Michael Morgan e6121e0935 Remove trailing whitespace from Idris sources.
This is the result of running the command:

$ find . -name '*.idr' -type f -exec sed -i -E 's/\s+$//' {} +

I confirmed before running it that this would not affect any markdown
formatting in documentation comments.
2019-10-25 14:24:25 -07:00

562 lines
17 KiB

module Parser.Support
import public Text.Lexer
import public Parser.Lexer
import public Text.Parser
import Core.TT
import Data.List.Views
%default total
public export
Rule : Type -> Type
Rule ty = Grammar (TokenData Token) True ty
public export
EmptyRule : Type -> Type
EmptyRule ty = Grammar (TokenData Token) False ty
public export
data ParseError = ParseFail String (Maybe (Int, Int)) (List Token)
| LexFail (Int, Int, String)
| FileFail FileError
Show ParseError where
show (ParseFail err loc toks)
= "Parse error: " ++ err ++ " (next tokens: "
++ show (take 10 toks) ++ ")"
show (LexFail (c, l, str))
= "Lex error at " ++ show (c, l) ++ " input: " ++ str
show (FileFail err)
= "File error: " ++ show err
eoi : EmptyRule ()
= do nextIs "Expected end of input" (isEOI . tok)
pure ()
isEOI : Token -> Bool
isEOI EndInput = True
isEOI _ = False
runParserTo : (TokenData Token -> Bool) ->
String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
runParserTo pred str p
= case lexTo pred str of
Left err => Left $ LexFail err
Right toks =>
case parse p toks of
Left (Error err []) =>
Left $ ParseFail err Nothing []
Left (Error err (t :: ts)) =>
Left $ ParseFail err (Just (line t, col t))
(map tok (t :: ts))
Right (val, _) => Right val
runParser : String -> Grammar (TokenData Token) e ty -> Either ParseError ty
runParser = runParserTo (const False)
parseFile : (fn : String) -> Rule ty -> IO (Either ParseError ty)
parseFile fn p
= do Right str <- readFile fn
| Left err => pure (Left (FileFail err))
pure (runParser str p)
-- Some basic parsers used by all the intermediate forms
location : EmptyRule (Int, Int)
= do tok <- peek
pure (line tok, col tok)
column : EmptyRule Int
= do (line, col) <- location
pure col
hex : Char -> Maybe Int
hex '0' = Just 0
hex '1' = Just 1
hex '2' = Just 2
hex '3' = Just 3
hex '4' = Just 4
hex '5' = Just 5
hex '6' = Just 6
hex '7' = Just 7
hex '8' = Just 8
hex '9' = Just 9
hex 'a' = Just 10
hex 'b' = Just 11
hex 'c' = Just 12
hex 'd' = Just 13
hex 'e' = Just 14
hex 'f' = Just 15
hex _ = Nothing
dec : Char -> Maybe Int
dec '0' = Just 0
dec '1' = Just 1
dec '2' = Just 2
dec '3' = Just 3
dec '4' = Just 4
dec '5' = Just 5
dec '6' = Just 6
dec '7' = Just 7
dec '8' = Just 8
dec '9' = Just 9
dec _ = Nothing
oct : Char -> Maybe Int
oct '0' = Just 0
oct '1' = Just 1
oct '2' = Just 2
oct '3' = Just 3
oct '4' = Just 4
oct '5' = Just 5
oct '6' = Just 6
oct '7' = Just 7
oct _ = Nothing
getEsc : String -> Maybe Char
getEsc "NUL" = Just '\NUL'
getEsc "SOH" = Just '\SOH'
getEsc "STX" = Just '\STX'
getEsc "ETX" = Just '\ETX'
getEsc "EOT" = Just '\EOT'
getEsc "ENQ" = Just '\ENQ'
getEsc "ACK" = Just '\ACK'
getEsc "BEL" = Just '\BEL'
getEsc "BS" = Just '\BS'
getEsc "HT" = Just '\HT'
getEsc "LF" = Just '\LF'
getEsc "VT" = Just '\VT'
getEsc "FF" = Just '\FF'
getEsc "CR" = Just '\CR'
getEsc "SO" = Just '\SO'
getEsc "SI" = Just '\SI'
getEsc "DLE" = Just '\DLE'
getEsc "DC1" = Just '\DC1'
getEsc "DC2" = Just '\DC2'
getEsc "DC3" = Just '\DC3'
getEsc "DC4" = Just '\DC4'
getEsc "NAK" = Just '\NAK'
getEsc "SYN" = Just '\SYN'
getEsc "ETB" = Just '\ETB'
getEsc "CAN" = Just '\CAN'
getEsc "EM" = Just '\EM'
getEsc "SUB" = Just '\SUB'
getEsc "ESC" = Just '\ESC'
getEsc "FS" = Just '\FS'
getEsc "GS" = Just '\GS'
getEsc "RS" = Just '\RS'
getEsc "US" = Just '\US'
getEsc "SP" = Just '\SP'
getEsc "DEL" = Just '\DEL'
getEsc str = Nothing
escape' : List Char -> Maybe (List Char)
escape' [] = pure []
