mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 14:11:56 +03:00
Fix a Bug in the Database Join Implementation (#1614)
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,6 +124,36 @@ type Context
set_limit new_limit =
Context this.from_spec this.where_filters this.orders this.groups this.meta_index new_limit
'Lifts' this context into a subquery, so that the original context (with all filters etc.) is
encapsulated within the subquery and all external references passed as the second argument,
refer directly to that subquery.
It takes a list of lists of columns that should be included in that subquery (this can for
example the list of regular columns, the list of indices etc.)
It assumes that columns on these lists all have unique names.
It returns a new context and the lists transformed in such a way that each column corresponds
to one from the original list but it is valid in the new context.
This is useful as a preprocessing step between combining queries, for example in a join.
# as_subquery : Text -> Vector (Vector Internal_Column) -> [IR.Sub_Query, Vector (Vector Internal_Column)]
as_subquery alias column_lists =
rewrite_internal_column : Internal_Column -> Internal_Column
rewrite_internal_column column =
Internal_Column column.name column.sql_type (IR.Column alias column.name)
new_columns = column_lists.map columns->
columns.map rewrite_internal_column
encapsulated_columns = column_lists.flat_map columns->
columns.map column-> [column.name, column.expression]
new_from = IR.Sub_Query encapsulated_columns this alias
[new_from, new_columns]
Used as part of the context, specifies the sources of the query.
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ type Table
Sets the index of this table, using the column with the provided name.
set_index : Text | Column | Vector (Text | Column) -> Table
set_index : Text | Column | Vector Text -> Table
set_index index = Panic.recover <|
new_index = (Helpers.unify_vector_singleton index).map (this.resolve >> .as_internal)
new_index = (Helpers.unify_vector_singleton index).map (this.at >> .as_internal)
new_ctx = this.context.set_index new_index
new_cols = this.internal_columns.filter col->
turned_into_index = new_index.exists i-> i.name == col.name
@ -286,59 +286,79 @@ type Table
when there's a name conflict with a column of `other`.
- right_suffix: a suffix that should be added to the columns of `other`
when there's a name conflict with a column of `this`.
join : Table -> Nothing | Text | Column | Vector (Text | Column) -> Boolean -> Text -> Text -> Table
join other on=Nothing drop_unmatched=False left_suffix='_left' right_suffix='_right' = Panic.recover <|
Panic.rethrow (Helpers.ensure_name_is_sane left_suffix && Helpers.ensure_name_is_sane right_suffix)
if left_suffix == right_suffix then
Panic.throw <| Illegal_State_Error "left_suffix must be different from right_suffix"
kind = if drop_unmatched then IR.Join_Inner else IR.Join_Left
my_index : Vector Internal_Column
my_index = case on of
Nothing -> this.context.meta_index
_ ->
(Helpers.unify_vector_singleton on).map (this.resolve >> .as_internal)
other_index = other.context.meta_index
case my_index.length == other_index.length of
False -> Panic.throw <| Illegal_State_Error "Cannot join with multi-indexes of different lengths."
True ->
# TODO [RW] we may be able to avoid creating subqueries if there are no groups, orders or wheres,
# so it may be worth optimizing that here (#1515)
new_table_name = this.name + "_" + other.name
aliases = case this.name == other.name of
True -> [this.name+left_suffix, other.name+right_suffix]
False -> [this.name, other.name]
left_alias = aliases.first
right_alias = aliases.second
join : Table | Column -> Nothing | Text | Column | Vector (Text | Column) -> Boolean -> Text -> Text -> Table
join other on=Nothing drop_unmatched=False left_suffix='_left' right_suffix='_right' = case other of
Column _ _ _ _ _ -> this.join other.to_table on drop_unmatched left_suffix right_suffix
Table _ _ _ _ -> Panic.recover <|
Panic.rethrow (Helpers.ensure_name_is_sane left_suffix && Helpers.ensure_name_is_sane right_suffix)
if left_suffix == right_suffix then
Panic.throw <| Illegal_State_Error "left_suffix must be different from right_suffix"
kind = if drop_unmatched then IR.Join_Inner else IR.Join_Left
left_subquery_cols = this.internal_columns_with_index.map c-> [c.name, c.expression]
right_subquery_cols = other.internal_columns_with_index.map c-> [c.name, c.expression]
