Edwin Brady 413d09dad8 Unification tweak for getting lambda types
We've been generalising inferred function types to have multiplicity
RigW but sometimes (especially on lambdas) we need to infer the precise
type, so make a distinction.
This is pretty ugly, really. It would be better to be able to postpone
the choice until we know more, but it's not obvious to me how to achieve
that with the way unification is currently set up. The present way at
least works fine with code that doesn't use linearity, which is the
right default I think!
2020-02-09 17:05:22 +00:00

207 lines
7.4 KiB

module Channel
import Linear
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import System.Concurrency.Raw
public export
data Actions : Type -> Type where
Send : (a : Type) -> (a -> Actions b) -> Actions b
Recv : (a : Type) -> (a -> Actions b) -> Actions b
Close : Actions ()
public export
dual : Actions a -> Actions a
dual (Send x f) = Recv x (\val => dual (f val))
dual (Recv x f) = Send x (\val => dual (f val))
dual Close = Close
public export
data Protocol : Type -> Type where
Request : (a : Type) -> Protocol a
Respond : (a : Type) -> Protocol a
Bind : Protocol a -> (a -> Protocol b) -> Protocol b
Loop : Inf (Protocol a) -> Protocol a
Done : Protocol ()
public export
(>>=) : Protocol a -> (a -> Protocol b) -> Protocol b
(>>=) = Bind
public export
ClientK : Protocol a -> (a -> Actions b) -> Actions b
ClientK (Request a) k = Send a k
ClientK (Respond a) k = Recv a k
ClientK (Bind act next) k = ClientK act (\res => ClientK (next res) k)
ClientK (Loop proto) k = ClientK proto k
ClientK Done k = k ()
public export
ServerK : Protocol a -> (a -> Actions b) -> Actions b
ServerK (Request a) k = Recv a k
ServerK (Respond a) k = Send a k
ServerK (Bind act next) k = ServerK act (\res => ServerK (next res) k)
ServerK (Loop proto) k = ServerK proto k
ServerK Done k = k ()
public export
AsClient : Protocol a -> Actions ()
AsClient proto = ClientK proto (\res => Close)
public export
AsServer : Protocol a -> Actions ()
AsServer proto = ServerK proto (\res => Close)
public export
data QueueEntry : Type where
Entry : (1 val : any) -> QueueEntry
public export
record RawMsgQueue where
constructor MkRawMsgQueue
inputStack : List QueueEntry
outputStack : List QueueEntry
newQueue : RawMsgQueue
newQueue = MkRawMsgQueue [] []
enqueue : (1 val : a) -> RawMsgQueue -> RawMsgQueue
enqueue item q = record { inputStack $= (Entry item ::) } q
dequeue : RawMsgQueue -> Maybe (RawMsgQueue, QueueEntry)
dequeue q
= case outputStack q of
[] => case reverse (inputStack q) of
[] => Nothing
(x :: xs) => Just (record { outputStack = xs, inputStack = [] } q, x)
(x :: xs) => Just (record { outputStack = xs } q, x)
public export
data Channel : {p : Protocol b} -> Actions a -> Type where
MkChannel : (lock : Mutex) ->
(cond_lock : Mutex) ->
(cond : Condition) ->
(myInbox : IORef RawMsgQueue) ->
(remoteInbox : IORef RawMsgQueue) -> Channel {p} actions
public export
Client : Protocol a -> Type
Client p = Channel {p} (AsClient p)
public export
Server : Protocol a -> Type
Server p = Channel {p} (AsServer p)
mkChannels : (p : Protocol a) -> One IO (Client p, Server p)
mkChannels p
= do clientInbox <- lift $ newIORef newQueue
serverInbox <- lift $ newIORef newQueue
lock <- lift $ makeMutex
cond_lock <- lift $ makeMutex
cond <- lift $ makeCondition
pure (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond clientInbox serverInbox,
MkChannel lock cond_lock cond serverInbox clientInbox)
send : (1 chan : Channel {p} (Send ty next)) -> (1 val : ty) ->
One IO (Channel {p} (next val))
send (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote) val
= do lift $ mutexAcquire lock
q <- lift $ readIORef remote
lift $ writeIORef remote (enqueue val q)
lift $ mutexRelease lock
lift $ mutexAcquire cond_lock
lift $ conditionSignal cond
lift $ mutexRelease cond_lock
pure (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
-- returns Nothing if the message isn't there
tryRecv : forall b, a .
{0 ty : Type} ->
{0 next : (ty -> Actions a)} ->
{0 p : Protocol b} ->
(1 chan : Channel {p} (Recv ty next)) ->
One IO (Res (Maybe ty) (\r => case r of
Nothing => Channel {p} (Recv ty next)
Just val => Channel {p} (next val)))
tryRecv (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
= do lift $ mutexAcquire lock
rq <- lift $ readIORef local
case dequeue rq of
Nothing =>
do lift $ mutexRelease lock
pure (Nothing @@ MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
Just (rq', Entry {any} val) =>
do lift $ writeIORef local rq'
lift $ mutexRelease lock
pure (Just (believe_me {a=any} val) @@
MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
-- blocks until the message is there
recv : (1 chan : Channel {p} (Recv ty next)) ->
One IO (Res ty (\val => Channel {p} (next val)))
recv (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
= do lift $ mutexAcquire lock
rq <- lift $ readIORef local
case dequeue rq of
Nothing => -- ... no message, so wait for condition and try again
do lift $ mutexRelease lock
lift $ mutexAcquire cond_lock
lift $ conditionWait cond cond_lock
lift $ mutexRelease cond_lock
recv (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
Just (rq', Entry {any} val) =>
do lift $ writeIORef local rq'
lift $ mutexRelease lock
pure (believe_me {a=any} val @@
MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
timeoutRecv : forall b, a .
{0 ty : Type} ->
{0 next : (ty -> Actions a)} ->
{0 p : Protocol b} ->
(1 chan : Channel {p} (Recv ty next)) ->
(timeout : Int) ->
One IO (Res (Maybe ty) (\r => case r of
Nothing => Channel {p} (Recv ty next)
Just val => Channel {p} (next val)))
timeoutRecv (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote) timeout
= do lift $ mutexAcquire lock
rq <- lift $ readIORef local
case dequeue rq of
Nothing => -- ... no message, so wait for condition and try again with tryRecv
do lift $ mutexRelease lock
lift $ mutexAcquire cond_lock
lift $ conditionWaitTimeout cond cond_lock timeout
lift $ mutexRelease cond_lock
res @@ chan <- tryRecv {ty} {next} (MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
case res of
Nothing => pure (Nothing @@ chan)
Just res => pure (Just res @@ chan)
Just (rq', Entry {any} val) =>
do lift $ writeIORef local rq'
lift $ mutexRelease lock
pure (Just (believe_me {a=any} val) @@
MkChannel lock cond_lock cond local remote)
close : (1 chan : Channel Close) -> Any IO ()
close (MkChannel _ _ _ _ _) = pure ()
fork : {p : _} -> ((1 chan : Server p) -> Any IO ()) ->
One IO (Client p)
fork proc
= do (cchan, MkChannel a b c d e) <- mkChannels p
-- deconstruct and reconstruct is a hack to work around the fact that
-- 'run' doesn't express the function is only used once in its type, because
-- 'Monad' and 'Applicative' don't express linearity... ugh!
lift $ fork (run (proc (MkChannel a b c d e)))
pure cchan