2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script for downloading Engine benchmark results into a single static web page
that visualizes all the benchmarks. Without any options, downloads and
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
visualizes benchmark data for the last 14 days. By default, no data is written
to the disk except for the generated web page, and the data are downloaded
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
Set the `--source` parameter to either `engine` or `stdlib`.
The generated website is placed under "generated_site" directory
The default GH artifact retention period is 3 months, which means that all
the artifacts older than 3 months are dropped. If you wish to gather the data
for benchmarks older than 3 months, make sure that the `use_cache` parameter
is set to true, and that the cache directory is populated with older data.
If the script encounters an expired artifact, it prints a warning.
This script is under continuous development, so it is advised to use
`-v|--verbose` option all the time.
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
It queries only successful benchmark runs. If there are no successful benchmarks
in a given period, no results will be written.
The process of the script is roughly as follows:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
- Asynchronously gather all the benchmark results from GH API into job reports (JobReport dataclass)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
- Use cache if possible to avoid unnecessary GH API queries
- Transform the gathered results into data for a particular benchmark sorted
by an appropriate commit timestamp.
- BenchmarkData class
If you wish to inspect the data yourself, just use --create-csv option.
Dependencies for the script:
- GH CLI utility
- https://cli.github.com/
- Used for convenience to do the GH API queries.
- It needs to be installed, and you should also authenticate.
- Python version >= 3.7
- Python 3rd party packages:
- pandas
- Used for convenience for a very simple data processing
- jinja2
- Used as a template engine for the HTML.
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
import asyncio
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
import json
import logging
import logging.config
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
import math
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from csv import DictWriter
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
from os import path
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Union, Set
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
from dataclasses import dataclass
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
if not (sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 7):
print("ERROR: python version lower than 3.7")
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import jinja2
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
print("ERROR: One of pandas, numpy, or jinja2 packages not installed", file=sys.stderr)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
Workflow ID of engine benchmarks, got via `gh api
The name of the workflow is 'Benchmark Engine'
Workflow ID for 'Benchmark Engine' workflow, which is the new workflow
since 2023-08-22.
Workflow ID of stdlibs benchmarks, got via `gh api
The name is 'Benchmark Standard Libraries'
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
GH_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
""" Date format as returned from responses in GH API"""
ENSO_COMMIT_BASE_URL = "https://github.com/enso-org/enso/commit/"
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
JINJA_TEMPLATE = "templates/template_jinja.html"
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
""" Path to the Jinja HTML template """
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
TEMPLATES_DIR = "templates"
GENERATED_SITE_DIR = "generated_site"
class Source(Enum):
ENGINE = "engine"
STDLIB = "stdlib"
def workflow_ids(self) -> List[int]:
if self == Source.ENGINE:
elif self == Source.STDLIB:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown source {self}")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
class Author:
name: str
class Commit:
""" Corresponds to the commit from GH API """
id: str
author: Author
timestamp: str
message: str
class JobRun:
Gathered via the GH API. Defines a single run of an Engine benchmark job.
id: str
display_title: str
html_url: str
run_attempt: int
""" An event as defined by the GitHub API, for example 'push' or 'schedule' """
event: str
head_commit: Commit
class JobReport:
Gathered via the GH API - a report that is pushed as an aritfact to the job.
Contains a XML file with scores for all the benchmarks.
label_score_dict: Dict[str, float]
""" A mapping of benchmark labels to their scores """
bench_run: JobRun
class BenchmarkData:
Data for a single benchmark compiled from all the job reports.
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
class Entry:
score: float
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
commit: Commit
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
bench_run_url: str
bench_run_event: str
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
label: str
""" Label for the benchmark, as reported by org.enso.interpreter.bench.BenchmarksRunner """
entries: List[Entry]
""" Entries sorted by timestamps """
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
class BenchDatapoint:
A single datapoint that will be on the chart. `timestamp` is on X axis,
`score` on Y axis, and the rest of the fields is used either for the tooltip,
or for the selection info.
