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synced 2024-12-19 19:01:44 +03:00
Also detailing any changes needed to the code. Added primitives for Doubles, and repl/replWith to get Chapter 2 code to work.
31 lines
836 B
31 lines
836 B
count : Nat -> Stream Nat
count n = n :: count (S n)
badCount : Nat -> Stream Nat
badCount n = n :: map S (badCount n)
data SP : Type -> Type -> Type where
Get : (a -> SP a b) -> SP a b
Put : b -> Inf (SP a b) -> SP a b
copy : SP a a
copy = Get (\x => Put x copy)
process : SP a b -> Stream a -> Stream b
process (Get f) (x :: xs) = process (f x) xs
process (Put b sp) xs = b :: process sp xs
badProcess : SP a b -> Stream a -> Stream b
badProcess (Get f) (x :: xs) = badProcess (f x) xs
badProcess (Put b sp) xs = badProcess sp xs
doubleInt : SP Nat Integer
doubleInt = Get (\x => Put (the Integer (cast x))
(Put (the Integer (cast x) * 2) doubleInt))
countStream : Nat -> Stream Nat
countStream x = x :: countStream (x + 1)
main : IO ()
main = printLn (take 10 (process doubleInt (countStream 1)))