliseHolesScope defs env (Bind fc n b sc)
= pure $ Bind fc n b
!(normaliseHolesScope defs
-- use Lam because we don't want it reducing in the scope
(Lam (multiplicity b) Explicit (binderType b) :: env) sc)
normaliseHolesScope defs env tm = normaliseHoles defs env tm
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ bindImplicits : FC -> BindMode ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
Term vars -> Term vars -> Core (Term vars, Term vars)
bindImplicits fc NONE defs env hs tm ty = pure (tm, ty)
bindImplicits {vars} fc mode defs env hs tm ty
bindImplicits {vars} fc mode defs env hs tm ty
= do hs' <- traverse nHoles hs
pure $ liftImps mode $ bindImplVars fc mode defs env hs' tm ty
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ export
implicitBind : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Name -> Core ()
implicitBind n
implicitBind n
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just (Hole _ _) <- lookupDefExact n (gamma defs)
| _ => pure ()
@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ getToBind : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> {auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
FC -> ElabMode -> BindMode ->
Env Term vars -> (excepts : List Name) ->
Core (List (Name, ImplBinding vars))
getToBind fc elabmode NONE env excepts
getToBind fc elabmode NONE env excepts
= pure [] -- We should probably never get here, but for completeness...
getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
= do solveConstraints (case elabmode of
InLHS _ => InLHS
_ => InTerm) Normal
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
-- Make sure all the hole names are normalised in the implicitly
-- bound types, because otherwise we'll bind them too
res <- normImps defs [] tob
let hnames = map fst res
let hnames = map fst res
-- Return then in dependency order
let res' = depSort hnames res
log 10 $ "Bound names: " ++ show res
@ -348,14 +348,14 @@ getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
normBindingTy defs (NameBinding c p tm ty)
= pure $ NameBinding c p tm !(normaliseHoles defs env ty)
normBindingTy defs (AsBinding c p tm ty pat)
= pure $ AsBinding c p tm !(normaliseHoles defs env ty)
= pure $ AsBinding c p tm !(normaliseHoles defs env ty)
!(normaliseHoles defs env pat)
normImps : Defs -> List Name -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
normImps : Defs -> List Name -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
Core (List (Name, ImplBinding vars))
normImps defs ns [] = pure []
normImps defs ns ((PV n i, bty) :: ts)
= do logTermNF 10 ("Implicit pattern var " ++ show (PV n i)) env
normImps defs ns ((PV n i, bty) :: ts)
= do logTermNF 10 ("Implicit pattern var " ++ show (PV n i)) env
(bindingType bty)
if PV n i `elem` ns
then normImps defs ns ts
@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
-- Insert the hole/binding pair into the list before the first thing
-- which refers to it
insert : (Name, ImplBinding vars) -> List Name -> List Name ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
insert : (Name, ImplBinding vars) -> List Name -> List Name ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars)
insert h ns sofar [] = [h]
insert (hn, bty) ns sofar ((hn', bty') :: rest)
@ -389,14 +389,14 @@ getToBind {vars} fc elabmode impmode env excepts
-- introduced in *this* expression (there may be others unresolved
-- from elsewhere, for type inference purposes)
if hn `elem` used
then (hn, bty) ::
then (hn, bty) ::
(hn', bty') :: rest
else (hn', bty') ::
else (hn', bty') ::
insert (hn, bty) ns (hn' :: sofar) rest
-- Sort the list of implicits so that each binding is inserted *after*
-- all the things it depends on (assumes no cycles)
depSort : List Name -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
depSort : List Name -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars)
depSort hnames [] = []
depSort hnames (h :: hs) = insert h hnames [] (depSort hnames hs)
@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ checkBindVar : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> -- string is base of the pattern name
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> String -> -- string is base of the pattern name
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc str topexp
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc str topexp
