mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 16:44:05 +03:00
Profiling framework: simplify high-level API (#3270)
See: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/181236181
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
use inflector::Inflector;
use quote::ToTokens;
use std::env;
use std::mem;
use syn::parse::Parser;
use syn::punctuated;
use syn::visit_mut;
@ -32,11 +31,10 @@ use syn::visit_mut::VisitMut;
// === define_hierarchy! ===
// =========================
/// Define a profiler type.
fn define_profiler(
level: &syn::Ident,
ObjIdent: &syn::Ident,
obj_ident: &syn::Ident,
enabled: bool,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let start = quote::format_ident!("start_{}", level);
@ -56,15 +54,23 @@ fn define_profiler(
#[doc = #doc_obj]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct #ObjIdent(pub ProfilerId);
pub struct #obj_ident(pub EventId);
// === Trait Implementations ===
impl Profiler for #ObjIdent {
type Started = ProfilerData;
fn finish(self, data: &Self::Started) {
impl Profiler for #obj_ident {
fn start(parent: EventId, label: Label, time: Option<Timestamp>) -> Self {
#obj_ident(EventLog.start(parent, label, time))
fn finish(self) {
EventLog.end(self.0, Timestamp::now())
fn pause(&self) {
EventLog.pause(self.0, Timestamp::now());
fn resume(&self) {
EventLog.resume(self.0, Timestamp::now());
@ -77,7 +83,7 @@ fn define_profiler(
($parent: expr, $label: expr) => {{
use profiler::Parent;
let label = concat!($label, " (", file!(), ":", line!(), ")");
let profiler: profiler::Started<profiler::#ObjIdent> = $parent.new_child(label);
let profiler: profiler::Started<profiler::#obj_ident> = $parent.new_child(label);
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ fn define_profiler(
($parent: expr, $label: expr) => {{
use profiler::Parent;
let label = concat!($label, " (", file!(), ":", line!(), ")");
let profiler: profiler::Started<profiler::#ObjIdent> =
let profiler: profiler::Started<profiler::#obj_ident> =
@ -102,14 +108,16 @@ fn define_profiler(
#[doc = #doc_obj]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct #ObjIdent(pub ());
pub struct #obj_ident(pub ());
// === Trait Implementations ===
impl Profiler for #ObjIdent {
type Started = ();
fn finish(self, _: &Self::Started) {}
impl Profiler for #obj_ident {
fn start(_: EventId, _: Label, _: Option<Timestamp>) -> Self { Self(()) }
fn finish(self) {}
fn pause(&self) {}
fn resume(&self) { }
@ -119,14 +127,14 @@ fn define_profiler(
macro_rules! #start {
($parent: expr, $label: expr) => {
profiler::Started { profiler: profiler::#ObjIdent(()), data: () }
#[doc = #doc_with_same_start]
macro_rules! #with_same_start {
($parent: expr, $label: expr) => {
profiler::Started { profiler: profiler::#ObjIdent(()), data: () }
@ -136,26 +144,18 @@ fn define_profiler(
/// Generates an implementation of the [`Parent`] trait relating the given parent and child, when
/// both are enabled.
fn enabled_impl_parent(
ParentIdent: &syn::Ident,
ChildIdent: &syn::Ident,
parent_ident: &syn::Ident,
child_ident: &syn::Ident,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let ts = quote::quote! {
impl Parent<#ChildIdent> for #ParentIdent {
fn new_child(&self, label:Label) -> Started<#ChildIdent> {
let profiler = #ChildIdent(ProfilerId::new());
let parent = self.0;
impl Parent<#child_ident> for #parent_ident {
fn new_child(&self, label:Label) -> Started<#child_ident> {
let start = Some(Timestamp::now());
let data = ProfilerData { parent, start, label };
Started { profiler, data }
Started(#child_ident::start(self.0, label, start))
fn new_child_same_start(&self, label:Label) -> Started<#ChildIdent> {
let profiler = #ChildIdent(ProfilerId::new());
let parent = self.0;
let start = None;
let data = ProfilerData { parent, start, label };
Started { profiler, data }
fn new_child_same_start(&self, label:Label) -> Started<#child_ident> {
Started(#child_ident::start(self.0, label, None))
@ -164,20 +164,17 @@ fn enabled_impl_parent(
/// Generates an implementation of the [`Parent`] trait relating the given parent and child, when
/// the child is disabled.
