Remove old code

This commit is contained in:
JoseExposito 2021-02-28 13:33:07 +01:00 committed by Daniel Foré
parent 5bba638ccf
commit c617f2e374
7 changed files with 0 additions and 598 deletions

View File

@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ subdir('daemon')
subdir('plugins/maskcorners') subdir('plugins/maskcorners')
subdir('plugins/pip') subdir('plugins/pip')
subdir('plugins/template') subdir('plugins/template')
subdir('plugins/zoom') subdir('plugins/zoom')
if get_option('documentation') if get_option('documentation')
subdir('docs') subdir('docs')

View File

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc (
* 2020 José Expósito <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* This class connects to the Touchégg daemon to receive touch events.
* See:
public class Gala.Plugins.Touchegg.Client : Object {
public signal void on_gesture_begin (Gesture gesture);
public signal void on_gesture_update (Gesture gesture);
public signal void on_gesture_end (Gesture gesture);
* Daemon D-Bus address.
private const string DBUS_ADDRESS = "unix:abstract=touchegg";
* D-Bus interface name.
private const string DBUS_INTERFACE_NAME = "io.github.joseexposito.Touchegg";
* D-Bus object path.
private const string DBUS_OBJECT_PATH = "/io/github/joseexposito/Touchegg";
* Signal names.
private const string DBUS_ON_GESTURE_BEGIN = "OnGestureBegin";
private const string DBUS_ON_GESTURE_UPDATE = "OnGestureUpdate";
private const string DBUS_ON_GESTURE_END = "OnGestureEnd";
* Maximum number of reconnection attempts to the daemon.
private const int MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS = 5;
* Time to sleep between reconnection attempts.
private const int RECONNECTION_USLEEP_TIME = 5000000;
* Connection with the daemon.
private GLib.DBusConnection? connection = null;
* Current number of reconnection attempts.
private int reconnection_attempts = 0;
* Store the last received signal and signal parameters so in case of
* disconnection in the middle of a gesture we can finish it.
private string? last_signal_received = null;
private Variant? last_params_received = null;
* Stablish a connection with the daemon server.
public void stablish_connection () {
ThreadFunc<void> run = () => {
var connected = false;
while (!connected && reconnection_attempts < MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) {
try {
debug ("Connecting to Touchégg daemon");
connection = new DBusConnection.for_address_sync (
debug ("Connection with Touchégg established");
connected = true;
reconnection_attempts = 0;
connection.signal_subscribe (null, DBUS_INTERFACE_NAME, null, DBUS_OBJECT_PATH,
null, DBusSignalFlags.NONE, (DBusSignalCallback) on_new_message);
connection.on_closed.connect (on_disconnected);
} catch (Error e) {
warning ("Error connecting to Touchégg daemon: %s", e.message);
connected = false;
if (reconnection_attempts < MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) {
debug ("Reconnecting to Touchégg daemon in 5 seconds");
} else {
warning ("Maximum number of reconnections reached, aborting");
new Thread<void> (null, (owned) run);
public void stop () {
try {
reconnection_attempts = MAX_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS;
if (!connection.closed) {
connection.close_sync ();
} catch (Error e) {
// Ignore this error, the process is being killed as this point
[CCode (instance_pos = -1)]
private void on_new_message (DBusConnection connection, string? sender_name, string object_path,
string interface_name, string signal_name, Variant parameters) {
last_signal_received = signal_name;
last_params_received = parameters;
var gesture = make_gesture (parameters);
emit_event (signal_name, gesture);
private void on_disconnected (bool remote_peer_vanished, Error? error) {
debug ("Connection with Touchégg daemon lost %s", error.message);
if (last_signal_received == DBUS_ON_GESTURE_BEGIN || last_signal_received == DBUS_ON_GESTURE_UPDATE) {
debug ("Connection lost in the middle of a gesture, ending it");
var gesture = make_gesture (last_params_received);
emit_event (DBUS_ON_GESTURE_END, gesture);
stablish_connection ();
private static Gesture make_gesture (Variant signal_params) {
GestureType type;
GestureDirection direction;
double percentage;
int fingers;
DeviceType performed_on_device_type;
uint64 elapsed_time;
signal_params.get ("(uudiut)", out type, out direction, out percentage, out fingers,
out performed_on_device_type, out elapsed_time);
Gesture gesture = new Gesture () {
type = type,
direction = direction,
percentage = percentage,
fingers = fingers,
performed_on_device_type = performed_on_device_type,
elapsed_time = elapsed_time
return gesture;
private void emit_event (string signal_name, Gesture gesture) {
switch (signal_name) {
on_gesture_begin (gesture);
on_gesture_update (gesture);
on_gesture_end (gesture);