notePatVar n
est <- get EST
case lookup n (boundNames est) of
Nothing =>
Nothing =>
do (tm, exp, bty) <- mkPatternHole fc rig n env
(implicitMode elabinfo)
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc str topexp
addNameType fc (UN str) env ty
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc tm (gnf env ty) topexp
updateRig : Name -> RigCount -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
updateRig : Name -> RigCount -> List (Name, ImplBinding vars) ->
List (Name, ImplBinding vars)
updateRig n c [] = []
updateRig n c ((bn, r) :: bs)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ checkBindVar rig elabinfo nest env fc str topexp
combine n RigW Rig1 = throw (LinearUsed fc 2 n)
combine n RigW RigW = pure ()
combine n Rig0 c = pure ()
combine n c Rig0
combine n c Rig0
-- It was 0, make it c
= do est <- get EST
put EST (record { boundNames $= updateRig n c,
@ -479,8 +479,8 @@ checkBindHere : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> BindMode -> RawImp ->
Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
@ -518,12 +518,12 @@ checkBindHere rig elabinfo nest env fc bindmode tm exp
bindmode env dontbind
clearToBind dontbind
est <- get EST
put EST (updateEnv oldenv oldsub oldbif
put EST (updateEnv oldenv oldsub oldbif
(record { boundNames = [] } est))
ty <- getTerm tmt
defs <- get Ctxt
(bv, bt) <- bindImplicits fc bindmode
defs env argImps
defs env argImps
!(normaliseHoles defs env tmv)
!(normaliseHoles defs env ty)
traverse_ implicitBind (map fst argImps)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ checkDelayed : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> LazyReason -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkDelayed rig elabinfo nest env fc r tm exp
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ checkDelay : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkDelay rig elabinfo nest env fc tm mexpected
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ checkDelay rig elabinfo nest env fc tm mexpected
(Just (glueBack defs env expnf))
tynf <- getNF gty
ty <- getTerm gty
pure (TDelay fc r ty tm',
pure (TDelay fc r ty tm',
glueBack defs env (NDelayed fc r tynf))
_ => throw (GenericMsg fc ("Can't infer delay type")))
@ -74,19 +74,19 @@ checkForce : {vars : _} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkForce rig elabinfo nest env fc tm exp
= do defs <- get Ctxt
expf <- maybe (pure Nothing)
(\gty => do tynf <- getNF gty
pure (Just (glueBack defs env
pure (Just (glueBack defs env
(NDelayed fc LUnknown tynf))))
(tm', gty) <- check rig elabinfo nest env tm expf
tynf <- getNF gty
case tynf of
NDelayed _ _ expnf =>
pure (TForce fc tm', glueBack defs env expnf)
NDelayed _ r expnf =>
pure (TForce fc r tm', glueBack defs env expnf)
_ => throw (GenericMsg fc "Forcing a non-delayed type")

View File

@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ checkLocal : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> List ImpDecl -> (scope : RawImp) ->
(expTy : Maybe (Glued vars)) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkLocal {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc nestdecls scope expty
= do let defNames = definedInBlock [] nestdecls
est <- get EST
let f = defining est
names' <- traverse (applyEnv f)
est <- get EST
let f = defining est
names' <- traverse (applyEnv f)
(nub defNames) -- binding names must be unique
-- fixes bug #115
let nest' = record { names $= (names' ++) } nest
@ -43,31 +43,31 @@ checkLocal {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc nestdecls scope expty
-- ensuring the nested definition is used exactly once
dropLinear : Env Term vs -> Env Term vs
dropLinear [] = []
dropLinear (b :: bs)
dropLinear (b :: bs)
= if isLinear (multiplicity b)
then setMultiplicity b Rig0 :: dropLinear bs
else b :: dropLinear bs
applyEnv : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Int -> Name ->
applyEnv : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} -> Int -> Name ->
Core (Name, (Maybe Name, FC -> NameType -> Term vars))
applyEnv outer inner
applyEnv outer inner
= do let nestedName = Nested outer inner
n' <- addName nestedName
pure (inner, (Just nestedName,
\fc, nt => applyTo fc
pure (inner, (Just nestedName,
\fc, nt => applyTo fc
(Ref fc nt (Resolved n')) env))
-- Update the names in the declarations to the new 'nested' names.