fn disabled_impl_parent(
ParentIdent: &syn::Ident,
ChildIdent: &syn::Ident,
parent_ident: &syn::Ident,
child_ident: &syn::Ident,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let ts = quote::quote! {
impl Parent<#ChildIdent> for #ParentIdent {
fn new_child(&self, label: Label) -> Started<#ChildIdent> {
impl Parent<#child_ident> for #parent_ident {
fn new_child(&self, label: Label) -> Started<#child_ident> {
fn new_child_same_start(&self, _label: Label) -> Started<#ChildIdent> {
let profiler = #ChildIdent(());
let data = ();
Started { profiler, data }
fn new_child_same_start(&self, _label: Label) -> Started<#child_ident> {
@ -212,20 +209,19 @@ fn get_enabled_level(levels: &[impl AsRef<str>]) -> usize {
/// Profiler-level names should be given in CamelCase.
pub fn define_hierarchy(ts: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let parser = punctuated::Punctuated::<syn::Ident, syn::Token![,]>::parse_terminated;
let idents: Vec<_> = parser.parse(ts).unwrap().into_iter().collect();
let level_names: Vec<_> = idents.iter().map(|id| id.to_string().to_snake_case()).collect();
let enabled_level = get_enabled_level(&level_names);
let mut out = proc_macro::TokenStream::new();
for ((i, ObjIdent), level_name) in idents.iter().enumerate().zip(level_names.iter()) {
for ((i, obj_ident), level_name) in idents.iter().enumerate().zip(level_names.iter()) {
let snake_ident = syn::Ident::new(level_name, proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
out.extend(define_profiler(&snake_ident, ObjIdent, enabled_level >= i));
for (j, ChildIdent) in idents[i..].iter().enumerate() {
out.extend(define_profiler(&snake_ident, obj_ident, enabled_level >= i));
for (j, child_ident) in idents[i..].iter().enumerate() {
let parent_impl = match enabled_level >= i + j {
true => enabled_impl_parent(ObjIdent, ChildIdent),
false => disabled_impl_parent(ObjIdent, ChildIdent),
true => enabled_impl_parent(obj_ident, child_ident),
false => disabled_impl_parent(obj_ident, child_ident),
@ -246,51 +242,73 @@ pub fn profile(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
ts: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
assert!(args.is_empty(), "#[profile] does not expect any arguments");
let mut func = syn::parse_macro_input!(ts as syn::ItemFn);
let body_default =
Box::new(syn::Block { brace_token: Default::default(), stmts: vec![] });
let mut new_body = body_default.clone();
let orig_body = mem::replace(&mut func.block, body_default);
let orig_sig = func.sig.clone();
// Emit instrumentation at the beginning of the new body; genericize the wrapper's signature.
instrument(&mut func.sig, &mut new_body);
// Instead of inserting the original body directly, wrap it in a closure that is not generic
// over `impl Parent`; this avoids the code-size cost of monomorphizing it.
wrap_body(&orig_sig, *orig_body, &mut new_body);
func.block = new_body;
let obj_ident: syn::Ident = syn::parse(args)
.expect("The `profile` macro requires a profiling-level argument, e.g. #[profile(Task)]");
let label = make_label(&func.sig.ident);
match func.sig.asyncness {
Some(_) => profile_async(obj_ident, label, &mut func),
None => profile_sync(obj_ident, label, &mut func),
// === instrument ===
/// Insert instrumentation into the body, and genericize the profiler input to `impl Parent`.
fn instrument(sig: &mut syn::Signature, body: &mut syn::Block) {
let profiler_label = make_label(&sig.ident);
// Parse profiler argument in signature.
let last_arg = match sig.inputs.last_mut() {
Some(syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type)) => pat_type,
_ => panic!("Function annotated with #[profile] must have a profiler argument."),
fn profile_async(obj_ident: syn::Ident, label: String, func: &mut syn::ItemFn) {
let start_profiler = start_profiler(obj_ident, label, func.sig.asyncness.is_some());
for s in &mut func.block.stmts {
let block = &func.block;
let body = quote::quote! {{
async move {
let result = #block;
let output_ty = match &func.sig.output {
syn::ReturnType::Default => quote::quote! { () },
syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => ty.to_token_stream(),
let profiler = last_arg.pat.clone();
// Replace profiler type `T `in sig with `impl Parent<T>`.
let profiler_type_in = last_arg.ty.clone();
let profiler_generic_parent = quote::quote! { impl profiler::Parent<#profiler_type_in> };
last_arg.ty = Box::new(syn::Type::Verbatim(profiler_generic_parent));
// Emit instrumentation statements.
