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synced 2024-12-18 18:31:43 +03:00
These are part of the core QTT now, so any substitutions or dependencies will be dealt with as they should.
191 lines
7.0 KiB
191 lines
7.0 KiB
module Main
import System
%default covering
ttimpTests : List String
= ["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
"coverage001", "coverage002",
"eta001", "eta002",
"nest001", "nest002",
"perf001", "perf002", "perf003",
"record001", "record002",
"qtt001", "qtt002", "qtt003",
"search001", "search002", "search003", "search004", "search005",
"total001", "total002", "total003",
"with001", "with002" ]
idrisTests : List String
= -- Fundamental language feturea
["basic001", "basic002", "basic003", "basic004", "basic005",
"basic006", "basic007", "basic008", "basic009", "basic010",
"basic011", "basic012", "basic013", "basic014", "basic015",
"basic016", "basic017", "basic018", "basic019", "basic020",
"basic021", "basic022", "basic023", "basic024", "basic025",
"basic026", "basic027", "basic028", "basic029", "basic030",
"basic031", "basic032", "basic033", "basic034", "basic035",
-- Coverage checking
"coverage001", "coverage002", "coverage003", "coverage004",
-- Error messages
"error001", "error002", "error003", "error004", "error005",
"error006", "error007", "error008", "error009", "error010",
-- Modules and imports
"import001", "import002", "import003", "import004",
-- Interactive editing support
"interactive001", "interactive002", "interactive003", "interactive004",
"interactive005", "interactive006", "interactive007", "interactive008",
"interactive009", "interactive010", "interactive011", "interactive012",
-- Interfaces
"interface001", "interface002", "interface003", "interface004",
"interface005", "interface006", "interface007", "interface008",
"interface009", "interface010", "interface011", "interface012",
"interface013", "interface014", "interface015",
-- Miscellaneous REPL
-- Implicit laziness, lazy evaluation
-- QTT and linearity related
"linear001", "linear002", "linear003", "linear004", "linear005",
"linear006", "linear007", "linear008",
-- Parameters blocks
-- Performance: things which have been slow in the past, or which
-- pose interesting challenges for the elaborator
"perf001", "perf002", "perf003",
-- Parse errors
"perror001", "perror002", "perror003", "perror004", "perror005",
-- Packages and ipkg files
"pkg001", "pkg002",
-- Larger programs arising from real usage. Typically things with
-- interesting interactions between features
"real001", "real002",
-- Records, access and dependent update
"record001", "record002",
-- Miscellaneous regressions
"reg001", "reg002", "reg003", "reg004", "reg005",
-- Totality checking
"total001", "total002", "total003", "total004", "total005",
-- The 'with' rule
typeddTests : List String
= ["chapter01", "chapter02", "chapter03", "chapter04", "chapter05",
"chapter06", "chapter07", "chapter08", "chapter09", "chapter10",
"chapter11", "chapter12"]
chezTests : List String
= ["chez001", "chez002", "chez003", "chez004", "chez005", "chez006",
"chez007", "chez008", "chez009", "chez010", "chez011", "chez012"]
ideModeTests : List String
= [ "ideMode001", "ideMode002" ]
chdir : String -> IO Bool
chdir dir
= do ok <- foreign FFI_C "chdir" (String -> IO Int) dir
pure (ok == 0)
fail : String -> IO ()
fail err
= do putStrLn err
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
runTest : String -> String -> IO Bool
runTest prog testPath
= do chdir testPath
isSuccess <- runTest'
chdir "../.."
pure isSuccess
runTest' : IO Bool
= do putStr $ testPath ++ ": "
system $ "sh ./run " ++ prog ++ " | tr -d '\\r' > output"
Right out <- readFile "output"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
Right exp <- readFile "expected"
| Left err => do print err
pure False
if (out == exp)
then putStrLn "success"
else do
putStrLn "FAILURE"
putStrLn "Expected:"
printLn exp
putStrLn "Given:"
printLn out
pure (out == exp)
exists : String -> IO Bool
exists f
= do Right ok <- openFile f Read
| Left err => pure False
closeFile ok
pure True
firstExists : List String -> IO (Maybe String)
firstExists [] = pure Nothing
firstExists (x :: xs) = if !(exists x) then pure (Just x) else firstExists xs
findChez : IO (Maybe String)
= do env <- getEnv "CHEZ"
case env of
Just n => pure $ Just n
Nothing => firstExists [p ++ x | p <- ["/usr/bin/", "/usr/local/bin/"],
x <- ["chez", "chezscheme9.5", "scheme"]]
runChezTests : String -> List String -> IO (List Bool)
runChezTests prog tests
= do chexec <- findChez
maybe (do putStrLn "Chez Scheme not found"
pure [])
(\c => do putStrLn $ "Found Chez Scheme at " ++ c
traverse (runTest prog) tests)
main : IO ()
= do args <- getArgs
let (_ :: idris2 :: _) = args
| _ => do putStrLn "Usage: runtests <idris2 path> [--only <name>]"
let filterTests = case drop 2 args of
("--only" :: onlyName :: _) => filter (\testName => isInfixOf onlyName testName)
_ => id
let filteredNonCGTests =
filterTests $ concat [testPaths "ttimp" ttimpTests,
testPaths "idris2" idrisTests,
testPaths "typedd-book" typeddTests,
testPaths "ideMode" ideModeTests]
let filteredChezTests = filterTests (testPaths "chez" chezTests)
nonCGTestRes <- traverse (runTest idris2) filteredNonCGTests
chezTestRes <- if length filteredChezTests > 0
then runChezTests idris2 filteredChezTests
else pure []
let res = nonCGTestRes ++ chezTestRes
putStrLn (show (length (filter id res)) ++ "/" ++ show (length res)
++ " tests successful")
if (any not res)
then exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
else exitWith ExitSuccess
testPaths : String -> List String -> List String
testPaths dir tests = map (\test => dir ++ "/" ++ test) tests