left_query = IR.Sub_Query left_subquery_cols this.context left_alias
right_query = IR.Sub_Query right_subquery_cols other.context right_alias
# Prepare the left and right pairs of indices along which the join will be performed.
left_join_index : Vector Internal_Column
left_join_index = case on of
Nothing -> this.context.meta_index
_ ->
(Helpers.unify_vector_singleton on).map (this.resolve >> .as_internal)
right_join_index = other.context.meta_index
if left_join_index.length != right_join_index.length then
Panic.throw <| Illegal_State_Error "Cannot join with multi-indexes of different lengths."
left_renamed_index = my_index.map <|
IR.lift_expression_map (IR.substitute_origin this.name left_alias)
right_renamed_index = other_index.map <|
IR.lift_expression_map (IR.substitute_origin other.name right_alias)
on_exprs = left_renamed_index.zip right_renamed_index l-> r->
IR.Operation "=" [l.expression, r.expression]
# TODO [RW] We may be able to avoid creating subqueries if there are no groups, orders or wheres,
# so it may be worth optimizing that here (#1515).
new_table_name = this.name + "_" + other.name
aliases = case this.name == other.name of
True -> [this.name+left_suffix, other.name+right_suffix]
False -> [this.name, other.name]
left_alias = aliases.first
right_alias = aliases.second
new_index = left_renamed_index
new_from = IR.Join kind left_query right_query on_exprs
new_limit = Nothing
new_ctx = IR.Context new_from [] [] [] new_index new_limit
# Ensure that the join indices (which are not directly visible to the user, but must be materialized in the sub-query)
# get a fresh set of names, so that they do not collide with other parts of the query.
left_used_names = this.internal_columns_with_index.map .name
left_join_index_fresh = here.freshen_columns left_used_names left_join_index
new_names = here.combine_names (this.internal_columns.map .name) (other.internal_columns.map .name) left_suffix right_suffix
left_names = new_names.first
right_names = new_names.second
# Create subqueries that encapsulate the original queries and provide needed columns.
# We only include the meta_index from the left table, because only this one will be kept in the result.
# The generated new sets of columns refer to the encapsulated expressions within the subquery and are
# valid in contexts whose from_spec is this subquery directly or it is a join containing this subquery.
# TODO [RW] Not all of these included columns are actually usable from the external context, so
# in the future we may consider pruning some of them as additional optimization and simplification of the query.
left_config = this.context.as_subquery left_alias [this.internal_columns, this.context.meta_index, left_join_index_fresh]
right_config = other.context.as_subquery right_alias [other.internal_columns, right_join_index]
new_left_columns = this.internal_columns.zip left_names p-> new_name->
Internal_Column new_name p.sql_type (IR.Column left_alias p.name)
new_right_columns = other.internal_columns.zip right_names p-> new_name->
Internal_Column new_name p.sql_type (IR.Column right_alias p.name)
