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synced 2024-12-21 00:01:36 +03:00
This eases the later addition for a more complete support and cleans things up a bit.
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396 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2014 Tom Beckmann
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using Clutter;
using Meta;
namespace Gala.Plugins.Notify
public abstract class Notification : Actor
public static Gtk.CssProvider? default_css = null;
public const int WIDTH = 300;
public const int ICON_SIZE = 48;
public const int MARGIN = 12;
public const int SPACING = 6;
public const int PADDING = 4;
public signal void action_invoked (uint32 id, string action);
public signal void closed (uint32 id, uint32 reason);
public uint32 id { get; construct; }
public Gdk.Pixbuf? icon { get; construct set; }
public NotificationUrgency urgency { get; construct; }
public int32 expire_timeout { get; construct set; }
public uint64 relevancy_time { get; private set; }
public bool being_destroyed { get; private set; default = false; }
protected bool icon_only { get; protected set; default = false; }
protected GtkClutter.Texture icon_texture { get; private set; }
protected Actor icon_container { get; private set; }
* Whether we're currently sliding content for an update animation
protected bool transitioning { get; private set; default = false; }
GtkClutter.Texture close_button;
Gtk.StyleContext style_context;
uint remove_timeout = 0;
// temporary things needed for the slide transition
protected float animation_slide_height { get; private set; }
GtkClutter.Texture old_texture;
float _animation_slide_y_offset = 0.0f;
public float animation_slide_y_offset {
get {
return _animation_slide_y_offset;
set {
_animation_slide_y_offset = value;
icon_texture.y = -animation_slide_height + _animation_slide_y_offset;
old_texture.y = _animation_slide_y_offset;
update_slide_animation ();
public Notification (uint32 id, Gdk.Pixbuf? icon, NotificationUrgency urgency,
int32 expire_timeout)
Object (
id: id,
icon: icon,
urgency: urgency,
expire_timeout: expire_timeout
relevancy_time = new DateTime.now_local ().to_unix ();
width = WIDTH + MARGIN * 2;
reactive = true;
set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
icon_texture = new GtkClutter.Texture ();
icon_texture.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
icon_container = new Actor ();
icon_container.add_child (icon_texture);
close_button = Utils.create_close_button ();
close_button.opacity = 0;
close_button.reactive = true;
close_button.set_easing_duration (300);
var close_click = new ClickAction ();
close_click.clicked.connect (() => {
closed (id, NotificationClosedReason.DISMISSED);
close ();
close_button.add_action (close_click);
add_child (icon_container);
add_child (close_button);
if (default_css == null) {
default_css = new Gtk.CssProvider ();
try {
default_css.load_from_path (Config.PKGDATADIR + "/gala.css");
} catch (Error e) {
warning ("Loading default styles failed: %s", e.message);
var style_path = new Gtk.WidgetPath ();
style_path.append_type (typeof (Gtk.Window));
style_path.append_type (typeof (Gtk.EventBox));
style_context = new Gtk.StyleContext ();
style_context.add_provider (default_css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_FALLBACK);
style_context.add_class ("gala-notification");
style_context.set_path (style_path);
var label_style_path = style_path.copy ();
label_style_path.iter_add_class (1, "gala-notification");
label_style_path.append_type (typeof (Gtk.Label));
var canvas = new Canvas ();
canvas.draw.connect (draw);
content = canvas;
set_values ();
var click = new ClickAction ();
click.clicked.connect (() => {
activate ();
add_action (click);
open ();
public void open () {
var entry = new TransitionGroup ();
entry.remove_on_complete = true;
entry.duration = 400;
var opacity_transition = new PropertyTransition ("opacity");
opacity_transition.set_from_value (0);
opacity_transition.set_to_value (255);
var flip_transition = new KeyframeTransition ("rotation-angle-x");
flip_transition.set_from_value (90.0);
flip_transition.set_to_value (0.0);
flip_transition.set_key_frames ({ 0.6 });
flip_transition.set_values ({ -10.0 });
entry.add_transition (opacity_transition);
entry.add_transition (flip_transition);
add_transition ("entry", entry);
switch (urgency) {
case NotificationUrgency.LOW:
case NotificationUrgency.NORMAL:
case NotificationUrgency.CRITICAL:
var icon_entry = new TransitionGroup ();
icon_entry.duration = 1000;
icon_entry.remove_on_complete = true;
icon_entry.progress_mode = AnimationMode.EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC;
double[] keyframes = { 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 };
GLib.Value[] scale = { 0.0, 1.2, 1.6, 1.6, 1.6, 1.6, 1.2, 1.0 };
var rotate_transition = new KeyframeTransition ("rotation-angle-z");
rotate_transition.set_from_value (30.0);
rotate_transition.set_to_value (0.0);