escape' ('\\' :: '\\' :: xs) = pure $ '\\' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '&' :: xs) = pure !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'a' :: xs) = pure $ '\a' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'b' :: xs) = pure $ '\b' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'f' :: xs) = pure $ '\f' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'n' :: xs) = pure $ '\n' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'r' :: xs) = pure $ '\r' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 't' :: xs) = pure $ '\t' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'v' :: xs) = pure $ '\v' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\'' :: xs) = pure $ '\'' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: '\"' :: xs) = pure $ '\"' :: !(escape' xs)
escape' ('\\' :: 'x' :: xs)
= case span isHexDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toHex 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toHex : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toHex _ [] = Just 0
toHex m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(hex (toLower d)) * m + !(toHex (m*16) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: 'o' :: xs)
= case span isOctDigit xs of
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => pure $ cast !(toOct 1 (reverse ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
toOct : Int -> List Char -> Maybe Int
toOct _ [] = Just 0
toOct m (d :: ds)
= pure $ !(oct (toLower d)) * m + !(toOct (m*8) ds)
escape' ('\\' :: xs)
= case span isDigit xs of
([], (a :: b :: c :: rest)) =>
case getEsc (pack (the (List _) [a, b, c])) of
Just v => Just (v :: !(assert_total (escape' rest)))
Nothing => case getEsc (pack (the (List _) [a, b])) of
Just v => Just (v :: !(assert_total (escape' (c :: rest))))
Nothing => escape' xs
([], (a :: b :: [])) =>
case getEsc (pack (the (List _) [a, b])) of
Just v => Just (v :: [])
Nothing => escape' xs
([], rest) => assert_total (escape' rest)
(ds, rest) => Just $ cast (cast {to=Int} (pack ds)) ::
!(assert_total (escape' rest))
escape' (x :: xs) = Just $ x :: !(escape' xs)
escape : String -> Maybe String
escape x = pure $ pack !(escape' (unpack x))
getCharLit : String -> Maybe Char
getCharLit str
= do e <- escape str
if length e == 1
then Just (assert_total (strHead e))
else if length e == 0 -- parsed the NULL character that terminated the string!
then Just '\0000'
else Nothing
constant : Rule Constant
= terminal "Expected constant"
(\x => case tok x of
Literal i => Just (BI i)
StrLit s => case escape s of
Nothing => Nothing
Just s' => Just (Str s')
CharLit c => case getCharLit c of
Nothing => Nothing
Just c' => Just (Ch c')
DoubleLit d => Just (Db d)
Keyword "Int" => Just IntType
Keyword "Integer" => Just IntegerType
Keyword "String" => Just StringType
Keyword "Char" => Just CharType
Keyword "Double" => Just DoubleType
_ => Nothing)
intLit : Rule Integer
= terminal "Expected integer literal"
(\x => case tok x of
Literal i => Just i
_ => Nothing)
strLit : Rule String
= terminal "Expected string literal"
(\x => case tok x of
StrLit s => Just s
_ => Nothing)
symbol : String -> Rule ()
symbol req
= terminal ("Expected '" ++ req ++ "'")
(\x => case tok x of
Symbol s => if s == req then Just ()
else Nothing
_ => Nothing)
keyword : String -> Rule ()
keyword req
= terminal ("Expected '" ++ req ++ "'")
(\x => case tok x of
Keyword s => if s == req then Just ()
else Nothing
_ => Nothing)
exactIdent : String -> Rule ()
exactIdent req
= terminal ("Expected " ++ req)
(\x => case tok x of
Ident s => if s == req then Just ()
else Nothing
_ => Nothing)
operator : Rule String
= terminal "Expected operator"
(\x => case tok x of
Symbol s =>
if s `elem` reservedSymbols
then Nothing
else Just s
_ => Nothing)
identPart : Rule String
= terminal "Expected name"
(\x => case tok x of
Ident str => Just str
_ => Nothing)
namespace_ : Rule (List String)
= do ns <- sepBy1 (do col <- column
symbol "."
