Edwin Brady 762f6010dd Basic TTC saving and loading now works
Only save the parts of terms and definitions which are needed for
typechecking and evaluation (so, for example, we don't need types for
machine generated metavariables, don't need types on lambdas, etc).
2019-04-25 14:46:36 +01:00

74 lines
2.3 KiB

data Nat : Type where
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus Z $y = y
plus (S $k) $y = S (plus k y)
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z $a
Cons : $a -> Vect $k $a -> Vect (S $k) $a
append : Vect $n $a -> Vect $m $a -> Vect (plus $n $m) $a
append Nil $ys = ys
append (Cons $x $xs) $ys = Cons x (append xs ys)
data Fin : Nat -> Type where
FZ : Fin (S $k)
FS : Fin $k -> Fin (S $k)
lookup : Fin $k -> Vect $k $ty -> $ty
lookup FZ (Cons $t $ts) = t;
lookup (FS $i) (Cons $t $ts) = lookup i ts;
-- As a larger example, we'll implement the well-typed interpreter.
-- So we'll need to represent the types of our expression language:
data Ty : Type where
Base : Type -> Ty
Arrow : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
-- Ty can be translated to a host language type
interpTy : Ty -> Type
interpTy (Base $t) = t
interpTy (Arrow $s $t) = (argTy : interpTy s) -> interpTy t
data HasType : Fin $k -> Ty -> Vect $k Ty -> Type where
Stop : HasType FZ $t (Cons $t $gam)
Pop : HasType $i $t $gam -> HasType (FS $i) $t (Cons $u $gam)
-- Expressions in our language, indexed by their contexts and types:
data Lang : Vect $k Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Var : HasType $i $t $gam -> Lang $gam $t
Val : (x : interpTy $a) -> Lang $gam $a
Lam : (scope : Lang (Cons $s $gam) $t) -> Lang $gam (Arrow $s $t)
App : Lang $gam (Arrow $s $t) -> Lang $gam $s -> Lang $gam $t;
Op : (interpTy $a -> interpTy $b -> interpTy $c) ->
Lang $gam $a -> Lang $gam $b -> Lang $gam $c
data Env : Vect $n Ty -> Type where
ENil : Env Nil
ECons : (x : interpTy $a) -> Env $xs -> Env (Cons $a $xs)
-- Find a value in an environment
lookupEnv : HasType $i $t $gam -> Env $gam -> interpTy $t
lookupEnv Stop (ECons $x $xs) = x
lookupEnv (Pop $var) (ECons $x $env) = lookupEnv var env
interp : Env $gam -> Lang $gam $t -> interpTy $t
interp $env (Var $i) = lookupEnv i env
interp $env (Val $x) = x
interp $env (App $f $a) = interp env f (interp env a)
interp $env (Lam {s = $s} $scope)
= \var => interp (ECons var env) scope
interp $env (Op $fn $x $y) = fn (interp env x) (interp env y)
testAdd : Lang $gam (Arrow (Base Nat) (Arrow (Base Nat) (Base Nat)))
testAdd = Lam (Lam (Op plus (Var Stop) (Var (Pop Stop))))
main : Nat
main = interp ENil testAdd (S (S Z)) (S (S Z))