// // Copyright 2018-2020 elementary, Inc. (https://elementary.io) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // namespace Gala { const string DBUS_NAME = "org.pantheon.gala"; const string DBUS_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/pantheon/gala"; const string DAEMON_DBUS_NAME = "org.pantheon.gala.daemon"; const string DAEMON_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/pantheon/gala/daemon"; [DBus (name = "org.pantheon.gala")] public interface WMDBus : GLib.Object { public abstract void perform_action (Gala.ActionType type) throws DBusError, IOError; } [DBus (name = "org.pantheon.gala.daemon")] public class MenuDaemon : Object { // Window Menu private Granite.AccelLabel always_on_top_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel close_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel hide_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel move_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel move_left_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel move_right_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel on_visible_workspace_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel resize_accellabel; private Granite.AccelLabel screenshot_accellabel; Gtk.Menu? window_menu = null; Gtk.MenuItem hide; Gtk.MenuItem maximize; Gtk.MenuItem move; Gtk.MenuItem resize; Gtk.CheckMenuItem always_on_top; Gtk.CheckMenuItem on_visible_workspace; Gtk.MenuItem move_left; Gtk.MenuItem move_right; Gtk.MenuItem close; Gtk.MenuItem screenshot; // Desktop Menu Gtk.Menu? desktop_menu = null; WMDBus? wm_proxy = null; ulong always_on_top_sid = 0U; ulong on_visible_workspace_sid = 0U; private static GLib.Settings keybind_settings; private static GLib.Settings gala_keybind_settings; static construct { keybind_settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings"); gala_keybind_settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.pantheon.desktop.gala.keybindings"); } [DBus (visible = false)] public void setup_dbus () { var flags = BusNameOwnerFlags.ALLOW_REPLACEMENT | BusNameOwnerFlags.REPLACE; Bus.own_name (BusType.SESSION, DAEMON_DBUS_NAME, flags, on_bus_acquired, () => {}, null); Bus.watch_name (BusType.SESSION, DBUS_NAME, BusNameWatcherFlags.NONE, gala_appeared, lost_gala); } void on_gala_get (GLib.Object? o, GLib.AsyncResult? res) { try { wm_proxy = Bus.get_proxy.end (res); } catch (Error e) { warning ("Failed to get Gala proxy: %s", e.message); } } void lost_gala () { wm_proxy = null; } void gala_appeared () { if (wm_proxy == null) { Bus.get_proxy.begin (BusType.SESSION, DBUS_NAME, DBUS_OBJECT_PATH, 0, null, on_gala_get); } } void on_bus_acquired (DBusConnection conn) { try { conn.register_object (DAEMON_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH, this); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf ("Error registering MenuDaemon: %s\n", e.message); } } void perform_action (Gala.ActionType type) { if (wm_proxy != null) { try { wm_proxy.perform_action (type); } catch (Error e) { warning ("Failed to perform Gala action over DBus: %s", e.message); } } } private void init_window_menu () { hide_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Hide")); hide = new Gtk.MenuItem (); hide.add (hide_accellabel); hide.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.HIDE_CURRENT); }); maximize = new Gtk.MenuItem (); maximize.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.MAXIMIZE_CURRENT); }); move_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Move")); move = new Gtk.MenuItem (); move.add (move_accellabel); move.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.START_MOVE_CURRENT); }); resize_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Resize")); resize = new Gtk.MenuItem (); resize.add (resize_accellabel); resize.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.START_RESIZE_CURRENT); }); always_on_top_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Always on Top")); always_on_top = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (); always_on_top.add (always_on_top_accellabel); always_on_top_sid = always_on_top.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.TOGGLE_ALWAYS_ON_TOP_CURRENT); }); on_visible_workspace_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Always on Visible Workspace")); on_visible_workspace = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem (); on_visible_workspace.add (on_visible_workspace_accellabel); on_visible_workspace_sid = on_visible_workspace.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.TOGGLE_ALWAYS_ON_VISIBLE_WORKSPACE_CURRENT); }); move_left_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Move to Workspace Left")); move_left = new Gtk.MenuItem (); move_left.add (move_left_accellabel); move_left.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.MOVE_CURRENT_WORKSPACE_LEFT); }); move_right_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Move to Workspace Right")); move_right = new Gtk.MenuItem (); move_right.add (move_right_accellabel); move_right.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.MOVE_CURRENT_WORKSPACE_RIGHT); }); screenshot_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Take Screenshot")); screenshot = new Gtk.MenuItem (); screenshot.add (screenshot_accellabel); screenshot.