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synced 2024-12-18 18:31:43 +03:00
Parser now allows options on data types and functions, and elaborator processes options so we can set up interfaces
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134 lines
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data Bool : Type where
False : Bool
True : Bool
not : Bool -> Bool
not False = True
not True = False
data Nat : Type where
Z : Nat
S : Nat -> Nat
data List : Type -> Type where
Nil : List $a
Cons : $a -> List $a -> List $a
data Maybe : Type -> Type where
Nothing : Maybe $a
Just : $a -> Maybe $a
data Pair : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkPair : $a -> $b -> Pair $a $b
fst : {0 a, b : _} -> Pair a b -> a
fst (MkPair $x _) = x
snd : {0 a, b : _} -> Pair a b -> b
snd (MkPair _ $y) = y
%pair Pair fst snd
data Show : (a : Type) -> Type where
[noHints, search a]
MkShow : (showFn : $a -> String) -> Show $a
show : {auto c : Show $a} -> $a -> String
show {c = MkShow $show'} $x = show' x
showNat : Nat -> String
showNat Z = "Z"
showNat (S $k) = "s" -- (showNat k)
ShowNat : Show Nat
ShowNat = MkShow showNat
ShowBool : Show Bool
ShowBool = MkShow (\b : Bool => case b of
True => "True"
False => "False")
data Eq : (a : Type) -> Type where
[noHints, search a]
MkEq : (eq : $a -> $a -> Bool) -> (neq : $a -> $a -> Bool) -> Eq $a
-- Signatures
eq : {auto c : Eq $a} -> $a -> $a -> Bool
neq : {auto c : Eq $a} -> $a -> $a -> Bool
-- Top level method bodies
eq {c = MkEq $eq' $neq'} $x $y = eq' x y
neq {c = MkEq $eq' $neq'} $x $y = neq' x y
-- Default definitions
defaultEq : {auto c : Eq $a} -> $a -> $a -> Bool
defaultEq $x $y = not (neq x y)
defaultNotEq : {auto c : Eq $a} -> $a -> $a -> Bool
defaultNotEq $x $y = not (eq x y)
-- e.g. Nat
-- Instance type
EqNat : Eq Nat
-- Method bodies
eqNat : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
eqNat Z Z = True
eqNat (S $j) (S $k) = eq j k
eqNat _ _ = False
-- Rest of instance
EqNat = MkEq eqNat (\x, y => not (eqNat x y))
EqMaybe : {auto c : Eq $a} -> Eq (Maybe $a)
eqMaybe : {auto c : Eq $a} -> Maybe $a -> Maybe $a -> Bool
eqMaybe Nothing Nothing = True
eqMaybe (Just $x) (Just $y) = eq x y
eqMaybe _ _ = False
EqMaybe = MkEq eqMaybe (\x, y => not (eqMaybe x y))
public export
data Compare : Type where
LT : Compare
EQ : Compare
GT : Compare
public export
data Ord : (a : Type) -> Type where
MkOrd : {auto eqc : Eq $a} ->
(cmp : $a -> $a -> Compare) -> Ord $a
findEq : Ord $a -> Eq $a
findEq (MkOrd _) = %search
cmp : {auto c : Ord $a} -> $a -> $a -> Compare
cmp {c = MkOrd $cmp'} $x $y = cmp' x y
cmpNat : Nat -> Nat -> Compare
cmpNat Z Z = EQ
cmpNat Z (S $k) = LT
cmpNat (S $k) Z = GT
cmpNat (S $x) (S $y) = cmpNat x y
ordNat : Ord Nat
ordNat = MkOrd cmpNat
testEq : {auto c : Ord $a} -> $a -> $a -> Bool
testEq $x $y = eq x y
testThings : {auto c : Pair (Show $a) (Ord $a)} -> $a -> $a ->
Pair String Bool
testThings $x $y = MkPair (show x) (eq x y)