left_subquery = left_config.first
left_new_columns = left_config.second.at 0
left_new_meta_index = left_config.second.at 1
left_new_join_index = left_config.second.at 2
new_columns = new_left_columns + new_right_columns
right_subquery = right_config.first
right_new_columns = right_config.second.at 0
right_new_join_index = right_config.second.at 1
Table new_table_name this.connection new_columns new_ctx
# Generate new names for all columns (including the indices) that will be retained in the created Table.
left_names_before = (left_new_meta_index + left_new_columns).map .name
right_names_before = right_new_columns.map .name
new_names = here.combine_names left_names_before right_names_before left_suffix right_suffix
left_indices_count = left_new_meta_index.length
left_new_meta_index_names = new_names.first.take_start left_indices_count
left_new_columns_names = new_names.first.drop_start left_indices_count
right_new_columns_names = new_names.second
# Rename columns to the newly allocated names
new_index = here.rename_columns left_new_meta_index left_new_meta_index_names
left_renamed_columns = here.rename_columns left_new_columns left_new_columns_names
right_renamed_columns = here.rename_columns right_new_columns right_new_columns_names
new_columns = left_renamed_columns + right_renamed_columns
on_exprs = left_new_join_index.zip right_new_join_index l-> r->
IR.Operation "=" [l.expression, r.expression]
new_from = IR.Join kind left_subquery right_subquery on_exprs
new_limit = Nothing
new_ctx = IR.Context new_from [] [] [] new_index new_limit
Table new_table_name this.connection new_columns new_ctx
@ -483,6 +503,7 @@ type Table
internal_columns_with_index =
this.context.meta_index + this.internal_columns
Inserts a new row to the table. It actually modifies the underlying table
@ -552,7 +573,10 @@ type Aggregate_Table
ungrouped : Table
ungrouped =
new_ctx = this.context.set_groups []
Table this.name this.connection this.internal_columns new_ctx
new_cols = this.internal_columns.filter col->
turned_into_index = this.context.meta_index.exists i-> i.name == col.name
Table this.name this.connection new_cols new_ctx
type Integrity_Error
@ -641,3 +665,38 @@ combine_names left_names right_names left_suffix right_suffix =
new_left_names = left_pairs.map .second
new_right_names = right_pairs.map .second
[new_left_names, new_right_names]
Transforms `preferred_names` names in such a way to not collide with `used_names`. If a name
from `preferred_names` does not collide with others, it is kept as is, otherwise numerical
suffixes are added.
fresh_names : Vector Text -> Vector Text -> Vector Text
fresh_names used_names preferred_names =
freshen currently_used name ix =
new_name = if ix == 0 then name else name+"_"+ix.to_text
case currently_used.contains new_name of
False -> new_name
True -> freshen currently_used name ix+1
res = preferred_names . fold [used_names, []] acc-> name->
used = acc.first
new_name = freshen used name 0
[used_names + [new_name], acc.second + [new_name]]
Transforms the vector of columns, changing names of each column to the corresponding name from the second vector.
rename_columns : Vector Internal_Column -> Vector Text -> Vector Internal_Column
rename_columns columns new_names =
columns.zip new_names col-> name->
col.rename name
Ensures that the provided columns do not clash with the vector of names provided as first argument.
Original column names are kept if possible, but if they would clash, the columns are renamed.
freshen_columns : Vector Text -> Vector Column -> Vector Column
freshen_columns used_names columns =
fresh_names = here.fresh_names used_names (columns.map .name)
here.rename_columns columns fresh_names
@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ prepare_visualization x max_rows = Helpers.recover_errors <| case x of
Database_Column.Aggregate_Column _ _ _ _ _ ->
here.prepare_visualization x.ungrouped.to_table max_rows
# TODO [RW] Should we truncate Vectors?
# We also visualize Vectors and arrays
Vector.Vector _ ->
truncated = x.take_start max_rows
Json.from_pairs [["json", truncated], ["all_rows_count", x.length]] . to_text
Array ->
here.prepare_visualization (Vector.Vector x) max_rows
# Anything else will be visualized with the JSON or matrix visualization
_ ->
Json.from_pairs [["json", x]] . to_text
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from Standard.Base import all
import Database_Tests.Helpers.Fake_Test_Connection
import Standard.Database.Data.Dialect