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc (
* 2020 José Expósito <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace Gala.Plugins.Touchegg {
public enum GestureType {
SWIPE = 1,
PINCH = 2,
public enum GestureDirection {
// GestureType.SWIPE
UP = 1,
DOWN = 2,
LEFT = 3,
RIGHT = 4,
// GestureType.PINCH
IN = 5,
OUT = 6,
public enum DeviceType {
public class Gesture {
public GestureType type;
public GestureDirection direction;
public double percentage;
public int fingers;
public uint64 elapsed_time;
public DeviceType performed_on_device_type;

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc (
* 2020 José Expósito <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
public class Gala.Plugins.Touchegg.Plugin : Gala.Plugin {
private Gala.WindowManager? wm = null;
private Client? client = null;
private GLib.Settings gala_settings;
private GLib.Settings touchpad_settings;
public override void initialize (Gala.WindowManager window_manager) {
wm = window_manager;
gala_settings = new GLib.Settings ("io.elementary.desktop.wm.gestures");
touchpad_settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad");
client = new Client ();
client.on_gesture_begin.connect ((gesture) => Idle.add (() => {
on_handle_gesture (gesture, "begin");
return false;
client.on_gesture_update.connect ((gesture) => Idle.add (() => {
on_handle_gesture (gesture, "update");
return false;
client.on_gesture_end.connect ((gesture) => Idle.add (() => {
on_handle_gesture (gesture, "end");
return false;
client.stablish_connection ();
public override void destroy () {
if (client != null) {
client.stop ();
private void on_handle_gesture (Gesture gesture, string event) {
// debug (@"Gesture $(event): $(gesture.type) - $(gesture.direction) - $(gesture.fingers) fingers - $(gesture.percentage)% - $(gesture.elapsed_time) - $(gesture.performed_on_device_type)");
var hints = build_hints_from_gesture (gesture, event);
if (is_open_workspace_gesture (gesture)) { (hints);
} else if (is_close_workspace_gesture (gesture)) {
wm.workspace_view.close (hints);
} else if (is_next_desktop_gesture (gesture)) {
if (!wm.workspace_view.is_opened ()) {
wm.switch_to_next_workspace (Meta.MotionDirection.RIGHT, hints);
} else if (is_previous_desktop_gesture (gesture)) {
if (!wm.workspace_view.is_opened ()) {
wm.switch_to_next_workspace (Meta.MotionDirection.LEFT, hints);
private GLib.HashTable<string, Variant> build_hints_from_gesture (Gesture gesture, string event) {
var hints = new GLib.HashTable<string, Variant> (str_hash, str_equal);
hints.insert ("manual_animation", new Variant.boolean (true));
hints.insert ("event", new Variant.string (event));
hints.insert ("percentage", new Variant.double (gesture.percentage));
hints.insert ("elapsed_time", new Variant.uint64 (gesture.elapsed_time));
return hints;
private bool is_open_workspace_gesture (Gesture gesture) {
bool enabled = gala_settings.get_boolean ("multitasking-gesture-enabled");
int fingers = gala_settings.get_int ("multitasking-gesture-fingers");
return enabled
&& gesture.type == GestureType.SWIPE
&& gesture.direction == GestureDirection.UP
&& gesture.fingers == fingers;
private bool is_close_workspace_gesture (Gesture gesture) {
bool enabled = gala_settings.get_boolean ("multitasking-gesture-enabled");
int fingers = gala_settings.get_int ("multitasking-gesture-fingers");
return enabled
&& gesture.type == GestureType.SWIPE
&& gesture.direction == GestureDirection.DOWN
&& gesture.fingers == fingers;
private bool is_next_desktop_gesture (Gesture gesture) {
bool enabled = gala_settings.get_boolean ("workspaces-gesture-enabled");
int fingers = gala_settings.get_int ("workspaces-gesture-fingers");
bool natural_scroll = (gesture.performed_on_device_type == DeviceType.TOUCHSCREEN)
? true
: touchpad_settings.get_boolean ("natural-scroll");
var direction = natural_scroll ? GestureDirection.LEFT : GestureDirection.RIGHT;
return enabled
&& gesture.type == GestureType.SWIPE
&& gesture.direction == direction
&& gesture.fingers == fingers;
private bool is_previous_desktop_gesture (Gesture gesture) {
bool enabled = gala_settings.get_boolean ("workspaces-gesture-enabled");
int fingers = gala_settings.get_int ("workspaces-gesture-fingers");
bool natural_scroll = (gesture.performed_on_device_type == DeviceType.TOUCHSCREEN)
? true
: touchpad_settings.get_boolean ("natural-scroll");
var direction = natural_scroll ? GestureDirection.RIGHT : GestureDirection.LEFT;
return enabled
&& gesture.type == GestureType.SWIPE
&& gesture.direction == direction
&& gesture.fingers == fingers;
public Gala.PluginInfo register_plugin () {
return Gala.PluginInfo () {
name = "Touchégg",
author = "José Expósito <>",
plugin_type = typeof (Gala.Plugins.Touchegg.Plugin),
provides = Gala.PluginFunction.ADDITION,
load_priority = Gala.LoadPriority.DEFERRED