col' <- column
if (col' - col == 1)
then pure ()
else fail "No whitepace allowed after namespace separator")
pure (reverse ns) -- innermost first, so reverse
unqualifiedName : Rule String
unqualifiedName = identPart
holeName : Rule String
= terminal "Expected hole name"
(\x => case tok x of
HoleIdent str => Just str
_ => Nothing)
name : Rule Name
= do ns <- namespace_
(do symbol ".("
op <- operator
symbol ")"
pure (NS ns (UN op))) <|>
(pure (mkFullName ns))
<|> do symbol "("
op <- operator
symbol ")"
pure (UN op)
mkFullName : List String -> Name
mkFullName [] = UN "NONE" -- Can't happen :)
mkFullName [n] = UN n
mkFullName (n :: ns) = NS ns (UN n)
IndentInfo : Type
IndentInfo = Int
init : IndentInfo
init = 0
continueF : EmptyRule () -> (indent : IndentInfo) -> EmptyRule ()
continueF err indent
= do eoi; err
<|> do keyword "where"; err
<|> do col <- column
if (col <= indent)
then err
else pure ()
-- Fail if this is the end of a block entry or end of file
continue : (indent : IndentInfo) -> EmptyRule ()
continue = continueF (fail "Unexpected end of expression")
-- As 'continue' but failing is fatal (i.e. entire parse fails)
mustContinue : (indent : IndentInfo) -> Maybe String -> EmptyRule ()
mustContinue indent Nothing
= continueF (fatalError "Unexpected end of expression") indent
mustContinue indent (Just req)
= continueF (fatalError ("Expected '" ++ req ++ "'")) indent
data ValidIndent
= AnyIndent -- In {}, entries can begin in any column
| AtPos Int -- Entry must begin in a specific column
| AfterPos Int -- Entry can begin in this column or later
| EndOfBlock -- Block is finished
Show ValidIndent where
show AnyIndent = "[any]"
show (AtPos i) = "[col " ++ show i ++ "]"
show (AfterPos i) = "[after " ++ show i ++ "]"
show EndOfBlock = "[EOB]"
checkValid : ValidIndent -> Int -> EmptyRule ()
checkValid AnyIndent c = pure ()
checkValid (AtPos x) c = if c == x
then pure ()
else fail "Invalid indentation"
checkValid (AfterPos x) c = if c >= x
then pure ()
else fail "Invalid indentation"
checkValid EndOfBlock c = fail "End of block"
-- Any token which indicates the end of a statement/block
isTerminator : Token -> Bool
isTerminator (Symbol ",") = True
isTerminator (Symbol "]") = True
isTerminator (Symbol ";") = True
isTerminator (Symbol "}") = True
isTerminator (Symbol ")") = True
isTerminator (Symbol "|") = True
isTerminator (Keyword "in") = True
isTerminator (Keyword "where") = True
isTerminator EndInput = True
isTerminator _ = False
-- Check we're at the end of a block entry, given the start column
-- of the block.