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
timestamp: datetime
score: float
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
score_diff: str
""" Difference of the score with previous datapoint, or NaN """
score_diff_perc: str
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
tooltip: str
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
bench_run_url: str
commit_id: str
commit_msg: str
commit_author: str
commit_url: str
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
class TemplateBenchData:
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
""" Data for one benchmark label (with a unique name and ID) """
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
id: str
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
""" ID of the benchmark, must not contain dots """
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
name: str
""" Human readable name of the benchmark """
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
branches_datapoints: Dict[str, List[BenchDatapoint]]
""" Mapping of branches to datapoints for that branch """
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
class JinjaData:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
bench_source: Source
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
bench_datas: List[TemplateBenchData]
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
branches: List[str]
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
since: datetime
until: datetime
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
display_since: datetime
""" The date from which all the datapoints are first displayed """
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def _parse_bench_run_from_json(obj: Dict[Any, Any]) -> JobRun:
return JobRun(
def _parse_bench_report_from_json(obj: Dict[Any, Any]) -> JobReport:
return JobReport(
def _bench_report_to_json(bench_report: JobReport) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
return {
"bench_run": {
"id": bench_report.bench_run.id,
"html_url": bench_report.bench_run.html_url,
"run_attempt": bench_report.bench_run.run_attempt,
"event": bench_report.bench_run.event,
"display_title": bench_report.bench_run.display_title,
"head_commit": {
"id": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.id,
"message": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.message,
"timestamp": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.timestamp,
"author": {
"name": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.author.name
"label_score_dict": bench_report.label_score_dict
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
def _parse_bench_report_from_xml(bench_report_xml_path: str, bench_run: JobRun) -> "JobReport":
logging.debug(f"Parsing BenchReport from {bench_report_xml_path}")
tree = ET.parse(bench_report_xml_path)
root = tree.getroot()
label_score_dict: Dict[str, float] = dict()
for cases in root:
assert cases.tag == "cases"
for case in cases:
assert case.tag == "case"
label = case.findtext("label").strip()
scores = case.find("scores")
scores_float = [float(score.text.strip()) for score in scores]
if len(scores_float) > 1:
logging.warning(f"More than one score for benchmark {label}, "
f"using the best one (the smallest one).")
label_score_dict[label] = min(scores_float)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
return JobReport(
def _is_benchrun_id(name: str) -> bool:
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
return re.match("\d{9}", name) is not None
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def _read_json(json_file: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
assert path.exists(json_file) and path.isfile(json_file)
with open(json_file, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
async def _invoke_gh_api(endpoint: str,
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
query_params: Dict[str, str] = {},
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
result_as_text: bool = True) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]:
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
query_str_list = [key + "=" + value for key, value in query_params.items()]
query_str = "&".join(query_str_list)
cmd = [
f"/repos/enso-org/enso{endpoint}" + ("" if len(query_str) == 0 else "?" + query_str)
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
logging.info(f"Starting subprocess `{' '.join(cmd)}`")
proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("gh", *cmd[1:],
out, err = await proc.communicate()
logging.info(f"Finished subprocess `{' '.join(cmd)}`")
if proc.returncode != 0:
print("Command `" + " ".join(cmd) + "` FAILED with errcode " + str(
if result_as_text:
return json.loads(out.decode())
return out
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
class Cache:
Cache is a directory filled with json files that have name of format <bench_run_id>.json, and
in every json, there is `BenchReport` dataclass serialized.
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def __init__(self, dirname: str):
assert path.exists(dirname) and path.isdir(dirname)
self._dir = dirname
# Keys are BenchRun ids
self._items: Dict[str, JobReport] = {}
for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
fname_without_ext, ext = path.splitext(fname)
if _is_benchrun_id(fname_without_ext) and ext == ".json":
logging.debug(f"Loading into cache from {fname}")
bench_report = _parse_bench_report_from_json(
_read_json(path.join(dirname, fname))
self._items[fname_without_ext] = bench_report
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._items)
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
assert _is_benchrun_id(key)
return key in self._items
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Optional[JobReport]:
if not _is_benchrun_id(item):
return None
return self._items[item]
def __setitem__(self, bench_run_id: str, bench_report: JobReport) -> None:
assert isinstance(bench_report, JobReport)
assert isinstance(bench_run_id, str)
assert _is_benchrun_id(bench_run_id)
self._items[bench_run_id] = bench_report
json_fname = path.join(self._dir, bench_run_id + ".json")
logging.debug(f"Putting {bench_run_id} into cache {json_fname}")
with open(json_fname, "w") as json_file:
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self._items)
def contains(self, bench_run_id: str) -> bool:
return bench_run_id in self._items
class FakeCache:
def __getitem__(self, item):
return None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def __contains__(self, item):
return False
def __len__(self):
return 0
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
async def get_bench_runs(since: datetime, until: datetime, branch: str, workflow_id: int) -> List[JobRun]:
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
Fetches the list of all the job runs from the GH API for the specified `branch`.
