# Gala [![Translation status](https://l10n.elementary.io/widgets/desktop/-/gala/svg-badge.svg)](https://l10n.elementary.io/engage/desktop/?utm_source=widget) A window & compositing manager based on libmutter and designed by elementary for use with Pantheon. ## Building, Testing, and Installation You'll need the following dependencies: * meson * gettext (>= 0.19.6) * gnome-settings-daemon-dev (>= 3.15.2), * gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev * libcanberra-dev * libcanberra-gtk3-dev * libclutter-1.0-dev (>= 1.12.0) * libgee-0.8-dev * libgexiv2-dev * libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.44) * libgnome-desktop-3-dev * libgranite-dev (>= 5.4.0) * libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.10.0) * libmutter-6-dev (>= 3.35.1) | libmutter-dev (>= 3.18.3) * libplank-dev (>= 0.11.0) * libxml2-utils * valac (>= 0.28.0) Run `meson build` to configure the build environment. Change to the build directory and run `ninja` to build meson build --prefix=/usr cd build ninja You can set the `documentation` option to `true` to build the documentation. In the build directory, use `meson configure` meson configure -Ddocumentation=true To install, use `ninja install`, then execute with `gala --replace` sudo ninja install gala --replace