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synced 2024-12-20 19:31:31 +03:00
This has shown up a problem with 'case' which is hard to fix - since it works by generating a function with the appropriate type, it's hard to ensure that let bindings computational behaviour is propagated while maintaining appropriate dependencies between arguments and keeping the let so that it only evaluates once. So, I've disabled the computational behaviour of 'let' inside case blocks. I hope this isn't a big inconvenience (there are workarounds if it's ever needed, anyway).
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module Data.Nat
Uninhabited (Z = S n) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (S n = Z) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
public export
isZero : Nat -> Bool
isZero Z = True
isZero (S n) = False
public export
isSucc : Nat -> Bool
isSucc Z = False
isSucc (S n) = True
public export
data IsSucc : (n : Nat) -> Type where
ItIsSucc : IsSucc (S n)
Uninhabited (IsSucc Z) where
uninhabited ItIsSucc impossible
public export
isItSucc : (n : Nat) -> Dec (IsSucc n)
isItSucc Z = No absurd
isItSucc (S n) = Yes ItIsSucc
public export
minus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
minus Z right = Z
minus left Z = left
minus (S left) (S right) = minus left right
public export
power : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
power base Z = S Z
power base (S exp) = base * (power base exp)
public export
hyper : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
hyper Z a b = S b
hyper (S Z) a Z = a
hyper (S(S Z)) a Z = Z
hyper n a Z = S Z
hyper (S pn) a (S pb) = hyper pn a (hyper (S pn) a pb)
public export
pred : Nat -> Nat
pred Z = Z
pred (S n) = n
-- Comparisons
public export
data NotBothZero : (n, m : Nat) -> Type where
LeftIsNotZero : NotBothZero (S n) m
RightIsNotZero : NotBothZero n (S m)
public export
data LTE : (n, m : Nat) -> Type where
LTEZero : LTE Z right
LTESucc : LTE left right -> LTE (S left) (S right)
Uninhabited (LTE (S n) Z) where
uninhabited LTEZero impossible
public export
GTE : Nat -> Nat -> Type
GTE left right = LTE right left
public export
LT : Nat -> Nat -> Type
LT left right = LTE (S left) right
public export
GT : Nat -> Nat -> Type
GT left right = LT right left
succNotLTEzero : Not (LTE (S m) Z)
succNotLTEzero LTEZero impossible
fromLteSucc : LTE (S m) (S n) -> LTE m n
fromLteSucc (LTESucc x) = x
isLTE : (m, n : Nat) -> Dec (LTE m n)
isLTE Z n = Yes LTEZero
isLTE (S k) Z = No succNotLTEzero
isLTE (S k) (S j)
= case isLTE k j of
No contra => No (contra . fromLteSucc)
Yes prf => Yes (LTESucc prf)
lteRefl : {n : Nat} -> LTE n n
lteRefl {n = Z} = LTEZero
lteRefl {n = S k} = LTESucc lteRefl
lteSuccRight : LTE n m -> LTE n (S m)
lteSuccRight LTEZero = LTEZero
lteSuccRight (LTESucc x) = LTESucc (lteSuccRight x)
lteSuccLeft : LTE (S n) m -> LTE n m
lteSuccLeft (LTESucc x) = lteSuccRight x
lteTransitive : LTE n m -> LTE m p -> LTE n p
lteTransitive LTEZero y = LTEZero
lteTransitive (LTESucc x) (LTESucc y) = LTESucc (lteTransitive x y)
lteAddRight : (n : Nat) -> LTE n (n + m)
lteAddRight Z = LTEZero
lteAddRight (S k) {m} = LTESucc (lteAddRight {m} k)
notLTImpliesGTE : {a, b : _} -> Not (LT a b) -> GTE a b
notLTImpliesGTE {b = Z} _ = LTEZero
notLTImpliesGTE {a = Z} {b = S k} notLt = absurd (notLt (LTESucc LTEZero))
notLTImpliesGTE {a = S k} {b = S j} notLt = LTESucc (notLTImpliesGTE (notLt . LTESucc))
public export
lte : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
lte Z right = True
lte left Z = False
lte (S left) (S right) = lte left right
public export
gte : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
gte left right = lte right left
public export
lt : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
lt left right = lte (S left) right
public export
gt : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
gt left right = lt right left
public export
minimum : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
minimum Z m = Z
minimum (S n) Z = Z
minimum (S n) (S m) = S (minimum n m)
public export
maximum : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
maximum Z m = m
maximum (S n) Z = S n
maximum (S n) (S m) = S (maximum n m)
-- Proofs on S
eqSucc : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> (p : left = right) ->
S left = S right
eqSucc left _ Refl = Refl
succInjective : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> (p : S left = S right) ->
left = right
succInjective left _ Refl = Refl
SIsNotZ : (S x = Z) -> Void
SIsNotZ Refl impossible
modNatNZ : Nat -> (y: Nat) -> Not (y = Z) -> Nat
modNatNZ left Z p = void (p Refl)
modNatNZ left (S right) _ = mod' left left right
mod' : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
mod' Z centre right = centre
mod' (S left) centre right =
if lte centre right then
mod' left (minus centre (S right)) right
modNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
modNat left (S right) = modNatNZ left (S right) SIsNotZ
divNatNZ : Nat -> (y: Nat) -> Not (y = Z) -> Nat
divNatNZ left Z p = void (p Refl)
divNatNZ left (S right) _ = div' left left right
div' : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
div' Z centre right = Z
div' (S left) centre right =
if lte centre right then
S (div' left (minus centre (S right)) right)
divNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
divNat left (S right) = divNatNZ left (S right) SIsNotZ
divCeilNZ : Nat -> (y: Nat) -> Not (y = Z) -> Nat
divCeilNZ x y p = case (modNatNZ x y p) of
Z => divNatNZ x y p
S _ => S (divNatNZ x y p)
divCeil : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
divCeil x (S y) = divCeilNZ x (S y) SIsNotZ
gcd : (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> {auto ok: NotBothZero a b} -> Nat
gcd a Z = a
gcd Z b = b
gcd a (S b) = gcd (S b) (modNatNZ a (S b) SIsNotZ)
lcm : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
lcm _ Z = Z
lcm Z _ = Z
lcm a (S b) = divNat (a * (S b)) (gcd a (S b))