-- When we encounter the names in elaboration, we'll update to an
-- application of the nested name.
newName : NestedNames vars -> Name -> Name
newName nest n
newName nest n
= case lookup n (names nest) of
Just (Just n', _) => n'
_ => n
updateTyName : NestedNames vars -> ImpTy -> ImpTy
updateTyName nest (MkImpTy loc' n ty)
updateTyName nest (MkImpTy loc' n ty)
= MkImpTy loc' (newName nest n) ty
updateDataName : NestedNames vars -> ImpData -> ImpData
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ checkLocal {vars} rig elabinfo nest env fc nestdecls scope expty
= MkImpLater loc' (newName nest n) tycons
updateName : NestedNames vars -> ImpDecl -> ImpDecl
updateName nest (IClaim loc' r vis fnopts ty)
updateName nest (IClaim loc' r vis fnopts ty)
= IClaim loc' r vis fnopts (updateTyName nest ty)
updateName nest (IDef loc' n cs)
updateName nest (IDef loc' n cs)
= IDef loc' (newName nest n) cs
updateName nest (IData loc' vis d)
updateName nest (IData loc' vis d)
= IData loc' vis (updateDataName nest d)
updateName nest i = i

src/TTImp/Elab/Quote.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Quote
import Core.Context
import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Reflect
import Core.Unify
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
import TTImp.Elab.Check
import TTImp.Reflect
import TTImp.TTImp
%default covering
-- Collecting names and terms to let bind for unquoting
data Unq : Type where
-- Collect the escaped subterms in a term we're about to quote, and let bind
-- them first
getUnquote : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
RawImp ->
Core RawImp
getUnquote (IPi fc c p n arg ret)
= pure $ IPi fc c p n !(getUnquote arg) !(getUnquote ret)
getUnquote (ILam fc c p n arg sc)
= pure $ ILam fc c p n !(getUnquote arg) !(getUnquote sc)
getUnquote (ILet fc c n ty val sc)
= pure $ ILet fc c n !(getUnquote ty) !(getUnquote val) !(getUnquote sc)
getUnquote (ICase fc sc ty cs)
= pure $ ICase fc !(getUnquote sc) !(getUnquote ty)
!(traverse getUnquoteClause cs)
getUnquote (ILocal fc ds sc)
= pure $ ILocal fc !(traverse getUnquoteDecl ds) !(getUnquote sc)
getUnquote (IUpdate fc ds sc)
= pure $ IUpdate fc !(traverse getUnquoteUpdate ds) !(getUnquote sc)
getUnquote (IApp fc f a)
= pure $ IApp fc !(getUnquote f) !(getUnquote a)
getUnquote (IImplicitApp fc f n a)
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(getUnquote f) n !(getUnquote a)
getUnquote (IWithApp fc f a)
= pure $ IWithApp fc !(getUnquote f) !(getUnquote a)
getUnquote (IAlternative fc at as)
= pure $ IAlternative fc at !(traverse getUnquote as)
getUnquote (IRewrite fc f a)
= pure $ IRewrite fc !(getUnquote f) !(getUnquote a)
getUnquote (ICoerced fc t)
= pure $ ICoerced fc !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IBindHere fc m t)
= pure $ IBindHere fc m !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IAs fc u nm t)
= pure $ IAs fc u nm !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IMustUnify fc r t)
= pure $ IMustUnify fc r !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IDelayed fc r t)
= pure $ IDelayed fc r !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IDelay fc t)
= pure $ IDelay fc !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IForce fc t)
= pure $ IForce fc !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IQuote fc t)
= pure $ IQuote fc !(getUnquote t)
getUnquote (IUnquote fc tm)
= do qv <- genVarName "q"
unqs <- get Unq
put Unq ((qv, fc, tm) :: unqs)
pure (IUnquote fc (IVar fc qv)) -- turned into just qv when reflecting
getUnquote tm = pure tm
