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synced 2024-12-22 18:38:11 +03:00
Enso_File integration update: Multi-part upload and presigned URL for download (#11440)
- Closes #11330 - Closes #11331
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Time.Date.Date
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time.Date_Time
import project.Data.Time.Time_Of_Day.Time_Of_Day
import project.Data.Vector.No_Wrap
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.No_Such_Conversion
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ type JS_Object
mapper = ObjectMapper.new
new_object = mapper.createObjectNode
keys = Vector.build builder->
pairs.map pair->
pairs.map on_problems=No_Wrap pair->
case pair.first of
text : Text ->
## Ensure that any dataflow errors that could be stored in `pair.second` are propagated.
@ -350,7 +350,10 @@ type Enso_File
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self
response = case asset.asset_type of
Enso_Asset_Type.File ->
Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Get (asset.internal_uri + "/contents")
presigned_url = asset.get_file_description |> get_required_field "url" expected_type=Text
# We are skipping the cache, because pre-signed URLs are unlikely to repeat, so caching them would be pointless.
# Caching of cloud files tracked by https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/11439
HTTP.fetch presigned_url HTTP_Method.Get cache_policy=..No_Cache
Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link ->
Runtime.assert (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow)
Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Get asset.internal_uri
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import project.Data.Dictionary.Dictionary
import project.Data.Hashset.Hashset
import project.Data.Json.Invalid_JSON
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Numbers.Integer
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
@ -18,28 +19,27 @@ import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.File_Error.File_Error
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Errors.Illegal_State.Illegal_State
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Body.Request_Body
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Error
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Random.Random
import project.Runtime
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.Output_Stream.Output_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link_Helpers import data_link_encoding, data_link_extension
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
polyglot java import java.lang.Thread
upload_file (local_file : File) (destination : Enso_File) (replace_existing : Boolean) -> Enso_File =
result = perform_upload destination replace_existing [local_file, destination]
result.catch Enso_Cloud_Error error->
is_source_file_not_found = case error of
Enso_Cloud_Error.Connection_Error cause -> case cause of
request_error : Request_Error -> request_error.error_type == 'java.io.FileNotFoundException'
_ -> False
_ -> False
if is_source_file_not_found then Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found local_file) else result
perform_upload destination replace_existing [local_file, destination]
A helper function that gathers the common logic for checking existence of
@ -73,26 +73,58 @@ generic_create_asset (destination : Enso_File) (allow_existing : Boolean) (creat
`generate_request_body_and_result` should return a pair,
where the first element is the request body and the second element is the result to be returned.
where the first element is the file to be uploaded and the second element is the result to be returned.
It is executed lazily, only after all pre-conditions are successfully met.
perform_upload (destination : Enso_File) (allow_existing : Boolean) (~generate_request_body_and_result) =
generic_create_asset destination allow_existing parent_directory_asset-> existing_asset-> error_handlers->
if existing_asset.is_nothing.not && existing_asset.asset_type != Enso_Asset_Type.File then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The destination must be a path to a file, not "+existing_asset.asset_type.to_text+".") else
existing_asset_id = existing_asset.if_not_nothing <| existing_asset.id
file_name = destination.name
base_uri = URI.from Utils.files_api
. add_query_argument "parent_directory_id" parent_directory_asset.id
. add_query_argument "file_name" file_name
full_uri = case existing_asset_id of
Nothing -> base_uri
_ -> base_uri . add_query_argument "file_id" existing_asset_id
base_uri = (URI.from Utils.files_api) / "upload"
pair = generate_request_body_and_result
payload = pair.first : File
result = pair.second
file_size = payload.size
Asset_Cache.invalidate destination
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post full_uri pair.first error_handlers=error_handlers
response.if_not_error <|
id = get_required_field "id" response expected_type=Text
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.new id file_name) . if_not_error <|
upload_start_payload = JS_Object.from_pairs [["fileName", file_name], ["size", file_size]]
upload_setup = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post (base_uri / "start") upload_start_payload error_handlers=error_handlers
upload_setup.if_not_error <|
presigned_urls = get_required_field "presignedUrls" upload_setup expected_type=Vector
# Metadata to be passed to `upload/end`
upload_id = get_required_field "uploadId" upload_setup expected_type=Text
source_path = get_required_field "sourcePath" upload_setup expected_type=Text
# Currently we upload chunks one-by-one, in the future this could be done in parallel.
chunk_size = (file_size / presigned_urls.length).ceil
parts = payload.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] input_stream->
presigned_urls.map_with_index i-> part_url->
chunk_bytes = input_stream.read_n_bytes chunk_size
request_body = Request_Body.Byte_Array chunk_bytes
response = _send_chunk_with_retries part_url request_body
e_tag = response.get_header "ETag" if_missing=(Error.throw (Illegal_State.Error "The ETag header is missing in the multipart upload response."))
