// // Copyright (C) 2017 Adam Bieńkowski // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // public class Gala.Plugins.PIP.PopupWindow : Clutter.Actor { private const int BUTTON_SIZE = 36; private const int CONTAINER_MARGIN = BUTTON_SIZE / 2; private const int SHADOW_SIZE = 100; private const uint FADE_OUT_TIMEOUT = 200; private const float MINIMUM_SCALE = 0.1f; private const float MAXIMUM_SCALE = 1.0f; private const int SCREEN_MARGIN = 0; public signal void closed (); public Gala.WindowManager wm { get; construct; } public Meta.WindowActor window_actor { get; construct; } public Clutter.Rect? container_clip { get; construct; } private Clutter.Actor clone; private Clutter.Actor container; private Clutter.Actor close_button; private Clutter.Actor resize_button; private Clutter.Actor resize_handle; private Clutter.ClickAction close_action; private Clutter.DragAction resize_action; private MoveAction move_action; private bool dragging = false; private bool clicked = false; private int x_offset_press = 0; private int y_offset_press = 0; private float begin_resize_width = 0.0f; private float begin_resize_height = 0.0f; // From https://opensourcehacker.com/2011/12/01/calculate-aspect-ratio-conserving-resize-for-images-in-javascript/ static void calculate_aspect_ratio_size_fit (float src_width, float src_height, float max_width, float max_height, out float width, out float height) { float ratio = float.min (max_width / src_width, max_height / src_height); width = src_width * ratio; height = src_height * ratio; } static void get_current_cursor_position (out int x, out int y) { Gdk.Display.get_default ().get_device_manager ().get_client_pointer ().get_position (null, out x, out y); } public PopupWindow (Gala.WindowManager wm, Meta.WindowActor window_actor, Clutter.Rect? container_clip) { Object (wm: wm, window_actor: window_actor, container_clip: container_clip); } construct { reactive = true; set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f); set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD); var window = window_actor.get_meta_window (); window.unmanaged.connect (on_close_click_clicked); clone = new Clutter.Clone (window_actor.get_texture ()); move_action = new MoveAction (); move_action.drag_begin.connect (on_move_begin); move_action.drag_end.connect (on_move_end); move_action.move.connect (on_move); container = new Clutter.Actor (); container.reactive = true; container.set_scale (0.35f, 0.35f); container.clip_rect = container_clip; container.add_effect (new ShadowEffect (SHADOW_SIZE, 2)); container.add_child (clone); container.add_action (move_action); if (container_clip == null) { window_actor.notify["allocation"].connect (on_allocation_changed); container.set_position (CONTAINER_MARGIN, CONTAINER_MARGIN); update_clone_clip (); } update_size (); update_container_position (); Meta.Rectangle monitor_rect; get_current_monitor_rect (out monitor_rect); set_position (SCREEN_MARGIN + monitor_rect.x, monitor_rect.height + monitor_rect.y - SCREEN_MARGIN - height); close_action = new Clutter.ClickAction (); close_action.clicked.connect (on_close_click_clicked); close_button = Gala.Utils.create_close_button (); close_button.set_size (BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); close_button.opacity = 0; close_button.reactive = true; close_button.set_easing_duration (300); close_button.add_action (close_action); resize_action = new Clutter.DragAction (); resize_action.drag_begin.connect (on_resize_drag_begin); resize_action.drag_end.connect (on_resize_drag_end); resize_action.drag_motion.connect (on_resize_drag_motion); resize_handle = new Clutter.Actor (); resize_handle.set_size (BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE); resize_handle.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f); resize_handle.set_position (width - BUTTON_SIZE, height - BUTTON_SIZE); resize_handle.reactive = true; resize_handle.add_action (resize_action); resize_button = Utils.create_resize_button (); resize_button.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f); resize_button.set_position (width - resize_button.width, height - resize_button.height); resize_button.opacity = 0; resize_button.reactive = true; add_child (container); add_child (close_button); add_child (resize_button); add_child (resize_handle); } public override void show () { base.show (); opacity = 0; set_easing_duration (200); opacity = 255; set_easing_duration (0); } public override bool enter_event (Clutter.CrossingEvent event) { close_button.opacity = 255; resize_button.set_easing_duration (300); resize_button.opacity = 255; resize_button.set_easing_duration (0); return true; } public override bool leave_event (Clutter.CrossingEvent event) { close_button.opacity = 0; resize_button.set_easing_duration (300); resize_button.opacity = 0; resize_button.set_easing_duration (0); return true; } private void on_move_begin () { int px, py; get_current_cursor_position (out px, out py); x_offset_press = (int)(px - x); y_offset_press = (int)(py - y); clicked = true; dragging = false; } private void on_move_end () { clicked = false; if (dragging) { update_screen_position (); dragging = false; } else { activate (); } } private void on_move () { if (!clicked) { return; } float motion_x, motion_y; move_action.get_motion_coords (out motion_x, out motion_y); x = (int)motion_x - x_offset_press; y = (int)motion_y - y_offset_press; if (!dragging) { dragging = true; } } private void on_resize_drag_begin (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y, Clutter.ModifierType type) { begin_resize_width = width; begin_resize_height = height; } private void on_resize_drag_end (Clutter.Actor actor, float event_x, float event_y, Clutter.ModifierType type) { reposition_resize_handle (); update_screen_position (); } private void on_resize_drag_motion (Clutter.Actor actor, float delta_x, float delta_y) { float press_x, press_y; resize_action.get_press_coords (out press_x, out press_y); int motion_x, motion_y; get_current_cursor_position (out motion_x, out motion_y); float diff_x = motion_x - press_x; float diff_y = motion_y - press_y; width = begin_resize_width + diff_x; height = begin_resize_height + diff_y; update_container_scale (); update_size (); reposition_resize_button (); } private void on_allocation_changed () { update_clone_clip (); update_size (); reposition_resize_button (); reposition_resize_handle (); } private void on_close_click_clicked () { set_easing_duration (FADE_OUT_TIMEOUT); opacity = 0; Clutter.Threads.Timeout.add (FADE_OUT_TIMEOUT, () => { closed (); return false; }); } private void update_size () { if (container_clip != null) { width = (int)(container_clip.get_width () * container.scale_x + BUTTON_SIZE); height = (int)(container_clip.get_height () * container.scale_y + BUTTON_SIZE); } else { width = (int)(container.width * container.scale_x + BUTTON_SIZE); height = (int)(container.height * container.scale_y + BUTTON_SIZE); } } private void update_clone_clip () { var rect = window_actor.get_meta_window ().get_frame_rect (); float x_offset = rect.x - window_actor.x; float y_offset = rect.y - window_actor.y; clone.set_clip (x_offset, y_offset, rect.width, rect.height); clone.set_position (-x_offset, -y_offset); container.set_size (rect.width, rect.height); } private void update_container_scale () { float src_width; float src_height; if (container_clip != null) { src_width = container_clip.get_width (); src_height = container_clip.get_height (); } else { src_width = container.width; src_height = container.height; } float max_width = width - BUTTON_SIZE; float max_height = height - BUTTON_SIZE; float new_width, new_height; calculate_aspect_ratio_size_fit ( src_width, src_height, max_width, max_height, out new_width, out new_height ); float window_width, window_height; get_target_window_size (out window_width, out window_height); float new_scale_x = new_width / window_width; float new_scale_y = new_height / window_height; container.scale_x = new_scale_x.clamp (MINIMUM_SCALE, MAXIMUM_SCALE); container.scale_y = new_scale_y.clamp (MINIMUM_SCALE, MAXIMUM_SCALE); update_container_position (); } private void update_container_position () { if (container_clip != null) { container.x = (float)(-container_clip.get_x () * container.scale_x + CONTAINER_MARGIN); container.y = (float)(-container_clip.get_y () * container.scale_y + CONTAINER_MARGIN); } } private void update_screen_position () { Meta.Rectangle monitor_rect; get_current_monitor_rect (out monitor_rect); int monitor_x = monitor_rect.x; int monitor_y = monitor_rect.y; int monitor_width = monitor_rect.width; int monitor_height = monitor_rect.height; set_easing_duration (300); set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_BACK); var screen_limit_start = SCREEN_MARGIN + monitor_x; var screen_limit_end = monitor_width + monitor_x - SCREEN_MARGIN - width; x = x.clamp (screen_limit_start, screen_limit_end); screen_limit_start = SCREEN_MARGIN + monitor_y; screen_limit_end = monitor_height + monitor_y - SCREEN_MARGIN - height; y = y.clamp (screen_limit_start, screen_limit_end); set_easing_mode (Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD); set_easing_duration (0); } private void reposition_resize_button () { resize_button.set_position (width - BUTTON_SIZE, height - BUTTON_SIZE); } private void reposition_resize_handle () { resize_handle.set_position (width - BUTTON_SIZE, height - BUTTON_SIZE); } private void get_current_monitor_rect (out Meta.Rectangle rect) { var screen = wm.get_screen (); rect = screen.get_monitor_geometry (screen.get_current_monitor ()); } private void get_target_window_size (out float width, out float height) { if (container_clip != null) { width = container_clip.get_width (); height = container_clip.get_height (); } else if (clone.has_clip) { float clone_clip_width = 0.0f, clone_clip_height = 0.0f; clone.get_clip (null, null, out clone_clip_width, out clone_clip_height); width = clone_clip_width; height = clone_clip_height; } else { width = clone.width; height = clone.height; } } private void activate () { var window = window_actor.get_meta_window (); window.activate (Clutter.get_current_event_time ()); } }