import Standard.Database.Data.Table as Table_Module
import Standard.Test
from Standard.Database import all
@ -96,15 +97,19 @@ spec =
t3 = test_connection.access_table "T3"
Test.specify "should allow joining tables index-on-index" <|
r1 = t1.set_index 'A' . join (t2.set_index 'D')
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T2"."D" AS "D", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM "T2" AS "T2") AS "T2" ON ("T1"."A" = "T2"."D")', []]
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."A" AS "A_1" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F", "T2"."D" AS "D" FROM "T2" AS "T2") AS "T2" ON ("T1"."A_1" = "T2"."D")', []]
Test.specify "should allow joining tables column-on-index" <|
r1 = t1.join (t2.set_index 'D') on='B' drop_unmatched=True
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" INNER JOIN (SELECT "T2"."D" AS "D", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM "T2" AS "T2") AS "T2" ON ("T1"."B" = "T2"."D")', []]
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T1"."B" AS "B_1" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" INNER JOIN (SELECT "T2"."E" AS "E", "T2"."F" AS "F", "T2"."D" AS "D" FROM "T2" AS "T2") AS "T2" ON ("T1"."B_1" = "T2"."D")', []]
Test.specify "should append suffixes to disambiguate column names" <|
r1 = t1.join (t3.set_index 'E') on='A'
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A_left", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T3"."A" AS "A_right", "T3"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T3"."E" AS "E", "T3"."A" AS "A", "T3"."F" AS "F" FROM "T3" AS "T3") AS "T3" ON ("T1"."A" = "T3"."E")', []]
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A_left", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T3"."A" AS "A_right", "T3"."F" AS "F" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T1"."A" AS "A_1" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T3"."A" AS "A", "T3"."F" AS "F", "T3"."E" AS "E" FROM "T3" AS "T3") AS "T3" ON ("T1"."A_1" = "T3"."E")', []]
r2 = (t3.set_index 'E').join (t2.set_index 'F')
r2.index.name . should_equal "E_left"
r2.columns . map .name . should_equal ["A", "F", "D", "E_right"]
Test.specify "should avoid duplicates when disambiguating column names" <|
connection =
@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ spec =
Test.specify "should correctly handle self-joins" <|
r1 = t1.join (t1.set_index 'A') on='B'
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1_left"."A" AS "A", "T1_left"."B" AS "B_left", "T1_left"."C" AS "C_left", "T1_right"."B" AS "B_right", "T1_right"."C" AS "C_right" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1_left" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1_right" ON ("T1_left"."B" = "T1_right"."A")', []]
r1.to_sql.prepare . should_equal ['SELECT "T1_left"."A" AS "A", "T1_left"."B" AS "B_left", "T1_left"."C" AS "C_left", "T1_right"."B" AS "B_right", "T1_right"."C" AS "C_right" FROM (SELECT "T1"."A" AS "A", "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T1"."B" AS "B_1" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1_left" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "T1"."B" AS "B", "T1"."C" AS "C", "T1"."A" AS "A" FROM "T1" AS "T1") AS "T1_right" ON ("T1_left"."B_1" = "T1_right"."A")', []]
Test.group "[Codegen] Handling Missing Values" <|
Test.specify "fill_missing should allow to replace missing values in a column with a constant" <|
@ -177,3 +182,17 @@ spec =
Test.specify 'should return dataflow error when passed a non-existent column' <|
r = t1.sort by='foobar'
r.should_fail_with No_Such_Column_Error
Test.group "Helpers" <|
Test.specify "combine_names should combine lists of names" <|
v1 = ["A", "B"]
v2 = ["A", "C"]
combined = Table_Module.combine_names v1 v2 "_1" "_2"
combined.first . should_equal ["A_1", "B"]
combined.second . should_equal ["A_2", "C"]
Test.expect_panic_with (Table_Module.combine_names ["A", "A_1"] ["A"] "_1" "_2") Illegal_State_Error
Test.specify "fresh_names should provide fresh names" <|
used_names = ["A", "A_1"]
preferred_names = ["A", "A", "B"]
Table_Module.fresh_names used_names preferred_names . should_equal ["A_2", "A_3", "B"]
@ -165,14 +165,32 @@ spec prefix connection pending=Nothing =
Test.specify "should allow self-joins and append suffixes to disambiguate column names" <|
r_1 = a.join (a.set_index 'x') on='x' . to_dataframe . sort by='x'
r_1.columns.map .name . should_equal ['x', 'y_left', 'y_right']