getUnquoteClause : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
ImpClause ->
Core ImpClause
getUnquoteClause (PatClause fc l r)
= pure $ PatClause fc !(getUnquote l) !(getUnquote r)
getUnquoteClause (WithClause fc l w cs)
= pure $ WithClause fc !(getUnquote l) !(getUnquote w)
!(traverse getUnquoteClause cs)
getUnquoteClause (ImpossibleClause fc l)
= pure $ ImpossibleClause fc !(getUnquote l)
getUnquoteUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
IFieldUpdate ->
Core IFieldUpdate
getUnquoteUpdate (ISetField p t) = pure $ ISetField p !(getUnquote t)
getUnquoteUpdate (ISetFieldApp p t) = pure $ ISetFieldApp p !(getUnquote t)
getUnquoteTy : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
ImpTy ->
Core ImpTy
getUnquoteTy (MkImpTy fc n t) = pure $ MkImpTy fc n !(getUnquote t)
getUnquoteField : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
IField ->
Core IField
getUnquoteField (MkIField fc c p n ty)
= pure $ MkIField fc c p n !(getUnquote ty)
getUnquoteRecord : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
ImpRecord ->
Core ImpRecord
getUnquoteRecord (MkImpRecord fc n ps cn fs)
= pure $ MkImpRecord fc n !(traverse unqPair ps) cn
!(traverse getUnquoteField fs)
unqPair : (Name, RawImp) -> Core (Name, RawImp)
unqPair (n, t) = pure (n, !(getUnquote t))
getUnquoteData : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
ImpData ->
Core ImpData
getUnquoteData (MkImpData fc n tc opts cs)
= pure $ MkImpData fc n !(getUnquote tc) opts
!(traverse getUnquoteTy cs)
getUnquoteData (MkImpLater fc n tc)
= pure $ MkImpLater fc n !(getUnquote tc)
getUnquoteDecl : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto q : Ref Unq (List (Name, FC, RawImp))} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
ImpDecl ->
Core ImpDecl
getUnquoteDecl (IClaim fc c v opts ty)
= pure $ IClaim fc c v opts !(getUnquoteTy ty)
getUnquoteDecl (IData fc v d)
= pure $ IData fc v !(getUnquoteData d)
getUnquoteDecl (IDef fc v d)
= pure $ IDef fc v !(traverse getUnquoteClause d)
getUnquoteDecl (IParameters fc ps ds)
= pure $ IParameters fc !(traverse unqPair ps)
!(traverse getUnquoteDecl ds)
unqPair : (Name, RawImp) -> Core (Name, RawImp)
unqPair (n, t) = pure (n, !(getUnquote t))
getUnquoteDecl (IRecord fc v d)
= pure $ IRecord fc v !(getUnquoteRecord d)
getUnquoteDecl (INamespace fc nest ns ds)
= pure $ INamespace fc nest ns !(traverse getUnquoteDecl ds)
getUnquoteDecl (ITransform fc l r)
= pure $ ITransform fc !(getUnquote l) !(getUnquote r)
getUnquoteDecl d = pure d
bindUnqs : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
List (Name, FC, RawImp) ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo -> NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
Term vars ->
Core (Term vars)
bindUnqs [] _ _ _ _ tm = pure tm
bindUnqs ((qvar, fc, esctm) :: qs) rig elabinfo nest env tm
= do (escv, escty) <- check rig elabinfo nest env esctm Nothing
sc <- bindUnqs qs rig elabinfo nest env tm
pure (Bind fc qvar (Let (rigMult RigW rig) escv !(getTerm escty))
(refToLocal qvar qvar sc))
checkQuote : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkQuote rig elabinfo nest env fc tm exp
= do defs <- get Ctxt
q <- newRef Unq (the (List (Name, FC, RawImp)) [])
tm' <- getUnquote tm
qtm <- reflect fc defs env tm'
unqs <- get Unq
qty <- getCon fc defs (reflectionttimp "TTImp")
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc
!(bindUnqs unqs rig elabinfo nest env qtm)
(gnf env qty) exp

View File

@ -63,25 +63,25 @@ genFieldName root
-- There's probably a generic version of this in the prelude isn't
-- there?
