slight restructure and added command line arguments

This commit is contained in:
Garden Gnome 2012-05-25 11:22:09 +01:00
parent b623a05859
commit ae5788d8c2
3 changed files with 20 additions and 236 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ ensure_vala_version("0.16.0" MINIMUM)

View File

@ -1,246 +1,27 @@
[CCode (cname="clutter_x11_handle_event")]
public extern int x_handle_event (X.Event xevent);
[CCode (cname="clutter_x11_get_stage_window")]
public extern X.Window x_get_stage_window (Clutter.Actor stage);
public class GalaPlugin : Meta.Plugin {
public WorkspaceSwitcher wswitcher;
public WindowSwitcher winswitcher;
public Clutter.Actor elements;
public override void start () {
this.elements = Meta.get_stage_for_screen (this.get_screen ());
Meta.get_window_group_for_screen (this.get_screen ()).reparent (elements);
Meta.get_overlay_group_for_screen (this.get_screen ()).reparent (elements);
Meta.get_stage_for_screen (this.get_screen ()).add_child (elements);
this.get_screen ().override_workspace_layout (Meta.ScreenCorner.TOPLEFT, false, -1, 4);
int w, h;
this.get_screen ().get_size (out w, out h);
this.wswitcher = new WorkspaceSwitcher (w, h);
this.wswitcher.workspaces = 4;
this.elements.add_child (this.wswitcher);
this.winswitcher = new WindowSwitcher ();
this.elements.add_child (this.winswitcher);
Meta.keybindings_set_custom_handler ("switch-windows",
(display, screen) => {
window_switcher (screen, false);
Meta.keybindings_set_custom_handler ("switch-to-workspace-left", ()=>{});
Meta.keybindings_set_custom_handler ("switch-to-workspace-right", ()=>{});
Meta.keybindings_set_custom_handler ("switch-to-workspace-up", (d,s) =>
workspace_switcher (s, true) );
Meta.keybindings_set_custom_handler ("switch-to-workspace-down", (d,s) =>
workspace_switcher (s, false) );
public void window_switcher (Meta.Screen screen, bool backwards) {
int w, h;
this.get_screen ().get_size (out w, out h);
this.winswitcher.list_windows (screen.get_active_workspace ().list_windows (),
this.get_screen ().get_display (), backwards);
this.winswitcher.x = w/2-winswitcher.width/2;
this.winswitcher.y = h/2-winswitcher.height/2;
this.winswitcher.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 400, opacity:255);
(Meta.get_stage_for_screen (this.get_screen ()) as Clutter.Stage).set_key_focus (null);
public void workspace_switcher (Meta.Screen screen, bool up) {
var i = screen.get_active_workspace_index ();
if (up && i-1 >= 0) //move up
i --;
else if (!up && i+1 < screen.n_workspaces) //move down
i ++;
if (i != screen.get_active_workspace_index ()) {
screen.get_workspace_by_index (i).
activate (screen.get_display ().get_current_time ());
int w, h;
this.get_screen ().get_size (out w, out h);
wswitcher.x = w/2-wswitcher.width/2;
wswitcher.y = h/2-wswitcher.height/2;
wswitcher.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 100, opacity:255);
wswitcher.workspace = i;
public override void minimize (Meta.WindowActor actor) {
this.minimize_completed (actor);
public override void maximize (Meta.WindowActor actor, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
this.maximize_completed (actor);
public override void map (Meta.WindowActor actor) { ();
switch (actor.meta_window.window_type) {
case Meta.WindowType.NORMAL:
actor.scale_gravity = Clutter.Gravity.CENTER;
actor.rotation_center_x = {0, actor.height, 10};
actor.scale_x = 0.55f;
actor.scale_y = 0.55f;
actor.opacity = 0;
actor.rotation_angle_x = 40.0f;
actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 350,
scale_x:1.0f, scale_y:1.0f, rotation_angle_x:0.0f, opacity:255)
.completed.connect ( () => {
this.map_completed (actor);
case Meta.WindowType.MENU:
case Meta.WindowType.DROPDOWN_MENU:
case Meta.WindowType.POPUP_MENU:
actor.scale_gravity = Clutter.Gravity.NORTH;
actor.scale_x = 1.0f;
actor.scale_y = 0.0f;
actor.opacity = 0;
actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 150,
scale_y:1.0f, opacity:255).completed.connect ( () => {
this.map_completed (actor);
this.map_completed (actor);
public override void destroy (Meta.WindowActor actor) {
switch (actor.meta_window.window_type) {
case Meta.WindowType.NORMAL:
actor.scale_gravity = Clutter.Gravity.CENTER;
actor.rotation_center_x = {0, actor.height, 10}; ();
actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD, 250,