r_1.at 'x' . should_equal [0, 1, 3, 6, 7]
r_1.at 'x' . to_vector . should_equal [0, 1, 3, 6, 7]
expected_y = ['foo', 'bar', 'spam', 'eggs', 'baz']
r_1.at 'y_left' . should_equal expected_y
r_1.at 'y_right' . should_equal expected_y
r_1.at 'y_left' . to_vector . should_equal expected_y
r_1.at 'y_right' . to_vector . should_equal expected_y
r_2 = a.set_index 'x' . join (a.set_index 'x') left_suffix='_old' right_suffix='_new'
r_2.columns.map .name . should_equal ['y_old', 'y_new']
Test.specify "should correctly handle multi-joins" <|
ta = make_table "M_TA" ["id", "name"] ["INTEGER", "VARCHAR"]
tb = make_table "M_TB" ["id", "name"] ["INTEGER", "VARCHAR"]
tc = make_table "M_TC" ["id_a", "id_b"] ["INTEGER", "INTEGER"]
ta.insert [0, "Foo"]
ta.insert [1, "Hmm"]
tb.insert [2, "Bar"]
tb.insert [0, "Hmm"]
tc.insert [0, 2]
tc.insert [1, 0]
ta_2 = ta.set_index "id"
tb_2 = tb.set_index "id"
res = (tc.join ta_2 on="id_a") . join tb_2 on="id_b" left_suffix="_a" right_suffix="_b"
sel = res.select ["name_a", "name_b"]
df = sel.to_dataframe . sort by="name_a"
df . at "name_a" . to_vector . should_equal ["Foo", "Hmm"]
df . at "name_b" . to_vector . should_equal ["Bar", "Hmm"]
Test.group prefix+"Missing Values" pending=pending <|
t4 = make_table "T4" ["A", "B", "C"] ["INT", "BOOLEAN", "VARCHAR"]
t4.insert [0, True, ""]
@ -332,5 +350,5 @@ spec prefix connection pending=Nothing =
r_3 = c.sort order=Sort_Order.Descending missing_last=False
r_3.to_vector.should_equal [Nothing, Nothing, 7.3, 3.0, 3.0, 2.2]
tables = ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8", "TA", "TB", "Big", "clothes"]
tables = ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "T8", "TA", "TB", "Big", "clothes", "M_TA", "M_TB", "M_TC"]
tables.each clean_table
@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ import Standard.Test
import Visualization_Tests.Helpers_Spec
import Visualization_Tests.Histogram_Spec
import Visualization_Tests.Scatter_Plot_Spec
import Visualization_Tests.Sql_Spec
import Visualization_Tests.Table_Spec
main = Test.Suite.runMain <|
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Database import all
import Standard.Visualization.Sql.Visualization as Visualization
import Standard.Test
visualization_spec connection =
connection.execute_update 'CREATE TABLE "T" ("A" VARCHAR, "B" INTEGER, "C" INTEGER)'
t = connection.access_table "T"
Test.group "Sql Visualization" <|
Test.specify "should provide type metadata for interpolations" <|
q = t.where ((t.at "B" == 2) && (t.at "A" == True)) . at "C"
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization q
int_param = Json.from_pairs [["value", 2], ["actual_type", "Builtins.Main.Integer"], ["expected_sql_type", "INTEGER"], ["expected_enso_type", "Builtins.Main.Integer"]]
str_param = Json.from_pairs [["value", True], ["actual_type", "Builtins.Main.Boolean"], ["expected_sql_type", "VARCHAR"], ["expected_enso_type", "Builtins.Main.Text"]]
code = 'SELECT "T"."C" AS "C" FROM "T" AS "T" WHERE (("T"."B" = ?) AND ("T"."A" = ?))'
json = Json.from_pairs [["dialect", "sqlite"], ["code", code], ["interpolations", [int_param, str_param]]]
vis . should_equal json.to_text
spec =
file = Enso_Project.data / "sqlite_test.db"
connection = Database.open_sqlite_file file
here.visualization_spec connection
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
from Standard.Base import all
from Standard.Database import all
import Standard.Database.Data.Table as Database_Table
import Standard.Table.Data.Table as Dataframe_Table
import Standard.Visualization.Table.Visualization as Visualization
import Standard.Test
type Foo
type Foo x
to_json : Json
to_json = Json.from_pairs [["x", this.x]]
visualization_spec connection =
connection.execute_update 'CREATE TABLE "T" ("A" VARCHAR, "B" INTEGER, "C" INTEGER)'
t = connection.access_table "T"
t.insert ['a', 2, 3]
t.insert ['a', 2, 5]
t.insert ['a', 3, 6]
make_json header data all_rows ixes_header ixes =
p_header = ["header", header]
p_data = ["data", data]
p_all_rows = ["all_rows_count", all_rows]
p_ixes = ["indices", ixes]
p_ixes_header = ["indices_header", ixes_header]
pairs = [p_header, p_data, p_all_rows, p_ixes, p_ixes_header]
Json.from_pairs pairs . to_text
Test.group "Table Visualization" <|
Test.specify "should wrap internal errors" <|
bad_table = Database_Table.Table Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization bad_table 2
json = Json.from_pairs [["error", "Method `meta_index` of Nothing could not be found."]]