let start_profiler = quote::quote! {
let _profiler = #profiler.new_child(#profiler_label);
let output = quote::quote! {
-> impl std::future::Future<Output=#output_ty>
let get_profiler = quote::quote! {
let #profiler = _profiler.profiler;
func.sig.asyncness = None;
func.sig.output = syn::parse2(output).unwrap();
func.block = syn::parse2(body).unwrap();
fn profile_sync(obj_ident: syn::Ident, label: String, func: &mut syn::ItemFn) {
let start_profiler = start_profiler(obj_ident, label, func.sig.asyncness.is_some());
let block = &func.block;
let body = quote::quote! {{
func.block = syn::parse2(body).unwrap();
fn start_profiler(
obj_ident: syn::Ident,
label: String,
asyncness: bool,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let start_await = match asyncness {
true => quote::quote! { profiler.pause(); },
false => quote::quote! {},
quote::quote! {
let __profiler_scope = {
use profiler::Profiler;
let parent = profiler::IMPLICIT_ID;
let now = Some(profiler::Timestamp::now());
let profiler = profiler::#obj_ident::start(parent, #label, now);
#[cfg(not(feature = "lineno"))]
@ -309,103 +327,31 @@ fn make_label(ident: &syn::Ident) -> String {
format!("{} ({}:{})", ident, path, line)
// === wrap_body ===
struct WrapAwait;
type ClosureInputs = punctuated::Punctuated<syn::Pat, syn::Token![,]>;
type CallArgs = punctuated::Punctuated<syn::Expr, syn::Token![,]>;
/// Transforms a function's body into a new body that:
/// - Defines a nested function whose body is the original body.
/// - Calls the inner function, forwarding all arguments, returning its result.
/// The output of this transformation is operationally equivalent to the input; it is only useful in
/// conjunction with additional transformations. In particular, if after further transformation the
/// outer function is more generic than the inner function for some parameters, this pattern avoids
/// the code-size cost of monomorphization for those parameters.
/// # Implementation
/// For the nested function, we generate a closure rather than the more common `fn` seen with this
/// pattern because we need to be able to forward a `self` argument, but have no way to determine
/// the type of `Self`, so we can't write a function signature. In a closure definition, we can
/// simply leave the type of that argument implicit.
/// # Limitations
/// Not currently supported:
/// - `unsafe` functions
/// - functions with destructuring bindings
/// - functions containing an `impl` for a `struct` or `trait`
fn wrap_body(sig: &syn::Signature, mut body: syn::Block, body_out: &mut syn::Block) {
// If there's a `self` parameter, we need to replace it with an ordinary binding in the wrapped
// block (here) and signature (below, building `closure_inputs`).
let placeholder_self = syn::Ident::new("__wrap_body__self", proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
let find = syn::Ident::new("self", proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
let replace = placeholder_self.clone();
ReplaceAll { find, replace }.visit_block_mut(&mut body);
let mut call_args = CallArgs::new();
let mut closure_inputs = ClosureInputs::new();
for input in &sig.inputs {
call_args.push(match input {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(r) => ident_to_expr(r.self_token.into()),
syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => pat_to_expr(&pat_type.pat),
closure_inputs.push(match input {
syn::FnArg::Receiver(_) => ident_to_pat(placeholder_self.clone()),
syn::FnArg::Typed(pat_ty) => pat_ty.clone().into(),
impl visit_mut::VisitMut for WrapAwait {
fn visit_expr_mut(&mut self, expr: &mut syn::Expr) {
if let syn::Expr::Await(await_) = expr {
let new_expr = wrap_await(await_);
*expr = new_expr;
let wrapped = match &sig.asyncness {
None => quote::quote! {
return (|#closure_inputs| #body)(#call_args);
Some(_) => quote::quote! {
return (|#closure_inputs| async { #body })(#call_args).await;
fn wrap_await(await_: &syn::ExprAwait) -> syn::Expr {
let expr = &await_.base;
"#[profile] cannot wrap a function that applies attributes to an .await expression"
let wrapped = quote::quote! {
let future = #expr;
let result = future.await;
struct ReplaceAll {
find: proc_macro2::Ident,
replace: proc_macro2::Ident,
impl visit_mut::VisitMut for ReplaceAll {
fn visit_ident_mut(&mut self, i: &mut syn::Ident) {
if i == &self.find {
*i = self.replace.clone();
fn pat_to_expr(pat: &syn::Pat) -> syn::Expr {
match pat {
syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { ident, .. }) => ident_to_expr(ident.to_owned()),
syn::Pat::Reference(syn::PatReference { pat, mutability, .. }) => {
let expr = Box::new(pat_to_expr(pat));
let mutability = mutability.to_owned();
let attrs = Default::default();
let and_token = Default::default();
let raw = Default::default();
syn::ExprReference { expr, mutability, attrs, and_token, raw }.into()
_ => unimplemented!("destructuring-bind in signature of fn wrapped by #[profile]"),
fn ident_to_expr(ident: syn::Ident) -> syn::Expr {
let path = ident.into();
let attrs = Default::default();
let qself = Default::default();
syn::ExprPath { path, qself, attrs }.into()
fn ident_to_pat(ident: syn::Ident) -> syn::Pat {
let attrs = Default::default();
let by_ref = None;
let mutability = None;
let subpat = None;
syn::PatIdent { attrs, by_ref, mutability, ident, subpat }.into()
@ -9,16 +9,6 @@
//! Every profiler has a parent, except the special profiler value [`APP_LIFETIME`]. Each of its
//! children is considered a *root profiler*.
