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(define blodwen-read-args (lambda (desc)
(case (vector-ref desc 0)
((0) '())
((1) (cons (vector-ref desc 2)
(blodwen-read-args (vector-ref desc 3)))))))
(define b+ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (+ x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b- (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (- x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b* (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (* x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define b/ (lambda (x y bits) (remainder (/ x y) (expt 2 bits))))
(define blodwen-shl (lambda (x y) (arithmetic-shift x y)))
(define blodwen-shr (lambda (x y) (arithmetic-shift x (- y))))
(define cast-num
(lambda (x)
(if (number? x) x 0)))
(define destroy-prefix
(lambda (x)
(if (eqv? (string-ref x 0) #\#) "" x)))
(define cast-string-int
(lambda (x)
(floor (cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x))))))
(define cast-string-double
(lambda (x)
(cast-num (string->number (destroy-prefix x)))))
(define string-cons (lambda (x y) (string-append (string x) y)))
(define get-tag (lambda (x) (vector-ref x 0)))
(define string-reverse (lambda (x)
(list->string (reverse (string->list x)))))
(define (string-substr off len s)
(let* ((l (string-length s))
(b (max 0 off))
(x (max 0 len))
(end (min l (+ b x))))
(substring s b end)))
(define either-left
(lambda (x)
(vector 0 #f #f x)))
(define either-right
(lambda (x)
(vector 1 #f #f x)))
(define blodwen-error-quit
(lambda (msg)
(display msg)
(exit 1)))
;; Files : Much of the following adapted from idris-chez, thanks to Niklas
;; Larsson
;; All the file operations are implemented as primitives which return
;; Either Int x, where the Int is an error code
;; If the file operation raises an error, catch it and return an appropriate
;; error code
(define (blodwen-file-op op)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem? (lambda (exn)
(either-left 255))]) ; TODO: Work out error codes!
(either-right (op))))
(define (blodwen-putstring p s)
(if (port? p) (write-string p s) void)
(define (blodwen-open file mode bin)
((string=? mode "r") (open-input-file file))
((string=? mode "w") (open-output-file file))
(else (raise "I haven't worked that one out yet, sorry..."))))
(define (blodwen-close-port p)
((input-port? p) (close-input-port p))
((output-port? p) (close-output-port p))))
(define (blodwen-get-line p)
(if (port? p)
(let ((str (read-line p)))
(if (eof-object? str)
(string-append str "\n")))
(define (blodwen-eof p)
(if (eof-object? (peek-char p))
;; Threads
(define blodwen-thread-data (make-thread-cell #f))
(define (blodwen-thread p)
(thread (lambda () (p (vector 0)))))
(define (blodwen-get-thread-data)
(thread-cell-ref blodwen-thread-data))
(define (blodwen-set-thread-data a)
(thread-cell-set! blodwen-thread-data a))
(define (blodwen-mutex) (make-semaphore 1))
(define (blodwen-lock m) (semaphore-post m))
(define (blodwen-unlock m) (semaphore-wait m))
(define (blodwen-thisthread) (current-thread))
(define (blodwen-condition) (make-channel))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait c m)
(blodwen-unlock m) ;; consistency with interface for posix condition variables
(sync c)
(blodwen-lock m))
(define (blodwen-condition-wait-timeout c m t)
(blodwen-unlock m) ;; consistency with interface for posix condition variables
(sync/timeout t c)
(blodwen-lock m))
(define (blodwen-condition-signal c)
(channel-put c 'ready))
(define (blodwen-sleep s) (sleep s))
(define (blodwen-time) (current-seconds))
(define (blodwen-args)
(define (blodwen-build-args args)
(if (null? args)
(vector 0 '())
(vector 1 '() (car args) (blodwen-build-args (cdr args)))))
(cons (path->string (find-system-path 'run-file))
(vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))))