module Builtin -- The most primitive data types; things which are used by desugaring -- Totality assertions ||| Assert to the totality checker that the given expression will always ||| terminate. %inline public export assert_total : {0 a : _} -> a -> a assert_total x = x ||| Assert to the totality checker that y is always structurally smaller than x ||| (which is typically a pattern argument, and *must* be in normal form for ||| this to work). ||| @ x the larger value (typically a pattern argument) ||| @ y the smaller value (typically an argument to a recursive call) %inline public export assert_smaller : {0 a, b : _} -> (x : a) -> (y : b) -> b assert_smaller x y = y -- Unit type and pairs ||| The canonical single-element type, also known as the trivially true ||| proposition. public export data Unit = ||| The trivial constructor for `()`. MkUnit ||| The non-dependent pair type, also known as conjunction. public export data Pair : Type -> Type -> Type where ||| A pair of elements. ||| @ a the left element of the pair ||| @ b the right element of the pair MkPair : {0 a, b : Type} -> (1 x : a) -> (1 y : b) -> Pair a b ||| Return the first element of a pair. public export fst : {0 a, b : Type} -> (a, b) -> a fst (x, y) = x ||| Return the second element of a pair. public export snd : {0 a, b : Type} -> (a, b) -> b snd (x, y) = y -- This directive tells auto implicit search what to use to look inside pairs %pair Pair fst snd ||| Dependent pairs aid in the construction of dependent types by providing ||| evidence that some value resides in the type. ||| ||| Formally, speaking, dependent pairs represent existential quantification - ||| they consist of a witness for the existential claim and a proof that the ||| property holds for it. ||| ||| @ a the value to place in the type. ||| @ p the dependent type that requires the value. namespace DPair public export record DPair a (p : a -> Type) where constructor MkDPair fst : a snd : p fst -- The empty type ||| The empty type, also known as the trivially false proposition. ||| ||| Use `void` or `absurd` to prove anything if you have a variable of type ||| `Void` in scope. public export data Void : Type where -- Equality public export data Equal : forall a, b . a -> b -> Type where Refl : {0 x : a} -> Equal x x %name Equal prf infix 9 ===, ~=~ -- An equality type for when you want to assert that each side of the -- equality has the same type, but there's not other evidence available -- to help with unification public export (===) : (x : a) -> (y : a) -> Type (===) = Equal ||| Explicit heterogeneous ("John Major") equality. Use this when Idris ||| incorrectly chooses homogeneous equality for `(=)`. ||| @ a the type of the left side ||| @ b the type of the right side ||| @ x the left side ||| @ y the right side public export (~=~) : (x : a) -> (y : b) -> Type (~=~) = Equal ||| Perform substitution in a term according to some equality. ||| ||| Like `replace`, but with an explicit predicate, and applying the rewrite in ||| the other direction, which puts it in a form usable by the `rewrite` tactic ||| and term. %inline public export rewrite__impl : {0 x, y : a} -> (0 p : _) -> (0 rule : x = y) -> (1 val : p y) -> p x rewrite__impl p Refl prf = prf %rewrite Equal rewrite__impl ||| Perform substitution in a term according to some equality. %inline public export replace : forall x, y, p . (0 rule : x = y) -> p x -> p y replace Refl prf = prf ||| Symmetry of propositional equality. %inline public export sym : (0 rule : x = y) -> y = x sym Refl = Refl ||| Transitivity of propositional equality. %inline public export trans : forall a, b, c . (0 l : a = b) -> (0 r : b = c) -> a = c trans Refl Refl = Refl ||| Subvert the type checker. This function is abstract, so it will not reduce ||| in the type checker. Use it with care - it can result in segfaults or ||| worse! public export believe_me : a -> b believe_me = prim__believe_me _ _