replace : String -> Rec ->
replace : String -> Rec ->
List (String, Rec) -> List (String, Rec)
replace k v [] = []
replace k v ((k', v') :: vs)
= if k == k'
= if k == k'
then ((k, v) :: vs)
else ((k', v') :: replace k v vs)
findPath : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> List String -> List String -> Maybe Name ->
FC -> List String -> List String -> Maybe Name ->
(String -> RawImp) ->
Rec -> Core Rec
findPath loc [] full tyn val (Field lhs _) = pure (Field lhs (val lhs))
findPath loc [] full tyn val rec
findPath loc [] full tyn val rec
= throw (IncompatibleFieldUpdate loc full)
findPath loc (p :: ps) full Nothing val (Field n v)
findPath loc (p :: ps) full Nothing val (Field n v)
= throw (NotRecordField loc p Nothing)
findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val (Field n v)
findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val (Field n v)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just con <- findConName defs tyn
| Nothing => throw (NotRecordType loc tyn)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val (Field n v)
let rec' = Constr con args
findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val rec'
mkArgs : List (String, Maybe Name) ->
mkArgs : List (String, Maybe Name) ->
Core (List (String, Rec))
mkArgs [] = pure []
mkArgs ((p, _) :: ps)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ findPath loc (p :: ps) full (Just tyn) val (Field n v)
args' <- mkArgs ps
pure ((p, Field fldn (IVar loc (UN fldn))) :: args')
findPath loc (p :: ps) full tyn val (Constr con args)
findPath loc (p :: ps) full tyn val (Constr con args)
= do let Just prec = lookup p args
| Nothing => throw (NotRecordField loc p tyn)
defs <- get Ctxt
@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ findPath loc (p :: ps) full tyn val (Constr con args)
getSides : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> IFieldUpdate -> Name -> RawImp -> Rec ->
FC -> IFieldUpdate -> Name -> RawImp -> Rec ->
Core Rec
getSides loc (ISetField path val) tyn orig rec
getSides loc (ISetField path val) tyn orig rec
-- update 'rec' so that 'path' is accessible on the lhs and rhs,
-- then set the path on the rhs to 'val'
= findPath loc path path (Just tyn) (const val) rec
getSides loc (ISetFieldApp path val) tyn orig rec
getSides loc (ISetFieldApp path val) tyn orig rec
= findPath loc path path (Just tyn) (\n => apply val [IVar loc (UN n)]) rec
get : List String -> RawImp -> RawImp
@ -127,23 +127,23 @@ getSides loc (ISetFieldApp path val) tyn orig rec
getAllSides : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> Name ->
RawImp -> Rec ->
FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> Name ->
RawImp -> Rec ->
Core Rec
getAllSides loc [] tyn orig rec = pure rec
getAllSides loc (u :: upds) tyn orig rec
getAllSides loc (u :: upds) tyn orig rec
= getAllSides loc upds tyn orig !(getSides loc u tyn orig rec)
-- Convert the collection of high level field accesses into a case expression
-- which does the updates all in one go
recUpdate : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo -> FC ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
List IFieldUpdate ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo -> FC ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
List IFieldUpdate ->
(rec : RawImp) -> (grecty : Glued vars) ->
Core RawImp
recUpdate rigc elabinfo loc nest env flds rec grecty
@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ checkUpdate : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> List IFieldUpdate -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkUpdate rig elabinfo nest env fc upds rec expected
= do recty <- case expected of
Just ret => pure ret
_ => do (_, ty) <- checkImp rig elabinfo
_ => do (_, ty) <- checkImp rig elabinfo
nest env rec Nothing
pure ty
rcase <- recUpdate rig elabinfo fc nest env upds rec recty

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import TTImp.TTImp
-- TODO: Later, we'll get the name of the lemma from the type, if it's one
-- that's generated for a dependent type. For now, always return the default
findRewriteLemma : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
findRewriteLemma : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC -> (rulety : Term vars) ->
Core Name
findRewriteLemma loc rulety
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ getRewriteTerms loc defs (NTCon nfc eq t a args) err
= if !(isEqualTy eq)
then case reverse args of
(rhs :: lhs :: rhsty :: lhsty :: _) =>
pure (!(evalClosure defs lhs),