//! ## Parents of async tasks
//! `async` tasks do not have an inherent parent-child relationship. To fit them into a hierarchical
//! data model, we must rely on convention: when a profiler is created, **its parent must be
//! chosen** such that the lifetime of the child is entirely bounded within the lifetime of the
//! parent. The appropriate parent for a profiler will not necessarily be its direct ancestor in
//! scope, nor necessarily the most recent profiler that has been started and not yet finished--
//! typically, it will be both of those things, but users must be aware of exceptional cases.
//! Exceptions will usually occur when a task is *spawned*, e.g. with `executor::global::spawn`.
//! # Profiling levels
//! Profiling has performance overhead; to support fine-grained measurement when it is needed, but
@ -59,7 +49,7 @@
//! units of organization of the code.
//! To support such structured measurement, the **primary interface is a
//! [`#[profile]`](macro@profile) attribute macro**, which instruments a whole function.
//! [`#[profile]`](macro@profile) attribute macro**, which instruments a whole function.
//! # Low-level: RAII interface
@ -80,18 +70,23 @@
//! ```
//! # use enso_profiler as profiler;
//! fn using_low_level_api(input: u32, profiler: impl profiler::Parent<profiler::Task>) {
//! # use profiler::profile;
//! async fn using_low_level_api(input: u32, profiler: impl profiler::Parent<profiler::Task>) {
//! if input == 4 {
//! let _profiler = profiler::start_task!(profiler, "subtask_4");
//! // ...
//! } else {
//! let _profiler = profiler::start_task!(profiler, "subtask_other");
//! profiler::await_!(callee(input), _profiler);
//! // ...
//! }
//! }
//! #[profile(Detail)]
//! async fn callee(input: u32) {}
//! ```
//! ## Measuring a block
//! ### Measuring a block
//! When a measurement is ended by implicitly dropping its profiler at the end of a block, the
//! profiler should be created as **the first line of the block**; it measures one full block, and
@ -102,13 +97,19 @@
//! indicates that the binding is used to identify a scope, even if it is *also* used for its a
//! value.
//! ## Accepting a parent argument
//! ### Accepting a parent argument
//! A function using the low-level API may need to accept a profiler argument to use as the parent
//! for a new profiler. The function should be able to accept any type of profiler that is of a
//! suitable level to be a parent of the profiler it is creating. This is supported by accepting an
//! **argument that is generic over the [`Parent`] trait**.
//! ### Profiling `.await`
//! Within a profiled scope, `.await` should not be used directly. The wrapper [`await_!`] is
//! provided to await a future while making the profiling framework aware of the start and end times
//! of the await-interval.
//! ## Advanced Example: creating a root profiler
//! ```
@ -145,7 +146,6 @@
extern crate test;
use std::cell;
use std::num;
use std::str;
@ -241,29 +241,25 @@ pub mod js {
// ==================
// === ProfilerId ===
// ==================
// ===============
// === EventId ===
// ===============
/// Uniquely identifies a runtime measurement.
/// Identifies an event in the profiling log.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ProfilerId(u32);
pub struct EventId(u32);
impl ProfilerId {
fn new() -> Self {
thread_local! {
pub static NEXT_ID: cell::Cell<u32> = cell::Cell::new(1);
ProfilerId(NEXT_ID.with(|next_id| {
let id = next_id.get();
next_id.set(id + 1);
// === Special Profilers / IDs ===
/// Special value indicating that no explicit prior event is associated.
/// When used to identify a parent, this indicates that the parent can be inferred to be the
/// current profiler.
pub const IMPLICIT_ID: EventId = EventId(u32::MAX);
const APP_LIFETIME_ID: EventId = EventId(u32::MAX - 1);
/// Pseudo-profiler serving as the root of the measurement hierarchy.
pub const APP_LIFETIME: Objective = Objective(ProfilerId(0));
pub const APP_LIFETIME: Objective = Objective(APP_LIFETIME_ID);
@ -273,65 +269,60 @@ pub const APP_LIFETIME: Objective = Objective(ProfilerId(0));
/// The interface supported by profiler-data objects.
pub trait StartedProfiler {
/// Log a measurement, identified by `profiler`, with end-time set to now.