rotate_transition.set_key_frames (keyframes);
rotate_transition.set_values ({ 30.0, -30.0, 30.0, -20.0, 10.0, -5.0, 2.0, 0.0 });
var scale_x_transition = new KeyframeTransition ("scale-x");
scale_x_transition.set_from_value (0.0);
scale_x_transition.set_to_value (1.0);
scale_x_transition.set_key_frames (keyframes);
scale_x_transition.set_values (scale);
var scale_y_transition = new KeyframeTransition ("scale-y");
scale_y_transition.set_from_value (0.0);
scale_y_transition.set_to_value (1.0);
scale_y_transition.set_key_frames (keyframes);
scale_y_transition.set_values (scale);
icon_entry.add_transition (rotate_transition);
icon_entry.add_transition (scale_x_transition);
icon_entry.add_transition (scale_y_transition);
icon_texture.add_transition ("entry", icon_entry);
public void close ()
set_easing_duration (100);
set_easing_mode (AnimationMode.EASE_IN_QUAD);
opacity = 0;
x = WIDTH + MARGIN * 2;
being_destroyed = true;
var transition = get_transition ("x");
if (transition != null)
transition.completed.connect (() => destroy ());
destroy ();
protected void update_base (Gdk.Pixbuf? icon, int32 expire_timeout)
this.icon = icon;
this.expire_timeout = expire_timeout;
this.relevancy_time = new DateTime.now_local ().to_unix ();
set_values ();
void set_values ()
if (icon != null) {
try {
icon_texture.set_from_pixbuf (icon);
} catch (Error e) {}
set_timeout ();
void set_timeout ()
// crtitical notifications have to be dismissed manually
if (expire_timeout <= 0 || urgency == NotificationUrgency.CRITICAL)
clear_timeout ();
remove_timeout = Timeout.add (expire_timeout, () => {
closed (id, NotificationClosedReason.EXPIRED);
close ();
remove_timeout = 0;
return false;
void clear_timeout ()
if (remove_timeout != 0) {
Source.remove (remove_timeout);
remove_timeout = 0;
public override bool enter_event (CrossingEvent event)
close_button.opacity = 255;
clear_timeout ();
return true;
public override bool leave_event (CrossingEvent event)
close_button.opacity = 0;
// TODO consider decreasing the timeout now or calculating the remaining
set_timeout ();
return true;
public virtual void activate ()
public virtual void draw_content (Cairo.Context cr)
public abstract void update_allocation (out float content_height, AllocationFlags flags);
public override void allocate (ActorBox box, AllocationFlags flags)
var icon_alloc = ActorBox ();
icon_alloc.set_origin (icon_only ? (WIDTH - ICON_SIZE) / 2 : MARGIN + PADDING, MARGIN + PADDING);
icon_alloc.set_size (ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE);
icon_container.allocate (icon_alloc, flags);
var close_alloc = ActorBox ();
close_alloc.set_origin (MARGIN + PADDING - close_button.width / 2,
MARGIN + PADDING - close_button.height / 2);
close_alloc.set_size (close_button.width, close_button.height);
close_button.allocate (close_alloc, flags);
float content_height;
update_allocation (out content_height, flags);
box.set_size (MARGIN * 2 + WIDTH, (MARGIN + PADDING) * 2 + content_height);
base.allocate (box, flags);
var canvas = (Canvas) content;
var canvas_width = (int) box.get_width ();
var canvas_height = (int) box.get_height ();
if (canvas.width != canvas_width || canvas.height != canvas_height)
canvas.set_size (canvas_width, canvas_height);
public override void get_preferred_height (float for_width, out float min_height, out float nat_height)
min_height = nat_height = ICON_SIZE + (MARGIN + PADDING) * 2;
protected void play_update_transition (float slide_height)
Transition transition;
if ((transition = get_transition ("switch")) != null) {
transition.completed ();
remove_transition ("switch");
animation_slide_height = slide_height;
old_texture = new GtkClutter.Texture ();
icon_container.add_child (old_texture);
icon_container.set_clip (0, -PADDING, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE + PADDING * 2);
try {
old_texture.set_from_pixbuf (this.icon);
} catch (Error e) {}
transition = new PropertyTransition ("animation-slide-y-offset");
transition.duration = 200;
transition.progress_mode = AnimationMode.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD;
transition.set_from_value (0.0f);
transition.set_to_value (animation_slide_height);
transition.remove_on_complete = true;
transition.completed.connect (() => {
old_texture.destroy ();
icon_container.remove_clip ();
_animation_slide_y_offset = 0;
transitioning = false;
add_transition ("switch", transition);
transitioning = true;
protected virtual void update_slide_animation ()
bool draw (Cairo.Context cr)
var canvas = (Canvas) content;
var x = MARGIN;
var y = MARGIN;
var width = canvas.width - MARGIN * 2;
var height = canvas.height - MARGIN * 2;
cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.CLEAR);
cr.paint ();
cr.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.OVER);
style_context.render_background (cr, x, y, width, height);
style_context.render_frame (cr, x, y, width, height);
draw_content (cr);
return false;