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.SCREENSHOT_CURRENT); }); close_accellabel = new Granite.AccelLabel (_("Close")); close = new Gtk.MenuItem (); close.add (close_accellabel); close.activate.connect (() => { perform_action (Gala.ActionType.CLOSE_CURRENT); }); window_menu = new Gtk.Menu (); window_menu.append (screenshot); window_menu.append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ()); window_menu.append (always_on_top); window_menu.append (on_visible_workspace); window_menu.append (move_left); window_menu.append (move_right); window_menu.append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ()); window_menu.append (move); window_menu.append (resize); window_menu.append (maximize); window_menu.append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ()); window_menu.append (hide); window_menu.append (close); window_menu.show_all (); } public void show_window_menu (Gala.WindowFlags flags, int x, int y) throws DBusError, IOError { if (window_menu == null) { init_window_menu (); } hide.visible = Gala.WindowFlags.CAN_HIDE in flags; if (hide.visible) { hide_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("minimize")[0]; } maximize.visible = Gala.WindowFlags.CAN_MAXIMIZE in flags; if (maximize.visible) { unowned string maximize_label; if (Gala.WindowFlags.IS_MAXIMIZED in flags) { maximize_label = (Gala.WindowFlags.IS_TILED in flags) ? _("Untile") : _("Unmaximize"); } else { maximize_label = _("Maximize"); } maximize.get_child ().destroy (); maximize.add ( new Granite.AccelLabel ( maximize_label, keybind_settings.get_strv ("toggle-maximized")[0] ) ); } move.visible = Gala.WindowFlags.ALLOWS_MOVE in flags; if (move.visible) { move_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("begin-move")[0]; } resize.visible = Gala.WindowFlags.ALLOWS_RESIZE in flags; if (resize.visible) { resize_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("begin-resize")[0]; } // Setting active causes signal fires on activate so // we temporarily block those signals from emissions SignalHandler.block (always_on_top, always_on_top_sid); SignalHandler.block (on_visible_workspace, on_visible_workspace_sid); always_on_top.active = Gala.WindowFlags.ALWAYS_ON_TOP in flags; always_on_top_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("always-on-top")[0]; on_visible_workspace.active = Gala.WindowFlags.ON_ALL_WORKSPACES in flags; on_visible_workspace_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("toggle-on-all-workspaces")[0]; SignalHandler.unblock (always_on_top, always_on_top_sid); SignalHandler.unblock (on_visible_workspace, on_visible_workspace_sid); move_right.sensitive = !on_visible_workspace.active; if (move_right.sensitive) { move_right_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("move-to-workspace-right")[0]; } move_left.sensitive = !on_visible_workspace.active; if (move_left.sensitive) { move_left_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("move-to-workspace-left")[0]; } screenshot_accellabel.accel_string = gala_keybind_settings.get_strv ("window-screenshot")[0]; close.visible = Gala.WindowFlags.CAN_CLOSE in flags; if (close.visible) { close_accellabel.accel_string = keybind_settings.get_strv ("close")[0]; } window_menu.popup (null, null, (m, ref px, ref py, out push_in) => { var scale = m.scale_factor; px = x / scale; // Move the menu 1 pixel outside of the pointer or else it closes instantly // on the mouse up event py = (y / scale) + 1; push_in = true; }, 3, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME); } public void show_desktop_menu (int x, int y) throws DBusError, IOError { if (desktop_menu == null) { var change_wallpaper = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Change Wallpaper…")); change_wallpaper.activate.connect (() => { try { AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri ("settings://desktop/appearance/wallpaper", null); } catch (Error e) { var message_dialog = new Granite.MessageDialog.with_image_from_icon_name ( "Failed to Open Wallpaper Settings", "Unable to open System Settings. A handler for the `settings://` URI scheme must be installed.", "dialog-error", Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE ); message_dialog.show_error_details (e.message); message_dialog.run (); message_dialog.destroy (); } }); var display_settings = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("Display Settings…")); display_settings.activate.connect (() => { try { AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri ("settings://display", null); } catch (Error e) { var message_dialog = new Granite.MessageDialog.with_image_from_icon_name ( "Failed to Open Display Settings", "Unable to open System Settings. A handler for the `settings://` URI scheme must be installed.", "dialog-warning", Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE ); message_dialog.show_error_details (e.message); message_dialog.run (); message_dialog.destroy (); } }); var system_settings = new Gtk.MenuItem.with_label (_("System Settings…")); system_settings.activate.connect (() => { try { AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri ("settings://", null); } catch (Error e) { var message_dialog = new Granite.MessageDialog.with_image_from_icon_name ( "Failed to Open System Settings", "Unable to open System Settings. A handler for the `settings://` URI scheme must be installed.", "dialog-warning", Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE ); message_dialog.show_error_details (e.message); message_dialog.run (); message_dialog.destroy (); } }); desktop_menu = new Gtk.Menu (); desktop_menu.append (change_wallpaper); desktop_menu.append (display_settings); desktop_menu.append (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ()); desktop_menu.append (system_settings); desktop_menu.show_all (); } desktop_menu.popup (null, null, (m, ref px, ref py, out push_in) => { var scale = m.scale_factor; px = x / scale; // Move the menu 1 pixel outside of the pointer or else it closes instantly // on the mouse up event py = (y / scale) + 1; push_in = false; }, 3, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME); } } }