Bind auto implicit arg names in LHS

We were only doing implicits, so add auto implicits too. It's slightly
tricky, because we might also have implicits given of the form @{x}
which stands for the next auto implicit.

Fixes #50
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2019-07-26 16:58:02 +01:00
parent 8e9655dd9b
commit fa76f2a78b
5 changed files with 57 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -397,15 +397,14 @@ findImplicits tm = []
-- rhs
implicitsAs : Defs -> List Name -> RawImp -> Core RawImp
implicitsAs defs ns tm = setAs (ns ++ map UN (findIBinds tm)) tm
implicitsAs defs ns tm = setAs (map Just (ns ++ map UN (findIBinds tm))) tm
setAs : List Name -> RawImp -> Core RawImp
setAs : List (Maybe Name) -> RawImp -> Core RawImp
setAs is (IApp loc f a)
= do f' <- setAs is f
pure $ IApp loc f' a
setAs is (IImplicitApp loc f n a)
= do let is' = maybe is (\n' => n' :: is) n
f' <- setAs is' f
= do f' <- setAs (n :: is) f
pure $ IImplicitApp loc f' n a
setAs is (IWithApp loc f a)
= do f' <- setAs is f
@ -413,23 +412,46 @@ implicitsAs defs ns tm = setAs (ns ++ map UN (findIBinds tm)) tm
setAs is (IVar loc n)
= case !(lookupTyExact n (gamma defs)) of
Nothing => pure $ IVar loc n
Just ty => pure $ impAs loc (filter (\x => not (x `elem` is))
!(findImps !(nf defs [] ty))) (IVar loc n)
Just ty => pure $ impAs loc
!(findImps is !(nf defs [] ty)) (IVar loc n)
findImps : NF [] -> Core (List Name)
findImps (NBind fc x (Pi _ Implicit _) sc)
= pure $
x :: !(findImps !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc))))
findImps (NBind fc x (Pi _ _ _) sc)
= findImps !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
findImps _ = pure []
-- If there's an @{c} in the list of given implicits, that's the next
-- autoimplicit, so don't rewrite the LHS and update the list of given
-- implicits
updateNs : Name -> List (Maybe Name) -> Maybe (List (Maybe Name))
updateNs n (Nothing :: ns) = Just ns
updateNs n (x :: ns)
= if Just n == x
then Just ns -- found it
else do ns' <- updateNs n ns
pure (x :: ns')
updateNs n [] = Nothing
impAs : FC -> List Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
findImps : List (Maybe Name) -> NF [] -> Core (List (Name, PiInfo))
findImps ns (NBind fc x (Pi _ Explicit _) sc)
= findImps ns !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
-- if the implicit was given, skip it
findImps ns (NBind fc x (Pi _ AutoImplicit _) sc)
= case updateNs x ns of
Nothing => -- didn't find explicit call
pure $ (x, AutoImplicit) :: !(findImps ns !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc))))
Just ns' => findImps ns' !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
findImps ns (NBind fc x (Pi _ p _) sc)
= if Just x `elem` ns
then findImps ns !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc)))
else pure $ (x, p) :: !(findImps ns !(sc defs (toClosure defaultOpts [] (Erased fc))))
findImps _ _ = pure []
impAs : FC -> List (Name, PiInfo) -> RawImp -> RawImp
impAs loc' [] tm = tm
impAs loc' (n :: ns) tm
impAs loc' ((UN n, AutoImplicit) :: ns) tm
= impAs loc' ns $
IImplicitApp loc' tm (Just (UN n)) (IBindVar loc' n)
impAs loc' ((n, Implicit) :: ns) tm
= impAs loc' ns $
IImplicitApp loc' tm (Just n)
(IAs loc' UseLeft n (Implicit loc' True))
impAs loc' (_ :: ns) tm = impAs loc' ns tm
setAs is tm = pure tm

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ idrisTests
"basic011", "basic012", "basic013", "basic014", "basic015",
"basic016", "basic017", "basic018", "basic019", "basic020",
"basic021", "basic022", "basic023", "basic024", "basic025",
"basic026", "basic027",
"coverage001", "coverage002", "coverage003", "coverage004",
"error001", "error002", "error003", "error004", "error005",
"error006", "error007", "error008", "error009",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Temp
import Data.List
safeHead : (l : List a) -> {auto pr : NonEmpty l} -> a
safeHead [] = absurd pr
safeHead (x::xs) = x
safeHead1 : (l : List a) -> {auto pr : NonEmpty l} -> a
safeHead1 @{pr} [] = absurd pr
safeHead1 (x::xs) = x
safeHead2 : (l : List a) -> {auto pr : NonEmpty l} -> a
safeHead2 @{t} [] = absurd t
safeHead2 (x::xs) = x

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
1/1: Building Temp (Temp.idr)

tests/idris2/basic027/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$1 --check Temp.idr
rm -rf build