vis . should_equal json.to_text
Test.specify "should visualize database tables" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization t 1
json = make_json header=["A", "B", "C"] data=[['a'], [2], [3]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=[] ixes=[]
vis . should_equal json
t2 = t.set_index "A"
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization t2 1
json2 = make_json header=["B", "C"] data=[[2], [3]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[['a']]
vis2 . should_equal json2
Test.specify "should visualize database columns" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization (t.at "A") 2
json = make_json header=["A"] data=[['a', 'a']] all_rows=3 ixes_header=[] ixes=[]
vis . should_equal json
g = t.group by=["A", "B"] . at "C" . mean
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization g 1
json2 = make_json header=["C_mean"] data=[[4]] all_rows=2 ixes_header=["A", "B"] ixes=[['a'], [2]]
vis2 . should_equal json2
Test.specify "should visualize database aggregates" <|
agg = t.group by="A"
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization agg 1
json = make_json header=["B", "C"] data=[[2], [3]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[['a']]
vis . should_equal json
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization (agg.at "C") 1
json2 = make_json header=["C"] data=[[3]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[['a']]
vis2 . should_equal json2
t2 = Dataframe_Table.new [["A", [1, 2, 3]], ["B", [4, 5, 6]], ["C", [7, 8, 9]]]
Test.specify "should visualize dataframe tables" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization t2 1
json = make_json header=["A", "B", "C"] data=[[1], [4], [7]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=[""] ixes=[[0]]
vis . should_equal json
t3 = t2.set_index "A"
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization t3 1
json2 = make_json header=["B", "C"] data=[[4], [7]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[[1]]
vis2 . should_equal json2
Test.specify "should visualize dataframe columns" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization (t2.at "A") 2
json = make_json header=["A"] data=[[1, 2]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=[""] ixes=[[0, 1]]
vis . should_equal json
g = t2.group by="A" . at "C" . mean
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization g 1
json2 = make_json header=["C_mean"] data=[[7.0]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[[1]]
vis2 . should_equal json2
Test.specify "should visualize dataframe aggregates" <|
agg = t2.group by="A"
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization agg 1
json = make_json header=["B", "C"] data=[[4], [7]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[[1]]
vis . should_equal json
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization (agg.at "C") 1
json2 = make_json header=["C"] data=[[7]] all_rows=3 ixes_header=["A"] ixes=[[1]]
vis2 . should_equal json2
Test.specify "should handle Vectors" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization [1, 2, 3] 2
json = Json.from_pairs [["json", [1, 2]], ["all_rows_count", 3]]
vis . should_equal json.to_text
vis2 = Visualization.prepare_visualization [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 2
json2 = Json.from_pairs [["json", [[1, 2], [3, 4]]], ["all_rows_count", 2]]
vis2 . should_equal json2.to_text
Test.specify "should handle Arrays" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization ([1, 2, 3] . to_array) 2
json = Json.from_pairs [["json", [1, 2]], ["all_rows_count", 3]]
vis . should_equal json.to_text
Test.specify "should handle other datatypes" <|
vis = Visualization.prepare_visualization (Foo 42) 2
json = Json.from_pairs [["json", (Foo 42)]]
vis . should_equal json.to_text
spec =
file = Enso_Project.data / "sqlite_test.db"
connection = Database.open_sqlite_file file
here.visualization_spec connection
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