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
gala_touchegg_sources = [
gala_touchegg_lib = shared_library(
dependencies: [gala_dep, gala_base_dep],
include_directories: config_inc_dir,
install: true,
install_dir: plugins_dir,
install_rpath: mutter_typelib_dir,

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 elementary, Inc (
* 2020 José Expósito <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
public class Gala.GestureAnimationDirector : Object {
* Percentage of the animation to be completed to apply the action.
private const int SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD = 20;
* When a gesture ends with a velocity greater than this constant, the action is not cancelled,
* even if the animation threshold has not been reached.
private const double SUCCESS_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = 0.3;
* When a gesture ends with less velocity that this constant, this velocity is used instead.
private const double ANIMATION_BASE_VELOCITY = 0.002;
* Maximum velocity allowed on gesture update.
private const double MAX_VELOCITY = 0.5;
public int min_animation_duration { get; construct; }
public int max_animation_duration { get; construct; }
public bool running { get; set; default = false; }
public bool canceling { get; set; default = false; }
public signal void on_animation_begin (double percentage);
public signal void on_animation_update (double percentage);
public signal void on_animation_end (double percentage, bool cancel_action, int calculated_duration);
public delegate void OnBegin (double percentage);
public delegate void OnUpdate (double percentage);
public delegate void OnEnd (double percentage, bool cancel_action, int calculated_duration);
private Gee.ArrayList<ulong> handlers;
private double previous_percentage;
private uint64 previous_time;
private double percentage_delta;
private double velocity;
construct {
handlers = new Gee.ArrayList<ulong> ();
previous_percentage = 0;
previous_time = 0;
percentage_delta = 0;
velocity = 0;
public GestureAnimationDirector (int min_animation_duration, int max_animation_duration) {
Object (min_animation_duration: min_animation_duration, max_animation_duration: max_animation_duration);
public void connect_handlers (owned OnBegin? on_begin, owned OnUpdate? on_update, owned OnEnd? on_end) {
if (on_begin != null) {
ulong handler_id = on_animation_begin.connect ((percentage) => on_begin (percentage));
handlers.add (handler_id);
if (on_update != null) {
ulong handler_id = on_animation_update.connect ((percentage) => on_update (percentage));
handlers.add (handler_id);
if (on_end != null) {
ulong handler_id = on_animation_end.connect ((percentage, cancel_action, duration) => on_end (percentage, cancel_action, duration));
handlers.add (handler_id);
public void disconnect_all_handlers () {
foreach (var handler in handlers) {
disconnect (handler);
handlers.clear ();
* Utility method to calculate the current animation value based on the percentage of the
* gesture performed.
* Animations are always linear, as they are 1:1 to the user's movement.
* @param initial_value Animation start value.
* @param target_value Animation end value.
* @param percentage Current animation percentage.
* @param rounded If the returned value should be rounded to match physical pixels.
