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* Copyright 2024 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Authored by: Leonhard Kargl <leo.kargl@proton.me>
public class Gala.Drawing.StyleManager : Object {
public enum ColorScheme {
[DBus (name="org.freedesktop.Accounts")]
private interface Accounts : Object {
public abstract async string find_user_by_name (string name) throws IOError, DBusError;
[DBus (name="io.elementary.pantheon.AccountsService")]
private interface AccountsService : DBusProxy {
public abstract int prefers_color_scheme { get; set; }
public abstract int prefers_accent_color { get; set; }
private const string FDO_ACCOUNTS_NAME = "org.freedesktop.Accounts";
private const string FDO_ACCOUNTS_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/Accounts";
private const double ACCENT_COLOR_ALPHA = 0.25;
private const Gdk.RGBA DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR = { 0, 0, 0, ACCENT_COLOR_ALPHA };
private static GLib.Once<StyleManager> instance;
public static StyleManager get_instance () {
return instance.once (() => {return new StyleManager ();});
public ColorScheme prefers_color_scheme { get; private set; default = LIGHT; }
public Gdk.RGBA theme_accent_color { get; private set; default = DEFAULT_ACCENT_COLOR; }
private AccountsService? accounts_service_proxy;
construct {
Bus.watch_name (SYSTEM, FDO_ACCOUNTS_NAME, NONE, () => connect_to_accounts_service.begin (), () => accounts_service_proxy = null);
private async void connect_to_accounts_service () {
try {
var accounts = yield Bus.get_proxy<Accounts> (SYSTEM, FDO_ACCOUNTS_NAME, FDO_ACCOUNTS_PATH);
var path = yield accounts.find_user_by_name (Environment.get_user_name ());
accounts_service_proxy = yield Bus.get_proxy<AccountsService> (SYSTEM, FDO_ACCOUNTS_NAME, path, GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES);
} catch {
warning ("Could not connect to AccountsService. Default accent color will be used");
update_color_scheme (accounts_service_proxy.prefers_color_scheme);
update_color (accounts_service_proxy.prefers_accent_color);
accounts_service_proxy.g_properties_changed.connect ((changed, invalid) => {
var value = changed.lookup_value ("PrefersAccentColor", new VariantType ("i"));
if (value != null) {
update_color (value.get_int32 ());
value = changed.lookup_value ("PrefersColorScheme", new VariantType ("i"));
if (value != null) {
update_color_scheme (value.get_int32 ());
private void update_color_scheme (int color_scheme) {
prefers_color_scheme = (ColorScheme) color_scheme;
private void update_color (int color) {
var rgb = get_color (color);
double r = ((rgb >> 16) & 255) / 255.0;
double g = ((rgb >> 8) & 255) / 255.0;
double b = (rgb & 255) / 255.0;
theme_accent_color = {
private int get_color (int color) {
switch (color) {
case 1: // Strawberry
return 0xed5353;
case 2: // Orange
return 0xffa154;
case 3: // Banana
return 0xf9c440;
case 4: // Lime
return 0x68b723;
case 5: // Mint
return 0x28bca3;
case 6: // Blueberry
return 0x3689e6;
case 7: // Grape
return 0xa56de2;
case 8: // Bubblegum
return 0xde3e80;
case 9: // Cocoa
return 0x8a715e;
case 10: // Slate
return 0x667885;
return 0;