logging.info(f"Looking for all successful Engine benchmark workflow run "
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
f"actions from {since} to {until} for branch {branch} "
f"and workflow ID {workflow_id}")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
query_fields = {
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
"branch": branch,
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
"status": "success",
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
"created": since.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) + ".." + until.strftime(DATE_FORMAT),
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
# Start with 1, just to determine the total count
"per_page": "1"
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
res = await _invoke_gh_api(f"/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/runs", query_fields)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
total_count = int(res["total_count"])
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
per_page = 3
logging.debug(f"Total count of all runs: {total_count} for workflow ID "
f"{workflow_id}. Will process {per_page} runs per page")
async def get_and_parse_run(page: int, parsed_bench_runs) -> None:
_query_fields = query_fields.copy()
_query_fields["page"] = str(page)
res = await _invoke_gh_api(f"/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/runs", _query_fields)
bench_runs_json = res["workflow_runs"]
_parsed_bench_runs = [_parse_bench_run_from_json(bench_run_json)
for bench_run_json in bench_runs_json]
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
# Now we know the total count, so we can fetch all the runs
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
query_fields["per_page"] = str(per_page)
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
num_queries = math.ceil(total_count / per_page)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
parsed_bench_runs = []
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
tasks = []
# Page is indexed from 1
for page in range(1, num_queries + 1):
tasks.append(get_and_parse_run(page, parsed_bench_runs))
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
return parsed_bench_runs
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
async def get_bench_report(bench_run: JobRun, cache: Cache, temp_dir: str) -> Optional[JobReport]:
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
Extracts some data from the given bench_run, which was fetched via the GH API,
optionally getting it from the cache.
An artifact in GH can expire, in such case, returns None.
:param bench_run:
:param cache:
:param temp_dir: Used for downloading and unzipping artifacts.
:return: None if the corresponding artifact expired.
if bench_run.id in cache:
logging.info(f"Getting bench run with ID {bench_run.id} from cache")
return cache[bench_run.id]
# There might be multiple artifacts in the artifact list for a benchmark run
# We are looking for the one named 'Runtime Benchmark Report', which will
# be downloaded as a ZIP file.
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
obj: Dict[str, Any] = await _invoke_gh_api(f"/actions/runs/{bench_run.id}/artifacts")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
artifacts = obj["artifacts"]
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
assert len(artifacts) == 1, "There should be exactly one artifact for a benchmark run"
bench_report_artifact = artifacts[0]
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
assert bench_report_artifact, "Benchmark Report artifact not found"
artifact_id = str(bench_report_artifact["id"])
if bench_report_artifact["expired"]:
created_at = bench_report_artifact["created_at"]
updated_at = bench_report_artifact["updated_at"]
expires_at = bench_report_artifact["expires_at"]
logging.warning(f"Artifact with ID {artifact_id} from bench report {bench_run.id} has expired. "
f"created_at={created_at}, updated_at={updated_at}, expires_at={expires_at}")
return None
# Get contents of the ZIP artifact file
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
artifact_ret = await _invoke_gh_api(f"/actions/artifacts/{artifact_id}/zip", result_as_text=False)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
zip_file_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, artifact_id + ".zip")
logging.debug(f"Writing artifact ZIP content into {zip_file_name}")
with open(zip_file_name, "wb") as zip_file:
extracted_dirname = os.path.join(temp_dir, artifact_id)
if os.path.exists(extracted_dirname):
logging.debug(f"Extracting {zip_file_name} into {extracted_dirname}")
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, "r")
bench_report_xml = path.join(extracted_dirname, "bench-report.xml")
assert path.exists(bench_report_xml)
bench_report_parsed = _parse_bench_report_from_xml(bench_report_xml, bench_run)
cache[bench_run.id] = bench_report_parsed
return bench_report_parsed
def write_bench_reports_to_csv(bench_reports: List[JobReport], csv_fname: str) -> None:
f"Writing {len(bench_reports)} benchmark reports to {csv_fname}")
assert len(bench_reports) > 0
if not path.exists(path.dirname(csv_fname)):
logging.debug(f"Creating directory {path.dirname(csv_fname)}")
with open(csv_fname, "w") as csv_file:
csv_writer = DictWriter(csv_file, CSV_FIELDNAMES)
for bench_report in bench_reports:
for label, score in bench_report.label_score_dict.items():
"label": label,
"score": score,
"commit_id": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.id,
"commit_author": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.author.name,
"commit_timestamp": bench_report.bench_run.head_commit.timestamp,
"bench_run_url": bench_report.bench_run.html_url,
"bench_run_event": bench_report.bench_run.event
def populate_cache(cache_dir: str) -> Cache:
Initializes cache from `cache_dir`, if there are any items.
