Edwin Brady 11199acab6 Improve 'with' implementation
Now supports with applications on the RHS when auto implicits are
involved. Auto implicit bound names in patterns now become searches on
the rhs in a with-application (I should write this construct up properly
in a paper some time!)
2019-07-08 12:55:55 +02:00

96 lines
3.3 KiB

module Data.List.Views
import Control.WellFounded
import Data.List
import Data.Nat.Views
lengthSuc : (xs : List a) -> (y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
length (xs ++ (y :: ys)) = S (length (xs ++ ys))
lengthSuc [] _ _ = Refl
lengthSuc (x :: xs) y ys = cong S (lengthSuc xs y ys)
lengthLT : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List a) ->
LTE (length xs) (length (ys ++ xs))
lengthLT xs [] = lteRefl
lengthLT xs (x :: ys) = lteSuccRight (lengthLT _ _)
smallerLeft : (ys : List a) -> (y : a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length ys))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerLeft [] y zs = LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)
smallerLeft (z :: ys) y zs = LTESucc (smallerLeft ys _ _)
smallerRight : (ys : List a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length zs))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerRight {y} ys zs = rewrite lengthSuc ys y zs in
(LTESucc (LTESucc (lengthLT _ _)))
||| View for splitting a list in half, non-recursively
public export
data Split : List a -> Type where
SplitNil : Split []
SplitOne : (x : a) -> Split [x]
SplitPair : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
(y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
Split (x :: xs ++ y :: ys)
splitHelp : (head : a) ->
(xs : List a) ->
(counter : List a) -> Split (head :: xs)
splitHelp head [] counter = SplitOne _
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [] = SplitPair head [] x xs
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [y] = SplitPair head [] x xs
splitHelp head (x :: xs) (_ :: _ :: ys)
= case splitHelp head xs ys of
SplitOne x => SplitPair x [] _ []
SplitPair x' xs y' ys => SplitPair x' (x :: xs) y' ys
||| Covering function for the `Split` view
||| Constructs the view in linear time
split : (xs : List a) -> Split xs
split [] = SplitNil
split (x :: xs) = splitHelp x xs xs
public export
data SplitRec : List a -> Type where
SplitRecNil : SplitRec []
SplitRecOne : (x : a) -> SplitRec [x]
SplitRecPair : (lefts, rights : List a) -> -- Explicit, don't erase
(lrec : Lazy (SplitRec lefts)) ->
(rrec : Lazy (SplitRec rights)) -> SplitRec (lefts ++ rights)
||| Covering function for the `SplitRec` view
||| Constructs the view in O(n lg n)
public export total
splitRec : (xs : List a) -> SplitRec xs
splitRec xs with (sizeAccessible xs)
splitRec xs | acc with (split xs)
splitRec [] | acc | SplitNil = SplitRecNil
splitRec [x] | acc | SplitOne x = SplitRecOne x
splitRec (y :: ys ++ z :: zs) | Access acc | SplitPair y ys z zs
= SplitRecPair _ _
(splitRec (y :: ys) | acc _ (smallerLeft ys z zs))
(splitRec (z :: zs) | acc _ (smallerRight ys zs))
||| View for traversing a list backwards
public export
data SnocList : List a -> Type where
Empty : SnocList []
Snoc : (x : a) -> (xs : List a) ->
(rec : SnocList xs) -> SnocList (xs ++ [x])
snocListHelp : {input : _} ->
SnocList input -> (rest : List a) -> SnocList (input ++ rest)
snocListHelp snoc [] = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral input in snoc
snocListHelp snoc (x :: xs)
= rewrite appendAssociative input [x] xs in
snocListHelp (Snoc x input snoc) xs
||| Covering function for the `SnocList` view
||| Constructs the view in linear time
snocList : (xs : List a) -> SnocList xs
snocList xs = snocListHelp Empty xs