scale_x:0.95f, scale_y:0.95f, opacity:0, rotation_angle_x:15.0f)
.completed.connect ( () => {
this.destroy_completed (actor);
case Meta.WindowType.MENU:
case Meta.WindowType.DROPDOWN_MENU:
case Meta.WindowType.POPUP_MENU:
actor.scale_gravity = Clutter.Gravity.NORTH;
actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 200,
scale_y:0.0f, opacity:0).completed.connect ( () => {
this.destroy_completed (actor);
this.destroy_completed (actor);
public override void switch_workspace (int from, int to, Meta.MotionDirection direction) {
unowned List<Clutter.Actor> windows = Meta.get_window_actors (this.get_screen ());
//FIXME js/ui/windowManager.js line 430
int w, h;
this.get_screen ().get_size (out w, out h);
var x2 = 0.0f; var y2 = 0.0f;
if (direction == Meta.MotionDirection.UP ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.UP_LEFT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.UP_RIGHT)
y2 = h;
else if (direction == Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN_LEFT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN_RIGHT)
y2 = -h;
if (direction == Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.UP_LEFT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN_LEFT)
y2 = h;
else if (direction == Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.UP_RIGHT ||
direction == Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN_RIGHT)
y2 = -h;
var in_group = new Clutter.Group ();
var out_group = new Clutter.Group ();
var group = Meta.get_window_group_for_screen (this.get_screen ());
group.add_actor (in_group);
group.add_actor (out_group);
var win = new List<Clutter.Actor> ();
var par = new List<Clutter.Actor> ();
for (var i=0;i<windows.length ();i++) {
var window = windows.nth_data (i);
if (!(window as Meta.WindowActor).meta_window.showing_on_its_workspace ())
win.append (window);
par.append (window.get_parent ());
if ((window as Meta.WindowActor).get_workspace () == from) {
window.reparent (out_group);
} else if ((window as Meta.WindowActor).get_workspace () == to) {
window.reparent (in_group);
window.show_all ();
in_group.set_position (-x2, -y2);
in_group.raise_top ();
out_group.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 200,
x:x2, y:y2);
in_group.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 200,
x:0.0f, y:0.0f).completed.connect ( () => {
for (var i=0;i<win.length ();i++) {
var window = win.nth_data (i);
if ((window as Meta.WindowActor).is_destroyed ())
if (window.get_parent () == out_group) {
window.reparent (par.nth_data (i));
window.hide ();
} else
window.reparent (par.nth_data (i));
in_group.destroy ();
out_group.destroy ();
this.switch_workspace_completed ();
public override void kill_window_effects (Meta.WindowActor actor){
public override void kill_switch_workspace () {
public override bool xevent_filter (X.Event event) {
/*if (event.xkey.keycode == Clutter.Key.Alt_L ||
event.xkey.keycode == Clutter.Key.Alt_R) {
if (winswitcher.visible)
winswitcher.visible = false;
if (wswitcher.visible)
wswitcher.visible = false;
return x_handle_event (event) != 0;
public override Meta.PluginInfo plugin_info () {
return {"Gala", "0.1", "Tom Beckmann", "GPLv3", "A nice window manager"};
void print_version () {
Meta.exit (Meta.ExitCode.SUCCESS);
public static int main (string [] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
Meta.set_replace_current_wm (true);
int main (string [] args) {
const OptionEntry[] options = {
{ "version", 0, OptionFlags.NO_ARG, OptionArg.CALLBACK, (void*) print_version, "Print version", null },
{ null }
OptionContext ctx = Meta.get_option_context ();
ctx.add_main_entries(options, null);
try {
ctx.parse(ref args);
} catch (Error e) {
stderr.printf("Error initializing: %s\n", e.message);
Meta.Plugin.type_register (new GalaPlugin ().get_type ());
Meta.init ();
return ();

View File

@ -1092,6 +1092,8 @@ namespace Meta {
public static int unsigned_long_equal (void* v1, void* v2);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "meta/main.h")]
public static uint unsigned_long_hash (void* v);
[CCode (cheader_filename = "meta/main.h")]
public static GLib.OptionContext get_option_context();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "meta/main.h")]
public static void init ();
[CCode (cheader_filename = "meta/main.h")]