See docs of `Cache`.
:param cache_dir: Path to the cache directory. Does not have to exist
:return: Populated cache. Might be empty.
if not path.exists(cache_dir):
logging.info(f"No cache at {cache_dir}, creating the cache directory")
logging.debug(f"Initializing cache from {cache_dir}")
cache = Cache(cache_dir)
logging.debug(f"Cache populated with {len(cache)} items")
return cache
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
def create_template_data(
job_reports_per_branch: Dict[str, List[JobReport]],
bench_labels: Set[str]) -> List[TemplateBenchData]:
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
Creates all the necessary data for the Jinja template from all collected
benchmark job reports.
:param job_reports_per_branch: Mapping of branch name to list of job reports.
job reports should be sorted by the commit date, otherwise the difference
between scores might be wrongly computed.
:param bench_labels:
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
def pct_to_str(score_diff_perc: float) -> str:
if not np.isnan(score_diff_perc):
buff = "+" if score_diff_perc > 0 else ""
buff += "{:.5f}".format(score_diff_perc * 100)
buff += "%"
return buff
return "NaN"
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def diff_str(score_diff: float, score_diff_perc: float) -> str:
if not np.isnan(score_diff):
diff_str = "+" if score_diff > 0 else ""
diff_str += "{:.5f}".format(score_diff)
diff_str += " ("
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
diff_str += pct_to_str(score_diff_perc)
diff_str += ")"
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
return diff_str
return "NA"
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
template_bench_datas: List[TemplateBenchData] = []
for bench_label in bench_labels:
logging.debug(f"Creating template data for benchmark {bench_label}")
branch_datapoints: Dict[str, List[BenchDatapoint]] = {}
for branch, job_reports in job_reports_per_branch.items():
logging.debug(f"Creating datapoints for branch {branch} from {len(job_reports)} job reports")
datapoints: List[BenchDatapoint] = []
for job_report in job_reports:
prev_datapoint: Optional[BenchDatapoint] = \
datapoints[-1] if len(datapoints) > 0 else None
if bench_label in job_report.label_score_dict:
score = job_report.label_score_dict[bench_label]
commit = job_report.bench_run.head_commit
timestamp = datetime.strptime(
commit_msg_header = \
commit.message.splitlines()[0].replace('"', "'")
series = pd.Series([
prev_datapoint.score if prev_datapoint else None,
score_diff = series.diff()[1]
score_diff_perc = series.pct_change()[1]
tooltip = "score = " + str(score) + "\\n"
tooltip += "date = " + str(timestamp) + "\\n"
tooltip += "branch = " + branch + "\\n"
tooltip += "diff = " + diff_str(score_diff, score_diff_perc)
author_name = commit.author.name\
.replace('"', '\\"')\
.replace("'", "\\'")
commit_url=ENSO_COMMIT_BASE_URL + commit.id,
logging.debug(f"{len(datapoints)} datapoints created for branch {branch}")
branch_datapoints[branch] = datapoints.copy()
logging.debug(f"Template data for benchmark {bench_label} created")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
return template_bench_datas
def _label_to_id(label: str) -> str:
return label.replace(".", "_")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
def _label_to_name(label: str) -> str:
items = label.split(".")
assert len(items) >= 2
filtered_items = \
[item for item in items if item not in (
return "_".join(filtered_items)
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
def _gather_all_bench_labels(job_reports: List[JobReport]) -> Set[str]:
Iterates through all the job reports and gathers all the benchmark labels
found. Note that every job report can have a different set of benchmark labels.