* Default to false because some animations, like for example scaling an actor, use intermediate
* values not divisible by physical pixels.
* @returns The linear animation value at the specified percentage.
public static float animation_value (float initial_value, float target_value, double percentage, bool rounded = false) {
float value = (((target_value - initial_value) * (float) percentage) / 100) + initial_value;
if (rounded) {
var scale_factor = InternalUtils.get_ui_scaling_factor ();
value = (float) Math.round (value * scale_factor) / scale_factor;
return value;
public void update_animation (HashTable<string,Variant> hints) {
string event = hints.get ("event").get_string ();
double percentage = hints.get ("percentage").get_double ();
uint64 elapsed_time = hints.get ("elapsed_time").get_uint64 ();
switch (event) {
case "begin":
update_animation_begin (percentage, elapsed_time);
case "update":
update_animation_update (percentage, elapsed_time);
case "end":
update_animation_end (percentage, elapsed_time);
private void update_animation_begin (double percentage, uint64 elapsed_time) {
on_animation_begin (percentage);
previous_percentage = percentage;
previous_time = elapsed_time;
private void update_animation_update (double percentage, uint64 elapsed_time) {
if (elapsed_time != previous_time) {
double distance = percentage - previous_percentage;
double time = (double)(elapsed_time - previous_time);
velocity = (distance / time);
if (velocity > MAX_VELOCITY) {
velocity = MAX_VELOCITY;
var used_percentage = MAX_VELOCITY * time + previous_percentage;
percentage_delta += percentage - used_percentage;
on_animation_update (applied_percentage (percentage, percentage_delta));
previous_percentage = percentage;
previous_time = elapsed_time;
private void update_animation_end (double percentage, uint64 elapsed_time) {
double end_percentage = applied_percentage (percentage, percentage_delta);
bool cancel_action = (end_percentage < SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD)
&& ((end_percentage <= previous_percentage) && (velocity < SUCCESS_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD));
int calculated_duration = calculate_end_animation_duration (end_percentage, cancel_action);
on_animation_end (end_percentage, cancel_action, calculated_duration);
previous_percentage = 0;
previous_time = 0;
percentage_delta = 0;
velocity = 0;
private static double applied_percentage (double percentage, double percentage_delta) {
return (percentage - percentage_delta).clamp (0, 100);
* Calculates the end animation duration using the current gesture velocity.
private int calculate_end_animation_duration (double end_percentage, bool cancel_action) {
double animation_velocity = (velocity > ANIMATION_BASE_VELOCITY)
? velocity
double pending_percentage = cancel_action ? end_percentage : 100 - end_percentage;
int duration = ((int)(pending_percentage / animation_velocity).abs ())
.clamp (min_animation_duration, max_animation_duration);
return duration;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ gala_bin_sources = files(
'DBus.vala', 'DBus.vala',
'DBusAccelerator.vala', 'DBusAccelerator.vala',
'DockThemeManager.vala', 'DockThemeManager.vala',
'InternalUtils.vala', 'InternalUtils.vala',
'KeyboardManager.vala', 'KeyboardManager.vala',
'NotificationStack.vala', 'NotificationStack.vala',