// // Copyright (C) 2012 Tom Beckmann, Rico Tzschichholz // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // /* NOTE: The actual switcher is not shown anymore */ using Clutter; using Granite.Drawing; namespace Gala { public class WindowSwitcher : Clutter.Actor { const int ICON_SIZE = 128; const int spacing = 12; Gala.Plugin plugin; GLib.List<unowned Meta.Window>? window_list = null; CairoTexture background; CairoTexture current; Text title; int _windows = 1; int windows { get { return _windows; } set { _windows = value; width = spacing + _windows * (ICON_SIZE + spacing); } } Meta.Window? _current_window; Meta.Window? current_window { get { return _current_window; } set { _current_window = value; title.text = current_window.title; title.x = (int)(width / 2 - title.width / 2); } } public WindowSwitcher (Gala.Plugin _plugin) { plugin = _plugin; height = ICON_SIZE + spacing * 2; opacity = 0; scale_gravity = Gravity.CENTER; background = new CairoTexture (100, 100); background.auto_resize = true; background.draw.connect (draw_background); current = new CairoTexture (ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE); current.y = spacing + 1; current.x = spacing + 1; current.width = ICON_SIZE; current.height = ICON_SIZE; current.auto_resize = true; current.draw.connect (draw_current); windows = 1; title = new Text.with_text ("bold 16px", ""); title.y = ICON_SIZE + spacing * 2 + 6; title.color = {255, 255, 255, 255}; title.add_effect (new TextShadowEffect (1, 1, 220)); background.add_constraint (new BindConstraint (this, BindCoordinate.WIDTH, 0)); background.add_constraint (new BindConstraint (this, BindCoordinate.HEIGHT, 0)); } public override bool key_release_event (Clutter.KeyEvent event) { if (((event.modifier_state & ModifierType.MOD1_MASK) == 0) || event.keyval == Key.Alt_L) { plugin.get_screen ().get_active_workspace ().list_windows ().foreach ((window) => { var actor = window.get_compositor_private () as Clutter.Actor; if (actor == null) return; if (window.minimized) actor.hide (); actor.detach_animation (); actor.depth = 0.0f; actor.opacity = 255; }); window_list = null; plugin.end_modal (); current_window.activate (event.time); animate (AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 200, opacity : 0); } return true; } public override bool captured_event (Clutter.Event event) { if (!(event.get_type () == EventType.KEY_PRESS)) return false; var screen = plugin.get_screen (); var display = screen.get_display (); bool backward = (event.get_state () & X.KeyMask.ShiftMask) != 0; var action = display.get_keybinding_action (event.get_key_code (), event.get_state ()); var prev_win = current_window; switch (action) { case Meta.KeyBindingAction.SWITCH_GROUP: case Meta.KeyBindingAction.SWITCH_WINDOWS: current_window = display.get_tab_next (Meta.TabList.NORMAL, screen, screen.get_active_workspace (), current_window, backward); break; case Meta.KeyBindingAction.SWITCH_GROUP_BACKWARD: case Meta.KeyBindingAction.SWITCH_WINDOWS_BACKWARD: current_window = display.get_tab_next (Meta.TabList.NORMAL, screen, screen.get_active_workspace (), current_window, true); break; default: break; } current.animate (AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 200, x : 0.0f + spacing + window_list.index (current_window) * (spacing + ICON_SIZE)); if (prev_win != current_window) { dim_windows (); } return true; } bool draw_background (Cairo.Context cr) { Utilities.cairo_rounded_rectangle (cr, 0.5, 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, 10); cr.set_line_width (1); cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5); cr.stroke_preserve (); cr.set_source_rgba (1, 1, 1, 0.4); cr.fill (); return true; } bool draw_current (Cairo.Context cr) { Utilities.cairo_rounded_rectangle (cr, 0.5, 0.5, current.width - 2, current.height - 1, 10); cr.set_line_width (1); cr.set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.9); cr.stroke_preserve (); cr.set_source_rgba (1, 1, 1, 0.9); cr.fill (); return true; } void dim_windows () { window_list.foreach ((window) => { if (window.window_type != Meta.WindowType.NORMAL) return; var actor = window.get_compositor_private () as Clutter.Actor; if (actor == null) return; if (window.minimized) actor.show (); if (window == current_window) { actor.get_parent ().set_child_above_sibling (actor, null); actor.depth = -200.0f; actor.opacity = 0; actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, depth : 0.0f, opacity : 255); } else { actor.animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, depth : -200.0f, opacity : 0); } }); } void list_windows (Meta.Display display, Meta.Screen screen, Meta.KeyBinding binding, bool backward) { remove_all_children (); add_child (background); add_child (current); add_child (title); var workspace = screen.get_active_workspace (); current_window = plugin.get_next_window (workspace, backward); if (current_window == null) return; if (binding.get_mask () == 0) { current_window.activate (display.get_current_time ()); return; } var i = 0; foreach (var window in window_list) { var image = Gala.Plugin.get_icon_for_window (window, ICON_SIZE); var icon = new GtkClutter.Texture (); try { icon.set_from_pixbuf (image); } catch (Error e) { warning (e.message); } icon.x = spacing + 5 + i * (spacing + ICON_SIZE); icon.y = spacing + 5; icon.width = ICON_SIZE - 10; icon.height = ICON_SIZE - 10; add_child (icon); i++; } windows = i; var idx = window_list.index (current_window); current.x = spacing + idx * (spacing + ICON_SIZE); //hide dialogs workspace.list_windows ().foreach ((w) => { if (w.window_type == Meta.WindowType.DIALOG || w.window_type == Meta.WindowType.MODAL_DIALOG) (w.get_compositor_private () as Clutter.Actor).opacity = 0; }); dim_windows (); } public void handle_switch_windows (Meta.Display display, Meta.Screen screen, Meta.Window? window, X.Event event, Meta.KeyBinding binding) { window_list = display.get_tab_list (Meta.TabList.NORMAL, screen, screen.get_active_workspace ()); if (window_list.length () <= 1) { window_list = null; return; } window_list.foreach ((w) => { plugin.kill_window_effects (w.get_compositor_private () as Meta.WindowActor); }); plugin.begin_modal (); var area = screen.get_monitor_geometry (screen.get_primary_monitor ()); bool backward = (binding.get_name () == "switch-windows-backward"); list_windows (display, screen, binding, backward); x = area.width / 2 - width / 2; y = area.height / 2 - height / 2; grab_key_focus (); //animate (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, 250, opacity : 255); } } }