pure (!(evalClosure defs lhs),
!(evalClosure defs rhs),
!(evalClosure defs lhsty))
_ => throw err
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ rewriteErr _ = False
elabRewrite : {vars : _} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Env Term vars ->
(expected : Term vars) ->
(expected : Term vars) ->
(rulety : Term vars) ->
Core (Name, Term vars, Term vars)
elabRewrite loc env expected rulety
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ elabRewrite loc env expected rulety
-- the metavariables might have been updated
expnf <- nf defs env expected
logNF 5 "Rewriting" env lt
logNF 5 "Rewriting" env lt
logNF 5 "Rewriting in" env expnf
rwexp_sc <- replace defs env lt (Ref loc Bound parg) expnf
logTerm 5 "Rewritten to" rwexp_sc
empty <- clearDefs defs
let pred = Bind loc parg (Lam RigW Explicit
let pred = Bind loc parg (Lam RigW Explicit
!(quote empty env lty))
(refsToLocals (Add parg parg None) rwexp_sc)
gpredty <- getType env pred
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ checkRewrite : {vars : _} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars ->
FC -> RawImp -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkRewrite rigc elabinfo nest env fc rule tm Nothing
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ checkRewrite {vars} rigc elabinfo nest env fc rule tm (Just expected)
(\e'' => check {e = e''} {vars = rname :: pname :: vars}
rigc elabinfo (weaken (weaken nest)) env'
(apply (IVar fc lemma) [IVar fc pname,
IVar fc rname,
IVar fc rname,
(Just (gnf env'
(weakenNs [rname, pname] expTy)))
rwty <- getTerm grwty
pure (Bind fc pname pbind (Bind fc rname rbind rwtm),
pure (Bind fc pname pbind (Bind fc rname rbind rwtm),
gnf env (Bind fc pname pbind (Bind fc rname rbind rwty))))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Reflect
import Core.Unify
import Core.TT
import Core.Value
@ -21,14 +22,16 @@ import TTImp.Elab.ImplicitBind
import TTImp.Elab.Lazy
import TTImp.Elab.Local
import TTImp.Elab.Prim
import TTImp.Elab.Quote
import TTImp.Elab.Record
import TTImp.Elab.Rewrite
import TTImp.Reflect
import TTImp.TTImp
%default covering
-- If the expected type has an implicit pi, elaborate with leading
-- implicit lambdas if they aren't there already.
-- implicit lambdas if they aren't there already.
insertImpLam : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
Env Term vars ->
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ insertImpLam {vars} env tm (Just ty) = bindLam tm ty
bindLamTm tm exp
= case getFn exp of
Ref _ Func _ => pure Nothing -- might still be implicit
TForce _ _ => pure Nothing
TForce _ _ _ => pure Nothing
Bind _ _ (Lam _ _ _) _ => pure Nothing
_ => pure $ Just tm
@ -84,22 +87,22 @@ checkTerm : {vars : _} ->
RigCount -> ElabInfo ->
NestedNames vars -> Env Term vars -> RawImp -> Maybe (Glued vars) ->
Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IVar fc n) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IVar fc n) exp
= -- It may actually turn out to be an application, if the expected
-- type is expecting an implicit argument, so check it as an
-- application with no arguments
checkApp rig elabinfo nest env fc (IVar fc n) [] [] exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p (Just n) argTy retTy) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p (Just n) argTy retTy) exp
= checkPi rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy retTy exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p Nothing argTy retTy) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IPi fc r p Nothing argTy retTy) exp
= do n <- case p of
Explicit => genVarName "arg"
Implicit => genVarName "impArg"
AutoImplicit => genVarName "conArg"
checkPi rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy retTy exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILam fc r p (Just n) argTy scope) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILam fc r p (Just n) argTy scope) exp
= checkLambda rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy scope exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILam fc r p Nothing argTy scope) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILam fc r p Nothing argTy scope) exp
= do n <- genVarName "_"
checkLambda rig elabinfo nest env fc r p n argTy scope exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILet fc r n nTy nVal scope) exp
@ -110,9 +113,9 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (ILocal fc nested scope) exp
= checkLocal rig elabinfo nest env fc nested scope exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IUpdate fc upds rec) exp