fn finish(&self, profiler: ProfilerId);
// === Implementation for disabled profilers ===
impl StartedProfiler for () {
fn finish(&self, _: ProfilerId) {}
/// Log the end of a measurement, with end-time set to now.
fn finish(self);
// === Implementation for enabled profilers ===
// ====================
// === ProfilerData ===
// ====================
/// Data used by a started [`Measurement`] for an enabled profile level.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ProfilerData {
/// Identifier of the parent [`Measurement`].
pub parent: ProfilerId,
/// Start time for this [`Measurement`], or None to indicate it is the same as `parent`.
pub start: Option<Timestamp>,
/// Identifies where in the code this [`Measurement`] originates.
pub label: Label,
// === Trait Implementations ===
impl StartedProfiler for ProfilerData {
fn finish(&self, profiler: ProfilerId) {
let parent = self.parent;
let start = self.start;
let label = self.label;
let end = Timestamp::now();
let measurement = Measurement { parent, profiler, start, end, label };
crate::MEASUREMENTS.with(move |log| log.push(measurement));
impl StartedProfiler for EventId {
fn finish(self) {
let timestamp = Timestamp::now();
EventLog.end(self, timestamp);
// === Implementation for disabled profilers ===
// ===================
// === Measurement ===
// ===================
impl StartedProfiler for () {
fn finish(self) {}
/// Record of a profiled section, the parent it was reached by, and its entry and exit times.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Measurement {
/// A unique identifier.
pub profiler: ProfilerId,
/// Identifies parent [`Measurement`] by its `profiler` field.
pub parent: ProfilerId,
/// Start time, or None to indicate it is the same as `parent`.
pub start: Option<Timestamp>,
/// The end time.
pub end: Timestamp,
/// Identifies where in the code this [`Measurement`] originates.
pub label: Label,
// ================
// === EventLog ===
// ================
/// The log of profiling events. Data is actually stored globally.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct EventLog;
impl EventLog {
/// Log the beginning of a measurement.
pub fn start(self, parent: EventId, label: Label, start: Option<Timestamp>) -> EventId {
let m = Start { parent, label, start };
let id = EVENTS.with(move |log| log.len()) as u32;
EVENTS.with(move |log| log.push(Event::Start(m)));
/// Log the end of a measurement.
pub fn end(self, id: EventId, timestamp: Timestamp) {
EVENTS.with(move |log| log.push(Event::End { id, timestamp }));
/// Log the beginning of an interval in which the measurement is not active.
pub fn pause(self, id: EventId, timestamp: Timestamp) {
EVENTS.with(move |log| log.push(Event::Pause { id, timestamp }));
/// Log the end of an interval in which the measurement is not active.
pub fn resume(self, id: EventId, timestamp: Timestamp) {
EVENTS.with(move |log| log.push(Event::Resume { id, timestamp }));
/// Internal
@ -369,6 +360,13 @@ pub mod internal {
// Note [LocalVecBuilder Safety]
unsafe { mem::take(&mut *self.0.get()) }
/// The number of elements that are currently available.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
// Note [LocalVecBuilder Safety]
unsafe { &*self.0.get() }.len()
// Note [LocalVecBuilder Safety]
// =============================
@ -380,36 +378,94 @@ pub mod internal {
// ====================
// ====================
// ==============
// === EVENTS ===
// ==============
thread_local! {
/// Global log of [`Measurement`]s.
pub static MEASUREMENTS: LocalVecBuilder<Measurement> = LocalVecBuilder::new();
/// Global log of [`Events`]s.
pub static EVENTS: LocalVecBuilder<Event> = LocalVecBuilder::new();
pub use internal::MEASUREMENTS;
pub use internal::EVENTS;
/// Gather all measurements taken since the last time take_log() was called.
pub fn take_log() -> Vec<Measurement> {
MEASUREMENTS.with(|log| log.build())
/// Gather all events logged since the last time take_log() was called.
/// Except in testing, this should only be done once. (Supporting incremental output would
/// require generating EventIds with a counter that isn't reset on log.build()).
pub fn take_log() -> Vec<Event> {
EVENTS.with(|log| log.build())
// =============
// === Event ===
// =============
/// An entry in the profiling log.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Event {
/// The beginning of a measurement.
/// The end of a measurement.
End {
/// Identifies the measurement by the ID of its Start event.
id: EventId,
/// When the event occurred.
timestamp: Timestamp,
/// The beginning of an interruption to a measurement, e.g. an await point.
Pause {
/// Identifies the measurement by the ID of its Start event.
id: EventId,
/// When the event occurred.
timestamp: Timestamp,
/// The end of an interruption to an a measurement, e.g. an await point.
