2022-05-26 15:00:34 +02:00

206 lines
6.4 KiB

interface WidgetData {
name: string;
desc: string;
type: string; // this should be an enum.. maybe
interface Widget {
name: string;
exts: string[];
desc: string;
props: WidgetData[];
isVisible: boolean;
interface MagicVar {
name: string;
desc: string;
prop?: string;
function parseMagicVariables(data: string) {
const desc_pattern = /^.*\/\/\s*@desc\s*(\w+)\s*-\s*(.*)$/; // matches `// @desc <name> - <desc>`
const prop_pattern = /^.*\/\/\s+@prop +\s*(.*)$/; // matches `// @prop <prop>`
const continuation = /^.*\/\/\s*(.*)$/; // matches `// <...>`
let defs: MagicVar[] = [];
let last: "desc" | "prop" | null = null; // what was the last line
for (const line of data.split("\n")) {
const desc = desc_pattern.exec(line);
const prop = prop_pattern.exec(line);
const cont = continuation.exec(line);
if(desc) {
name: desc[1],
desc: desc[2],
prop: undefined,
last = "desc";
} else if(prop && defs.length > 0) {
defs[defs.length - 1].prop = prop[1];
last = "prop";
} else if(cont && defs.length > 0) {
if(last == "desc") {
defs[defs.length - 1].desc += `\n\n${cont[1]}`;
} else if(last == "prop" && defs[defs.length - 1].prop) {
defs[defs.length - 1].prop += `\n\n${cont[1]}`;
} // else this is just a comment, we ignore
} else {
last = null;
let output = "";
for (const {name, desc, prop} of defs) {
output +=
`### \`${name}\`\n` +
if(prop != null) {
output +=
'#### Structure\n' +
'```\n' +
`${prop}\n` +
output += '\n';
return output;
function parseVars(code: string): Record<string, string> {
const VAR_PATTERN = /^.*\/\/+ *@var +(.*?) +- +(.*)$/;
const vars: Record<string, string> = {};
for (const line of code.split("\n")) {
const match = line.match(VAR_PATTERN);
if (match && match.length == 3) {
const name = match[1];
const value = match[2];
vars[name] = value;
return vars;
function replaceTypeNames(type: string) {
switch (type) {
case "f64":
case "f32":
return "float"
case "i32":
case "i64":
return "int"
return type
function parseDocs(code: string) {
const NEW_WIDGET_PATTERN = /^.*\/\/+ *@widget +(!?)(.*?)(?: +extends +(.*))?$/;
const DESC_PATTERN = /^.*\/\/+ *@desc +(.*)$/;
const PROP_PATTERN = /^.*\/\/+ *@prop +(.*?) +- +(.*)$/;
const ARG_TYPE_PATTERN = /(\w+):\s+as_(\w+)/g;
const widgets: Record<string, Widget> = {};
const lines = code.split("\n")
let currentWidget = "";
for (let lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lines.length; lineIndex++) {
const line = lines[lineIndex]
const newWidgetMatch = NEW_WIDGET_PATTERN.exec(line);
if (newWidgetMatch && newWidgetMatch.length >= 3) {
const name = newWidgetMatch[2];
const exts: string[] = newWidgetMatch[3]
? newWidgetMatch[3].split(/, */)
: [];
currentWidget = name;
widgets[currentWidget] = {
desc: "",
props: [],
isVisible: newWidgetMatch[1] !== "!",
const descMatch = line.match(DESC_PATTERN);
if (descMatch && descMatch.length == 2) {
widgets[currentWidget].desc = descMatch[1];
// if we find a property, check through the following lines until we reach the actual property definition
const propMatch = line.match(PROP_PATTERN);
if (propMatch && propMatch.length == 3) {
let no = lineIndex + 1
while (/\s*\/\//.test(lines[no])) {
no += 1
} // continue till you find the line with actual code
const matches = [...lines[no].matchAll(ARG_TYPE_PATTERN)].map(z => { z.shift(); return z }).flat() // try to use the iterator directly
const possibleMatch = matches.findIndex(x => x == propMatch[1].replaceAll("-", "_"))
if (possibleMatch == -1) {
console.log(`Failed to find a match for "${propMatch[1].replace("-", "_")}" ~ ${JSON.stringify(matches, null, 2)} ~ ${lines[no]}`)
if (!widgets[currentWidget].props.some(p => p.name == propMatch[1])) {
const type = replaceTypeNames(matches[possibleMatch + 1])
name: propMatch[1],
desc: propMatch[2],
type: type ?? "no-type-found"
return widgets;
function printDocs(vars: Record<string, string>, docs: Record<string, Widget>) {
const output = Object.values(docs)
.filter((x) => x.isVisible)
.map((x) => {
x.props = [
...x.exts.map((w) => docs[w]).flatMap((w) => w.props),
return x;
.map((x) => printWidget(x))
.map((x) => x.replace(/\$\w+/g, (x) => vars[x.replace("$", "")]))
return output;
function printWidget(widget: Widget) {
return `
## \`${widget.name}\` ${widget.desc ? `\n${widget.desc}` : ""}
${widget.props.map((prop) => `- **\`${prop.name}\`**: *\`${prop.type}\`* ${prop.desc}`).join("\n")}
// Deno args start from actual args
// Redirect stderr to ignore deno checking messages so:
// deno run --allow-read gen-docs.ts ./src/widgets/widget_definitions.ts 2> /dev/null
Deno.readTextFile(Deno.args[0]).then(data => {
const vars = parseVars(data);
Deno.writeTextFile("./docs/src/widgets.md", printDocs(vars, parseDocs(data)), {"append": true});
}).catch(err => {
return console.error(err);
let magic = Deno.readTextFile(Deno.args[1]).then(data => {
Deno.writeTextFile("./docs/src/magic-vars.md", parseMagicVariables(data), {"append": true});
}).catch(err => {
return console.error(err);