JS_Object.from_pairs [["partNumber", i + 1], ["eTag", e_tag]]
upload_end_payload = JS_Object.from_pairs <|
[["uploadId", upload_id], ["sourcePath", source_path]]
+ [["parts", parts]]
+ [["fileName", file_name], ["parentDirectoryId", parent_directory_asset.id]]
+ (if existing_asset.is_nothing.not then [["assetId", existing_asset.id]] else [])
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post (base_uri / "end") upload_end_payload error_handlers=error_handlers
response.if_not_error <|
id = get_required_field "id" response expected_type=Text
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.new id file_name) . if_not_error <|
private _send_chunk_with_retries uri request_body attempt:Integer=0 =
result = HTTP.post uri request_body HTTP_Method.Put
exponential_backoff = [100, 200, 400]
if result.is_error.not || (attempt >= exponential_backoff.length) then result else
sleep_time = exponential_backoff.at attempt
Thread.sleep sleep_time
@Tail_Call _send_chunk_with_retries uri request_body attempt+1
Creates a directory at the given path, also creating parent directories if needed.
@ -260,6 +260,9 @@ private _resolve_body body:Request_Body hash_function =
## ToDo: Support hashing a file.
hash = if hash_function.is_nothing then "" else Unimplemented.throw "Hashing a file body is not yet supported."
Resolved_Body.Value (body_publishers.ofFile path) Nothing hash
Request_Body.Byte_Array bytes ->
hash = if hash_function.is_nothing then "" else hash_function bytes
Resolved_Body.Value (body_publishers.ofByteArray bytes) Nothing hash
Request_Body.Form_Data form_data url_encoded ->
_resolve_form_body form_data url_encoded hash_function
Request_Body.Empty ->
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ type Request_Body
- file: The file to send.
Binary (file:File=(Missing_Argument.throw "file"))
Raw bytes array to be sent as binary data.
This is mostly used for internal purposes.
Byte_Array bytes
## Request body with form data.
@ -61,10 +67,12 @@ type Request_Body
default_content_type_header : Header | Nothing
default_content_type_header self =
case self of
Request_Body.Text _ _ _ -> Header.content_type "text/plain" encoding=Encoding.utf_8
Request_Body.Json _ -> Header.content_type "application/json"
Request_Body.Binary _ -> Header.content_type "application/octet-stream"
Request_Body.Form_Data _ url_encoded -> if url_encoded then Header.application_x_www_form_urlencoded else Nothing
Request_Body.Text _ _ _ -> Header.content_type "text/plain" encoding=Encoding.utf_8
Request_Body.Json _ -> Header.content_type "application/json"
Request_Body.Binary _ -> Header.content_type "application/octet-stream"
Request_Body.Byte_Array _ -> Header.content_type "application/octet-stream"
Request_Body.Form_Data _ url_encoded ->
if url_encoded then Header.application_x_www_form_urlencoded else Nothing
Request_Body.Empty -> Nothing
@ -433,19 +433,19 @@ Any.should_be_a self typ =
if a.constructor == c then Spec_Result.Success else
expected_type = c.declaring_type.qualified_name
actual_type = Meta.get_qualified_type_name self
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+", built with constructor "+c.name+", but got a value of type "+actual_type+", built with constructor "+a.constructor.name+" instead (at "+loc+")."
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+", built with constructor "+c.name+", but got a value ["+self.to_text+"] of type "+actual_type+", built with constructor "+a.constructor.name+" instead (at "+loc+")."