:return: List of benchmark labels.
all_labels = set()
for job_report in job_reports:
for labels in job_report.label_score_dict.keys():
return all_labels
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
def render_html(jinja_data: JinjaData, template_file: str, html_out_fname: str) -> None:
jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader("."))
jinja_template = jinja_env.get_template(template_file)
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
generated_html = jinja_template.render(jinja_data.__dict__)
if path.exists(html_out_fname):
logging.info(f"{html_out_fname} already exist, rewritting")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
with open(html_out_fname, "w") as html_file:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
def ensure_gh_installed() -> None:
out = subprocess.run(["gh", "--version"], check=True, capture_output=True)
if out.returncode != 0:
print("`gh` command not found - GH CLI utility is not installed. "
"See https://cli.github.com/", file=sys.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print("`gh` command not found - GH CLI utility is not installed. "
"See https://cli.github.com/", file=sys.stderr)
async def main():
default_since: datetime = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=14))
default_until: datetime = datetime.now()
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
default_cache_dir = path.expanduser("~/.cache/enso_bench_download")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
default_csv_out = "Engine_Benchs/data/benchs.csv"
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
date_format_help = DATE_FORMAT.replace("%", "%%")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
def _parse_bench_source(_bench_source: str) -> Source:
return Source(_bench_source)
except ValueError:
print(f"Invalid benchmark source {_bench_source}.", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"Available sources: {[source.value for source in Source]}", file=sys.stderr)
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
arg_parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
arg_parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--source",
type=lambda s: _parse_bench_source(s),
help=f"The source of the benchmarks. Available sources: "
f"{[source.value for source in Source]}")
arg_parser.add_argument("--since", action="store",
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
type=lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, DATE_FORMAT),
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
help=f"The date from which the benchmark results will be gathered. "
f"Format is {date_format_help}. "
f"The default is 14 days before")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
arg_parser.add_argument("--until", action="store",
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
type=lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, DATE_FORMAT),
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
help=f"The date until which the benchmark results will be gathered. "
f"Format is {date_format_help}. "
f"The default is today")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
type=lambda input: True if input in ("true", "True") else False,
help="Whether the cache directory should be used. The default is False.")
arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--cache", action="store",
help=f"Cache directory. Makes sense only iff specified with --use-cache argument. "
f"The default is {default_cache_dir}. If there are any troubles with the "
f"cache, just do `rm -rf {default_cache_dir}`.")
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
arg_parser.add_argument("-b", "--branches", action="store",
help="List of branches to gather the benchmark results from. "
"The default is ['develop']")
arg_parser.add_argument("-l", "--labels", action="store",
help="List of labels to gather the benchmark results from."
"The default behavior is to gather all the labels")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
arg_parser.add_argument("-t", "--tmp-dir", action="store",
help="Temporary directory with default created by `tempfile.mkdtemp()`")
arg_parser.add_argument("--create-csv", action="store_true",
help="Whether an intermediate `benchs.csv` should be created. "
"Appropriate to see whether the benchmark downloading was successful. "
"Or if you wish to inspect the CSV with Enso")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
help="Output CSV file. Makes sense only when used with --create-csv argument")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
log_level = logging.DEBUG
log_level = logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, stream=sys.stdout)
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
since: datetime = args.since
until: datetime = args.until
cache_dir: str = args.cache
if not args.tmp_dir:
temp_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp()
temp_dir: str = args.tmp_dir
use_cache: bool = args.use_cache
assert cache_dir and temp_dir
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
bench_source: Source = args.source
csv_output: str = args.csv_output
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
create_csv: bool = args.create_csv
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
branches: List[str] = args.branches
labels_override: Set[str] = args.labels
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
logging.debug(f"parsed args: since={since}, until={until}, cache_dir={cache_dir}, "
f"temp_dir={temp_dir}, use_cache={use_cache}, bench_source={bench_source}, "
f"csv_output={csv_output}, "
f"create_csv={create_csv}, branches={branches}, "
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
# If the user requires benchmarks for which artifacts are not retained
# anymore, then cache should be used.
min_since_without_cache = datetime.today() - GH_ARTIFACT_RETENTION_PERIOD
if not use_cache and since < min_since_without_cache:
logging.warning(f"The default GH artifact retention period is "
f"This means that all the artifacts older than "
f"{min_since_without_cache.date()} are expired."
