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synced 2024-12-22 04:11:31 +03:00
It's a big patch, but the summary is that it's okay to use a pattern in an erased position if either: - the pattern can also be solved by unification (this is the same as 'dot patterns' for matching on non-constructor forms) - the argument position is detaggable w.r.t. non-erased arguments, which means we can tell which pattern it is without pattern matching The second case, in particular, means we can still pattern match on proof terms which turn out to be irrelevant, especially Refl. Fixes #178
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174 lines
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module Data.Fin
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
import Decidable.Equality
||| Numbers strictly less than some bound. The name comes from "finite sets".
||| It's probably not a good idea to use `Fin` for arithmetic, and they will be
||| exceedingly inefficient at run time.
||| @ n the upper bound
public export
data Fin : (n : Nat) -> Type where
FZ : Fin (S k)
FS : Fin k -> Fin (S k)
implementation Uninhabited (Fin Z) where
uninhabited FZ impossible
uninhabited (FS f) impossible
FSInjective : (m : Fin k) -> (n : Fin k) -> FS m = FS n -> m = n
FSInjective left _ Refl = Refl
implementation Eq (Fin n) where
(==) FZ FZ = True
(==) (FS k) (FS k') = k == k'
(==) _ _ = False
||| There are no elements of `Fin Z`
FinZAbsurd : Fin Z -> Void
FinZAbsurd FZ impossible
FinZElim : Fin Z -> a
FinZElim x = void (FinZAbsurd x)
||| Convert a Fin to a Nat
public export
finToNat : Fin n -> Nat
finToNat FZ = Z
finToNat (FS k) = S (finToNat k)
||| `finToNat` is injective
finToNatInjective : (fm : Fin k) -> (fn : Fin k) -> (finToNat fm) = (finToNat fn) -> fm = fn
finToNatInjective (FS m) FZ Refl impossible
finToNatInjective FZ (FS n) Refl impossible
finToNatInjective (FS m) (FS n) prf =
cong FS (finToNatInjective m n (succInjective (finToNat m) (finToNat n) prf))
finToNatInjective FZ FZ Refl = Refl
implementation Cast (Fin n) Nat where
cast x = finToNat x
||| Convert a Fin to an Integer
public export
finToInteger : Fin n -> Integer
finToInteger FZ = 0
finToInteger (FS k) = 1 + finToInteger k
implementation Cast (Fin n) Integer where
cast x = finToInteger x
||| Weaken the bound on a Fin by 1
public export
weaken : Fin n -> Fin (S n)
weaken FZ = FZ
weaken (FS k) = FS (weaken k)
||| Weaken the bound on a Fin by some amount
public export
weakenN : (n : Nat) -> Fin m -> Fin (m + n)
weakenN n FZ = FZ
weakenN n (FS f) = FS (weakenN n f)
||| Attempt to tighten the bound on a Fin.
||| Return `Left` if the bound could not be tightened, or `Right` if it could.
strengthen : {n : _} -> Fin (S n) -> Either (Fin (S n)) (Fin n)
strengthen {n = S k} FZ = Right FZ
strengthen {n = S k} (FS i) with (strengthen i)
strengthen (FS i) | Left x = Left (FS x)
strengthen (FS i) | Right x = Right (FS x)
strengthen f = Left f
||| Add some natural number to a Fin, extending the bound accordingly
||| @ n the previous bound
||| @ m the number to increase the Fin by
public export
shift : (m : Nat) -> Fin n -> Fin (m + n)
shift Z f = f
shift {n=n} (S m) f = FS {k = (m + n)} (shift m f)
||| The largest element of some Fin type
public export
last : {n : _} -> Fin (S n)
last {n=Z} = FZ
last {n=S _} = FS last
export total
FSinjective : {f : Fin n} -> {f' : Fin n} -> (FS f = FS f') -> f = f'
FSinjective Refl = Refl
implementation Ord (Fin n) where
compare FZ FZ = EQ
compare FZ (FS _) = LT
compare (FS _) FZ = GT
compare (FS x) (FS y) = compare x y
-- Construct a Fin from an integer literal which must fit in the given Fin
public export
natToFin : Nat -> (n : Nat) -> Maybe (Fin n)
natToFin Z (S j) = Just FZ
natToFin (S k) (S j)
= case natToFin k j of
Just k' => Just (FS k')
Nothing => Nothing
natToFin _ _ = Nothing
||| Convert an `Integer` to a `Fin`, provided the integer is within bounds.
||| @n The upper bound of the Fin
public export
integerToFin : Integer -> (n : Nat) -> Maybe (Fin n)
integerToFin x Z = Nothing -- make sure 'n' is concrete, to save reduction!
integerToFin x n = if x >= 0 then natToFin (fromInteger x) n else Nothing
||| Allow overloading of Integer literals for Fin.
||| @ x the Integer that the user typed
||| @ prf an automatically-constructed proof that `x` is in bounds
public export
fromInteger : (x : Integer) -> {n : Nat} ->
{auto prf : (IsJust (integerToFin x n))} ->
Fin n
fromInteger {n} x {prf} with (integerToFin x n)
fromInteger {n} x {prf = ItIsJust} | Just y = y
||| Convert an Integer to a Fin in the required bounds/
||| This is essentially a composition of `mod` and `fromInteger`
public export
restrict : (n : Nat) -> Integer -> Fin (S n)
restrict n val = let val' = assert_total (abs (mod val (cast (S n)))) in
-- reasoning about primitives, so we need the
-- 'believe_me'. It's fine because val' must be
-- in the right range
fromInteger {n = S n} val'
{prf = believe_me {a=IsJust (Just val')} ItIsJust}
-- DecEq
export total
FZNotFS : {f : Fin n} -> FZ {k = n} = FS f -> Void
FZNotFS Refl impossible
implementation DecEq (Fin n) where
decEq FZ FZ = Yes Refl
decEq FZ (FS f) = No FZNotFS
decEq (FS f) FZ = No $ negEqSym FZNotFS
decEq (FS f) (FS f')
= case decEq f f' of
Yes p => Yes $ cong FS p
No p => No $ \h => p $ FSinjective {f = f} {f' = f'} h