Resume {
/// Identifies the measurement by the ID of its Start event.
id: EventId,
/// When the event occurred.
timestamp: Timestamp,
// =============
// === Start ===
// =============
/// A measurement-start entry in the profiling log.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Start {
/// Specifies parent measurement by its [`Start`].
pub parent: EventId,
/// Start time, or None to indicate it is the same as `parent`.
pub start: Option<Timestamp>,
/// Identifies where in the code this measurement originates.
pub label: Label,
// ================
// === Profiler ===
// ================
/// The interface supported by profilers of all profiling levels.
pub trait Profiler: Copy {
/// Metadata this profiler stores from when it is started until it is finished.
type Started: StartedProfiler;
/// Log a measurement, using `self` as identifier, the present time as end time, and metadata as
/// provided in `data`.
fn finish(self, data: &Self::Started);
pub trait Profiler {
/// Log the beginning of a measurement.
/// Return an object that can be used to end the measurement.
fn start(parent: EventId, label: Label, time: Option<Timestamp>) -> Self;
/// Log the end of a measurement.
fn finish(self);
/// Log the beginning of an interval in which the profiler is not active.
fn pause(&self);
/// Log the end of an interval in which the profiler is not active.
fn resume(&self);
@ -419,7 +475,7 @@ pub trait Profiler: Copy {
// ==============
/// Any object representing a profiler that is a valid parent for a profiler of type T.
pub trait Parent<T: Profiler> {
pub trait Parent<T: Profiler + Copy> {
/// Start a new profiler, with `self` as its parent.
fn new_child(&self, label: Label) -> Started<T>;
/// Create a new profiler, with `self` as its parent, and the same start time as `self`.
@ -432,41 +488,67 @@ pub trait Parent<T: Profiler> {
// === Started ===
// ===============
/// A profiler that has a start time set, and will complete its measurement when dropped.
/// A profiler that can be used as a parent for async profilers, has a start time set, and will
/// complete its measurement when dropped.
pub struct Started<T: Profiler> {
/// The ID to log this measurement as.
pub profiler: T,
/// Metadata to associate with this measurement when it is logged.
pub data: T::Started,
pub struct Started<T: Profiler + Copy>(pub T);
// === Trait Implementations ===
impl<T: Profiler> Drop for Started<T> {
impl<T: Profiler + Copy> Profiler for Started<T> {
fn start(parent: EventId, label: Label, time: Option<Timestamp>) -> Self {
Self(T::start(parent, label, time))
fn finish(self) {
fn pause(&self) {
fn resume(&self) {
impl<T: Profiler + Copy> Drop for Started<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let profiler = self.profiler;
impl<T, U> Parent<T> for Started<U>
U: Parent<T> + Profiler,
T: Profiler,
U: Parent<T> + Profiler + Copy,
T: Profiler + Copy,
fn new_child(&self, label: Label) -> Started<T> {
fn new_child_same_start(&self, label: Label) -> Started<T> {
// ===============
// === await_! ===
// ===============
/// Await a future, logging appropriate await events for the given profiler.
macro_rules! await_ {
($evaluates_to_future:expr, $profiler:ident) => {{
let future = $evaluates_to_future;
let result = future.await;
// ===================================
// === profiler_macros Invocations ===
// ===================================
@ -479,24 +561,15 @@ where
/// # Usage
/// The last argument must be an instance of a profiler type. The type given determines the
/// profiling level at which measurement is enabled; the macro will modify the function's
/// signature so that it can be called with any profiler that could be a *parent* of the
/// profiler.
/// The argument to the macro is a profiler type name, identifying the
/// [profiling level](#profiling-levels) at which to instrument the function.
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use enso_profiler::profile;
/// #[profile]
/// fn small_computation(input: i16, profiler: profiler::Detail) -> u32 {
/// todo!()
/// }
/// #[enso_profiler_macros::profile]
/// fn bigger_computation(profiler: profiler::Task) -> u32 {
/// // Our task-level profiler is not the same type as the detail-level profiler available
/// // inside `small_computation`; it will be converted implicitly.
/// small_computation(7, profiler)
/// #[profile(Detail)]
/// fn example(input: u32) -> u32 {
/// input
/// }
/// ```
@ -505,96 +578,68 @@ where
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use enso_profiler::profile;
/// fn small_computation(input: i16, profiler: impl profiler::Parent<profiler::Detail>) -> u32 {
/// let _profiler = profiler.new_child("small_computation (file.rs:43)");
/// let profiler = _profiler.profiler;
/// return (|input: i16, profiler: profiler::Detail| todo!())(input, profiler);
/// fn example(input: u32) -> u32 {
/// let __profiler_scope = {
/// use profiler::Profiler;
/// let parent = profiler::IMPLICIT_ID;
/// let now = Some(profiler::Timestamp::now());
/// let profiler = profiler::Detail::start(parent, "example (profiler/src/lib.rs:78)", now);
/// profiler::Started(profiler)
/// };
/// {
/// input
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// fn bigger_computation(profiler: impl profiler::Parent<profiler::Task>) -> u32 {
/// let _profiler = profiler.new_child("bigger_computation (file.rs:48)");
/// let profiler = _profiler.profiler;
/// return (|profiler: profiler::Task| {
/// // Our task-level profiler is not the same type as the detail-level profiler available
/// // inside `small_computation`; it will be converted implicitly.
