module PrimIO import Builtin public export data IORes : Type -> Type where MkIORes : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes a public export PrimIO : Type -> Type PrimIO a = (1 x : %World) -> IORes a export data IO : Type -> Type where MkIO : (1 fn : PrimIO a) -> IO a export prim_io_pure : a -> PrimIO a prim_io_pure x = \w => MkIORes x w export io_pure : a -> IO a io_pure x = MkIO (\w => MkIORes x w) export prim_io_bind : (1 act : PrimIO a) -> (1 k : a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b prim_io_bind fn k w = let MkIORes x' w' = fn w in k x' w' export io_bind : (1 act : IO a) -> (1 k : a -> IO b) -> IO b io_bind (MkIO fn) = \k => MkIO (\w => let MkIORes x' w' = fn w MkIO res = k x' in res w') %extern prim__putStr : String -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes () %extern prim__getStr : (1 x : %World) -> IORes String %extern prim__putChar : Char -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes () %extern prim__getChar : (1 x : %World) -> IORes Char -- A pointer representing a given parameter type -- The parameter is a phantom type, to help differentiate between -- different pointer types public export data Ptr : Type -> Type where -- A pointer to any type (representing a void* in foreign calls) public export data AnyPtr : Type where public export data ThreadID : Type where public export data FArgList : Type where Nil : FArgList (::) : {a : Type} -> (1 arg : a) -> (1 args : FArgList) -> FArgList %extern prim__cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes ret %extern prim__schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes ret export %inline primIO : (1 fn : (1 x : %World) -> IORes a) -> IO a primIO op = MkIO op export %inline toPrim : (1 act : IO a) -> PrimIO a toPrim (MkIO fn) = fn export %inline schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) -> IO ret schemeCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__schemeCall ret fn args) export %inline cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> FArgList -> IO ret cCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__cCall ret fn args) ||| Output a string to stdout without a trailing newline export putStr : String -> IO () putStr str = primIO (prim__putStr str) ||| Output a string to stdout with a trailing newline export putStrLn : String -> IO () putStrLn str = putStr (prim__strAppend str "\n") ||| Read one line of input from stdin, without the trailing newline export getLine : IO String getLine = primIO prim__getStr ||| Write a single character to stdout export putChar : Char -> IO () putChar c = primIO (prim__putChar c) ||| Write a single character to stdout, with a trailing newline export putCharLn : Char -> IO () putCharLn c = putStrLn (prim__cast_CharString c) ||| Read a single character from stdin export getChar : IO Char getChar = primIO prim__getChar export fork : (1 prog : IO ()) -> IO ThreadID fork (MkIO act) = schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act] export prim_fork : (1 prog : PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO ThreadID prim_fork act w = prim__schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act] w unsafeCreateWorld : (1 f : (1 x : %World) -> a) -> a unsafeCreateWorld f = f %MkWorld unsafeDestroyWorld : (1 x : %World) -> a -> a unsafeDestroyWorld %MkWorld x = x export unsafePerformIO : IO a -> a unsafePerformIO (MkIO f) = unsafeCreateWorld (\w => case f w of MkIORes res w' => unsafeDestroyWorld w' res)