Test.fail message
_ ->
expected_type = c.declaring_type.qualified_name
actual_type = Meta.get_qualified_type_name self
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+", built with constructor "+c.name+", but got a value of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+", built with constructor "+c.name+", but got a value ["+self.to_text+"] of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
Test.fail message
meta_type : Meta.Type ->
ok = self.is_a typ || self==typ
if ok then Spec_Result.Success else
expected_type = meta_type.qualified_name
actual_type = Meta.get_qualified_type_name self
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+" but got a value of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
message = "Expected a value of type "+expected_type+" but got a value ["+self.to_text+"] of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
Test.fail message
# Workaround for 0-argument atom constructors which 'unapplies' them.
atom : Meta.Atom ->
@ -456,13 +456,13 @@ Any.should_be_a self typ =
ok = self.is_a typ
if ok then Spec_Result.Success else
actual_type = Meta.get_qualified_type_name self
message = "Expected a value of Java class "+typ.to_text+" but got a value of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
message = "Expected a value of Java class "+typ.to_text+" but got a value ["+self.to_text+"] of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
Test.fail message
Meta.Primitive.Value (b : Boolean) ->
ok = self == b
if ok then Spec_Result.Success else
actual_type = Meta.get_qualified_type_name self
message = "Expected a value of "+typ.to_text+" but got a value of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
message = "Expected a value of "+typ.to_text+" but got a value ["+self.to_text+"] of type "+actual_type+" instead (at "+loc+")."
Test.fail message
_ -> fail_on_wrong_arg_type
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ maybe_grey_text (text : Text) (config : Suite_Config) =
if config.use_ansi_colors then (grey text) else text
## Print result for a single Spec run
print_single_result : Test_Result -> Suite_Config -> Nothing
print_single_result (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
print_single_result : Text -> Test_Result -> Suite_Config -> Nothing
print_single_result (group_name : Text) (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
times_suffix =
times = test_result.time_taken.total_milliseconds.to_text + "ms"
"[" + times + "]"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ print_single_result (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
txt = " - " + test_result.spec_name + " " + times_suffix
IO.println (maybe_green_text txt config)
Spec_Result.Failure msg details ->
report_github_error_message test_result.spec_name msg
report_github_error_message group_name+": "+test_result.spec_name msg
IO.println ""
txt = " - [FAILED] " + test_result.spec_name + " " + times_suffix
IO.println (maybe_red_text txt config)
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ print_single_result (test_result : Test_Result) (config : Suite_Config) =
Reports an error message to show up as a note in GitHub Actions,
only if running in the GitHub Actions environment.
report_github_error_message (title : Text) (message : Text) =
report_github_error_message (~title : Text) (~message : Text) =
is_enabled = Environment.get "GITHUB_ACTIONS" == "true"
if is_enabled then
IO.println (generate_github_error_annotation title message)
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ report_github_error_message (title : Text) (message : Text) =
Generates a GitHub Actions annotation for a failing test.
generate_github_error_annotation (title : Text) (message : Text) =
sanitize_message txt = txt.replace '\n' '%0A'
sanitize_parameter txt = txt . replace '\n' '%0A' . replace ',' '%2C'
sanitize_message txt = txt.replace '\n' '%0A' . replace '::' '%3A%3A'
sanitize_parameter txt = sanitize_message txt . replace ',' '%2C'
location_match = Regex.compile "\(at ((?:[A-Za-z]:)?[^:]+):([0-9\-]+):([0-9\-]+)\)" . match message
split_on_dash start_field_name end_field_name text =
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ print_group_report group_name test_results config builder =
True -> maybe_red_text ("[FAILED] " + group_description) config
False -> maybe_green_text group_description config
test_results.each result->
print_single_result result config
print_single_result group_name result config
Escape Text for XML
@ -138,6 +138,23 @@ add_specs suite_builder setup:Cloud_Tests_Setup = suite_builder.group "Enso Clou
"hi!".utf_8.write_bytes f . should_succeed
f.read ..Plain_Text . should_equal "hi!"
group_builder.specify "should be able to upload and download big files" <|
f = test_root.get / "big_file.txt"
# Let's say 42MB is big enough of a stress test
kilobytes_to_write = 42 * 1024
one_kilobyte = "A".repeat 1024 . utf_8
r = f.with_output_stream [File_Access.Write] output_stream->
0.up_to kilobytes_to_write . each _->
output_stream.write_bytes one_kilobyte
# Check that the uploaded size is as expected
f.size . should_equal (kilobytes_to_write * 1024)
# And now try to download it
v = f.read Bytes
v.should_be_a Vector
v.length . should_equal f.size
group_builder.specify "does not currently support append" <|
f = test_root.get / "written_file3.txt"
Test.expect_panic Unimplemented <|
Reference in New Issue
Block a user