/// small_computation(7, profiler)
/// })(profiler);
/// The macro is used the same way with async functions:
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use enso_profiler::profile;
/// #[profile(Detail)]
/// async fn example(input: u32) -> u32 {
/// input
/// }
/// ```
/// The implementation for async is a little more complicated:
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use enso_profiler::profile;
/// fn async_example(input: u32) -> impl std::future::Future<Output = u32> {
/// let __profiler_scope = {
/// use profiler::Profiler;
/// let parent = profiler::IMPLICIT_ID;
/// let now = Some(profiler::Timestamp::now());
/// let profiler = profiler::Task::start(parent, "async_example (lib.rs:571)", now);
/// profiler.pause();
/// profiler::Started(profiler)
/// };
/// async move {
/// profiler::Profiler::resume(&__profiler_scope.0);
/// let result = { input };
/// std::mem::drop(__profiler_scope);
/// result
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Limitations
/// Some syntactic constructs are not (currently) supported.
/// ## `.await` expressions with attributes
/// ## Unsafe functions
/// `#[profile]` must rewrite `.await` expressions; it separates the base expression from the
/// `.await` in order to insert instrumentation between them. Since the literal expression the
/// attribute was applied to does not exist in the output, there is no way to handle the
/// attribute that would be correct for any type of attribute.
/// Unsafe functions cannot be wrapped (yet). Use the low-level API.
/// ## Send approximation
/// ## Destructuring binding in function signatures
/// This won't compile:
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use profiler::profile;
/// #[profile]
/// fn unsupported_binding((x, y): (u32, u32), profiler: profiler::Task) -> u32 {
/// x + y
/// }
/// ```
/// Instead, rewrite the function to take the destructuring out of the signature:
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use profiler::profile;
/// #[profile]
/// fn supported_binding(xy: (u32, u32), profiler: profiler::Task) -> u32 {
/// let (x, y) = xy;
/// x + y
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Method definitions in nested items
/// Use of the `self` keyword to refer to anything except the receiver of the wrapped item is
/// not supported; this means you can't define methods *inside* a wrapped function, like this:
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use profiler::profile;
/// #[profile]
/// fn bad_nested_method_def(profiler: profiler::Task) {
/// // This is technically legal syntax, but #[profile] doesn't support it.
/// struct Foo;
/// impl Foo {
/// fn consume(self) {}
/// fn call_consume(self) {
/// self.consume()
/// }
/// }
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Instead, define the items outside the lexical scope of the profiled function:
/// ```
/// # use enso_profiler as profiler;
/// # use profiler::profile;
/// struct Foo;
/// impl Foo {
/// fn consume(self) {}
/// fn call_consume(self) {
/// self.consume()
/// }
/// }
/// #[profile]
/// fn no_nested_method_def(profiler: profiler::Task) {
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// `#[profile]` breaks
/// [Send approximation](https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/07_workarounds/03_send_approximation.html);
/// when it is applied to an `async fn`, the `Future` returned will always be `!Send`.
pub use enso_profiler_macros::profile;
@ -619,11 +664,16 @@ mod tests {
// by absolute paths" (<https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/52234>).
let _profiler = start_objective!(profiler::APP_LIFETIME, "test");
let measurements = profiler::take_log();
assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(measurements[0].parent, profiler::APP_LIFETIME.0);
assert!(measurements[0].label.starts_with("test "));
assert!(measurements[0].end >= measurements[0].start.unwrap());
let log = profiler::take_log();
match &log[..] {
[profiler::Event::Start(m0), profiler::Event::End { id, timestamp: end_time }] => {
assert_eq!(m0.parent, profiler::APP_LIFETIME.0);
assert_eq!(id.0, 0);
assert!(m0.label.starts_with("test "));
assert!(*end_time >= m0.start.unwrap());
_ => panic!("log: {:?}", log),
@ -632,36 +682,67 @@ mod tests {
let _profiler0 = start_objective!(profiler::APP_LIFETIME, "test0");
let _profiler1 = objective_with_same_start!(_profiler0, "test1");
let measurements = profiler::take_log();
assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 2);
// _profiler1 is with_same_start, indicated by None in the log
// Note: _profiler1 is _measurements[0] because position in the log is determined by end
// order, not start order.
