export Network.Socket functions fix #152

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Arnaud Bailly 2019-11-11 08:37:59 +01:00
parent ab98b4d3c9
commit fe4fb532cd

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.List
||| Creates a UNIX socket with the given family, socket type and protocol
||| number. Returns either a socket or an error.
socket : (fam : SocketFamily)
-> (ty : SocketType)
-> (pnum : ProtocolNumber)
@ -24,11 +25,13 @@ socket sf st pn = do
else pure $ Right (MkSocket socket_res sf st pn)
||| Close a socket
close : Socket -> IO ()
close sock = cCall () "close" [descriptor sock]
||| Binds a socket to the given socket address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
bind : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : Maybe SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ bind sock addr port = do
||| Connects to a given address and port.
||| Returns 0 on success, and an error number on error.
connect : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -63,6 +67,7 @@ connect sock addr port = do
||| Listens on a bound socket.
||| @sock The socket to listen on.
listen : (sock : Socket) -> IO Int
listen sock = do
listen_res <- cCall Int "listen" [ descriptor sock, BACKLOG ]
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ listen sock = do
||| + `SocketAddress` :: The
||| @sock The socket used to establish connection.
accept : (sock : Socket)
-> IO (Either SocketError (Socket, SocketAddress))
accept sock = do
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ accept sock = do
||| @sock The socket on which to send the message.
||| @msg The data to send.
send : (sock : Socket)
-> (msg : String)
-> IO (Either SocketError ResultCode)
@ -122,6 +129,7 @@ send sock dat = do
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
||| @len How much of the data to receive.
recv : (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (String, ResultCode))
@ -152,7 +160,7 @@ recv sock len = do
||| Returns on success the payload `String`
||| @sock The socket on which to receive the message.
recvAll : (sock : Socket) -> IO (Either SocketError String)
recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
@ -174,6 +182,7 @@ recvAll sock = recvRec sock [] 64
||| @addr Address of the recipient.
||| @port The port on which to send the message.
||| @msg The message to send.
sendTo : (sock : Socket)
-> (addr : SocketAddress)
-> (port : Port)
@ -198,6 +207,7 @@ sendTo sock addr p dat = do
||| @sock The channel on which to receive.
||| @len Size of the expected message.
recvFrom : (sock : Socket)
-> (len : ByteLength)
-> IO (Either SocketError (UDPAddrInfo, String, ResultCode))