
307 lines
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2022-03-10 08:21:57 +03:00
// === Non-Standard Linter Configuration ===
2022-03-10 07:57:59 +03:00
use json_rpc::prelude::*;
2022-03-10 07:32:33 +03:00
use json_rpc::*;
use enso_web::Duration;
use futures::task::LocalSpawnExt;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::Stream;
use json_rpc::api::RemoteMethodCall;
use json_rpc::api::Result;
use json_rpc::error::HandlingError;
use json_rpc::error::RpcError;
use json_rpc::messages::Id;
use json_rpc::messages::Message;
use json_rpc::messages::Version;
use json_rpc::test_util::transport::mock::MockTransport;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::thread::sleep;
2022-03-10 07:32:33 +03:00
type MockEvent = json_rpc::handler::Event<MockNotification>;
// =====================
// === Mock Protocol ===
// =====================
// === Remote Method ===
fn pow_impl(msg: MockRequestMessage) -> MockResponseMessage {
let ret = MockResponse { result: msg.i * msg.i };
Message::new_success(msg.id, ret)
// === Protocol Data ===
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct MockRequest {
i: i64,
impl RemoteMethodCall for MockRequest {
const NAME: &'static str = "pow";
type Returned = MockResponse;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct MockResponse {
result: i64,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Eq)]
#[serde(tag = "method", content = "params")]
pub enum MockNotification {
Meow { text: String },
Bark { text: String },
// === Helper Aliases ===
type MockRequestMessage = messages::RequestMessage<MockRequest>;
type MockResponseMessage = messages::ResponseMessage<MockResponse>;
// ===================
// === Mock Client ===
// ===================
pub struct Client {
pub handler: Handler<MockNotification>,
pub events_stream: Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = MockEvent>>>,
impl Client {
pub fn new(transport: impl Transport + 'static) -> Client {
let handler = Handler::new(transport);
let events_stream = Box::pin(handler.handler_event_stream());
Client { handler, events_stream }
pub fn pow(&mut self, i: i64) -> impl Future<Output = Result<i64>> {
let input = MockRequest { i };
self.handler.open_request(input).map(|result| result.map(|r| r.result))
pub fn events_processor(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
pub fn expect_no_notification_yet(&mut self) {
pub fn expect_notification(&mut self) -> MockNotification {
let event = self.events_stream.expect_next();
if let MockEvent::Notification(notification) = event {
} else {
panic!("Expected a notification, got different kind of event: {event:?}")
pub fn expect_handling_error(&mut self) -> HandlingError {
let event = self.events_stream.expect_next();
if let json_rpc::handler::Event::Error(err) = event {
} else {
panic!("Expected an error event, got different kind of event: {event:?}")
// ============
// === Test ===
// ============
struct Fixture {
transport: MockTransport,
client: Client,
pool: futures::executor::LocalPool,
impl Fixture {
pub fn new() -> Fixture {
let transport = MockTransport::new();
let mut client = Client::new(transport.clone());
let pool = futures::executor::LocalPool::new();
let fut = client.events_processor();
Fixture { transport, client, pool }
fn test_success_call() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let call_input = 8;
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
let expected_first_request_id = Id(0);
// validate request sent
let req_msg = fixture.transport.expect_json_message::<MockRequestMessage>();
assert_eq!(req_msg.id, expected_first_request_id);
assert_eq!(req_msg.method, MockRequest::NAME);
assert_eq!(req_msg.i, call_input);
assert_eq!(req_msg.jsonrpc, Version::V2);
fut.expect_pending(); // no reply
// let's reply
let reply = pow_impl(req_msg);
// before yielding control message should be in buffer and futures should not complete
fut.expect_pending(); // not ticked
// yield control to executor
let result = fut.expect_ok();
assert_eq!(result, 8 * 8);
fn test_error_call() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
fut.expect_pending(); // no reply
// reply with error
let req_msg = fixture.transport.expect_json_message::<MockRequestMessage>();
let error_code = 5;
let error_description = "wrong!";
let error_data = None;
let error_msg: MockResponseMessage =
Message::new_error(req_msg.id, error_code, error_description.into(), error_data.clone());
// receive error
let result = fut.expect_err();
if let RpcError::RemoteError(e) = result {
assert_eq!(e.code, error_code);
assert_eq!(e.data, error_data);
assert_eq!(e.message, error_description);
} else {
panic!("Expected an error to be RemoteError");
fn test_garbage_reply_error() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
fut.expect_pending(); // no reply
fixture.transport.mock_peer_text_message("hello, nice to meet you");
fut.expect_pending(); // no valid reply
let internal_error = fixture.client.expect_handling_error();
if let HandlingError::InvalidMessage(_) = internal_error {
} else {
panic!("Expected an error to be InvalidMessage");
fn test_timeout_error() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
fut.expect_pending(); // no reply
sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // sleep a little longer than the timeout
if let RpcError::TimeoutError { .. } = fut.expect_err() {
} else {
panic!("Expected an error to be TimeoutError");
fn test_disconnect_error() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
fut.expect_pending(); // no reply nor relevant event
fut.expect_pending(); // closing event not yet processed
let result = fut.expect_err();
if let RpcError::LostConnection = result {
} else {
panic!("Expected an error to be RemoteError");
fn test_sending_while_disconnected() {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let mut fut = Box::pin(fixture.client.pow(8));
fn test_notification(mock_notif: MockNotification) {
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let message = Message::new(mock_notif.clone());
let notification = fixture.client.expect_notification();
assert_eq!(notification, mock_notif);
fn test_recognizing_notifications() {
let meow_notification = MockNotification::Meow { text: "meow!".into() };
let bark_notification = MockNotification::Bark { text: "woof!".into() };
fn test_handling_invalid_notification() {
let other_notification = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "update",
"params": [1,2,3,4,5]
let mut fixture = Fixture::new();
let internal_error = fixture.client.expect_handling_error();
if let HandlingError::InvalidNotification(_) = internal_error {
} else {
panic!("expected InvalidNotification error");