assert_eq!(measurements[0].start, None);
// _profiler0 has a start time
let log = profiler::take_log();
use profiler::Event::*;
match &log[..] {
[Start(m0), Start(m1), End { id: id1, .. }, End { id: id0, .. }] => {
// _profiler0 has a start time
// _profiler1 is with_same_start, indicated by None in the log
assert_eq!(m1.start, None);
assert_eq!(id1.0, 1);
assert_eq!(id0.0, 0);
_ => panic!("log: {:?}", log),
fn profile() {
fn profiled(_profiler: profiler::Objective) {}
let measurements = profiler::take_log();
assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 1);
fn profiled() {}
let log = profiler::take_log();
match &log[..] {
[profiler::Event::Start(m0), profiler::Event::End { id: id0, .. }] => {
assert_eq!(m0.parent, profiler::IMPLICIT_ID);
assert_eq!(id0.0, 0);
_ => panic!("log: {:?}", log),
fn profile_async() {
async fn profiled(_profiler: profiler::Objective) -> u32 {
async fn profiled() -> u32 {
let block = async { 4 };
let future = profiled(profiler::APP_LIFETIME);
let future = profiled();
let measurements = profiler::take_log();
assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 1);
let log = profiler::take_log();
match &log[..] {
// implicit await at start of function
profiler::Event::Pause { id: pause0, .. },
profiler::Event::Resume { id: resume0, .. },
// block.await
profiler::Event::Pause { id: pause1, .. },
profiler::Event::Resume { id: resume1, .. },
profiler::Event::End { id: end_id, .. },
] => {
assert_eq!(pause0.0, 0);
assert_eq!(resume0.0, 0);
assert_eq!(pause1.0, 0);
assert_eq!(resume1.0, 0);
assert_eq!(end_id.0, 0);
_ => panic!("log: {:#?}", log),
@ -675,7 +756,7 @@ mod tests {
// Performance variability impact: There's no easy way to measure this, so I'm speaking
// theoretically here. The only operation expected to have a significantly variable cost is the
// Vec::push to grow the MEASUREMENTS log; it sometimes needs to reallocate. However even at its
// Vec::push to grow the EVENTS log; it sometimes needs to reallocate. However even at its
// most expensive, it should be on the order of a 1μs (for reasonable numbers of measurements); so
// the variance introduced by this framework shouldn't disturb even very small measurements (I
// expect <1% added variability for a 1ms measurement).
@ -702,72 +783,59 @@ mod bench {
/// For comparison with time taken by [`log_measurements`].
fn push_vec(count: usize, measurements: &mut Vec<profiler::Measurement>) {
let some_timestamp = profiler::Timestamp(std::num::NonZeroU64::new(1).unwrap());
fn push_vec(count: usize, log: &mut Vec<profiler::Start>) {
for _ in 0..count {
measurements.push(profiler::Measurement {
parent: profiler::ProfilerId(0),
profiler: profiler::ProfilerId(0),
start: None,
end: some_timestamp,
label: "",
log.push(profiler::Start {
parent: profiler::APP_LIFETIME_ID,
start: None,
label: "",
fn push_vec_1000(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let mut measurements = vec![];
b.iter(|| push_vec(1000, &mut measurements));
let mut log = vec![];
b.iter(|| push_vec(1000, &mut log));
fn push_vec_10_000(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let mut measurements = vec![];
b.iter(|| push_vec(10_000, &mut measurements));
let mut log = vec![];
b.iter(|| push_vec(10_000, &mut log));
mod compile_tests {
use crate as profiler;
use profiler::profile;
/// Decorating a pub fn.
pub fn profiled_pub(_profiler: profiler::Objective) {}
pub fn profiled_pub() {}
async fn profiled_async(_profiler: profiler::Objective) {}
async fn profiled_async() {}
unsafe fn profiled_unsafe(_profiler: profiler::Objective) {}
unsafe fn profiled_unsafe() {}
fn mut_binding() {
fn profiled(mut _x: u32, _profiler: profiler::Objective) {
fn profiled(mut _x: u32) {
_x = 4;
profiled(0, profiler::APP_LIFETIME);
let measurements = profiler::take_log();
assert_eq!(measurements.len(), 1);
// Unsupported:
// #[profile]
// fn profiled_destructuring((_x, _y): (u32, u32), _profiler: profiler::Objective) {}
fn profiled_destructuring((_x, _y): (u32, u32)) {}
struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn profiled_method(&mut self, _arg: u32, _profiler: profiler::Objective) {
fn root() {
let _profiler = start_task!(profiler::APP_LIFETIME, "test");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user