-- It's the end if we have a terminating token, or the next token starts
-- in or before indent. Works by looking ahead but not consuming.
atEnd : (indent : IndentInfo) -> EmptyRule ()
atEnd indent
= eoi
<|> do nextIs "Expected end of block" (isTerminator . tok)
pure ()
<|> do col <- column
if (col <= indent)
then pure ()
else fail "Not the end of a block entry"
-- Check we're at the end, but only by looking at indentation
atEndIndent : (indent : IndentInfo) -> EmptyRule ()
atEndIndent indent
= eoi
<|> do col <- column
if (col <= indent)
then pure ()
else fail "Not the end of a block entry"
-- Parse a terminator, return where the next block entry
-- must start, given where the current block entry started
terminator : ValidIndent -> Int -> EmptyRule ValidIndent
terminator valid laststart
= do eoi
pure EndOfBlock
<|> do symbol ";"
pure (afterSemi valid)
<|> do col <- column
afterDedent valid col
<|> pure EndOfBlock
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or anywhere after the initial
-- column (if we're inside an indentation delimited block)
afterSemi : ValidIndent -> ValidIndent
afterSemi AnyIndent = AnyIndent -- in braces, anything goes
afterSemi (AtPos c) = AfterPos c -- not in braces, after the last start position
afterSemi (AfterPos c) = AfterPos c
afterSemi EndOfBlock = EndOfBlock
-- Expected indentation for the next token can either be anything (if
-- we're inside a brace delimited block) or in exactly the initial column
-- (if we're inside an indentation delimited block)
afterDedent : ValidIndent -> Int -> EmptyRule ValidIndent
afterDedent AnyIndent col
= if col <= laststart
then pure AnyIndent
else fail "Not the end of a block entry"
afterDedent (AfterPos c) col
= if col <= laststart
then pure (AtPos c)
else fail "Not the end of a block entry"
afterDedent (AtPos c) col
= if col <= laststart
then pure (AtPos c)
else fail "Not the end of a block entry"
afterDedent EndOfBlock col = pure EndOfBlock
-- Parse an entry in a block
blockEntry : ValidIndent -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) ->
Rule (ty, ValidIndent)
blockEntry valid rule
= do col <- column
checkValid valid col
p <- rule col
valid' <- terminator valid col
pure (p, valid')
blockEntries : ValidIndent -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) ->
EmptyRule (List ty)
blockEntries valid rule
= do eoi; pure []
<|> do res <- blockEntry valid rule
ts <- blockEntries (snd res) rule
pure (fst res :: ts)
<|> pure []
block : (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) -> EmptyRule (List ty)
block item
= do symbol "{"
ps <- blockEntries AnyIndent item
symbol "}"
pure ps
<|> do col <- column
blockEntries (AtPos col) item
blockAfter : Int -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) -> EmptyRule (List ty)
blockAfter mincol item
= do symbol "{"
ps <- blockEntries AnyIndent item
symbol "}"
pure ps
<|> do col <- column
if col <= mincol
then pure []
else blockEntries (AtPos col) item
blockWithOptHeaderAfter : Int -> (IndentInfo -> Rule hd) -> (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) -> EmptyRule (Maybe hd, List ty)
blockWithOptHeaderAfter {ty} mincol header item
= do symbol "{"
hidt <- optional $ blockEntry AnyIndent header
restOfBlock hidt
<|> do col <- column
if col <= mincol
then pure (Nothing, [])
else do hidt <- optional $ blockEntry (AtPos col) header
ps <- blockEntries (AtPos col) item
pure (map fst hidt, ps)
restOfBlock : Maybe (hd, ValidIndent) -> Rule (Maybe hd, List ty)
restOfBlock (Just (h, idt)) = do ps <- blockEntries idt item
symbol "}"
pure (Just h, ps)
restOfBlock Nothing = do ps <- blockEntries AnyIndent item
symbol "}"
pure (Nothing, ps)
nonEmptyBlock : (IndentInfo -> Rule ty) -> Rule (List ty)
nonEmptyBlock item
= do symbol "{"
res <- blockEntry AnyIndent item
ps <- blockEntries (snd res) item
symbol "}"
pure (fst res :: ps)
<|> do col <- column
res <- blockEntry (AtPos col) item
ps <- blockEntries (snd res) item
pure (fst res :: ps)