f"The use_cache parameter is set to False, so no "
f"expired artifacts will be fetched.")
logging.warning(f"The `since` parameter is reset to "
f"{min_since_without_cache.date()} to prevent "
f"unnecessary GH API queries.")
since = min_since_without_cache
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
if use_cache:
cache = populate_cache(cache_dir)
cache = FakeCache()
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
bench_labels: Optional[Set[str]] = None
""" Set of all gathered benchmark labels from all the job reports """
job_reports_per_branch: Dict[str, List[JobReport]] = {}
for branch in branches:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
bench_runs: List[JobRun] = []
for workflow_id in bench_source.workflow_ids():
await get_bench_runs(since, until, branch, workflow_id)
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
if len(bench_runs) == 0:
2023-04-20 12:25:36 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
f"No successful benchmarks found within period since {since}"
f" until {until} for branch {branch}")
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
job_reports: List[JobReport] = []
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
async def _process_report(_bench_run):
_job_report = await get_bench_report(_bench_run, cache, temp_dir)
if _job_report:
tasks = []
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
for bench_run in bench_runs:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
logging.debug(f"Got {len(job_reports)} job reports for branch {branch}")
2023-04-20 12:25:36 +03:00
if len(job_reports) == 0:
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
print(f"There were 0 job_reports in the specified time interval, "
f"for branch {branch}, so "
2023-04-20 12:25:36 +03:00
"there is nothing to visualize or compare.")
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
logging.debug("Sorting job_reports by commit date")
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
def _get_timestamp(job_report: JobReport) -> datetime:
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
return datetime.strptime(
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
job_reports.sort(key=lambda report: _get_timestamp(report))
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
if create_csv:
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
write_bench_reports_to_csv(job_reports, csv_output)
logging.info(f"Benchmarks written to {csv_output}")
print(f"The generated CSV is in {csv_output}")
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
# Gather all the benchmark labels from all the job reports
if bench_labels is None:
all_bench_labels = _gather_all_bench_labels(job_reports)
if len(labels_override) > 0:
logging.info(f"Subset of labels specified: {labels_override}")
if not set(labels_override).issubset(all_bench_labels):
print(f"Specified bench labels {labels_override} are not a subset of "
f"all bench labels {all_bench_labels}")
bench_labels = labels_override
bench_labels = all_bench_labels
logging.debug(f"Gathered bench_labels: {bench_labels}")
job_reports_per_branch[branch] = job_reports
template_bench_datas: List[TemplateBenchData] = \
create_template_data(job_reports_per_branch, bench_labels)
template_bench_datas.sort(key=lambda data: data.id)
jinja_data = JinjaData(
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
display_since=max(until - timedelta(days=30), since),
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
2023-04-05 22:03:50 +03:00
2023-07-13 20:25:58 +03:00
# Render Jinja template with jinja_data
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
if not path.exists(GENERATED_SITE_DIR):
logging.debug(f"Rendering HTML from {JINJA_TEMPLATE} to {GENERATED_SITE_DIR}")
site_path = path.join(GENERATED_SITE_DIR, bench_source.value + "-benchs.html")
logging.debug(f"Copying static site content from {TEMPLATES_DIR} to {GENERATED_SITE_DIR}")
path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, "styles.css"),
path.join(GENERATED_SITE_DIR, "styles.css")
index_html_abs_path = path.abspath(site_path)
print(f"The generated HTML is in {index_html_abs_path}")
print(f"Open file://{index_html_abs_path} in the browser")
2023-03-28 18:56:24 +03:00
2023-09-06 17:30:52 +03:00
if __name__ == "__main__":