-- Proofs on +
plusZeroLeftNeutral : (right : Nat) -> 0 + right = right
plusZeroLeftNeutral right = Refl
plusZeroRightNeutral : (left : Nat) -> left + 0 = left
plusZeroRightNeutral Z = Refl
plusZeroRightNeutral (S n) =
let inductiveHypothesis = plusZeroRightNeutral n in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
plusSuccRightSucc : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
S (left + right) = left + (S right)
plusSuccRightSucc Z right = Refl
plusSuccRightSucc (S left) right =
let inductiveHypothesis = plusSuccRightSucc left right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
plusCommutative : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left + right = right + left
plusCommutative Z right = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral right in Refl
plusCommutative (S left) right =
let inductiveHypothesis = plusCommutative left right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc right left in Refl
plusAssociative : (left : Nat) -> (centre : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left + (centre + right) = (left + centre) + right
plusAssociative Z centre right = Refl
plusAssociative (S left) centre right =
let inductiveHypothesis = plusAssociative left centre right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
plusConstantRight : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> (c : Nat) ->
(p : left = right) -> left + c = right + c
plusConstantRight left _ c Refl = Refl
plusConstantLeft : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> (c : Nat) ->
(p : left = right) -> c + left = c + right
plusConstantLeft left _ c Refl = Refl
plusOneSucc : (right : Nat) -> 1 + right = S right
plusOneSucc n = Refl
plusLeftCancel : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) -> (right' : Nat) ->
(p : left + right = left + right') -> right = right'
plusLeftCancel Z right right' p = p
plusLeftCancel (S left) right right' p =
let inductiveHypothesis = plusLeftCancel left right right' in
inductiveHypothesis (succInjective _ _ p)
plusRightCancel : (left : Nat) -> (left' : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
(p : left + right = left' + right) -> left = left'
plusRightCancel left left' Z p = rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral left) in
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral left') in
plusRightCancel left left' (S right) p =
plusRightCancel left left' right
(succInjective _ _ (rewrite plusSuccRightSucc left right in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc left' right in p))
plusLeftLeftRightZero : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
(p : left + right = left) -> right = Z
plusLeftLeftRightZero Z right p = p
plusLeftLeftRightZero (S left) right p =
plusLeftLeftRightZero left right (succInjective _ _ p)
-- Proofs on *
multZeroLeftZero : (right : Nat) -> Z * right = Z
multZeroLeftZero right = Refl
multZeroRightZero : (left : Nat) -> left * Z = Z
multZeroRightZero Z = Refl
multZeroRightZero (S left) = multZeroRightZero left
multRightSuccPlus : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left * (S right) = left + (left * right)
multRightSuccPlus Z right = Refl
multRightSuccPlus (S left) right =
let inductiveHypothesis = multRightSuccPlus left right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite plusAssociative left right (left * right) in
rewrite plusAssociative right left (left * right) in
rewrite plusCommutative right left in
multLeftSuccPlus : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
(S left) * right = right + (left * right)
multLeftSuccPlus left right = Refl
multCommutative : (left : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left * right = right * left
multCommutative Z right = rewrite multZeroRightZero right in Refl
multCommutative (S left) right =
let inductiveHypothesis = multCommutative left right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite multRightSuccPlus right left in
multDistributesOverPlusRight : (left : Nat) -> (centre : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left * (centre + right) = (left * centre) + (left * right)
multDistributesOverPlusRight Z centre right = Refl
multDistributesOverPlusRight (S left) centre right =
let inductiveHypothesis = multDistributesOverPlusRight left centre right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite plusAssociative (centre + (left * centre)) right (left * right) in
rewrite sym (plusAssociative centre (left * centre) right) in
rewrite plusCommutative (left * centre) right in
rewrite plusAssociative centre right (left * centre) in
rewrite plusAssociative (centre + right) (left * centre) (left * right) in
multDistributesOverPlusLeft : (left : Nat) -> (centre : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
(left + centre) * right = (left * right) + (centre * right)
multDistributesOverPlusLeft Z centre right = Refl
multDistributesOverPlusLeft (S left) centre right =
let inductiveHypothesis = multDistributesOverPlusLeft left centre right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite plusAssociative right (left * right) (centre * right) in
multAssociative : (left : Nat) -> (centre : Nat) -> (right : Nat) ->
left * (centre * right) = (left * centre) * right
multAssociative Z centre right = Refl
multAssociative (S left) centre right =
let inductiveHypothesis = multAssociative left centre right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
rewrite multDistributesOverPlusLeft centre (left * centre) right in
multOneLeftNeutral : (right : Nat) -> 1 * right = right
multOneLeftNeutral Z = Refl
multOneLeftNeutral (S right) =
let inductiveHypothesis = multOneLeftNeutral right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
multOneRightNeutral : (left : Nat) -> left * 1 = left
multOneRightNeutral Z = Refl
multOneRightNeutral (S left) =
let inductiveHypothesis = multOneRightNeutral left in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in