= checkUpdate rig elabinfo nest env fc upds rec exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IApp fc fn arg) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IApp fc fn arg) exp
= checkApp rig elabinfo nest env fc fn [arg] [] exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IWithApp fc fn arg) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IWithApp fc fn arg) exp
= throw (GenericMsg fc "with application not implemented yet")
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IImplicitApp fc fn nm arg) exp
= checkApp rig elabinfo nest env fc fn [] [(nm, arg)] exp
@ -149,10 +152,18 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IDelay fc tm) exp
= checkDelay rig elabinfo nest env fc tm exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IForce fc tm) exp
= checkForce rig elabinfo nest env fc tm exp
checkTerm {vars} rig elabinfo nest env (IPrimVal fc c) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IQuote fc tm) exp
= checkQuote rig elabinfo nest env fc tm exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IQuoteDecl fc tm) exp
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Declaration reflection not implemented yet")
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IUnquote fc tm) exp
= throw (GenericMsg fc "Can't escape outside a quoted term")
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IRunElab fc tm) exp
= throw (GenericMsg fc "RunElab not implemented yet")
checkTerm {vars} rig elabinfo nest env (IPrimVal fc c) exp
= do let (cval, cty) = checkPrim {vars} fc c
checkExp rig elabinfo env fc cval (gnf env cty) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IType fc) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IType fc) exp
= checkExp rig elabinfo env fc (TType fc) (gType fc) exp
checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (IHole fc str) exp
@ -185,7 +196,7 @@ checkTerm rig elabinfo nest env (Implicit fc b) Nothing
-- {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
-- {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
-- {auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
-- RigCount -> ElabInfo -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
-- RigCount -> ElabInfo -> Env Term vars -> RawImp ->
-- Maybe (Glued vars) ->
-- Core (Term vars, Glued vars)
-- If we've just inserted an implicit coercion (in practice, that's either
@ -199,7 +210,7 @@ TTImp.Elab.Check.check rigc elabinfo nest env tm@(ILocal fc ds sc) exp
= checkImp rigc elabinfo nest env tm exp
TTImp.Elab.Check.check rigc elabinfo nest env tm@(IUpdate fc fs rec) exp
= checkImp rigc elabinfo nest env tm exp
TTImp.Elab.Check.check rigc elabinfo nest env tm_in exp
TTImp.Elab.Check.check rigc elabinfo nest env tm_in exp
= do defs <- get Ctxt
est <- get EST
tm <- expandAmbigName (elabMode elabinfo) nest env tm_in [] tm_in exp

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ findErasedFrom defs pos tm = pure []
findErased : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
ClosedTerm -> Core (List Nat)
findErased tm
findErased tm
= do defs <- get Ctxt
tmnf <- nf defs [] tm
findErasedFrom defs 0 tmnf

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Show ClauseUpdate where
show (Impossible lhs) = "Impossible: " ++ show lhs
show Invalid = "Invalid"
public export
public export
data SplitError : Type where
NoValidSplit : SplitError -- None of the splits either type check, or fail
-- in a way which is valid as an 'impossible' case
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Show a => Show (SplitResult a) where
show (OK res) = "OK: " ++ show res
findTyName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars ->
Defs -> Env Term vars -> Name -> Term vars ->
Core (Maybe Name)
findTyName defs env n (Bind _ x (PVar c p ty) sc)
-- Take the first one, which is the most recently bound
@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ findCons : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Name -> Term [] -> Core (SplitResult (Name, Name, List Name))
findCons n lhs
= case getDefining lhs of
Nothing => pure (SplitFail
Nothing => pure (SplitFail
(CantSplitThis n "Can't find function name on LHS"))
Just fn =>
do defs <- get Ctxt
case !(findTyName defs [] n lhs) of
Nothing => pure (SplitFail (CantSplitThis n
Nothing => pure (SplitFail (CantSplitThis n
("Can't find type of " ++ show n ++ " in LHS")))
Just tyn =>
do Just (TCon _ _ _ _ _ cons) <-
lookupDefExact tyn (gamma defs)
| res => pure (SplitFail
(CantSplitThis n
("Not a type constructor " ++
| res => pure (SplitFail
(CantSplitThis n
("Not a type constructor " ++
show res)))
pure (OK (fn, tyn, cons))
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ defaultNames = ["x", "y", "z", "w", "v", "s", "t", "u"]
getArgName : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> Name -> List Name -> NF vars -> Core String
getArgName defs x allvars ty
getArgName defs x allvars ty
= do defnames <- findNames ty
pure $ getName x defnames allvars
@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ getArgName defs x allvars ty
getArgNames : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
Defs -> List Name -> Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Defs -> List Name -> Env Term vars -> NF vars ->
Core (List String)
getArgNames defs allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ p ty) sc)
getArgNames defs allvars env (NBind fc x (Pi _ p ty) sc)
= do ns <- case p of
Explicit => pure [!(getArgName defs x allvars ty)]
_ => pure []
@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ expandCon fc usedvars con
= do defs <- get Ctxt
Just ty <- lookupTyExact con (gamma defs)
| Nothing => throw (UndefinedName fc con)
pure (apply (IVar fc con)
pure (apply (IVar fc con)
(map (IBindVar fc)
!(getArgNames defs usedvars []
!(getArgNames defs usedvars []
!(nf defs [] ty))))
updateArg : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> -- all the variable names
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
RawImp -> Core RawImp
updateArg allvars var con (IVar fc n)
= if n `elem` allvars
@ -188,22 +188,22 @@ updateArg allvars var con (IVar fc n)
else pure $ Implicit fc True
else pure $ IVar fc n
updateArg allvars var con (IApp fc f a)
= pure $ IApp fc !(updateArg allvars var con f)
= pure $ IApp fc !(updateArg allvars var con f)
!(updateArg allvars var con a)
updateArg allvars var con (IImplicitApp fc f n a)
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(updateArg allvars var con f) n
= pure $ IImplicitApp fc !(updateArg allvars var con f) n
!(updateArg allvars var con a)
updateArg allvars var con (IAs fc s n p)
= updateArg allvars var con p
updateArg allvars var con tm = pure $ Implicit (getFC tm) True
data ArgType
data ArgType
= Explicit FC RawImp
| Implicit FC (Maybe Name) RawImp
update : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
List Name -> -- all the variable names
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
ArgType -> Core ArgType
update allvars var con (Explicit fc arg)
= pure $ Explicit fc !(updateArg allvars var con arg)
@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ apply f [] = f
-- Also replace any variables with '_' to allow elaboration to
-- expand them
newLHS : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
FC ->
FC ->
Nat -> -- previous environment length; leave these alone
List Name -> -- all the variable names
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
(var : Name) -> (con : Name) ->
RawImp -> Core RawImp
newLHS fc envlen allvars var con tm
= do let (f, args) = getFnArgs tm []
let keep = map (const (Explicit fc (Implicit fc True)))
let keep = map (const (Explicit fc (Implicit fc True)))
(take envlen args)
let ups = drop envlen args
ups' <- traverse (update allvars var con) ups
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ mkCase {c} {u} fn orig lhs_raw
(\err => case err of
WhenUnifying _ env l r err
=> do defs <- get Ctxt
if !(impossibleOK defs !(nf defs env l)
if !(impossibleOK defs !(nf defs env l)
!(nf defs env r))
then pure (Impossible lhs_raw)
else pure Invalid
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ export
getSplitsLHS : {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
FC -> Nat -> ClosedTerm -> Name ->
FC -> Nat -> ClosedTerm -> Name ->
Core (SplitResult (List ClauseUpdate))
getSplitsLHS fc envlen lhs_in n
= do let lhs = substLets lhs_in
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ getSplitsLHS fc envlen lhs_in n
defs <- get Ctxt
OK (fn, tyn, cons) <- findCons n lhs
| SplitFail err => pure (SplitFail err)
rawlhs <- unelabNoSugar [] lhs
trycases <- traverse (\c => newLHS fc envlen usedns n c rawlhs) cons
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ export
getSplits : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
{auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
(FC -> ClosedTerm -> Bool) -> Name ->
(FC -> ClosedTerm -> Bool) -> Name ->
Core (SplitResult (List ClauseUpdate))
getSplits p n
= do Just (loc, envlen, lhs_in) <- findLHSAt p

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